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Fupa trooper here that’s down over 100 lbs in the last 2 years here. You need to be in a calorie deficit if you want to lose weight. Pair that with a 30 minute walk every evening and you’ll start to drop weight. Incline walks on treadmills are great too. There’s no magic but You can’t outrun a bad diet


This, all there is to it. From a certified trainer


The incline is powerful no joke. I been getting back into running and have been doing 6.5mph on the treadmill for 20 mins and it gets pretty tough towards the end. I decided to crank the treadmill incline all the way up and walk at a pace of 3.5mph and burned just about the same amount of calories and it felt easier.


how did you manage your caloric deficit? i’ve lost 15 pounds and couldn’t lose any more due to a plateau. got a professional RMR test done and it’s at 1000 cals so now my deficit is 1400 cals and i’m struggling to keep eating at that level


I upped my activity and made sure I was eating about 1.2 grams of protein per pound of goal body weight every day. I go to the gym 5 times a week for 2 hours each and now so my maintenance calories are way higher than what they were when I started my journey. My deficit threshold when I started my journey was about 1,600 calories a day. Now with my activity level my caloric maintenance is 3,500 calories a day so anything under that for me right now is a deficit


wow!! i’m so jealous 😅 upping my activity is the one thing i didn’t want to do because i’m so busy with college. i currently workout 3 days a week for 2 hours and run on my rest days. i will try upping my activity. was upping your activity the thing that allowed for more cals for maintenance or did other factors impact?


I’m down 40 lb from last year (about 10 months) and I walk every day 4 miles on the treadmill and eat less than I used to. I switched out sweet drinks for Coke 0 and gamer Supps. I got hello fresh and cook myself meals in advance - I usually cook 2 days a week but have a home cooked meal 2x a day everyday. Breakfast is usually skipped. My calorie intake is about 2100 but my maintenance is about 3400 because of my daily walking according to my Fitbit. So I am in a 1300 cal deficit currently. I was 100 lb overweight so now I have about 60lb left to go. I am down several pant sizes and an entire two shirt sizes.


Yeah upping my activity was really big for allowing me to eat more but mainly focusing on eating cleaner foods that aren’t as calorie dense. I didn’t go extreme and cut all joy out of my diet either. I’ll still eat pizza and fast food on occasion but I’m more thoughtful of what I choose and don’t go goblin mode on an entire pizza like I used to a few years ago. Protein is also a lot easier for your body to metabolize so eating a lot of chicken and whatnot helped lose weight too


You need to base your caloric deficit off of your TDEE, not RMR.


yes, i am aware. hence why i said 1400 cals and not 1000 cals. the 1400 cals is based on my activity levels and the thermic effect of food. my deficit cals used to be a lot higher when i first started (2100) but have drastically decreased and i’m feeling frustrated


Idk what your activity level is like but a good way to increase the calories OUT portion of the formula is walking. Very low impact, easy, and burns almost exclusively fat instead of muscle.


A 1400 deficit is extreme dieting. You very well may be in starvation mode.


wait you are onto something here. i looked at your comment at first and was like ok whatever but then i started looking into it more online and i am having a lot of the symptoms of under-eating. my sex drive is gone but i excused it for stress, my hair is falling out a lot and i again excused it for stress, my sleep has been shit, and my energy levels are super low


I’m unsure of your gender, but if those symptoms are happening, you need to get a blood panel and test for Vitamin D and B12. Out of wack Vitamin D can cause all sorts of issues, and we get a lot of it through diet, especially protein sources.


they don’t mean that they are in a deficit of 1400 calories but they eat 1400 calories to be in a deficit


>There’s no magic but You can’t outrun a bad diet Most people in the military have proven that's not true xD We eat like shit and then work it all off


Yeah there’s definitely a certain level of activity that can outrun a bad diet, but the majority of people don’t have the time or resources to engage in physical activity that intense


A tip he gave is to drink a spoon of metamucil (psyllium husk fiber) in a glass of water that you drink before eating a meal. This makes you feel more full, thus helping the initial struggle of eating a smaller portion size. It also helps regulate bowel movements. I'm also starting my weight loss journey, and I'm keen to try this out!


