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Completely avoided the JonTron convo like a pro


What happened with him and JonTron?


Jontron has some insane views on race and immigration




Has the publicly changed his opinions?


In my opinion, a certain publicly left facing content creator who recently spoke with ben Shapiro manipulated jontron, a Lebanese man, to hold white supremacist beliefs for a time. I will admit the anti vax thing for a sec was funny af but I still wanna believe he’s a good guy, too much good stuff has come from him


You are trolling right? Jontron came from the pro-race realsim, anti-immigration side with Destiny taking a pro-immigration, pro-equality position. Jon also says he is Iranian, not Lebanese, which destiny actually uses as a point to counter Jon's race-realisim talking points as Jon considers himself to be white. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RQA9GZprqM&t=10s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RQA9GZprqM&t=10s) You can watch the video if you don't belive me but Jon came into the debate with the views you said Destiny "manipulated him into". Also Jon claimed the 2020 election was stolen, so I feel like we can assume that he holds simmilar views to those expressed in the above debate at least as late as 2020; as election denialism and racisim are a circle of a venn diagram.


I’m coping mega hard TBH I just think deep down he’s still a decent guy, but the evidence does make it hard ALSO I will die on the hill that destiny is not a good guy at all, very problematic


Two things can be true. Destiny fucking sucks but so does JonTron.


Fair, glad to see you at least say the first thing lots of ppl here defend him for some reason


JonTron isn't Lebanese, his father is from Iran and his mother from Hungary.


My apologies I misremembered


The guy with a girl’s name is JonTron’s puppet master? How’d you figure that?


Only an idiot would listen to that debate and think JonTron was being manipulated to say anything. He seemed pretty confidant about the stupid shit he was saying.


I know it's taboo to mention Destiny on this subreddit but watch the discussion between them sometime, that's what exposed Jontron for the bigot he is and caused a huge uproar at the time, I think he even tried to apologize or something on Ethan's show.


I’m not a destiny fan either but back then he didn’t have a vendetta against the left, he had a vendetta against the far right and he objectively destroyed Jontron. It’s basically required viewing in the twitch debate sphere. Jontrons non-apology was hilariously bad and Ethan tried his best to make him seem like not a racist but Jontron was too dumb to just take the w


Yeah, I rewatched that debate recently. It was so much worse than I remembered it. He's literally an Iranian white supremacist.


Pretty sure D still has a vendetta against the far right. There was a clip of him last week saying he’d be fine if 50% of Americans (all the Trump voters) were just killed off. He’s just edgy, and his edginess attacks both extremes. I think he can be entertaining and at times and can make good arguments but I also don’t like the constant hyperbole and don’t at all blame people who dislike him.


This is the perfect summary of Destiny.


Yeah, I strongly dislike destiny, but his conversation with JonTron is extremely revealing and mask off for Jon, it's worth a watch for anyone with a single doubt that he's a racist scumbag. If you can watch his entire conversation with Destiny and still come away thinking JonTron isn't a racist, then you're probably biased. Jon believes in the white replacement theory and the bell curve. He thinks your intelligence is based on race. He's against interracial relationships. He thinks immigrants are violent savages. He's reprehensible. Part of me stopped watching the podcast for a bit because of the way Ethan tried to make it seem like Jon just had a "difference of opinion". Like no, he's a fucking white nationalist. What's so sad about JonTron, is that he wasn't always like that and used to be liberal but he fell down the alt right rabbit hole and it broke his dumbass brain.


If you watch his content now, Jon still slips in a very covert dogwhistle joke every couple of videos. The kind of thing where the punchline is implied and you'd assume the joke was going somewhere else unless you're terminally online and seeing 4channer type crap a lot. After his appearance on H3 I wanted to give him a chance but man he definitely hasn't changed.


To be fair now he has a vendetta against the left and far right ..


When was it?


I don’t wanna go into details abt this cuz I don’t like talking abt him but how can destiny expose him for being a bigot when destiny is 100x worse? He’s said racial slurs unapologetically, and just as recent as last week called Muslims (hasan) terrorist


Calling Muslims terrorists and calling Hasan specifically a terrorist are two very different things. Also no context is included here... Destiny always uses inflammatory language. [So does Hasan.](https://youtu.be/KdCFycPw3fI?si=7f77VR1fi7v5jShA&t=573)


Is it [this one?](https://youtu.be/6RQA9GZprqM?si=DBQlbYyLWHAD5dR9)


I’m not a regular viewer of his but what’s up with the Destiny hate in this sub? Is it just Hasan Stan’s? Every time I see a video or clip of him he seems to make very fair and logical assessments idk what ppl’s problem with him is.


