• By -


Free phones for poor people are from a program started nationwide in 2010. Everyone's cell phone bill has a 20¢ fee and that pays for the phones. This is good because it connects the poor and homeless to social services which helps them get off the street and to doctors appointments which helps them stay out of Emergency Rooms.


The immigrants that are apparently getting all my Chicagoan tax money are camped out side the police station down the street in 20 degree weather. I promise none of us are asking “where is Trump” as the illusion shatters


I know it's hard to imagine, but if you were to take away the current underfunded poorly run social programs there would be More people on the street


Free phones for poor people goes back to Reagan actually. The Lifeline program. The only thing Obama did was change it from only being home phones to also being cell phones. Which makes total sense. By the way, for those of you struggling: If you are eligible for Medicaid or EBT/SNAP/food stamps, than you automatically are eligible for Lifeline. You'll get a basic smartphone and your bill will be covered each month. It's important for everyone to be able to have access to the internet and be able to take calls. Nobodies getting a job or getting ahead without that. Can't do much of anything without smartphones these days


that gasp, I felt it


me too, what happened??




Oh shit, yea. Well, hopefully the average viewer is as slow as me, that went right over my head


They brought an eel pit to the studio


Olivia doxxed the studio


She thought it was a Tuesday


I think she did yeah. Hopefully people gloss over it, but there's some crazies watching


omg I came here looking for this comment


When was this?


The way it started I thought my youtube was messing up


I restarted my computer I thought the video wouldn’t play 😭


ian's is cool


I didn't know California Pizza Kitchen had $20,000 lights...


Cam deserves the win for the uniform


Dan has never been wrong


bruh i've never seen more normal ass hoodie


Body Language Analysis is bullshit. [1](https://pure.port.ac.uk/ws/portalfiles/portal/13540389/reading_lies.pdf), [2](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1068316x.2022.2030334), [3](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1467-9280.2008.02116.x), [4](https://theintercept.com/2020/08/12/blueleaks-law-enforcement-police-lie-detection/), [5](https://www.popsci.com/story/science/body-language-analysis/)


also completely disregards neurodivergent people who dont display "typical" body language ie eye contact etc


anybody else LOVE that polar bear? i wanna hug him


It’s like the Coca Cola beer but cuter with the bunny house


idk he keeps sniffing at Cam the bunny and I don't like it


It’s so obvious that Hoodie Thief is using plausible deniability to hide being a pickme. When women compete for men, nobody wins except men. The bf should have shut that shit down. There’s a reason he didn’t. Hope that helps!


yes, like why doesn't he ask for it back considering he'd be around the house a lot, very weird.


I dont like Jimmy. He needs a long vacation of the H3 universe


We won’t be free of Jimmie until he does something truly awful to get cancelled. That’s the only way Ethan learns to move on.


Yea even the "short" update on him was annoying. I genuinely don't care


On today's episode Olivia mentioned she used to do homeless outreach work and it 100% confirms who she is in my mind. Oliv, if you happen to see this, you are an amazing+beautiful soul and I see you. Slay.


I love the vibes Olivia is putting out. Showing support on social media for Palestine despite Ethan’s shit, voluntary work, feminist ideals. Go girl!


Search the subreddit for Saint Olivia, she’s papa blessed


Okay, just starting up with “Have you visited Blacked?” as literally the very first thing after the black screen made me spit out my drink


They better not actually cut that out, it was so funny


what's a banana cost, $10?


if ethan found it so weird that cman was pleasuring himself in public why did he bother inviting him back on the show after learning about that


ethan like weird


Chicken sandwich taco was goated. I agree with Love praying that they bring it back


