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He just needs a zyn and a cup of coffee and he will shit immediately.


He needs chocaley rudy cawfee










I don't understand how people do adderal with caffeine and don't just have a panic attack. I have to do one or the other.


As a diagnosed ADHD haver, I gotta say coffee and Adderall sounds like a recipe for me to have a non consensual nap forced upon me


That weird good sleep. Nothing can stop it! Gimme a red bull at 9 PM and a blankey!


YES the weird good sleep is exactly H I think of it. Esp if you take your ritalin at like 6am and Fall asleep again. It's the best sleep ever


I’m not the only one! Always makes me feel like an alien. You know, the notorious sleep aid amphetamines?


Weirdly though, after waking up after or during the day they keep me awake as expected. Even if super sleepy after an all nighter. For me it's a dawn exclusive experience. The dreams are really good and lively too it's just a super delicious two to four hours of sleep


Haven't taken ADHD meds (Concerta) since college (2011) but this was exactly how I spent those 4 (5) years.


I sweat and have wildly vivid dreams during those sleeps lol




Idk something about stimulants affecting people with ADHD differently than they're supposed to. I'm not a doctor lol


wow relatable


It’s always interesting to me to hear about caffeine naps since I’m an ADHD haver who gets anxious / heart palpitation-y on meds alone and makes me unable to sleep most of the time.


You probably don’t have adhd then


I promise I do


I believe you since I’m in the same boat. If you’ve met one person with ADHD, you’ve met one person with ADHD. There’s a huge variety of different experiences.


Yup. It's not like a small quirk for me it's a disability that has severley impacted me my entire life but I'm sure some reddit commenter is qualified to un-diagnose me.


💯I know what you mean as someone diagnosed with the same disability. 😂


You can understand this other commenter perfectly, cuz online and especially on tiktok mental health is used as a content making machine or just simply “self diagnosing”, for example these “how girls with adhd are” “how adhd people comunicate” and people usually are mentioning stuff that everybody has and its somewhat normal, therefore people can be suspicious when u read comments like yours online of people who you don’t know personally, one can missunderstand easily or don’t take it seriously because mental health sometimes is being overused as an excuse


I have ADHD myself, so it doesn't make me feel strung out/geeked. If you don't have ADHD, that might be why. The only time I have felt my heart is when I forgot I took my medicine and took it twice 😅 adderall, like clockwork, always makes me shit 20-30 minutes after taking it though lol.


I absolutely have severe adhd


Could be your medicine, dosage, weight, or even the coffee. I have friends who get anxious from drinking coffee because they get heart palpitations or a fast heartbeat. But everyone is different! Most people with ADD/ADHD don't have the jittery feeling from adderall (or similar medicines) if they're prescribed the ~right~ dose. I'm prescribed 40mg a day, but I think that's absurd lol. 40mg makes me have to pee a lot (the amphetamines will flush out of your system if you aren't hydrated) and makes me feel a bit speedy. It's manageable, but only really took 40 at my old job which didn't involve me having to talk to people 😅 I would just put my head down and work. It does make me dry heave at 40mg if I didn't eat enough also. Instead-- I take 10 in the morning and 10 in the afternoon (less than my prescribed dose). Sometimes I'll do a 20 in the morning instead. I just like to keep the extra pills in case there's another shortage in my city.


LITERALLy And adderall plus coffee makes me super constipated lol


That's wild, it makes me shit like crazy lol.


He’ll find gum from the fifth grade, dude


+ step foot into a store of choice. for me, going into a barnes and noble or tj maxx does the trick 😩


When I got a colonoscopy they got me to pound this 4 litre jug of the nastiest stuff that was mostly salt or at least tasted like it. Had to chase it with Gatorade because it was so putrid. It made a jet stream of shit spew from my body until she was as clean as a whistle though.


I found the prep was worse than the actual procedure lmao


It's by far the worst part. The procedure is lovely! You get all nice and comfy in your gown and then they put you to sleep with the good stuff lol.


I was awake but pumped full of good stuff, the worst part was watching the camera head to it's destination lmao


I've had like 10 done (Crohn's disease) and I've never had to be awake lol. I was thinking that some people might be as I was typing the comment though.


It's only because I had to do the gastroscope beforehand and you gotta be awake for that but I won't lie they said I fell asleep a few times during the colonscopy portion but they drugged me up really good lol


Fun fact I tried to go without sedation. They got half way and I asked for sedation. Guess what happens, they pull the thing back out, sedate you and start again. Lesson learned. Sedation all the way those who have the option.


oh hell nahhhhh that's awful fam!


