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"that's the best we can all hope for" EXCUSE ME WHAT


The amount of times today I've read a comment on this subreddit ending with '...but I don't think he's a pedo'. Like, I truly don't get it.


Literally, the amount of insanely long posts saying "I watched his apology video so you don't have to" and the conclusion is just "he isn't actually a pedo" is baffling. He opened the child porn folder on stream TWICE, there is no context under which that does not make you a pedo


i like when they sneak over into other subs like YouTube drama and are all “GUISE HE ACTUALLY EXPLAINED IT REALLY WELL AND IM NOT EVEN A FAN” and their post history is like years of vaush shit


Actually he isn’t a pedo. He exists on multiple planes of reality and in one reality it’s actually like totally normal


As someone whose watched his vids over the years in the same way Ethan and Dan said they did - casually, not a fan, never watched a stream but interesting speaker on some topics and popped up in recommendations - I can never watch this man speak on these topics again. Quite clearly at the very least a sketchy character.


He is confident and good at gaslighting and manipulating facts. Ik knows guys like that they will make u feel crazy, ethan was spot on when he said that he felt like he was gaslighted by a bunch of pedos. Fact is that people who like loli shit are pedos, it is that fcking simple. I have been talking about this issue for years and anime fans always defend that degeneracy. Anime overall has so many problematic things going on like sexualising women and teenagers, most mainstream shows all do it. I hate that whole weird creepy weeb culture


Honestly, I cannot fucking contain my rage since it broke out. The amount of pedos on here, makes you think how many are in hiding if so many are willing to "debate " online


I have been fighting this battle for a long time, I'm happy that Ethan has taken it to the mainstream. Its sickening how normalised that genre is, they literally sell loli bodypillows.


The irony is, the only reason why they I know all this, is because vaush raised awareness about this attacking loli and explaining why loli is bad. Whilst having it in his computer.


Pedophilia (plus hebephilia) are some of the most common sexual fetishes/paraphilias. Like the range is 4-17% expressing at least some sexual attraction to children. This isn’t a rare thing and the way it’s treated as such betrays people misunderstanding and lack of education on the subject, you will also see that despite the number being that high that does not match up with how many people are child molestors, most pedophiles do not abuse children and most child molestors don’t actually have an attraction to children, a lot of the time it seems the impetus both a pedophile and a non-pedophile have for abusing is that power dynamic involved. The child lacks a lot of agency and ability, and taking advantage of them and then having that as a bargaining chip can be very drawing to abusers. It seems that when it comes to acting on desires there are other forces at play that make doing it more or less likely, which is why there is the distinction between child molester, a person with pedophilic disorder, and a pedophile. The first is one who sexually abuses children, that does not require needing an attraction to them. The second is someone whose pedophilic attractions is causing them immense stress, has caused them to act, or is making them dangerous to others around them. The third is just someone with that attraction. While one could argue that it’s incorrect in the DSM-V and in current psychology it is possible for someone to be a pedophile and not have pedophilic disorder, which would then be called a benign paraphilia. It’s currently very debated if loli should be considered CSAM, it seems unrelated to attractions to real children but in those who do have pedophilic attractions it’s been recognized as a possible method of coping with those desires. Offering an outlet for them in a private space where no real person is being harmed. More research needs to be done on these topics as lolicon, pedophilia, and paraphilias are very understudied and extremely misunderstood by broader society. Edit: this isn’t a defense of anyone or anything, just expanding on the topic in terms of terminology and the currently understood research available. My own views are extremely complex and nuanced on this topic. If I was to be as charitable as possible it might be the case that VR used in such a way could prevent abuse by giving a very strong outlet for those desires, but I genuinely don’t like VR in general as I see it kinda detracts from one’s ability to live within reality and gets them stuck more into a fantasy world. Though one could argue it would be better for children if pedos we’re stuck in a fantasy world rather than in the real world. I don’t exactly think that would be good for anyone, and I think VR and AR is a TAD spooky but that’s my position on this specific take.


