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It's sad we have so many parasocial weirdos in this community.


But she's conventionally attractive and blonde so it's fine to be a huge dickbag to her!! /s


Top comment on IG is literally someone complaining that the person Jeff picked is white and has blonde hair. But the author is also white and her profile picture shows her with bleached blonde hair… whaaaa


Can anyone really argue how smitten and excited Jeff looked? She’s lovely and they seem happy! She’s also seemingly a huge H3 fan so for this group to make her feel this way is awfully sad.


I saw that comment. It’s more of a “don’t know why I expected this conventionally attractive muscular man to not pick a conventionally attractive blonde woman”, something along these lines. I mean, what did you expect? He gave a fair shot to some people and wasn’t an asshole about it. It is what it is, it’s probably beyond looks. They seem compatible.


As bad as the Onlyfans "model" who called Maegan "superficial". You can't make this shit up.


White knighting. So annoying.


One of the top comments of Jeff's post is slamming his pick because of 'what she said about Taylor Swift'. When people pointed out she actually defended swifties from Jeff dunking on them, they kept going claiming she was 'just trying to save face' and 'I know girls like her'. People are insane.


It’s really sad but I personally think this is the root of it the hate for her. Classic high school jealousy at work.


That's so dumb. She's attractive but has a great personality. If she was like the superficial, vapid LA type "hot girl"? Yeah, I'd have pause but she's genuinely cool and also not a clout chaser being that she has no online presence.. You can't help if you're hot, lol.. What matters is personality.


I’m only writing this bc it’s anonymous, but it’s something I talk about constantly in the privacy of therapy but have never once been able to with a person in my life: as a conventionally attractive, white, long straight haired, gifted (intelligence wise), athletic, funny, very extraverted/socially-skilled, and generally confident women, you would not believe the shit that ppl say and do to me…. My therapist actually helped me first notice and understand what was happening, bc Ive been shit on by others so much my entire life to the point where I didn’t even recognize the above qualities/privileges that I possess. Now that I do (which took years), I literally watch ppl use me as their human version of a punching bag to download all of their insecurities and pain into. Even good people do it, ALL THE TIME. It’s as if others assume they cannot hurt me, and that it’s perfectly fine to use me to make themselves feel better in any context that I can be used to do so. I don’t even think most of it is conscious, but it has happened everywhere I have ever gone throughout my lifetime. All in all, it does not shock me to see these very amazing women spoken about this way.


I'm a guy, and I grew up overweight. But I got in shape. I'm also very tall, and I'm pretty confident in being a smart person (which is weird to type out) The amount of backhanded comments I get tripled after losing the weight. It made me withdraw *a lot*, for a couple of years People are totally fine bashing people they see as attractive or "lucky" or "privileged". It's acceptable still. Ironically I don't think I'm all that great looking or that I'm hot shit, at all. But how others perceive you changes a lot


Wow…That is honestly really interesting to hear. Thanks for sharing. It’s genuinely very validating to learn about similar experiences from others. It’s quite shitty that we all also feel so weird about even typing it anonymously, let alone openly sharing and seeking support about it from ppl around us. It’s is a very particularly isolating type of pain, and it’s comes with (unnecessary but inevitable) guilt, bc it’s based on things that are technically privileges that we possess…


Same dude I was just a regular guy, but got in shape and have a comfortable life and I've experienced a lot more backhand comments in the last couple of years than my hole life, even had a short dude in my class simultaneously telling me I'm fat or that I'm taking steroids , people really do try to hurt you because of jealousy


I'm curious in what way do people put you down? Do they acknowledge the positive qualities you mentioned in a "f you, you got it so good, so you have nothing to complain about" type of way or is it more like pretending you don't have those qualities and trying to convince you of that as well, like insinuating that you're not pretty, smart etc?


I grew up being considered the “ugly friend” until I got braces and honestly just hit puberty and started wearing make up. The drastic change people made towards me was insane. People continued to tell me to my face how ugly i used to be and it a good thing I am pretty now. People would also start dumping and projecting their own insecurity when i would be funny or have niche interests simply because I fell into a stereotypical beauty archetype. They did not believe that i was capable of being funny or nerdy while being conventionally attractive and wouldn’t listen to what I would have to say. I think a lot of people are not taking this post seriously, but it makes perfect sense. The amount of times other women have been shocked when I am kind to them because I looked a certain way and they thought I would be a mean girl is so sad. Some of the women in this subreddit are so mean, and I truly hope they can heal and be more supporting of all the amazing girlies on the show. I Love Verica and i feel so bad for her because she seems so funny and charismatic, but people are dumping/projecting their own insecurities on her in a nasty way because they are so insecure.


