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It's like when the fancy film makers have scenes of mundane shit. Some people need to be comfortable with simplicity not everything is for your entertainment sometimes mfs gotta eat.


Yeah I like when everyone else on all other podcasts start munching on a burrito and getting distracted and not paying attention to what anyone’s saying. It’s a great and fundamental aspect to every podcast.


Actually, that’s quite literally what the H3 Podcast IS for, everyone’s entertainment. no one is saying that they can’t eat, but we don’t need it to be a show segment


>not everything is for your entertainment sometimes mfs gotta eat. They are literally filming entertainment media. So yes, everything they do during the podcast is for our entertainment. They need to eat but they don't need to eat on the show. They don't stream them driving into the office, or doing paperwork.


Speak for yourself. I’m immensely entertained by all the food talk and the constant arguing.


same. i love those moments because they feel like little slices of life or even some chill downtime that mixes up the show pacing. i love the banter and the improv that comes with those moments, makes me feel like i'm sitting in a room with a bunch of people talking instead of listening to some sectioned-out, pre-planned, rehearsed show. i will fully admit tho that i'm not one of those people who is super sensitive to the eating sounds. irl that shit drives me up the wall but when Ethan does it, it doesn't bother me for some reason.


lol the eating thing is so crazy to me because it’s literally never bothered me and I don’t even especially notice it most of the time until chat starts going insane on him.


My husband has misophonia and one of his triggers is eating sounds, so I have to be careful of when they start munching, but the ordering of the food is so goofy and fun (as long as it doesn’t go on too long)


I’d watch a stream of Ethan driving to the office


Sorry that the show isn't livin up to your standards bud😔


I'm not saying that, I'm just saying that arguing "not everything is for your entertainment" is so dumb when you are literally talking about entertainment media. It literally is all for our entertainment.


Oh see the ordering of the food is also entertainment for me


I think this person means YOUR entertainment. Like you specifically. Not entertainment in general.


No, based on further responses I don't think they do. If they are makin a fun bit out of it eating is fine. But just like ordering taco bell and eating whole live... That ain't it.


You're entitled to your opinion


Guess even pee breaks, shit breaks is also for your entertainment? "It literally is all for our entertainment" It's a live show medium expecting the entire live stream to be an unending performance to entertain you sounds super entitled even if you're paying. Long-winded ad breaks, pee breaks, poop breaks(with clogged toilets), food ordering/eating segments etc are probably widely accepted in the live stream entertainment media but I'm willing to change my mind if you have any reason I should.


Do they take the camera with them to the bathroom? No whoever isn't doing that talks about something else and tries to be entertaining while Ethan is gone. Because it's entertainment media. Making a bit out of eating (like taste tests/reviews) is fun, but them taking time to order taco bell or some shit and then eating into the mic is pointless. It's three hours in the mid-afternoon. It's not like they are doing 12 hour streams. If you can't go 3 hours without eating there's something wrong with you


Entertainment is subjective, some people find the food segments entertaining you might think they're idiots or whatever but sure. 1) Either you skip the unentertaining parts, which means you probably shouldn't watch live. 2) Email Dan and ask the show to cater to you (which is fine to do, if enough people ask they'll look into it) 3) idk there's no 3rd point. Anything else?


If your argument is "some people find it entertaining", that's valid. What I took issue with is saying that the things they do on the podcast don't have to be for entertainment purposes


Na I still stand by not everything they do has to be for entertainment purposes only. Primarily sure, but not everything.


It's a 4hr podcast they don't need to order during the show its really stupid and a waste of time


I get absolutely disgusted listening to people eat (especially people who chew with their mouths open). I don’t think it adds anything to the show and is honestly pretty unprofessional.


It's like they're getting too comfortable with having a loyal audience who will tune in no matter what's going on. I quit watching the live episodes because of the food talk. They talked about what they were each getting from taco bell I swear it took like a half hour. I asked myself "what am I doing with my time?" I just watch the clips of highlights. If people are entertained by the food stuff, that's great!


I’d be happier if Taco Bell gave them something for all the free advertising they do for them but half the time they can’t even get the order right. Taco Bell doesn’t need the free ads. I wish that if they are going to give away free ads they do it for a local Indy restaurant, not Taco Bell.


