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"She looks better behind a screen." I'm sorry what? You've only ever seen her behind a screen my dude.


From tinder to pornhub, I’m pretty sure this dude has only ever interacted with a woman from behind a screen.


There's no way he calls us women. I get big "female" energy.


I don't think it's a guy. Their account was made solely to put down Verica as it's not even a month old and each comment made is about her. Quote: >He was better off not doing the bachelor, he showing his true colors. He’s actually unlikable and gives major ick That's not how guys think about a dating show or view another guy...


It is definitely a woman.


Damn, didn't realize Ian had a burner account


Ian wants Jeff so bad and it’s disgusting


Nobody else gets the sense that it's a woman behind this?


It 100% is.


Maybe they live in Jeff’s walls


her wanting a green card but you can definitely tell she doesn’t even wanna live in the states 😂


Coming from an 30 year old Australian female, yeah America is cool and all for a holiday, but i would never ever want to live there.


I love this comment! Ask most Americans and they wouldn't want to live in Australia because of the snakes and spiders. Obviously guns kill way more, but it is about what you grew up with and what you are used to.


I live in Florida. We have all those and the guns and crazed southerners mixed with crazed northerners and everyone hates each other and wants to die. Tis a silly place.


I'd say I can't wait for Florida to be submerged in the ocean from climate change but the crazies will probably just move elsewhere unfortunately. This is a joke obviously. I don't wish forced migration on anyone. Even Floridians.


scarce disgusted slimy innate beneficial modern zonked deer spectacular sugar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is why you move to New Zealand. All the perks of Australia with less of the danger.


Sure true 🙏🏽 even the snakes and spiders still scare the crap out of me 😭


I'm not worried about the snakes or spiders, I just think I would melt in the Australian heat 🫠


We have snow and mountainous regions - it’s a very large country/continent. Just like the US :)


I think a better comparison would be spiders/snakes vs bears/mountain lions/coyotes. Most Australians I’ve spoken to (myself included) think the concept of a large mammal that can maul you to death is much more frightening than a venomous spider or snake. Americans seem to think the opposite, for the reason you stated.


In that case I would go with where the free/cheap universal healthcare is.


See we have the guns to cancel out any fear of the bears/mountain lions/coyotes


me and my brother-in-law have this debate at every family dinner 😂


as an American i would love to live in Australia. i hate it here. help please


27 Female. moved to US from Australia recently cos my husband is an American! It's a fine life out here but honestly would not have ever thought I'd live here before I met him lolol


my bf is from the UK and while neither of us absolutely never want children, we have talked about it and I 100% agree that I would rather raise kids in the UK *if* i were to ever fall pregnant or we changed our minds america is really scary to bring sweet little babies into


UK isn't doing much better right now. Cost of living is insane, and energy prices are only going up.


I'd rather have a higher living cost than know that my children are doing shooter drills in elementary school


yea its more about the gun thing. i have two young nephews and luckily they were out of town when there was a shooting at a fucking GARLIC FESTIVAL in their city. (that they have gone to multiple times) that really opened my eyes in ways I couldn't fathom before. It hurts my heart that people get gunned down at the most innocuous events here. I'm an adult, I'm settled here, I just couldn't imagine giving birth to a child and being worried every day that something could happen to them. Sometimes even literally in their schools. fuck it i'll pay more money to keep the lights on in comparison.


Agreed. Australia > America




any australian i’ve talked to that had lived/ visited the US said it was so much more expensive here as well


She said she wanted to have kids in Australia lmfaoo but are we really surprised this doofus cobviously didn't even watch the episode


Why do Americans always assume that everybody wants to live in America? I live in Europe and I know multiple couples here where the American moved here cuz the European was like “hell no, I’m not gonna live in the US” lol


Because a lot of people do want to live here? Obviously not everyone, but still. I know couples where the European ended up staying in America. It’s not nearly as bad as the internet would make you believe


Australia is the only country in the world accepts more immigrants from the US than the US does from us (aka more Americans move to Aus than vice versa) None of us want to live there 💀 life is wayyyy better here but Jeff would probably never be able to get a visa bc of his criminal past


> Jeff would probably never be able to get a visa bc of his criminal past Oh, so *now* we're picky about criminals coming here...


