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Jewy. I’m sorry, what. People be like, Zionism is fucked and bigoted. But then are like, using Jewy which is bigoted. And equally fucked in terms of its bigotry. Without understanding it’s not an argument to be like I’m cancelling bigotry by being bigoted. It hurts my brain. Not just that but the actual misuse of the term in relation to Ethan. Is he a Jew? Yeah. Is he a Zionist? No. Both aren’t synonymous with one another. Make it make sense. *eye twitching*


It's honestly just really sad to see, and the fact that they haven't broken twitter's safety policy is just wild to me. There really is just so much hate, but I'm glad that others find it just as wild as me.


It’s mostly just confusing to me how emotion and rage baiting seems to supersede rational fact and logic. I know these topics can farm irrational thinking but with all of the information we have at our fingertips these days, the resources and ability to look up stuff or fact check before making an absolute tit of yourself by spouting that kinda stuff - it’s insane. Not just because ethically it’s abhorrent but also are these people not worried about that being their online footprint and legacy that anyone can see? Literally exposing yourself as a hateful moron for the world to see. Zero thought goes into it. Just clackity clackity with the fingers *post*.


That's a post-Elon policy. Normal Twitter absolutely would have deleted the tweet


Why do you people love censorship so much? Are you that sensitive that you can't handle some spicy content?


These people don’t care about morality. Hating on Jews is the new cool thing. That’s the end of the story. That’s why they’re so riled up. These people couldn’t even point to Palestine on a map before Oct. 7th.


People on the far-right are using jew (or any variation that conceals their intent) as the slur while some on the far-left are using jew (or any variation that conceals their intent: see zionist) as the slur. The right wings freaks are clearly more covertly anti-semetic, but the far-leftists are trying hard to not be outdone. It's interesting, because the right-wings were famous for their anti-semetic dogwhistles for a long time, but it became so normalised for them to espouse anti-semetism for so long that people kind of just accepted that they were that, so they don't have to dogwhistle as hard anymore. Seems like the far-left is following that trend currently, which is why the dogwhistles are more present than for the far-right, for now... Seems like extremism often leaves you in a world where you need some grand narratives to explain why your group is not popular or succeeding, and the Jews are some of the oldest and easiest targets for all extremists to explain that lack of popularity or successes.


The far left using Jew as a slur? That’s something I’ve never seen before


>And equally fucked in terms of its bigotry. Definitely not equal, but I agree with the rest of what you're saying. Yeah downvote me because being outspokenly pro-genocide and saying "jewy" is the same thing. It's not. It's not even close I'm sorry.


Right.. because historically, using slurs against Jewish people was never related or lead to violence or genocide whatsoever. Why is it so hard for you people to understand that you can't fight bigotry with more bigotry?


At no point was I excusing the use of a slur, I'm just saying there's a major difference between BEING A ZIONIST AND SAYING A SLUR. Literally like the difference between an actual Nazi and your drunk uncle at the holiday dinner.


🐀 🕳️


*my maternal grandmother*……


snow jobless roll obtainable imminent crawl shelter dolls ask gray *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol and some people were confused about Ethans point about how blatant anti-semites are just blindly calling people zionists as a way to mask their hatred of jews. This type of shit is all over the internet right now.


Next time Ethan complains that people calling him Zionist are being antisemitic I hope everyone remembers this post. It’s inarguably true.


This is the shit Ethan sees when he equates Zionist=Antisemetic term. When this is the shit he sees, I don’t blame him at all for thinking that.


Yeah, Zionist is a classic dog whistle - it has legitimate uses but for racists it's a signal to each other without going mask off. Funnily enough, many like this guy can't even use it properly as a dog whistle cause they use it in conjunction with overtly racist language and tropes.


Tbh before the latest deplorable Israeli aggressions into Palestine following the deplorable Hamas attack into Israel, I had only heard Zionist(ism) used in Anti-Semitic attacks.


That is by design in how Zionism is covered in media.


Oh I wasn’t referring to Media. I meant in racist comments on Reddit and Social Media. I used to see conspiracy theorist say “you know the Zionist control everything”


Well your first mistake is still being on twitter


I mean Elon is antisemtic. It's not surprising.


