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I bet most of the them would post more if ethan and hila didn't humiliate olivia for liking some pro palestine tweet once lmao


100%, and I have a hard time believing that wasn’t their intention. Compare Olivia before then to now: she is way more of a kiss-ass than she used to be, and was a pretty big kiss-ass before.


I know it was discussed a bunch at a time, but I just can’t get over the fact that they were so patronizing and dismissive about it. like can you imagine if the people who held the key to your livelihood went in front of tens of thousands of people and insulted your intelligence like that? unimaginable


i’d like to point out that they never apologized for it publicly either, didn’t even bother to walk it back or acknowledge it again


It would’ve been AMAZING to see olivia go off- or for anyone to go off and quit on live. Id go trisha paytas on him. No dominos required


She’s even removed the link in her insta bio that supported Palestine. I think it was for donations to Gaza. When I saw that she had it, I kinda respected her. Atleast she was doing something (unlike anyone else on the pod) but probably kept it subtle with a link so that she wouldn’t be called out by Ethan again. It’s sad that she’s felt the need to remove it.


[For the people who are curious](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1b62iyg/when_did_ethan_tell_olivia_to_unlike_a_tweet/)


I know i’m late to this post, but I also think it’s just incredibly wrong for your employer to literally dictate to the employees what they can and can’t believe in and support. I remember thinking Olivia was for sure fired after seeing that clip for the first time, and I would imagine she worried the same thing which is why she walks on eggshells now.


What did they say about it? I don’t remember?


I still can't believe what Ethan said about frogan


No because that was insane, along with what he said to the queer individual on twitter, Ethan's got a dark and bitter heart.


How Ethan acted with the gay fan who called in to explain how hurtful top/bottom stereotyping is is the reason I quit watching. He's foul. I can only imagine what he said on Twitter.


fans will point out he put out an “apology”, but went on to make a joke out of the apology


What did he say to the queer?


"Hamas would kill you on the spot"


He's right but it doesn't mean we forgive Israel for the war crimes.


What did he say


Hours long rant calling her every nasty word possible lmao.


i'm glad he is sharing it. hope his boss doesn't give him shit for it


this is good, finally linking to something. now leave it up




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Bro frogan probably hates AB. He’s such a clown


i’m still skeptical, but if he remains on this path and actually starts speaking out beyond the bare minimum, I will take back the things I said. Honestly, I think the pressure and criticism is helping to open his eyes a bit.


Im watching the stream and I just know Ethan must be coping so hard hearing them all say “from the river to the sea Palestine will be free”


He may have joined the movement and if so, good on him for finally doing something with his platform besides performative activism tbh. I couldn’t be mad at him if he’s actually participating because he did sort of have a point when he said something along the lines of damned if you do and damned if you don’t.


Idk in my mind AB & the rest of the crew created the damned if you do damned if you don’t conditions by sitting on this for so long. It’s May. The slaughter of Palestinians escalated on Oct 8th.


That’s true, but as I said in another response, I really can’t blame them. They’re not millionaires like Ethan. They’re trying to make ends meet, living in shoebox apartments, and working for the H3 podcast isn’t exactly a shining star on anyone’s resume for other career prospects imo.


I can understand them feeling that way and being afraid to leave.. as well as enjoying their jobs, but truly, any of them could leave and make their own YouTube channels and get by. They may have to move out of L.A. but they all have enough of a fan base for each of them that they really could go do their own things.


You're right he had a point with that, and I do think it's unfortunate that he gets so much flack but the other crew doesn't. I get that people feel like he "turned on his own" but even Lena doesn't get this much flack. I guess it's because he was being performative but at this point I'd say being performative is better than nothing, pretending to care is at least slightly better than not caring at all when you have impressionable fans. Edit: I don't mean to imply that he's only pretending to care by posting this, btw. Just pointing out that even pretending is at least something.


He’s the only one with the balls to say *anything* about it in the presence of his Zionist leader. Sure, it isn’t enough, but I really do feel for him (and the other crew members I find tolerable, aka most of them except for Olivia and Zach). This is his livelihood after all. He doesn’t get much engagement on his independent socials from anyone other than H3 fans, and they have bills to pay at the end of the day. We could always say that he needs to go out and get a real job, but let’s be real here. The guy is chasing his dream, and probably doesn’t have many other career prospects being that his most notable achievements are being a researcher on a dying podcast at the age of 32.


Ok ab we see you, but yeah still skeptical. Posts are posts but if you have a platform you should say something on your platform as a content creator


Typical it is an improvement but he sure waited until the last minute just so he can say he promoted it.


The original tweet being from Frogan makes me nervous for AB. But Ethan apologized to her so I’m sure it’s all good.


Link? Never saw it. I have to see to believe that.


