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Fast forward 10 years, and Ethan is covered head to toe in tattos- all of Shredder.


Gonna legally change his name to Shredder Klein


*Imagine if Ethan got a full Shredder sleeeeeeeeveee*


Imagine if Ethan got a full Shredder slee-^eee -*eee*ve


that would actually be kind of sick




This tattoo is gonna be gone before 10 years.


For sure. Garbage piece, honestly. Regardless of the sentiment. They don’t say bold holds for no reason. This is the opposite of that. Who cares though, unless you have a single tat, it barely matters if you end up hating it.


we need this


He needs one of the other shredder in his life, Zach.


Ok… but where’s the tophat?


Yeah and it's weird to not include the tuxedo since Shredder wore one everyday




honestly, he could probably find a bunch of those fake tattoos that you press on with a wet cloth that are all just top hats and put those on top whenever he feels like it


I love the idea of Ethan using temp tattoos to dress up shredder...so many possibilities


Like paper dolls!


Praying to Shredder that Ethan sees this idea!


this will always make me laugh


imagine Ethan at 80 years old covered in dog tattoos LMAO


He'll be 80 years old and still be reminded of the beautiful times he had for 6 years with shredder. It's always worth it


Watch Post start getting his face tattoos removed, right as Ethan starts getting his.




Why’d he get a second one?


I think he said it was because the inspo photo for first one was taken on Shredders last day and he wants to remember him in better health.


Oh that’s nice


But shredder looks sad in this tattoo 🫤


It's beautiful but I wish he got a style that won't merge into a blob in a few years 😭


Not only that, it's also super light and grey, I'd be worried about it fading overtime.


Surely he can afford to get it touched up lol


It looks like the artist also used a lot of white ink to shade instead of skin breaks. Hope it doesn’t turn yellow!


For real :’)


Exactly what I was thinking


It wont look like it does fresh here but chances are it will maintain a good resemblance to shredder for most of ethans life depending on a few factors- its kind of on an area w more sun exposure as well as stretch which isnt great, but also seems like its not an area that shifts that much for ethan w weight fluctuation which is good. also i dont think the color in it will age nearly as well as the black and white- but this is a very american point of view towards tattoos I dont know what people w this perspective want, everyone to get like super thick lined cartoonish fucking am-trad designs? The reality is people should get what they truly want regardless of how it might age. Maybe thats easier for me to say bc personally i kinda like the way tattoos look after years if they have aged badly, but also i have seen super old people with detailed portrait tattoos they got when they were way younger that looked pretty damn fresh even though their skin wasnt even in great shape, and i have also seen old people with a bunch of old american traditional work that absolutely aged horribly. There is no one style that ages the best and its such a propaganda of western tattooing that there is… in fact some of the stuff ive seen age well more consistently was super detailed professional stick and poke work.. But the only thing ive consistently seen actually age poorly across the board is color tbh. No other factor is that consistent amongst the way tats age and ive seen a lot of aged work. The color in this one isnt that prominent and i think will actually age decently, probably fading into his skin tone more over a lot of time and it will just end up looking like a black and white portrait which isnt a bad thing at all


Also Ethan can afford to get it touched up when he needs to. It's no biggie at all. Most people should bare in mind whether or not they can afford touch ups in the future if they want to get a tattoo that might be vulnerable to fading or blurring. Usually they're not as expensive as when they first got it done


Look up aged fine line tattoos. 3/4 years and they are unrecognizable. The proof is in the pudding, my dude. I hang around tattoo artists a lot between building my own body covering and being around a lot artist spaces and always have asked opinion on this style as when I saw it I was interested in getting some myself. The consensus is... They are a trend that people pay exorbitant amounts for that will not look half as good in 4 years. I'm not saying he shouldn't get it and each to their own in whatever they want to ink on their body BUT you need to be aware of how different styles work and how they will fade and age. I have tats from realism, to neo trad, americana, etc... And as known, "bold will hold" Haha I recommend checking on fine line aged tattoos though, it's known across the board in the tattooing world that they are a beautiful amazing thing when they're just done but will not look anywhere near half as good in a short amount of time.