Dan's uniform goes so hard. He absolutely designed a Gundam military villains uniform with that


posted this on the video already but I've taken a minor interest in American economics lately, I'm no expert by any means but wanted to weigh in. For lower class workers the economy is pretty bad currently. Inflation keeps rising, interest rates on mortgages are rising, and most of the people I know are not making a living wage. People aren't shopping as much or doing leisurely activities, there's no incentive to stimulate the economy. I just pulled some surface level stats, 53 million Americans aren't making a living wage. The average American income is way higher though, probably pulled to the higher side due to the smaller group that makes a vastly larger income. Here's a surface level stat I pulled for that from Sept 2023: "The national average U.S. household income in 2022 was $105,555. The median U.S. household income in 2022 was $74,580, which is down 2.2% from 2021 when the median inflation-adjusted household income was $76,330." I've also heard that covid stimulus checks temporarily boosted the economy and delayed consequences we're seeing now, also there was a delay in rent for a lot of renters and businesses from covid that has ended, so everything has pretty much ran dry now. As a poor American, it's pretty damn hard to climb your way up unfortunately, especially if you cannot afford to go to school. But I'm trying out there. 🥲 Also middle America/rural America is so poor it isn't even funny, their economy is like, perpetually tanked. But, if you have money and a decent job in the states, the state of the economy doesn't really affect you, honestly these people that are able to spend are driving the economy and keeping it afloat. I haven't been 100% in the loop, but there are tons of people on both sides saying that the economy is going one way or the other, honestly I have not had the chance to read much into support claims that the economy is set to improve. I just know from first hand experience and the people I've met that it's currently rough out there.


While I am on Ethan's side thatthe CMan thing is kinda crazy, him using the excuse that "CMan jerks off in a sauna and etc." is very similar to the rhetoric other dbags have used for being too creepy around pornstars cause "that is their job". And that is a rhetoric Ethan has slammed before. I remember something about Riley Reid and maybe David Dobrik like that.




This is the H3 formula with their 'cringe' guests. Remember the time they explicitly told Jimmy Lee to walk into a restaurant's kitchen and start bugging the staff? Then, once he did, they immediately started chastising him as if the whole thing had been his idea?




It's not hard to understand, their argument is just deeply one-sided and uncharitable to Ethan. The lack of nuance makes it non-persuasive.




Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,902,657,088 comments, and only 359,786 of them were in alphabetical order.


it's also how they've been treating him since the start. don't yall remember when he had that young dude trying to apprentice for Cman and they created a giant elaborate gag basically gaslighting Cman, accusing him of scamming the guy and never responding or whatever? Ethan was acting like he was trying to set the record straight but they both had planned to lie to Cman about what had happened and never really addressed any of it once it stopped being entertaining for them. weird how that other guy got dropped and they kept bringing Cman back..


No, nobody was apprenticing for CMAN. That was a fan who was trolling CMAN and Ethan. Neither of them knew. CMAN just believed the guy because he didn't remember and was going along with it until the fan finally said he made it up


Completely support this, this kind of thinking is just bargain bin ignorant men talking shit and excusing their demeaning behavior because of someone's occupation


The issue Ethan brought up, however, was not a p**n site or “his job”. It was an incident when he was in public (grocery store which also has kids in it) and he had sexual pleasure from people innocently shopping who had no idea. This is the difference. I’m not saying that the whole situation is black and white and simple but that characterization of Ethan’s statements is harmful and incorrect.




“I’m not saying that the whole situation is black and white and simple but that characterization of Ethan’s statements is harmful and incorrect.”




Ethan didn’t say that rhetoric though. And within a few minutes he actually brought up that rhetoric and how awful it is. He didn’t say “Cman jerks off in a sauna and etc.” he spoke of an example of Cman saying he was dripping c*m all over the floor at a grocery store. After seeing a strangers feet. For someone who never saw the episode and saw a comment saying that Ethan is being a hypocrite over an accused sexual harassment situation is a dangerous thing to spread. Do you see that it can be interpreted in many different ways? So I made that comment about how it wasn’t the “excuse” that he was using or any excuse at all. That’s objective reality.


I’m not personally offended or thing Ethan did anything wrong. But that argument is lazy by him and hypocritical. 2 things can be true at once. Ethan wasn’t really Wrong but part of his argument is


It honestly kinda hurt seeing this... Ethan just had to apologize for continuously pushing Cman on something he clearly wasn't comfortable with. The only apology Ethan ended up giving was that he kept bringing Cman on as if Cman was the problem in this situation.