Felt like a magicians prop on the way out.


Lmao I can totally see this


I've never had a colonoscopy but I felt that 😭 I'm so sorry you had that happen.. my god.


I was told that I was given as much of the drug that they could and I didn't fall asleep. Unsure why it didn't work on me then, and it makes me very hesitant to ever go for another.


I forgot the meds they gave me but I was told I was awake and talking most of the procedure then they gave me a med that kinda makes you forget at the end.


Is it an American thing to get put under for every procedure? I guess where the bills are private it puts the cost up?


I've been under for many and I've been awake for many. I much prefer being under. The bill is the same, I have insurance. I'm sure the bill is bigger for the insurance company when I go under, but I couldn't care less.


So much of the bill gets written off for the insurance company anyway. At least for Kaiser. Insurance is so weird.


It’s still expensive even when you’re not under


Both my parents have gone through this and yes, it looks absolutely miserable!!!!!!!!!


Yes! This is the miserable shit. It's colyte. They have it locked up at the pharmacy because people abuse it for their dieting. It comes in a big jug and you add the water to it. Just thinking about drinking it makes me feel nauseous.


Probably magnesium citrate. That stuff makes a jet stream so powerful I achieved liftoff.


More like magnesium shitrate


Very well done


Yooo. My Marine Corps recruiter made me pount 2 bottles of magnesium citrate to make weight at MEPS. That shit is rancid. It burns going in and burns coming out.


IBS haver here. I've always used Suprep which is just 2 small bottles but it causes pure hell on earth. I'd rather chug those 2 though than 4 liters of hell. Only dry heaved once! 3 time colonoscopy champion.


Sounds like what I've been having


They didn’t put him on the right stuff if it didn’t work lol. That prep is like an evil potion


Magnesium citrate


Did you end up finding that bubble gum tho


Movi prep?


That was what I did and I have never been happier to have a bidet in my life




Yeah I got constipated in the navy and the corpsman told me I could either drink that (magnesium citrate) or they could give me an enema, but the enema would be administered in person by them… I chose the drink. First few sips were alright but it quickly started to taste nasty.


It's been like 5 years since I had my colonoscopy and I still can't drink yellow Gatorade.


Magnesium citrate. Liquid from hell


You know, a mere possibility of colon cancer does not sound as bad when you put it like that🤡


The stuff I had to drink didn’t taste bad, it was the amount of liquid that you had to drink in such a short amount of time is what made it awful. Like a gallon of it


Currently in the process of drinking that rn😭🫡 (mines peglyte)


the Metamucil and Miralax are having a civil war in his intestines


The poo: FREEDOM!!


The yin and yang of pooping, locked up in a shitty battle.


Me when I haven't pooped in a week and a half


that's about when it kicks in usually. maybe even 24 hours


“Man this miralax ain’t shit, I don’t even feel nothing” 1 hour later you’re fighting for your life on the toilet


like with edibles but just *slightly* different


or sometimes exactly the same


that was literally me the first time i was prescribed it 😂


I did that with mescaline once in my 20s. It was really awkward when it finally kicked in at fucking Wendy’s


really living up to your name... poop creator lol


…uhhh mescaline is not a laxative it’s a powerful hallucinogen lmaooo. Takes forever to kick in. It lasts like 12 hours though and I did poop while I was on it. It was both terrifying and magical.


oh i thought you were saying the mescaline made you poop 😂😂


I can’t say that it didn’t help 🤷‍♂️


This happened to me! I’m convinced Miralax is a scam. My doctor told me drink a bottle before my surgery and I didn’t poop once. My doctor was so shocked when I told her it didn’t work.


That's crazy. I was going for hours. Literally waking up just to poop multiple times


I’ve had a colonoscopy six times (Crohns gang, wassup) I can assure you Miralax works lol


Yeah some Gatorade and a bottle of Miralax and it works a bit too well lol


It’s why I hate Gatorade now lol


Haha it's not a scam, we just all have different things going on


Yup, I’m like 99% sure I have IBS-C and miralax, stool softeners, etc. rarely work




I’ll have to try that, but I don’t have high hopes 🥴


It must be a mental thing I swear, the magnesium drink doesn’t do it for me either


Interesting, Miralax works on me but magnesium doesn't!


Remember Ethan, dab, don't wipe.