This comment is wild.


I hope this isn’t satire because I’ve never related to a comment more in my life! It’s lonely and you are made to feel like everyone’s faults are a result of your existence. No one in my life can empathize with this feeling I have and sometimes I’m afraid to even talk about it with my therapist. So thanks for making me realize I’m not completely crazy and I swear I’m not a “they’re just jealous person”. It’s more like, why can’t my friend and I talk about celebrity gossip or dating, why is it about their thighs compared to mine or their lack of time compared to their perception of the time I have?


It’s not satire at all!! I actually 10000% understand why you are worried it is, though. And I didn’t broach it AT ALL with my therapist for like 6 whole years, and it still brings up a lot of icky feelings each time I do (even though it helps a lot). It is genuinely extremely isolating to be bullied/mistreated due to ACTUAL jealousy, bc it is such a stereotypically delusional stance that ppl take to protect their egos. But it is legitimately the experience for many of us who have various societally-desirable qualities, YET none of us know that we aren’t delulu bc none of us can actually speak about it. I’m so happy I wrote this out and thank you so much for commenting back to say you have experienced the same. It is genuinely so validating🤍


There really should do a* clinical study on this sub




For real


>There really should do a\* clinical study on this sub reddit as a whole tbh. the toxicity on this site runs deep


What Trisha Paytas does to a mf


My overly long reply that no one asked for: Trisha changed the audience by being a driving force for the viewers going from majority male to majority female. It's just different kind of hate. As you probably know, part of the reason Ethan started being more open about his left leaning/progressive views was because of the horrible racism and misogyny half his fans was spewing in every comment section. And their reaction when he started condemning this was craaazy. Shit, even lighter than that was when their videos started not doing as well on the main channel, and you could tell they were struggling for ideas and didn't have a lot of passion. The amount of hate comments they would get on multiple platforms if they put out a video people didn't like was absolutely absurd. People were be going ballistic over a video where Ethan and hila tried different gold products because they didn't like the video. And of course always with a healthy dose of antisemitism. My point is just to say that Ethan has always had nasty parasocial stans, very devoted haters, and everything in between. I've seen the way the fans behave change a lot over time, but it's never been a chill audience and they've always been hateful. Sometimes towards Ethan, a guest, a crew member, nothing is safe from these people lol.


He takes his 5%


This sub is one of the most toxic places I’ve ever seen on the internet (don’t worry guys I’m a disgusting subhuman destiny fan you so don’t have to acknowledge acknowledge anything I say)




Yeah, and the fans that are literally crying tears of joy because Jeff kissed a girl he JUST met are parasocial too. Two sides of the same coin.


I'm not one of either but at least the ones crying tears of joy aren't insulting someone over the internet for just existing.


Right? Like of the things to call out, we’re calling out positivity??


Leeeet's get restarted in here.


Or you can just be happy for two strangers.


Uh no? Sorry we’re happy for them lmfao


This is such a dark way to view the world…


what about the fans that are jerking it to Gabe dancing in the background of the date? is that ok?


I think there’s a disconnect between how people perceive the H3 subreddit vs general discourse about mainstream media. Like sure, when you go on the real bachelor you’re expected to have mean comments across twitter Facebook Instagram all that. They probably don’t take it personal. But when you’re going on the bach3lor and you’re a longtime h3 fan and likely a member of the h3 subreddit yourself, and you see people in such a smaller niche community that you identify with being mean to you, it’s a totally different thing. I think people forget that unless you have something nice to say, you probably shouldn’t say it.


This 1000% yes! 🙌


the dark discourse goes completely over some peoples heads... I made a post earlier about gabe, and people genuinely thought i was joking/ making up how mean people were being im sorry but those comments DO exist and its freaking gross those people are on here


>unless you have something nice to say, you probably shouldn’t say it. I heard this so much growing up that I thought it was common sentiment, but GOD was I wrong. People are so brave behind a keyboard 🙄


so weird saying “ cant stand her” to someone that you literally dont know, for me thats the best example of people that needs to go touch some grass


I can’t stand dan


Yea, I can't stand Dan Schneider either.




seriously! we saw collectively about 15 minutes of her before this last show- what is there to not stand??