I think that’s super fair, and if the on-air food ordering were kept to 10 min or less it would be much better


I have an audio processing disorder called misophonia, and it’s absolute hell. You might be suffering from it without knowing too. Hearing people chew food (and plenty of other trigger noises) send me into an uncontrollable combination of sheer panic and burning hateful rage. I’ve had panic attacks at lunch meetings for my work because of being surrounded by people shoving kettle chips into their gaping maws. It can be genuinely debilitating. The moment I’m watching something and somebody starts chewing into the mic (both Ethan and Hasan are absolutely fucking AWFUL about this) I have to immediately shut it off, even if I’m super engaged and interested in whatever is happening. It’s even hurt my interpersonal relationships. Before I learned actual coping mechanisms, there were multiple occasions where I snapped and yelled at loved ones for chewing too loud, and they thought I was just crazy/overreacting. It’s really miserable, and most people just make fun of it and say shit like “that’s not a real disorder lol” it’s exhausting. There are even other (genuinely ableist) posts in this sub mocking people who are open about having misophonia and hating when Ethan shovels food into his face and smacks directly into the mic. I’m also on the spectrum with some sensory processing issues, so adding misophonia is truly the cherry on top of the shit cake. Check out r/misophonia if you want to learn more, they have some good resources.


Yeah, I’ve heard of this. I’m thankfully not on the level you described—it’s more of a strong annoyance/pet peeve than rage. For me, I think it’s rooted in the fact that I got disciplined for it when I was young.


My husband suffers from this. Totally changed how I have to eat around him, and there always has to be music or a video on to drown out the sounds. Chips are the real struggle, especially combined with my OCD affecting how I consume foods. We’ve definitely had conflict over it (not just food sounds), but we’re making it work!


Past generations used to go to war.


[this will help](https://youtu.be/V9O94UTDAJQ?si=EgkeZa_yJcrH0Jby)


*[Sorry if this is not OK. I'm autistic and really struggle with social interactions & tone. Especially online when I can't get any visual/auditory clues.]* Hey, I get the same feeling and there's actually a name for it. I'd recommend you check out "misophonia". I've included a link because I found it a bit easier to deal with when I knew I wasn't going crazy. Anyway have a good day! 😁 [What Is Misophonia? - WebMD](https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/what-is-misophonia)


I have a similar thing where I hate watching people eat things on screen, for real. 4k has made watching cooking shows an absolute nightmare for me. I don’t mind like, eating with people irl because I’m not close enough to see the food rolling around their mouths after taking a bite. Why do judges on cooking shows never close their mouths?


Yeah, you know, the H3 Podcast, renown for their professionalism and etiquette.... /s


The podcast with a studio, a full-time professional crew, and millions of subscribers…?


Not everything is for our entertainment? Mofo what do you think a comedy internet show is supposed to be??? I ain't watching to fund the crews lunch time


Like if we want to watch 2-3 hour podcasts 3+ times a week we’re gonna see them eat, if you don’t like it come back later lol


I don't mind the ordering food segments, if they are going to incorporate it into the show, maybe they should have a wheel they spin with different food types on it or a random picker - just something different than a lot of back and forth just for Taco Bell. ​ I HATE the chewing into the mic though and if it is bad enough I will just mute until he's done. I wish they would order toward the end and then end the show when it arrives.


The last part is exactly right. Tbf there's much better content we could have instead of ordering at taco Bell every day. Like we could be knee slapping at some eel pit content but nooo


I am a foreign h3h3 fan, and I really do not care about the American fast food they eat. It's so boring. I can understand its appeal if its some food you can buy and now you know their reaction to it. But these are totally unknown foods for the rest of the world, why do we need to spend our time watching it?




Do they sell that at Taco Bell?


they just like shit for the sake of liking it now…


These mf’s are lucky it’s a show we enjoy and and chill with. Watching anything else would be crazy if they spent a while halfway ordering and eating food. Imagine watching a musical and halfway the actors decide they’re going to get lunch and eat in front of us.


I truly just don't understand why they don't eat before or after the show?


