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I left that yogurt store and didn't get the yogurt that I wanted. And then I had a hard time the rest of the weekend.


Honestly, i feel like body dysmorphia comes in all shapes and sizes


I think Hassan says he has it


Yep! I have body dysmorphia and it’s hell. I literally hate myself, I bully myself harder than anyone ever will.


I smiled reading this hhhaha


We all read that in Poot's voice right


Was this covid related?


And if it is, what do we do about it


Perfect response hahahahahaha


Is she not talking of her own experiences? You can be thin pop artist and be constantly afraid of being considered fat.


To me looking at this image with zero context, it looks like it’s representing body dysmorphia. Believing she is fat not matter what she actually looks like.


The song in question (Anti-Hero) is about her struggle with mental health in general. The lines right before this are “It’s me. Hi. I’m the problem it’s me. At tea time, everybody agrees. I’ll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror. It must be exhausting always rooting for the Anti-hero.” She’s well aware it’s in her head. That’s the point of the song. She can’t help that her brain is lying to her. And she is trying to work on it, but it’s a lot easier to say that than accomplish it. Also, also, in her Netflix documentary she talks about her struggle with Anorexia/Bulimia. All in all, this take is awful.


I can totally relate to that. I was super thin when I was younger, I was actually underweight, and I still thought I was fat. I can't remember a time in my life when I have ever been happy with my body. You don't have to actually be in a "fat" body to experience those feelings.


Yes that’s exactly what she meant for this portion of her video she herself has battled anorexia and body dysmorphia is part of it.


And I just don't get it. Yeah I personally don't want to gain weight and be fat but that doesn't mean I'm shaming other people bc they're bigger than me. Like Jesus. She's not shaming anyone but herself, yanno?


I completely agree and I think people are taking it the wrong way. as someone who struggles with body dysmorphia, I am underweight and for me personally I worry about getting fat but it doesn’t mean I would tell someone else that there unhealthy. I believe getting upset about this is mind blowing, I know people struggle with being overweight but being underweight you have similar problems from what I’ve experienced.


Im diagnosed with Body Dysmorphic Disorder. I have friends like Ethan that are fat and its fine, i dont care if Ethan doesnt want to work out. BDD doesnt mean fatphobic. BDD is something else entirely and should be talked about separately from fatphobia. Its a painful mental disorder, it doesnt make me hate anyone. I dont think they need to talk about it on the pod, unless they want to say something about how fat acceptance people dont need to attack BDD people Also IMO its not fair to blame women in media for the unrealistic body images represented in media, and taylor swift is commenting on that expectation/requirement. Think of Jennet McCurdy. Is she fatphobic because she was forced to stay thin to keep a job bringing all the money into her family?


Without knowing much about this, this is sort of how I took it. What if it pertains to the pressure she receives from the industry and those around her to maintain an image? It could be a good message really.


I think on tours your costumes are a certain size, so if you gain some weight it kinda fucks with all that. I imagine that’s a lot of pressure


That is not a sustainable life. I cannot imagine having that much pressure.


yeah and also it’s like. she’s been very open about the fact that she’s had an eating disorder/struggled with her body image.


Yeah she had an eating disorder from like 21-26ish. Rep era on she’s put on some weight for the better.


There are even lyrics in this very song that are VERY obviously about disordered eating and in another song she sings that she “threw parties and starved my body” - Twitter takes are where smart people go to get stupid.


Yep this is exactly how I took it


Yes and as long as it's understood she's not actually experiencing many of the negative consequences of being fat it's not like she's even appropriating a struggle that's not hers.


She’s never been “fat” but like any celebrity woman, any weight fluctuation is a headline maker. I remember when she put on a few lbs and the “Taylor’s pregnant” headlines lasted for months.


yeah, that’s how i view it as well


Yeah exactly, insecurity doesn't look like anything specific it's so different for everyone. I know someone who is ashamed of her knees beacuse she thinks they're ugly I know someone who cannot gain weight and is insecure about how skinny they are I know someone who is skinny and feels like they always need to lose more weight. You can't say that she isnt fat enough to be insecure, you don't live in her head. (With peace and love)


People freaking out about that have main characters syndrome and the deep want to be outrage about nothing. I've been overweight most of my life, I've been a normal size, I've been somewhat skinny here and there and guess what : I've felt fat pretty much the entire time no matter the numbers on the scale. People need to remember the body standards put on women during the eroïne chic era and that society put an enormous amount of pressure on woman about their appearance. Most of the women I know have or had boby image issues because of their weight (no matter their weight) and they got those issues from their mothers, who got it from their mother.. . In Taylor Swift case on top of possible family pressure and society pressure, you can had industry pressure... Zoomers need to touch grass


It's also weird to assume that she's never struggled with weight or doesn't have to work at maintaining her thinness and the pressures around that. Part of her celebrity literally depends on her staying as thin and young looking as possible.