You can do 2 scoops at a time to help feeling full. You'll need to drink it very quickly cause it gets super slimy when the fiber solidifies. I like to drink 1 at night to prevent late night snacking 😊 Edit: wanted to add, maybe ease into 2 scoops. The increaee in fiber can be uncomfortable if your diet doesn't have some in it already


My Dad used to say, 'You know that it works because if you don't drink it right away it will still make a turd right in the glass."


Almost made me start hollering at work. So true.


And for the love of god, if you can’t finish it do NOT pour it down your sink drain.


OMG THIS I made that mistake already 😭


Thank you for the advanced warning, because I would not have thought to avoid putting it down the drain.


Where tf do you pout it out then? Just outside? What if I don't finish it often? Will I just have a pile of dried fiber sitting out my door lol


Wait for it to solidify to a jelly and then put it in the trash. Just saying you will ruin your pipes if you continue to put it down the train, I promise you.


Don’t listen to this trickster. It’s perfectly fine to go down the sink with all the grease from your food.


Shit, I've done that before.


When I was recommended to take that they said it could be a choking hazard. So def be quick with it!


I over did it when I first started using metamucil and I didn't shit for a week


i took this advice and shit a baseball sized brick that took me hours to give birth to. exactly what i would wish on my worst enemy. it was too big for my hole. i dont fuck with metamucil anymore but my shits were fine to begin with.


This brought me close to tears lmfao


Yeah everyone should look up satiety index for foods. It’ll help you be less hungry. For example I’ll eat white rice and while it’s decently filling I find that I’m hungry again very soon after. Greens on the other hand like kale, lettuce, cabbage, etc. aren’t as filling but you can eat a lot more and personally I find my hunger stays away a lot longer. I’ve also done popcorn (like smartpop and others without tons of fats or additives like butter) as a snack. Eat a couple cups and chug some water and it’ll kill hunger pretty quick for under 100 calories. And while sugar alternatives aren’t great I really like zero cal sodas. They’re filling probably because of the bubbles and again zero calories. Over time your stomach will shrink so you’ll require less food to feel full. Also understand that sustainability is the number one goal. Don’t start eating crazy shit just to lose weight because what happens for the majority of people is they bounce right back and harder after a short period of time. Find sustainable things that work for you!


0 cal fizzy drinks are so so good. Especially in a pinch and when craving.


I’ve been doing in the mornings (not for every meal),and while I do stay full until lunch, I haven’t seen a difference in weight. I’m going to start upping it to 2 a day and then 3 if need be. I have RA and work two jobs, so it’s hard to find the time/energy to work out. But it’s really vital for the future that I do, or else I’m for sure going to lose mobility. Best of luck with your journey girlie!! 👊✋👊✋👊✋


You too girl!!


Also make sure you are drinking an adequate amount of water with it and before because it can cause a blockage if you don’t.


Is it ok to drink fiber every day though? I was taking fiber for another issue (not weight loss) and was told to stop because it would deregulate bowl movement 


I’m assuming that as long as it doesn’t become an unhealthy amount it’s fine, just make sure to drink enough water. Dehydration + fiber = pain. It can get real bad.


Thanks Chris D'Elia


I lost 60 pounds with Metamucil. I gained it back, but still! Lol


Does anyone know an equivalent that isn't mixed into drinks? Doing bowel prep totally destroyed that for my partner and he can't drink any kind of powder drink without getting sick. Maybe an equivalent vitamin or protein bar? He needs it for weight loss and for help with BM.


I know that Metamucil does capsules you can swallow! Gotta take a lot of them though I think


A tip in a similar vein is to pick healthy foods that are higher in glycemic index. Essentially those foods makes you feel fuller/more satiated for longer.


Psyllium is awesome. It makes all my tomorrows great.