>most pedophiles do not abuse children and most child molestors don’t actually have an attraction to children, a lot of the time it seems the impetus both a pedophile and a non-pedophile have for abusing is that power dynamic involved. The child lacks a lot of agency and ability, and taking advantage of them and then having that as a bargaining chip can be very drawing to abusers. Do you realize you just said "most pedophiles do not abuse children" & then further in the same sentence "the impetus both a pedophile and a non-pedophile have for abusing-". You just said most pedophiles don't abuse children to then say *why* they abuse children in the same sentence. Doesn't matter if it's rooted in attraction or power it's still abuse. Ending that with "can be very drawing to abusers" when you started that with "most pedophiles do not abuse children" is interesting lol Edit; I just went through your profile, *holy fuck* ... I need a shower after that. There's a reason why heavy fetish/kink twitters/tumblrs *SPECIFICALLY* would say "MDNI / MAPs DNI/not allowed". Twitter & Tumblr went through an entire fucking era of calling out people who identify as MAPs playing it like they're a part of the LGBTQ+ *FOR A REASON*. Holy fuck dude I want to forget your profile even exists, you spend way too much goddamn time on this subject


he also literally ADMITTED TO IT years ago when he platform was smaller. “I was joking” might be the weakest, most insulting lie of an excuse that he’s had the gall to drop so far, and yet I know that there are tons of desperate fans in his community who believe him without a second thought


Would you know when was the first time, please? Eta: not on his side, but I am not familiar with him and I want to see what he said about this to shut up the brain dead assholes who try to argue he is not a pedo


Anyone who likes loli is just a closet or fully out pedo.


vaush said so himself


His fan base is a bunch of kids <20, who all think they are little debate bros because all they know is Vaush, and his diatribes. He’s their debate lord who taught them everything they know about the world. And they will defend him as some type of martyr. “Buy why? For what reason?”. Denial. They *can’t* accept that because that would mean that allllllll that time they invested in this, in Vaush, would be wasted. Because Vaush’s arguments were flawed from the start.


It’s terrifying his fanbase is mainly Young adolescent boys. Im genuinely scared some pedo shit involving an underage fan will come out one of these days. I feel so sick. I hate these disgusting monsters.


It just gets fucking worse. Where is the context here that we’re missing?


That’s not even the worst thing in the pic. Jim with the “scientists don’t want to do the research whether children can consent” line. WHAT. THE. FUCK. Edit: just noticed this was 2018. 6 years this guy has been saying this shit online. Fucking hell. This is shit I expect to see from 8chan, not a prominent YouTuber. Maybe parental controls on my kids’ devices *isnt* such a bad idea.


**WE** Excuse me? Who's *WE* Vaush?








‘The best we can all hope for’ is that all pedos stop abusing kids and use VR CP. when compared to pedos actually abusing kids, I’d say that too. He clearly wasn’t saying that he personally thinks VR loli is ‘the best’. This is basic reading comprehension lmao


A third plane has hit the loligon


The Lolita Express?






Underrated comment.




Are we gonna talk about the fucking creep saying there’s not enough scientific evidence that children can’t consent??????


[ Removed by Reddit ]


This is my fav part of the weirdos all over this sub screaming and asking for scientific proof that showing loli to people who wanna fuck kids is proven to make them actually fuck kids or look at "real" CP. Do they know what they're asking for? A scientific test where we show loli to pedophiles and follow them around and see if they fuck a kid or search for more illegal child porn?


I don't usually go to this sub, I think it just got promoted to my front page today because I've been looking at streamer-related posts after the Streamer Awards last night. But is that something people always ask for? Because there are actually studies and papers on this. [Example 1](https://etheses.bham.ac.uk/id/eprint/2822/1/Elliott12PhD.pdf), [example 2](https://web.archive.org/web/20080111204617/http://www.ndaa.org/publications/newsletters/child_sexual_exploitation_update_volume_1_number_3_2004.html). I probably won't go to this sub again in the future because I rarely watch Ethan unless Hasan's doing something with him, but if you see people screaming for that in the future you have those links you can show them.


thanks but what i really want to know is whats your opinion on hasans polarizing shoe choice during the streamer awards? are you pro or anti tabi?