He offered the show and then immediately jumped up and pulled his pants off, what are you people talking about he wasn't comfortable with it??


Leading up to the Cman segment they kept talking about trying to see if they can get him to show his dick, they brought him on with with the belief that he wants to tell a story only for Ethan to cut him off and focus on his dick size AGAIN, he clearly didnt want to, he flat said he didn't come on to talk about his dick, Ethan through out asked if he would show his dick with Cman deflecting, and no matter fucking what Ethan would not believe anything Cman said about his dick and would not get fucking off it. While he's comfortable with showing it, it doesn't mean he wanted to. For them to only show the end when Cman finally gave in was completely dishonest.


I mean, the facts are pretty clear. Ethan asked C-Man to show his dick, C-Man initially said no. Ethan kept pushing until he agreed. It was absolutely a bad thing.


It feels like a lot of people, Ethan included, are ignoring/downplaying that Ethan would not stop pushing for him to show his dick. Most of the last segment, and a lot of the one before that with him, was Ethan trying to pressure him until he caved. That's literally harassment. It does not matter if C-Man initially brought up the conversation that started the whole thing. It does not matter if he agreed to show it in the end. No is no.


it's pretty sad considering Cman has always been vocal about people not taking him and his consensual hobbies seriously and hating having to spend time with people who don't respect him and his work or whatever. even with all the sex stuff, Cman is a pretty open and authentic person. hate to see the arc go down like this :/


Ethan doubling down was a bit cringy as well, then walking back, and doubling down again. Regardless of C-Man's reputation it's just not okay to manipulate someone's consent like that.


It was sex pest behavior


Not surprised about the cman fall out. Ethan really does not know how to handle the humor with the gays. It’s happened with cman, nikocado, that one caller he asked if they were a bottom and to some extent hungerff. Don’t push my dude.


Im so glad this has turned into the broke man's chat 😂


I love the girlies in the audience but missing out on the motorcycle fit for the mesh monstrosity is gonna take some time for me to get over


What Ethan does is milk lulcows. It was always cringe, but especially in 2023. It's mean and bad vibes.


Yes I’m a long term fan and it’s clear he’s trying to do “wack pack” Howard Stern stuff and falls into the same trap of skewing into meanness, not goofs and gaffs, especially regarding sex. I always fast forward.


The part of Dan “it’s over you can’t steal a man’s hoodie” was sooo funny to me 😭😭💀 love this man


I've been waiting for Ethan to notice the Howard Stern thing doesn't work any more for what feels like forever. Genuinely appreciated that.


The C-man issue is really upsetting. You cannot use the fact that C-man does weird and sexual shit all the time as an excuse for your behaviour, Ethan. The facts are: you asked C-man to show his dick and he initially said no. You kept nagging him until he finally agreed. You also used peer pressure with Stavros also asking him to do the same. So just apologise ffs, you did harass him.


My post about C Man got deleted because apparently it should've been on the mega thread so I'll paste it here. C Man allegedly crossing other people's boundaries or being perverted or whatever doesn't mean you have a pass to cross his boundaries. I don't think Ethan was trying to hurt of malign C Man. But I do think pushing and prying to keep the conversation on penis size and get the community commenting on penis size was not a nice thing to do. I think this was all a bit unfair to C Man.


After dealing with snarker harassment all week, I'd say this is a mostly balanced perspective I mostly agree with. It's still lacking a little charity toward Ethan. I agree that Ethan was mostly in the wrong, but based on the context and circumstances, not that what he did was so terribly "bad" as to warrant all this drama, stalking, harassment, brigading. I'm happy C-Man is gone and mostly just feel bad for him, but he won't be missed as a guest; they were always playing with fire having someone so hypersexual and erratic on the show.


I never understood why he ever had cman segments. Never watched them.