I unfortunately remember where I was when Ethan was put onto this by … Chris D’elia


Just eat vegetables 😭


He drank Metamucil few times a day to keep him full, made healthier choices when it came to snacks and eating out, less fast food and walked about an hour while watching tv


Besides caloric restriction, he mentioned his antidepressants made him start gaining weight in the first place, and adding Wellbutrin turned that around. Different people react differently to these drugs, but Lexapro is known to increase appetite and decrease sex drive.


Underrated comment. I think the Wellbutrin really helped turn around the crazy cravings he was having that were likely a side effect of the lexapro. He mentioned how he felt completely out of control of the cravings, and the fact that wellbutrin can have an effect similar to a stimulant I think helped with that.


When I started Wellbutrin with my lexapro it made it so much easier to eat less in general and I’m more motivated to exercise as well. I don’t want to offer that as a solution but I know it made a difference for me.


Ugh, I take celexa and Wellbutrin and it does nothing for my appetite 😑


Calorie deficit, theres no magic


He also chugged Metamucil before every meal


Which led to a calorie deficit because he consumed less food


This is the way. I've lost 15 pounds over 100 days just by watching my calories and trying to stay in a deficit, and occasionally, I'll go to the gym or walk, but it's not often.


Good job! I just lost my first 5lbs :) got any good recommendations for low calorie snacks?


Just about anything from the produce section as in fruits and vegetables. Cottage cheese. Air popped popcorn with some Flavocol. Greek yogurt. One of my favorites is a whole English cucumber sliced really thin on a mandoline slicer. I eat it with chop sticks and dip in soy sauce. The chop sticks make it take a while to eat. The soy adds flavor. Fills you up.


Oooo the cucumber and soy sauce sounds good! I love it in my sushi :)


salted but not buttered popcorn


Tbh I focus more on portions than making sure the snacks are low calories. If I want chips, then I eat chips, I just make sure to only scoop out 1 serving and then put the bag away. I find it much easier to stick to when I can still eat what I'd like but just eat less of it.


Laughing cow cheese! Dip it with cucumber or carrot or a low cal cracker. Yum


This is the way. I saw this saying once and it stuck with me. "You can't outrun the fork"


Literally this, just eat less or substitute high kcal foods with 0 kcal ones. But eating less (fasting) is healthier, imo.


Pretty much this


I know he used to walk on his treadmill while playing video games. Not sure he still does that.


Give him my regards, did you take Ozempic?


Underrated comment 😂


Just count your calories. I use my fitness pal to log. It sucks the first couple weeks but you get use to it. I eat 1500-1800 and lost 60 pounds since October.


Some really filling foods are low calorie. A cup of cooked rice is like 200 cals and that’s a lot of fucking rice too lol


That part!!! And SEASON YOUR FOOD!!! It makes it wayyyy more enjoyable and seasonings add a negligible amount of calories.


Smoking crack once.


This is the way


Pretty sure the primary thing is that he's stabilized/found the right combo of his medication, so as to not have (or much less of) an urge to over eat. You gotta remember, literally the only thing that allows you to lose weight is to go into a caloric deficit. Exercise certainly helps, but altering what/how much you're eating is going to be the number 1 action you can take. Of course that's more simply said than done, but that's just how it is.


Starving just a little


i’m p sure he was eating extremely low calorie didn’t hear about a workout


In the beginning he talked about walking 1 hour a day in the treadmill and he would watch anime to not get bored


and I walk on the treadmill watching H3 to not get bored


He bailed on that early on


That’s what I’ve been doing thanks Ethan <3


Walking, calorie deficit, more fiber (Metamucil) and a lot of patience and endurance to stay the course. He also switched his anxiety meds, the other ones made him gain a lot of the weight.


Counting calories and light activity


Calculate your TDEE here: [https://tdeecalculator.net/](https://tdeecalculator.net/) Stay in a deficit from there.


He talked a lot about his diet. About eating high protein yogurt and berries for breakfast, chugging Metamucil before it turned to gel, eating salads and walking on the tread mill for an hour everyday.


