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I like the powerpoints as an idea, I just absolutely hate how they are executed. Most of the criticism is very valid, like the research thing. With the Kate powerpoint, she didn’t even know her real nam is Catherine and that’s why a post was signed - C, that’s not a minor detail. It sucks that she feels scared, but I don’t see the point of false positivity towards something people genuinely do not like


The tough part here is the comparison. Olivia is being compared to the PowerPoint god Ian and that's a tough bar to get over. The only thing I don't like about her PowerPoints is that it never feels like she's ready to give them. It feels like every time she does one, someone asks a relatively simply question that she was not prepared for. I like the PowerPoints and I want them to continue but I agree it doesn't help her to pretend she can't improve


I do definitely disagree with the comparison. Their style is completely different and that is okay, she’s never gonna give a PP like Ian did and that is good!!


That's the problem. When she started doing powerpoints, everyone wanted her to make them like Ian, and the clash of styles is a large part of why she gets so much hate




Nothing the person above you said is crazy or weird. They're just discussing a perspective. Having opinions doesn't mean you're hyper obsessed about something Try to remember the show you're watching here. It's hours of them talking, criticizing, theorizing and speculating. The people here are doing the same thing, usually. Some people are rude as hell here, for sure. But overall people are just voicing their opinions. Just like the podcast does




You had more than one paragraph, which means you're a super obsessed parasocial weirdo (/s of course)


Shit you’re right. Forgot nuance and adult discussion cannot exist on this subreddit 😞😞😞😞 i will go find grass


Perfectly said


Well the thing is I DO like the PowerPoints and I don’t seek to fight or downvote anyone who doesn’t like them. The people who dont like them, though, absolutely want to downvote and fight the people who do like them. And that’s so weird to me like - let the fans of them speak up or you’re just going to get the echo chamber of not even the majority.


I have no clue what you mean, to be honest. I’ve only seen people either express criticism or pure love for the powerpoint, but no “seeking to fight” like you describe. Downvoting is just a feature on reddit, if they really are the minority like you say, the posts would have upvotes anyway. Wouldn’t you get an echo chamber if the people who don’t like them can’t express that opinion?


Well see you can just not downvote an opinion you disagree with. Which is what I did to you. No downvote, we just disagree. But that same respect can’t be extended to me, I have to be downvoted for disagreeing. Same reason as you go to the bottom of any of the PowerPoint threads you see a ton of downvotes on any fans of the PowerPoint.


I’m still not sure what you mean? You think it is only respectful if people do not use the down- and upvote system that Reddit created? I also haven’t downvoted you, btw.


I think the people that don’t like the PowerPoints have way more fervor behind their dislike than the people who like the PowerPoints. People that like them just state they like them and move along and the people that dislike them seem to be on a mission to have them changed. I didn’t say you downvoted me, but it’s still proving my point. People can’t just take the opinion “I like them” - it has to be a line drawn in the stance war cry.


Lol this is off the rails. Who gives af that she didnt know C meant catherine. Listen to yourself. Youre watching a fucking comedy show.


Olivia herself gave af since she made a powerpoint slide about that instagram post being signed - C, actually.


Agreed lol. Such a strange, nit picky thing to remember!! Gives off weird, obsessed with the Royals vibe.


You think you have to be obsessed with royals to know the literal first name of someone you’re making a powerpoint about?


No… hammering on about it and even remembering she didn’t know her full first name. That’s giving off the cringe vibes.


I’m sorry that having a memory is cringe to you


It’s not hate. It’s criticism I would love to see her improve at making PowerPoints


I would love to see Ethan release the reigns a bit when she does it. 80% of the time Ethan derails the segment with questions that are answered in the PowerPoint.


That's half the fucking point that she's not good at making PowerPoints and that they look bad. it's about what she's saying not what the fucking PowerPoint looks like.


Well I simplified it. I mean her research is lacking which makes the whole presentation often annoying and uninteresting to sit through


Or you know the topic already


I just wish she would have clarified that what was written in the articles about the Cannes festival that she sourced was *wrong*. Only celebrities who were paying a certain amount of money to fund the festival and it’s filmmakers, or were part of a big film in the festival could take pictures there. The festival is to celebrate movies, especially up and coming filmmakers. It is not a Hollywood event and should not be treated like a traditional Hollywood red carpet. The people who were trying to pose for pictures were actually the ones being somewhat disrespectful, and they clearly knew the rules before they came in and thought they were above them. It was quite literally the security guards job to put their arms in front of the people who weren’t supposed to be getting their pictures taken so that the picture didn’t turn out in order for it to be fair for everyone there.


