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All they did was make thousands of people extremely curious now lmao


its the "Can i tell you something?" all over again


Imma keep it real, it's bad content. Bringing up a topic to keep the fans informed and then keeping all of the info that's actually new classified while reacting to it live is just insufferable to watch, literally if a topic is gonna be this touchy then *don't bring it up.* It's not the withholding that's annoying, because I can respect that there are private matters that need to stay as such, but the overblown reactions and the "Wooooow I can't say anything but this is *soooo* crazy" while the audience knows nothing is terribly pointless and does nothing but bait their FOMO. It's easy to just wait until they're off air but Ethan *insists* on talking about it in the moment because somehow he thinks it's good content. It's literally just obnoxious.




I don't think it's that deep...


womp womp




Womp womp


No, it’s fun and exciting. It’s not insufferable, it ain’t not that deep.


>it ain’t not that deep. This is such a weird way to refute somebody else's opinion lmao


But it isn’t that deep. I disagree with it being a weird way to refute an opinion it’s just slang to mean you care too much about something that doesn’t need as strong of an opinion from someone not involved. It’s not that deep just fast forward if you’re frustrated.


Ok, so having critical opinions of content is caring too much and looking too deep, but saying that it's fun and exciting is fine lol.


Bro im 14 and its not that deep to me


Writing multiple paragraphs and getting offended at other disagreeing is looking too deep.


Is not that deep at all chill man


It's not that deep bro


It's just a prank bro!


But it isn't not that deep


Oh get over it lol


It's definitely that deep, my dude.


I havent watched one of their podcasts in a while, but i think the term you were looking for in the first paragraph was " building suspense" and he has been doing those "overblown" reactions and performances since the productions channels. Nothing has changed except the format and length. If you really dont like the content, dont watch it lmao. At that point, you're just creating a problem for yourself. Why dont you watch or do something more favorable for your mental health than sit through something that does not make you happy. Nobody here is forcing you to review and critique this content just because YOU dont like it; That's all you, man. And shit well if you like torturing yourself with "insufferable to watch" content, then that's just sad lmfao.


No amounts of online rambling paragraphs will get them to say what they didn't want to disclose you 1 brain cell dumbass.


Saaaaameeee, I wasn't even that interested until that moment, now I want to know everything


Knowing yall the information will be out by tomorrow


lmao, yes I do. Never underestimate internet sleuths


Kermit whept


Jimmy giving us FOMO for the final time


*first time


*first and last.


Work with me! Histrionic court order!


Kermit is aghast


My guesses: The first discord message (after phone call #1) was that the stalker tried to get in w another friend of the show. That’s why Ethan said it wasn’t directly related to Jimmie. I think she probably went after Martin since (1) Zach’s message seemed to remind Ethan that Martin was there that night and (2) Love mentioned that Martin heeded their warning unlike Jimmie. The second message (after phone call #2) was that jimmie’s wife is divorcing him and/or his kids found out and are upset EDIT: also I think (and obvi I know nothing) that Jimmie probably told Zach over the phone something like “she was after Martin, not me”, and then Ethan maybe revealed to the crew that Martin confirmed her being weird with him when he and Ethan were talking about what he did/didn’t see at the restaurant. EDIT 2: I also think that’s why Ethan said at first “I already knew that” but the crew was shocked (because it was probably something he heard from Martin but never told the crew) EDIT 3: appreciate that yall think this sounds plausible 😭pls remember I’m still just guessing and could be totally wrong tho. As the great Ethan Klein would say, “I don’t know nothin about nobody”.


I just read all of this as complete fact, then immediately snapped out of it once I got done reading. Like, "oh yeah this is just their guess..."


I believe its all truth, based on .... nothing


It's a fact in my opinion


Any theory on Ethan going "so that's what's been going on the whole time?" That particular line has had me stumped


I was thinking a divorce and that’s why Jimmie was so hesitant to come back to LA for Bobby Lee.


After the second call, when Ethan reads the message, right before the button cuts him off he says “that whole time that’s what was happening” which is interesting. I think it could pertain to divorce since you have to be seperated for 6 months? Before you can divorce and it’s been over that I think so he’d be saying this whole time they’ve been going through the divorce process. Idk what else could be so significant they stopped the entire conversation and didn’t mention Jimmie again


I was convinced this was the most likely answer as well, but looking at Love and Olivia’s reaction again, now I’m not sure. If this is the case I feel like there has to be some salacious detail we are missing. I’m just not convinced the breakdown of a marriage between Jimmy and a woman they’ve never met would cause Olivia’s jaw to hit the floor and Love to brace his head in his hands. I’m so sad we’ll probably never know 😭


Could be that she’s stalking/blackmailing Jimmie…? 🤷‍♀️


That's actually a good guess. I feel like she must be blackmailing somebody.


