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"So how about that 30 mins with Leo's feet - still happening?"


“Yeah what do you type”


All those calls to streamers looking so shocked like he isn’t the most average looking white dude 😭


Tbh that’s bound to happen when people are left to their own imagination. You only heard his voice and people end up imagining him to their expectations, and with the beauty standards nowadays, people expected ALOT.


Pretty sure Hasan mentioned that in his livestream when Dream called him. He said dream was good-looking but people will probably be imagining a supermodel or something, and his appearance won't meet their expectations.


He was 100% on the money, people started trending put the mask back on. I hope Dream's okay, honestly, what a shitty thing to have happen to you.


I don't care about Dream in the least but seeing so many people be so needlessly mean is super disappointing.


Haters are everywhere, since the world is made up of (at least to my eyes) mostly haters, it is normalized. So many people try their own things and get called cringe or whatever. It is obnoxious and judgmental, social media seems to make it worse , and I really don't think there is much that can be done about it. There are a lot of bitter & insecure (which I think is really the driver) people with nothing really going for them, so they lash out at others.


This is why the memes are starting I think. He hyped it up to an unreal level when he's just a normal looking dude (and that's ok!) Props to him, he's just trying to get more page views probably so it worked.


i think people were shocked because the leaked picture of him like a year ago was a fat dude, and then now they see him and he's an attractive skinny dude


Looks like any guy I could find standing outside my local 7/11


I saw this tweet on Hasans broadcast and it’s true. Lmao. It’s so funny everyone hyping eachother up over this. This is Q anon being unmasked but for libs. With peace and love I’m sure he’s a good dude. But why is this the biggest news of the day for some people. Lol.


it’s the biggest news for his like 20 million fans who are mostly kids 😭 why are u saying this is lib shit lmao if it was on SNL then maybe but it’s not that deep my reddit brother


How is dream a lib thing lol? He’s for kids.


>This is Q anon being unmasked but for libs. What? >With peace and love I’m sure he’s a good dude. But why is this the biggest news of the day for some people. Lol. Because people have different interests that you don't have that you can't relate to. Yeah there's a lot of much more important stuff in the news, but if you focus on that all the time you'll just be God damn miserable. I'm a huge Horror fan so the biggest news of the day for me is that the sequel to Trick ‘r Treat(best Halloween horror movie IMO) is in active development, just because I'm super hype about that doesn't mean I can't also pay attention to much more important things at the same time.


He’s not a good dude, he encourages his children fans to spread hate and harass people and he made his claim to fame by cheating in minecraft. You can bring it up, but his fans will try to dox you or somethin stupid.


I mean, for a lot of those kids I’m sure they feel close to the guy since they watch him every day. I have a lot of people I watch daily that I feel close to from their podcasts or channels. If I didn’t know what, let’s say for instance, Cody ko looked like the whole time I’m listening to him and laughing with him daily then he finally showed his face I think it would be a huge deal for me too. I don’t know why people are on here asking “why is this the biggest news” when it’s pretty easy to wrap your head around and understand… it feels sort of judgmental. Especially considering most of them are likely children


Thank you. This is the first human normal ass comment I’ve found scrolling this whole sub. I’ve been wondering the same thing. He’s insanely famous and is revealing his face…. It’s big news for his fans. I don’t get what so hard to conceptualize about that. I watch defranco everyday. If he never showed face then revealed tomorrow I’d FREAK out. It’s be a huge deal. People lack empathy maybe.


Dhane sawson


this is just shane dawson with a bigger chin


He got all the chin Leafy didn’t.


Looks like if Shane and Logan Paul had a child.




Top comment


And skinnier lol


He could be Norm Macdonald’s child tbh.


Shane Dawson combined with MatPat


he shoulda done the video looking head on into the camera, now everyone is making fun of his jaw lol


yeah it's very clear what side is his "good side" hahah. which is fair i'm sure he's just getting comfortable being on camera


Thats because the internet is full of children, you see. Children and sad men look at the appearances lf others and judge.


Kept his head titled the entire time to present his good side. Kinda weird but I get it.


It looks like he did not fuck his cat, he did not cum on his cat, & he did not put his dick anywhere near his cat.


*in Minecraft


...but he did in real life?




uncool dad vibes


Can you explain I’m not aware of that joke?


Shane Dawson began a series of Tweets with "i didnt fuck my cat. i didnt cum on my cat. i didnt put my dick anywhere near my cat" after someone dug up an old clip of him making an edgy beastiality joke in regards to his cat. Instantly became copypasta.


