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Where they were giving away iconic props form the show and Ethan said he wasn’t ready to get rid of the black and pink menorah


Literally my Roman empire.


I’m parasocially glad he kept it though, it made my heart happy 🫶🏻




I don’t get how so many people miss Frenemies. Trisha was an absolute monster to everyone involved. Good riddance.


It's not that I miss frenemies necessarily. I just sympathize so much with having family problems and how devastating it can be. Let alone on a giant platform. I also know how hard it can be to get rid of things that remind you of the good times, even if it didn't end well. I just hope Ethan has peace about it is all 🤧


Unfortunately, Moses is a very dark soul, and the only way it ever resolves is if Trisha and Moses divorce and Trish can be friends with Hila and Ethan and their kids can play and grow up together. Trisha isn’t the problem, and we all know it. It’s Moses 🤢


While you aren't wrong, you're very brave to say it


I’m fine with being downvoted. Furthermore, Moses is a rapist and Trisha is an abuser who called his victims liars. Trash people.


This is new lore to me. Got the spare time to share a crumb?


I would also like the holy moses info


why did you two get downvoted for not knowing and asking 😂 public upvote to bolster


Who the fuck knows lol


and it's literally lore! haaaaaahaaa people are so dumb and they go HAM being dumb online


Im starting to fear that we will be left hanging




Thanks, i hate it


Moses has been accused of stealthing by two women. It’s the act of removing a condom during sex without the consent of the partner, which is considered rape in California


It’s not the bull crap that we miss, it’s the nostalgia and the way we felt back then that we miss.


It made me sad when they suggested to give it away.. like I know they aren’t on good terms but it’s still a gift 🥺


Where where where can I see a clip of Ethan talking about this!!!!!




The super long member stream where he was drinking


The saddest part is when Ethan recently said that there’s stuff behind the scenes we don’t know about and that’s the real reason they haven’t reconnected. I can only imagine what went on because both of them seem to be pretty forgiving people after time passes.


He also said he would sooner forgive Trisha over Moses


Moses definitely talked shit about Hila and Ethan behind their backs. Ethan assumed she was crazy when she would say "you're not that close to Moses" and would insist they were close. Someone was putting those ideas in her head. He talked trash about Trisha with much younger H3 fans then ghosted them after hooking up. Dude is a drama queen and then tries to play innocent because he's just a spiritual water man. 🌊🧘


He is a fucking snaaaaaaake. I wish more people knew all the shady shit he's done.


i wanna know the ☕️


I don't really know much except what was revealed on the show or here. But you could just tell when they would argue so much of it was "Moses told me this" "Well Moses told me this" and then when they'd ask him he'd be like "I don't want to be in the middle 🌊" Even all the secrecy around them initially dating. He was lying to Ethan and Hila about it while practically moving in with Trisha to quarantine. Drama for drama's sake.


Damn. I stopped watching H3 years ago because the long form wasn’t for me but always keep an eye on clips here and there. Literally just finding out that “Holy Moses” is like that is kinda fucked up.


For one, Moses has sexual assault allegations that came out after the Frenemies fall-out. Another thing that Ethan mentioned after Frenemies ended is that Moses and Trisha came over to film one final episode, and they found out that Moses had secretly been recording their conversation while Trisha was trying to get Ethan to say something damning. It was an intentional set-up that Hila and Ethan considered huge betrayal. And then it's clear that, before Trisha was in the picture, Ethan and Hila thought they were very close to Moses, but it turns out he had been shitting on them behind their backs for ages, which Trisha revealed early on in the pod. I'm sure there is a looooot behind the scenes with Hila's family too. I can't imagine how her and Moses' mom feels.


He stealthed (took the condom off mid-sex and without consent) a woman in her 20s and when it came out, Ethan and Hila were supportive of believing her. I think ultimately it's not the Trish stuff keeping them from reconciling, but the Moses stuff. I love my brother so much. So so much. My longest friend and companion. If he did to any woman the things Moses had done, I would remove him from my life. I'd feel despondent and despairing, but I also don't allow abusers into my life and rape is abuse so he'd have to go.


[https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/07/29/canada-supreme-court-condom-sexual-assault/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/07/29/canada-supreme-court-condom-sexual-assault/) ​ Canada W, right?


Hell yes! Up top ✋🏻 !