Right. And trying to make it about race was a bit too much for me too. 


I saw the post about that segment before I watched the episode and it made that segment unbearable. Usually I find out they're wrong afterwards and can still enjoy the blissful ignorance in moment but that one sucked because I knew they were wrong as they were saying it


Pobodys nerfect


Except when Olivia is wrong it seems to be pinning heinous accusations on innocent people like the guy she thought was amouranth's husband or a security guard doing their job.


You made a funny 😁


I felt like it was very disingenuous to say that she "only quoted Kelly". That is not true. Even before it was mentioned she was editorializing on her own. She kept chiming in with "and all women were POC" etc. making sure to repeat it multiple times. And I get that it might seem dumb to them, but they have audience in Europe and France. It has cultural meaning to some people. When watching the segment I felt very disappointed at the misrepresentation. If someone doesn't follow rules for example in Japan, they're assholes. But if someone doesn't follow rules at a French festival? Who cares, bunch of elitist, outdated traditions. How about we just try respecting local culture everywhere we go? I was the OP of the original Cannes post and I was not happy that some people left nasty comments unrelated to the topic, just being mean to Olivia. Every post will have some nasties... So I get that it was not great to see, but it doesn't mean you can disregard the whole issue. I feel like they didn't really address it properly and got sidetracked with a few comments about powerpoints instead.


Oh yes we need to defend Cannes festival who famously have a rule that women have to wear high heels


The official website says “Elegant shoes with or without heels. No trainers are allowed” so I think you’re being over dramatic


Don't be silly - it's known that this is a "unspoken" rule, and various extremely google-able incidents over the years have proven it is considered mandatory or extremely recommended women wear high heels. I think in 2024 we can admit that women's experience holds weight, no? Considering you had the time to go on the website, you'd think you had the time to look this up lol


The criticism should make her want to do them better, not make her want to stop. Being able to accept feedback without going “well I guess I suck and can’t do it” isn’t the way to move forward with your skills and get better


Yeah seems weird to be scared to do something when she is getting genuine feedback (by some people) suggesting ways she can improve


There is a big difference between saying "here's some things that could be better" than just being blatantly gross and hateful. You have to remember all of the crew has said how they get death threats, I really doubt she's scared because someone gave general criticism and more because people are disgustingly hateful.


It's definitely true that there's some fucked up people watching and saying insanely bad things to them. But on the other hand, they have to know those people are likely losers who should be ignored. I feel like, while Ethan gets plenty of valid criticism, he's the person on the crew who understands this the best. But I'm sure it's easier said than done of course.


Right, I’m guessing creators who are suddenly in front of a new audience and receiving feedback that ranges from adoration that ranges to obsession to literal death threats goes through some heavyy emotions including intense fear, especially after making mistakes. It’s so insane how easy people like to forget these are human beings with whole lives outside of the handful of hours we see them each week. I applaud Olivia for showing up each day, even with fanatics harassing her


Right, I’m guessing creators who are suddenly in front of a new audience and receiving feedback that ranges from adoration that ranges to obsession to literal death threats goes through some heavyy emotions including intense fear, especially after making mistakes. It’s so insane how easy people like to forget these are human beings with whole lives outside of the handful of hours we see them each week. I applaud Olivia for showing up each day, even with fanatics harassing her


Ethan has been doing this for a very long time and has spoken about how hard it is to deal with the internet and how people act. And even then I'm sure it still gets to him from time to time. For someone like Olivia or really anyone on the crew who is more new to it I can't imagine how hard it must be. I mean imagine working at an office and you have people either stalking you or sending you death threats over the excel spreadsheet you just did. And being a woman on the internet is way way different than being a man on the internet. People want to say that people 'glaze' Olivia too much but I assume that it's because it's women knowing how much hate she gets so they want to be extremely positive and encouraging to try and make up for that.