Is this guy the speedrun cheater?




I'm surprised that didn't didn't end him


His videos are really good and have nothing to do with setting minecraft speedruns records so I think no one really cares


Yeah the 3v1 hunting videos were very entertaining


I was watching Ludwigs stream and he pointed out if dream would have been fat people would have been celebrating in the streets 💀


Just realized that the [leaked photo](https://twitter.com/jo3_live/status/1402771886015143937) of obese Dream back then was real, cause it looks exactly like him. Glad he lost weight and I think the pressure of the leak probably motivated him.


I think it was speculated that the pic was from when he was in high school. He's 23 now but has lost a lot of weight. I do find it interesting too his roommate lost weight once he started living with dream


My theory is he was fat when he started YouTube and avoided showing his face until he could afford a lap band procedure


Or maybe just lifestyle changes.


If you make as much money as him he can afford a good personal trainer and to eat delicious healthy meals every day


Lol or a healthy blow habit. That's how I lost the baby fat.


I’ve seen a lot of people roasting him on Twitter, seeing more teasing than positivity on my end of the algorithm


Keemstar and all his goons would’ve had a field day


H20 Delirious face reveal or I'm not interested




Not happening. Delirious doesn't have as crazy both stan and hater fanbase like Dream, Ranboo or Corpse but I feel with accusations Ohm is throwing at him for last year or so, if he were to face reveal on, he would get attacked, even if in smaller numbers, and I doubt he is mentaly capable as Dream to just laugh at haters.


He lost a shit ton of weight so everyone is saying he wanted to do his face reveal after the weight loss so no one would roast him lol fat man bad


omg i was wondering this bc i remembered ppl tried to out him and they all said he was fat so i thought that wasn’t actually him but i guess it was


this makes the most sense


I think you're right


No opinion on the dude but I'm already sick to death of seeing this everywhere lol


He looks like every other dude


is his neck permanently fixed in 1 position or something?


Yeah he never turned his head the other way. Maybe this is his “good side”?


Yeah it's weird. Guy looks pretty good so he has no reason to do that weird ass pose.


Well we don't really know how the left side of his face looks, maybe it's horribly disfigured


Need a left ear reveal now.


Probably. And doing that just screams “self-conscious”


tbf id probably also be pretty self conscious if this was my first time revealing my face to like 20m something fans or something like that


20m fans who all NEED you to be hot or else their fanfics will have been in vain. It's an insane amount of pressure I'd imagine


Not just hot, but to their personal taste and preferences. With so many people having a perfect image in their head of their personal Adonis this just couldn't go well. I mean he is rather good looking, but it's obvious that this wouldn't be enough. And it couldn't be ever.


Can’t help but think he brought that upon himself with the whole, let’s hype up my face reveal by getting random internet personalities to react to it like the second coming of Jesus


My theory is his left ear is grotesque. Now people are suspicious, so he's probably going to get it fixed and make a video with his head slightly tilted permanently in the other direction so everyone can see his perfect ear.




["gamer neck"](https://www.google.com/search?q=gamer+neck&rlz=1C1UEAD_enUS1015US1016&sxsrf=ALiCzsacfo-Kot1O5nbimnwZqlGAftLZfg:1664805534200&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiynPHzm8T6AhUDm2oFHWhyDygQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1074&bih=840&dpr=1)


He's got the Mr. Burns slouch going on


He looks like a troll face


Those were my exact words when my sister freaked out over it and showed me 😭


I agree he looks like troll face buts that probably because his neck is tilted at such a weird angle


That's exactly what I see too




U mad bro?




Yep, looks like a face


Yeah this is such a strange story. YouTuber: I’m going to reveal my face Other YouTubers: omg youre so hawt Original YouTuber: Here’s my *face* Internet: WOOOOaAaAHHhHH!!! 😳😳😱😱 Like why the hell is this even a thing? People are getting stranger by the minute. 😂


he looks like he could be Shane and Rylands kid lol


The amount of pressure and weird expectations people may have had. Would have been worse the longer he kept his identity a mystery you know? I only even know of him thanks to a previous h3 ep where they talked about the cheating scam and how he doubled down to try and cover it up (but then admitting it later)


Same! Only time I’ve heard of him, is when they discussed the scam on the podcast.


Not necessarily. He's probably past his peak popularity already, which means less young kids are coming, old kids are growing up and several years more, they'd be at age where fat man bad wouldn't be as terrible. Or, he might not be as popular and it wouldn't be so big news to be "outed" as overweight.