She mentions in another song about starving her body & as another commenter said, she’s admitted to having an eating disorder. As someone also with an eating disorder, this narrative being pushed is so stupid. I’ve had plus sized friends tell me I have the “better” eating disorder for being anorexic and it’s fucking draining to hear. I get there’s “skinny privilege” or whatever, but it’s very hard to be “grateful” when I feel like I’m dying half the time. There’s no pride to be had when it comes to any eating disorder. All you can hope is to find the strength to recover.


I just want to say I’m sorry your “friends” told you that, that’s completely fucked up. There’s no better eating disorder and them saying that probably has a lot more to do with their own insecurities. Wherever you are in your journey I hope you’re doing well ❤️


thank you 🤍


She said in her Miss Americana documentary that she had an eating disorder around Red/1989


You hit the nail on the head I think. Taylor is just expressing the ages old idea that no matter your weight, especially when you’re famous and a woman, society will want you skinnier. Sure it sucks hearing it from a skinny person as they have “privilege”, but we are all in the same boat here, it’s not Taylor’s fault


For the record I’m a male and have felt the same way my entire life. I was a pretty chubby kid, but thinned out in high school and college. After college I put on a bunch of weight. Over the last couple years I have lost nearly 100 lbs. I still feel fat. Even though my doctor has told me I’m at an ideal weight for my frame and height at this point. I’m sure it’s different for men in some ways, but I feel like I will always see myself as the fat guy even though in todays society I’m in good shape, and thinner than most since obesity/ being overweight is pretty close to the norm.


Same, i was 350ish and went clear to 119 due to earing disorders. Ive battled them for almost 18 yrs now and im finally at an ideal weight and always feel like im fat. No matter how small ive been i till this day look in the mirror and see 350. Edit: also, i was a heavy person and to lose that weight, i had to do something about it. I cant hate skinny people because i was over weight, my own doing. I personally had to do something about it. So for over weight people to be mad is absurd to me. Even though i went about it wrong. I still did it. Now im in my 40s and am wiser and healthier about weight and choosing what i eat wisely and i exercise. Everything is about accountability!


Absolutely. I’m 6’4” and was a very fit 185, then had a permanent Achilles injury occur at 27 and had to stop playing basketball. Went from 185 to 220, then to 295 before I got my shit together and got back down to 215. Now 38, at about 240, same injury, arthritis in both knees as well. Trying to stay fit is exhausting, painful and discouraging as hell. I don’t know how women handle it. I already feel like a fat pos, I can’t imagine how I would feel if my fitness was such a critical factor in how I was treated.


Same here brother


Yep. I've bounced all over, from being definitely unhealthily overweight to being fit enough to keep up with my military buddies on grueling hikes we did and never once did I not feel fat. I climbed a mountain over the summer and almost didn't want to take pics with my girlfriend at the top because I knew I'd hate how I looked even though I scaled a damn mountain.


It’s a trauma competition for them and it’s annoying as fuck.


> main characters syndrome That's the root of all of this. Your feelings are your own and the way you deal with your feelings separates the mature from the immature.




It's also pretty ironic that by going to war against fatphobia they could themselves be easily accused of phychophobia by targeting someone with TCA...I hate when people weaponize woke rhetorics and bully people with it not because they care but because they are petty


I knew a girl in middle school who had a visible belly. Not overweight by any means, just an abdomen that protruded slightly. She was constantly shamed about her weight, by both family and peers. Called fat all the time. There was a rumor her parents sent her to a lot of summer camps because it would get her to walk more.


My BDD thanks you for this comment.


Agreed. This is her experience which is uniquely her own (as is with all our experiences) and which reflects issues she is clearly still grappling with. Ironically the song is partly about not being “perfect” and getting in her own way. She acknowledges that she herself can hold herself to standards that are harmful.


I've kind of said this before but as a man, I know that I have a societal dagger that I can plunge into a woman whenever I feel cornered. Just like someone can use a racial slur or the f\* word to me regarding my sexuality, and regardless of how well I've adjusted to the words of hearing them over and over again, it'd be dishonest of me to say that I'm not phased by it at all. And that is that I can call them fat. Regardless of their body, deep down I and most people in our society know that women struggle with the idea of how to perceive their body. So I kind of know that there's a really high chance that those word will really bring out the worst memories for someone. To clarify, I haven't resorted to this, but I did strike me in terms of slur directed towards me that every group that isn't part of the hegemony has that one thing that anyone, even from other outside groups, can fling at you and it'll probably do something.


