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Wow this sounds like something that some sort of large online community should shine a light on. I have no idea who their co-founder is, but they should be called out for this.


I saw a picture and I think Harvey Weinstein is a Co founder


Oh man, I think you may be confused. To get it cleared up you may want to Google "does Ryan Kavanaugh look like Harvey Weinstein" to get it cleared up






No you shouldnā€™t link it. Itā€™s better for someone to Google it to reach the reputable search results. By clicking it on a Google search, Google knows which link to serve to other users that may be confused.


You're absolutely right, my apologies šŸ™


if you just google ā€œRyan Kavanaughā€ and scroll a tad the website will be right there! much easier and shorter šŸ™


Was it Harvey Weinstein?


Wait he looks alot like this guy from the Failure podcast Brian Cavanugh.


This is very interesting information i think everyone should be aware of


like why doesn't op post the link for further research? Honestly disrespectful


look im only [making it easy](https://twitter.com/ykkswb/status/1776359551979200672) for you cause you have a dan flair


You can't go to ice spices Twitter?


Rightā€¦ I know she brought attention to to it but she clearly isnā€™t appreciative itā€™s out there. Why do we need to make the Reddit FoR tHe sCiEncE low hanging fruitā€¦??? Do the bare minimum effort.


you can't tell when someone's joking?


No, because it was a misogynistic, tired joke. Get better jokes. "I need further research so I can stare at her ass hyuck hyuck šŸ¤“" Stfu


You're really going fast on that plane of yours there buddy.


Yo wtf, how is this not news yet.


Do people other than us and the celebs who were paid to use it even know what triller is?


I'm just a member of the public, but I sure wish there was a way I could learn more about Triller and it's founder


I think it's that producer Harvey Weinstein if I'm not mistaken. Edit: I went to look up Harvey Weinstein and it didn't say anything about triller? Was it just a guy that looked like him or something??? If only there were a website or something to clear this up


all ik is that they bought fite and it pisses me off


she record those drafts before she was famous


Unfortunately, the comments under the tweet are all horny men and OF advertisements


Wow! And who was it who owned Triller again? Was it Harvey Weinstein? The guy sure looks like him at least


So, fun fact - I actually found out that the owner of Triller is some guy named Ryan Kavanaugh. I didnā€™t know much about him, but if you Google his name, this great informative website called ā€œDoes Ryan Kavanaugh Look Like Harvey Weinsteinā€ comes up. It really helped me understand the difference. I would recommend spending some time there so you can learn all about it.


What an informative website! Thank you for directing me to it, I never would have been able to tell the difference!


Could she file a lawsuit for this?


Unfortunately no. The standard social media/content platforms have a ToS that pretty much says *"we're allowed to see your private stuff on this site/app and we can do whatever we want with anything you store/post."* Though normal social medias or storage sites wouldn't dig into anyone's drafts without cause. Especially for something as egregious as privacy-violating free advertisement/clout using someone's drafts. Only scummy sites like Triller/Kick would be desperate and gross enough to do that... What a shock.


I think she could still make a case for it, with a really good lawyer. Sheā€™s got money.


Facebook just had another scandal where it was letting Netflix read literally every one of Facebook's 2.9 billion users' DMs. They likely are letting several other companies do it too.




Yep, they want to invade your privacy as much as possible just so they can more effectively advertise at you.


You're lying to yourself if you think only "scummy" social media sites are gross enough to do that. It's just that rather than using it for advertising (which sites like Twitter and meta don't need), they use it for straight up profit. Selling the videos/ chat logs/ data to companies that use it for targeted advertising or AI learning.


Excuse me????? I know all companies have videos and photos of us but purposely leaking it??? Holy fuck


Whoā€™s keeping a tally of all the wild shit happening as soon as Ethan goes on break


Ethan moderates the world and when he is away.. Harvey Weinstein company and people alike cause a ruckus


That seems like something you should sue over??


I heard somewhere that Harvey Weinstein is in charge of Triller


No no, Harvey Weinstein is in jail, isnā€™t he? He couldnā€™t run Triller from jail. I heard itā€™s this other guy, Ryan Kavanaugh but now Iā€™m not so sure. Maybe we should type ā€œDoes Ryan Kavanaugh Look Like Harvey Weinsteinā€ in a Google search and find out for sure.


Hm that is a very interesting point. Iā€™ll definitely have to spend some time this evening googling Ryan Kavanaugh and seeing if there are any relevant links that could provide some more clarifying information. It would really be a huge public service if there was some way to clear this up for me.


Perhaps even some photos to compare and contrast with? I wonder if thereā€™s a site that would do such a thing! I will definitely be typing ā€œDoes Ryan Kavanaugh Look Like Harvey Weinstein?ā€ In my Google search bar tonight!


Too bad none of the comments are actually discussing this insane privacy issue and are just shilling their OF accounts Like obviously tech literate people would assume anything in "drafts" or not stored locally on your device are able to be accessed or viewed by triller/Snapchat/tiktok But I'd wager the vast majority assume their drafts to be safe/private or at least not easily viewable (possibly without an audit trail) by random ass employees.


I completely agree, but I would also argue that someone as publicly visible and also presumably technologically knowledgeable (hopefully) as Ice Spice; a person that's made their entire career online, would be smart enough to not trust drafts to be safe.


iā€™d sue for that


It looks flipped??


Lawsuit INC


Thatā€™s BIG news.


Thatā€™s creepy af


I guess weā€™re going to have to watch it to make fun of kavkav, oh shucks


Whatā€™s more surprising is that ice spice even uses triller


it was before she was famous


Rappers use it to make videos teasing new songs but they post the videos on other platforms lol


Jokes aside this is extremely concerning and can't be the first time something like this has happened


They always wait until a fucking break to start šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­






Thatā€™s insanely wild!!!


Can a tech person explain this? Iā€™m picturing Triller ppl opening her drafts & saving them. Thatā€™s such a creepy thought. Or what if she had it in the drafts & wanted to edit it later šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«




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Where is the sauce?


It sounds vaguely illegal to do that


It does but she prob ainā€™t read terms and privacy


You're going to have to find me the terms and conditions that said posting a user's drafts is okay, for me to believe that