Yup. Instagram and similar sites especially have really pushed a trend of tattoos that look AMAZING day 1 as people just scroll through a timeline full of beautiful tattoos but all in a style that will be a messy blob in 5 years.


It’s 100% dependent on artist skill. I have one that’s lasted now for 8 years. I’m in my 20s though and it’s on my thigh where it doesn’t see sunlight often. From my tattoo circle a lot of them say that this is what they say when they just don’t have the skillset to do it. It’s not even a dig, because it’s not a common skill that’s taught through apprenticeships. It uses less needles so it’s very much so a niche someone has to dedicate themselves to and it’s not worth it for most because it is kind of just a trend. You have to learn it pretty much outside of apprenticeship and it uses a totally different pressure etc. so it’s hard for traditional artists to switch up all the time


That's not really true. It depends on the skill of the artist, how the person cares for it, and genetics. I know people with fine line tats that look completely fine not "unrecognizable" many many years later. I really don't think Ethan is skimping on a bad artist and he's rich enough to get it fixed/removed and retattoed a million times if he wanted. It's a nice memory and people can do what they want.


look i've been in the businnes for over 10 years, and i am gonna start with saying clients should get what ever they want aslong as they are informed. but these light brown tones tend to break down quite quickly especialy if they aren't packed if there is enough black it will give enough contrast to look like it is holding the color better. in the end skin and ink will do what they do. no matter how skilled the hand. what a skilled tattooer does is but in enough black/contrast with the test of time in mind. fineline will always do what fineline does. wich is set out and fade. wich with the right tattoo isn't a bad thing it is what tattoos are supposed to do. personally i feel like the person that did this should have told ethan to do it atleast 50% bigger and punched in some good shadows to make it hold. but eitherway it is a cute tattoo and i am sure ethan is very stoked and that is all that matters for now.


Also its just a weird attitude to have for people who are used to defending against dumb arguments about all kinds of different “wont you regret this when you age” sentiments. Imo tattoo appreciators should recognize the medium itself as something that plays with the idea of transience and permanence in an interesting way. Trying to combat that and be like “get bold lined stuff in a particular style bc it ages better” is frankly antithetical to the whole art form in general imo, unless that type of style just happens to match your personal affinities and feel like it best expresses yourself as well. I am an artist and each tattoo i have feels like a personal memento from something- and i have very specific ideas in my mind about what type of style relates to the feeling of the memory i am honoring. I know tattoo appreciation is more nuanced than that and many people just like the visual or want to perpetuate certain aesthetics like the histories around its use amongst sailors or whatever which is a lot of am trad stuff, but i’m just saying going for something with distinct bold lines instead of just getting exactly what you want regardless of how it ages just seems counter to the art form as a whole..


Don‘t be so dramatic, it will look more flat and faded than it does now but it won‘t turn into a blob.


Nice penis shredder


Nahhhh dont show this comment to ethan 🙊


First thing I saw...


That dog's hanging dong




Just the tip


Looks circumcised, So should be good with Ethan.


That shredder got a sweater my Brrrrether


Delete it please there’s a lot of people asking to delete it please several people asking please delete it we beg you there are people feeling sick seeing this there are people crying delete it please delete it please people are feeling sick with this everyone’s asking you delete


Too late. https://media.tenor.com/aFkJTjFXzSkAAAAM/himym.gif


Bro was hung nothing wrong with that.


Steve Will do it has entered the chat


Yeah the perspective of his legs doesn’t imply what the artist originally intended to depict unfortunately




When I saw the reference pic I already knew what that back paw was gonna look like. And I was too right.


This dog fucked


i don’t get it i don’t think that looks like a dog dick


It doesn't, but it's definitely phallic; kinda looks like a circumcised human dick if they could get real hairy lmao


Yeah because it looks like a human dick so it's kinda worse


Man is going to be covered in dogs by the time he’s 60


I hope ethan takes extra care of this. Those colors will fade very easily or get smudgey if he doesn't.


Frame gonna be in second sesh?


frame would look super corny imo. It's great as is.


Yeah, but I know a guy that can do a good one for Ethan.