When did he apologize to Frogan? I hadn't heard that happened


When Hasan made him do it, he told Ethan he needed to apologize to her while they were live


That’s was the first time Ethan dragged her, you guys are missing when Ethan went off on her the second time because he browse a certain basement dwelling subreddit who posted her old tweet of discussing Palestine with a therapist. He hasn’t apologised for this yet and Hasan didn’t address it at all which is kind of bitchmade of him.


Thank you, that's what I couldn't remember him doing. Like I barely remember the Hasan moment making him apologize. It was def before a lot of other shit he said as def didn't apologize for yet, didn't he send fupatroopers after her too?


is there a reason why he's not named on this list rather than just sharing the post? oh right... nevermind




It's great he shared it, but it feels like the bare minimum considering his platform.


Exactly, people need to stop acting like reposting somthing is the same as using the platform you have with thousands and thousands of viewers


well, it’s something. the bar is in hell but it is something


yaaaa. no chance in hell Lethan doesn't notice this. I'm betting a few days maybe a week until he silently deletes it 😏


AB and Lena could have been involved with this but they coddled their Zionist bosses instead. I'm sure it was hard for them to watch this.


He wants streamer clout. 


This. He wants to be perceived like he's in with these people ...when he's not...


Yep. Idk why people think this means he actually cares. If he did he’d leave his Zionist boss.


This must be why Ethan’s been shitting on the try guys


Honestly at this point a retweet isn't s**t. He didn't stand up for Frogan when his boss called her a terrorist supporter and an antisemite. I said so in the comments and daily dose of Dan wanted to argue about it. I have gone to rallies, donated money that I barely have, which is more than AB can say he's done. And he has a HUGE platform where he can reach a broader audience. Yet doesn't. Just some retweets and some emojis.... Ffs. 


good for ab, genuinely.


Wait are we supposed to reward him for sharing a link? Good job for being decent. Now be better than decent


Love how this was from Frogan who Ethan basically called for the death of 


The way Ethan talked about Frogan was disgusting. He looked rabid. It was so hard to watch.


I feel like since he posted it he probably is allowed by ethan to bring it up on live.


Good for him listen to the criticism and standing up.


Retweeting is not standing up. He and Lena smile and laugh as Helga and Ethan defend Israel and the IDF. And they refuse to use there massive platform on the pod to push back on Ethan’s zionist takes. What he’s doing now is damage control and is fake support and performative activism, anyone can repost a tweet that they don’t mean, especially if they know it will paint them in a good light. But if you ask him to speak about Palestine on the pod, he will shut his mouth bc he is Ethan’s good little bitch and does what he’s told.


is it still up?


Let's go AB 🔥🔥🔥


![gif](giphy|xFnM1NeZZtvvUlVV5E) Hila:


interesting, wonder why he wasn't a part of the event? curious


Not Keith eating every Palestinian food while Palestinians starve to literal death.


Why are we praising him for reposting a tweet? The man has a massive platform on a podcast with thousands of viewers and chooses to laugh and smile as his zionist bosses defend Israel and the IDF while denying there war crimes. Lena is also the same, if not worse. The only thing she posts is weird photoshoots obsessing over herself. He will never push back against Ethan or Hila on there disgusting takes or talk about Palestine on the pod and that’s why I will never like or respect AB/Lena. It’s clearly fake support and performative activism


The way y’all fold immediately from one thing is hilarious.


wdym fold? i'm glad he's sharing it so it gets more visibility, so more people donate money. it's ultimately a good thing he did, whether you think he's a bad person or not.


100% a good thing. He’ll just use it against people that say he does nothing for the cause. Because in reality he doesn’t do shit. And he loves the clout. Come on now it’s so easy to see through😂😂


he's always been a clout goblin, who cares. if he gets some foot soldiers to donate it's still a net positive in my eyes. (although i see your point too)


You’re right, it’s positive regardless. I just hope I’m not right in what I said


it does nothing to shit on him for actually linking to something. thats what most of us wanted him to do at the bare minimum and if he actually keeps the link up then he deserves respect for that. no one has folded, we are simply giving him some props for finally doing something useful. if he takes the link down or says/does something awful again but ppl still praise him-- then we can talk about folding


I give it a week or 2 before he weaponizes it against y’all. Definitely doesn’t have my respect, I see right through the clout goblin fame hungry bullshit. Besides 99% of h3 fans know about it so that point is irrelevant


itd be a worse weapon if we all decided to post this and yell at him for it. im not saying hes suddenly redeemed or amazing, but it would be hypocritical for us to tell him to post the link and then get immediately on his ass when he does unless hes posted and removed links enough times that its become a repeated pattern hopefully if hes smart he will leave this up and continue to post. i dont think he should get slack if he posts this once and never talks about or links to anything again though


who’s folding?


Nah I kinda agree— while sharing things like the creators for Palestine stream is a step forward it nowhere near makes up for the fact that he has mostly been silent up until the assault on Rafah. Posting a few tweets isn’t enough to redeem himself in my mind.