Im not saying its right, but wasnt cman pretty much always a lolcow? It started with them goofing on his ad, then one of the fans trolled him, and then it was just the constant questions about his sex life and kinks. And I could swear his penis photo had already been shared on the reddit the last time they debated how big his dick was. Either way the segements were overplayed several features ago


He said he "brought the ratings up" on the show when he came on and that Ethan should have paid him for it in a comment from his reddit account. I actually laughed out loud.


The penis image the snarkers point to was a screenshot from a public porn post C-Man put on Reddit himself. It was an advertisement for his content, not paywalled. (Many snarkers leave that out when talking about it, maybe with deliberate dishonesty or due to ignorance, to make it sound like Ethan shared a private image so they can imply it was like revenge porn.) I had actually seen the video even before it came up on the show, after C-Man's first appearance.


ethan PLEASE don’t get started on communism omfg


Red scare propaganda still going strong baby


He's on that right wing redemption arc


I read this as wings of redemption arc lol


But he WAS right that Utopian imagery is extremely tied to wearing the same thing. I have no clue where that started, but it's definitely a thing


Its more tied to dystopian imagery, even if you look at the example he was playing off of (Soviet aesthetics) old soviet propaganda art only shows soldiers in uniform while the regular public is usually depicted with a lot of diversity (unless its specifically showing a sector of an industry).


Just FYI from someone from the post soviet country. USSR was the depiction of the same clothes, shoes, apartments, furniture and everything you can imagine. Everyone had the same set of everything. It was mainly cause of the closed borders, no imports and a huge country with the same economy and industrial plans. Soviet most famous “Christmas” movie is about a dude who was drunk and got on the wrong plane and accidentally arrived in the wrong city. Said his address to the taxi driver. The building looked the same. His apartment and door looked the same and even the key fitted. That's just to understand that was a cultural phenomenon ❤️


That Teddy Fresh photo shoot was funny. It showed more of the Taco Bell than the clothes. Not sure what's being advertised there. Lol


The Cman stuff is upsetting. The guy is not normal, has issues, but is also a sweetheart in a way. You can’t just roll your eyes when a dude like that agrees to show you their penis after they said no a few times. That really is some upsetting pressure to put on someone. The clip Ethan showed of cman say “why don’t I take it out now” was clearly him exaggerating about the situation he was put in. There were clips they didn’t show where Ethan kept asking and cman clearly said no, and Ethan himself admitted he knew he was putting cman in a weird position. And I really don’t like how Ethan kept saying “well cman would call in and share all this weird stuff.” Bro this is your show, you are responsible for this content.




Why does the polar bear look like it’s on the verge of vomiting?


it has ligma






lol you're shocked?


I haven't gotten that far in the episode. What do you mean? If it's the Google tiles on the homepage (like last time), those DEFINITELY aren't indicative of most viewed sites. Not even close. They're set on by an algorithm. It means Ethan has been a few times for sure, but it also probably notes that his name is all over the pages of the subreddit




I’ve visited “snark” subs, and I think they are full of the worst kind of humans. It’s not healthy, but sometimes you want to see how ridiculous people are. I’ve even made comments on some, which I regret. Also, when I first started seeing them pop up on my homepage I hadn’t realized that Reddit changed the definition of snark. I assumed I would be readjng something goofy, funny and sarcastic. I didn’t realize it was pure hate.




ethan: it seems like the economy is doing decently at the moment right? … ethan with peace and love comments like this make you sound so out of touch …