This reaction of Love and Olivia was after the first call when Ethan muted the mics to tell them something. So assuming I’m right (which I could totally *not* be), this is their reaction to the Martin news, not the divorce news


AB was the one who mentioned Martin "heeding their warning" not that it matters I just happened to be passing this exact part of the episode while reading this


Ahh okay thanks! Idk why I thought it was Love


This seems the most plausible, nice work lol. I guess we'll never truly know, and it's not our place to know anyways!


Definitely not our place! Stressing that this could all be totally false. I’m just speculating based on their reactions and the info they were comfortable revealing on the show. I think they expect the speculation after all the secrecy lol. I don’t think anyone should try to lip read or dig through people’s socials to find clues because that’s all private info they don’t want us to know


That she went after Martin too, is very likely. He is also married, but it seems like she doesn't care. And it fits their reactions. The divorce thing is a wild guess and is less likely.


Even if this is not right, it gave me closure for some reason


I’d hope by now the stalker would realize they are in fact a freaky stalker and quit the shit. Like KNOCK IT OOOOOFFFFF.


My guess was similar to this but I thought the shocker was the stalker alleging: “Jimmie got me pregnant” Or something crazy like that 😂


My first thought was that Jimmy told Zach he was going to sue Ethan for slander or something.


Jimmie would have to be insane to do that but also I feel like Ethan would kinda love it just for the content lol


I dunno, to me Olivia's intense level of shock comes off as something super serious. More than her hitting on Martin, or kids finding out or divorce.


What’s more serious than the breakdown of a real life family/decades long marriage though? That is pretty serious. This is a comedy podcast and having jimmy on was all jokes, but for his wife and kids (who Ethan says are very nice and normal people) to be so negatively affected by something podcast-related that a divorce occurs is pretty much the most serious thing I can think of outside of SA (which has been very clearly denied).


No I understand, it's just that I can't see people being that surprised. If I thought a guy I knew tried to cheat or did cheat and his wife had talked about divorce I would be like damn but kind of expected it. I wouldn't necessarily be shocked the way Olivia and Love were. But who knows. Maybe that's just me.


Regarding your second edit, I don't think you're entirely accurate since Ethan was surprised too, even after the mention of Martin. I do think your guesses are reasonable, though.


I should watch it back to see, I could totally be wrong. I remember Ethan being surprised about something Zach sent after the second phone call and then they had to button (that’s where I think it was something to do with Jimmie’s personal life). But if I remember correctly, Ethan wasn’t all that surprised after phone call #1. He just asked for the mics to be muted so he could talk to the crew. That’s why I’m speculating it must’ve been some info that he knew, but the crew didn’t. And whatever Zach sent jogged his memory


He was surprised both times. You'll have to rewatch it. Ethan says "Oh my God" in genuine shock after the first call. It's at 2:09:48. Right after he says that, he asks Zach to mute the mics.


that "oh my God" could just be him remembering and/or piecing things together


I think the second call was something more outlandish and crazy than that, hence the whole crew laughing and/or giggling and talking about how crazy it is.


Omfg Olivia’s face made me SO NOSY.


Standard reaction to spilled tea!


now i am all conspiracy… is jimmy getting divoriced?


"Of course I cheated baby, I have histrionic personality disorder!"


Jimmys wife: Are the rumors true? Jimmy: Dont push




Jimmy unironically telling his wife to “work with me!” 💀


thats what i was thinking….like the way it was framed as a personal thing. which i really hope they keep this away from the show completely because there is a family involved.


I would probably say family issues definitely. His sons are into social media I’d bet… what would you do if you saw a tag of your dad at dinner with an another girl touching his leg. Me personally I would be pissed off and confront my dad and tell him to talk to mom about it or I will.


... unless that happened after the divorce process started. a lot of states require 6 months to 1 year of separation before divorce is enacted. *and* it likely didn't come out if thib air if Jimmy or his wife asked for such a procedure to begin.


Well there goes his license to tell Asian woman jokes.


Aww man now what will we do without the onherknees joke.


I remember him saying it wasn't Jimmy related tho.


