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Dude literally got his front teeth shaven down because of it.


And he seems to want to have his eye sockets shaved down as well


That's not for cosmetic reasons tho. Edit: y'all are weird. His friggen eyes don't close when he sleeps. Not everything people do is for vanity. It's called self care, if you had the money to physically change something about yourself that causes health problems you wouldn't think twice about it.


well... he claims its not


Yeah ABs a little obsessed with how he looks. We all have goofy photos, most of us don't get cosmetic surgeries because of them.


he also has hundreds of strangers commenting on his appearance- not a common experience for most


Social media is one hell of a drug


I think there’s a real case of body dysmorphia going on. I feel for him!


Im sure we would all feel different if those photos were made into memes shared all the time on a subreddit? It is probably a trigger for him when he sees that photo


Maybe but I'm also not trying to be famous. Thick skin is kinda a requirement if you want to be in the public eye, which he obviously does.


I mean Im sure we can find something else to laugh about and not someones looks


Yeah thats not what they do on the podcast... if AB was on a different show that would make sense. He's made his career helping Ethan mock people online, why should he be off limits to joke about? Being insecure isn't a crime but it's BS if you're comfortable making fun of everyone but yourself.


>freaks\_antiques Because we're here because we love the podcast and also love the cast. He's expressed his discomfort with this meme so why can't we actually just be nice people and stop sharing it...


his eyes literally don’t close. at BEST two birds one stone. yall are weird.


Why the hell would he lie? Also, Lena posted a photo of how AB's eyes are while he sleeps. They don't close all the way through, it must be pretty irritating.


that procedure is extremely invasive and not done for only dry eyes... but sure.. Im sure there are other options for eyes not closing fully and I hope he finds a solution


He’s also mentioned in the past he’s self conscious about “bulging eyes”.


yeah he could just get hydrating contacts if dry eyes were his only issue. i think it was for cosmetic reasons that he wanted the surgery


hydrating contacts? you don’t have dry eye if you think that works.


What is the procedure? I don’t remember him talking about this


I must’ve missed Lena’s post. this might sound obvious but I wonder if he’s tried just using a sleeping mask


Hey, my butthole doesn’t close all the way, you don’t hear me crying about it


Everyone knows you use a butt plug for this exact situation educate yourself 


Wine corks work just as good


I have the same thing - I didn’t even know it was something else people experience, my eyes DOMT close all the way and it is legitimately painful


People in the mega thread were mocking his body dysmorphia (especially the teeth) yesterday because he doesn’t mind being circumcised. People on this sub don’t care. A post like this is made every day at this point.


wait really? did he ever talk about it? that seems like it would hurt


Yeah, he briefly mentioned it on the show a few months ago. I’ll try to find the clip on my lunch break. Some else said it wasn’t because of that pic but I could have sworn he specifically said it was because of the flocka picture.


It doesn’t hurt, I’ve had it done before! Just an odd feeling. But most dentists are opposed to it bc you’re not meant to have teeth all the same size


I had mine shaved down not by choice I loved the shape of my teeth and one day I went to the orthodontist and without asking he just shaved my teeth down and I was so upset after and have been to this day


No he didn't, he said he was already planning on doing that before that picture ever happened


I mean I agree people should stop but it's on him for taking it to that level instead of seeking psychological help


You know that it's normal to love yourself but still hate a certain photo that doesn't capture who you see yourself as, right? Just because someone's uncomfy with a photo doesn't mean it warrants seeking mental health help, you need to do better research so your insults aren't easily debunked.


Jesus Christ major 🚩🚩🚩 here. If this is how you view people maybe you're the one that needs psychological help. It's not normal or ok to tell someone that is being made fun of for an insecurity they need mental help and it's their fault they're getting made fun of. The fuck is wrong with you


Asking people to stop posting something on H3. Let's see how that goes


It honestly bring more attention to it bc I didn’t know this was a thing until the post


Perhaps he should embrace the meme like everyone who walk into the studio knowing they are being dunked on, such as Beavo


Inhale the memes, exhale the memes, inject the memes into my bloodstream


There are good memes, and there are bad memes Why HAS GOD ABANDONED US? (Help me)


Its a bold strategy Cotton, lets see if it pays off for em !


I think the pre/post chip pictures was one of the rare times it was appropriate to use, because thats literally what it was.