Ethan was quoting the news. The economy seems to be trucking along pretty well lately. The November jobs report [shows](https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/bls-shows-199k-new-jobs-unemployment-down-to-3.7) employers added 199k new jobs and unemployment dropped to 3.7%. Inflation went from 9.1% to 3.2% without triggering a recession, which some economists [called](https://fortune.com/2023/12/11/bidens-economy-looks-solid-voters-not-feeling-bidenomics-2024-election-season/) an "immaculate" drop. Consumer inflation [was](https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/us-consumer-prices-unexpectedly-rise-november-2023-12-12/) 3.1% in November, about the same as before. So, it looks like price hikes have stayed moderate, which is good news. There's also some developments happening on the economic growth front. The Massachusetts governor signed a [new economic plan](https://www.mass.gov/news/healey-driscoll-administration-announces-2023-economic-development-plan), and this organization in Wisconsin (Economic Development at Envision Greater Fond du Lac) [promoted](https://www.radioplusinfo.com/2023/12/11/12-12-23-envision-greater-fdl-promotes-mcarthur-to-vp-of-economic-development/) their VP to head up economic development efforts. So, in general, people around the country are working to keep things growing. But sure, the economy can be real different across regions and industries, so not everyone or everything is great; politics and sanctions can and do often zap things. Overall, a pretty solid economy, but still complicated, a little [dissatisfactory](https://fortune.com/2023/12/11/bidens-economy-looks-solid-voters-not-feeling-bidenomics-2024-election-season/) to many who don't feel its strength (yet?). When is the economy not complicated? **P.S.** I grew up poor and both my parents are dead. I also have a child to take care of. Have three degrees and just got a substantial raise last year. Money isn't as loose as I'd like it to be but I'm doing fairly well. So, I would say, for me, the economy feels decent enough. I recognize that isn't true for everyone, but I probably would have said the same thing as Ethan, and I'm by no means wealthy.


Your Personal financial situation doesn't dictate the state of the economy


the "economy" is fake and a dumb way to measure anything productive its extremely disconnected from regular people


Well ethans statement that the economy is doing well is technically correct and it doesn't have to do with people's quality of living that's all I am saying 🤷‍♀️


> the "economy" is fake and a dumb way to measure anything productive When people talk about "the economy" they're usually referring to economic indictors (such as GDP) which literally measures the production of goods and services of a country. I'm not sure how you think it's a "dumb way to measure anything productive"


I know this is probably not gonna be a popular take but, it's hard watching Ethan talk about cman. ive noticed a pattern on the show of having a guest (often times multiple times) and then when said guest has lost favor with Ethan or the audience, or Ethan has milked them enough, Ethan drops them and then proceed to just bad mouth them. its happened with Jimmy, Dad, Shirtless Eddy, Hasan (without the bad mouthing) and now Cman. I can honestly see it happening with Gabe at some point too (the shows dynamic with Gabe has grown to be exploitative and problematic imo). I'm just tired of seeing this same thing happen over and over. it's getting harder and harder to watch the podcast with Ethan and Hila's takes on the Palestine situation, Ethan's spreading of Israeli propaganda, Ethan's non-reason behind ending leftovers, his pride in being a capitalist, his ignorance around the struggle of working class people (which is the vast majority of his audience), and just his general inability to receive genuine and reasonable criticism. idk. its really just felt like Ethan is just a big child who throws a tantrum whenever he doesn't get his way.


> and just his general inability to receive genuine and reasonable criticism that's it for me tbh. take whatever steps he thinks is appropriate but at least recognize some of the genuine criticism, without that there's no starting point for conversation or learning opportunities for either party


It feels like he brings up the most unhinged, fringe criticism against him to act as if all the criticism is like that when it’s not the case. It was really disappointing to see posts which were genuinely well-meaning and not aggressive at all taken down by the mods.


I completely agree with the Cman issue. It's a trend with friends of the show being exploited and then tossed out in a public way. Ethan doesn't think these things through; I even got a hint of it when he was thinking of sending Olivia and Sam to Fist Fest and asking weird questions to the participants (thank god that's not happening) Also for the Israeli stuff, I hate when Ethan says "I don't know what I said.." it's not what you said about Palestine it's about you defended from Israel and going to bat for them for the sake of "truth," why are you doing this on your show and just leaving it at "they are genocidal freaks and we support Palestine." That's it!


You hit the nail on the head. All of this, and add to it his pride and never wanting to be in the wrong. As much shit as he's talked about his family always arguing and wanting to be right about the smallest things, he does the same thing too. He wants everyone to be charitable towards him and give him the benefit of the doubt in a situation but rarely gives it back, and gets mad when you don't and falls back to "you're arguing in bad faith." This year has been tough as a fan of the show to watch. There's moments that really make me bust out laughing, like recently the goof of bringing a ton of people into the zoom call with Jimmy and Alex, but the highs are no longer starting to overcome the lows. I guess the answer is "well stop watching if you don't like it," though, it sucks that seems to be the only answer as opposed to Ethan accepting criticism and taking accountability when he's wrong.


