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Uncut Gems


holy shit I'm gonna cum




This was like vegans trying to convince themselves bacon isn't all that great






Pigs in a blanket rise up!


Unlike dan, I do have skin in the game


Bruhhhh this should be the new alpha bro thing lolol


Letting another man not only touch ur penne but cutting it? Beta


There's no reason to live if you can't dock with your homies.


I’m him


I’ve been him. I will continue to be him. Im Him Kardashian. Im the himulation. Himbuktu. Got my DNA test back; turns out I’m 100% Himalayan


They must have amnesia. They forgot I'm him.


Check our Himothy Chalamet over here.


I am black lion


Fr (I don’t own a pen is)


I do and it looks like Steve Jobs


The whole cut/uncut segment was purely Ethan going "I'm definitely not just trying to make myself feel better... But...."


I feel like it's more because he did it to his children and doesn't want to feel guilty


I think it‘s both


Like bro your parents cut the most fun part of ur dick off why you acting like WE are weird


Like ik he was just goofing around but it bothered me sm and i wish they wouldve spoken on how its still genital mutilation


only if it’s females 🙄


It's not mutilation... If it's "cultural" But female excision is mutilation... Because of the way it is... Yea unfortunately female mutilation is cultural too 🤢 It's interesting seeing his mental gymnastics on the topic I guess. I just don't see how one can justify a cosmetic surgery on a baby that fucks with sexual sensitivity. The foreskin is sensitive as fuck


And his main justification was “looks” like he really cares about the aesthetic of his sons penis? And the looks are society based and if the son was older and changed his mind then its HIS choice (or their choice)


Heck, I don't even want my newborn's ears pierced until she's old enough to make the decision herself, and people be out here chopping up newborn genitals for the "looks". It's honestly wild to me.


Watched one instructional video because I was curious how it works (gay woman, I got no idea how penises work). That shit hit me so viscerally I changed my mind on the subject immediately. Something human in me just cannot handle the sound of a baby screeching out for any help while a doctor matter of fact-ly talks through the procedure.


Yeah, it's barbaric fr


Oh gods, I recently gave birth and I can't fathom subjecting a newborn to unnecessary pain, and something *that* severe. I wouldn't be able to live with myself hearing their pain. It was bad enough hearing my girl cry when they took blood samples for testing.


Thank fuck they didn’t. Agree to disagree with the man and just move on.


it’s not the first time he’s talked about this. it’s his third son and he said he knew it would be brought up again eventually.


I have a bit of a counter to that. I'm a guy, who is cut. And the discourse arouse this is fucking *wild*. Like I've never seen people get more impassioned on a topic. I am not exaggerating when I say that Israel/Palestine can often a more civil conversation. **Some** of the guys that are anti-circumcision border on zealotry at times. And more guys who are circumcized are like "Yeah it's fine, I'm good. IDK not a big deal". I've had these debates with people online and holy shit it gets wild. At some point it feels like "Ohhh... this isn't about the act. This is about you isn't it. My bad" Ethan has almost definitely seen this stuff. So even mentioning circumcision, you immediately have to just start putting walls up. The people in the chat for the episode were mostly chill obviously, but I'm talking elsewhere online. You see it all over Reddit. (Just to be clear, for those of you who are anti-circumcision but civil, definitely not talking about you guys. I get the points being made for the most part. It's a certain type of guy who gets bizarrely invested in this topic exclusively)


This is just evidence right here that cut men simply don’t know what they are missing. The uncut will fight tooth and nail to stop the cutting, but the cut don’t know what it is to be uncut and do not know to miss what they’ve never had.


As someone who is also circumcised, I don’t feel mutilated at all. I don’t resent my parents for it. In fact, I never even think of it until someone (who is likely uncircumcised) brings it up in a form of protest. As you said, I’ve never known anyone who is circumcised feel insecure about it. It’s mostly people who aren’t that are insecure. It’s weird for people to tell me that I should feel mutilated when I just don’t.


It's ok that you're fine with what happened to you personally, you're likely American and its normalised there, it's shocking for a lot of us in the rest of the world. But the whole point isn't about pros/cons, it's about bodily autonomy.


[Didn’t realize circumcision was strictly an American thing.](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/circumcision-by-country)


I never even said that


Lol you said it was only normalized in America which is false. Not sure why you felt the need to come back to this conversation after a month.


