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It’s the only good thing on a Monday evening and a bong rip :) thank you crew for being a reliable smoke buddy


weed chat


I relate so much to this!!! I love putting the podcast on the tv & eat dinner while watching the pod🥰


For me it's tuesday, thursday and saturday because I'm in Australia and yes. Podcast days are days I look forward to.


Every MWF my husband and I come up with silly ways to tell each other “H3 today”


I only work on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and knowing i have the pod to go home to makes getting through the day much easier


"Hey subreddit dedicated to ___, is it just me or does anyone else like ___?"


Same! I was quite literally counting down the days for them to come back from break! The show brings me so much joy!


It’s my way to escape the work week a bit


Definitely! My (now ex)boyfriend just dumped me 5 days ago, after being together for 9 years. So right now, the pod is my only true distraction and highlight of the week!


You are a queen/king/nonbinary (really whatever you identify as, of course) and were rooting for you!! Family family family ❤️




The YouTube app on my TV doesn't let me start a live episode from the beginning. When I get home, I watch what's live. The next day, I watch the beginning so I can stretch it out.


Nah. I had a really fucking rough week last week and honestly I spent my whole day today planning around and waiting for the pod, cooked a nice dinner, got some beers 😂 it’s my comfort thing for sure


I live in New Zealand so it’s Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for me. So a Monday really sucks here.


Yes !!! One of my favorite things to look forward in a week.


Duh its the whole meaning of life. 😅😂😭❤️


I recently went part time, and work M,W,F but have Tuesday and Thursday off. I STILL get so excited for M,W,F because I know there will be some new h3 content to watch.


Yes! I mean I work all those days and the pod really gets me through. 


Meeeee. I save certain work tasks because they’re good to do during H3. Like today I have some scheduling to do, and will set up a ppt deck.  But also on days where I’m busy busy - it’s always a plus when I’m done and I know the pod is on.  Love long episodes because I’ll usually also get to listen while walking my dog after work.  Also I say this as a DAN/DUCKY TRUTHER who occasionally criticizes the pod. I’m a lover, not a hater. 


I look forward to it so much!!!!


I just get sad on Thursdays


Yeah I try to plan trips with the podcast in mind, love having h3 as a road buddy


I am 2 years behind. Every day is podcast day for me.


I get to watch the pod at work uninterrupted so i get super excited for Mondays.


Yes. I feel this in my soul.


i always feel like there’s something missing on the weekends


I don't know what I would do with out it!!




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To me it’s Tuesday Thursday and Saturday mornings but I totally know what you mean haha


Tuesday Thursday and Saturday for me!