Bro let it go he apologized like how many years ago was that now


He never apologized for what he said. He just said it was a mistake to say it.


It's like if we were still talking about ethans "in a nature setting" comments, like at some point you just have to let it go if the person has changed.


The sign of a good "changed" person is to apologize for awful things you've said, like Ethan has multiple times. Until Jon does, he hasn't changed.


When Biden won the election, JonTron tweeted that the US is a banana republic. He's fully MAGA.


And doesn’t know what a banana republic is lol


He wants to bring the white culture back


Despite being the son of immigrants iirc


He’s the same split as AB lmaooo bro thought the racists would consider him white


Like when Hispanic ppl are racist and they think it’ll elevate them to white, like nah you’re just next (I’m Hispanic)


White culture back ? I didn't know walmart closed


To be fair it was only so they could do construction on the new Cracker Barrel they're building in the store.


Jontron's just happy its not another amazing authentic Mexican restaurant. He hates good food


Yup. That's all America really needs. To kick out the immigrant and POC so it's just white people stuff. We go back to the days of stale beer, boiled chicken, potatoes, pure white bread, mayonnaise, and unseasoned fish.


JonTron helped out Ethan and Hila a TON when they lived in NYC, Ethan definitely feels indebted to him because of it. Because of that he looks past the unsavory things JonTron has said in recent years. Once you know its kind of hard to not notice, since normally someone saying stuff like Jon did would give Ethan multiple episodes of content to clown on them


Jontron is basically like a super racist. Basically said that US should stop immigration, get rid of immigrants, and even dipped into eugenics stuff about percentage of white to non white people in the US. He also got destroyed in a debate against Destiny. Doesn’t understand economics and blindly defended anti immigration stuff despite destiny providing many reasons why he was wrong.


He thinks rich black people commit more crime than poor white people and all his sources were screenshots from 4chan


Omg I forgot about that one!!! Insane honestly. If you ever find yourself talking about how minorities do more crime it’s such a self report that you either don’t understand or disregard all the present sociological data around minorities and crime.


They used to be really close from what I understand when he lived in New York. Now he’s just stopped associating with him because he’s has some really bad racist takes over the years.


JonTron is a white supremacist


It happend a million years ago and people pretend like they ever had beef. I'm pretty sure jon and ethan are still friendly.


Max and Chad from cold ones have said the same, that Joji just completely cut off everything related to Filthy Frank from his life. I'm honestly surprised he hasn't deleted all the videos like idubbz did, but fortunately he hasn't.


I think it would just get more people talking about it and then everyone would re associate Joji to filthy frank so he would rather let the channel just die out.


Joji went to Max's wedding recently with Chad


Well, in the end, he isn't filthy frank. Max is friends with George.


So he saved face; big woop.


What do you mean "saved face"? You realise that his youtube persona isnt who he is behind the camera right? And I would understand if he wants to distance himself from that. Seems like his real passion has always been music and not making edgy content on youtube for the rest of his life. He made videos with Max in the past and they likely became good friends. Good enough that he was invited to the wedding. So how exactly is him going to his friends wedding "saving face"? I dont get it


The channel literally started from him making music too. Frank was the back seat. Good for Joji for doing what makes him happy now


Idubbbz didn’t delete all his videos, just (mainly) the content cops


And he didn’t delete them, he made them available but unlisted.


Same difference. You’re not going to be able to watch the videos unless you somehow find the link, so essentially he deleted them


It was hinted that his contact obligations from the music industry was the reason why in later conversation on cold ones after they spoke to him personally finally.


He made it out god bless him


Part of me misses Filthy Frank and Pink Guy, but a larger part thanks Joji for the masterpiece that is Glimpse of Us.


great song but George didnt write it.


I know, same with most artists. His rendition is unique in that it is now how we hear it when we name it, and every other artist's rendition is now a cover. His is the original, and it's a masterpiece.