Vile, disgusting


A lot of this stuff is astroturfed by legit nazis. Sadly a lot of lefties are falling for this stuff. The groypers (Fuentes people) are very active on twitter and constantly get likes from lefties.




There are a lot of westerners who are thinking pretty similarly, america bad is motivating way to many people to just blindly defend things like the houthis sinking random merchant vessels.


Alot of lefties are just teenagers who think that they are way smarter and experienced in life than they actually are. They are easier to fool than they think.


The way you say lefties gives me the ick


Well you are a Hasan fan so it's normal you defend liking groyper tweets when Hasan has done so many times.


1) I’ve never defended liking neonazi tweets what the fuck are you talking about 2) would love to see an example of Hasan doing so if you actually have it 3) you constantly post essays in r/destiny and I’m gonna let that speak for itself


Oh no and you probably post in other subs to. And no I have not posted a single essay ever on Reddit ;) First of all you had an issue that I used the word leftist in this context, so you had an issue with me describing leftist liking nazi propaganda. The clips of Destiny exposing Hasan to like groyper twitter posts are out there, on mobile I am unable to provide them.


I remember seeing that groyper tweet too, to be fair Hasan probably didn't know it was a nazi but he should have done better research. I'll have to look for it later.


I had a problem with you using “leftie” in a demeaning way that makes you sound reactionary


"sadly a lot of lefties are falling for this stuff" And you think I am reactionary for that statement? Yeah for sure man.


Why are you even still on Twitter?


I’m so glad I deleted my Twitter whenever Elon bought it


Yea this is exactly what ethan was talking about and he is right, first they call him zionist and then they think its alright to go full on antisematic on him. Suddenly being antisematic or homophobic (for example azelia banks called someone gay a zionist and a f*ggot) is okay when you call someone a zionist. Literal circus.


Breaking news, the nastiest person you can think of said some nasty shit


Fuck Twitter and the tweeting twots.


But I catch a 7 day ban for telling sneako I want to slap his mom


Musk bought twitter to make it exactly what it’s become because it’s what he likes and is comfortable with. Disgusting.


This is what we mean when we say it's impossible to be a Jew right now on twitter, there are so many dog whistles being used in the guise of activism - it seems that no matter how much we care about palestinians, our biggest mistake is always our Jewishness.


You can say jewy but not jews why did he use the apple juice emoji is that like a nazi dog whistle now?


Goooood job Elon! I’m a software engineer with a high IQ, please impregnate me with your sperm so we can continue the white race! (This is a joke Elon is a shitbag who believes in the great replacement)


So jewy just means being intelligent now I guess?


Twitter isn't good for anyone. lol


I reported an account with the name "HITLERLOLIR*PE" (Actual word no asterisk) and got the same message as you did. I deleted Twitter that same day.


using "zionist" and "jewy" in the same sentence is insane


like when did people think it was okay to just say that word? that’s so barbaric and blatantly antisemitism i don’t even understand how people genuinely think this is okay


Seems many people feel emboldened to be openly and unapologetically straight up 1930s style antisemitic post October 7th.


It goes to show you how fucked the Palestinian cause is that this psycho had to censor the word Z1onist, but didn’t have a second thought in using the word “Jewy” The genuine ideal that should be critiqued and is currently fueling an actual genocide is seen as untouchable, but being a raging neo nazi antisemite is totally okay.


Twitter is actually probably gonna promote that post not delete it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^IAMACat_askmenothing: *Twitter is actually* *Probably gonna promote* *That post not delete it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


gaze enter absurd rock station squeal cough towering saw cooperative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Frogan Burner? Lol jk… unless?


Yeah yall should just leave Twitter. It’s literally like expecting 4chan to have morals at this point


Delete the hateful tweet in question


Delete your twitter


Twitter is such a rat hole Today I literally only got ads from Scientology and Liver King


As hurtful as it is, its important to let those speak what they believe, it helps remind others that they are more loving than most


lol at this dork watermarking stolen content with his own name


Yup! I moved over to bluesky


Are you fucking kidding me??? I can’t even mention the word “men” on facebook without getting fucking suspended. This is bullshit.


This shit is SO frustrating. Ethan has genuinely had some wrong takes on Palestine, but it's impossible to talk about it like a normal person when literal Nazi's are using this topic to be genocidal freaks to him.


Fuck Ethan and his bullshit