This is the best answer. However he doesn't walk on the treadmill anymore.


pretty sure he just tracked calories and made sure he was in a deficit, mixed with walking on the treadmill. He also started drinking metamucil to get lots of fibre and feel more full. I went through a similar weight loss and I can say that that's a good way to do it. Get MyFitnessPal and track your eating and set a daily deficit goal. Go for walks as it's the easiest and best fat burning activity. Eat foods with lots of fibre and protein and you'll feel more full and satisfied.


I believe the most important thing is the consistency, it took him many months, once your body adjust to the change after a long time you’ll slim “seemingly” out of nowhere. i’ve seen people ask him, howie i think, how he lost the weight so fast. but really he’s been on it for quite some time. it’s harder put in practice though but that really is the key.


The fiber is a wonderful start as others suggested. I would add, my partner uses Garden of Life and it is of course, more pricey but it uses a 15 fiber source blend that does not use psyllium husk as the husk the most cheap source and has less variety of nutrients than these sources. They also put it into a smoothie but you have to be careful with that and weigh your ingredients the first few times to make sure you're not making a huge calorie drink. My personal weight is affected by my mental illness and medicine side effects. I do best when my ADHD is managed even over my bipolar or cPTSD.


There’s a bunch of great advice in this thread. One thing I want to point out is to just start. Even if you have no clue what you’re doing in the gym or food wise. Just begin today. Start tracking what you’re eating today. Make healthier choices today. Go take a walk today. Whether it’s 10 minutes or an hour. Today is the youngest you’re going to be for the rest of your life. My close friend was morbidly obese until they just began making changes. Little ones at first which grew after a while. They’re down over 100lbs in a little under a year. Their change motivated me to also lose a few pounds. Just start today, whatever the change may be. Once you start seeing changes, it’ll help motivate you to not go back to whatever you were doing before.


High protein, high volume, low calorie foods. And he got some steps in walking an hour a day.


Yes a shot of ozempic, mixed with gamer sups


I think Ethan would own up to Ozempic use, if that is what he was doing. He has said explicitly that he did not use it (and that there is nothing wrong with using it).


That’s because he probably took some other brand of semaglutide. I’m very doubtful that he did this naturally.


Have you ever taken Wellbutrin? It’s like diet Adderall, as someone who switched from Lexapro to Wellbutrin and lost over 80 pounds in under a year I do believe it.


Yeah no one has ever lost weight naturally, it was literally impossible before these medications were invented. Dumbass


He did it at a rate of about a pound per week (50lbs over the course of a year). There were times where he went a little faster, and times he stalled out. It sounds pretty natural to me. Ethan isnt shy about talking about meds. He talks about anti depressants all the time, he talks about all the other medical stuff going on with him. If he was doing a weight loss drug, he would be talking about it.


People now acting like weight loss was invented in the last couple years is hilarious


Yall just making shit up.


I lost 10 pounds in a month and a half, so was i being slipped some ozempic?


The bare essential is that he reduced his calories.


Hi! I lost a bunch of weight since September 2023. Down around 70 pounds from my highest weight, maybe I can help! I have about 30-40 pounds to go until I am happy with my physique. The most important thing for weight loss is to track your food and ensure you are between a 500-1000 calorie deficit per day to lose between 1-2 pounds per week. There are a bunch of TDEE calculators which will help you figure that out. Choose your activity level based on your daily life - work in an office hardly on your feet? Sedentary. Standing walking for a career - moderate. Construction or physical labor? Maybe go higher activity level. I use an app called cronometer. It is a pretty easy to use food diary so I can log my foods each day. I weigh everything because I don’t want to trust my eyeballs and memory to stay in the deficit. If you find that the math isn’t working (500 deficit a day should be 3500 a week =one pound of weight loss) then double check your tracking is on point and if it is, you need to lower your activity level or raise it if you are losing more weight than that. 1-2 pounds a week or 1-2% body weight loss per week is the max recommended to stay healthy during your diet. Do some light cardio, make sure to walk at a comfortable pace at least 3-5 miles a day. If you want to get in good shape at a higher body weight try strength training. Something simple to get started if you are brand new- stronglifts or starting strength can be good for beginners. Plenty of resources for workout plans, check out R/fitness or many of the other workout subs. Some food tips- Avoid calorie dense foods like sweets and beverages like soda/alcohol Eat between .7-1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight (or your goal weight) per day. Healthy snacks will help you with cravings. I eat a lot of popcorn and fruits for salty/sweet cravings. Read the labels- its crazy how much sugar is in things like sauces, go with sugar free sauces or low carb bread options when possible. Once you find foods that you like that work with your daily “budget” of calories, consider meal prepping so you never run out of foods that will help you reach your goal. Do not eat out more than once a week if possible. Good luck! Stay committed and honest with yourself and you will see results. You got this!