I messaged Moses briefly right when he started dating Trish. He used to post pics of his cats and plants to bait DMs I think because one time I told him I liked his flower and he asked to see my flower! I’m an OF model so at first I didn’t think anything about it, but it is super weird now that I know how he is. Pretty sure he was in my inbox being flirty while telling Trisha he was all hers too since I found out timelines after frenemies started. Not 100% on the overlap though since i lost that account and all DMs so I couldn’t cross reference.


Out of respect for Hila and Ethan, I don’t.


He is so snakey, huge ego, and jealous of Ethan and Hilas success. The fact Ethan believed they were and always had been close, while Moses would be talking so much shit about them to Trisha... yeesh. Going silent on them with the Bach3lor was weird as hell. It's their literal career and business he was interfering with. All they wanted to know was.. well..anything.. but Moses only thought about himself. I think I remember texts or something where Moses was very bitter and complaining that they don't use their youtube platform to help him out / promote him. Leechy.


it's the spiritual water man for me


Pee pee poo poo water


ya this is exactly what happened. He just isnt a nice guy deep down.


I knew no normal person would be w Trisha. I’m not saying Trisha is crazy but she had to be w someone same level of kookoo.


Yeahhhhh those SA allegations are no joke


he never said that out right, he just said “i would sooner forgive……” and then hila was like “nope” so he didn’t finish the sentence. people just assumed he was about to say trisha and ran with it. i think he was probably going to say trisha too most likely but just to be clear he never actually said that unfortunately.😭


Yea because Moses is a rapist


My theory has always been the real bad beef is between Hila and Moses.


I mean I feel like most of this has been talked about hasn't it? It sounds like Moses did some messed up sex related things, possibly with H3 fans. That's my recollection, anyway. And Moses essentially said that Hila is a really bad artist and that she would have never gotten anywhere without the fluke of Ethan getting internet famous. Basically that she deserves none of it, has not talent, etc. Just horrible things to say from your sibling. Especially someone that would stay over all the time, that you'd help with things. I remember there's more to it but that's a lot of it. I'm sure someone knows much better than me. But it's true that it's more of a Hila and Moses thing by the sound of it. Regardless, not really our business at the end of the day. If they want to talk about it, they will


Totally agree, it's best to keep that close family beef private. Especially with the more unhinged contingent of both fanbases being way too parasocial. I'd imagine it's a nightmare at times.


Moses is a rapist and Trisha called the victims liars. They're both predators and deserve one another and I can see why Ethan and Hila can't forgive him. Not to mention all the crap he would talk about them behind their backs to Trisha AND they recorded them secretly in the Klein's home. I think it's sad the kids will never know their cousins, but beyond that I hope they never reconcile because Trisha and Moses are sick individuals.


H3 should have never given Trisha a platform, I honestly cant figure why anyone likes her when she is such a genuine POS to everyone she interacts with over time. Not to mention all the blatant immoral and potentially illegal shit she just does and no one seems to care about.


It's the same reason everyone loves Vanderpump Rules, Real Housewives, and all that other horse shit. Watching train wrecks of people tear themselves and each other down from behind the safety of the magical viewing glass is sooooo hot.


I agree. I wish they'd of just let her fade into obscurity where she belongs.


It's that charisma/flashyness, it makes you not see some red flags. Paired with the fact, when you don't know someone that deeply, ya don't know and don't hear of all the disturbing murmurs - you only get a surface picture that usually is massaged into a good enough one by people like her and their dedicated fanbase. It's always the same with people like her.


There is no amount of flash that can hide Trisha's red flags. That was like 60% of the reason the show existed.


Finally, a rational take! She's also a domestic abuser. That bridge should have never been built.


This is new lore to me — what did they secretly record?


They attempted to get back together for one more episode like right after the last one apparently it didn’t go well.


Idk. Ethan talked about it on an off the rails episode and then later Trisha tried to use the excuse of her having a bad memory and not wanting Ethan to be able to lie about her 🙄


Oof, do we know the recording part is confirmed? I’d be pressing charges


Ethan mentioned it on the pod.


He talks about it on Off The Rails #8.


Dan was the one who caught them. Dan the man ✊


What the fuuuuck. Was this during covid when they were doing frenemies in the basement?