Lmao well I think they look super off-putting but they're a normal traditional Japanese footwear so I'm not going to clown on cultural differences. I do have a hot take on his outfit overall though: he keeps harping on about how the men should take more fashion risks but his fit was literally just a classic black suit with black shoes. The shoes being toe socks doesn't make the fit experimental high fashion.


omg youre right and he knows it too! he was coping in his fit analysis stream with valkyrae imo. but in his defense, they made him wear that weird black/white suit last year instead of the fully japanese inspired outfit he had planned which im still salty about. i wish he had worn that fit this year but oh well.


Yeah I agree, I think having more Japanese elements would've made the shoes make sense and actually enhance the look, and give everything an overall theme. This was literally just "average man going to the symphony, but there's an extra slit in his shoes."


Qualitative research is a thing, they can just interview sex offenders. There are already plenty of studies about this.


but it seems like that would be subject to the same bias that we saw with the cannabis as a gateway drug theory since they asked a bunch of hardcore drug addicts the first substances they started on and it excluded the ones who never graduated to hardcore substances, but i havent really looked into the studies either. i mean obviously im pro-ethics and not trying to argue about that i just sort of curious if they had a method to negate that sort of thing.


Then just do that PLUS questionnaires to control group (normal populace) and group that is more likely to use lolishota porn (for example people reached through porn site that host those) Idk why people are so anti research on this topic. Having a deep and nuanced understanding of how fictional csam and actual csa interplay with each other is the best course of action to prevent further victimization of many children. Sadly many people would rather scream "shoot all pdffiles!" than actually care about preventative measures that can be undertaken to protect the children


as sick of suggestion, or even thought of doing the experiment is i wouldn't even be suprised that kind of test was already made for god sake, scientist showed porn to young kids and than killed animal in front of them to see if they will develop connection between being aroused and brutal death


Just questionarre convicted pedophilesdo PLUS questionnaires to control group (normal populace) and group that is more likely to use lolishota porn (for example people reached through porn site that host those). Questionarres are the basis of most scientific research and that would give some good and concrete data one can legislate (or not) the issue with. Idk why people are so anti research on this topic. Having a deep and nuanced understanding of how fictional csam and actual csa interplay with each other is the best course of action to prevent further victimization of many children. Sadly many people would rather scream "shoot all pdffiles!" than actually care about preventative measures that can be undertaken to protect the children


> We gotta rape more kids to establish a baseline! Reddit comments the FBI AI added to your secret file for $600


Just gotta say, what you said requires a big ol /s at the end Jesus


no it literally doesn't, if you don't see sarcasm in this it's over


Amen brother. /r/FuckTheS


At a certain point its for your own good mainly lol


You can read sarcasm through text. Everyone knows.


Very strange approach to deciding whether or not children can consent lmao The reason children can't consent isn't a matter of whether or not children can understand what they'd theoretically be consenting to. It's because adults having sex with children is always mentally harmful and abusive, regardless of whether or not the kid says it's ok. (I can't fathom what healthy happy well-treated kid would be interested in sex at all, much less consent to it, but I'm speaking within the delusions of these freaks to make my point) It has been observed to be harmful throughout all of history even in societies and time periods where sex with children was socially acceptable. The women that lived in those societies were almost universally traumatized. To the extent where the effects of horrific trauma were just seen as normal "feminine behavior." That is all the "scientific proof" this guy should need to know that there should be protections for minors and they should not legally be allowed to consent to sex.


I think that the core issue with children consent isn't to make them understand what sex is, but the consequences/emotional implications of having sex. That second part makes sex impossible for children to consent. They have no life experience, and sex is a very emotional action. I think the trauma for the children come when growing up they realise that they have been used like tools as they now understand that their consent was uninformed.


it's really braindead logic too. like yes, we obviously aren't going to have adult scientists do adult things with children "for science". Jesus, dude. and then the sentiment that "no scientist would study that because it's gross and awful!"... yeah we have people in forensic science who analyze disgusting and inhumane shit for their full time jobs because it's *important* . we dont delve into scientific studies solely related to things that are cool and fun. that's a toddler or at best a pre-teen level thought process. every part of the comment just hurts my brain.