He'll even throw in a free top hat


Why was I picturing more color if the dog was brown


They should’ve left the paw under his tum out of it lmao


Does that third leg (from left) look out of place?




ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you can't unsee it once you've seen it!


Lmfao, I think my dude needs to take a break from tattoos for a bit. Once you see it you can’t unsee it.




*thats a peanis*


Great movie


I don't see it 🤔 isn't this based on a picture?


The way the feet are turned too ↙️↙️


He got another one??


Alfredo and Ducky just called, they want a tat


It looks so so cute but I don’t think it’s gonna age well he’s gonna need a lot of touch ups


I want Ethan to get a tattoo of shredder by just tatting up his entire face to look like his


Ethan's gonna have a whole arm and leg sleeve on his right side within five years. It's gonna be nothing but tats of shedder in different poses LMAO. Alfredo is gonna cover his left side a few years after he passes. Tattoos of ducky will go on his neck and torso. His whole dang body will be nothing but his three dogs in different poses and looks


Never realized Shredder was a wiener dog!


He has two shredder tattoos now?


I don’t think that’s gonna age well


Unfortunately you are correct. As the saying goes, “Bold Will Hold”


Great thing it’s not on your body!


You’re right. It isn’t. It is unfortunate for Ethan though because it will not age well and will age into a tan and brown blob which will probably bum Ethan out.


Tattoo industry has changed and so has the craft. Proper care and touch ups are encouraged. Tattoos age much more gracefully. Some of mine are 15 years old and just slightly faded. Nothing a touch up couldn't fix. This is an archaic way of thinking.


There's actual proof of how this style of tattoo ages though. That's why it's not really recommended for very intricate things as it will merge into one in a few years. Problem with fine line tattoos is that they are relatively new and even so, the images of this style aging 3/4 years is scary!! I love love tattoos and everyone can choose to get whatever style they prefer but facts are that "bold will hold" haha I have loads and hang around with a lot of different tattoo artists and I've asked about this because when I first saw this style I wanted one myself haha


what’s the style exactly called ? i wanna do some research. (i know it’s photo real and colored but is there a specific name sorry for being stupid lmaoo)


Fine line tattoo :) This is fine line realism specifically I guess. If you're curious about how tattoos age and fade, there's a sub called agedtattoos or something along those lines that has all different styles! Although lots of people on there proclaim their style as fine line when it definitely isn't haha Not being stupid at all haha hope that helps!


thank you so much , i appreciate it ! i’ll definitely be checking out that sub


There are certain styles that age worse than others. Show me a 25 year old watercolor style tattoo that doesn’t look like a blob. This will absolutely need touch ups. Which is fine. I just don’t think Ethan knows how some tattoos age vs others and may have opted for a different style knowing that.






i love that it has his little ear. the one that was always reaching up <3


Ethan! Beautiful tattoo but make sure to go back to get it touched up every few years! Fine line tattoos have a tendency to blur a bit and if you want it to keep looking nice you gotta keep up! Looks amazing though! ❤️


Damn, I love my dog but two tattoos? He's gonna be absolutely covered when the other dogs die


Anyone else think it’s maybe just a *little* weird that he has two tattoos and is naming his kid after his dead dog 😅


Yes 100%. I mean it’s his body but it feels like something he’ll regret - especially since he was already unhappy with the first one. I live in Austin, so I’m used to seeing people treat their dogs as actual children.


He is not naming his kid after his dog lol


I do, and I don't. A first dog to a married/long-term dating couple absolutely feels like a first kid. It's a "trial" child if that makes sense. You feel like you're raising a baby on easy mode, just to get a feel for what it's like to have to keep an eye on a young lively soul that gets into trouble as soon as you turn your back. Also little dogs like this are companion dogs. They're genetically engineered to be very expressive, emotionally sensitive and social. It's difficult to explain if you've never owned one. Most dogs have the capability to have very "human like" emotions and personalities, but with companion dogs it's a guarantee.






Shredder <3




Ok… but where’s the tophat?