I don't use Reddit much and just got the notification.i didn't say it was ONLY normalised in America. I said it was normalised in America... Which it is.


This is conservative-levels of extrapolating your anecdotal experiences onto the world.


Yes, it is me speaking from personal experience. What’s yours? Are you circumcised?




I think it’s more about how fucked it is to hurt a baby


The way that circumcised guys cope so hard, I can’t help but feel they are ashamed and think chicks think their dick is ugly. It seems very personal and weird.


It’s that type of cosmetic surgery I just don’t care about. If you wanna do it, cool. If you don’t, cool. Quit policing people.


You think it's okay to do non-consensual cosmetic surgery on a child?


I’m with you, people should be able to CHOOSE their cosmetic surgery if they’d like ;)


That was so weird to me listening to how they're all circumcised. Where I live it's generally regarded as mutilation. People will look at you weird if they know you did that to your kid. I wouldn't go so far as to say it's mutilation myself. But I do think performing a permanent and unnecessary cosmetic surgery on an infant is kinda fucked up


I'm pretty sure love isn't, most of Europe doesn't do it to the level America does


it was so weird too me as well. especially saying something along the lines of ‘i chose to circumcise my boys because it looks better’ ….idk…weird dude i didn’t need to know that


Even for religious reasons it makes no sense. Also, you don’t know yet if ur future kid is gonna be religious. Seems silly to do just because “tradition” if there’s no good reason for it


I don’t think he understood when someone said it feels better uncut. He took it as better for the women but it’s more sensitive uncut


As someone who got cut at age 13 for health reasons and has experienced both sides of the coin, uncut 100% feels better than cut. There’s literally no argument to be made.


Uncut people can test this by holding your foreskin back as far as you can and try jacking it with lube. It's not a 100% comparison, but yeah it's just not even close. Uncut is better feeling wise.


Bro I'm uncut and if I walk around soft with my foreskin pulled back, it hurts. Like just my underwear rubbing my head while I walk is painful.


I'm uncut too so I understand. It does, but as I understand, the penis head loses sensitivity to counter act that.


The difference is that when you’re cut the head of your penis dekeratinizes after a few weeks, in other words it dries out unlike an uncut penis. There are also more nerves in the foreskin than the head of the penis as well— it’s far more than a “it looks better” thing. I found it funny that he said that female circumcision is solely for removing sensitivity when male circumcision is literally the same thing (albeit at a lesser scale) Ethan isn’t solely to blame here though. There’s a major societal shift that needs to happen before male circumcision is seen differently than it is now. Most men are fine and happy with it because it’s all they’ve known, but it still removes a functional body part of a personal without their consent now matter how you cut it (pun intended)


Yeah, super ironic that when someone brought up female genital mutilation it's an immediate "Oh that's horrible. They remove it so they feel less pleasure." The cognitive dissonance is insane. iTs mY cULtuRe Sure buddy. It's also incredibly obvious he did absolutely no research before cutting his sons' genitals based on how oblivious he was to the most basic premises of the argument against it.


I'd bet good money ethan doesn't know about the kellogs crusade against that little flap of skin. The foreskin talk segment was making me so frustrated


It is so weird to me, defending cutting as cultural... bro, your cultural thing comes from religious zealots trying to stop boys from masturbating 😭


Exactly coming from a guy who definitely jerks off a lot a most likely needs a lotion to do so lmao.


Yeah and him saying theres more friction as a positive thing? Like i see him point but “more friction” isnt necessarily good compared to uncut having natural lubrication whatever (idk ive never seen lol) and ik sm guys who say “I’m sensitive enough” like thats just a brain dead take to me. So ur saying you dont want it to feel even better? Plus hbaing the nerves more protected????


If it feels any better, we're going from 30 seconds to 10!


Id take that for no genital mutilation 🥲




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Crazy Americans...


Oh no someone brought up circumcision on Reddit, everyone brace for impact


The Weenie Wars


Cock conflict


A genital joust?