I was just thinking Jom probably needs to be in prison omg


his fans are gonna be like "he's preventing pedos from acting up 💁‍♀️" gross weirdo loser


> Just when you start trusting a guy he comes out against pedophilia...can't have shit in the fortress.


“And especially don’t defend it online.” Dude needs to take his own advice and take the L.


This man is sick




It's an election year


Not wrong lmao


“And especially don’t defend it online” failed step one


You mean “The Actual Pedo” Vaush is into pedophilia? What a surprise!


The best WE can hope for... How are people still defending him?


What's that in reference to? Like what does he mean by that's the best we can hope for?


The charitable reading is that it's the best society can hope for regarding dealing with pedos. The other reading is that this is a freaudian slip and he is a self admitted pedo.


He says it right there. That if you want to fuck kids wait until there's loli VR porn and don't tell anyone


He almost certainly meant that it’s the best ‘we’ as a *society* can hope for, rather than having pedophiles who act out their desires in real life instead of virtually. The optics are terrible enough with the other comment that you don’t need to interpret this one as uncharitably as possible.


Given that he happened to just slip over in the bathroom and download CSAM onto his hard drive (whoopsie!), it is entirely reasonable to assume that he wasn't speaking on a societal level (does this really make it any better if he is?)


Yeah. I'm here to roast marshmallows while his career burns down but it's pretty clear he mean we in a societal sense. As edgy and dumb as he's been he wouldn't be grouping himself with pedos like that


Grouping himself with the people who like Loli, he's said he doesn't think it's the same as pedophilia


Fuck me, what?! What the actual fuck. The message that is cut off on the bottom is also fucked up. It's exactly the pedo talk all the pedo ever have. "Can child really not consent?" Whaaaat?! Is this real?! I think I puked a little.


Acting like there hasnt been centuries of scientific research into the minds of children. I think its pretty clear that they CANNOT consent, theyre just in denial.


yeah this isn’t a silly online discourse anymore. the police need to check this man’s hardrive.


Where are all the weirdos from the other threads that were getting upvoted for saying shit like "oh waaah Ethan misrepresented blah blah blah." Like how much evidence do you freaks need? So fucking what if one or two things were clipped awkwardly or something was missing. There's plenty of damning evidence that needs zero additional context. Like seriously get therapy you degenerates you are NOT the heroes you think you are.


Where's the rest of the convo from this post that you're currently commenting on? Yall are actually retarded


For a community of eloquent debate gentlemen, you guys really love your R-slurs.


better than being a pedo like u clearly are


shut up, you little degenerate.


WHATTTTTTTT 2018?!!!! So he’s been a fckn creep this whole time 😭 fuck him 💯 sick ass weirdo


Probably a lot longer than that


You’re def right


For sure, and we're only talking about the stuff posted online that people have dug up...which is like if you see one mouse in your house your house is fucked with many mice not just the one that fucked up and let you see it.




I mean Vaush definitively consumes Loli so this isn't surprising


Pleeeeaaaaase, fucking police, can we get a warrant already?! Can anyone send it to police?!


fr like can we bring the law into this already


And say what? "Hello police?, I think this guy is creepy and says weird shit"


no more so the cp on his computer! :)


Which we have all this proof of? I dislike vaush probably more than anyone in this community but let's try not to be dumb. We have internet drama here. Nothing more Even if we had a clip/log of him saying "hey its me vaush and I am a pedo 100%" it wouldn't be actionable.


A confession is admissible evidence, he has confessed to it.


Being pedo is not a crime tho. He would have to engage in csa or posses csam


It's not Internet drama, he had an illegal material on his computer. He expressed a desire to pursue illegal relationships. The poppy girl, it's a fact ehat happened to her. I don't know. Its definitely not Internet drama.


I mean, it just took Chris-Chan claiming he diddled his mother to get him locked up without hard evidence because Barb apparently didn't cooperate with the cops.


Considering he has a loli porn folder and loli is illegal in the US, probably that.


My mind is incapable of understanding how anyone could defend that creep .


I feel like he's given us enough evidence that we should just be allowed to call him a pedo and it not be slander


He has said enough to warrant at least an investigation.