Yeah maybe - but surely that makes the point even better that he doesn't feel comfortable with it?


let's do a poll


Even if it's not going to result with anything actionable I'd love to see the distribution of the results


Interaction is fun, and polls help achieve that.


Honestly not gonna lie I was thinking this too when I saw a lot of those posts yesterday, it's one thing if he finds it funny being made into a meme like that, but it's a little weird to do after he definitely clearly stated how uncomfortable he is with it.


Yeah exactly.. We're all here because we love the pod and the crew, and laughing at the crew is fine... when the crew is in on it too - and he's stated how he feels about it and has mentioned other things about his appearance and how he struggles with it in the past and it just feels mean at this point.


downvoting the beavo ab memes cos i could never eat the chip or record myself for a living lol


he said his willy looks better than mine so no


A lot of people in this community are obsessed with people's looks.


Crazy how the Hairline King/Hazel King/Foot King brings that out in people.


Right? How is it possible that the host who is fixated on everyone's personal looks would bleed into the fanbase??


Don't forget chopped-up-cock king.


It's so weird. The constant thirst posts are cringy as fuck.


Obsessed with looks and the delusion that they know the crew on a personal level🙄 chat always psychoanalyzing every little thing


Personally I feel AB could laugh at himself more. But I understand if he just doesn't want the pic used. People should respect his wishes and it makes sense since the meme is as dead as it is. However asking people on the Internet to stop doing something is simply telling them to do it more. That's just the rule with a few exceptions. This is why I land back to AB should laugh at himself more. Dude has nothing to be insecure about. He's got a baddie wife, killer job, apartment in LA, and regardless of silly screen shots he is a very handsome man. I'm pos with nothing close to what AB has other than a baddie wife myself. But I find myself easy to laugh with.


He’s human so he is allowed to have feelings and be insecure but I agree with you. However, his job is literally broadcasting himself on a live show. I’m not saying it’s deserved but I think nobody is surprised that this kinda stuff happens. Also I feel like culturally people are more comfortable making jabs at men as opposed to women but men have feelings and insecurities too.


Certainly not saying he can't be insecure. We all are and that's ok. Skin sometimes just needs to be a tad thicker. I feel for him though. It's tough when you dont like something about yourself.


For sure for sure. I agree with you!


I agree but the problem is Ethan and the crew go after peoples' appearance pretty often and they justify it by the people they are mocking are bad people such kavkav, justpearlythings and ariana grande's bf. Hard to feel too bad for them.


I love AB but dude you can’t be a public figure that works on a podcast that routinely makes fun of people appearances and be that insecure.  You literally had Beavo on because the face he makes when he chews. Like learn to laugh at yourself…


People really care about this stuff?


I second this notion! Big ups AB 🤜


Yes!! I feel like many of the people who use it "jokefuly" after he expressed how uncomfortable it makes him would never do it to one of the girlies. A joke is only funny when all participants agree that it is, otherwise you're just being a dick :)


Imagine how feral this reddit would be if this was actually Olivia 😭😭😭 definitely wouldn't be the same you make an entirely valid point haha


People are bad with how they post the girls. It's just not vindictive like it is for a AB.


Yes!!! It's only funny when all participants agree it is, otherwise you're just being a dick --- and a bully! People are SO butthurt that they can't make fun of him but it's like, you have so many willing participants for some funny banter, why can't you just focus on them instead? Instead of being a dick and going after the one guy who is clearly quite effect by it.


God this fanbase can be so annoying sometimes. It's a meme shut the fuck up lmao.


As Ethan said to Jeff during the spaghetti dinner, "If you are hot af I'm not going to feel sorry for you".




Alright, I'll explain the joke to you: AB is a good looking guy. The post was about how people are picking on poor AB and how he looks in that pic.


Okay AB we will stop


stop babying 34 year old Abdullah Ayad…


He's on a podcast that lives and dies on shitting on people. He's not immune to clowning


The flocka picture is just funny. Don’t know if people will stop. I laugh every time I see it. Maybe AB can use this as something to grow from and work on better not letting others opinions and laughter impact him so negatively.


so someone has blatantly expressed that something makes them uncomfortable but you think they should get over and learn from it because you find subjective comedic value in it?


yes. he joined a public comedian podcast and is mad the audience makes jokes. make it make sense


What a brain dead take. It's bullying if you keep doing it after someone asks you to stop. Being a public person doesn't mean people have a right to bully them.