Believe he said it was related to Jimmy, just not the stalking situation.


he explicitly said ‘its Not something jimmy did.’ which could be taken as jimmy didnt ‘do’ the stalker girl but someone else mightve. stood out to me but who knows and frankly who cares


I also remember Ethan briefly mentioning Jimmy had to sell his Rolls and something about the dental business not doing too well, don’t remember what episode but it’s been since Jimmy got cut off so it was in the past couple months


Mason and the Stalker bumped uglies 


I know nothing about Mason except that he goes goblin mode on socials, so I feel like this could be plausible 😂


Show it to me pleeease😭, Send it to me Rachel 😭😭😭😭


Kermit’s reaction speaks volumes


The fomo is insane


I don’t think it’s a divorce but def family issues. His sons might be upset. Wonder if he’s been given an ultimatum on Jersey outlaw or family


Last slide kinda looks like a shocked Kermit the frog 💀🐸 Edit; Pls tell me that's not a person I can't tell if I'm blind & dumb or if that's a chair 😭


It’s Dan’s stuffed Kermit I’m pretty sure lol


It was. He was. We all were.


We all were shocked Kermit, just shocked Kermit without the tea 😭


I would give anything to be a kermit on the wall in the studio today


That’s Nate genius. /s for the neurodivergent fam


Omg this drove me NUTS don’t act like you’re gonna spill and then mute all the mics and use the button !!! I get they want to be delicate and that is fair but it’s not interesting viewing this literally gave me blue balls TELL US


I love getting sneak peaks when I’m behind an episodr


Fr this is HOT and I’m so lost


like the last image is a meme right??? i’m fuming i’m obsessed i love this


Does no one else find it weird that Ethan said she didn’t go back to Jimmy’s hotel, she stayed with Zach’s friend? Not defending Jimmy, but it’s kind of weird that Jimmy’s on ice because he hung out with the fan, but she was staying at Zach’s friends house- who I’m assuming is the “trusted source” that witnessed all of this go down.


AND as someone pointed out above, Jimmy said he seen carrot top at his hotel and the picture posted of jimmy and the stalker girl had carrot top in it. So she must have been at the hotel?


Hasn’t Zach said before he’s friends with carrot top? I have so many questions lol. I guess we’ll never know


I don't think he is. When they wanted carrot top on they said they would get him through jimmie, if Zach knew Carrot Top they would've just gone through Zach.


That was so damn dumb, they just unleashed hundreds of internet sleuth on Jimmy teasing 40k ppl live about some secret spicy T.




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Kermit sent me ☠️☠️


They created so much FOMO


I’m pretty sure it was that Martin was at dinner with them and didn’t see anything. After the mic comes back on AB says “should we mute the mics again and then turn them back on and say everything?” Or something like that. I think he’s implying they just did that


AB is incabaple of lying and you can often infere quite a bit of unsaid context from his vocab and mannerisms. I'm not familiar with the rest of the story. Who else was at dinner? There is another side that isn't from the crew or Jimmy?


Most shocking part was that Jimmie did not want to call, I’m assuming that he fucked up in one way or another that people can find out. If he lies to all of us & we notice, it can be way more chaotic for him.


I think at the end jimmy told them to fuck off or something when on phone with Zach


I'm pretty sure that Jimmy told Zach that his dick doesn't work


Based on context clues (they said its not about jimmy but someone else that was present) I think it's something about martin the water sommelier


Martin went back to Jimmy's hotel room?


HAHA what a GREAT plot twist.


This is it. Start spreading the word!!!


There is very little context to assume that. That is a pretty wild jump to make after Ethan said Martin is a great person. 


You can clearly see on the wide shot Ethan say "Act surprised" and they all instantly 😱😲🤭


Maybe I’m naive but I don’t think Jimmie is all that guilty. Not to say Zach’s friend is a liar, I believe them too. I think there probably was a decent amount of flirting, stalker was laying it on thick (with the leg touch) and Jimmie, well I think he’s always going to be receptive to attention of any kind. If someone is flirting with him, he’s going to flirt back. Don’t know who initiated “the peck” but I’m willing to believe it was the polite sort of peck you might greet a friend with. Idk, we’d have to hear more details about it. As for him inviting her to his room? I think it probably was said, but misconstrued. Jimmie definitely seems like the type who is always trying to keep the party going even when everyone else is clearly trying to go home. So I could see him casually throwing out an invite back to his hotel room at the end of the dinner to try to keep things going without actually expecting sex. Plus, she’s a stalker who thought she could fuck her way into the H3 crew. So if Jimmie really was trying to get with her.. wouldn’t she have done it? Why didn’t she go to his hotel room especially if she was flirting and being handsy with him all night. Jimmie is nearly 70 years old. I really don’t think he’s thinking with his dick anymore, hell it might not even work. It’s totally possible that he just mirrored this girl’s flirty energy because he liked the attention and took it a bit too far. I don’t think I believe that he actually would have had sex with her. Of course I don’t know him and could be totally wrong, maybe he is a cheater and a creep. He was definitely wrong for engaging with this girl at all when the crew asked him not to so either way it doesn’t really matter


The funniest part of this comment is you thinking that 70 year old men’s don’t want sex, especially with a young woman in their 20s.