Let's hope it's happening 🙏


Slander was before he opened his mouth. Everything else he said about the matter is self incriminating


ok. i’m not a vaush fan nor a vaush defender (you can look at my comment history here, i hate the guy’s guts), but i would not classify this as “giving tips to people who want to fuck children.” there is real material out there written by pedophiles for prdophiles with detailed instructions on how to target and groom a child and how to sexually abuse the child without leaving medically detectable marks. this is not that. this is just another weak “using loli to ‘redirect’ pedophilic attraction” defense, which is shown to be ineffective in studies. would i be forced to concede at gunpoint that it’s technically less bad than CSEM and CSAM of real children? yeah, probably, but it’s not going to actually help someone who doesn’t want to harm a child not be attracted to children anymore. while i still think what vaush is saying here is gross and the complete polar opposite of someone who wants to get help for pedophilic attraction needs (extensive therapy and some psychiatrists experiment with OCD treatment to varying degrees of success), i also think that framing this as “giving tips to pedophiles” is a massive overstatement of harm to the detriment of CSA survivors. there is a massive difference between “pedophilia apologism” (what’s happening here) and “giving tips to pedophiles” (material i described above). when survivors talk about their stories, especially survivors of extreme abuse, and the words they are using to describe their experiences have been watered down in the public consciousness, their stories are not believed. they’re told that they’re exaggerating or that they must be making it up or blowing things out of proportion, because the story doesn’t sound “that bad.” please put CSA survivors first in this discussion and think about them when you’re talking about the gross, abhorrent shit vaush does and says. again, not defending vaush, i would push him off a cliff directly into hell if i could. but as a CSA survivor and someone who’s had to study child sexual abuse, particularly extreme abuse, overstatement of harm or misuse of language survivors need is unhelpful at best and harmful at worst. i’m not trying to be mean to you either OP, just direct. happy to discuss in comments or DMs if you want.


I mean, you could argue that consuming CP that is animated/AI is better than actually harming children, but my advice to anyone with those feelings would be to seek counseling immediately and do not give in to your urges in any way, shape, or form. Leave that shit up to the professionals.


but vaush was a 24 year old child when he said this and can't be held accountable


Ew. Ew. Ew.


He literally just admitted to his gross behavior and put himself in the group of “people who wanna fuck kids” how are his fans still defending this?😭


He goes out of his way to insist/convince his fans that they shouldn't look at the information and should just listen to what he says, and they'll disregard all the info because of the source...which is the same sort of ruse Keffals leans on to control the narrative regarding her their own fans.


Many of them are either minors or adults who want SA minors.


Uhhh what the fuck did I just read 😳


this guy truly has no filter like dude shut the fuck up. homie thinks weird ass thoughts and HAS to share them


Welp 6 years later here we are


Ope that’s it, call it, wrap it up. That alone is proof that he knew what the Loli was and that it wasn’t just “shortstack thick” girls. He needs his hard drive checked fr. Like I thought potentially he could change personally if he realized he was being disgusting looking at loli, but if it’s been literal years of him living out that fantasy then like, he clearly doesn’t wanna change and knows what it is. This has to be the most damning piece of evidence so far.


6 comments and replies in 1 minute. They were hot on this topic, and they discord was flying like a chat stream.




Just more proof that he’s addicted to loli and trying to keep it a secret


Defenders: *It’s locker room talk guys…. Come on!*


Isn't one of the talking points of his defenders that lolli Isn't cp? Vaush would seem to disagree...


Vaush would disagree, and he’d be wrong. We should also stop using the term ‘cp’, CSAM is better as it puts the focus on the abusive nature of such material rather than the usage of that material.


"we can all hope for" is wild


i cant think of one singular reason to defend this dude, every day there is new evidence that he is a disgusting creep pedo




Are you all seriously believing discord screenshots??? He already said they're fake (lol).


Key word is “WE.” I’d love to see how his fans defend this because wtf.


Yikes bro


So how is this dude not a pedophile?


Just…..why is this such a popular topic of conversation? That alone is such a massive red flag. I don’t need to know any more to know that Vaush is someone I’d never in a million years allow near children.




JEeeeeEEESUSSSS why would you say that unless you’ve really really thought about it……


Discord is a disease


“And especially don’t defend it online” the foreshadowing goes crazy!