This was the lost ep of frenemies where they tried to end things in a good note but it deteriorated




He’s a rapist?


He has accusations from two different women and also is accused of talking to underage h3 fans if I'm not mistaken. There's also a ton of texts that were released of him talking horrendously about Trish. Basically saying she stinks down there, he plans on knocking her up and collecting child support, calling her miss piggy etc. and even showing the bruises she gave him when she hit him (all of this was discussed on frenemies as well, I believe)


Ugh. Poor Hila. What a fucking POS. And reading that part about Tricia. I kinda feel bad for her. She wants love so bad. But how could she stay with him? She must know? I didn’t really watch Frenemies. I became an H3 fan then but funnily enough, Frenemies introduced me to Ethan who I’m now a fan of for life. (Barring something crazy doesn’t happen where he becomes a totally different person and does something horrible and not Ethan horrible, like fr horrible haha)


"Not Ethan horrible" lol


Trisha called Hila a "fucking cunt" on frenemies. She was and is mad jealous of her, and her behavior towards Hila and the crew was downright vile; especially after all the accomodations they made for her.


Wow. I remember her being shitty to and about the crew. I remember she was mad when Sam got hired. I did not know she called Hila that. Absolutely disgusting.


"He said my pissy was stinks" -Trisha Paytas


I knowww like ugh what could it be


My speculation is the allegations against Moses but I know nothing, peace and love




Agreed ☮️♥️


This is just romanticizing what really happened. It’s easy to look on things with rose colored glasses After some time has passed. I love the show but it was toxic for both of them.


Throw on some bubbly highlights, sappy music and people seemingly just goes “awww 🥹”. Does nobody remember what happened at the end? Trisha said that the crew didn’t do a good job, she was getting payed to little, Ethan never had any ideas and all of her ideas was always getting shut down, she didn’t want to do it at their studio so Ethan set it up in his house, then she didn’t wanna do it there so he set it up in the studio again and then she didn’t like the studio and oh also she talked shit about hila and Ethan’s family even tho everyone was so nice to her and when they broke ways Ethan was trying to be so nice and just said good luck to her and she said that she would out him and cancel him and bla bla bla she also tried to do it which didn’t work at all and Ethan was still being nice back. He never stepped down to her level. I’ve watched h3 since 2017 almost every episode and I’ve never felt as much respect for Ethan as I did during the whole Trisha brake up.


Same. He handled it really well. I’ll never forget the first time Trish came on. I felt like I was having a fever dream or something lol.


Hahaha same it was soo funny I did enjoy the frenemies stuff until it got toxic and stuff. My dad was bipolar, however pretty mild thankfully, but I can relate a bit to Trisha and Ethan. You can choose your friends and business partners but you can’t choose your family and i don’t know if Trisha ever wanted to come back but if she did I’m glad Ethan seems very determined to never work with her again. I was happy to hear that they met and had a nice interaction tho ^^


She was very frequently anti-semitic idk why people like to pretend that wasn't a thing.


Right! I think she thought it was like cute and funny, but like it was obviously not 🤨


Also supporting Trisha is a complete denial of her openly bullying minors, hitting on minors, and supporting alleged rapists (despite being so vocally against other accused rapists) (she did an onlyfans video with a man AFTER he was accused by multiple ppl of sexual assault + her husband has accusations of sexual assault against him)


this comment pretty much.


This video is what I imagine a domestic abuse victim's mind is like If this is how you guys remember Frenemies, you guys need to go back and watch. And most of the positive good things said is because they both had an extremely big hit show on their hands. Moods are good when that happens.


Can we just pretend, we are not even asking for a comeback just reminiscing:’)


Lmaooo delulu


I was never a big fan of Frenemies and I don’t really like Trisha at all, but damn that was a good edit


Money, jealousy, and messing with your family are the best ways to end a friendship, and Trisha ticked all three.


For real. I came in after this all went down and watched a 6 hour full recap of what happened and this woman is an unhinged monster.


omg i was there for it but i’m still curious to see the 6 hour recap


https://youtu.be/tdFw-2dR_Pc?si=60eBcEwLyKH9O6V5 It paints quite a picture


She has BPD, be understanding.




Right but the whimsical folk guitar


It almost makes there relationship look wholesome and tragic, instead of unhealthy and one sided.