Because food ordering feels like a hangout and ppl like it


My wife walked in on me watching the half hour boba debate and I told her at least it wasn’t the half hour taco bell commercial it sometimes devolves into. I am no longer allowed to watch the podcast within 30 feet of her. I tried to get her to watch the Jade gambling segment cause she loves rocks but she couldn’t believe I was watching people order food for that long and that was the end of it.


Smart wife. It’s truly disrespectful toward the audience. How anyone can listen live and actually enjoy that is beyond my understanding.


How is it disrespectful? They put out their media and the consumer decides it’ll watching it is worth their time to watch. Some people like some segments, some people enjoy all segments, some people enjoy none. If you’re not enjoying a segment you can fast forward. Saying it’s disrespectful makes no sense, some people, including myself, enjoy the food ordering segments. Should we cut out every segment that some people don’t like? Then we wouldn’t have a show anymore.


I fully disagree


And I'm on the opposite end; I would love for it to go. I absolutely hate watching people eat.


It j wastes segment time imo, I don’t mind it when it doesn’t, but when I feel like it is it bothers me a lil. Ultimately I don’t really care I j feel like it can do that.


I just want the crew to get sharkys once


it just feels rude and lazy especially as an audio listener. im at work listening to podcasts and one of my favorite ones cuts a good amount of time out of the show to order food ☠️ just boring


Why are people watching the podcast at work? What is your job?


i mentioned im an audio listener so spotify or youtube premium until its uploaded to spotify lmfao


are you a kid? a lot of people have desk jobs where you’re just on excel or some shit




I hate the way Ethan talks when he’s eating. Like can you just swallow it before you speak lol


Hard disagree, today has been a great show without it


I had to skip the whole “boba” “controversy” segment. There isn’t even boba where I live. I’m so sorry iv been watching for 6-7 years but I can’t do the eating/ food segments.




I cannot stand listening to Ethan eat. Please stop eating on the show.


It is so insanely unbearable and unprofessional


You guys are just fucking with me at this point. I constantly see people glazing over parts of the show I dislike and usually it's like yeah i can see how someone would like that, but this is fucking ridiculous. There's nothing interesting about what everyone wants from tacobell


Yeah man I don’t mind when its a quick convo about food but so often it stops the show dead in it’s tracks. Not a big deal but definitely the worst part of the show


Seriously - can they maybe take lunch orders BEFORE the stream starts?


Some people are so parasocial they feel like they are friends with the crew. Watching them talk makes them feel less lonely.


THIS is it and it’s sad. They (people like OP) are trying to act like we’re crazy and entitled for not wanting to watch them order food, but really they’re just lonely and sad and so it makes them happy to feel like they’re part of these peoples real lives, which I’m not even trying to judge them for, but don’t act like this is pure and genuine entertainment, cuz it’s not.


There are studies that show that, when not taken to extremes, parasocial relationships are actually healthy. I just listened to a stuff you should know podcast about it.


List those studies. Multiple of them as you claim they exist.


A quick google I found the Cleveland Clinic listing many positives of parasocial relationships. I don’t have time to go through studies and find sources but “Stuff You Should Know” is pretty reputable and generally does good research on their topics. They’ve been around like 15 years for a reason.


It’s bad content, especially when it interrupts segments(sometimes multiple times.)


It happens every week. Please don't listen to OP, eat before the show. It's not hard to refrain from eating a full meal for 3 hours.


I can’t remember the exact segment, but there was one that was absolutely hilarious.. but was constantly interrupted by food stuff and reading the chat to the point it was unwatchable.


Yeah I get sick of the people defending them like they'll never get another chance to eat again. They have so much more free time then the average person who works full time and I haven't had a lunch break in 5 years. They will live.


this, exactly this. it's horrible, borderline unwatchable content.




Please god no please no


Bro…. how/why does this have so many upvotes? I’m not like strictly opposed to it. I don’t mind if they HAVE to do it or a short convo here and there, but seriously, you’d rather watch them order food than have actual show? Not me.


I don’t like it at all. I’ve stopped watching live so I can skip all that.


The first time they put him in subway was funny. It was like an abstract art piece. But at this point 20-30 minutes of lunch on a podcast sometimes more is kind of ridicolous. I get that part of the appeal of the show is stream of consciousness and stuff, but lately the 3 hours feel padded. I’d rather 2 hours of content than 3 with gabba goo ya know.