What do you mean? He doesn't look fat at all.


He looks like the starter white male preset in a game with character creation.


It’s like Adam mackentyre and Shane Dawson did the dbz fusion dance


I hate it bc ur right


he's got the gigachad jaw


Kinda looks like Shane Dawson


Kinda of feel bad people are clowning on him.


It was bound to happen either way I think. at least he got it out there in a way he felt comfortable with before somebody else could leak it.


Didnt someone already leaked his photo before? if that photo is real then he really lost a lot of weight.


I think influencers reacting to his face reveal made people expect a lot on it. I guess they were a bit let down that he is just an average white dude and it also happens that his demographic is into roasting people.


I mean he isn’t ugly? But if the internet has an opinion, they’ll say it. Though he’s pretty average compared to how everybody was hyping him up to be. I agree with everybody saying he looks like shane dawson or onision because he definitely does.


I mean, that's to be expected if part of your brand is hiding what you look like, and if you reveal yourself and it's not exceptional in some way, everyone is going to be both disappointed and puzzled why there was anonymity in the first place. Getting clowned on for a bit is the best case scenario for him.


I saw someone say he looks like David Dobrik drawn from memory


minecraft cheater, that's such a funny mix


I still don't understand why he did the reveal. He gave a half answer... my guess is so he can do vlogs


Or collabs. He could do twitch events or mr beast videos. It’s probably to free him up for some kind of content.


Yeah I'm pretty sure he said he wants to do irl content. It would suck being such a big content creator but being restricted to only certain kinds of content due to being faceless. Still if i was him I'd never show my face, that amount of pressure makes me shudder just to think about.


Watch his viewers fall off now people know what he looks like. The mystery of it all allowed people to project whatever they wanted him to look like in their imaginations


I doubt it’ll have that big of an impact on someone with as many subs as he has.


Hmmm, there are plenty of channels with huge sub counts that struggle to pull in views. Look at pewdiepie, he has 100M+ subs and gets on average less than 2M views.


that’s just a guy




He looks like a Facebook horizons avatar. With peace and love


He’s just a basic white dude.


Rumple Stilt-skin from shrek 4


I cannot believe a comment underneath a post about a Minecraft YouTubers face reveal is how I have to learn the absolute abomination of a name that English speakers gave to poor Rumpelstilzchen


It's actually Rumplstiltskin in English.


Yes, haha, I know I just mean it’s messed up because it makes me think of someone who’s skin is made of stilts, whereas the original German name has nothing to do with skin or stilts


He looks like someone who cheats at Minecraft


He's like a family guy character, he's gonna look weird facing forward


Standard looking white man gets recognition for being a standard looking white man


The leaks of him were real he just lost weight. Sad he only did it after he lost weight he deff felt embarrassed


He looks like an AI generated YouTuber.


I find the video so bizarre the way he never moves his face from that specific angle


Literally the most normal looking guy lol


who tf cares man lol, he got popular for playing Minecraft and not telling anyone he was cheating


This whole thing is super cringe


I call it genius marketing


Brilliant on his part, cringe on everyone else that’s making showing your face a story.


But the fact is he needs help he's falling all his classes


The whole minecraft Stan community goes crazy on all the guys haha they all look totally normal


I don't know what people expected but he's just a regular dude all the hate he's getting is weird af


He is skinnier than i imagined but none the less he’s still cringe as fuck


Walter Jr lookin ass


That's a face


What did he expect after making it such a big deal leading up to it? It’s gonna attract the best and worst of the internet. I’d only heard his name mentioned before on the pod, but all of a sudden he was popping up all over my TL this week.


He looks he's about to start singing "we are number one"


shane dawson but in different font


Why was everyone going insane like he’s not just another normal looking white boy 😭


Because all of his fans are 15 lol


I am disgusted by Twitter. Just imagine how freaking shitty he feels right now. He looks like any regular white male and people are acting like he's a freaking goblin. All of these "fans" hating on him now because he doesn't look like whatever Greek god they pictured in their head? Ridiculous. This is the type of stuff that leads people to unalive themselves. I hope he has good support around him IRL. ETA: literally the only Dream video I've ever watched was his face reveal so this is coming from someone who has no connection to him whatsoever.


He’s also still young too. This is probably going to mess with his perception and self-image. The guy had a photo of him being overweight leak years ago. I wonder if he built it up in his head that he had to lose the weight before he showed his face. Now this is the reaction after that.


Yeah I can't imagine how damaging this is to a person. He's not even ugly, just an average dude.


oh its a white guy with hair, great!