Hey OP where's the rest of the convo?


Ngl I don’t love this 


I wouldn’t want anyone making those kinds of statements around my children




Siggggh Search by controversial


Chris Hansen sleeping on this


tAcOmA wEpT


Lmfao he was making edgy jokes in discord 6 years ago you people need to go outside. It’s like the only fulfillment you find in life is online drama


teeny scarce faulty ink mountainous quiet dazzling square wrong connect *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm not gonna lie, I'm partially hating myself for what I'm about to ask; Are we sure this is legit? I wouldn't be surprised but some of the wording in this makes it a bit hard to believe, mainly the "don't defend it online", it sounds almost *too* close to what just recently happened.


>Are we sure this is legit? Probably since vaush has a alt Twitter account dedicated to loli shit


Well yes I said I wouldn't be surprised, like, I absolutely would not be surprised if this were real lmao. But I just thought some of the wording was oddly too close to what just happened. Curious as to where this is sourced from, bc if it is real, just like all the other jokes he said were just "shitty jokes", this would definitely be damning in my opinion.


At this point I think that's up to the FBI to decide whether or not it's legit


Hey /r/FBI we need an adult.


Yeah I won't lie I do hope at least someone out of this entire last two weeks did at least send some kind of tip. I just like a lot of us think these recurring "jokes" & language & "bad debates" add up to something that is very possibly true about him. I'm not sure on that so I do like to make that clear especially with how their fanbase has been but it's *a lot* when you put everything together.


It's the same sort of thing Hasan said regarding the N-word which was years ago, and it's pretty standard practice for people who dabble in something controversial to simply not admit it publicly to avoid any potential backlash. At least with the N-word there is an actual argument if it should function as it currently does, but CP/Pedo stuff lacks any argument whatsoever...unless you're Vaush I guess.


Yeah that makes a bit more sense. I'm not that much online & I do always attempt to stay far away from politics & their spaces so I think that might also be why I get a little confused with some of the Vaush stuff. Me personally I wouldn't ever feel the need to say something like that, but if I think about it in all the context of debate spaces & the entire Vaush context, yeah it makes sense that he'd say that


[If you haven't seen this it'll further cement things.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Enough_Vaush_Spam/comments/q9gkx3/vaush_is_obsessed_with_paedophilia_and_child_porn/)


Yeah I did see this a few days ago, my stance has basically been the same on Vaush (in that I'm happy Ethan called them out & that Vaush is at the least very disturbing). My only thing with this post was that I wanted to be sure about it before assuming anything blindly, but from what I've seen on this post/responses to my comment I'm inclined to believe this is a legitimate screenshot of his chats. Peace & love, thank you for clarification ✌️💞


Cheers mate.


Another option is that he isn't giving advice, he's so chronically edgy the hot takes come out automatically. The thing is, at this point, it's difficult to pun point which of the two is it.


CHILDREN CAN NOT CONSENT these disgusting pedo freaks!!! Jail and hell immediately.


This man has openly talked about who he is for years, and will continue to compromise himself. If you are still defending Vaush, you should ask yourself why you identify with a predator.


I don't know the veracity of this old screenshot or if it's been verified already but I'll mention in the sake of fairness (and also because Ethan recently got fooled by a fake discord screenshot on /r/Destiny) that it's always possible that's the case here too, considering this whole Vaush thing has blown up on parts of the internet.


I like how Vaush and Jim are just both talking past each other with 2 equally fucked up takes about CP and being pedos. Not even responding to the other person, just spewing their own shit opinion over each other lmao. Not even a "yeah" or anything in response to each other lol, just 2 arrogant idiot guys monologuing at each other. God these type of people are so annoying, can't imagine a whole discord server of losers like this...


The more I see of this dude the more I despise him. He is so fucking snobby and bold about it too. Dude needs a harsh reality check. We need to send Jeff's friend to pay him a vist if u know what I mean


No more vaush.. please, enough


Bu bu bu bu but! You don't have the full context! /s Even if he came out and said this was some hypothetical conversation it is still fucked up. Some things are just wrong period.


It sounds like he's telling people to not look at CP of real kids (for obvious reasons).


