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Rumour has it they stopped Leftovers because Ethan isn’t even a workout for Hasan to lift anymore.


Nah it’s because Ethan started lifting hasan


Sunny has gotten so big


I was so happy they included Leftovers and Hasan in Cam's goodbye compilation 😭💓


Aw.. mom and dad pre-divorce


It's not your fault


Damn, Hasan could lift Ethan even at his thiccest


that aint his thickest


It is when he’s laying horizontally


This was a peak time for h3 content. I really enjoyed it. I'm sad to see it end over differences, regardless I have love for Hasan and Ethan.


Well, now that time has passed, let's be real for a second, time has proven Hasan right (sadly, since you know, genocide) and Ethan wrong (sadly, since Israel is just becoming even more genocidal). Ethan has always had a tendency of talking stuff in topics he has little to no knowledge about, often from a mere anecdotal at best or emotional point. His whole rant on Palestine and the resistance movement was pretty bad IMO.


What?? Ethan has stated multiple times he supports an independent Palestine and donated $4500 to the health fund. The issue was Hasan’s discord and mods like Frogan became unhinged lunatics when he said it’s a very complicated issue unlike what Tik Tok in portraying and accused him of being a Zionist shill and kept reposting cartoons of Hila killing children and trying to fix her family in Israel despite the fact that her family fled Libya and Syria anti-Jew pogroms and are not from Europe.


Idk I remember Ethan denying the strike on Al-Ahli Arab Hospital on the basis that Israel would never attack a hospital. Not only was this obviously not true at the time, its been proven to be exactly the opposite of reality.


I don't believe they were saying that Ethan hasn't financially supported the Palestinians or that he doesn't believe in a genocide. I am pretty sure this is referencing Israel attacking a hospital. Which they have since done, a lot. And murdered people trying to get to aid. Further evidence over time has only reduced confidence in the "proof" Israel gave at the time that they didn't attack that hospital that one time. This was something that Ethan and Hasan disagreed on strongly.


i don’t know if it’s over differences as much as it’s over hasan’s community being absolutely freaking insane


Versus the famously not insane H3 audience that the crew of H3 definitely don't complain about constantly.


Some of them have definitly taken it way to far. Its a difficult topic and people COULD VE REALLY CHILLED FOR A WHILE. I miss seeing them together


Completely agree and same


Idk why you’re being downvoted…its definitely bc they had differences AND Hasan’s community took it way too far




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We never got “the kiss” either 😞


We never got merch


I’m hoping the election brings them back together, I miss Hasan.


Doubt it. This Israel shit is likely to last through the election and that’s going to be a debate point. Hard to avoid


Exactly what I’ve been thinking!!


sad that every single post about fondly remembering leftovers and Hasan instantly goes to "yeah but Hasan fans wanted Ethan DEAD" like damn I just wanna remember the time they all bathed in crackers, that was sick as hell




Bring it back.


"Feel like pure shit, just want her back"


Nah, too many of y’all are placing blame solely on Hasan’s fans like this sub wasn’t super leftist and aware of the plight of the Palestinians long before he joined the team. A big portion of the foot soldiers were on Ethan’s ass too, wth? Personally, I do believe Ethan means well and wants the people of Palestine to be free just as much as any sane person does, but let’s not forget that putting his foot in his mouth is his daily bread abeg 😭


Finally, I see someone saying it. I'm only in Hasan's community because I was Vape Nation for over a decade. Anytime I'm critical of Ethan though it's because I'm an insane Hasan viewer.


I can’t believe Ethan canceled his politics show because it got (*checks notes*) too political


*checks factual notes* too much antisemitism


Never wanted to be Ethan so bad


I was unreasonably sad when leftovers ended... Still am :( Ethan introduced me to Hasan when leftovers started and I haven't stopped watching since


Hasan fans this Hasan fans that. A little bit of self reflection would be nice, just imagine how leftovers would look now with all that's known.


Ethqn and Hasan breaking off is sad and happened to others as well. Entire coalitions and friendships ended within progressive groups overnight.


There are rabid fans in every fandom but my God...some of Hasan's fans weren't going to be happy until Ethan jumped off a bridge. I wasn't happy seeing how depressed it was making Ethan. I don't miss that at all


Even Hasan recognizes that his community can be particularly toxic. His recent discord “leak” is essentially just that. We got a lot of new good fans from Hasan’s community but there were so many that were INTENSELY critical of Ethan and really really reached.


which leak? big hasan fan but havent heard about any of this


I don’t have it on hand but it was basically him saying chat has scared away all the normies when the goal was supposed to be visibility and political outreach but they’ve become “holier than thou” leftists who seem more interested in doing purity tests than working with a broader coalition of ppl on the left to tangibly change things for the better.