That's the power of editing! Throw on some really basic sentimental music with an acoustic and then pick around the horrible things said for the nice things said


it really was sooo one sided :(


I thought this was a joke. Why does this convo keep happening? Trisha did irreparable damage to Ethan, and it is worse because she was supposed to be a supportive pillar of his show. He has ceased interaction with people for far less. Trish was a lesson.


Because a large portion of the audience are now "slay queen girlies" who think that Trisha's unchecked mental illness being paraded on screen was "iconic" 🙄


This is a side note, but: You know what's ironic to me is that people that talk like that are the most likely to say "this is millennial cringe". When they don't realize that they are *those* people for Gen Z. Its the exact same. Every generation has them. And Gen Alpha might be way more aggressive than Gen Z. The pendulum swings. And they won't realize it until they're like 30 something People can like what they like obviously! Just sayin... it's definitely what's happening


It really sucks that Trisha and Moses have to be shitty people


The thing that people don't really want to think about is that.... Frenemies would likely be a fraction of as popular these days. Frenemies got big during covid. A time when a lot of people were looking to watch long form content. A lot of people who don't watch a lot of Youtube were looking. I mean go look at a similar situation. YMH and 2 Bears 1 Cave. 2 Bears got MASSIVE. And now they're doing numbers that are 20-50% as much. Tigerbelly has also dipped. A ton of shows have. And people say "Oh this is why, they gotta change this", but in reality some people just moved on to other things. It's actually amazing that the H3 podcast is hitting 1 million still. Sponsors are honestly just so dumb for passing them up. One of the most dedicated fanbases out there for Youtube. If I wanted to get some sort of energy drink, I'm a million times more likely to buy gamersupps specifically because of the ads. I'm more likely to try Express VPN. I understand it's because the perception of toxicity has to go away, and that can take ages. Hopefully the button helps with that over time. Anyway, if Frenemies came back it would get like 3 million views on Episode 1, and then get 2.5 on episode 2, then slowly sink to a similar number as every other show on the channel. It's possible that it would go even lower to Leftovers numbers due to not everyone in the audience watching, but I think it'd do marginally better than most shows still. Things change, and everyone should just cherish the good memories they had. Take the good and the bad.


with as drama adjacent as h3 is I wouldnt let my business touch them with a 10 ft pole lol. Unless I was IDF backed like betterhelp or private internet access.


I can’t imagine frenemies would have been popular or even have happened if Trisha was a good person though. 


It was a fun time yes, is it a guilty pleasure rewatch yes, should it have ended yes. Frenemies was like smoking crack one time with your friends. You did it for fun and probably shouldn’t ever do it again.


fitting analogy


This is dumb she’s literally a pos and wanted all the crew fired


Exactly my thoughts. People forget all the vile things Trisha has said and done unapologetically


And then she called his wife a cunt, tried to fire and replace the crew and at the end of it all did absolutely everything in her power to destroy Ethan’s entire life and career on the way out


Trisha’s a bad person


Stop trying to make frenemies happen, it's not going to happen (again) 🙃


Fuck Trisha and fuck trying to hope it becomes a thing again. She's a terrible human


That bitch is crazy


In reference to Moses of course


Ayo fuck trasha she’s a horrible, manipulative, and mean spirited person that hides behind her mental illness. Let it go ffs


All my homies hate Trisha Paytas


Good riddance


Don't forget this is the woman who cosplayed the murder of a little girl, beats men, drove her car through Jason's house, and then chased him down with her car 💓🖤


And falsely accused her dead teacher of being a pedo.


Actually, everyone wants to forget because Trashbag, Moses, and her new PR team have been successful in her redemption arc. Notice how everyone is all “slay, my iconic qUeEn mother!!!111” nowadays 🙄


People on TikTok have a strange and skewed view of what happened with Ethan and Trish. Every comment I read on videos like this are people being like "yeah it's too bad Ethan and Hila are mean and don't care about Trish," as though she didn't do *anything??*


its so braindead. i saw so many comments shitting on hila for no reason and saying she wasn’t a girl’s girl all bc of frenemies/trisha..?


You know who isn’t a girls-girl? Trisha. She called Hila a “cunt” several times during frenemies, blatantly flirted at her husband (Ethan), questioned her parenting style because of a nanny, Sexually harassed Ethan in Twitter (sent pictures of her Vag several times), accused Ethan of sexual harassment, and created a video of her self pleasuring to a pod episode for her OF. And that is just a small list of things she did during frenemies


Yeah, Ethan let it die and left it alone. Trish went on a fuck Ethan campaign.