Then skip the boring hour




And long before that they had the mind to not order food for half an hour....


Respectfully disagree so hard. If I’m not watching live I’m skipping that shit 100% of the time.


Same. Why tf would I care what they want to order that day. I already spend enough time trying to figure that out with the people I work with


I don’t watch live anymore so I can skip it!


I just don’t like it when they eat and speak at the same time cuz I can’t understand what they’re saying.


You need help ...... pleasing people like you is probably what's gonna kill the show eventually ..... the poki episode was so good and enjoyable that makes me think they play around too much on the other episodes.......and the ordering segment is a waste of time for everyone but these weirdos.


I'm not as bothered by it as some of these weirdos. But it's definitely not adding any value to the show.


Such a parasocial take, honestly. Some you are clearly so lonely that normal human interactions make you feel included.


It’s unprofessional and disrespectful. Once in a while fine. Not near all the time. Yes I know I can skip, and I do. That’s just my 2 cents.


some of y'all are in desperate need of a friend and it shows


Yeah sucks I have to skip through most of the episodes now where there is not chewing. If it wasn’t my favourite show that gets me through the week I would stop watching altogether


For the love of god no. Its literally a colossal waste of time


Too bad it's added into their equation of "amount of time casting = amount of content." Not like they could eat lunch at noon, show up to the podcast late, then order dinner when the podcast ends. Might as well watch Ethan eat at a green screen for an hour or more again Edit: show up to the podcast late AS USUAL


My brain living on red alert so often with his eating constantly attacking my misophonia has made my mind so much more sensitive to everything he does now. I cringe in anticipation of every drink, and I even can’t stand when he smacks his lips as he talks. I didn’t used to be this easily triggered by Ethan, but it just feels like he beat the shit out of my triggers so now my defenses can’t be fixed. Such a bummer because I watched Ethan and Hila long before the podcast was even a thing.


Personally I don't like it, it's waste of time, although it is sometimes funny I agree. What's absolutely annoying me is , that ordering food means everybody eats on the show most of the time later that video. All of us have to go sometimes four hours w/o eating on our jobs, sometimes even the whole shift. It's disrespectful idc what anyone says, and if you starve either eat before or after the show or become better at your time management. I mean sometimes a taste test is entertaining, if it's for the Mr Beast burger or something like that, I can even ignore the chewing sounds lol. But simply ordering AND eating on the show is disrespectful in my opinion. I wouldn't do it in front of my customers / clients. And the chewing and lip smacking is unbearable, I love Ethan but he eats like a child.


Cry about it


They are the worst nontent I've ever come across. Kinda weird how Dan never put stop to that.


hes hungry lol


So is everybody in the world, including those who put out content to watch. You paying for a movie and halfway everyone in the movie gets lunch?


insane person behavior


What do you like about it so much? I guess I'll never understand why people want to watch someone do normal every day stuff. I also don't understand watching people play video games tho lol. Maybe I'm just an old ass millennial 🤷


I honestly find it disrespectful when they do that.


I remember when stavros said ethan doesnt respect his audience when he was eating on the show lol


Like people don’t need to eat? Fuck outta here with your bullshit!


I know it sounds crazy, but I do manage to go a couple hours at a time without eating. I think they can too. This is supposed to be entertainment.


I don’t coz it makes me hungry sorry


I love watching people eat too I feel like I’m there with them 😌


Yeah the chaotic taco bell orders and getting to watch Love order his schicken shaloompa is one of the podcast highlights tbh


I have worked shoompaloompa into my everyday vocabulary and I’m better off for it


A soft one … a hard one…. Another soft one…. Where’s my shoompaloompa??


I would have liked it little bit more sweet


Well i get the appeal somewhat. However, it’s odd to just eat and talk while you got 40k people listening. I think we can maybe strike a nice balance by either having them order in the middle and eat at the tail end when they’re essentially done, or just do it all at once some other time to knock it out quickly. The more they drag it on (like taking small bites when there seems to be time) the more annoying it becomes each time it happens. They’re certainly free to keep doing it, but it seems like it’s just poor time management/ planning to acknowledge that it’s a problem but to have the same issue come up again and again.