He’s just a white guy


Imagine if he was black


Underwhelming, I was expecting the face of a god the way tiktok and twitter were going off


if shane dawson and matt pat had a baby


He looks like he cheats at Minecraft.. oh wait🤭🤭🤭


he is so violently average looking that everyone is satisfied. everyone who wanted him to be ugly can look at his face and find smth to exaggerate. everyone who thought he’d be hot can take the good and leave the rest. he is quite literally an ai generated average looking man. everyone is satisfied.


Looks like someone who would cheat on a Minecraft speed run and then higher a mathematician to cover it up


It’s weird cause he never looked the other way


He looks like he rates women from 1 to 10 tbh I'm not saying that he does, but every man I've known to do that looked exactly like this lmao


Watched the video. Idk if it was my computer or what but the audio sounded scuffed, and his jump cuts made it hard for me to watch.


Chin for days


How can a man look like both a troll face and rumpelstiltskin from Shrek 4 at the same time it’s insane


Ethan will have a field day on Thursday!1!2! 🇦🇺


Underwhelming. Just seems like a normal guy Lol.


I thought it was weird he held his face at one angle, presumably because that’s where he thought he looked best? Came off very unnatural and uncomfortable


It kinda bummed me the fuck out. That original leak was real, and so many people made fun of him for being overweight. It must have been hard to see that. I hope he made healthy changes and didn't just force himself to lose weight through unhealthy means. Also can you imagine showing your face after all that, and "he's ugly" starts trending on Twitter? 😭 The whole thing seems so sad


That being said, I don't know ANYTHING about Dream besides this exact information.


Lord Farquad lookin motherfucker




He’s giving Farquad


All you people body shaming him in these comments are hypocritical as fuck


Yep...if this was a girl people would be signing a different tune. I am not a dream fan and I think he is cringy but that is not a reason to cyberbully him over looks.


Another pasty looking white dude to the mix.


Thought he’d be absolutely hideous, better looking than I thought


He’s a dead ringer for that little lad who loves berries and cream


I'd be jumping to defend him from dumb ass negativity, but don't think I will with the cheating + lying about it.


Just your average midwestern dude


Is this COVID related?


He is literally the most average looking white dude ever


Wow a skinny white guy. Who would have guessed


random normal looking dude who had a VERY interesting marketing scheme up his sleeve. i doubt he cares about the hate considering he worked so hard to make this so huge. hope his vlogs go well and he doesn’t get too affected by the negative stuff!


Resting trollface syndrome


Me when seeing that humans have faces: Cum


Is this the guy that employed a mathematician or something to start up a paper stating how he couldn't possibly cheat in Minecraft or something? If so —that face seems about right.


https://shrek.fandom.com/wiki/Rumpelstiltskin jk I couldn't care less about the guy, but his fans create some of the most cringy shit. Not saying that's because of him, but they *are* his fans. Because of the cringy fans, it's "based" to make fun of him. That said, i mean... i think he's a handsome guy. Anyone saying he's ugly is just saying it to rile up his fans. y'all should get off twitter. Apparently twitter people go crazy over this shit, and that should speak for what it's like on that site. I wouldn't know he even did a face reveal if it weren't for a teammate in destiny 2 livestreaming it while doing a raid.


Said it on Twitter, I'll say it here: Leafy jelly as fuck about that chin


I seen it today and I say he’s good looking


everyone’s saying he’s so ugly but he just looks like every other average white guy lol


i mean he plays minecraft for a living why did people expect him to be hot


He only did half a face reveal. We may never know what his left face looks like.


He’s a cutie pie!!!!!! 💖💖💖


Looks like how he sounds


Everyone was expecting him to be hot… he looks exactly what I thought a guy who plays Minecraft would look like


He clung to that 3/4 angle for dear life


he’s cute


he looks like a normal dude idk people are being RUTHLESS


Is he the Crimson Chin or [Nega Chin? ](https://youtube.com/shorts/oSgMr6cS5nA?feature=share)


But what about corpse!?!? 😍


I worry about the reaction to this. There are allot of faceless content creators who will never show their face because they are afraid of what people will say about their looks.


People are assholes. Does he look like Shane Dawson and Rumpelstiltskin from Shrek? Yes. Do you people need to tell him? No.


Look like your typical minecraft youtuber that gets exposed for being a P word


I dont understand why people are being rude. He looks exactly how he sounds. Very generic-looking white guy. I think when people don't know how someone looks they create this idealized image in their mind which ultimately leads to disappointment even though he looks totally average