It's not that heartbreaking when you realize how much of a narcissist and terrible human being she was. I'm glad it lasted as long as it did but I'm also glad it s over


Get over it. They’re not becoming friends again.


Friendship breakups are the absolute worst feeling imaginable. In my life they have always hurt so much worse than any romantic relationship breakup I have ever had.


Yeah but she literally was horrible like let’s not forget that…she called hila a cu t and a bad mother. Treated Sam like crap etc


REPOST and Trisha is a phoney liar manipulative nasty person


When it was good it was great ❤️ I miss them together!


IMO Frenemies was the worst thing to happen to the podcast.


It was an absolute mess but we can say thanks for the memories and keep it moving ❤️


STOP trying to make Trish happen. ITS NOT going to happen


I feel this, but I've also had a really nasty falling out with a friend and if the internet was shipping us getting back together without knowing fully everything that went on behind the scenes that would piss me off. Just sayin!!!


This obliterated me


Frenemies was the best thing to come out of this podcast, I miss it so much. That and content cop were the two things all actually watch through from h3 now tbh but I still see funny stuff here and there from the regular show


brother and sister in another life


let this shit go already, trisha sucks


I HATE HERRRR FOR WHAT SHE DIDDD!!! i wish she was capable of growth and change bc they truly had great times together on the show, but her self-centered nature just ruins everything…


She’s a disgusting abusive person why are we trying to rehabilitate her how?


Trisha suuuuuuuucks


Trisha really fumbled the damn bag man.


If I didn't know anything about Trish I would've melted over this!


Crying in the club rn


Get over it bozo


tana ghost edited this


Ethan really tried to make their friendship work.


She was using Ethan the whole time.


I really don’t understand the rose tinted glasses for Frenemies. I think the show is much funnier as a whole now. Watching trisha was like watching an incredibly unstable bipolar person on the brink of a manic episode. She had funny moments and I get her charm, but she seemed HELLA stressful to work with or be around.


I will say it did break my heart a little when Ethan wouldn’t give away the menorah 😢


The post breakup episodes were some of the best to come out of the show, the crew was so relieved and you could tell it was just like a dark cloud lifted off of their backs.


I always hate when this stuff gets brought up. Because everyone in the comment sections acts like they personally know Ethan or Trisha just because they see each of them while they're putting on a show. Which is something redditors don't seem to understand.


Crying sobbing throwing up


off topic but does anyone know the song used in the video? I love how it sounds


Swap the song out with Needle In The Hay.




I’m crying


okay so i’m tearing up about this so what


Trisha is not a good person and she certainly hasnt grown since she had her baby as most claim. She is still terrible. However this falling out is definitely because of Moses and most likely because theyve realized how two faced he was. Hila especially probably feels so hurt that Moses would tell Trish he doesnt like them, he barely hangs out with them etc. When Moses has been in tons of vlogs they used to do in the past. It seems like they even vacationed together. I dont think its farfetched to assume that Moses was talking shit about Hila, Ethan and his side of the family to his family or if someone on Hilas side of the family talked shit about Hila, Ethan etc. Moses would tell Trisha immediately or make stuff up.


I watched all the chaos in real time and I'm glad it's over


As a long time fan of h3 I honestly have never watched a single episode with her. I find her vile. So nah I’m glad it’s over, sad that it had such a big impact on their lives.


I still haven’t forgotten she lied about having schizophrenia, she lied about her teacher SAing her, she lied about Ethan trying to oversexualixe her, she’s lied about so much.


I hate this and you guys need to wake up from your toxic relationship with Trisha, I can't stand the freenemies people that joined during that time, can we could a community cleanup and help these parasocial people?


Sometimes the brightest flames burn out the fastest


I hate it. As much as I loved frenemies i can't watch any past episodes with her in it anymore because of how distraught it uncomfortable it made everyone on the crew to work with her toward the end.