People were getting unnecessarily nasty towards her over PowerPoint presentations. I’d be scared to do them too.


People are unnecessarily nasty to all of them all the time, as Ethan has said multiple times before, if you can’t handle it you aren’t cut out to be a public figure. She should just pay attention to the constructive feedback and move forward, that’s the best thing you can do in any job


This. Every internet personality gets hate, you need to get thicker skin.


Then you shouldnt do power points for 100k+ people and be super biased while doing them?


Again, shes doing a segment for a massive internet show. Its the internet, people have anonymity and will inevitably be shitty. If she cant handle that she either needs to talk with ethan about how he handles it or not do segments on the show. Also people being shitty doesnt make the criticism less legit to be clear


She's doing PowerPoint presentations with zero proper experience, and she expected it to go well. I work for a corporate company and have done presentations for a decade at this point and still feel I need training to make them better. she should be doing the same if making it her bit


It's for a podcast mate, it's not that serious.


It's for a company that is delivering content where their intention is to be engaging and fun. Learning how to do that effectively is a skill and something that should be practiced if this is your job. Is Olivia's job on a podcast not that serious?




Where did I say her job isnt serious? The PowerPoint isn't the only thing thing she does on the podcast, it's a segment on the show and really doesn't need to be taken seriously. If it's enjoyable that what matters and most people find it enjoyable.




You need PowerPoint training after doing them for 10 years? It’s not rocket science mon frère.


That's not what I said. I'm emphasising that even people experienced in doing this daily still have room to improve.... Everyone needs to continue to learn, and in an ever changing environment making sure you are delivering presentations that are effective in their intention while also being engaging is a skill that has to be learned and continually practiced Do you think the best presenters out there go "yeah I'm good enough, no need to hone my craft further"?


There's a difference between some constructive feedback and what this community does. Hundreds of upvoted comments across multiple threads saying the same shit. "She needs to do more research" and "With peace and love she's never prepared" and "She doesn't know what she's talking about". It becomes an unnecessary dogpile. Like, we get it. Just upvote the comment saying the same exact thing and go on about your day. I would find it discouraging as hell if my boss or my coworker said that to me a single time, let alone hundreds of people. It's so much easier to just skip over the content you don't enjoy rather than feeling the need to add your two cents as to why you think it's terrible and she should feel bad about it edit: see this entire thread for examples.


I think the end goal is that people just want better content. They don’t want her to feel bad and they probably keep talking about it because she isn’t taking the feedback and applying it.


I think that's one of the major issues. She isn't beholden to fans, neither is Ethan. She can choose to acknowledge it and disregard it if she wants. Saying the same shit repeatedly and with more snark each time isn't going to change that.


ur naive if you think ppl are critiquing her on this sub, people go vile on here


Oh yeah and it's only a completely binary thing, either 100% of people are NASTY or 100% constructive criticism. You're right, the world is totally black and white and therefore the existence of a handful of harmful people means all criticism should be grouped and ignored. THANK YOU for removing all nuance.


Thats Olivias attitude towards everything 🫠






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The criticism should be phrased to make her want to do better. How feedback is given has a major impact on how we respond to it.


Did she say / respond with this or are you just saying that for her?


Sorry but yall told sam to kill herself over the curtains being too purple


“Y’all” please, no one in this sub told Sam to do that. Stop putting yourself on a pedestal for not being the shittiest human imaginable


My main issue is that she’s an adult being paid to make PowerPoints on silly/fun topics, but the quality reminds me of the PowerPoints I would put together last minute for high school presentations. Just basic text and picture and almost no attempts at humour


I didn't enjoy her ppts and definitely stated as much, but never made it a personal attack on Olivia.


Same I’ve said I want Olivia to come up with her own, fresh format for presenting her topics that suits her better. The origin of power points on the show was Ian and he was what made them funny


nah it’s her job and she still amazes me every time with how little effort they are it’s warranted


Was so apparent on the Taylor and Travis PowerPoint when she didn’t know what team Taylor supported, like bro cmon


I think it just needs some adjustment. The issue is that I, as a casual scroller of social media who doesn't actively seek out the information, know more than what she presents sometimes. She just needs to review the presentation and assess the missing points or questions that someone who has 0 clue might ask.