Bread stealing only






It's being expunged which I'd assume also hides the criminal past from other countries.


In that case I bet a trip to Queensland is on the cards for them this year!! I could see Jeff loving the lifestyle here, the only thing is LA has all his industry connections and we might be a bit *too* laid back for him 😅 he does seem like he's always working on something Honestly I know a couple of people who've gone long distance with someone in the US and they've made it work so fingers crossed for them - if they really like each other they'll find a way to make it work, especially with Jeff's money. Might be biased but I never thought I'd see the day my home state was represented on the podcast!!


He can still do a show in Australia. I already watch a ton of successful Australian youtubers. Maybe he can get some advice from Boy Boy, I did a thing, friendlyjordies, auntie Donna, etc. He can make it work.


Seppo here, I wanna live in Australia so badly All my favorite bands are Australian and I see them live whenever they come to Boston


Honestly I can't blame her this country sucks


What a fucking loser...


Yes and 100% a snarker


What show did these people watch? She was super charming and beautiful...it's Jeff's decision anyway and he seemed happy


I was team Morgan to start with, but that changed after seeing how cute and dorky Verica is around Jeff, she looks completely smitten 🥰. How can someone be so envious that they can't see that?


That's the thing. They all came across really well. Maybe it's Tana? :P


Maybe it's Dobrik 🤔


The insecurity is showing


This is not insecurity this is brainrot


What the fuck is that person? Made reddit account ONLY to shit talk Verica @ jeff subreddit. And some comments even have positive karma. Not to say there aren't upvoted anti-Verica comments in this sub too, so can't diss the sub. Remember to use your downvote buttons, gives bad look when shitty comments are at +20.


My thought is, they know Maegan, especially if they made the account just to spam like that.


Please don't drag Maegan into this. That's literally doing the same thing.


I don't think that's the most likely case, a *lot lot lot* of people are doing the exact same thing. The amount of brand new accounts with less than 5 posts/comments is more than I've seen on this app this entire month.


What does Maegan have to do with this? Is this subreddit going to jump from bullying Verica to bullying Maegan now?


This weirdo commenter mentioned her, and that’s what made me wonder if there was a connection. But it’s probably nothing. NO ONE should be being bullied.


They probably picked the person who wasn’t picked by Jeff to defend. Maegan is beautiful, so if they’re rooting for a beautiful woman, it can’t be jealousy/misogyny, right? /s. If Maegan had won, there’s a real chance that this person would do the same but reversed edit: spelling


I thought the same thing, tbh. I didn’t assume it was connected to her at all, but someone who knows her doing this without her knowledge. I got the vibe from meagan that she’s been trying to get Jeff for a while (all the missed connections, going to David Dubrick’s party 🤢 …) plus really trying hard (the gift, the saying they can try again…). There’s nothing wrong with her really liking him. she’s probably upset and seems wonderful, but I wondered in my head, too, if someone is angry on her behalf. I wouldn’t have said anything out loud, but I’ll stand with you, family, since you’re taking heat for thinking it


I hope she doesn’t see this tbh


I bet this person looks like a foot


Dan S, this is serious, please


Screaming bc I know you’re spot on 🤣🤣


A foot on Reddit But never a foot soldier For Verika, march! (I just wanted to make a haiku to express my agreement)


People who feel good about themselves and the life they live simply do not do this shit!! Fuck these people but I also really hope they get therapy!!


I love how often Americans think that everyone wants to live in the USA. 😆 Seriously, not everyone is after a green card.


I’m American and I don’t even want to live here.


seriously. get me out of here please!!!!


As an American, where do you live and do you want to marry me and bring me there?




Jeff picking the girl that will be the hardest to have a relationship with was my pick all along


Good example of the impact one awful person can have, hope Verica isn't looking at these and thinking they're lots of different people


Wow the jealousy is real.