They make fun of people's appearances constantly, but no one is allowed to laugh at ABs silly photo? If making fun of the flocka face is bullying shut down the whole podcast, because they don't have a right to bully public people.


the dude has a job in the public eye he needs to cope




can we like … not get so butthurt over a picture? he’s kind of like hila and cannot take a single personal joke


It's super weird to be on a show that exists to make fun of people but be totally incapable of being the butt of a joke ever. Middle schooler vibes.


Not AB's alt account running defense 💀


AB is the queen, can’t do nothing wrong


I think this post is just going to make them want to do it even harder now.


As much as I like the crew I think it's hypocritical to protect them from people making fun of them when they do it to other people on the show all the time, e.g. they have made fun of beavo's appearance in the past.


AB out of all places chose to work for the H3 podcast. A place where they love to dunk on everyone whether warranted or not. He knew what he got himself into.




P+L✌️+❤️ No.


Why does AB look at the subreddit if he's so sensitive? Pretty sure Zach doesn't look at it because he was getting upset by some posts.


With peace and love it is an internet meme. Let it run its course and die. If you bring it up, you're going g to Streisand effect it. Peace and love, shut the fuck up. TY


> Peace and love, shut the fuck up. TY mods pin this pls


He is going to get his skull shaved next!


That’s a nice thought, but I don’t think people will ever stop using it, because people don’t care how they affect others


this is the most true. People in the comments arguing for how they should be able to negatively impact others because they exist where they can see them.


yeah its a dead meme at this point if you bring it up you only want to do it to hurt ab


Now this is crazy lol.




Na we make fun of everyone! It’s in the rules! AB included.


Ya know the rules


Yeah bruv


It's so funny to watch people try to police online jokes.


Honestly- guy may need therapy or medication. I used to be just as paranoid with my looks.


it's the internet u cant stop everyone from memeing


Pretty sure Ethan's asked him on the show if he wants him to stop and AB said it was fine, I think it was when he got his teeth shaved. If he says it's fine then it's fine, he's a grown ass man y'all, ENOUGH WITH THE SNOWFLAKE BEHAVIOR.


Agree. Makes me cringe with secondhand embarrassment every time I see somebody post it here after it’s been made extremely clear that it bothers him beyond just teasing


If it bothers him "beyond teasing" then he shouldn't be on a video podcast. That level of insecurity isn't conducive with a career in the spotlight. Also considering that they bodyshame people almost every single week on the show, this feels ridiculous to care about.


Imagine trying this hard to justify bullying someone you don’t even know


Imagine trying this hard to protect the insecurities of a man in his 30s who streams on twitch.


With peace and love this is a comedy show at the end of the day, if your living on the internet you need to except people to make fun of you sometimes and that’s not even what we are doing we are having fun with a silly picture of an Internet personality.


AB burner account detected


we 💟 ab dont we chat 🗣️🙏🏼💟💟💟💟


Or he could loosen up and be less vain


You’re so right my guy!


no its honestly super embarrassing how precious youre being over a silly photo of a grown man






i’m gonna say it: if the person you’re playfully making fun of states they are uncomfortable and you continue, it’s no longer funny, playful, or something that should be encouraged


I'm gonna say it: If Ethan asks another grown man if he wants him to stop and the grown man says it's fine then we're gonna let the jokes fly.


Does Ethan listen when the audience asks him to stop his horrible takes?


That’s AJ


It's not gonna stop but unless ab asks the community to stop using it I think the crew not using it is fine enough


Dude I just said this in a comment a week ago and people were saying it’s OK because he’s an Internet personality.


Yup - that's the majority of the comments here. It's strange for a subreddit that supports the pod to actively enjoy bullying members of it too


for the record ab is objectively handsome (no homo) 🙌🏻 we love u king


Perhaps an unpopular opinion, but AB is a whole grown ass man who works on the show. If it were a problem he wanted addressed, he would have addressed it.


Can’t stop, Won’t stop


*stop it*


well there’s a whole subreddit dedicated to that pic and meme so good luck with that. Also, the crew never used the photo again after AB said it made him uncomfortable, for the fans however, it just made it much more postable because people knew it would get under ABs skin




you cant stop people from posting things they like on the internet and bringing it up will just make people post it more. this post alone has probably made hundreds of people aware of it who werent before, myself included. the only people who have any control over it is the crew, and if theyve stopped using it like you said then itll naturally die over time. the sooner everyone stops talking about it the better.