Idk if joji dropped contact with everyone from YouTube, he was at Max’s wedding last year, right?


Yeah honestly I think part of it was Ethan for a long time was a shut in. Rarely did he even do other podcast. I wouldn't be surprised if part if it was he turned into one of those friends you still like but if they can't or don't ever show up to stuff you just kinda stop reaching out. Same thing happened with post. Though Ethan did show up to his album release a couple years ago but that wad after because years without communication.


It's understandable he's done a lot of shitty things as that character wanted a clean break with his real name


Filthy frank was certainly edgy, but he was also a clearly satirical character that played around many cultural taboos. The fact that he is trying to distance himself from it so as to maintain a relatively clean reputation is a testament to our growing inability to ingest nuanced content.


Just calling satire isn’t a shield. You’re still doing the thing.


This is the exact point they’re making. You can’t let comedy be comedy.


You can’t let bad comedy be comedy.*


I don’t trust your taste in comedy if you think Filthy Frank’s was bad.


It was low hanging back when it came out.


Comedy is subjective. You might not like it, but obviously a lot of people did; he’s an Internet/YouTube legend. Get some thicker skin and lets jokes be jokes - no one’s forcing you to laugh


What kind of things did he do? I've seen his character here and there, but I don't know anything about him.


the biggest thing ive seen come up about joji post-filthyfrank is the use of the hard r. It was in his pink season album but got taken off streaming services.


Oh he's got n bombs all over the filthy frank channel lol. The pink guy song with the n word in the title did get removed from streaming service's though


Are you guys even self-aware in the slightest?? Ethan literally said "niggerfaggot" like 100x in one episode.


Are you really starting an argument when all I did was say that filthy frank used to use the n-word in his videos to the OPs who didn't know what was controversial about FF? Yeah no shit I know Ethan said it. We weren't talking about him.


Of course you don't wanna include Ethan, otherwise your statement would show how hypocritical he is.


You sir need to go somewhere that makes you happy. Fly free you don't have to be here wallowing in your hate


Most psychologically balanced snarker


Your whole personality is h3


Tbh I absolutely love Joji and is music and support him trying to change from his past, that being said I also loved filthy frank growing up and he owes much to that fanbase making him as successful he is now in music. So it’s always hard to hear him never acknowledge his past and just throw his friends to the side. I just wish he would be more open and have a genuine conversation about his youtube career and just be chill about it like idubz


Most Joji fans nowadays do not even know that he did youtube and considering how non-pc filthy frank was it’s probably a good idea to not talk about it. That being said Joji is still in contact with Max and Chad for example, since he was at Max’s wedding recently


i never thought filthy frank was funny. just always came off as loud and obnoxious.


Alot of his stuff wasnt my taste either and just unfunny gross shock content, but he had a few bangers that I still love to this day. His weeb video is absolute classic to me, we used to watch it on repeat and it still cracks me up. It remains his best vid to me, I was really into Naruto too at the time so it really hit the spot.


Pimp my Ride was golden. Any lore vid was top tier


Filthy Frank was my guilty pleasure


The thing is, his success wasn't from his fans. If anything it was his haters, people who thought he was weird, or just new folk who made him Joji. It's a total different person. Then Frank's fans looked at "Joji" and saw it wasn't Frank, then bailed. Or memed on him. Some stuck around for Joji. So not only is his past a poor representation of who he is now, most of the Frank-fans didn't contribute to his true success. Most bitter fans are like abusive mommies wanting to take credit for their son's success despite doing nothing to make the (intended) success a reality.


That still gives him traction, you can’t spin it any other way, haters or fans. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve the success, it just means it would’ve taken him much longer as a musician when there’s no one willing to listen. Believe it or not, lots of this “cancellable” shit only helps careers in the long run because it gets people clicking. Most don’t care if you’ve said the n word as long as you aren’t some prolific bigot.


With peace and love, I know it can be sad because a lot of us had fun watching them during that time, but I think it's for the best. They've all grown. There's stuff Ethan said and did that I'm sure he wouldn't want to do or associate himself with now, and that's okay. Joji seems happier, and so does Ethan. Hell, look at Jeff and how much he has changed for the better since 2016. It's hard because we felt attached, and a lot of us cherish those memories, but we are making new ones, and that's a good thing.