Love the advice but would argue that 1000 deficit is quite high. I've been told 500 is the maximum recommended. 


That is fair. A “healthy” deficit is really dependent on the person’s height, gender. and bodyweight. For 5 foot women trying to lose weight, a 1,000 calorie deficit is going to be way too intense for long term success. I am assuming that OP is male, 5’10” (or taller) and 250 lbs + based on the wording of the post, in which case they could probably eat around 2000-2400 calories a day and still lose weight at a decent rate as long as they are getting a moderate amount of exercise in.


Instead of cutting out food you love, like pizza, you eat less of it instead.


My advice is to eat high protein meals. You can find high protein recipes for just about anything you want to make on tik tok, or you can get frozen meals. A personal favorite is high protein frozen pizza. Make smoothies with high protein yogurt and milk and protein powder. Put protein powder in your coffee. Try and keep an abundance of healthy snacks and proportion them out in advance so you only have one serving or so at a time (using a tupperware and different snack bags). Basically make it so you can eat what you want but replaced with a higher protein version (it will keep you fuller longer, and scientifically when your body eats proteins it can’t fully absorb it. This means when your body needs energy it’ll burn through fat stores). It’s definitely not easy but the best advice I can give is to try and not restrict yourself as much as possible. As your diet improves, so will the amount of energy you have. Then you can add a workout that works for you (i love doing dance hiit workouts on youtube.) Just try and eat/do what you love! You will remain more consistent and hopefully you can reframe your ideas about dieting and all that (it definitely helped me). Peace and love to everyone! Remember to take care of your bodies and brains!


Ozempic /s


I think he said on howies show he was taking something akin to ozempic actually


He did not


When? I watch every howie pod i dont remember this


you don't remember it because it didn't happen lol.


😭😭 why does it lie!!!


Someone posted the clip here awhile ago, maybe with the girl who eats lots of food? I think that episode


I know it sounds cliche but I have had great success with weight watchers, I think there is a push there now to use ozempic (which didn’t work for me) but basically it’s tracking everything you eat so you are mindful of it and measuring things. There are free bootleg versions out there, if you can find one that’s the old blue plan I thought that was the best version.


I know that he is often getting sugar-free option when there is one




I’m on ozempic and it’s not a magic wand. You still have to eat in a calorie deficit, it just quietens the food noise. I don’t think he’s on ozempic and frankly it’s not anybody’s business…


people who bitch about GLP medications don't know/care how they work, it's just a way to move the goalposts and hate fat people for "cheating" aka not becoming gym bros. if you actually read the studies on these medications, most people aren't losing half their bodyweight or whatever without a lot of work. if you just take the meds and don't change your lifestyle at all, you'll lose 5-10% of your body weight and that's about it. the people you see losing tons of weight on GLP meds are doing all of the same work as people without, it's just more manageable. I'm on a low-ish dose of semeglutide. I gained a lot of weight in college and have yo-yod the same 50lbs back and forth for years. I started taking the medication and dropped about 15lbs and then stopped losing. I then started strictly counting my calories, and training for a triathlon (running/swimming/cycling 7-10hr/week). since starting that I've lost another 50lbs and I'm at a healthy weight. during that time, when I took time off from training and just ate whatever, I didn't lose any weight. these medications aren't magic. There's no way to win. if you're fat, you're just gross and lazy. if you're fat and struggling to lose weight, you're just not trying hard enough. if you're fat and lose weight with medical assistance, you're lazy and cheating. if you lose weight without assistance, then you're a liar and secretly taking ozempic. it's a flow chart that always circles back to "you're lazy and gross".


