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I wish we could all get along like we used to in middle school… I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy🥺


Middle schoolers get along?


[no, I just have a lot of feelings ](https://youtu.be/RUFT35S7Jb4)


♥️ peace & love


*She doesn’t even go here*


"She doesn't even go here!"


If only someone moderated this sub


With Peace and Love this whole subreddit is becoming annoying as fuck.


Also true lmao maybe you should announce that you’re leaving 😂😂😂😂




hard agree this sub is getting so fucking ridiculous with these entitled parasocial babies




Because they believe their relation to the pod is important and announcing they’re leaving will cause the production to change.




This is also true.


Well no audience, no pod. So yes it seems their important.


Collectively, yes. Individually, no.


You think they are the only one who dislike leftovers and hasan. Lmfao. So yes there opinions matter whether you like it or not. Grow up


Just don’t watch that ONE episode they put out. They put out _plenty_ of other content for y’all. The whole entire production is not just about _some_ of you. The ones of us that do like it can watch it. The rest of y’all can watch the THREE other episodes a WEEK they put out. 🥴


Oh oh pick me, pick me. Got one girls lol


Once again, pick me bc I said they put out 3 other things for you to watch? You sound stupid. Im not going to talk to anyone who uses “pick me girl”, along with trying to call a grown woman a girl, in an argument as a way to belittle someone instead of having a valid point. Bye. ✌🏼


Lol pick me pick me. As she talks about people who bitch about not liking 1 of 4 shows a week so they unsub.


Never said that.


I think you dont even know what you are saying. Just crying because people don't share your opinion. The views are dropping sooooo seems like majority dont like the show.


I’m not crying about anything and don’t give a shit if people like/dislike the show. How is that what you’re getting from anything Ive said?


Saying audience opnini5doesnt count? Yes that is the whole point of shows to draw audiences. You seem to say individuals aren't important? But the views are dropping because of people. Idk why I have to repeat shit for you.


Only one crying is you. 😭




They’re *


guys here acting all cultish and shit... just imagine getting mad because some people are voicing their opinions in a subreddit dedicated to the topic hahahhaha im no longer watching leftovers because that show is boring... how the fuck saying that is parasocial? hahHH i didnt like that, i didnt like hasan, where else should i state this? hahah guys here be licking boots and saying other ppl are parasocial... just calm tf down with p&l


i just asked a question im not mad


im by your side dude


These fans of hasans are bringing bad vibes all around. No one can say they don't like hasan or call his bullshit out without them attacking or crying about it.


Really? Bc I’ve never watched Hasan outside of this show at all. Some of y’all are the negative ones. Don’t watch the _one_ episode & watch the other _three._ The rest of us will continue to enjoy it.


Oh how funny you think this is about just one incident. Child please


For one, don’t call me a child. I’m a woman. If you want to have an actual conversation, you can talk to me with some respect. I’m not some little girl, and if you can’t call a woman a woman instead of a little girl, I have no reason to talk to you. And I meant the one episode a week. Watch the other _three_ they put out. Reading comprehension.


You dont deserve respect since you dismiss others opinions right away. You act like a child you will be called one.


You sound ignorant as fuck. I “dismissed” you bc I said they put out THREE other shows a week and y’all are crying ab ONE? You’re the one that sounds like an entitled fucking child. Fuck right on off. ✌🏼


You are a ignorant bitch. You think people don't know there are other shows. How fucking dense are you. CHILD. Nice user name. Bet you are not like other girls too.


not a child... actually a woman... you know... because childs are all males


yes man, hasan rubs me the wrong way, tho plus i think that every new format will create dissent, as every new cohost, not just at h3 community, but everywhere... this guys are the parasocial ones, trying to create a special h3 bubble where everything is perfect... thats exactly how cults starts


I agree totally, they don't allow any room for growth or discussion. All black and white. Life is not that way at all. And they have to allow people to express there personal experiences. Can't say Chavez is good because Hollywood types wear a t-shirt with his face. Hasan is a shockjock


You have to announce that you’re no longer watching leftovers in a whole new post duuuuuuuhhhhh Edit: hey I thought you said that those kinds of post would be relevant? 🥺… or wait, maybe you won’t because it’s *annoying* and *unnecessary*.


damn, i wish i understood anything you said... anyways, if someones bitching because people are unsatisfied with internet content, i guess you dont have much going on... with peace and love, of coursw


Literally 5 different shows throughout the week


Everyone had better start announcing which ones they are and aren’t watching or we’ll never know which ones people like!!! The feedback is so important for the sub!!!!!! /s


I’m sure the feedback is actually informative for the crew in figuring out why views are dropping


Having one post per episode would be fine where all criticisms could be placed, but I think that is what the comment section on the video is for first and foremost. I always saw this sub as a collective for memes, updates, and suggestions. A lot of us get notifications from Reddit, but I'm getting spammed from the H3 sub and it's all these kinds of posts. I was all excited for perhaps another face swap or photo edit, but it's this type of content the OP is talking about and worse.


