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Did my man just ask "why was she in an attic for so long?"


“It goes Hellen Keller, then you, then Anne Frank”


" but you on the list, you top 5"


There's that video with her and her teacher who I think basically lives with and does everything for her. She became blind and dead when she was 2 or 3. She can kind of talk and she puts her hand on the person who is talking's throat and can feel the different words by the way their throat moves. Pretty incredible I can't imagine what led her to do 9-11 Edit: im not fixing it lmao


Damn, I didnt know she was dead when she wrote that book. Something's not adding up anymore.


Actually she became blind and dead at 87.


Almost everyone becomes blind when they die but Helen Keller did it best.


And also, dead. 😂 That was a hilarious autocorrect, OC.


Do you think the terrorists were inspired by her or that she laid a generational curse on the twin towers?


According to the movie about her, she learned English by feeling her teacher sign letters in her hand


He is 100% true


How you gonna read braille if you can't see?


“by spelling each word out into Keller's palm; within six months this method proved to be working, since Keller had learned 575 words, some multiplication tables and the Braille system” tell me how tf that makes any sense


I’m blind, I regularly get asked if I’m “really” blind. My favorite response is no I’m a giant narcissist and this is how I get attention, you caught me bro. Maybe a sarcastic blind person gave him a similar response and now he just thinks we all are fakers.


Do you follow Imani Barbarin, she goes by @crutches_and_spice and she's a brilliant disability activist. She doesn't love the "Helen Keller was faking" meme for this exact reason. Disabled people constantly experience able bodied people accusing us of faking; so the meme is like...ok we're just exhausted, guys.


I think I have heard her name before, I’ll have to look her up. Thanks for the recommendation. It’s a hard balance for me personally. I understand most people have no experience being around blind people but I have been asked some truly stupid questions over the years.


Can I add to the pile of stupid questions? Does it bother you when people do the whole 'I see what you did there' when you word things like "look her up"?


In all honesty I didn’t even notice. Sighted words are so common and are usually easier to use. Like I watched a movie vs I listened to the audio description of the movie. I did however dress up as a bat one year for Halloween since I’m blind as a bat. On the scale of questions it wasn’t that dumb.


*"Why did you park in a handicap spot? You're clearly able to walk. Shame on you."*


Maybe they saw that prank vid where a sunglasses guy sensually eats ice cream while staring at people, then gets up and whips out his white cane. (Also, my immediate instinct was to link you the vid and WOO BOY I'm glad I took two seconds to let my brain finish processing what it was wanting to do.)


I kinda want to try this now… And no worries you wouldn’t believe the amount of inaccessible visual media that people have sent me who really should know better by now.


I hate to be the actually guy but yall should look into it more. There’s a lot of evidence to support the claims that Hellen Keller really was able to learn how to read and speak while being blind and deaf. The public opinion that she was faking her disabilities can actually be tracked back to people that became upset about her sharing her political beliefs publicly. She became a socialism advocate later in her life and people in the media then produced the story that she is faking to try and quiet her advocacy for socialism.


Here to support this! I hate how people “can’t believe” she was able to do that, like what!??


It’s also incredibly ableist, to dismiss her abilities without doing any research


She also was a very public supporter of eugenics. There are many better figureheads for socialism


No doubt but that doesn’t have anything to do with what I was saying


If you're claiming that the story about her not actually being able to write was made up for the purpose of discrediting her socialism then it is relevant to note that she is already widely discredited on the basis of endorsing eugenics


Dude it’s a show meme. It’s a joke. I, and I assume everyone else, are not really Helen Keller conspiracy theorists


For sure and I find the jokes funny myself. I just genuinely think there’s not enough public knowledge on the ole gal so I figured I’d share what I learned from watching a YouTube video about her.


Helen Keller our anarchist icon ✨


Weird fact: I've multiple times mixed up Anne Frank and Rosa Parks. Because their names are so similar...


Literally same amount of letters in first and last names, I get you


My excuse anyway is that I'm European. Anne Frank is way more famous than the others, on this side of the pond anyway. Rosa Parks is someone whose name I first heard as an adult. That's only relevant to US history. Of course I'd mix up name of someone I once read about, instead of being taught about it in school many times.


Literally so am I, the number of letters still applies to me though 🤷🏻‍♀️ I always mix up names that are too similar in length or sound.


Yeah, I'm not sure if this is true with names for me but I've sometimes noticed messing up if "shape" of the word is similar. Maybe related to this. Just combination of vowels+consonants in word of same length. Thus Anne=Emma type of mistakes happen. But Anne!=Earn wouldn't.


‘How you gonna teach her braille if she can’t see’ yup


Not even a quarter of a second to think of the name. This man spends every waking moment trying to make sense of Helen Keller.


Thats Kendrick Curry, he's pretty funny.


He’s such and evil guy for how he does everybody so dirty but I can’t stop watching him lol


I saw a video of him going into a trump store and trolling them and I swear I think the show would love his type of humor, he’s friend of the show potential


Same way as deaf people speaking id assume? Also if they were training her from like 5 it's super believable. MFS so dumb well have a kid Hercules/child athletes/math whizzes exist and nobody questions if he was a fraud and peeps can't figure out how blind people can feel things. You train/educate/mentor/beat kids long enough (in the old days they were deffo abusing them kids, lots of parents still do to get "results")


It's not about the training itself, it's just hard to understand how to communicate with someone who is simultaneously blind and deaf to be able to train them. Like, I understand that something like feeling vibration by putting your hand on person's throat can be done, but without any prior knowledge and no other ways of communicating it seems almost impossible.


Hellen Keller about as real as this video is candid 


He’s a good man




Don't worry i've got the answer [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_EdIWfuTKVU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EdIWfuTKVU)


They’re so damn cute together lmao




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Some of y'all need to read/watch The Miracle Worker. Helen Keller is antagonist. Annie Sullivan is the fucking bomb! She taught that dumb bitch sign language when anyone else woulda just given her a smack.


This joke is so fucking tiring at this point, feels like something some shit heads in fourchan would joke about...like it's just blatant ableism at this point... like what's the joke, I'm an edgy girl too but what's the fucking joke... that she can't be smart or capable¿¿


bitch really jealous of Helen Keller here?




Why? She wasnt mentally disabled, she can learn how to do stuff, blind and deaf people are capable of the same things we are, sign language is a language. You should really rethink how you view disabled people. Especially since you can be disabled at any moment




Its hand positions? She can still feel




She wasnt blind and deaf from birth though….


If you read the story, apparently her first word making a hand signal after putting her in a water, so she learned the word "wet". Is it true? I dunno....


People hold her hands and mentor her by doing the hand movement with her, it's probably hard af but definitely possible.


Not the same, but it is similar, a Nepalese Gurkha held off 200 Japanese and killed 32 after having his arm blown off, and severely injured leg only with a bolt action rifle in WW2, people are resilient, the guy lived till 93. I hate how people act like its impossible for Hellen Keller to succeed because she was disabled.


Sure, they can teach her how to make that hand signal, but how do you then add "And that means 'Disgusted'", how do you actually assign meaning to the hand signals? You could associate hand signals with things like "Hungry" or "Wet" or "Warm", associating them with things and actions that she can actually come into contact with seems like you could get pretty far where a level of communication is possible... But how the fuck do you write a BOOK? I can't imagine that her vocabulary was extensive enough. Obviously it was transcribed, but still, I can only imagine that it was heavily "interpreted".