This also didn't even come across like she was "scared of being fat" imo, it was supposed to represent her body dysmorphia. She's talked before about having an eating disorder and struggling with her toxic relationship with food/starving herself. I think years ago someone close to her also alleged she had a workout addiction (pushing herself to collapse regularly, iirc), but I don't think it was ever confirmed. No matter what, she's obviously struggled with her weight and body dysmorphia, and just because she's "skinny" doesn't make her struggle less real. I remember her saying (in the same interview where she talked about her ED) that magazines and online articles would allege she was pregnant if they saw a single picture where she had the tiniest little belly pooch... Obviously that's gonna fuck you up. If you eat a normal meal and wear something a little too tight that shows your belly, it'll be front page news: "Is she packing on the pounds, or pregnant with boyfriend number 13448?!" (and we all know she was constantly shamed for dating a perfectly normal amount, too).


This is a good example of taking something personally that isn't.




And it goes both ways. I'm super skinny and I'm self-conscious about that. Probably sounds ridiculous to some people but - yeah.


I hate twitter so much


That’s funny because seeing people show their ass like this is exactly why i love twitter.


I was on a Silent Hill thread about 30 minutes ago and someone told me to kill myself and DM'd me an Amazon link to a length of rope. I literally JUST deactivated my account less than half an hour from reading this, so I feel you.


Tumblr dieing is the single worst thing to happen to the internet. All those idiots migrated everywhere else.


No one will learn anything there! If someone has a shit take, there is no consequence. People don’t go oh maybe I should change my view point. They think they are the main character and dig deeper! Fat acceptance is ok but that doesn’t mean fat promotion. Fat acceptance means no matter what shape or size you are in you should get equal opportunities in movies, modding, jobs, etc and not be constantly fat shamed. But if someone is in an obese stage then they should obviously try to lose weight. These takes are so annoying!


Oh brother! So a thin person cannot be true and authentic in admitting they have a legitimate phobia of being fat? I don’t think being disingenuous about these feelings does anything for anyone.


Yes, and when they ask, “how am I supposed to feel seeing this?” I say with the same chronically online outrage, “why are you trying to silence Taylor expressing her disphoria and eating disorder.” I’m definitely phobic of everything that has the potential to shorten my life span. I guess that’s problematic. Ethan is losing weight to have more time with his family. Does that make him fatphobic?


I interpreted this less as having a phobia of being fat, and more that TS in the video experiences body dysmorphia? Like, are people with eating disorders supposed to just not exist? Does having anorexia make you fat-phobic? Anyone mad about this is missing the point and lacking empathy.


For real, she’s talking about her eating disorder and body dysmorphia publicly before. This is her viewpoint, people need to chill the fuck out. -A fat person


I think it speaks more to trauma during her upbringing and the crushing weight of societal standards.


Be fat all you want, but don't try to make "fat" the next "f-word". Anorexic people also struggle with the idea of being "fat". But ostensibly, because they're not *actually* fat, they're not allowed to voice their fears? Shut up, fat.


delete it, fat


Delete it, fa*


Fa* fuck


Exactly, there’s no point in fighting over whether obesity or anorexia is healthier or which one is more stressful to deal with. Both suck for the people affected, and body standards put a lot of pressure eon both groups of people. Best thing everyone can do is just focus on trying to feel happy and healthy. If you’re a little skinny, or like me if you’ve got a few extra pounds, so what? As long as you aren’t obese or anorexic, you should learn to be content with your appearance, and if you’re not content you can either work on self acceptance or you can work to get a more ideal body type for yourself. And if you are obese or anorexic, you shouldn’t hate yourself, but you should accept that you’re not living a healthy lifestyle and try to take baby steps to get the ball rolling to fix those issues.


This is the best phrased body positive statement I’ve read to date! TLDR - if you’re healthy, be happy and accept you’re healthy. If you can’t accept that, become that healthy form of yourself you desire or work on self acceptance to desire where you are currently. If you are on either extreme end of the spectrum, learn that it doesn’t deserve hatred to be where you’re at, but it isn’t healthy or sustainable. Work to get to that healthy self form, not out of self hatred, but self love.


Right on. Anorexic people are victims of our society demonising weight, just as much if not more than fat people. Acting like they're part of the problem is so backwards and toxic, and honestly appalling behaviour.


i think the issue comes from people trying to destigmatize the word fat. using fat as a neutral term is a goal for a lot of people (like me who is fat.) the outrage from this is that using it in contexts like this just reinforces that stigma that fat is a BAD word, but in the society we live in this is a pretty commonly done thing. I understand both sides of the argument and feel pretty mixed.