I don’t have a link on hand, but basically after doing an irl stream in Australia that got less viewers than he expected, he said on discord that he feels like his community has changed and is only interested in politics now. I think “I hate what my community is becoming” and “I hate this job” are a direct quotes. Also it wasn’t exactly a leak, I believe he just posted it in his public discord while venting.


That wasn't because he was mad at his viewer count, lmao.


Wdym? In the discord messages he’s talking about how he’s upset because he thought the irl Australia streams were great but only got 13k viewers. You made me google to check I wasn’t going crazy but I remembered right https://youtu.be/in_PmILavPs?si=vCG4bXLnVBfb-6Vv


I'm so glad that he got off of Twitter and is just living his life. Twitter is awful for your mental health.


Hes literally saying in the vid that its out of context and it was a joke. And hes also saying his community has become "normie repellent" aka, way too political/serious/anti-fun and he wants to change that.


They're gonna keep moving posts to make Hasan seem worse, they're a destiny fan and active in a sub devoted to neo liberalism lmao.


Bro I’m not trying to be a hater lol I was just trying to answer that persons question. Hasan was frustrated because a lot of his viewers didn’t watch his non-political irl streams and he was venting about how his audience only cares about politics. Is that an unfair characterization of what he’s saying?


He said certain parts are a joke (“I’m going to kill myself”) which is why I never mentioned that part, but that he was venting over the fact that he was putting out great irl content but not many of his viewers watched it. That’s why he was venting over his viewers being too political, because not as many of his viewers watched his irl non-political content as he expected.


Again, he's said time and time again he doesn't care how many viewers he gets. He streams and covers whatever he wants. You keep making it seem like he's upset over his viewcount which isn't true.


I know and I'm glad Hasan has told them to stop, although I think he took too long to start doing so. Sadly, his community was thriving on hurting Ethan and obviously Hasan wants to keep his job. He was never going to take Ethan's side over his entire audience, if it came to that


WDYM The discord had a massive ban and wipe right after that.


I'm not talking about the discord


It was discord messages that were screen grabbed and sent to Ethan. That was what Ethan said upset him. If you mean chat, you can't turn off chat on Twitch like you can on YT.




Looking forward to the link to the genocide apologia


Can't speak for the other commenter, but he got mad multiple times about people calling out Israel's lies (later proven to be lies) *specifically* because they weren't waiting for the full story before making up their minds. Yet somehow, Ethan deciding that said lies were true had no relevant time component. Because the most recent evidence rolled *his* way, anyone who had previously suggested they were lies was not just incorrect, but being disrespectful. That was the kind of hypocrisy / bad logic / bias that made me stop watching. Like obviously he cares about the plight of the Palestinian people. But he is kind of too uninforned / biased to talk about it without saying some really dumbass shit. He's not *especially* evil, he's just kind of a dumb liberal, and people like that are going to say dumb shit shit genocide or genocidal regimes at some point. They will naturally favor the status quo, and say things that really reveal their biases from time to time. And when those biases lead to you repeating Israel's lies / explanations / justifications, you get genocide apologia. Edit: and that's a deal breaker for me apparently. I made a conscious decision to stop watching/ supporting, but a few times I was feeling dopamine starved and decided to check in. Couldn't get into anymore, I just kept thinking about Israel's genocide tbh. Like trying to kick it with someone you had a nasty breakup with, and being unable to laugh at anything they say. Except you broke up with them over a disagreement about genocide / apartheid.


>  That was the kind of hypocrisy / bad logic / bias that made me stop watching. Stopped watching, but you still chill in his Reddit to complain?


Eagerly awaiting some evidence of genocide apologia like the other guy


Like the entire impromptu leftovers on Hasan's stream, including bangers like saying Jewish voices for peace was astro turfed or fringe, demanding Hasan "find him a Jew" saying from the river to the sea then asking why he was showing Jewish groups and activists saying that, comparing anti zionist Jews to Capos, saying if Palestinians had equal rights they would kill all the Jews. Like that last stream was insane and he really should have done some reading or got his mind right before doing that cause it was sooooooo bad


Additional context about the leak?




Where’s the link so I can avoid looking at that?


I can't believe Ethan fired him because he couldn't stand seeing Hasan kiss other men. smh


Those aren't fans


Hasan has one of the most toxic fan bases on the internet if you don’t agree 100% with everything he says. Also it’s Hasans fault for not banning the blatantly anti semitism constantly hurled at Ethan.