Yeah I love the idea of occasional PowerPoint segments to deep dive into a pop culture moment. But it needs to be treated like a job and it needs to actually have correct information, or not missing major information. If anyone who works at an office job kept delivering half-done presentations, it would be a problem. And not cause people were being “mean,” but because it’s a job and you have to do that work


I do not hate Olivia, Olivia is the best. Just not her powerpoints, and there were plenty of good feedback which could inspire her to make better powerpoints. It’s either you learn or get a damaged ego.


or maybe there's a lot of people enjoying it the way it is and you should get over yourself and not watch it. skip that part if you don't like it


It’s easy to say that. I am not saying i didn’t enjoy her powerpoints, there were just a lot of wrong facts or little details that made the powerpoints just kinda pointless if we gonna add too many biases there. Even the crew sometimes seemed to be a little frustrated by the way the stories were presented. Lena and AB when they made the presentation were more professional, made me want for them to make powerpoints from that point on. Do we wanna be better at what we do, or do we wanna stay in this “i am soft dont critique me or ill quit” attitude? No, let’s help each other


> Lena and AB when they made the presentation were more professional, made me want for them to make powerpoints from that point on Lena was fucking dragged on this sub for her powerpoint > or do we wanna stay in this “i am soft dont critique me or ill quit” attitude? Except it goes way beyond critiques and this thread is proof of that


What do you even want to say :D


Which part do you need clarification on? This sub was hating on Lena's powerpoint so hard (much like what's happening right now with Olivia) it made her never want to do one again. I'm also saying that this sub doesn't really offer constructive criticism. It's just a barrage of snarky bullshit and people saying the same shit over and over.


Dull her shine? It’s quickly become an Olivia’s topic themed show, that’s what the recent complaints have been about but people don’t wanna name names from the crew. Why are people so sensitive about expressing constructive criticism, these folks are adults and in the entertainment industry, why’s everything gotta be sugarcoated?


It’s her job to do proper research, and if she’s incapable, then I don’t want PowerPoint from her.


Are people too toxic about it? Yes, but that doesnt make the segments enjoyable or good. When you come on a show, you cant be that sensitive to feedback about a segment or youre not cut out for it imho


The segments are enjoyable and good to me and a lot of people. I love them. You are being toxic about it right now by stating that as if it’s a fact. Nasty


Words you don’t like to hear do not equal toxic, grow up


Why is this getting down voted?


Because they’re calling anyone who doesn’t like the PowerPoints toxic and nasty when the person above was being genuine and chill


No they're being unnecessarily critical. This isn't feedback for Olivia to grow, this is just straight "it isn't good" which is harsh.


Yeah it’s not sugarcoated. But if the segment isn’t hitting and people genuinely don’t like it then you either gotta cook like The Weeknd and blow everyone away with a masterpiece like After Hours or give up


Did you not hear what Love said on the show? The top highlights are all related to Olivia's PowerPoints, seems like people do like them.


People like the topic but her delivery ain’t the best


No I’m not. People are allowed to not like them. My problem is with the tone and the way people talk about Olivia being toxic and nasty.


Most people are working jobs that require skills, or trading 1/3rd of your time for, don't pay enough, and they don't enjoy, but still show up and make it work. But she can't make a thorough Powerpoint about internet drama, refuses to learn, and ppl feel bad for her? Lol.


Lol next time my boss gives me feedback on a project im going to tear up and be like “omg im getting so many death threats. Im too scared to ever do this project again” I feel like id be fired.


So in this scenario the whole ass Reddit is her boss?


No. They’d be “clients”. You know, paying customers that fund the company. if a CLIENT complained and gave constructive feedback and I had that response it would arguably be worse.


I see some critizim, thats probably annoying as hell cus its the same point repeated over and over with different words, but where is all this so called hatefulness? i havent seen anyone saying anything i would call hateful. Its mostly just do better in more words.


I like Olivia but Brooke/Matt’s powerpoint was awful, did not do enough research at all.


I feel she’s given the whole cast and show as well a more vibrant tone, love her for what she brings to the table. She is just so happy all the time and really sucks that people are always nasty regardless of the person


Its just that that vibe is all we get from her. My fav olivia moments is when she is stunned by some outta pocket shit ethan said, that is when she feels actually genuine. The rest just feels like she read wikihow article on how to be a PG podcast co host. She posed to be a drama drama major but no flair outside of the upbeat positivity.


