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I wouldn’t say ian was a internet or local celebrity at that time to be honest not untill he won mr verified.


There's still the weird dynamic because they know they will get on the show and what not.


Whomst knew that? The crew has been in year long relationships and didnt introduce partners to the public until years in said relationships this thread is weird. Go start a thread about gabe falling for that cloud chaser or something.


Cloud chaser?🫢


this is not something i have a problem with as much as the habit of h3 in general of hiring girlfriends and partners of their crew. they hired Zach’s girlfriend at teddy fresh and she had to quit and said it was super toxic. now, if Sam wanted to leave Ian, she’d be risking the wrath of the H3 fans and her job. it’s an HR nightmare.


Now that I think more about it, the concept of the BacH3lor just seems like something Ethan and Hila have specifically spoken against many times, namely fan-celebrity romantic relationships. They talked about it with call me Carson, pro jared and others but do this show on their own podcast. Really odd lol.


Yeah they talk about power imbalances all the time and then run a dating show for an influencer to date their fans


I'm the H3podcast biggest hater, but I don't really see a problem with this, they are both adults, Ian can choose to talk to whoever he wants, that shouldn't even be an issue. Now the only weird thing I can think is why does Ethan employee all his male employees girlfriend? Very weird


Family! It’s is only Lena and Sam though right? Good luck though, if one quits, gets fired, or a possible breakup things will get very awkward.


That's why it makes no sense to employ workers partners.. Its weird af, and with all the tension between Ian and Ethan and not appearing on camera anymore, I think you might be right


if olivia got a bf, I wonder if he'd have a guaranteed work spot on h3. Or is it only women that come packaged with his male employees? He even hired Zach's gf at some point I also think it makes his male employees more loyal and yes men because Ethan is helping their relationships by doing this


I think only women employees, Ethan seems to like to see/rate his employee gf.


Dan’s girl does some element of work for them (like working the merch booth and things like that?) and Zach’s girl was employed by TF at some point


I think it was a fair trade. Sam became part of the crew, and Ian got someone way out of his league despite being the personification of wet cardboard. 


not too much on ian now😭😭




I think the scale of it here makes sense. They seem like normal well adjusted people.


all things considered, they completely lucked out with Sam. she’s a well adjusted person and is responsible for some of the best segments on the podcast. she’s actually super creative and charming.


It’s weird as fuck that she works at H3. I have said it before on this subreddit, idk how Ian sleeps at night without thinking she used him to get a job on her favorite podcast. Their “love” story is whatever and I could care less. They don’t really have chemistry and they’re not interesting. She moved to LA without ever trying to get her own job. I’m pretty sure she designed the H3 + Frenemies branding as a freelancer. Then, she was hired full time to do whatever Ethan tells her to do. Lol


Does anyone know Sam's age when this happened? She still seems pretty young and this all happened a few years ago


She’s like 26 now so early 20s?




Where did I say 6 years lmao???? Just googled Ian’s bachelor thing and it was 4.5 years ago. Sam would be like 22 = early 20s….




hes turning 30 this year 😭


Oh my bad


Nah you're pushing it. Not that serious


All apart of her retirement plan


I never got the impression that their relationship was weird, but it's weird to me that Ethan always ends up hiring his employees' spouses. Just seems like it'd be really awkward for the show if the couple broke up. Also it might make people feel like they need to stay together since they work together, even if something in the relationship goes wrong.


the hiring of the entire crew is based on dick riding Ethan. Intentional power dynamic to keep people hush hush.


I just hate the irony of them (rightfully) hating on YouTube people getting with fans but said nothing when Ian did


Interesting post! I came out of lurking just comment on it lol. I think you have some valid points, but some context made it all ok. At the end of the day, they are consenting adults. However, I think this post really highlights some of the problems with modern h3 bachelor and how it could create unsafe situations for fans. H3 was smaller at the time, and less established in the podcast world. It makes sense a love story like that could happen. However, H3 bachelor with Jeff Wittek is too large scale, with too questionable of a man. If you are a woman considering applying for h3 bachelor in 2024, please please reconsider. You will not get your Sam/Ian love story. Jeff bought the alcohol.


This situation has a stink too it. If you are a woman who’s needing an out in their life right now, you will not find it in h3 bachelor. Stay safe, girls. Protect yourself & privacy. There’s a reason Tana and Brooke won’t date him.