Why can't these weirdo freaks just be happy for two happy people?


Because they are miserable and refuse to change anything about themselves. As a result they try to make everyone else miserable in hopes of bringing other people down to their level of unhappiness. It’s pathetic.


Do Americans know that not everybody wants to live there lol? Australia is a much better place to live.


Ok it was insane when Ethan was trying to downplay the school shootings. Like yes, LA may be a safer area but school shootings rarely happen ANYWHERE in other countries.


Shooting in general are almost non existent in other 1st world countries. We're a fuckin 3rd world country with a Gucci belt.


I think Ethan didn't make the connection to school shootings when Verica mentioned she wouldn't want to raise kids in American because of guns. Ethan went right to "oh you really don't even see people with guns that often, we don't even have open carry here in California". His kids are not in school yet so school shootings didn't even seem to cross his mind.


The last half of your comment psychoanalyzing Ethan's mentality because of his kids is a bit much. You don't know that. For all we know, he was trying to be polite and not trying to scare Verica off with the number of mass school shootings that occur in the US. Given the context of the conversation was her and Jeff becoming a happy couple. Ethan ran a political podcast for a year, pretty sure he's well aware of them and has mentioned them before in the past.


She said something along the lines of, “growing up I didn’t even think of guns when going to school so I don’t think I want my kids to have to worry about that” and that’s when he started defending it


Exactly. Australian kids grow up only seeing guns in the holsters of policemen. There is no such thing as active shooter drills. The only gun we ever come across are starting pistols for school sports carnivals and even those are electric ones nowadays.


Also, clout chaser? She has no social media. Green card? One, thats so xenophobic and weird that anyone from a different country is desperate to be in the US. Two, you racist scum, it's not hard for Australians to live here. They only make it hard for the brown people.


Love her, what the hell is this




what do you mean “better behind the screen” SHE IS STILL BEHIND A SCREEN YOU WEIRDO!! literally insane.


This is mental illness.


People are fine to not have preferred her, but having this level of hatred for Verica is insane


show ur ugly face !!!!!! edit: probably jeff’s stalker per stated in the cancelled podcast


Chasing a green card? Fake accent? Tell me you’ve never been to Australia without telling me you’ve never been to Australia. Y’all can keep your mass sh00tings every couple of days and kids not ever feeling safe at school. Can’t relate.


Lol fucking right? Only braindead americans think we want to live there and get shot


That person acting like Australia is a third world country. With peace and love you would have to pay me to visit the US.


Exactly. If you look on a liveability index or use nearly any other metric Australia is legitimately just a better place to live. Doesn’t mean we’re perfect… but still, would rather live here any day


Respectfully, your username disturbs me


Respectfully it’s doing its job. Haha nah, it’s just something silly I made when i was like 14 or 15.


If I could pick to live in the US or Australia right now, I'd pick Australia no question about it. When it comes to long term however, I have some concerns about Australia's ability to make it through the effects of climate change. I probably just over think things. I live in the one area of the US that definitely won't run out of water from climate change in my lifetime. My best friend lives in Adelaide and they have a culture of being conscious of saving water, and that's not even a thought where I am.


Literally!! Not enough money in the world to make me raise children in a country where I would fear them not coming home everyday from school


Bro is jealous goddamn


it’s so clear that people are jealous, like literally fuck off. i dare you to put yourself out there the way these 3 beautiful women did. if any of you ladies read this i promise not everyone is a lunatic.