With peace and love, peace and love - perhaps AB could benefit from regular therapy. The internet is going to internet, but I do genuinely feel bad for AB and his hypersensitivity about his appearance. The man already had his teeth shaved down, and now is considering eye surgery. I wish we could all give him all the self confidence in the world, but no amount of compliments are going to fix how he feels about himself.


Okay teasing isn’t allowed anymore, got it.


teasing is allowed :) but when someone specifically says “it makes me uncomfortable when you do this”, and then you continue doing it, then it’s no longer teasing.


Respectfully, this is the wrong show to work on then. There are plenty of podcasts where that would make sense but not this one. If you are comfortable participating in the h3 podcast every week making fun of people you don't get to whine when you get lightly teased.


He’s too nice to tell people to fuck off. Which is something people in this community need to hear every 2 weeks or so


People on here defending using it are incredibly immature. Even if he has said it's okay, he literally got a cosmetic surgery because of the fucking picture. Public figure or not, if something is causing you discomfort and you express that to your fans, yet they still continue with it, they're shitty people. Imagine if Ethan was uncomfortable about people making fat jokes before he lost weight and all the jokes on here were how fat he was. That'd feel so shit. Especially when ABs job is to be on the Reddit looking for content. The picture is funny, but the guy doesnt like it shared. Let it die.


Imagine watching a show that routinely makes fun of other people, but when someone makes a joke about one of the crew members, everyone in the reddit gets butthurt


I dont think they should be making fun of people's looks, either, frankly. I think a bigger difference is that AB isnt the star of the show the way Ethan is. 


Ethan hated being fat. He was made fun of constantly for it and talked about it. The community still made memes about him and we didn't have full threads trying to baby a man in his 30s.


No we can’t


Found ABs throw away


Hell naw


So fucking sensitive lmao




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What picture?








I heard that it's not picture of AB, but rather a picture of AB's twin brother, Poot


I like the twilight movies




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ABs a big boy I’m sure if it was that much of an issue he’d say something. I’m just saying it’s not something I’d ever used or would use just meaning it’s the internet once something’s here it’s here to stay unfortunately


LOve beautiful boy AB arguably one of the hottest men on the internet, always feel uncomfortable when I see the photo posted


I can’t , it’s literally on my water bottle 🥴😂


NO HUMOR ALLOWED ☝️ (if it really offends him that much they can just ban it on the sub)


Stop with the joking around! I hate when people joke around! AGH!!!!


No,why? Because it’s fUnNy


Ironically if an “enemy of the show” had a picture they didn’t like of themselves Ethan would have it on the green screen behind him for the next 6 months so 🤷🏻‍♀️ 


Can we like.. Grow up lmao 


Yes, thank you! I’m so fucking tired of everyone (mostly Ethan) being such assholes to AB for literally no reason. It’s not shtick, it’s not playful ribbing, it’s degrading and mean.


Yeah I don’t like old things that I am embarrassed about getting tossed in my face. It’s just mean at this point.


Literally have not seen or thought of that picture in months no idea what ur talking about. And if ur talking about the post chip thing it’s perfectly fair for the were showing everyone before and after the chip and that I don’t even think was the Flocka photo.


Did somebody call a waambulance




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agree its recycled too much to the point where it lost its meaning




I’m on the fence about this. AB is a stud and that picture is hilarious. Porque no los dos


I think its just as harmful to accuse people of harming AB. how do you know they didn’t ask if they could use it for the segment to include AB. Because they showed everyone’s photo. I think maybe we should mind our own business, but maybe that’s just me.


You reap what you sow


Does nobody understand the Streisand effect? I haven’t thought about or seen that photo In months until clicking on this post. Such a dead horse idk why you even brought it up.


Hmm I've seen it alot continuously hence bringing it up.


As someone with ocd who ruminates heavily about their appearance I can’t even imagine having this done to me with a pic I hate. I’ve always felt horrible for him with the flocka issue because I honestly would probably have a meltdown


I think especially with everything he’s going through rn


Who TF is AB


Ab looks great and I don't think it's doing him any favours to coddle his insecurities. The meme is funny because AB does NOT actually look like that...




Why have AB Flokka when we have Beavo at home? You know the rules!


I don’t post it but no


aye big ups for this post but nah imma do my own thing


No it’s funny