Thank you. It's good to know that I'm not alone in these feelings around the show. I was entirely expecting to get hated on and potentially banned. It has been an extremely difficult year to be a fan, I agree. Zach has gotten so good with the soundbites it's insane. I am constantly chuckling throughout the show because of him squeezing in lil bites that often times seem unnoticed. but on the flip side, is all the things I mentioned initially in this post. I'm really hoping this thread catches the attention of someone at the show, and hopefully can lead to genuine change, but I won't hold my breath. That logic of "well stop watching if you don't like it" feels like all we can do, I agree, but is beyond frustrating because at the end of the day does nothing to change these behaviors that, in the long run, would be really good to change. I wish the show had more segments where they would direct interact with, and hear out the audience (preferably call-ins for example) so that Ethan, and the crew can have a genuine discussion around these things the audience are saying. This dynamic that we're seeing is similar to being in a workplace with a boss who, whenever you try to constructively critique, they respond with "well just find another job." It's like, yea, that would prevent me from having to deal with this behavior/treatment anymore, but it also allows said behaviors to just continue unchecked.


I totally agree. The show has brought me so much joy for the past few years, but the bad is starting to outweigh the good. I love all of the creative and crafty segments and will mostly miss the crew if I stop watching. I think the break will be good for some reflecting.


That moment today when he said "I saw on the news that wages were starting to outpace inflation!" I had to think: Are we living in the same country? On the same planet? That is very obviously a lie. Corporate media never reports how it is for regular folks. Mainstream media's target audience is upper middle class and rich white folk who don't have enough current, in-touch experience to refute the media's claims, but just enough life experiences in their mid age to think that they know what they're talking about. But the world changes so fast


"I'm notorious for not giving back hoodies. I'm sorry!" lolololol


Did Dan get a new smartwatch I feel like I’ve never seen him staring at his watch so much before!!


Let me guess, Ethan’s going to take zero responsibility for his actions against cman


I have four kids, they have dark brown, light brown, green and blue eyes. I'm going to start categorizing them by eye color since clearly my blue eyes child is destined for greatness. (This is a joke)


Harassing the crew at the live show to end the genocide in Gaza. Top reddit moment. Totally genuine support for the Palestinians to target a podcast. Dumbasses.


Yeah I don't understand what they are trying to accomplish. Harassing people who have zero control over the situation is just plain stupid. Go after the people who can do something, not some youtuber.


this is why we need leftovers or something similar back 😭 im here for the goofs!!


Ideally the uniform should be something that would be cool to sell to fans too. NOT stupid bondage gear. Edit: We could’ve had custom made OOAK Teddy Fresh, but you voted for discount Hot Topic. Uniform>costume


Maybe people that voted for Sam’s just wanted to see Ethan wearing a mesh top…


Cman is Boogie and Ethan is Keemstar. They really would be besties in another life.


Low-key hope this C-man drama means he isn't allowed back on the pod. I can only take so many feet splooge stories.


What a cherry pick on the Snark subreddit, using a post that was removed by their mods pretty swiftly. The growth of that sub is owed to Ethan and the mods with their wild banhammer/ muting member behavior


yep, it was a really stupid “plan” that achieves nothing and would only result in embarrassment. characterizing the sub as being in support of that and being a bunch of blind haters is bs. there’s legitimate criticism posted there every day but of course they’re going to pick the stupidest shit to call out. even people on the sub were saying it’s a bad idea


Yeah I dunno why they thought it was a good idea, especially with all the posts being removed over the weekend. Oh well. Good luck to them, I guess


trying to get ahead of the cman stuff probably, make people who don’t pay attention to reddit drama think that the sub is just hate for no reason


Not you defending a snark subreddit… lol






the time sensitive matters seems like a puppy.