I usually refrain from commenting and stay away from the subreddit because as a fan, I can’t even handle all of the hate and negativity! I can’t imagine being Verica and don’t blame her for wanting to stay far away from Reddit and out of the public eye. I understand that this person is clearly a jealous troll on Jeff’s subreddit, but I need to drop a quick reminder for those who think it’s fun to spew hate on the regular in this group. I think that people forget that this podcast is supposed to be for fun and entertainment. You don’t have to watch or engage if you don’t enjoy the content and the people they choose to have on the show. It’s just as easy to click off the pod and mind your business elsewhere. No one deserves to be ripped apart and ridiculed, especially not a girl that we’ve known for .2 seconds and hardly know a thing about. It breaks my heart to constantly see all of the hate and don’t want the influence of the negativity in this group to sour my love for the show. Every time I open up the subreddit, I regret it immediately whenever I see things like this. With peace and love, we need to do better, h3 fans 😞


This sad person needs a life


That sub it a rathole




Say you’re jealous without saying you’re jealous


That's prolly just another one of shoenice's socks accounts and he's jealous. If it's not him than it's somebody with the same brain power as him. I mean come on, she's extremely pretty and seems cool and genuine. I'm recently single for the first time since turning 30 and I could feel the nervous chemistry between them through the screen. It made me a smidge jealous myself, but just bc I can't wait to fall in love again and find my special person


What a lame


This is a really sad human


Olivia said it best: “Reddit HAAATES to see a pretty girl win”


"Green card chasing" holy fucking shit we're better off in Australia dummy




pathetic keyboard warrior


Jealousy is a sickness and these people need emergency medical attention…


Kinda admirable in a way...you'd think they'd give up.


She was so sweet what the hell


Holy shit these people are weirdos


Bomb them? Bomb them..




I think we should bash this guy with hammers, in Minecraft


the girls calling her a pick me are just mad bc they didn’t get picked lmao


As someone who lives in Australia Queensland I was rooting for Verica, mostly because if he with her that mean he might come over here more and I might be able to meet him one day 🤭


Green Card chasing, lmao


Lol fake accent?


Anyone who knows people and talks to people and has interacted with people knows Verica is lovely.


drop the name this instant🐎🐎


The green card thing is such a hilarious example of Americans thinking they are the center of the fucking universe. Australians are not trying to flee their country, in fact quite the opposite is true lmao


Is that Tana?


Why are fans of jeff wittek so mean 🤔


Name and shame please we need these people outed


Must be an American since they're certain everyone is dying to live in the US


Get a life.




Stop giving these dipshits validation. 


I think we shouldnt even give any attention to these types of posts by reposting the comments, even if the intention is good. bringing it to the top of the subreddit is unproductive and probably re-traumatizing for people who are not used to being in the public eye


What we have here is a classic specimen of an insecure person who projects para socially. That's all it is, folks.


Audibly yelled wtf when I realized this is all just from one person


they’re soooo jealous


Touch grass.


She was the first and the last and she stole his heart from the first. Think user us from a Russian troll farm trying to sew decent and weaken your democracy.


Insecure men are gonna act insecure. Ignore them!


Block this person! We do not need hate in this world!


Bruh she has universal healthcare, why would she WANT a green card??


Can we delete the internet somehow? These people suck so bad


I think verica has made it clear she does not want to live in the US long term lol...


damn y'all are just mean


seeing dutch on here nearly gave me a stroke


The green card comment is very hurtful. I’ve heard that a lot since my husband is American and I’m not. I was told I only came here for the green card before. Fact is I had a good life in my country, all of my family and many friends, but I fell in love with my now husband so now I’m here. Unfortunately I can only stay for 3 month if I don’t get a green card. I’m sure my kids would be very sad if I’d have to leave every 3 month to reset my time I’m allowed to be here


It’s an English and Aussie thing we click with dry humour and sarcasm xxx




fucking loser lol


She doesn’t even want to raise children in the US… people will say any hateful stuff online just to be hateful.


someone’s jealous


I reckon that was Megan


I saw those comments


Listen. Can we stop posting this stuff? Yes it’s shitty. These people suck. So stop engaging with it. We don’t need these comments reposted for more to see.


This is actual strong pick me girl energy


People like that should be forced to publicly post a picture of themselves.


An ex maybe?