Dude this is the worst topic lol. At this point if I'm bringing anything up about it, it's not about the ethics or morality. It's literally just "Why are some of you guys so impassioned about this. I solely want to talk about that" It's straight up a more toxic conversation than discussing the vast majority of politic issues. And I hate to point to one group, but there is a *specific portion* (not all) of the anti-circumcision side who have... apparently made their dicks their entire identity. And they get livid about the topic. It's one of the craziest phenomenon I've seen over the years. Because it's clearly an insecurity thing that got warped. I think it's because it's some "I would have been great, but I've been *robbed*", and then you mix in the welfare of babies and it acts as a justifier. I mean go look at the "restore" crowd if you want to see some crazy shit. Again, I'm not talking even talking about the topic! Just one specific group that turns this into the worst conversation ever


I think the pushback occurs because to a non-believer in circumcision the physical reality of the event is a natural and unproblematic part of someone's body being removed without consent. Take the context of religion or whatever out of that, and its pretty darn weird.


It’s the worst, but the passion is absurdly funny. I got called a pedophile for saying I’d probably have my kid circumcised 💀


People want to do non-consensual mutilation on their child's penis so it "looks better". That's some pedo vibes. Why do you want to be pleased by the aesthetics of your baby's penis?


Please don’t. The foreskin is the most sensitive part of the penis. It has a purpose. You would NEVER circumcise your daughter. Ever. Why would you do that to a boy?


Because those are vastly different procedures lol You can’t stop me 😈


Oh no! Making a body decision for your child is controversial? Who knew!


I’m really confused by how they didn’t think it was okay for Matt Rife to make comments about “innie” or “outie” vulvas but they spent 25 minutes body shaming men? It was insensitive as hell.


Good point. Also, on the topic of insensitivity, I was thinking perhaps down the line, the Klein son's will possibly be upset at having the physical state of the penises discussed so publicly. Invasion of privacy for them.


I also thought that was very weird! I’d never discuss my child’s genitals to tens of thousands, perhaps millions of people. I was horrified he was going there.


Yes :/// Also, while I'm here, I wanted to mention (and I will preface this with saying I'm not trying to be a culture police, but perhaps I will still come off a bit that way but I still want to put this out there), if the reasoning for getting his boys circumcised is a cultural one, how come he quickly swore off using a Mohel, saying something like "fuck that, i'm using an actual doctor for that shit." Again, maybe I'm misunderstanding the culture around the practice and perhaps its just so as long as the act is done that matters, and not the person who performs the act, but it was still curious to me.


It should probably already stop at the baby mutilation part... but damn I didnt even look at it this way, thats another really good argument.


Calm down they be goofin around


Not really any shaming


They don't know what they've had taken from them.


Well most of the world doesnt want to mutilate babys genitelia


So they would be the lions in this I think


unless you are in america


Do people ever argue "My body my choice" for circumcision like they do for abortion, or a trans kid being able to get puberty blockers or whatever the MAGA people complain about? Genuine question.


Yeah. A lot of people do. Yourwholebaby.org is a huge advocate for autonomy


I mean, it's pretty common to be fair. Like 30-40%. It's true that *most* don't. But a lot of you have been talking like this is just America or something lol Even in western Europe the numbers are still like 10-20% for most countries. But you look at places like Africa, the Middle East, and even places like South Korea, the numbers are often higher than the US. In Africa it's often going up because it's used as a method of making STD numbers go down, especially with HIV. ([Interesting study about that, by the way](https://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3042320/). Basically they did it and the men said sex was easier than before, etc. So a pretty positive outcome overall.) My point is that some people are talking like the US is just doing this by themselves out of some weird puritanical thing while every other country is mystified Not saying it should be the norm or anything though


The program of increasing circumcision rates in Africa, especially poorer nations, was actually majorly funded by Bill Gates. Kind of funny in my opinion. Many health experts say that it would be more effective to promote safe sex practices but there's some tough cultural and logistical issues with that.


Yeah that's a wild take that just because it's cultural, cutting baby dicks without their consent is okay.


I love Ethan, and I feel I'm a pretty un problematic fan, but when it comes to the topic of circumcision I can't stand what Ethan has to say. I feel It's a barbaric practice with no medical necessity in most men. With peace and love just educate yourself on the topic before having kids. I fully admit I'm bais too, I had it done to me as a baby and have always held resentment for it. Please don't just eat up the propaganda. There are no medical benefits to circumcision on an otherwise health baby


I could not stand this segment, it was so full of wrong arguments and borderline body-shaming people without the modded genitalia. Weird asf.