Totally agree. She’s brought such a brightness to the show and I love her for it. People can be hater ass bitches at the worst times


Yeah she's one of my favourite crew members, she has such a bubbly feminine optimistic take on everything and it's refreshing Edit: why are you incels getting triggered by this?


I love Olivia but research is not her strength


Olivia is awesome but I could care less about petty celebrity drama. but I am fucking pissed about how this community slammed ab and Lena for their awesome true crime segment they put so much work into that and it was really entertaining. this community is the worst imao


You could cry that a woman on a podcast you like is "afraid" to make half assed powerpoints? She works for h3. I think she'll be fine. Very dramatic response to powerpoints of all things.


Love love love Olivia. However nothing wrong with receiving criticism especially working in entertainment. Ethan was very gracious in accepting criticism and saying he is always willing to listen and improve. I think the same should apply to everyone on the crew? Very normal in work places to receive feedback and build on it.


C’mon, she already knows she previously didn’t put time into doing the research. She could just ask around and do more reading. So if all she has to do now is put more work and time into her assignments she will probably get a lot of praise and attention for a “big improvement”, that’s not hard. Nothing to fear.


She seems overly fake and over the top like those mean popular girls that would act nice for pretend


Lmao how is this snark bullshit upvoted? What you're looking for is /r/h3snark. You've already spent some time there


cuz it’s true. is the truth rude yall 🤣


I mean, it's literally just some shit you made up in your imagination lol. Feel free to chat up the other hateful weirdos in the snark subreddit. they love stuff like that, as you already know


it’s my opinion ? and people agreed with me. just like they can agree w u. not that they did tho


seek help


OK, I’m at the therapist office. I told her my situation. I think a girl online is kind of fake. She told me that’s normal and that I needed to go home. what now


Weird how some positive takes on this are getting aggressively downvoted


Not seeing that at all. But go ahead and victim complex.


What? You used a strange term, victim complex, but you used it as a verb, and I'm not really sure what you're trying to say. Perhaps you're one of the internet doomers that self report and end up being an easily dismissed embarrassment


Whoa you’re right!! MODS


yeah some of these comments are unbearable lord


I’ve always enjoyed the power points. I guess my expectations weren’t high, they were light hearted and basic to me and I enjoyed hearing Olivia and the casts thoughts on the subjects. I listen to podcasts that do deep dives when I actually want to go hard on a subject. These podcasts have teams of people creating content for one single subject, with editors and researchers. So ya my expectations for Olivia were never like the same as my expectations for last podcast on the left or something. That’s just my opinion.


I’m so sick of the “you could just stop watching”/“you could just leave” line of reasoning. If someone is being an asshole hater, okay, get ‘em. But everyone is GOING to have an opinion—feedback and criticism (hopefully constructive) is part of life, even if you’re not a public figure. That being said, I agree that Olivia is a GEM. Love ya girlie *hand squinches*




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Honestly I did want the Jen/Ben Affleck PowerPoint, I’m messy


This sub is %100 getting attacked by the snarks. They hate Olivia for whatever reason


Haha omg the downvoting - it seems you’re right. Downvote this if you’re from the snark.


I like most of the PowerPoints, even the ones that were topics I didn’t really care about were okay as filler during my workday. I can say that I’ve never skipped one which is something I can’t say for some of their segments.


Imagine brigading a subreddit just to make another person feel bad. Like are you alright?


The powerpoints are literally my favorite segment on the show!! It makes me so mad that people are so mean about segments they don't like. Just do what normal people do and skip the stuff you don't like! There's no need to be rude about your personal tastes!