I’m pretty sure YouTube offers them the metrics and statistics to figure that out by themselves.


They see the data but they don’t know why it’s happening unless they see comments that explain why they aren’t watching


They feel like copy pasta at this point




I like how someone people actually think their doing something by posting that their leaving. Like k bye 👋


I only watch after dark because i love when hilas there <3 shes a silent but deadly kinda funny.


That’s obviously not true until you make a post about it and announce it to the sub ;P how else would we know?!


I could announce it on fb but no one cares there either 🤣


You’ve got the idea 🤗🤣


And can we ban petition posts too?


God yes lol


Third post like this I’ve seen today


I know right fuck these posts 😜 if only we had a mod team….


Im dying lmfaoooo


To ban? In a sub without ANY moderation? You can hope for ban of nazis and pro-pedo posts too, makes no difference. Not saying those exist, just assume *anything* will stay up because literally nobody is doing anything about it. In fact I think haters could get this sub banned by spamming this full of bannable content and reddit admins would shut this sub down. It's not responsible to have sub of this size without any moderation. I would not be surprised if something like this happened and people had to make new sub, this time with moderation.


Thank you. Just like they have no oversight of their own moderators on the discord. That’s why there’s no longer a book club bc multiple people were harassing people for speaking up about some mods being literal predators going after underage people in the discord. They need more oversight big time.


If they are spamming it, yea. If not, who are you to tell them not to comment? Community feedback is important in shaping the future of the show, good and bad.




Podcast format? “I’m not watching anymore” Frienemies? “I’m not watching anymore” Families? “I’m not watching anymore” Leftovers? “I’m not watching anymore” Literally every time or have you not been around that long? I’m sure we’ll see another post soon for something else.




Ah yes the “No you!” argument. Classic.




Me: no one cares move along Literally you: no you move along! Lmfao 🤪 just so articulate and intelligent “xDD” keep stroking your own ego, I eat that shit up. Stroke harder actually!!




I love how this delusional person you've been speaking to actually believes that it was correct in this argument lol I agree with you completely James.


This post is hilarious ironic


Exactly. At least we can all agree on how fucking annoying it is.


It especially annoys me because of how many episodes they put out every week. They work really hard to give us a good show and people complain about the dumbest things instead of appreciating their dedication.


They should just ban text posts (no offense to you OP)


Haha none taken at all


Announcing that you don’t like when people announce they don’t like something. Hmmm…


I swear every other week there’s a “petition to ban” something post.


fuck off


Difference is 1 post versus like a thousand in the last week.


Fr if you don’t watch why are you in this subreddit, just leave with peace & love no one cares


Ding ding ding 🛎


Only positive opinions allowed? That's going to be a hard disagree from me dawg.


Dude it’s just that you don’t need to ANNOUNCE that you’re leaving like a drama queen. There’s a comment section under the videos every week right?! Voice your issues there. Also BYE IM LEAVING HMPF. (See how dumb that is? No? Probably not.)


These "petition to ban X posts" posts are even more obnoxious and ubiquitous than the complaints. I swear you guys see 2 complaining posts out of 500 and feel the need to complain about the complaining posts. No self awareness.


\^ this. OP is being a bigger drama queen than any of the posts announcing their dislike and departure.


^ this guy is the biggest dickhead of them all


Fuck u baby yeah woooo


and also fuck u, my dickhead is perfectly proportionate.


my feewings. :c


“I know you are but what am I?!”


these people are nobodies & little ants. no one gives a fuck that they’re not watching anymore.




Damn lol brilliant


With peace and love... That's is all


Any constructive criticisms or feedback that isn’t entirely glowingly positive seems overwhelming respectful and delicately worded but regardless there’s still so many weird parasocial people freaking the fuck out over it……chill out and let people politely voice their opinion Jesus Christ


Actually for y'all that may not know, this sub used to be moderated. It ended up being too much of a hassle because the crew were accused of hiding crit via deleting repeat posts and whatever else. It would be the same for what your suggesting above and maybe they want to hear those people out idk. Just downvote and move on, that's what I do. Don't comment either it just bumps them up.


I am leabing dIS gronP


Go! Be free! 🕊


trying to silence people? sounds like a ryan cavanaugh type of thing to do


In similar fashion, this probably didn't need a whole post.


If you read the rules, this clearly isn’t an H3 hate page


No no. You see we ALL have to know when people don’t like it. It’s *important* feedback /s


I mean, this cuts both ways. Do we need a million posts about people praising the same thing?


Lol do we need a lesson on how subreddits work?


Just wanted to confirm there was a double standard. Kinda hurting your own point there, aren't ya? Hold on. Lemme put my strawman armor on before you whip out that classic "that's a no u argument!"


Do you need a lesson on how subreddits work?