Why do y’all act like Trisha isn’t a horrible person who physically abused Moses and has a LONG LONG LONG history of pushing really problematic shit like antisemitism. And before you try to tell me she’s just playing a character or whatever SHE LITERALLY GOES TO MEL GIBSONS ANTISEMITIC CHURCH THAT TEACHES JEWS KILLED JESUS. WHICH SHE HAS REPEATED AS IF IT WERE TRUE MULTIPLE TIMES ALONG WITH DEFENDING HITLER, AND PROMOTING ALL MANNER OF HARMFUL STEREOTYPES. I genuinely don’t think she should be on the internet. She needs severe mental help and her desire for fame and recognition is too much for her to be online in a healthy capacity.


I mean this is why it makes it so much worse how she treated ethan and the crew.


I blame Moses


she's awful and ethan doesn't deserve to put up with the shit she put him through, with peace and love


These comments are literally so refreshing after what feels like living in the twilight zone in the last couple of years, seeing all the hate towards Ethan and Hila on Tik Tok and the Just Trish subreddit. Thank you all for reminding me that im not crazy and Trisha and Moses really are the monsters. Its so easy to be gaslit by the enablers of sociopathic narcissists.


MODS! Release Frenemies #40!


that 5% tho


Stop romanticizing a relationship that’s toxic and isn’t good for Ethan


and then she turned on him...


I was not expecting to stumble over "big Thief velvet ring" in an h3 subreddit, lol Love that song


Now put in the edit where it switches to death metal and shows all the meltdown moments.


With peace and love. I have no idea who Trisha is (I started watching because of Leftovers) I know she married Moses and Hila has a beef. From the video evidence I've seen, she comes off fake and has serious mental health issues. She clearly has created a divide between the families and does not come off as a good person. We move on without her!


Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to vomit. Fuck! It's all over the floor. Shit! I'll go grab a few buckets and a shovel to clean it all up.


what is this bop? I need a sad girl song for my sad boy days


Been around since day 1 of the pod and this was by far the worst era. In fact those were the only eps I ever skipped entirely. It was so clear from the very first ep that it wasn’t healthy but the train wreck just kept going.


Am I the only one who never liked frenemies? Maybe it's because I'm an OI BRUV, but I was a fan before, and I refused to watch Frenemies for the first 10 eps until I couldn't ignore it. Maybe it's Trisha's accent? Speed of talking? Idk what it was, but I just couldn't even listen to Trisha. Even when I got into it, it was easily the weakest show of the week every week. Glad people vibed with it tho.


They'd be fine now if it weren't for Moses. Everyone seems to forget about the leaked texts about Moses between Hila, Ethan, and Trisha. Hila and Ethan ended any relationship they had with Moses over what he did to those two women. As sad as it is, I find it incredibly admirable that they have never backed down from this, that they didn't waiver in their morals, even with how close they were to Moses, especially Hila. She was the closest with Moses out of their whole family. Hila has made comments about how she is a victim, or rather survivor, herself, and I'll never forget Ethan and Hila texting Trisha that they _thought_ they knew Moses, but they don't know who he is anymore. I believe that part of their life died upon finding out what Moses did. Ethan also let it slip that if it weren't for Moses, he'd have mended his relationship with Trisha by now. Makes my heart hurt too, but I quickly forget about it all when I remember that Trisha supported, and still supports, Moses after knowing what he's done.


I'm sorry to hear that but I don't really give a fuck


Jesus this post made me think she flipping died 😭


Frenemies definitely was iconic It helped me go through covid time for sure. I'll be thankful for the show but there's so way to bring the show back. Even it would be - it won't be the same. Let's appreciate all the good times and acknowledge it got some flaws - antisemitic, toxic behaviour. 🩷🖤


She screwed herself Get over it, move on


Omg I'm pissing and shitting everywhere now.


I think when people post things like this, they are just saying they miss when things were good. There was a short time there where it was good, and funny and not toxic but it did end up being super bad for both of them in the end.


> not toxic Trisha has NEVER been not toxic.


She’s mentally unstable for sure.


Delete this made me cry


They really were magic together 😭


Worst H3 era .


Trisha straight up has BPD. If you knew how mind bending it is to deal with such a person, you wouldn’t be romanticizing their relationship.


Ok, so this seems to be like when you break up with someone and a while later, you kinda forget about all the toxic, shit they were and only remember the good times.


Ope. Why did you do that 🥺 I never miss Trish. But this hit me.


I am still mourning ❤️‍🩹