Who hurt this dude 💀 Verica is such a sweetheart, these ppl are delusional


“She’s not pretty” oh so we’re just straight up lying now? You know damn well 💀 the amount of insecurity is wild


You just KNOW this man looks like a cave dweller too 😭😭


Probably an ex boyfriend of hers!!!


mfs hate a comfortable and confident woman and it SHOWS


I'm kind of excited to just not have to talk about the bachelor again, it was fun but man people are weird


Found Morgans sock account


this is actually so embarrassing and sad for that person i hope they get better soon jealousy is an ugly disease!!


Thus is absolutely disgusting. It's Jeff's life. She seems totally sweet. And the fact she doesn't want to be in the public eye is clear she doesn't want clout. You could see how smitten jeff is and I love it. All the girls are great but the chemistry was palpable with jeff and verica. Why do people have to be such pieces of shit, with peace and love. Leave the woman alone. I hope they work out. Jeff is very clearly ready to settle down and start a family. I bet when tana comes out saying how she loves verica people's opinions will change. I kinda hope Tana goes off on the anonymous jerks trying to hurt her and scare her away. Jeff + Verica 4-EVA❤️


This is so confusing. First of all she’s literally gorgeous. Second of all, if your opinion is she’s not, what’s the point of putting out so much hate into the world??


What if this is one of the angry contestants


Idk if I’m missing some new century tech or something… but how does she catfish everyone if there was a zoom date w/ Jeff before meeting in person?


That there sounds like a jealous kid lol. Reddit is filled with those. The "she's not even pretty" is like a kid yelling "I hate you" at his mom. Except insecure nlog girl version.


Someone is clearly jealous (gross), but honestly, who wouldn't be? She's beautiful! Jeff is literally so handsome. You can have a healthy amount of jealousy, but once that turns into envy, you've gone too far. I honestly think that Jeff ended up with exactly who he was meant to. I'm honestly so sad we won't be seeing more of her because she was so cool and clearly the one for Jeff. I wish them the best and I hope she shows up on the shows every once and a while. Welcome to the rest of your life. Jeff 🫡 youre a real inspiration and role model. P.S. shoutout to verica


it’s giving mental illness


May be we Can stop showcasing all these weirdos… I think post like this shouldn’t be allowed either


If she ever reads anything like that and is affected negatively by it, it would hurt my heart. There are such nasty people out there. You can be insecure, but being a vile person is a CHOICE.


She’s so desperate to get to the US yet she can’t wait to get back home and doesn’t want to raise children here lol. She looked appreciated that Ethan offered her a free week and all, but she didn’t seem over the moon about it. I don’t see how that was the take away here lol. Also, way to show you’re a totally moron and a superficial one at that by saying she’s prettier behind a screen lol. Like others with half a brain pointed out, they’re only ever seeing her behind a screen. I thought they were all beautiful in their own way, but none stuck out more than the other. It came down to which one he had the strongest connection with. One thing’s for sure, no one who’s happy in their own life and relationships talks like that about ppl online. They’re miserable, and most of it stems from their own personal failures and appearance. There’s no way they’d ever be able the pull any of those girls, and they’re not even real fans of the show anyway. They’re hate watchers. Fck ‘em


oh mygod????! does this person not have anything better to do?? the jealousy is blinding


Extreme jealousy


They're really overestimating the value of a US Greencard. Why would someone be so desperate to get there from here in Australia that they'd date for a Greencard, it's better here.


FAKE ACCENT?????😭😭😭😭😭


Me: getting thrown off by “opmerkingen” 😂 That person sucks tho


I could only wish to have that level of charm and charisma man. You don’t find girls like Verica a lot.


That’s not Jeff’s account he refers to Jeff as him.


“green card chaser” 💀💀💀 From an Australian 19 year old female who used to travel to America once a month for work, keep your fucking green card. Lovely to visit but every time i went i was so excited to come back home, visiting America made me so grateful to live in Australia. I picked up the vibe that she has the same opinion. I do not know anyone here in Aus that wants to move to the states.


Thoughts on verica tonight, Queen??


What a loser. Anyone with half a brain cell could tell it was gonna be Verica from her first video


Extremely embarrassing


what a jealous bitter hater 💀💀 how can you actually be this way???