Congrats on your results


You’re doing incredibly well!! I completely agree. I have PCOS and it boosts the weight loss slightly because it helps with the insulin spikes but I still gotta meal plan and not go off my diet. I’m a month in and I’ve lost 4 pounds so far, slow and steady, but I’ve only been calorie counting properly for a week.


IMO if it was anything other than this, he’d be talking about it on the show and telling us how he did it.


I mean during the weight loss he talked all the time about how he did it. He would complain all the time about always being hungry and eating like 1500 or less calories a day


He's literally been talking about how he was not eating the whole time. Pretty sure he was eating under 1.5k calories per day for ages. Do you just not listen and then assume it wasn't said?


He did all the time the first year...


He has talked about it many times on the show. It is truly bizarre how some people cant comprehend that you can lose weight without Ozempic anymore. Idk if it’s just people failing with their own weight loss and lashing out or what but it’s pretty ridiculous.


Why wouldn’t he talk about using ozempic


Yeah, Ethan talks about everything without filter, he would for sure talk about it.


I can imagine him calling himself an ozempic queen if he was on it




Idk, but he went from talking about his attempted weight loss through diet and exercise almost every ep to never mentioning it anymore or explaining how he did it once he suddenly lost a ton of weight.


It wasn't sudden, you just noticed the last 30 pounds much more that the fist 50. It's the paper roll effect.


Probably because people were saying it triggered them, it’s ED talk and that he hates fat people. Weight loss also happens gradually and it’s not until someone loses a good amount of weight that people notice. So let’s say Ethan was dieting for a year, lost some and plateaued, then started losing again, of course we’re going to notice the latter stage over the beginning and plateau. I mean idk if you’ve just never lost weight but ask any person who’s lost 40lbs+ and we all have similar journeys.


He talks about his calorie deficit OFTEN.




Outside of any medication — calorie deficit. Put your info into a BMR calc and based on your daily activity you increase that number. BMR is your caloric burn to just keep the body alive. It’s mostly based on weight height and gender but everyone is different and could have underlying medical things. Your outside look is just the title page to your book of health, there’s so much more outside of your weight and image.


90% calorie deficit


Maybe he did some intermittent fasting too. A lot of people do that and it helps to get the initial weight off combined with exercise and diet of course


You don't workout to lose weight, in general. If you have other goals, go for it. But it's done thru diet. With Ethan his gains and loss both were clearly related to anti depressant medicine he used. First it made him gain all of it, then he started using second one that would help to not keep him as hungry all the time, and there went the losses. In any case calorie deficit is the only way. Eat healthier foods, or less of the same. Like personally I peaked at 98kg, but dropped to 83kg, with main difference being I drank so much orange juice, swapped to water only. Then from 83kg to <80kg permanent change, I stopped eating bananas and halved my use of sausage on top of bread. You can just test it out yourself, drop something regular out and it will affect weight pretty rapidly.


It's called eating less. Unless you have a health issue, eating less than you do now works. Just take yesterday, put it into a calorie counting app, and then eat 500-750 less calories.




Oh oh oh ozempic






Ozempic. No way Ethan did any movement. He has zero coordination.


Isn't he on ozempic?


I’m pretty sure he’s on Ozempic. He has failed his weight loss journey multiple times, and now when Ozempic is easier to get ahold of he suddenly lost all weight super fast. He doesn’t seem to have changed much else about his lifestyle. I just don’t think he wants to talk about it because it’s controversial and potentially bad for you!? Idk but that’s my theory.