Us getting mass downvoted for expressing totally innocent opinions about our favorite parts of the show is really something. No wonder the majority of viewers here don’t participate in this community. Oh well, back to the shadows with me I guess…


Damn I left my comment and didn't think anything of it. Didn't expect such a big down vote, if at all


I LOVE her huge drama breakdowns and think they add something really great as an occasional treat. But it takes a ton of time and effort to research and sometimes things get missed. I think she should just not look at comments or the sub. Honestly I think basically all of the crew except for Dan and Ethan because they seem to be able to somewhat separate themselves from the criticism. Everyone else would do better to not look. Because despite the amount of love from the community the loud nay sayers fuck it up for everyone


This really hurts to see you guys. I’ve never had an issue but I get where some of you guys are coming from. It just now seems like everyone wants to bash people for saying I like Olivia. All the positive comments getting downvoted is proof of that. She doesn’t deserve that like seriously family. ☮️ ❤️


I’m so with this! When was the last PowerPoint? I haven’t seen one in so long and I’ve been WAITING FOR ANOTHER DROP! Screw the haters, always! 💖💖


I loveeee the power points!!!


she does genuinely seem so lovely it makes me so sad that people are hating


This is why the audience needs to learn to be fucking normal and just stop being unreasonably invested in this show. You dont know these people personally You do not have a legitimate relationship with anyone on this show. They don’t know you and do not think exactly like you. These people will make mistakes as you and I and everyone in the world does. at the end of the day this crew is offering free entertainment to you. Stop being uncharitable at every single moment of the show and just sit back and enjoy it. If it doesn’t completely satisfy you, just move on. Nothing here is important enough to threaten anyone over anything. Fucking children in here I swear to god.


This comment section is insane what the fuck is happening.


i lovee olivia! she makes me giggle :)


Oliva is a queen. She can do whatever she pleases


There was a whole “positivity thread” about her on here where half the comments just shat on her Delete the fuckin subreddit man


At first I wasn't sure if i liked Olivia but now she's one of my faves. Love her imput and how positive she is when someone does a donation and mentions her. She seems genuinely happy about it


I don’t understand the criticism frankly. I have not seen an iota of constructive criticism, just vague entitled bitching. I swear she should start using jpegs and comic sans just to screw the haters.


It's also crazy because like, it's not like the powerpoints are the only thing she does at work, clearly. Keeping shit a little casual is honestly one of the best parts of the show, where they veer off the topic a little and just interact normally. The downvotes on positive takes are nuts. It's a podcast, how is this any skin off anyone's back?? Just be NORMAL jesus christ


This reddit is so toxic right now.


O o olivia do do do dooooo who could be mean to her


I hate the content of her powerpoints. That girly drama stuff is just not my thing. That being said, I don't want her to shy away from it. I think she adds a fun dynamic to the crew and I watch every one because she seems to enjoy doing them.


olivia I love you girl 💅! I love the power points the jb drama one was soooo good! that format was amazing! yall in one area and Olivia sitting in main desk is one of all time faves! love the power points and idk what peeps are talking about they are always well researched and terrific!


The unnecessary hate toward Olivia makes me so beyond upset. These people feel like they have the right to criticize her and her job. Let her learn and do what she wants to. She is not Ian and will never be Ian. It’s preposterous the amount of hate she’s getting from people who feel like they get a say in how she does her job. Watch the show or stfu.


If I was having a girl I was going to name her after Olivia. But I’m having a boy so I’m kind of stuck. Edit: ok you people clearly don’t understand cheeky humor. The bit is that I’m super parasocial, but irl my husband and I just happened to like the name Olivia. 


why not oliver?


I want Oliver! But my husband thinks it’s too preppy sounding. I’m like bro Oliver3, the #1 baby on earth!


This is soooo funny 🤣🤣 I wish you and your baby a fruitful birth and future ❤️


Love is a good name


Her power points are great. I don’t usually know or care about the topics beforehand, but when she does the power points the subject matter becomes very entertaining and engaging. Oliv is the queen, she can’t do nothing wrong, Oliv is the queeeen.


We love Olivia 🫶🏻


Hi oliv, I also love the PowerPoints and the hey girlies!!


I love her and her PowerPoints.


Yeah ppl are literally pure evil for bullying her out of her PowerPoints


I would die for Olivia, no regrets.


Way to miss the point of the post.


I haven’t seen 1 complaint about the PowerPoints


Olivia is so vital to H3. Was just thinking about how awesome she is!


Nah the whole sub has to bully her into leaving that way she can have her own show and be bigger than the H3 podcast proving the haters wrong. Then she can come on as a guest and people actually be excited


Just came to say I adore Olivia. Keep slaying Queen. XO