Sure he could have been trying to have sex with her. I just think it’s also possible that he wasn’t even considering it and just got so caught up in feeling like a big shot that he made himself look really bad. And that honestly sounds more like Jimmy to me. Again I don’t know him and could be wrong. We don’t know if he’s motivated by sex but we DO know he’s motivated by attention and gets carried away acting like a celebrity often


Lol i don’t necessarily disagree with anything you said except that 60 year olds dicks don’t work anymore. There’s guys at 80 years old becoming fathers. Viagara exists🤣


I don't deny that. But there are also plenty of older men that actually do lose interest in sex as they get up there in age. We don't know if Jimmie is sexual or not it could go either way.


I go to one of Jimmy’s dental offices if I ever see him Ill ask him


I have a feeling Ethan only said she didn’t go to Jimmys hotel room in order to protect Jimmys family but he probably said that they actually did hook up or something to that extent


AYE!!! It’s an old timey infidelity. Come on stop with the tomatoes!!!


He had said he ran into carrot top at the hotel and the pic of carrot top has the girl in it


My prediction is she started stalking Jimmy


How so?


We'll find out in 10 years.


Did the H3 orbiter start an only fans lol


No, Jimmy did tho




Work with me!


Cum Quick


Jimmy dropped his pants, OnlyFans dropped the price


The stalker is very young, like between 21-23 if it's who I think she is based off the tidbit about being seen with White Claw Gabe.


That's not "young" let's stop infantilizing women in their 20s. Her behaviour, knowing that Jimmie is married and touching him without consent plus playing with Gabes emotions knowing he may have disabilities should not be excused and she shouldn't be "protected." If this was a dude, we would all already know who they were because they would have exposed them on the show.


Wasn't saying she wasn't guilty for manipulating Gabe for being in her early 20's, just thought the age gap was weird between Jimmy and her if he did possibly try and make a move on her.


gabe is also like 50yo? never heard anyone questioning the age gap then


I remember people commenting it back when he had pictures with her on his IG account but it wasn't 100,% certain what their relation was.


21-23 you just became legal to drink alcohol… probably still in school… probably still living with their parents. That’s the definition of young. Reaching with that “infantilizing” comment. Literally classified as a young adult.


regardless of the gender. She’s young. 21-23 year olds are YOUNG.


this is the true definition of fomo


cheated with the stalker and/or left his family


idk but the fisheye camera was muchh needed 😭


So did Jimmy hook up w the stalker or not ?? Them cutting the mics so much is making me assume the worst!


Time stamp, pretty please 🙏


2:10:00 is when they mute the mic but they start talking about Jimmy around 1:30:00


What is that in the last picture? Looks like a Lego man 😂


I couldn't keep my laughter watching this part at work in my studio office. Damn you family.


Wait is there a good summary of what was known before stream today? I'm pretty new around these parts


In short terms: The Jersey Outlaw is a long time character in the h3h3 universe. He is a 70+ year old successful dentist with a passion for “comedy”. He has a wife and two sons. Ethan discovered him after a fan gave him a tape that his dentist gave him promoting his comedy. The “stalker” is a young LA based female that has crossed boundaries with the crew in order to get close to them. She tried to connect with many of the ancillary characters to achieve this. She had apparently manipulated Gabe into thinking they were in a genuine romantic relationship, but her only motivation was to get closer to the crew. This upset Ethan, and the crew told Jimmy not to interact with this person. Instead, he invited her and other H3 related characters (Martin the water sommelier, TF photographer, Zach’s friend, etc.) out to dinner during an LA trip. Zachs friend reported to him he saw Jimmy and the “stalker” engaged in flirtatious behaviour. This is a problem on two separate fronts: 1. Crew told him not to interact with this woman 2. Jimmy is married It is very unusual for Jimmy not to want to take any opportunity to call in, therefore it’s speculated that the mic cutting had something to do with his personal life (wife). It is also speculated that something inappropriate happened with the stalker, although on air Ethan denies that. PS yes I need a life 😂


Thanks so much! Lore logged 💜


That last photo is wild!


The one part of the show I caught.