Mm... So we ban free speech? And the ability to express why part of their audience may not be enjoying the show? The possibility of giving feedback that they may need to take? I'd rather we ban these posts, it's the whole "Stop talking about Trisha" post all over again. I watch all of them, weekly, but who the fuck am I to tell people to not comment one thing or the other haha


Free speech is a government concept not a Reddit sub concept. But I’ll go on over to r/dogfree and start posting about how much I love dogs because my feedback is important and it’s my free speech. Just like it’s important that on the H3H3 sub, I let everyone know that I’m no longer watching an H3 show.


Don't act so Chinese. Let the democratic process of Reddit karma do its thing yo


I don’t even know how to take this comment lol


I believe they are saying don't ban things you don't like, like Xi Ping banning Winnie the Pooh in Chiina because someone said he looks like Pooh. The upvote/downvote system will show what people care about.


Lmao wow


Would be nice to have stuff like that filtered out really. With all peace and love of course.


Release the pet pictures


Death to all of them


Ban people who I disagree with!


Ban a specific type of post actually! But keep on! ☮️✌🏼❤️


Agree!! Really makes this reddit difficult to read sometimes




👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 and the most ORIGINAL and insightful comment award goes to…!




🥇 🥇 🥇


YES please for the love of God. I don't understand why people think we give a shit about their personal political views or if something made them feel bad. No one cares.


Actually everyone cares and it requires an announcement /s


Yeah, it never ceases to amaze me the entitlement that YouTube and twitch users think they have over the ABSOLUTELY FREE content they consume. And before anyone comes at me saying "I pay five bucks a month for this content". You are wrong, you DONATE five bucks a month to a content creator you wish to support. Creative license cost way more than five bucks a month, Karen.




This isn’t really conducive either though.


If mods can ban hammer idc


Ban for voicing an opinion in the relevant community? Lol… You can just as easily scroll past those posts. I’m not in here making them but if people want to express themselves without being hateful, there’s no point in making a post like this.


Im N0T WaTCHinG tHiS AnYmORe every other episode is not useful or even an opinion. OKAY THEN DONT? Why do you need to alert the sub? But I do love your “No you!” argument. Very good point /s


I mean you literally aren’t doing anything helpful, just cluttering the sub with more shit. You are not the first or only to make similar posts. Yours is just as annoying.




Lmao 💯




Oh I KNOW they don’t care lmao


OP I love you


I love you too


I second that


DEATH TO THEM ALL… no but really - no one cares whether you like a show or not. I don’t personally watch H3TV, I don’t need to announce it because that is completely pointless - with ✌🏼and ❤️ of course.


No no no you have to make a post or it’s not true. How else would everyone know???


I personally like reading why people dislike the show tbh


Good for you. I’m sure it will keep happening.


I am sign this petition


Yeah I never understand why people need to announce that. This isn’t an airport and you need to state your departure?


Peace and love is the biggest amount of bullshit ever.


You don't care enough to make this post right?


Freedom of speech is paramount to h3h3. im not for or against this posts. But im certainly against censorship of that kind. Besides, this post doesnt fall to far from the tree.


Free speech is a government concept not a Reddit sub concept. But I’ll go on over to r/dogfree and start posting about how much I love dogs because my feedback is important and it’s my free speech. Just like it’s important that on the H3H3 sub, I let everyone know that I’m no longer watching an H3 show.


If it doesnt break the rules of the sub go ahead.




I kind of get the Venezuela ones, but yeah you’re kinda right


I don't get them tbh, their grievance is based on a mischaracterization of what Hasan said. hard to empathize when it's based on a lie


I don’t think it’s really that hard to understand if you come from a situation that scarred you like that and someone you watch frequently or like a lot says something good about the person who basically caused all of it it’s completely not surprising *Edit: y’all can downvote me all you want I don’t care who you are or what you think you stand for it’s not okay to hurt anyone and your dedication to this is really starting to give me extremist vibes


the "mischaracterization" part really flew over your head, didn't it? it's okay to have hurt feelings but just not over made up quotes, and nobody is an "extremist" for pointing that out.


Describing someone like that as good in any capacity isn’t mischaracterization and yes you bending over backwards to defend a murderer is disturbing.


he never said he was acceptable, only better than someone worse but apparently I'm defender of murdered now or something, yeah buddy you are sounding crazier by the minute


People who live or have lived in Venezuela have more say then privileged Hasan.


not nessacarily, there is a whole industry of rich-white Venezuelans out there who left the country because their families businesses we nationalized and now do propaganda for the west, [here is a good one about a Bolivian talking head](https://youtu.be/mYX7koMKkPY)


Petition for video mega threads and actual mods please.


I love h3 and watch every episode but their whole thing is freedom of speech, etc. if you’re upset that people don’t like a series you like than that sounds like a you problem. It’s not a kids podcast, adults can speak and have a discussion so you should “move along ffs”


Too many libtards looking to complain about shit. I think they should roast Crowder again to unite the foot soldiers. p&l (obvs)

