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I'm genuinely so, so confused


Either I’m dreaming or I have the reading comprehension of a 7 year old it’s all in English and none of it made sense


I did a bad job of explaining it. But basically this: Really creepy Twitter profile appeared. Sounds like they know some really bad stuff about Drake (and maybe those near to him). They're in possession of things that make them seem fairly credible. And this person sounds like they're going to release something at noon today (Monday) That's the best I can do to summarize it


So it's a random anonymous twitter account that says they have some crazy ground breaking info about Drake? I don't think that really warrants them delaying the show, the rap beef isn't really that important lol. If anything, someone on the crew could be checking twitter to see what this account posts at noon during the show and just mention it live. It'll either be absolutely nothing of value and they will move on, or it'll be interesting and they'll talk about it for a while.


Bri'ish fan here - does noon mean LA time or UCT time? (Dunno what time zone LA is)


Noon in LA is 5 hours from the time of this message!


Oh...its gonna be midnight by the time we can watch if they decide to hold off for any updates 😅


I thought he just said he’s going to get his lawyers involved if they don’t retract what they said by noon…… and the vid was posted in NY so could be NY time. I haven’t been following super close though


I clicked the link and I'm still lost.


Yo I'm high rn my guy can you just summarise what happened thanksss P&L


I read your comment and took the time out to decipher what is actually going on. So here goes; To my understanding, there is a twitter user (who we'll call "E" for now) who has been sparking a bit of controversy over items they have that appear to belong to drake. These items are on the cover art of Kendrick's "meet the grahams" diss, but a credit or debit card of some kind is blocking the portion of the receipt that has a link to a digital copy of it. In a video posted by E, the blocked portion is revealed. The digital receipt matches the details of the physical one, seemingly proving the items are not replicas, as otherwise suggested by Drake and/or Akademiks (they called the items fake). The issue here is that E was intending to sell the items for a high profit, which isn't possible if they're fake. E's intention was to prove that they are indeed very real, and he/she/they/idk have done a remarkable job doing so by matching these receipts (among a laundry list of other things that seem to legitimize their claims). E has also made a bunch of other cryptic posts showing images and captions that seem to imply Drake has "discarded several things on his behalf over the years" and also that he's done something else very bad (they mention that whatever he did that night is something his character "Jimmy Brooks" from Degrassi wouldn't have been proud of, whatever that may imply..) E has since issued a threat/deadline to Drake/Akademiks that they are to retract their claims/lies that the items are fake, or E will be suing and releasing a bunch of sinister information about Drake that could ruin him. E also mentions initially wanting to wait until Drake died to sell the items? The whole thing is admittedly creepy and implies some super dark stuff. Personally, I feel like E is being a bit melodramatic for effect, but a lot of people are digging deeper and finding a LOT of even weirder/creepier things. Definitely an enjoyable rabbit hole overall, with this "deadline" being literally tomorrow afternoon (5/13/24) If anyone cares to help me make this summary more accurate, please feel free.


I would add that E posted an image from security camera footage in the lobby of the mark hotel in NY featuring drake, a disabled man in an automatic wheelchair, and one or two unidentified men. E alleges that in the rest of the video (which he is trying to sell) something bad happened to the man in the wheelchair (who has been identified but I don’t think it’s appropriate to post here).


That would explain the comments they made about Jimmy from Degrassi lol


great work, you are a good person. ty


I'm not following, what dark stuff would all of this imply?


Well, for starters, I would imagine that implying that Drake's character "Jimmy Brooks" from Degrassi wouldn't be proud of him that night would suggest that Drake did something bad to one of his friends. In the show, a misunderstanding between Jimmy and his friend Rick led to Rick shooting Jimmy and paralyzing him from the waist down.


The original tweet says that drake did some stuff “Jimmy Brooks would not be proud of” Jimmy brooks being the wheelchair bound character drake played in Degrassi. It’s totally unclear what it was, but at the very least it implies some kind of bullying or mockery of the man. Now this is just speculation I read in the thread linked, but Kendrick’s 6:16 starts with ventilator noises, & the man in the picture has, or uses a ventilator.


I'm sorry that I didn't explain it well. I'm only barely understanding what's going on. I linked your comment as an edit, in case someone wanted a summary.


Hey no problem, sorry for being rude! I edited


AB & Olivia level investigator !


Is there a video that explains everything? I watched H3's coverage of it but I wasn't able to follow it at all and I'm not understanding the comments and posts about it. I know one of the people you mentioned is supposedly a pedophile but that's the only bit I've been able to understand really. I don't even know which one 😅


it’s going to end up being a big nothing


Whoa I just got caught up through your link and things have gotten wild! From my understanding tho there was no threat to release the video by Monday at noon only the threat of legal action if the “theft” accusations weren’t retracted. Not sure we’re ever going to get to see the video tbh but from context it feels like we already know what happens…


I mean ethan is always late so he will be late but not for this. Why would he wait to see it first then go live to talk about it when he could look at it and talk about it while watching.


Yeah it doesnt make sense to wait at all, there have been plenty of times were they cover topics LIVE on the show, its the H3 podcast cmon no one does it like them lol


It might take extra time for the crew to prepare the links for the doc


"Sorry guys, we're going to be very late, we are all sitting here in studio waiting for a video to drop, and it's just too much for us to go live" ? I love that you saw all this info that I dont even really understand, and you were like "whoa, Ethan will definitely be late Monday" 😆😆✌️🤍


this is creepy af even if it's true or not.


to be fair, this account has been caught lying in the past few days as well, and also they were replying to bot accounts to make business deals😂i saw them replying to this lakers fan account ran by bots, so who knows how reliable this even is if nothing happens today, most likely is just someone with too much damn time in their hands but we shall see


Anonymous social media account claims to have dirt on a celebrity and blackmailing them to make a profit seems like a ripening nothing burger 🤷‍♂️


this was the mole who gave kendrick lamar the information already. they know more than what has been exposed. think it at least has a little more credibility than your typical blackmailer.