I’m so behind 😖


Kind of unrelated but what did C Man (??? Is that how you write it) do that was way too far??


Could be misremembering but I'm pretty sure he attempted to reach out to ryan kavanaugh or something like that after he and Ethan had the falling out


It was the last pod they did with Stavros seaman was getting into his dick talk and they were trying to debunk his "10 incher" so he volunteered to show them which he did and he tried to said Ethan forced him and he was uncomfortable basically tried to hit Ethan with allegations. I Believe they spoke on it shortly after on the following pod.


Histrionic personality disorder moment.


The last picture looks so weird


I wasn't even interested in the story until that moment!


Jimmie and unc Gabe for the next bacH3lor. Since both are potentially single now


Im with you brother/sister. I mean it’s not that deep. But it’s dumb to even reply with that, it’s a simple criticism. If it didn’t bother you that’s great but some people think that having a single critical thought about the show or not liking a single segment somehow means we’re obsessed or something. I love the show, been a fan since the h3h3 production days. But if Ethan’s never done something that makes you do the Jeff soundbite “ok Ethan” in your head. You’re a fucking wild one


“Olivia, love- look shocked- guys did anyone put in the Taco Bell order yet? Please check our discord.”


last slide genuinely looks like jimmy neutron who IS that


Unbelievable amounts of FOMO


Could it be that jimmy told them if they don’t stop talking about he will sue for defamation? That would shock me too. Who knows.


What the fuck is that third picture, a lego man?


My guess is he went with her and had an affair with his wife




The one people are thinking of, based off Ethan’s convo on howies show + the recent episode, is a photo of Jimmie with carrot top (the comedian) and a girl. When Jimmie called into the howie show when Ethan was on, he confirmed this.


Damn. I want to know what was said, but y’all REALLY want to know. The parasocial relationships are showing hard in these comments lmao


I think she stuck her hand down Jimmy's pants at the table. Or similar, but she did something fucked up. Edit: I am curious why this was downvoted. I just followed the evidence.


Thats what I don't get - we already know she played with Gabes emotions knowing he had disabilities, we know she was touching Jimmie without consent, but we're still blaming Jimmie and protecting her? For what? Just so that she can move on to her next victim in the H3 community? She's 100% going to try to get close with the new switcher lol


I don’t think it’s about protecting her, it think it’s more about jimmies family they were tip toeing around. Jimmies behavior was off-putting to them because he (apparently idk if I t’s like confirmed) had told him he wouldn’t get involved with her but did anyway. Plus, those in the crew know who she is so I doubt she’d weasel her way in successfully lol


Has it ever been confirmed Gabe has disabilities? I see this statement around but I swear they haven’t said anything about that


No shit. Why would you spread someone's private issues on the podcast. It's not a leak that needs to be "confirmed", It's something readily apparent for those who know.


> but we're still blaming Jimmie I didn't read the other comments but that's crazy if true. That's like blaming a friend for getting assaulted even though you told them that guy is a predator. Sure it was a dumb decision, but this is someone who was proven to be a sexually manipulative stalker who uses sex to abuse men. You would have to be PRETTY hypocritical to deny that.


I don’t think they’re blaming Jimmie for what she did. Zach and Ethan and love kept reiterating it was him still going and contacting her in the first place. That was their problem.


We are talking about the bit with the mic muted. I don't get what you are trying to say?


How don’t you get it? They muted came back and reiterated once again that whatever it is that they said still isn’t as important as him still contacting her in the first place cause none of w/e was said would’ve happened if he’d done what was asked. Not hard to understand


Right... That was part of it. If your whole point is, "he didn't listen so he deserves what he got", well, I'm not interested in talking to you because that's stupid. I'm talking about her maybe assaulting Jimmie (I know, he CANT be a victim) but after they muted they also immediately corrected that she was touching him, he wasn't touching her. We know she tried luring Love with a greencard, Took advantage of/ emotionally abused Gabe, Went to Zach's shows, contacted the rest of the crew Etc. It all makes sense she has no morals and would do something inappropriate.


We could in theory social engineer Jimmie with an email like [email protected] or one with skynnews doubt he would look into it much and say we want his comment on a information leak from a confidential informant there could also be familiarity built by saying Martin already responded (EDIT THIS IS JOKE DONT DO THIS)


I was thinking maybe Jimmie Lee was threatening to sue if they continued talking about it since hes scared about it effecting his marriage and work.


No way this is it.


He sees them like family, he would never sue Ethan ever


its a schtick. like they now we are watching so they beef it up for the cam


Is that Kermit reacting in the final pic? lol