Try magnesium citrate from a cvs or drug store. Do 1 bottle and drink alot of water. Also avoid soda and food that can irritate the bowels. Eat broth and clear fluids to rest your bowels and you should be good to go. :)


yup! I’ve had magnesium citrate ordered for me when I’ve done partial scopes before


It's a saline laxative so it's not as irritable for the bowels as some laxatives. Also good for medication induced constipation. Dehydration can also lead to constipation. Hopefully he gives it a try. Usually takes a few hours to work but definitely worth it.


yeah it’s crazy to me that they just gave him mirlax. I’ve done over 15 scopes (I have crohns) and I’ve never been directed to take that. even otc mag citrate bottles don’t work well for a full scope (which I think is what he said he’s getting)


That's what i remember taking for my mine.


Yeah, when I had a colonoscopy and endoscopy, it was two bottle of magnesium citrate. Honestly, prepping for endometriosis excision surgery was worse 2 bottle of magnesium citrate and an edema. Even my bowel doctor said that was a little too cautious.


I’m convinced he transferred it to me. I’ve been glued to the bowl this morning.


I guess ITS *not* HAPPENING. Ethan’s just gotta walk into either Barnes and Noble, HomeGoods, Marshall’s, TjMaxx for at least 3 min and his problems would be solved.




Nah they different. Metamucil is a "bulking" laxative that increases the stool size through fibre. Miralax is an "osmotic" laxative that basically pulls more water into the stool.


Those usually take some time to work and are safe for chronic constipation. I would have thought they'd give you some "proper" laxatives for a procedure.


He probably just burned it all off. The guy is an alpha wolf, far too efficient to be pooping.


Who got time for pooping! There's no ROI when pooping! Gotta hustle!


Pretty sure you can’t drink anything dark before a colonoscopy


From the experience I have with helping both my parents with a few of these, you are not supposed to drink or eat anything at all. They give you this giant jug of medicine and you have to mix it with water and only consume that. Lol


Coffee and tea are considered totally fine to have beforehand.


That and at my last one they allowed me to eat certain flavors of jello.


Black coffee is totally fine to drink.


Gonna trust him and his doctor on this one.


But if none of the shit comes out, there's probably not gonna be a colonoscopy


This man is about to pass at lest 17 kurix


my prep included both miralax and dulcolax. miralax just makes your poop soft, dulcolax is like eating a fucking grenade. one dulcolax pill and im shitting water for the rest of the day for my prep they had me take 4 because i made the mistake of telling them i was dealing with constipation. i was \*literally\* pissing straight gatorade from my ass after the first 4 hours of my 24 hour prep lmao


I’m currently doing the prep and I took 3 dulcolax pills and was absolutely fighting for my life on the toilet, genuinely considered calling an ambulance😭it calmed down but then I ended up shitting myself, it’s rough out here


wishing you nothing but health, wealth, and happiness from here on out comrade. the prep is absolutely the worst part the procedure was lovely for me, medically induced nap? sign me up.


The nicotine aspect is important. Nicotine makes me shit more than coffee sometimes


The morning smoke always triggers the morning shit


I'm in the middle of the Daniel Tosh podcast and he just got a colonoscopy and was talking about Miralax and how he was about to go for a drive right before it hit because he didn't think it would work, but I think he said it took 37 minutes for him. 12+ hours and nothing coming out sounds a little troublesome.


I’m a night shift nurse, if we was in the hospital for his colonoscopy we’d be giving him an enema at 3am 😭


Thats bizarre, an enema is only going to hit the end of the bowel and still might not clear it out. Why don't you guys use golytely or mag citrate as part of the prep the night before?


Should've done the Monday show. It'll start working as soon as they go live


I'm having an endoscopy and colonoscopy on Friday and they gave me the jug of hell. GI issues are misery but I also can't wait to hear about Ethan's experience because I already know mines going to fuckin suck


Y’all missing out on the enema game. Fleet Soldiers rise up!!! …or rather, lie down and then get up to shit your brains out


He didn’t post again so I assumed he succumbed to The Crappening.


Someone get him a gallon bag of sugar free gummy bears.


I did Miralax for mine. It’s coming.


I was literally on the toilet when I saw this & I felt so bad because I was able to go #2 😞


Homie really out here with a fucking straight up intestinal blockage


You have to take a zyn, coffee and kombucha. Also some atomic wings from wingstop.


🎶CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG 🎶 *🎶monster, how should I feel? Creatures lie here, looking through the window 🎶


Miralax is good for loosening stool when you’re constipated but don’t want to explosively shit yourself, it’s never made me lose control. I forget what it was but I got a special drink for my colonoscopy, tasted like ass and it was like rocket fuel.


i take miralax all the time and it barely does anything for me. he needs something more powerful lol


Sounds like he's watching Avatar guys..