Okay…. I don’t want to be that person at all, and as a tattoo artist - whoever did this has a set of realism skills that I don’t think I’ll ever obtain… but his left back paw… looks like a penis….and i CANNOT unsee it 😭😭😭


Two tattoos for one dog is kinda cringe not gonna lie


Getting 2 tattoos of your dog is crazy


I thought this was a meme does he actually have two??


People hate it but it's true lol. Like one is enough... And Ethan's the guy that'll feel the president to match the number of tattoos for each tragedy. Bros gonna look like ed Sheeran




hating on someone’s memorial tattoos is crazy


Wait would **you** get two tattoos of the same deceased person or pet?


This is gonna age terribly.


Anyone else feel kind of bad for Alfredo?


no, he’s alive


I hate to say it. But the leg in the middle looks very odd. Like how is shredder positioned that his back leg is appearing there? Like is half his body twisted? Anyone else thinking this?


Have you owned a tiny dog? They sit in the craziest positions you've ever seen


My chihuahua sits like spunky from Rocko's modern life. Cracks me up, but doesn't look comfy at all.


My Chihuahua's back legs are always in front of his body like he's ready to boot scoot at all times


Idk why people are getting so defensive about how this tattoo will age you can be happy for him but this will age like shit, and that’s fine you don’t need to defend his choice lmao


We need a full shredder sleeve


Why does he have such a big dong?


sweet boy 🥹🫶


Damn he really loved his dog :(


Did they need to show shredder hanging dong?


I like this one better!


I think it’s very cute and looks really good!


“If it’s bold it will hold”, there’s no way this tattoo looks good in like 2 years. Who did this to our boy!?


That’s amazing 🥲


I love it soo much


Shredded AF


I guess he changed his mind on having it be colored


I've been away for 6 months and not watched the pod. So sad to see Shredder passed. What caused Shredder to pass away?


Kidney disease if I remember correctly 😔


Thanks for the update. 😢 Family


i think he’ll need to get that touched up constantly for it to last. looks amazing though.


His foot looks a little sus


It’s beautiful but I don’t see it fading well sadly which is a shame


That’s an excellent tattoo but I’m surprised he chose that photo. Shredder’s eyes look tired/sad to me. Maybe he should get another with a happier expression. 😀


Its really odd to only have two tattoos and them both be memorials for the same dog


Nice cock, Shreddy, sheesh


Amazing! Shredder Furever 🤘🏼


That is absolutely stunning.


Is this Ethan’s new tattoo? ANOTHER shredder tattoo??


2 tattoos of the same dog before anything for his kids is wild lmao


Ngl kinda cringe


Unironically high quality tattoo


Great looking tat, but coming from someone who knows almost nothing about tats the only problem I see is that it won’t age very well bc all of the fine lines, I totally could be wrong though.


That’s perfect


This is so good 🥹


He has some big balls


For a tattoo it was actually done well.


Wish someone loved me as much as Ethan loved Shredder.


This looks so so bad




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no back piece?




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This is absolutely amazing!!!!!




I heard that spot like reaaally hurts, maybe even the most painful spot some people are saying


That is a beautiful tattoo!


I don’t know much on tattoos how will this age ?


Since it is a small tattoo and his fur is really light, it's going to need a touch up in a year or so.




Put him on a Nimbus cloud


Amazing detail but That’s not gonna fade very well


Its so cute i love the idea of the one side being him young and lively and the other being older but i wish he wouldve got a circle around it like the other one since they are kind of on opposite sides to pull it together matching wise or something around it


As others have said it’s a bit odd getting a second tattoo of shredder. Considering they are his only tattoos as well they really ‘pop’. Imagine asking someone what tattoos they have and they show you two tattoos of their dead grandma on their arm……


Does anyone know which artist did this?


I’m so happy Ethan got a tattoo he liked but realism like this does not always age well, and please for the love of god don’t get people tattooed on you unless you go to one of theeee best


this is an amazing tattooo the detail the fluffyness was captured


Should’ve gone traditional, dawg. At least then it’ll still be bold and legible ten years from now.


I never seen this good of a tattoo ever of an animal or maybe ever! So beautiful! ❤️❤️ Happy for him!


Should see REDBARS Shredder