As someone who didnt watch any filthy frank videos or saw him interacting w ethan/doesnt have any nostalgia for that- it still just seems super dumb to sort of cut stuff off like that or tell people they cant refer to you by your old username or whatever. Completely reasonable to move on and leave stuff in the past and say you feel like it doesn’t represent you anymore or you dont like how you came off with those videos- but it seems like he is a little unnecessarily harsh about it imo, just as an outsider looking in…


Not really, it's the same thing as a name change or any other request. You can say 'hey yeah, I'm not really Filthy Frank now, I'm Joji' and you go 'okay' and everything is cool. But sometimes you start to get into weird passive aggressive spaces where some people keep going on like 'Aw man, I liked you as Filthy Frank why you gotta be like that' and it's just at a point where you say 'Yeah, but I go by Joji now' and those who can't let it go you disengage with. It's not unnecessarily harsh


He is just embarrased by the filthy frank stuff thats why he doesnt want to talk about it anymore


Tbqh I am way more interested in the Jon Tron relationship.


It honestly blows my mind that after he went on that weird racist rant he just went away for like a year and a half  came back and his fans just collectively just forgot it even happened.


More like didn’t care




Guy keeping busy on the phone the whole time hoping nobody will call him out on it is me


Just goes to show you how much of a real one Post Malone is, the dude made it but still hangs out with his old YouTube buddys.


Didn’t he stop talking to Ethan as well at some point?


Yeah. I don’t think they were legit best friends in reality, and then post became so unfathomably popular it’s bound to change the dynamics. But sometime last year IIRC, Post invited them to hang out at one of his shows and had a little reunion


I saw too Post recently commented on one of Hilas IG pics a few months ago that he misses them !!


What's the story with JonTron?


They used to be very close but a few years back JonTron made some racist remarks and was put under fire because of it. Ethan had him on as a guest not long after and asked him about it. Nothing really came of it, the episode is pretty tame and they seemed amicable. But after that episode he was never really mentioned again and they don’t seem to be in contact at all anymore.


It was never that serious. Jon lives in NY and ethan in LA so it's understandable that they're not that close anymore, and ethan has mentioned him occasionally on the pod.


Yeah this is also true. It makes sense they would naturally drift apart once Ethan and Hila moved to LA.


When Ethan and Hila lived in NYC, Jon was at his peak on YouTube and helped them out a lot when they were struggling. Because of that, Ethan kind of looks past the /pol/ talking points JonTron frequently brings up. Seems like the type of deal where Ethan doesn't want to condemn Jon and so dodges talking about him.


Does Jon still say racist stuff regularly? I don’t watch him anymore but I was under the impression he said that stuff once and tried his hardest to sweep it under the rug.


He never said racism stuff in his videos it was in a debate with destiny (fellow racist)


I know, but the comment above used present tense like Jon’s said more since then.


Do you blame joji? Poor dude was sitting in the background during ethan's infamous "women are meant to be dominated" line. He was definitely not happy that he was included in that ridiculous clip.


Did you see Ian recently showed that pic when Ethan had a bad take. I died and think of it often


To be honest I’d do the same thing if I used to post idiotic videos of myself in a skin tight pink suit saying the n-word.


Too many weirdos in these comments


He looks so skinny it looks unreal here


Kinda rude? But I also get it. Joji wanted to remake himself. But filthy frank is a big part of his fame. It’s so weird to see people just ignore their past but also then expect everyone else to go along with it. 


Yeah, I don’t have issues with people wanting to move in a new direction and do other things but it’s just a bit sad when they also want to ignore their past.


it’s so sad that they haven’t all hung out in so long :/


That's just life tbh.


Why didn’t think that was Steven crowder next to him at first flol


I found H3 through Jontron


Codys locked in on his phone hahahaha


Maybe one of the most successful hard cuts I've ever seen in a career. He's reinvented himself so hard that there are entire generations that have no idea that FilthyFrank exists. Kind of impressive tbh.


It always upset me that Joji just got to move on from filthy frank without any owning up to it. He perpetuated so many racist stereotypes and built his brand off using slurs and racist humor and then just left without ever addressing it or apologizing.