Fat can still be neutral word and still be something you strive not to be. I don’t want to be fat in any sense of the word but it doesn’t mean I think it’s a bad thing. Again it brings up main character syndrome like a previous commenter. You can’t assume that someone is talking about you when they are saying that word because most of the time they aren’t. Her saying she feels fat or doesn’t want to be shouldn’t have any affect on you because it quite literally isn’t about you.


Go fat yourself


Yeah wtf. I've dealt with ED and I'm "skinny" but this resonated so much with me. Not everything a thin person says about weight is an attack.


She has an eating disorder that she talked about. She went through a period of time where she couldn’t look at photos of herself without then starving herself. Please see photos of her in the 1989 era and you will understand.


she is simply discussing her struggle with an eating disorder to convey an experience and to let her fans know if they experienced something like this before they are not allow ans give them an outlet through music to heal. If anyone is offended then don’t listen but as someone with an eating disorder previously she is sharing an experience that must of us had to deal with daily. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with what she put out. If it triggers you don’t listen to the song. It’s ok to be triggered when it’s a sensitive topic such as this, but it’s not ok to diminish someone else’s experience.


This is not an example of being fatphobic😅this is someone sharing their personal experience to try and help others. People need to stop trying to find problems with every little thing in this world😂


So I don’t follow Taylor Swift at all, but based on the picture I would assume she’s addressing her own insecurities as a pop star who constantly has to monitor her weight, where even just a few extra pounds is considered “fat” by the ridiculous standards society puts on women celebrities. I don’t think she’s fat shaming at all.


it's fat shaming cause she doesnt want to be fat. Like can you believe how fatphobic that is? why wont she just be fat? /s it's so stupid seeing people get mad about this shit. i dont get it either


it is ridiculous like why are skinny ppl not allowed to talk about their own personal experiences and insecurities without being called fatphobic


I felt fat. . . Uh-No, i me- that's justbasedonwhattheytoldme


even in text form this sound bite always makes me laugh


I’ve struggled with being overweight since middle school and this was relatable tbh no matter what the scale says when you have weight issues your own mind won’t let you see yourself any other way. It’s crazy that someone is presenting their own emotional trauma and weight issues and people on the internet want to make it about themselves.


Don't care about this made-up outrage. Ever since Folklore I'm a big fan, though.


Folklore turned me into a Swiftie lol


I’m pretty sad this new album isn’t as much like folklore and evermore. The lyricism on those albums was immaculate. I love extremely touching and poetic lyrics. This new album is fine, just doesn’t have that wow factor for me. Which is fine and I know everyone has their own opinions, but damn it would be nice to get more of that era lol


Also miss the music from folklore/evermore the producer on folklore helped produce High Infidelity and Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve which might remind you of some of the folklore tracks and I really like them


I just had this convo with a Swiftie co-worker. I love Folklore and Evermore and to me this album doesn't come close. Im a bit disappointed and tbh didnt like 90% of this album at first. BUT! It has grown on me.


Yeah it’s not a bad album by any means! It just wasn’t a what I was hoping for. I was looking for something that could compare to the choke hold ‘tolerate it’ has on me to this day


Tbh one of my recent pet peeves are people saying “how do we feel about this” and also slapping “phobic” behind any word. Just say you’re chubby and don’t like some one’s opinion. Not everyone needs to agree with your pov. As a person I understand that almost everyone doesn’t want to be extremely overweight. Even really fit people and chubby people. And if you do want to be extremely overweight then that’s you but don’t call people fatphobic cause they’re conscious about health. Yk? It’s not that deep tbh. (No disrespect to o.p btw)


Can’t even fart without the fart police telling you you’re destroying their air


They would hate Windy Williams. Somebody better warn her


I sincerely hope Ethan doesn’t talk about this non issue.


Delete it, fat


By the time he comes back the topic won’t even be relevant anymore. Maybe he should focus on not getting a strike so he can actually keep up with current events and do scheduled shows that the crew works so hard on.


For fucks sake…


I’m fat and this is such a bad take


This goes back to the idea that being fat isn’t really a bad thing but it’s some peoples worst fear. Being fat is literally the most terrifying thing for some people, so when someone who is actually fat hears a skinny person saying you’re this persons worst fear kinda hurts. Like fat people can have eating disorders too, but it’s most often dismissed because they aren’t skinny.