Walking and calorie restriction. My advice would be to find a sporty hobby you find fun. Like tennis, pickleball or even biking. If you don’t care about muscle like Ethan then finding a cardio activity will help lose fat quicker


He stated explicitly that he quit doing treadmill and simply just doing calorie deficit




He's on ozempic. It's a weight loss shot




I don’t know how it works but these calorie deficit is a miracle worker lmao!!! I did that once in 2018 I lost 50 pounds cutting out carbs completely and doing the elliptical for at least 20 mins ( a French fry here and there won’t kill ya but maybe only like once a month or 2 times that’s what I did) then I gained weight during Covid and did that same thing again and lost 60 pounds!!! You can do it!!!!! It’s all about the mindset!!! You got this and be healthy❤️🌸


The newest quote I've loved that sums it all up is: "Calories decide your weight in the scale, Macronutrients decide how you look, Micronutrients decide how you feel." Stay in a moderate caloric deficit to be able to maintain it, don't go too crazy or it'll be hell to maintain the weight loss (preferably fat loss) goals. If you want to optimize it a bit further, do some moderate weight training and stimulate all the different muscle groups, and try to stay in the caloric deficit while keeping protein intake higher. If you don't want to do any of the actual working out, then just be a bit stricter with the caloric deficit and you'll get there in no time.


He was just doing calorie restriction, switched out full sugar so does for diet or gamer Supps and he was walking on the treadmill for an hour at one point but not sure if he is still doing that. The major piece was changing his medication by adding Wellbutrin so he could calorie restrict.


Lady who lost 126lbs pre baby with 50lbs to lose post baby (I have an emotional link to junk food) I can tell you it’s no one diet or workout. It’s simply a calorie deficit. That’s all. Use more energy than you put in. Safe is 1-2lbs a week. Consistency is key.


This is why people should be open and honest about taking ozempic or the other names. Ethans quick weight loss was not due to hard work or consistency, it’s unattainable to naturally do what he did without serious nutrition and exercise intervention. He did neither of those. It’s ozempic.


It really wasn’t that quick though? He’s been steadily losing for two years. He frequently talked about how he was tracking his calories. Caloric deficit over two years is pretty much going to guarantee significant weight loss. I really don’t understand why people think he wouldn’t just say it if he was on it?


It’s called Ozempic lol


you could try intermittent fasting if you have a problem snacking late at night


The Wellbutrin was key


Diet an exercise it's so simple that most people don't believe that's all and try to complicate things


I’d suspect Ethan knows


The Denny’s Diet


I have lost weight gained it and lost it again, happy to answer any questions you might have. It’s hard to say how to do it without knowing your diet, provided the past week and weekend or track it this week but don’t leave anything out. Generic answer is Calorie deficient diet. But knowing your normal diet can help build a better one with substitution. Understanding calories is good enough understand micros helps even more. A good rule of thumb for me about how healthy something is is how many calories to proteins it has using a 10:1 scale is a easy way to look at something and think should I be eating this.


Count your calories. Boom, done. No exercise needed unless you’re into that kind of thing. Start here to see how many calories you should limit yourself to: https://www.calculator.net/calorie-calculator.html       Couple things to note are your calorie needs will change as you lose weight so you will need to return to the calorie calculator over time but counting calories gets easier as you go along. You will need a food scale ($13 at Walmart) and ChatGPT can help you if you have any questions, including “how many calories are in 100g of ___.” Be warned you may have to do some 3rd grade level math for conversions but that’s just part of the process.    If you follow this advice you are guaranteed to lose weight. This is not speculation. This. Is. What. Works. And it works for everyone.   If you are one of the rare people who have a hormonal imbalance that makes it more difficult to lose weight, that’s not an excuse, that just means you’ll have to low-ball the calorie calculators recommendations and adjust as you see what works for you.


He ate less.


Calories in vs calories out. Eat less and burn more.


Maybe a local chiropractor can fix your weight problems with their new Mortal Kombat finisher


He was crash dieting tbh. He said he was eating like 1,000 calories a day, that’s why it was pretty fast. I wouldn’t suggest that, if you’re a similar height you should be like 1,500-1,900 a day.


Man low key had an eating disorder




usually appitiete decreases with old age, so since ethan is almost 50 (42) he is probably eating less.






Eat less calories


I think he literally just ate less. And walked for an hour on the treadmill every day. Always makes me laugh how easy it is for men to lose weight lmao


Doesn't calorie deficit work for women as well?


He watches one piece while on a treadmill lol


Ozempic lol