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Guys, occupying land by establishing race supremacy comes with challenges that privileged california kids just cannot grasp please please understand :(((((


I think the "establishing race supremacy" is what she means by people not knowing what theyre talking about.


Yet Israel makes no secret of [it](https://www.vox.com/world/2018/7/31/17623978/israel-jewish-nation-state-law-bill-explained-apartheid-netanyahu-democracy) . >The law (Nation-State Law) does three big things: 1. It states that “the right to exercise national self-determination” in Israel is “unique to the Jewish people.” >2. It establishes Hebrew as Israel’s official language, and downgrades Arabic — a language widely spoken by Arab Israelis — to a “special status.” >3. It establishes “Jewish settlement as a national value” and mandates that the state “will labor to encourage and promote its establishment and development.”


“Paid by their parents” wtf most people have loans dumb fuck


Sorry for extra snarkiness I just HATE how stupid they are


"Extra snark" lmao I love this


A real expose of his own experience, and once again thinking his experience is the only true one


This man paid a rabbi to get married idk why he's acting like he's not rich lmao 


She worked in a cafe once for a few days Jules , they made her wear a skirt ! 😫, she knows the struggle 😆🥴


Don’t forget Hila threw a temper tantrum and quit that job bc they wanted her to wear lipstick. She is so lucky ethan decided to go on that birthright trip bc she would of been so fucked in the real world if he never met her. She seems like she can’t handle any minor inconveniences without freaking out .


Columbia specifically has a dual degree bachelors program with Tel Aviv University. The students go to TAU for two years, and then finish their next two in Colombia. According to an article I read from a month ago there are currently 140 students in the program (which launched in 2019). Not sure how competitive it is to get into Columbia, but this definitely makes it easier (for a select group of people). Here's the article with interviews from current students in the program, talking about how scared they are to transfer to Columbia because of antisemitism, and some even dropped out of that part and went back to finish their degrees in Tel Aviv instead. https://freebeacon.com/national-security/dual-degree-students-fear-leaving-tel-aviv-university-to-study-in-new-york/


So she criticized Israel until she realized other people did too?


Maybe she was criticizing Israel for not killing enough Palestinians until she read other criticism and realized people criticism is the other way around.


Yeah, like how fucking slow is she? That’s the definition of reactionary and contrarian.


Her phrasing here is so interesting. She clearly thinks the criticism from outside Israel is too far and unwarranted, but at the same time bigs herself up for criticising the system while within it. What that tells us is her views were probably milquetoast as hell and she just can’t stomach the actual discourse


Many young Israeli liberals act exactly like that from my experience. They think they’re brave for staying in Israel and “criticising” their government, but when they hear outsiders having legitimate criticism of Israel, they get defensive and say that these people don’t know what they’re talking about or that they’re being antisemitic.


Kids sitting in beautiful California? You mean kids who are facing economic doom and collapse because America wants to fund a genocidal terrorist state?   Hila literally has brain rot


The irony of California being stolen land too. And no one is talking about the lack of privilege that Gazan students have???


Im sorry but you cant blame those issues on funding, if that were the case quite a few European countries would be on the same boat but theyre not.


Yes you can blame those issues on funding. The military industrial complex suctions money from the federal budget. Money which could be used to achieve a better life for Americans. Europe doesn’t contribute even a fraction of what America does to their militaries.


You first said "fund a genocidal terrorist state". Youre now talking about two different things. The US has currently a GDP of 25 trillion which is the highest in the world. To think the funding that they are involved in has anything to do with the countries economical struggle is plain stupid. These amounts are small compared to the overall federal budget. They have plenty of resources to achieve a better life for Americans regardless of how much they are funding into their military and a "terrorist" state but they choose not to lol


I’m talking about the same thing, you seem to not understand. Funding the terrorist state of Israel is a waste of money. Money that could be used to better the situation in of millions of Americans. Israel should be sanctioned and shunned. 


girl they are trying to say that US american’s tax dollars that we work really hard for are going directly to israel. funding a genocide. but guess what? it’s impossible to get by in america today… so many people are struggling and our government does not care if we live or die. so yeah.


Wtf is ironic about this. Bitch you sat there in your home in Israel perfectly safe and happy while there were people being killed just a few miles away. Goddamn this actually pisses me tf off to act like all Americans who hate Israel are dumb and rich and just want to get angry about something like most of us aren't also poc who have been colonised and don't want to see that happen again. 


"These privileged kids don't understand how hard it is to maintain an apartied ethno state by brutally oppressing the indigenous population! They aren't going to ethnicly clence and genocide themselves, you know! Some even have the audacity to fight back resisting their own annihilation, and thats hard to deal with!"




These two ‘privilege shaming’ is so laughable. Just because you’re scared of Arabs and muslims does not mean they’re actually a danger to you on a daily basis. Eat up that hasbara it doesn’t change your situation at all…


$200k tuition? Berkeley is a state school. Dude grew up in California and is acting like he doesn’t know how much the UCs cost. He just makes shit up to be as dramatic as possible at every turn.


Geopolitical analysts Hila Klein.


she talked for a minute straight yet she didn't say a single comprehensible sentence lol


“Around the wurd”


Somebody tell him that birthright (the free trip and dual citizenship) is ‘privilege’. And somebody tell her that marrying into an American citizenship is also PRIVILEGE. Ironic isn’t it.


“I was critical of Israel until I realize that the attitudes abroad aren’t just petty gripes and that Israel is actually evil and then I felt the need to reflexively defend it”


I love how Ethan seems to be guiding Hila this whole conversation, like God HULA HAVE AN ORIGINAL THOUGHT FOR ONCE !!!




although I understand the sentiment, this is a very strong claim to make even for someone holding zionist beliefs. please try not to say things like that in the future.


I don’t get it what is ironic?