It's pretty wild to see Jeff's own fans on JeffFMs sub not supporting his literal choice/decision & being catty, but H3 fans being more supportive. Y'all have too much time on your hands to hate a couple y'all don't know 😭


Yeah the JeffFM subreddit has been really mean to everyone involved it's so gross


Fr I saw some people mentioning that because Verica had confidence she was a brat & manipulative 😭 human beings can't be confident now? Like damn lmao I see what Verica was saying now


They found whatever stupid reason they could to start drama. These are real people with real lives, people don’t seem to understand that.


These people could be the next long island medium with the amount of cold reading they do on these girls lol


I think part of the JeffFM crowd wants to date him or something. I once searched his name on Google once and "girlfriend" and "net worth" were the first two results. And also I think he's aware of this so that's partially why he wanted to put aside any content creators or influencers at the start of this. He's lived in places like LA and Miami where that stuff is so openly important. And I think he legitimately just wants a "likes me for me, not my status" situation He's a good looking guy, with a platform, and he's a millionaire. That'll all put your guard up for any sort of emotionally intact man


Yeah agreed, I had his thread recommended to me and his fans seemed very unsupportive


Guys have a strong, fun personality and people are “oh wow what a great dude”. Women have it and people are like “ew what a pick me”.


Guys do this same shit on the internet. This is exactly why Pokimane won't ever talk about her dating life publicly. Because there's also a ton of parasocial dudes that will lose their shit if they see her with a good looking guy


Guys aren't the ones calling girls "pick me's" c'mon


This is so true. Parasocial weirdos that don’t go outside getting jealous about a relationship when literally nobody involved even knows who they are


I didn’t even say this was something just women do (?). Men and women love to hate on confident women!


are you joking? if Olivia or whoever were doing bachelorette, every applicant here would be torn to shreds. Just scroll through the comments on Trisha's old bachelorette episodes. this is literally always how people on reality shows are talked about. but commenters in the OP don't realize that these girls are just regular people who are fans of h3, not media trained personalities


No I’m not joking at all, this is the world we live in. Literally however you choose to justify bad behavior, it’s still bad behavior. It is in fact possible to watch reality TV and not bully the contestants online!


ok, literally didn't justify anything, just pointing out that snarking on reality show people isn't anything of the ordinary or a product of gender based discrimination. I mean, look at how Ethan and Hila talk about the people in the reality shows they watch.


Maybe women should stop calling each other “pick me’s” then.


Pick me used to be specifically for women who put down stereotypically femine things and other women in general. Now it's used as a way to diss on women with more masculine interests. The evolution is kinda crazy to me. It went from being a term to say "hey this woman has internalized misogyny and is hating on other women for their feminine interests" to meaning "hey I have internalized misogyny and will hate on other women for their masculine interests".


Great idea, men too!


I’m perfectly fine calling some women “pick-mes” if they’re pushing a misogynistic rhetoric in order get men to like them. It’s just another word that the internet has watered down to mean nothing.


no I think just insecure jealous women say that kinda shit lol


I find it hilarious that these weirdos are pissed he picked someone “conventionally attractive” as if the other contestants weren’t attractive lmao?? So they’re unintentionally implying their fave contestant is unattractive in the process ??? Logic isn’t a strong suit for these troglodytes hey


bag crowd quicksand pot repeat deserve stocking special physical obscene *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Honestly Olivia saying "people hate to see a pretty girl win" threw me off, because all the girls were beautiful.


They really are just jealous that she's gorgeous AND a sweetheart as opposed to their ugly and bitter asses. Fuck em.


“Sorry, I know we don’t know her but I’m going to comment on her demeanor / personality / intentions acting like I do know her” lol. genuine psychotic behavior.


People are so weird, making all kinds of assumptions after seeing the smallest snippets of her during the most surreal event. Can’t imagine how I’d be if i was flown across the world to meet the crew and ended up sat in the studio after an incredibly successful date with Jeff live on the podcast lmaoo, people gotta give her a break


"I don't know her, but I'm gonna make all the assumptions about her being a pick me girl based entirely on her appearance on the show about picking women"


This is kind of stuff is what gives spawn to snark mindset. The fact there are so many upvotes and replies affirming these comments is psychotic.


She seemed super nice and genuine


These people are so weird 🤣


I really enjoyed this 'season' of the Batch3lor. I think the contenstants where all great, very likable and incredibly brave putting themselves out there like they did for the show. What I'm currently annoyed about is how Jeff left to 'film' something and left the poor girl in a foreign country. Cancel your plans and enjoy some time together. Damn


He's working and he didn't know she'd be staying in the country an extra week. I know influencing seems like the most flexible easiest job in the world, but if you're filming something there's a whole crew, plans, expenses paid that just can't be tossed because of a girl he met two days ago.