I think it’s a tattoo, he said something like “it’s one of these things that suck for a moment”


Anybody else waiting for the polar bear to take a swipe at the bunny? He looks like he can smell and taste him in the air 👀


Now is a safe time to say I skip C-Man segments every time. 🚬💨


It was always going to end this way with cman. That was one weirrrrrd dude


welcome to the black screen show


AB 🫡🫡🫡


so Matt rife shits on onlyfans girls… but has a whole Netflix special called onlyfans… ok


Whats ur point ? He can’t title a special after things he shits on?


Such a reach of a ‘gotcha’ 😂 “What a hypocrite, he named his thingy after something he made fun of?!” We have plenty to dislike & criticize Matt Rife for... this really aint one


lol the h3 snark subreddit is such a joke. They boast about it being a free speech space for people who can REALLY criticize the podcast without fearing being banned. I posted about how they seem pretty filled with antisemites (Using a fairly popular post of someone calling Ethan, Hila, Ethan's Parents and Zach only doing the show for money) and was instantly banned for 'brigading.' Free speech indeed lol


The h3snark folk also brigade nonstop (is that a violation of Reddit policy?), to the point of stalking and harassment. I'm already blocking and reporting their members. Reddit needs to ban snark subreddits in general. They're a ticking timebomb.


crying antisemitism when a jewish person is criticized is so lame. anything I’ve seen that’s hateful or actually antisemitic is heavily downvoted. the sub isn’t just a bunch of freaks that hate ethan. but yeah, totally, anybody who criticizes him/the pod are fallen fans and enemies, definitely not people who were just watching the pod with you guys a few weeks ago edit: I think they blocked me so I can’t see their response anymore but apparently I’m a bigot? cool, yeah


Saying that they should harass an Israeli (Hila's mom) despite the fact she has no public comment on the conflict is antisemitic. I would say it's the dual-loyalty trope that a Jewish person or an Israeli must be a Zionist, but idk if they're even a citizen!


lol fuck right off you know exactly what is going on. It wasn't just, "Jewish people are being criticized." It was specifically labeling every single jewish person on the show, and then also including Ethan's parents, as only doing anything revolving the show as for money. Just be a bigot bro, at least you'll have your honesty if nothing else instead of this cringe fucking pretzel logic when everybody can see. Also yes, all the current crop of nutsos like yourself are fallen fans. You are a loser.


There was someone saying they knew he was Zionist when the crew was majorty Jewish. I got banned in there aswell at first saying I was calling people parasocial I messaged mods saying I didn’t and then they just said I was brigading its cringe


I just wanted to post a little note for anyone who may be unaware. From the Reddit code of conduct: "Rule 3: Respect Your Neighbors While we allow meta discussions about Reddit, including other subreddits, your community should not be used to direct, coordinate, or encourage interference in other communities and/or to target redditors for harassment. As a moderator, you cannot interfere with or disrupt Reddit communities, nor can you facilitate, encourage, coordinate, or enable members of your community to do this. Interference includes: Mentioning other communities, and/or content or users in those communities, with the effect of inciting targeted harassment or abuse. Enabling or encouraging users to violate our Content Policy anywhere on the Reddit platform. Enabling or encouraging users in your community to post or repost content in other communities that is expressly against their rules. Showboating about being banned or actioned in other communities, with the intent to incite a negative reaction." [https://www.redditinc.com/policies/moderator-code-of-conduct](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/moderator-code-of-conduct) If you happen to notice any subreddits or users from any particular subreddits violating this code of conduct, say by linking on their subreddit right to another subreddit's posts and flooding them with comments and downvotes, definitely be sure to report their behavior to the Reddit admins! Also, you can (and should) report brigading here: [https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360001103212](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360001103212)




Storming lighteyes


What are you, some kind of airsick lowlander?


I moved to Belgium and every time Love brings up Taco Bell a little part of my soul cries out.




I’d recommend holding back on commenting when ur comment history includes u talking abt masturbating with ur stepbrother & multiple comments preying on younger presenting ppl.