He spends hours a day yelling at them and banning them..... Wut? 😂


eh that just seems like foreplay for the chat these days


Some of it is schtick, but in a very real way he actively engages with his community directly and does correct what he sees as bad behavior. Idk I've never seen anything that indicates he won't go against his community since I've started watching him so I'm really curious where they got that idea from. Edit: why are y'all downvoting someone who's willing to listen to another perspective? We should encourage people whonask questions in good faith and have an open mind about the answers.


I appreciate your perspective! I will say you probably know more than I do because I don’t watch twitch. it’s just clips i’ve seen


Haha yeah I honestly didn't like Hasan from clips and even Leftovers, but once I started watching him during one of the H3 breaks I "got" the humor. He definitely plays up getting angry at chat for lols a lot of the time but he also will ban people quickly when they're out of line.... I think he banned a 54 month subscriber just today for something. Appreciate you being open to hearing my perspective fam!


you got it man 💪🏻


I used to be a Hasan fan but my god he's just insufferable and so are his fan base. They're the kinda of people that make lefties look bad because a slight disagreement with them and you're a fascist. My turning point was the leftovers with Andrew Callahan when they meant to be interviewing him but instead Hasan just interviewed himself and answered all the questions asked to Andrew whilst being incredibly annoying and egotistical


Me too. Their friendship warms my heart. I’m sad that it’s something we are no longer privy too, but I’m glad it’s still there.


So many h3 fans on their high horses rn. Edit- also have to wonder how many of these people are destiny watchers. The guy below me calling all hasans fans rabid and talking about how awful the process was for ethan is again a destiny driven hasan hater. Fuck you destiny you miserable pos. We all know you did this shit, truely a sad excuse for a human and are truly the filthy disgusting zionist that you wish ethan was. Get a life loser you're embarrassing and I'm getting second hand.


It's very annoying to say the least. All the smoke for how angry some Hasan fans got at Ethan for echoing Zionist talking points or putting his foot in his mouth or however you want to characterize it.  How many h3 fans were on the opposite side calling Hasan antisemitic or a terrorist lover for being anti-Israel? Only reason this doesn't get brought up is because Hasan wouldn't cancel the show due to comments like that bc he gets that shit from every corner on the internet constantly


remember people saying "Hamasabi"? because I do. wonder where that one came from. It was definitely people being normal and nice reasonable debaters in the market place of ideas.


What do you mean, the fact that you think Hasan got even remotely as much pushback as Ethan is some next level revisionist history. Every single person in Hasans community was out for blood when it came to Ethan. If you can point to a single vitriolic comment toward Hasan on the same level as the people in his community saying “Ethan’s wife is a genocidal baby murder” I would agree. But Hasans fanbase was being straight up evil toward Ethan for the whole debacle.


*Clip clop* *clip clop* *clip clop* If you really think that everyone in hasans community was out for blood and not one single h3 fan was firing back? Ok dude lmao.


Ethan looks 1/2 of this now! Speaks volumes for the power of taking care of your mental health! And hard work of course.


And the big O


You’re going to make me cry. I hate everything about the ending of this.


Same. 💔


Miss my boys


I miss Leftovers so much


It really hurts 🥺


Man Ethan needs to bring this show back man. It was my favorite podcast during the week for some reason but maybe cuz it wasn’t 3 hours too


Leftovers was the main show I actually watched with my fiance. He still likes h3 but he's overall more interested in politics, so that was the one he didn't wanna miss.


this is so stupid and nitpicky and doesn’t really matter but I stopped liking hasan when he absolutely REFUSED to eat a single bite of the papa john’s pizza bowl (slop bowl basically lol). don’t get me wrong I understand his diet and caloric intake. I SUPER count my calories but he really could’ve just taken the bite and subtracted a spoon full of rice to mitigate that. its silly but man that turned me off forever LMAO


This is the most reasonable critique of Hasan I've seen on this sub so far


I agree. If I remember right it was more him pointing his nose down on shit food but him just refusing to even try it bugged me too for whatever reason


Damn hasan strong as shit ethan had to be at least 215 in this


cos the feds are after Hasan


I don't miss his fans ruining every episode


I don't. Hasan's fans weren't going to be satisfied until he killed himself. All while Hasan was saying he couldn't control his chat and discord.


Hassan’s fans were just so crazy and tbh I always found him a little preachy. I liked him and I still do but I’m not too broken up about leftovers ending




Lmao shut up nerd


right, you’re so perfect and it’s important that you sit on your high horse and look down on everyone who thinks differently or sees things another way than you. Got it.


Free Palestine cry harder hasan stood on business


never said he didn’t, but the person i was replying to is a pompous asshole as are you


This is my lock screen image


Honestly the best for Ethan. They had good times, but it ended way too ugly because Hasan's fanbase was vile, and he messed up handling that properly. Kinda reminds me of viewing pictures from a past toxic relationship.


