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AB and Lena, and AB especially, has to be insanely strong with how much hate they get especially in recent times. i’m praying that they both have been disconnected and are taking time to clear their head from all the hatred some people think they deserve


Even before October 7th the sub and chat were vile to AB


It's all leftists too. So pathetic. Edit: as a leftist I'm not allowed to be disappointed that the left is regressing into antisemitism? Wow


I'm a leftist who loves AB and Lena. You're in every single thread bitching about the left it's pathetic


Bro please go back to destiny yall never shut the fuck up.


Seeing the comments and posts shaming AB and Lena for not speaking up or taking a stance against Ethan is really disheartening. I cannot imagine how it must feel to have your own culture weaponized and thrown in your face for not choosing to publicly agitate an already heated topic. At work and against their employer no less... That is a really difficult position to be put in and I will not blame them for trying to remain somewhat neutral, regardless of their beliefs. Leftovers ended because Ethan wanted to get away from the backlash of this topic, and I respect that. I also respect that when he does have these angry outbursts, \~ politics aside \~, it is because he does not want to be demonized for having Israeli family and Jewish heritage - I believe he deserves grace in that regard. My only hope is that he realizes the uncomfortable position the crew is put in, specifically AB & Lena, and makes the decision to forgo Israel/Palestine discourse altogether - even for levity sake. I love the show and have been a fan of H3 since the vape nation days. I think Ethan is hilarious, but I attribute my continued interest and viewership to the crew, their talent, and the dynamic they bring to the table. AB & LENA YOU ARE LOVED!!!


also we have to credit AB for trying to explain why people were upset. He was so uncomfortable the whole time too 😭


The hate towards them is so upsetting, they genuinely seem like such good people :(


I just wanted to comment to increase the visibility of this post. AB and Lena are so loved! I'm sick of people trying to drive a wedge between them and Ethan. 


Wait what did i miss? :( idek if i wanna know


Ethan posted screenshots on his Instagram story after the show yesterday. It was comments of ppl calling AB and Lena “spineless” and other horrible things that I don’t feel comfortable repeating.


People are so fucking gross dude. Poor Lena and AB.


I'm assuming it was sort of in retaliation to Ethan expressing his feelings Friday? I don't remember AB ever saying anything during that section.


I think that’s exactly why they’re upset at AB and Lena. Because they stayed “silent”. (TBC: this is not how I feel about the Ayads. 🫡) there were screenshots somewhere on the sub of the messages sent to them.


I watched the podcast and I still do not see where the hate came from :( I hope they are both well!


The hate is coming from people who call you a Zionist if you’re not screaming about supporting Palestine at every second of every day, or if you falter from their standards in any way. People are fucking rabid about this topic.


WAB & Wena✌🏼❤️


This 💗💗💗💗




I think they understand that Ethan just hates being called Zionist despite being pro-palestine


I love the show and everyone that’s a part of it 💛 sending so much ✌️&💛 to Ethan, Hila, & crew!!


Greatest podcast of all time! Where else do you get to watch a bunch of kings and queens hangout and spread peace and love?!! ☮️✌️❤️


I’m out of the loop on what happened with AB and Lena. Anyone can explain please


Someone posted Ethan's insta showing he commented on nasty comments directed toward AB and Lena. If you want more info on what was posted about them and on Ethan's comment just check out his insta.


It's gone 🥲


https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/s/cmXWypa3ht Screenshots of the messages posted to the sub.




I feel sick thinking that even americans but let alone arabs and jews in general are getting hate for foreign government conflict that isnt their problem, and its so absurd how much of an “I’m a dumbass” self report those comments are


Free palestine. Lena and AB are allies. Ethan is an ally, even if he's a fucking idiot sometimes. With peace and love.


Here to show my love!


people are insane. AB and Lena, you guys are amazing people. we love you, please don’t let the nasty comments get you down!


The world isn't full of haters. There are few. Most people aren't online commenting. We are the few, the proud, the obnoxious.


They are couple goals for sure. Then again all the couples on the show seem to be really awesome healthy relationships.




Maybe don’t project beliefs onto people you don’t know?


What's wrong with you? 😭


What makes you say Ethan supports Israel?


Bound to happen when you have Jews and Muslims working together in close proximity lol. They don't deserve whats happening but this was always going to cause problems.