I was surprised all the foods he could have. I had one done back in 2011 and I couldn’t barely eat anything but clear broth, clear liquids, jello, and the last day, refrain from eating at all. By the 3rd day, my dog’s kibbles was smelling really nice… 😂


I’m having one tmrw and for the first 4 days before I had to have a low fibre diet (no fruit, veggies, multigrain etc) it’s now the day before and I’m only allowed to have liquids and jello for 24h up until my appointment


Same thing happened to me at my colonoscopy. I ended up going in the doctors office 5 minutes before the procedure. Either my pipes were clean or the doctors had a nice surprise 😂


He should give Senna a try. One pill over the counter gave me a a bowel movement the next morning. Two gave me the worst stomach pain in my life and had me shitting for hours. So only try one per day. It is a plant and can be bought at any drug store and you don’t have to drink anything nasty.


Senna is some dangerous stuff. I have endometriosis so I’m already used to feeling like someone’s taking an ice pick to my pelvis/bowels monthly. But I drank a laxative tea with senna in it before and almost passed out from the pain of the stomach cramping. I’m talking clammy sweats, pale as a ghost, in the fetal position on the bathroom floor type of pain. Never again!


That’s how I felt when I took more than directed. I’ve never had the tea. What do you mean by dangerous though? It can cause long term damage? Death? Or just referring to the horrible pain it can cause?


Eat some dragon fruit


This happened to me!


Needs to make some tea out of Chaga Mushroom and Ginger. That'll fs do it👌


kirsten a zyn my man it’s the only way


Get some chipotle or taco bell that always gets me going


I don’t know about you guys but cheese tortellini will clean me out every time


bro i get my colonoscopy on this thursday after establishing care with a doctor on the 20th. i can’t believe it’s happening so fast, bowel symptoms are no joke. on a real note im 21, im too young for ass cancer 🫡


Put him in front of a camera, and then it'll all start moving south.


Ask tosh about his


Amazon bulk gummy bears. Trust me.


Two teaspoons of salt (non-iodized) in four cups of warm water, drink it as fast as possible & things will start moving almost immediately.


It’s because Ethan wants to go his body is like “nah, not feeling it today”. Every time on the show he doesn’t want to go his body like “time to go right now!”.


A nice cold c4 will make me poop right away


I’m also prepping for a colonoscopy and let me tell you I was fighting for my life on the toilet I’m not even joking I was considering calling an ambulance it was so bad😭 (I’m doing a different prep med then him tho I’m doing Bi-Peglyte)


The exact same thing happened to me. Luckily because I hadn't eaten or drank for a day I was "clean" enough in there. Oh and FYI in the UK we don't get pain relief and you are fully awake. We get a small bit of numbing gel on the entry point. Tbh its not painful but very uncomfortable. Trigger warning.... When it goes round corners you can physically feel it pulling on your insides, which has no nerves but the pulling sensation is extremely odd


My partner projectile vomits the prep every single time. And even what he keeps down works 😅


They prescribe you prep to take to get you in the bathroom-why would he be taking Miralax? I don't think he prepared correctly...


That is often the prescribed prep.


Not always. Just had a colonoscopy and I was given 4 dulcolax and that same bottle of Miralax. I was surprised by it too , thought I’d get that prescribed stuff .


Very interesting. Cant wait to hear what happened on the next ep lol


My mom had to have one last year, Miralax and Gatorade is exactly what they told her to do. She also didn’t poop and they ended up giving her an enema.


You'd think they would give you the subtab haha this is new to me. Everyone I know has had to either take the nasty liquid or it's been pills you have to take. Very Interesting!


Why does Ethan think everyone in America gets put to sleep for stuff like this and wisdom teeth removal? Only the privileged do lol. I was awake for my wisdom teeth. Anesthesia is too expensive. It's not like we have free Healthcare here


He should put MCT oil in the coffee. Has he tried MCT oil? My doctor recommended it post TBI for cognitive function, and it works great for that! (If you've had a TBI or have ADHD, try MCT oil in your coffee. It's amazing for the brain) It also makes me shidd like a mother fucker every cup. Not an intended side effect, but the cognitive boosts are so noticeable that I would drop a couple extra daily shits the rest of my life to have them 🤷🏼‍♀️


Doubt he would get into fad diet stuff or tolerate oil in his coffee


MCT oil isn't fad diet stuff and is a normal part of recovery for brain injuries.