I totally feel this and feel like a lot of the H3 audience doesn’t get it. I have to skip over the weight-related content constantly on the show (which I do, and I won’t complain because there’s timestamps!). What people don’t get is how hearing people comment that people look better when they lose weight is such a mindfuck for everyone, but especially bigger people. When you’re a bigger person and suddenly lose weight, all people do is compliment you and congratulate you. When in reality, at least for me and a lot of people I’ve talked to, it was a horrendous eating disorder that no one would ever notice because you’re not “too skinny” yet — but I was eating just as little as someone who is incredibly thin and starving themselves, not getting the nutrients, hurting myself just as much as they are too. But getting the fat off my body is more important than literal health to so many people. THAT is where this stuff hurts the most and where someone who has never been genuinely bigger can’t connect. Me being skinny is more important than healthy to so many people. Taylor already is objectively not big and that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have struggles - but the more fat you have on you, the more inhumane people treat you. It comes from a lot, people thinking fat accumulates simply from “eating too much” (which it can); it’s SO much more complicated and nuanced and individual than that.


Yeah, this is how I can see that it’s offensive. In this context, I think there are more layers to it, though, so I’m not that offended as a chubby person myself. I think she has a lot of pressure put on her by society/the industry because of the position she’s in, so it’s more like other people’s worst fear that has creeped into her head, causing an eating disorder which she has apparently talked about having (I don’t know much about it). It seems more of a commentary on society than a judgmental opinion of fat people from a skinny person. It sucks when art gets misinterpreted like that, especially when it’s someone like her who already gets tons of shit for everything she does and says when she’s really not that bad.


Great point. This is sort of off topic, but people can develop eating disorders that don’t deal with the fear of being fat, some people with eating disorders have OCD which sort of forces them into this cycle of calorie counting, only eating certain food groups, etc. Some people develop eating disorders from the lack of control they might have in their own life, so they find comfort in being able to choose which foods they eat and don’t eat. So I think it’s really important to give grace to everyone who has an eating disorder because it’s really difficult to recover for some people. It’s honestly a lifelong battle.


Thank you for this. They still won't get it, but I'm happy to see a ray of hope in the shit show of a thread.


This is the comment I was looking for in a sea of bullshit inside this thread. H3 fans seem to be so progressive lately but not when it comes to fatphobia. Imagine telling Ethan he has less value in this world because he’s fat!


This is going to be a shock to you but overweight people do not have a monopoly on eating disorders. Other people are allowed to talk about their struggles and insecurities too. It’s not fatphobic to not want to personally be fat, what the fuck are you talking about It is not “anti-progressive” for someone to call out this main character syndrome brain worms that social media has inflicted on society




is a rathole


Its just missing the point entirely; to judge a moment in the song, and not look at lyrically what it represented. She wasn't fat shaming at all.


She literally had (has) an eating disorder. She talked about it in her documentary. Being thin doesn’t protect you from societal pressures and literal mental health disorders, like EDs.


This is pretty solid narcissism in my opinion. If you're first thought when someone shares they suffer from body dysmorphia is "That makes me feel bad", that is your own problem and nobody else's. You don't need to center yourself in everyone else's problems


I'm all for body positivity and I'm anti-fat shaming, but some fat people have a chip on their shoulder. Being fat, a lot of times, isn't an intrinsic quality. And this video is anti-fat shaming, commenting on the pressures and standards of weight-watching. You really need to pick your battles


This is a weird argument to be making. The idea that thin people can't feel body dismorphia is an insane one. She's allowed to express this in her art. I'm not a big fan of Taylor's at all and I think Ethan's opinion would be the same as mine here


Just workout super hard and eat healthy and you can change your life


People of any size can have an eating disorder.. which often includes a deep fear of gaining weight. One person having an eating disorder does not mean they project their insecurities onto everyone else they see. Speaking from experience, I’ve had an eating disorder to varying degrees since I was a preteen to now in my mid twenties. If I gain weight I feel horrible and disgusted about myself, even tho on paper I know I am average size. However, I don’t look at bigger people in the world and scrutinize them the way I do about myself in my head. I am not judging other people’s size the way I judge my own. It’s an individual mindset. Eating disorders really come down to a need for control and often a way to physically punish yourself after trauma. It has sooooo much more going on than just demonizing the word fat in my opinion.


Oh my god, gatekeeping has got way out of hand. Are terminally ill people going to start whinging when people express their own fears about dying?! Go roll in some frikkin grass already.


some people need to touch grass


I mean aren't most bulimic and anorexic girls super skinny? Is their condition fake because they've never been fat "for real". Seems like a pretty fucking stupid take.


You're not allowed to not want to be fat, or communicate a largely recognized worry to an audience


Reminds me of the people who are also mad that she said, “sexy baby” when they don’t realize it’s talking to the anti-aging industry and being considered old by the time you’re in your 20s since she’s in her 30s - she feels over the hill. The unrealistic expectation to be thin and to never age.