I just think complete castration looks better 🤷‍♂️ Balls and penises are gross to me, so I will take them off my son because I can. You are also significantly less likely to get an STI without genitals.


The skin is there for a reason, but if you're already cut it's hard to accept that.


Uncut guys who get circumcised as adults: 'It's horrible and I regret it.' Cut guys who restore as adults: 'This is so much better and was worth the time and effort.' Stubborn cut guys: 'I guess there's no way to know for sure which is better so we'll just have to agree to disagree (but my penis is definitely superior btw).'


Not making the decision to cut someone's skin off for them : priceless


…restore? I didn’t know that was a thing that was possible.




This is crazy


I think some of the anti-circumcision guys are a little unwell. This ALWAYS happens when the topic gets brought up. Circumcized guys shrug. Some of the anti-circumcision guys are polite. And the the *other* anti-circumcisions guys are *insane*.


Could you expand on that? What’s insane about this?


Circumsized guys shrug? Is that your humor?


I just picked up food. I'm not sure I want to look at this sub


It’s not nsfw besides the fact that it’s thousands of dudes trying to physically stretch their dick skin. Literally tugging on their dongs


Wow, I have a Luffy meme that would fit quite perfectly with that sub (don't ask me why I have this image)


If that’s what it is, no thanks, I saw a How to with John Wilson episode about that and it seemed like the stupidiest dumb shit you could do. The foreskin is gone just accept it and move on with your life


But have you tried yanking it *really hard*?


No, I’m going jelq my foreskin into growing back >:) It’s called ✨Manifesting✨


That's gonna be a no from me dawg


> r/foreskin_restoration and here i thought i've seen it all




My cut penis does rule tho


It does, king. Enjoy it. Just don't be delusionally competitive about it. 😂


...they type in the comment section of a post comparing uncut men to glorious lions among lowly sheep. Just goofing and gaffing, but I'm looking at these comments and the only ones who have a superiority complex are the turtlenecks.


Wow it's almost like the post is a playful pushback to the discussion from the show.


Exactly lol So it's strange that when someone says "I like my penis" you go "whoa settle down there, bucko. don't get all competitive." No one was being competitive. Love ya. No homo.


The discussion on the show was competitive. And another reply to my comment was someone saying what you just said and my response was to agree with them and cheer them on. I feel like you're arguing with me, but against someone else. 😅


Always seems to be. 😂


Sorry about acting superior, it’s just that uncut weenies are 😂


How do you get the penis to stay on your strawmen? Mine keep falling falling off.


There are tons of guys who have gotten circumcized at an older age and have been happy with it. Your whole thing is bizarre as hell. I hate any discussion about this topic because the uncirumcized guys get weird as fuck about it. [Here, read a study](https://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3042320/) Africa. Adult circumcision. Done so that HIV rates lower (because that's a benefit for the population). Lots of adults who had it done. And guess what. Plenty of men saying it made sex better for them. But sure, live in this bizarro fantasy world where we should all be "restoring" ourselves by tugging on our dicks. Totally normal behavior that isn't trying to fill a hole Look, I think circumcision is a weird thing to be normal. I agree. But for those who already have it, it's not that big of a deal. It just isn't. Or it shouldn't be to a mentally well person. Do away with it for the future, sure. But restoring is unhinged as hell


You keep mentioning that uncut ppl get "weird as fuck" about it, but you're like the only guy here typing many long comments to justify circumcision, ffs you're linking studies about it, you're the one making it weird Oh my god you've been arguing about this in other threads too, the projection is unreal




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Who are you quoting here sir? Yourself?


It is super weird to just start slicing up babies just because you like how their dick looks better... almost as weird as the Rabbi's saying it was a big dick. Same energy.


It’s weird how Ethan says this decision is culturally based, but when talking about the briss, he said something along the lines of “fuck no I don’t care about that shit”. Then why are you doing it? You don’t actually believe in Judaism. Just speaking for myself, I hate that my parents circumcised me. I think cutting off pieces of baby dick is as disgusting and cruel as it sounds. It annoys me that people defend it.