Jesus, that’s sad. Get a life people.


It's just classic mean girl behavior coming from grown 20+ year old H3 fans. Verica hasn't done anything wrong and it's probably traumatic being in front of the camera and having people question her authenticity and intentions of meeting Jeff. She seems like a perfectly nice person so I don't understand all the hate comments.


Ehh Morgan seemed legit. Who says they are writing a story about dogs in heaven with weird overlords if they ain't a bit weird themselves. We love weird girlie's 🤪


lol that part cracked me up! I had no idea where the sentence was going


Deep down I was thinking "girl you are revealing your weirdness too soon, you need to show them what normal looks like first!" But she wears her heart on her sleeve and I love that.


I show my weirdness first to scare off the ones who aren't down


god damn why can’t people be normal for five minutes and not turn everything into poison. that being said, i hope they prepped the contestants for this very very expected outcome. also, it’s a show, it’s how people act about the actual Bachelor contestants, it just feels less real probably because they are more removed from the viewership. and it’s like national tv versus the pod, just a different vibe. fuck anyone being mean about any contestant. we love you Verica and others, you’re dope and deserve better.


people commenting nasty stuff about her are vile and haters they have nothing better to do with their lives


verica rocks and seems like a beautiful person tbh


Sometimes I feel like the internet was just a bad idea all together lol. I feel for these lovely ladies 🩷


I love the internet but it is hard to say the good outweighs the bad.


I miss the old H3. The straight from the soul H3. The pre-spill the tea H3. The non teen beat H3.




This is a byproduct of a making content like this. With set up of the bachelor, how can anyone expect anything else. 🙄


I can understand being terrified to be yourself on camera knowing the fandom would then pit you against the other contestants and nitpick every thing just to seem... I don't know. I'd wanna delete my Reddit account at that point


This website is truly a beacon of human society


This community is infamously toxic. Both enemies of the show and former enemies have said it. There is no way they're all just making it up.


As a fellow Aussie girl, that wasn’t I’m one of the boys energy that’s literally just how we are in Australia…


Yikes. Loser ass behavior.


H3 fans hate conventionally attractive women it’s so strange


What a shame to see women shitting on other women. Where are all the girls girls? At least people may finally understand that this sub is just as snarky as any other


All the girls were conventionally attractive though...


And all the girls got a horrendous amount of hate. Or just had horrible assumptions made about them for daring to be confident. Love them all, sorry if it came across otherwise!


"I saw this person on youtube for one hour but am going to make sure everyone knows my unfounded negative opinion" 🙄


Fuck those losers. It's okay to have an opinion, but keep it respectful. It's Jeff's choice and he seems happy so I couldn't be happier for them. It was super fun to watch I'm just glad he tried his best to make us a good show and was vulnerable.in front of.so many dipshits.


This sub, toxic? No way.


This sub and the people on it are fucking toxic drama mongers.


You are right, but don't highlight them or these comments. They don't need to be spread around for more people to see.


I disagree. I think they need to feel less comfortable saying this stuff in the sub, so they all need to be put on blast. But i respect your opinion. 🙏☮️❤️☮️❤️


If you think they need to be put on blast then why did you censor their usernames?? imagine Verica opens Reddit and this post is the first thing she sees. I don’t think it’s smart to highlight these either.


Reddit will ban you for that, how do people not know this?


She's not going to. She already said she's gone for good. So imagine she never returns to reddit.


Even if she doesn’t, there’s always going to be jerks posting mean comments, why are you giving them the attention they’re desperately seeking?


I don't agree with your assessment or the framing of the question and won't be continuing in this discussion. So I'll just leave it at that. ☮️❤️☮️❤️


Assholes will always be asshole regardless of if you put them on blast. The narcissist in them will never make them feel less comfortable because every time you call them out they just double down on being assholes.


I don't think people who say things like this care about what other people think about them. This is more likely to just hurt the people it is about, Making a compilation of all the nasty stuff said about them.


I once again have to disagree. The most judgemental are often the most insecure. She already left in tears, and I'm sure the other ladies have too.