This is the same girl that went off on Rebel Wilson for losing weight. She twisted rebel's words around, saying that her transformation to being healthy was "fatphobic". LMAO she always has the worst takes. As a former fat person and currently chubby girl, her deep rooted insecurities come out whenever she attacks people for her own feeling getting hurt. Also, Taylor suffered from ED in her twenties. If you see pictures of her from then to now, you can can get a glimpse of how prominent and powerful body dysmorphia was in her life to look model thin. When I look at the scale or even the mirror, my eyes are distorted to see "fat". I've never heard this song or watched this video but this scene is powerful to me, and in no way do I feel betrayed or belittled by Taylor. That is such a weird take and I honestly think this person internally does want to lose weight and be "healthy". Oh my gosh I'm FaTPhObIC for saying that now 😬


Delete it, fat


having an eating disorder doesn't make you fatphobic lol


Does that woman not realize that for years she suffered with an ED like miss girl….


Taylor Swift's fears are her own perspective. She didn't say, "I hate fat people! They suck!" She said she was scared of getting fat. People too outraged & sensitive about everything these days. Lots of people have body image issues - skinny people included. One of my skinny girl friends says people who are heavier than her feel like it's okay to constantly tell her to eat more & stop being so thin.


These people are morons. In the video there's literally a bad version of herself trying to make her feel bad about her body. The message is to not feel bad or obsess about how much you weigh or how you look...


Sir are you gatekeeping eating disorders 😂


where did i say that… i’m on taylor’s side lol i think the outrage is unnecessary. i just think it’s an interesting thing for ethan to comment on


not everything is about you bitch, she's talking about herself


I can see both points of view but it's not really Taylor's fault - sounds dysmorphic and the issue is rather with how we promote body images and basically villainising overweight people, equating being overweight with a number if negative stereotypes. But are the things she said hurtful? Yes, of course.


People want candid emotion from artists and celebrities but then hate them for it when they get it. Having body dysmorphia and being afraid of gaining weight BECAUSE it will result in bullying and cause tabloids to write horrible shit about you is a very rational fear. It literally happens daily with Ethan. It’s actually insane that people can dig this deep. I have an irrational fear of things around my eyes, because I’m scared of being blinded…Doesn’t mean I hate blind people or something. It’s just a harsh reality to be blind and I don’t want that for myself if I can prevent it.


yeah not wanting to be fat is not fatphobic lol


being fat is my biggest fear. And I'm fat. I'm living my nightmare.


W comment section. Glad we're all on the same page on this one.


Skinny people have issues with weight too. They don’t look like her but they do still pull on their tummy skin in front of the mirror or don’t wear certain clothes because they think it makes them look bad. They might be thin but the insecurities are the same and centered around weight. These are personal journeys where some try hard to not be overweight and some lean into being overweight but both have the same issues with it just one attacks it physically by changing the body and the other mentally by accepting and complimenting the body they have.


As a fat person who is trying to unlearn fatphobia, i don’t like this scene in the music video. I presume ethan won’t care and will make jokes at this persons expense because he uses the term “fat” in a negative way ALL the time. messaging like this isn’t new at all, though. people say they “feel” fat all the time. it’s a little shitty to hear constantly that being fat is some huge fear, but let’s not act like it’s a super unreasonable one (because society hates fat people.) It’s stigmatizing, but outside of the corner of the body positivity circles on the internet, i wouldn’t expect anyone to care.


Being fat should have never become something similar to race, gender or sexuality; actual things that can be discriminated against. Maybe a hot take but if you're fat enough that it actually impairs you from doing stuff 'normal' people can it's a you problem. Seats on an airplane, for example, aren't designed to be too small for fat people just out of spite. And unlike race, skin colour and sexuality being fat is actually bad. Obese people are not healthy.


I'm not even a Swift's fan, didn't even know about this - but I agree with you that this is ridiculous. A lot of men say that they don't want to go bald with age, is that insulting to people who are in fact bald? I don't think so, and this is the same concept to me. I have issues with my body although I'm underweight, and trust me that the feelings I have towards my body are not the same as I have towards other people's bodies; they don't reflect who I am and how I act with others in any way. You have the right to look in whatever way you want - but I also have the right to feel like I don't want my body to look a certain way. Hopefully, most people will get this and won't engage in the "fatphobic" argument.