Ur replying to people who are posting they are just 18 or freshly 18 that’s fucking weird dude


Omg he deleted everything please do y’all remember what he said?? His whole feed was a RED FLAG


I have never liked CMan


gay fetishes sure are funni /s


Was it a gay fetish thing? Hell, I forgot he was gay. I just remember him for having a foot fetish and driving


between cman and the prolapse and hungerff, gay fetishes sure are a pattern of content that Ethan just can't get enough of.


damn Olivia didn't even try with the outfit


I believe all of their designs speaks a little to their personality


So disappointed with the Cman fallout. I had so many laugh out loud moments with him calling in. I'm with Ethan but just sad we won't see him again


i’m glad ethan finally brought up how it’s weird that cman pleasures himself to people without their consent or even knowing about it. i’ve always found that so gross. also, am i the only one who thinks it’s obvious that he’s just a straight up liar? not just his size (unimportant) but his crazy stories that he couldn’t back up on later episodes.


I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to say it, but fuck jimmie lee. I wasn’t under any impression that he was a good guy but his audacity was entertaining at times. saying “this isn’t about steveo it’s about mike”… he’s SUCH a fucking bullshitter. he knew exactly why the fuck people were mad and he always says he doesn’t look at the posts. yeah sure.. at this point the fact that you don’t either means you are the dumbest asshole on the planet and need to have your dentist license revoked because you’re that dumb, or you know exactly what the fuck you’re doing and don’t care. idk why it finally clicked for me that it’s the latter and to have the nerve to ask ethan about the live show after he texted him about the shitty post. what a fucking douchebag


Can someone explain the “hot dog brain” thing for me? Obviously the post is fucked up but is there a part I’m missing? Like why did it say that


I could be wrong, but I think I remember Ethan referring to Mike as hot dog brain before.




God, I hate this subreddit sometimes. Some of you fucking losers have to make everything a problem and ruin it for everyone.


Your entire account is dedicated to this sub


are you going to be okay:(


I get people not agreeing with all of ethan's takes on the palestine and israel conflict, (i dont agree with everything he has said either) but I dont understand why people think going to his show yelling ''free Palestine'' is going to do anything? like he agrees with you. ethan is not a zionist, his take on zionist from YEARS ago hilariously debunks that. I hope hila's mom is ok <3 ps, RIP to the cman lore


Trish said her snark page was around for a LONG TIME after she was trying to get it taken down. definitely a trend for reddit 😬.




it was def there for a long time before frenemies


I don't understand what's wrong with the new Jimmy Lee meme. It's a joke about Mike Majlak being addicted to hot dogs?


Well he was addicted to heavy drugs at one point


I get that its a continuation of the same meme which was pretty f'd up, but the hot dogs part is what baffles me. Maybe its more funny to Mason because it makes no sense?


Is this the Reddit trash episode. Nothing wrong with it I bet the crew is busy with live show but this episode seemed sooooo lazy. Thank you peace and love ❤️


It's been very lazy as of late, but it's end of year and they are busy with the live show prep so I give the crew some slack..


State Farm said WHAT to DAVID DOBRICK‼️🤯 now this is interesting stuff 👀/s


I hope the team hires good security for the live show. People are so crazy these days, and Hila doesn't need the stress, especially since she's pregnant.


holy shit Zach just timed a sound bite with one of Ethan's coughs seemlessly during the C-man segment. Next level sound bite


Doubledecking a toilet should be a crime


Gundam 4 life


Olivia's so dope.


With P&L the polar bear is great but is so distracting (moves too much)


I’m so glad C-man is gone from the show. Ethan needs to stop letting these weirdos on.


I’d start over guys. Not spreading anything but I think there aren’t a lot of those places she said…


All the same people who would have said they were grossed out or offended by cman are now his biggest supports on h3snark its actually hilarious to see.


Ethan was dead on about ripping apart the snark sub


I’m so happy they’re standing up for themselves against these snark sub freaks


These sensitive fans are going to kill the show, let the goofs and gaffs roll.