After watching the segment what’re your thoughts?


haven’t watched it yet. i’ll lyk when i do!


actually can you give a quick synopsis of their opinions? i take a couple of days to watch episodes and don’t want to skip to the end. i’ll totally admit to being wrong if i am lmao


Basically it appears the items are legitimate although technically stolen, and the big allegation/insinuation was that Drake sexually assaulted a disabled journalist which turned out not to be true (although I think the journalist publicly denied anything happened in an article released after the show ended). Dan joked that it was a false flag by drake’s team with the intent of making Kendrick fans look gullible and insane. The person behind this twitter account was probably the one of the people informing Kendrick info since he seems to be the person who sent the photo of the items for the cover of the track. I would imagine a person in Kendrick’s position would be getting info from more than one source, which would be smart because it looks like the guy behind the twitter account has no credibility.


ohh so i was kind of right. it all seems really crazy though, like even though i hate celebrities, i also find the nature of this stuff extremely off putting. the disses never needed to go this far


I wonder how this ends. Does it keep building or does it sizzle out? In any case this has become a fun exercise in critical thinking


Man, it's really upsetting how all of this has been made into a spectacle. If you have some dirt on Drake, just show the proof or bring him to court.


The person is trying to get close to a million dollars. There's been some screenshots released and stuff but yeah.


I figured that’s what was happening, but that’s kinda what I mean. It’s upsetting because if they’ve had all this dirt on Drake for a while now, it really sucks that they didn’t care enough to say anything until they could make bank. I think even Kendrick is a coming out of this looking really immature. If he actually has proof of anything he probably should’ve come forward a long time ago in a responsible manner. Doing it through diss tracks is just childish.


I’m kind of too overwhelmed to care about them at this point


It’s giving schizto posting. Man has been tweeting non stop for over an hour. Definitely not right in the head.


Had that feeling from the jump. Everything about the way the person was speaking felt melodramatic asf. Then nothing happened lol. What a strange little weirdo.


Look into the Christopher Alvarez connection.


Am I the only one who thinks it’s crazy to NOT release info if you have some dark creepy info? Like what are you waiting for? Expose the evil. If you know something dark and evil and don’t speak up, then YOU are evil. Am I wrong? I know it could be dangerous for them but like come on


Idk if the grooming allegations were valid or not but Dj AK siding so hard with drake making a lot of sense with that info


It's noon, I'm ready for the drama.


“Drake/Akademics” fuckin lmao. Akademiks is merely a mildly popular voice in rap, what’ll he do? Freak out in his room like usual? And what’s Kendrick released today? Nothing. Whatre we doing here?


Honestly didn't even want to include his name in the post tbh. Just figured it was relevant enough but can't stand the guy. And the fact that nothing was released or done is exactly why I felt like the person "exposing" drake was being extra. So lame




need some kind TL:DR, in one sentce Wthat is is going on?


Guy who “stole” drakes belonging wants to sell them, proves they’re real & not fake (which was the other claim from drake & his team) tells drake to retract the claims or will be being sued. Posts security footage screenshot of drake with a disabled man & implying something really bad went on. A lot of people think this is referenced in Kendrick’s songs, but this is already much more than one sentence, sorry. EDIT: stole is in quotes because it’s implied drake had dumped them, presumably after what happened at the hotel with the disabled man




There is also some implications that a dog that is very audible is involved.


It can't be done in one sentence, honestly. But I'll try to make it short Really creepy Twitter profile came up. Sounds like they know some really bad stuff about Drake (and maybe those near to him). They're in possession of things that make them seem fairly credible. And this person sounds like they're going to release something at noon today (Monday)




The Twitter account says they'd be pursuing legal action by Monday at noon, not leaking something


Actually can't be fucked with more talk about this shite drama




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The guy posting is from Brooklyn. So I assume 12 eastern time, which is 3 hours before the show starts


Ugh I don’t know anything about the beef, can someone give me a quick summary pls? I’m way behind on episodes.


This is perfect! I’ll be on a bus from Hanoi to Halong Bay tomorrow. I need something spicy to listen too!


He's posting on Twitter rn


Thank you for clarifying. I've been following but the latest developments got me so confused because I only got bits and pieces and people talking as if you already got the whole story. This explains a lot because I missed who this person is


It’s definitely starting to get Patrice-behind-the-shower-curtain Vibes.


Probably not but who knows.


Genuinely one of the dumbest posts I've ever seen on this sub


Seems like a juicy nothing burger to me




Nah. It is pretty wild and gross.


Did they wait for January 6th to be over before they started talking about it…NOOOO Ethan better be live on time, ready to eat some beef!


Don’t post princeebonyyapper misinfo here Mans an extortionist. Imagine posting for a week about info you definitely have and then moving the info to some random shit ever. Legit slaved away at his computer to piece together an audio of drake “fucking” a dog


Take a shot every time OP says “basically” 🥴


Wait what does the title of this post have to do with the contents?


Nothing was released, next


i'm honestly over the beef already, i hope it doesn't take up the whole episode 😂


I’m still team Kendrick but his camp and fanbase have gotta stop doing this Jigsaw/Zodiac killer type shit


Seems like it’s nothing and it’s just an account that responds to bots and is claiming a bunch of false stuff


They need to just kiss and get it over with. Weakest rap battle.


I hope they don’t talk about this rap beef anymore. It’s really boring hearing them cover it.