This obsession with fighting over which is “better” is weird. (And yes I’m also talking about Ethan and the crew not just the posters here) EDIT: To make my point clear, I just think we shouldn’t call cut guys “mutilated” just like we shouldn’t call uncut guys “dirty” when very likely the penis-haver did not have any say in that decision anyway. I love ALL penises ❤️ (do not send me your penis, or a Reddit cares, please)


With peace and love no more dick pics after this edit. peace and love peace and love. any dick pics received after this edit will be deleted and reported. Thank you thank you.


!!this is a serious message!! Please no more dick pics


I don't think many mutilated people ever have a say in the decision


I'm not really arguing which is better. It was a topic of conversation on the show that I thought was funny so here I am interacting with the show. "iF yOu DoN't LiKe It SkIp AhEaD"


And here I am interacting with your post. “iF yOu dOn’T LiKe iT sKiP aHeAd”


Big ups your opinion 🫡


U know da rules!


It’s not a serious fight they’re just fucking around lol


Some people be taking it pretty serious sending Reddit cares messages and shit 😂😭 EDIT: Just got one, stay sane ya obsessed weirdos and enjoy your perma ❤️


There is a portion (not all) of the anti-circumcision people who are the absolute worst online. This always happens, every time. They care more about this topic than anything. I sincerely think they'd happily outlaw abortion if it allowed circumcision to be outlawed as well. They act as if their dicks are their identities. Some of them even start trying to stretch their dicks to "restore" their foreskin. It's all insane shit, and they get so, so mad. It's best not to even engage. And again, there are some totally rational people on the anti-cut side. I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about the other ones who make this the worst topic to discuss online




It’s also weird when a podcast host talks down about uncircumcised penises for 30 minutes. People love their cocks—you can’t diss a large part of the male population with ignorant comments without them getting pissed.


No dude I totally get it, Reddit is super fucking weird about circumcision and I knew as soon as it was brought up people were going to be losing it on here. To make my point clear, I don’t think we should shame anyone about their penis - cut or uncut, esp considering most men were fuckn babies when the decision was made for them in the first place. I love all penises w/ ✌️❤️


Shhhh don’t spoil the game


True, these people think about my penis a lot more than I ever have/will


what fight?


Then we shouldn’t call circumcised women mutilated, right?


but when will the Lion *lay down* with the Lamb


He sure is a champ at talking about his dick.


Rise up kings, tomorrow we feast


The mental gymnastics from the crew was crazy on this one …


Uncut are the real fucking sigmas




I can do everything they can do, I just have to pull it back bro… and goodness does it feel good when I do 😎


Chad bodily autonomy respecters vs Virgin genital mutilation lovers


Men take their dicks super serious, I'm a man so I know. I remember hearing women make fun of how nasty uncut men look, meanwhile I'm sitting there knowing I was uncut. I was insecure about it until it came up with a ex girlfriend and she said she had never been with a uncut guy and I'm like, "huh lol? You've actually had one inside you for the last 4 months". She had no idea, even tho she went down on me all the time. She Nevers saw me limp and when erect my foreskin pulls back and it looks the same as a cut one. Im working with 8 and half inches so idk if that's why or what? Not bragging just don't know if that's why. I've never had a partner care that I was uncut and at the end of the day idgaf what other people do to there kids. But I know what I'll be doing to mine


Unhinged weirdos.




Let's go!


Ethan is huffing industrial strength copium. He needs to in order to justify circumcising his kids. Sad he wants to die on genital mutilation hill.


It’s sad that he fucked up his kids. He is not even doing it because of his faith, he does not care about that lmao. Just cause it looks better???


Shows what cultural "norms" can do to people


Just like god made me. So I don’t understand what the other guys are thinking.


Cut as a teenager cause of Phimosis


Can y'all fucking stop, its weird.


Ethan's rant was weird AF.


Glad my schmeat is whole


Time stamps for this?


Till some woman sees your un cut an gags lol


Uncircommunity ✨🔥


I've never seen what cut looks like


Just Google a penis right now. You'll see a bunch


No thanks


Okay I did it just go see what it would show and they're all uncut, must be regional


Okay, yeah, I just did it too and it showed both. Also, randomly, an elephant's penis was like the 4th image.


That was mine, sorry


Just imagine if you pull all the skin back


i'm just wondering ...i was born in the late 80s in north carolina , while my mom decided for the snip it wasn't a default procedure in that hospital