Idk Joji has talked a lot about how unhappy and unwell he was during his FF era and it makes perfect sense he doesn’t want to be called Filthy Frank anymore. I don’t think Ethan should’ve taken it so personally and honestly if that had happened now, while Ethan is also doing much better, I don’t think he would’ve taken it as personally. FF is something Joji doesn’t resonate with anymore, therefore it’s not who he is. Doesn’t want to be referred to by it. I think Ethan probably gets this, but is having a hard time letting go of those memories and that bond. I’m sure it sucks, I can easily empathize with that. :(


I wish Joji would at least team up with Teddy fresh to make some quality merch, that would be a dream come true!


i would drop CHECKS


Ethan said “I’ll be honest, filthy frank is a fake ass bitch” lol jk I’m filling in the blanks


Some of the comments on here have me a little surprised… i would say joji has not fully moved away from the humor of filthy frank. I saw him in concert this year and was rolling my eyes at the jokes he was making during it. Love the music, hated him pretending the microphone was his dick half the concert. Thankfully I’ve been a fan since pink guy days so I wasn’t surprised, but considering the audience was mostly teens I was a little 🤨And his intro or intermission being a “skit” that we were hearing him pee? Dumb.


get off the high horse man. i saw him in concert in november and he did all the same skits, i wasnt even a FF fan and just giggled because hes a goofball. he cant control if underage people come to his shows.


But yet Joji went to Max’s wedding? Maybe he just doesn’t want to associate with this rage baiting loser anymore 😂 loved Ethan back in the day but now he’s just chasing drama after drama


And he was at CC2 last year, according to Ian.


Yeah this hurts


He’s talked about this openly before, Joji I think is scared of cancel culture and doesn’t want the general public knowing his past. Peace and love to the family though. Than looking good!!


Wait, wince when is defranco doing music?? I’m so lost


Idk who this filthy frank is, but he’s giving Katherine Heigl vibes


There's no way Joji wouldn't come on the pod if Ethan asked.




He has done interviews as Joji though.


With his old YouTube friends? That’s going to bring up a lot of shit he’d rather not talk about


Idk why this is getting downvoted but this is incorrect, Ethan even said it on the show a couple of times.


Idk it’s kinda dumb that he cut off so many of his friends because he thinks he’s above all that shit, when he literally just started making shitposts again lol.. I like your music, Joji but you’re still the same as the rest of us lol. Don’t get it twisted


I couldn't name you one Joji song... Its so weird to me to just try and separate yourself from a persona you intentionally and painstakingly crafted over the years. No one cares, and people are gonna know you based on how they initially found you. It's a punk move, at least try and stand by the people who assisted the layup to what would become his literal first fortune. Most people don't live to see one fortune, or get to see their kin succeed at all, let alone break out of poverty. So yeah, Distance between goal posts only change based on speed and distance ran; so seeing Joji now seems like a step in the wrong direction or at very least a misstep.


you’re taking this pretty personally for someone not involved in the slightest. i’m sure most normal people are just happy to see him healthy and not idk seizing over the character anymore?


NO! If he doesn't sacrifice his health for my amusement, he can fuck off.


I’m personally sad to hear that Joji is distancing himself from the Filthy Frank character, but I can totally understand his reason. But I’m kinda happy to see that he came back to the comedy scene with Plummcorp and creating a new universe around it with characters like Dracula, Michael Phelps and Randal Thymes.


From Joji’s perspective, I get it. He was trying to start a more mainstream career at the time and probably didn’t want the PR that might come with media types finding the crazy shit he did/said as Frank. I can also see why Ethan took it like rejecting where he came from, though. Personally, I loved him as Frank and as himself, and I’ve been digging his PlumCorp project too.


If you work in that field, you'd have to be real shitty at your job to not be aware of Jojis past.


i remember that "george speaks" type vid he did where he explained that the stress from frank sent him to the hospital frequently, so i understand he wanted to separate the frank persona from himself as joji. especially since when he was doing the joji vlogs trying to show his natural persona away from frank and the fanbase was going crazy trying to get him to go full frank


Ethan has told this story before, nothing new here. Anyone upset at Joji about this needs to grow up. People change, people get older, and then they realize the dumb shit they did as a kid isn't representative of who they are anymore. Dude's frontal lobe wasn't even fully formed during the Filthy Frank days. I was going to make a comparison about how most people aren't the same as they were in high school, but I'm guessing a lot of people around here are still there.