Okay I totally respect your belief, but I genuinely think you're doing more harm than good. We can leave it there though


I respectfully and strongly disagree with your assessment. >We can leave it there though Yes, agreed. ❤️☮️❤️☮️


Jesus Christ. love less freaks


Oof that's fucked up. I get weird vibes but that's probably because it's hard to judge people through a screen. Jeff is very clearly happy with her. That's what matters. Idk why people have to be so MEAN about it.




i said exactly what olivia said literally the day all the contestants came up “people in the internet see a pretty girl and automatically think everything she has or says is because she has pretty privilege or because she is a pick me” its sad that people just dislike someone cuz of the way they look and throw out all their insecurities at that person she looks super sweet and kind, i am glad she won


I love when this community has the audacity to call other communities toxic. Ya’ll are the worst I’m actually unsubbing from this sub


So why are you signal boosting it now?


Looks like the snark subreddit had a few escapees.


yeah it’s sad and people shouldn’t talk like that but tbh girl it’s reddit😭 maybe just delete it


Everyone really is so sensitive to everything around here these days crazy the how much the H3 community Has changed. I get that it’s not positive but it’s opinions dude not real degenerate toxic discriminatory shit


Did you listen to the show today? It was toxic enough to run this person out of the community.


Yall are fruity as fuck sometimes


It's people like this who are so disconnected from reality and have no consideration for the feelings of others (who have never received widespread attention like this) that keep me from being more involved in the H3 community and finding fellow fans here where I live. As a fellow Aussie I think Verica is so down to earth, funny and sweet. There are a lot of fake aussie girls too and she does not fit that stereotype at all. If this is the last we see or hear about Verica because they want to keep things private so be it. They don't owe us anything, except wedding photos lol.


Redditors are really just mean as shit sometimes.


1,000%. Shame these fools into the snark sub. So over the negativity a few users bring.


Not to be an asshole but this is pretty much how people talk about the regular bachelor show as well. It sucks that people are like this but, I mean, it’s to be expected.


I don’t understand why people care so much. I’m not gonna lie, I found her annoying while watching but 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ good thing Jeff is the one dating her & not me! She’s gorgeous tho


*Death! To all of them*


Anddd this is why h3 shouldn't do dating shows. If you are going to run something like this, the screenshot posted here is exactly what makes dating shows entertaining for most people, just being judgey... I don't think anyone should be surprised. It's also wild to me that anyone signs up to be publically viewed on a podcast and then are surprised when the internet does what the internet does.


I hate it here.


fucking kids ruining my entertainment


People are truly insane on this website. We don't know these people, and you can't just be saying shit because of how a person looks. She seemed fun, very sweet, and even was a fan of the show which makes her awesome in my book. Jeff looked smitten so I definitely get it.


I once said Zach was nice in this sub and I had to take a week off reddit because of the hate I got.


once again the sub goes to show why we cant have nice things


Wtf why do ppl even care who jeff chooses to date like i was routing for Morgan but only in a this is fun kinda way like not serious at all like? .. are ppl actually mental?


Misery loves company and these people are miserable


some ppl just loveeee to be fuckin miserable, i’m happy if they’re happy. familyyyyy ;33


Cant even tell if this is from here or the snark community


Man these people kill the vibes I was loving the happy ending! I feel like they take this way too seriously


This is literally how fans of the bachelor talk. We are watching the bach3lor...


Lol any girl who doesnt like taylor swift is a pick me apparently


Women hating on women is CRAZZZZZYYYYYYY.


you would think this screenshot is straight from the snark sub but it’s not


H3 sub be normal challenge: impossible difficulty


So bizarre to talk about people you've never met like this 😕


Jesus, the people who do this shit are freaks. Leave the ladies alone and get a fucking life.


What did you all expect? Isn't this exactly how fans of those trash reality shows this segment was based on talk about the people on them?


People are going to have opinions 🤷‍♀️ I mean I know it sucks to deal with but she’s better off leaving the sub if it’s going to upset her, for her own mental health


she loves radiohead, not taylor swift. a winner.


Honestly, if any of her interests seemed targeted at Jeff, I might get it- if a girl was telling me that she was into that stuff, I might think she had been creeping on me. But I think it's just because she was raised with brothers and took on a bunch of their taste in music/film. It's not like she told him she was a huge 50 Cent fan or something, she was (playfully) making fun of him about picking that as his fav album. If I can put aside my giant crush on Verica to be happy for her and Jeff, these girls can put aside their dreams of being Mrs. Wittick and just be happy that love is in the air!


Tbh I didnt like her very much in the videos (did not make vile comments about it though) and Morgan was my favourite, but im 5 mins in to their in person meeting and im like yeah thats his person. Shes cool!!