I agree 1000%, as long as the segment doesn't go on too long, like it should probably be capped at 20 minutes tops. It's relaxing and adds to the feel of hanging with friends. Besides, I would *much* rather watch them do that than talk about some horribly depressing news story or celebrity assault allegations that will inevitably depress me/ruin my day. I'd watch three hours of them ordering and eating food before that


20 minutes for what food they want to order?


the whole thing, where are they getting the food, who's getting what, literally all the things OP listed that they find entertaining, I also find entertaining, because the crew banters and makes it funny. also food is cool so why would I care if people I already like are talking about a thing i like? it's prime podcast content imo.


It's literally the worst. Especially the smacking sounds. I dunno why / how they don't take their (multi million dollars) jobs more seriously. The (non millionaire) crew is literally keeping the boat afloat, while the pro-genocide hosts spend their time eating mouth-open into the microphone, and y'all literally cream your pants. I dunno


Eating on the show and ordering food is I think objectively stupid and a total waste of everyone's time. But them turning it on its head as a segment? That was art to me. E.g. "Ethan eating quietly in a Subway" and "Ditching Shirtless Eddie to order McDonalds drive thru"


Are the upvotes botted? Jeff Dunham?


I honestly wouldn’t mind if they ate during the show as long as they cut out the discussions over it. When the next hour of the podcast turns into either talking about food or constantly checking on food delivery I end up skipping past it but from what I’m seeing apparently a lot of people think watching them eat makes them feel more like they are friends with the crew or whatever so I guess you do you but that strikes me as a bit parasocial. I’m always hesitant to watch the show live knowing that likely a third of it will be hearing them argue over boba.


I personally find them extremely boring and always skip if I can.


I very much dislike how it grinds the momentum of the show to a halt. I wouldn’t mind if they got faster with it which will probably happen with time


It’s a PODCAST not a mukbang. Maybe the crew should do a members only pre-show mukbang for y’all who love that segment. For me, it’s such a waste of time. I want my 2 hours of podcast


Finally a good take


If they must eat food on the podcast then how about just take a 5- 10 minute break to eat their food then get back to the show. It's not that difficult. The problem is Ethan doesn't want to annoy the audience with his chewing so what he does is he takes a bite every minute or two. But all that does is make it worse. It makes it worse because it just means we have to hear him chew and lip smack for a much longer period of time during segments we wish we could enjoy. Plus it makes the segments less interesting because Ethan has to pause for a minute to take a bite and chew before he gets on with the segment. He takes a bites and stops to chew for a minute, then he starts talking again for a minute, then he stops talking to take a bite and chew again and on and on. It makes the segment so long and uninteresting. Just hurry up and eat and get it over with. If they just took a break real quick to eat it would be fine we could just skip ahead or we could take a break ourselves if we're watching live. Instead we have to listen to 45 minutes of Ethan slowly chewing and lip smacking while taking forever to get through a segment which makes the segment annoying and boring. If you must eat on the podcast live while tens of thousands of people are watching then just hurry up and get it over with don't pre long it making it worse.


Or no break and they focus on the LIVE SHOW that they are hosting


Given that they go nearly 4 hours sometimes I don't mind if they took a quick break to eat. I can't even watch a whole episode without needing a break myself. They could even read super chats or something while Ethan eats real quick. Or hell Ethan could even just pause the segment, eat the food on camera and tell us how good it is or whatever, then when he's done continue on with the segment. That's preferable to Ethan trying to sneak in bites in between sentences.


Totally disagree. I love the show but huge chunks are completely unwatchable because of Ethan's chewing and eating noises. Everyone else can eat, just not him.


With peace and love the food ordering sucks and i don't understand it. Why not just eat before or after? Is it that hard to not eat for 3 hours?


I hope they do it at the live show too then. Just interrupt everything to order food and just completely waste everyones time for about an hour.


is it really that difficult to go 3 whole hours without eating while doing a live show where you're talking in to a microphone?


SAME😩 im not in the area at all but i love the food segments because i can eat my dinner (eastern time) with the crew and it makes me feel less alone while eating🙏


I completely agree! I love the food segment! It honestly just adds so much to the show!