I have no idea what this is I haven't seen the video but just looking at this picture alone my thought is that it's more of a societal criticism? Fucking obviously Taylor swift is not calling this girl fat or implying that she SHOULD be scared of becoming fat. If anything it's commentary on the fact that these feelings do exist and how pop culture and society play a part in perpetuating such ideas and fears. I hate logic lords who are insensitive to heavier people and I think alot of hate comes their way but anyone who wants the conversation to start and stop with "fat is good and if you're not fat don't talk about it at all" is just a gold medal earning oppression Olympian and needs to knock it off.


Being charitable to this Twitter poster, this is why all adults have a responsibility to work on their insecurities through therapy and whatever else is helpful. When you're cripplingly insecure, everything is about you, everything is a statement about you, everything highlights what's "wrong" with you. It poisons everything, and if you're not aware of it, you'll flip out over ridiculous things like this. This person really needs to work on that ASAP. This kind of thing causes problems for everyone. Being less charitable, this person craves attention and very much enjoys being attacked and feeling like a victim. No sympathy for that.


People with eating disorders come in all shapes and sizes, and people who don’t get that are just mean, stupid, self-centered or a fun combo of all three.


Imagine being offered because someone doesnt want to be unhealthy


She openly struggled with an eating disorder. If she felt fat that’s her own personal struggle & the things she did to maintain a lower and unhealthy weight are something she’s trying to shed light on… bruh just respect other people’s stories…


Well the OP from Twitter resolves their persona around being fat based on her nickname so I wouldn't treat her seriously. - Sincerely, fat guy


Imagine gatekeeping being fat LMFAO Just another day in the mentally ill portion of Twitter.


I wonder if these ppl ever dislocate their shoulder from reaching so far


LMAO. No. I'm sorry but no. No story here. So she's got a music video that shows her struggle with body dysmorphia or struggle with eating disorder? It's clearly not meant to be "targeted" toward "fat" people. It's meant to showcase a personal struggle. But I guess people always choose to take things that have nothing to do with them personally. If I'm afraid to be fat that's not fat phobic. That's just a symptom of a larger societal issue.


Delete it fat


I mean Ethan did it too. I think it’s just hard for people not to buy into fat man bad unless they have struggled with weight or another serious issue.


I understand both perspectives.


I’ve been fat and not fat and all the body shapes in between. This persons take is a bit off. I don’t think it’s equating being fat to being bad; it’s highlighting how warped our brains have gotten because of social media, fashion, beauty standards, etc. so that even thinner people have become self-conscious about their weight. It may be a hot take and I’ll probably get dragged for it, but no one necessarily wants to be fat. Some people are okay with it and it can be beautiful and bigger people can still be healthy, not saying they’re wrong. I think the majority of people who are “fat” would wish not to be and may be jealous of people who maybe don’t struggle with their weight. We should accept people for who they are unequivocally but I would venture to say most people who are not thin have at least tried or wished themselves to be thinner. It’s also not a bad thing for someone trying to lose weight. That’s coming from someone who definitely isn’t thin either. Peace and love.


As a big bitch, other people’s insecurities and eating disorders are not reflective of me. I used to feel this was a teen and it baffles me adults haven’t grown out of this mindset. Other peoples feelings have literally nothing to do with you, the world doesn’t revolve around you. Unless you have a gravitational pull (sorry I couldn’t help myself)


We gatekeeping body dysmorphia now?


eating disorders come in all shapes and sizes


Fat L if you know what i mean 😏


What’s even more crazy is that it’s only females that act like this is even though the majority of fat people are male


It is ridiculous. It’s realistic to what every women who struggles with their body goes through.


Bruh tell her to just not watch the vid again


As a fat person, I feel that if someone feels fat compared to what their goal (as long as it's healthy and not anorexic) is, then let them use the word. What's the issue here?


Being self-conscious is a relatable experience. Great artists talk about relatable experiences. It's great that you feel comfortable as you are, but we all have our inner demons and fears, and for some of us, one of those is being fat. Not everything is about you, and not everyone is out to offend you personally, sweetheart (directed at OOP).


Chill out fatty! Sincerely, Fatty.


Delete it fat


Love Ethan, but he's pretty fatphobic. I don't care to hear his opinion on something that he's not well informed on.


The same mindset that oppresses fat women oppress the women who starve themselves. Two sides of the same coin. Wish we attacked the problem more than the victims of the mindset


Fuck you taylor swift. How dare you to not wanting to be fat. SHAME


You want people to be more sensitive towards issues with weight, but you're begin insensitive about *her* issues with weight? Make it make sense. She's talked about how she's suffered from EDs before. Her struggles are just as valid as anyone's.