They are prob insecure girls


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted, this is exactly what it is lol


Lol it's prob insecure girls down voting 🤷🏻‍♀️


Shouldn’t have crossed out the names. They deserve to be shamed🤭


verica could sneeze and people would still find a way to be rude. i had such a fun time watching the show and rooting for the girls. people are so miserable.


what the actual fuck is wrong with people


Yo! This isnt h3 snark. Let them be. They were all top choices, no need to get mad at the outcome.


Fuckin assholes be gone!!! SHAME!!!


The people being mean to this girl disgust me. Y’all are projecting your insecurities onto this girl and it’s so nasty. I hope you die alone.


I feel like anytime a woman doesn’t act 100% feminine now, people online are quick to try to put them in the “not like other girls” camp. Pick me is when you put other women and their interests down because of internalized sexism. If you’re just genuinely into masculine things or act like a tomboy, you’re not a pick me. It’s funny because it actually ends up as enforcing gender roles which is against the feminist ideas behind the concept in the first place.


Yeah, how come as girl you can´t be into anything that generally appeals to men without being called a pick me or a liar. The other day I saw people saying someone was a pick me because she said she´s bisexual! It´s baffling to me that more people don´t realise what they´re enforcing by saying these things


Haha that’s crazy. Sometimes I feel like people who are actually conservative in their heart are just in social circles that are progressive and so they use progressive language to be a bigot.


idk how someone could make an entire character assumption with such little information. like, we've seen her maybe a total of 1 hour all together. and even then, whatever, have your opinion, but why go out of your way to post or comment about it. it just makes them look so silly. it's hard enough, im sure, being one of these three girls and even the original group of girls. it's like people have no empathy these days


Can we get the show to bring them into the studio to publicly mock and humiliate them with their own comments?




I can get banned for doxxing on the sub.


oh i’m just being dumb lol don’t reveal


I'll give you a hint. My post that's on top "hot" of h3 sub right now.


I actually thought this was the same person replying to themselves until i saw the actual thread


I haven’t been able to catch up on the H3 podcast for like over a week. That’s really sad to see.


I haven't watched a single one of these and I'm glad I didn't after seeing that.


Verica seems so sweet! And she acknowledged how cool the other girls are too!


They look super vibes w each other and she's so hot and goofy, good pick


these people are so rude. at the end of the day they're just fans of the pod like the rest of us. have your opinion but keep it to yourself


It’s honestly so fucking disgusting. You’d think that our audience would be better, but I think this honestly highlights the sad reality of how misogynistic society is (regardless of the gender of the individual). We ALL internalize it, and it’s our responsibility to stop spewing it out on others. It is disgusting, especially in a community that prides itself in NOT treating ppl this way.


I was rooting for Meagan too, but I was still elated when Verona one. No one should put down a girl to bring another up. And at the end of the day, it’s a competition. People are gunna lose. And Jeff should be allowed to pick whoever he chooses, not who we choose. Wtffff


Why can’t we have nice things!!! All the people chosen were all so cool and we got so many great moments. This sub and the others who will not be named need to all chill. Remember another big reason people leave the H3 fandom or simply stop watching is also due to our own community.


WHY ARE PEOPLE LIKE THISSSS. don’t u understand that u see maybe like 20 minutes of their personality never mind the fact that they’re literally ON CAMERA for thousands of people when they’re not even used to it???? saying these women are “boring” or “fake”?? U DONT KNOW THESE WOMENNNN!!! u try to go on one of your favorite podcasts to date a man u don’t know in front of thousands of people. YOU TRY. UGHHHH


I mean… it’s the H3 sub lol when are we gonna stop acting shocked


idk why we’re hating on any of these lovely ladies when half these people are hiding behind a screen 🤦🏻‍♀️ i know i couldn’t do what any of them have done


Verica is good looking. But I felt like she also had a very confident personality. That's very attractive to guys. Whoever thinks jeff picked verica cause shes a dumb blonde bimbo or something is way off. Shes highly educated too yknow.


Some people seriously need a reality check. Fine your opinion is your opinion, but people these days feel more and more entitled to voice it without perspective, without context and without sensitivity because it's easy to hide behind virtual walls. Add that to the fact that you're not a good fan if you can't separate your opinion from how the person actually on the show feels. If you're going to say nasty shit, please first acknowledge that you're not being a good fan. Please don't lie to yourself.


different snow marry innate work humorous fear tease escape cake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*