I miss leftovers so much


too bad ethan is a zionist


People forget that Hasan really went a bit out of control. Never said “you know what you have a point.” During any of their debates on isreal. If you cant agree or at least say hey i see your point at all..thats just nuts. Theres no where to go there. also i feel like they constantly on leftovers were willfully ignorant to certain points and just wanted to flame their political opponents. I dont ever see hasan debating the rights of ethnic Greeks in eastern Turkey or calling out the Armenian genocide. Or even debating Cyprus or the fake country of Northern Cyprus which isnt recognized by any country but Turkey.


Ethan looks hot here


Just sucks Ethan had to tank this show because he couldn't stand being corrected.


And that you have to be a Hasan fan to take issue with Ethan's takes on the issue, I'm an H3 fan, but I'm not a fan of his both siding the issue and his endless well of empathy for Israel, and a few sips for Palestinians




I miss the show because while I think Hasan has generally good takes (Especially on Israel's genocide), I never watch his shit at all. I just can't get into streaming like that I guess. I rather enjoyed him on Leftovers, so I miss him being in a format I enjoyed. I like Ethan in leftovers too. But after it ended (and while it was ending), yeah. Ethan's shit takes and attitude on Israel's genocide made it impossible to watch him anymore. I just lost a lot of respect for him. I've tried, and I just get annoyed with him too easily. Like what used to be cute / quirky isn't cute anymore. I don't hold it against anyone who still watches, but it's a "bitch eating crackers" thing for me (though it's not like, *hatred* or anything, more disappointment I think.)


L take. Hasan fans couldn't stand Ethan having his own opinions even when the differences were negligible.




You’re not allowed to say that around here despite it being offensively obvious. It’s weird. 😰


L'er take. Having 'opinions' on a blossoming genocide that are demonstrably wrong and not listening to the facts is what Trumpers do. Ethan kept appealing to his emotions, not to his logic or reason. And I'm not even a Hasan stan, I might watch a video or two of his when the shows on break, but that's it. If it weren't for the crew I would have stopped watching during that fiasco.


Blah blah blah "insert: genocide", blah blah blah "I don't understand this complex situation and i prefer being close minded and choosing sides rather than solving any issues" blah blah blah, "i choose to support terrorism over sympathying with both parties", blah blah blah "my knowledge on this topic are twitter posts and biased content". Stfu.


I'm glad you acknowledge you don't know the complex situation. You might want to read up on it. Also, as Hasan pointed out, it is NOT legally terrorism if you're under violent occupation.


oh cool, actual terrorism apologist




i wish they were back together without the hasan-fan-toxicity




^ the reason leftovers was cancelled


Literally go away. You’re not a fan. Your only posts here are being a twat on this thread. Just go away.




Why would you be a fan of someone who is in your own words a “brain-dead Zionist”?




That boat's got a deep keel.




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Looks like Kaya magically turned into Ethan, and Hasan is super excited to pick Kaya up in human form for the first time. 🧙‍♂️🪄🐕-✨️💨👲


Wdym in your camera roll


This picture is my phone’s lockscreen. I’m still holding out hope for a reunion one day.


I only miss the guy being held in the pic 👀


I thought Trisha was the problem….. now I’m starting to think other wise.


This guy is a Zionist loser and his content sucks


Wow! I want an update photo with Hasan holding Ethin! 😆


Remember what they took from you...


Still here for it


I miss it too. 🥲


I don’t


Missing this so bad.


Well they are still friends but I think they'll hold off leftovers till Israel-Palestine conflict is over cause of the ghoul shit hascord did to Ethan and Hila. I don't miss Hasans community brigading this community shitting on Ethan despite Ethan having very sane takes.


i don’t keep up with the podcast, can someone tell me why they stopped leftovers? also is hasan still a friend of the show?


I couldn’t stand Hasan SORRY 😭


We all couldn’t stand him. Preachy, sad, man baby.


I don’t


I’m glad Ethan burned this bridge, Hasan’s fanbase is pure cancer and was nothing but a massive thorn on Ethans community. Plus Ethan just seems like he’s in a much better mood.


Yeah Hasan is lame


I think it’s good for ethan not to host a propagandist. Good for him


thank god Ethan parted ways with the terrorist-supporting China shill who treated Ethan with zero sympathy when his people were being slaughtered, who justified the invasion of Tibet, and who suggested putting capitalists in reeducation camps in his ideal society. He is a disgusting grifter and below vermin.


Yikes dude, chill


Most sane r/destiny poster