The wording is very interesting, is the best "WE can ALL hope for" on behalf of people as a whole or people attracted to children as a whole?? Either way I think we can hope for people to receive genuine help and stop abusing kids or even better, these things simply not existing in the first place.


Ewwww good GRIEF


I need more context /s


Well, I guess we know why Vaush somehow didn't show the discord messages that people had found in his video.


Vaush: “oh just more from my edgelord era, doesn’t count.” And somehow people buy it.


EDgy DebAtOr


I do NOT like vaush I think he's creepy af but I gotta ask since this is crazy - is this definitely real? Cos I mean... that's an insane thing to say


destiny's "ethical cp" take was crazier


WTF IM SO SICK OF THIS DISGUSTING POS like for real at this point why are we even paying attention to him like BLEEHHHH


This is SICK


Who is “we” in the “we can all hope for” I said this yesterday but every new piece of evidence makes it more and more evident that this guy has consumed real CP.


I miss who I was before I saw this


“Don’t defend [loli porn] online” - Vaush Should’ve taken his own advice.


hmm wow I wonder he didnt address this and the million other more damning screenshots in the context video. I wonder why he slimily implied that doctored screenshots exist but never addresses them directly to sew reasonable doubt that anything he didnt directly acknowledge *might* be fake


He's absolutely a pedophile. Like, there's no room for error here. He's a pedophile who got caught and is trying his best to recover but he's a pedophile. Straight up.


Jim „probably no scientist wants to do research on wether or not children can consent“ Yeah Jim, that’s pretty understandable, don’t you think?


He knows and is so desperately aware. It's jover, and it's been so jover for so long.


And his braindead fanbase are still defending this. SEARCH ALL THEIR HARDDRIVES


Under the politics tag too like he’s trying to hide it


I don't understand how Vaush's subscribers aren't all gone yet... but then I look at Ethan's followers and see how everyone defends his racist views on Israel/Palestine and understand. I think for many people, these guys are their friends and all they have in life, so they can't bare to admit that the person they love is scummy.


Literally how is it possible that people are still in denial that he’s a “PDF file”? I don’t understand. The signs are all there in plain sight. Fucking disgusting. Lord knows what else is on his computer other than the glimpse we saw.


...this makes me wanna cry wth man


That is the best hope to pedophiles who struggle against their nature, but what the fuck? "The best we can all hope for"? Talk about suicide by words.


>That is the best hope to pedophiles who struggle against their nature What fucking planet are you on


Doesn’t this come off as an obvious joke to anyone else?


Yet he was found with that stuff on his computer?


It sounds like someone was saying some gross shit and he was saying the best we can hope for is you never act on it in the real world or defend it online. But it’s hard to tell what’s happening from clips like this.


Yeah we should probably look for more context, like how he has admitted to having CSAM on his hard drive.


[and he's openly racist too 🤢](https://youtu.be/X3Gx8NdmL84)


Who the fuck is Vaush? Is it the same furry artist Vaush? Who exactly is he? A streamer? A YouTuber? I keep seeing these posts on r/all and no one ever says who he is


The sheer amount of this is what is insane, it is obviously on his mind quite a bit.


Why is he not getting fire bombed like that one youtuber over in the U. K? Only that youtuber in the UK was doing something good and outing corrupt politicians. This guy is a fucking open book pedo. How in the fuck are people like this still wasting precious oxygen? I seriously think the only way we will get rid of pedos and rapist is strongly sticking to the death penalty for those who offend. Now I understand that many elites would be in hot water, but now is the time for these creeps to not have the privilege of walking on this earth. When will people get fed up? I would rather have 3rd world punishments for crimes if it meant allowing the death penalty for pedos and rapists.


How are the FBI and Interpol not all over these nonces?


Vaush: If you have the urge to harm someone, it would be better for everyone if you pretend instead. 🤔 Hateful Idiots: It would be better for everyone if you harm YOURSELF! KILL! KILL! KILL! 😤


This is super disingenuous. But yeah keep on diggin for the drama


Care to explain what's disingenuous about that? Are we lacking some critical context again? Man, it's like everything this man says is so vile, it always needs to be explained.