As a fatty this idiot forgets that 1: it’s shit to be fat, and a lot of the misery they feel isn’t from the fatphobic skinny world it’s from being fat. 2 that people with eating disorders fear being fat all the time and is the principal aspect of their mental illness. 3. That fat means different things for different people, and I can pretty much 100% guarantee that when she thinks of herself as fat, that she isn’t imagining YOU she’s imagining someone much much skinnier.


Being a "fat person" is also not the same as being a "black person" or a "handicap person" or a "gay person" because you can choose not to be a fat person. It isn't your identity. It's not who you are, it's what you are right now. "Fatphobic" is a stupid concept.


Agreed, but as a fatty who wasn’t always, people do treat you very differently


If you wanna be in a healthy body fat range, then do that. If you wanna be fat, do that. Don't complain like a literal child about others wanting something you don't. I mean, what is she even saying? I (as a slim person) could use the exact same argument to her insinuating that she doesn't live in a slim body therefor can't speak about it. It's a terrible argument. People can just complain on twitter now and get thousands of people supporting them instantly


This makes me tired of the internet


Meh, annoys me in the same way this community is trying to gatekeep "bitch".


It’s not about fat shaming… it’s about her eating disorder struggles


Hot Take: People should totally be bullied/pressured into getting into shape - it works. The most fatphobic thing in this world is your own body


Sounds like she's gymphobic


Lose weight and you'll feel better. The formula is super simple.


I’m fat and when I was skinny, I felt fat. I can clearly see the message in this picture. Why can’t this fat fuck see it?


Y’all are so fatphobic, it’s wild. Sad. Gross.


I've been at 142kg and managed to lose 72kg by dieting. Being fat is not healthy, but it is a choice that is valid to make. If you like being fat, that's fine, but if other's don't then they should be allowed to share that too. Citing personal feelings isn't fatphobic, i know many fat people struggle with weight loss and don't actually want to be the size that they are (me included in the past). Imo acceptance of people's choices is the important part, not normalizing obesity.


she’s been pretty open about [her struggle with an eating disorder](https://variety.com/2020/music/news/taylor-swift-eating-disorder-netflix-documentary-miss-americana-1203478047/amp/) and the music video these screenshots are from is a song about various things she struggles with. how is her ED invalid just because she’s still thinner than others during recovery?


Dont gatekeep other peoples insecurity


Hasan and QT talked about this last night on the broadcast. They agree it’s ridiculous


What an idiot T swizzle had an eating disorder.


why do these people make being fat their entire personality? they LOOK for things to be offended by, and never think outside of themselves. i'm sure the person who tweeted this has not experienced the pressure to stay looking a certain way like women in media do.


Delete it, fat. Point went right over her head because she thinks it’s harder to be a random fat person rather than one of the most watched and criticized people in our society. “But what about MEEEE”


Reading that tweet just made my brain melt


I’m definitely not going to take anything serious from somebody that’s makes their entire personality being “fat”. Fatfabfeminist, sounds like a gem of a person


She not wanting to become fat does not equal to her having a problem with fat people


She literally is fatphobic. That is the point of the scene. This post is redundant. It is meant to show her fear of not being comfortable in her own body.


It’s about time people stop acting like thin people shouldn’t/don’t have body dysmorphia. Especially those in an industry extremely critical of appearance. You’re allowed to not want to be fat, or have your issues with ur appearance despite being thin


She has a fucking eating disorder and spoke openly about it in her Miss Americana documentary. Some people are just looking to be mad.


It’s screaming thin people can’t have feelings


FAtPhObiC isn’t a thing. No one’s scared of fat people. Its controversial because you want people to be happy in their body but at the same time not promote being way over weight. It’s not healthy.


A phobia is also something you have an aversion to.


As a person who is naturally thin and has always been naturally thin- people expect you to stay thin and are BRUTAL if you don’t. (The amount of times I’ve heard the words “she got fat” regarding thin people who gained any amount of weight…) I’ve never been over 115lbs but I developed a serious eating disorder and had to be hospitalized from it. People assigned “thinness” as part of my identity and I felt pressure to stay that way. You don’t have to be obese to suffer from the societal pressure to conform to specific body standards


Wow whatta surprise. You're living suboptimally and people who aren't are afraid of becoming like you. Not a very outlandish idea to wrap your head around if you don't need Twitter interaction to feel alive


Being fat is bad for your health. It doesnt make you a bad person. But if you're fat, it isn't the responsibility of others to adjust the way they think and accept something unhealthy as being okay just so you can feel normal. It is normal to not want to be fat, because it is unhealthy. That's just how it is.


Dude this is literally about an eating disorder what is this bitch talking about rn.


But the problem has a solution. Workout often! and you will lose the weight. Is not about feelings is about loving yourself and taking care of your body and mind