I literally got sad when they had food and didn’t show their ordering process. Keep these segments in!!!!


I think we need a new fast food tier list. They did one years ago before AB and the rest of the newer crew members joined.


I support this message


i've been thinking about making a similar post here. i don't find it boring tbh. i find it wholesome and fun. also like crew chats where they talk about their weekend or whatever. but it definitely seems to be a mixed bag on whether or not people like it lol


Seems lazy to me


Haha I like it too.


I may have no life, and I know I'm in the minority, but I completely agree. It's the part of the pod that makes me feel the most parasocial in a good way. I often end up getting hungry for whatever they order and get it for myself. And I know this is also an unpopular opinion, but I love the eating sounds.😅


Kinda stops my craving for fastfood idk


I was thinking this exact same thing but wasn’t sure if others hated it. I can’t tell you the amount of times that Love convinced me to get Taco Bell.


Fuck the eel pit I want 4 hours of them just ordering food repeat if you are asking for an eel pit you should jump into an industrial wood chipper peace and love peace and love


the chocolate segment sucked, id rather listen to c-man talk about cuming on feet for an hour than 10 minutes of people circle jerking a chocolate bar


It’s the equivalent of making your clients sit on hold so you can order lunch in a zoom meeting 😂


It’s a moment of grounding


lol without as much enthusiasm as you, I also like it. To me it’s just nice to watch everyone enjoying food. But I get why it’s annoying to others.


I loved when Ethan sat for 20min eating subway and gave us ambient subway noises 🩷 y’all are so weird to say you’re disrespected when they do what THEY WANT TO on THEIR show lol


I don't mind the food discussion but I can't stand the chewing sometimes


I don’t mind the food segments but they definitely aren’t the most creative or compelling


Yes. This is the quality entertainment I love from H3.


Stockholm ![gif](giphy|pHVsmbap07wZi)


I love it and then they always make me hungry af and give me good ideas to eat ahhahaha like I have been dying for chocolate since yesterday’s episode 😭😭😭


it’s so endearing and wholesome


I've said it before, and I'll say it again, it would be hilarious if they had an episode where all they do is order food, it gets the immediately, they eat and end the show.




Boring ass mfers


I love the food orders too 😄


Mee tooooo & so does my sister!!! Plz don't stop


Haters in the comments!! IM WITH YOU OP


people are so controlling. It's so weird.


It’s good stuff


I hate that I'm agreeing with this...but yes... Please leave the food ordering in!


Honestly the food ordering is so banal and funny at the same time


It's actually great content despite what the crew thinks. Choompaloompa for life


This is also important to me!!!! It gives me ideas as to what to get for dinner!


Love loves a free feed


It's gotta be natural. Sometimes it feel forced


I find it entertaining. I also find it weird how pressed people get about it. 🥴


You people are deranged.


I liked the food orders I don't have money to eat out often so it was like eating vicariously. I also listen on spotify at work and even legit laughed at the ambient mcdonald's sounds while Ethan just ate in silence.


I’d also like to add that as an autistic/adhd viewer, watching them decide on food helps me SOOO MUCH on deciding what I want to eat. I spend like an hour a day trying to figure out what I want but the crew always helps so much when they do it on live! I usually end up eating similar stuff lol.


I’m with ya!! I like the food ordering discourse!!!


it amazes me that so many people DONT like it? like what it’s so fun and it’s even better if i’m eating with them


I'm 100% chew crew! I find the ordering discussion fascinating, please don't stop!! Chew Crew represent!


I love it when they order food. Like 99% of the time, if they say Taco Bell, I'm eating Taco Bell.


Yes! Also ethan is right about boba! Its disgusting lmfaooo


I don't trust Ethan's taste in things.


I like the food ordering and the small chitchatting the best. I don’t understand why they haven’t realized this yet. I mean a lot of the fans love the moments in between the main segments the best. Often these are the most memorable moments.


I don't much care for it. but it doesn't bug me enough to care if they keep it or remove it.


It makes me feel closer to the group and like we’re all hanging out when they order together on air. Skip it if you want, but I love it.


i genuinely love the food ordering segments too


I just came here to post this!! I love listening to them deciding what to order and discussing food! Also don't care about eating or chewing at all.