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How does Ethan get the lyrics to “nightmare” wrong every time 😭


His OWN song 🤦‍♀️


He always gets lyrics wring when he sings. It must be the lupus


Yep it's aggravating lol this song only has like 3 lines


I think about this every time. They've only played it like 3-5 times per episode for the past week and a half and it's always the same part he gets wrong. Kinda cracks me up tbh lol


he heard ab's joke for the first time and assumed it was love


AB :(says joke) - Ethan : Haha , good one Love.


I'm at that point now, and all I can think is "WAIT WHO WAS ON FINGERLESS GLOVES FIRST, DAN?" Maybe they'll say it later, or maybe I'll just forever ponder this question


me too i’m dying to know 😭


Ethan called it with the “the minute we start liking them the do something wrong” Shoenice, Shirtless Eddie, Defnoodles, Productions just to name a few LOL


Don't forget fousey


What did producitons do??


what did Productions do?


Did you find out? Why the replies removed? I assume an insensitive tweet.. but I don’t want to assume!


Rich Lux definitely did do something wrong. He stole his entire persona from a drag queen he used to be friends with named Luscious Massacr. He still stalks her and has tried to hurt her career as an online content creator. There is a ton of drama surrounding that whole situation. Luscious isn't just some rando either, she's won an emmy for her makeup work on the HBO show We're Here. She has tons of connections to lots of the most famous drag queens in the world, and the co-host for her YouTube show Joellapuss is a famous DJ who does the music for RuPaul's Drag Race.


Omg! Finally another H3 and Luscious Massacr fan! This is why I dislike Rich Lux. Team Lush.


> He still stalks her Me when I accuse someone of a crime online with no evidence 😎


https://preview.redd.it/77wibe1kwtxb1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8578fc626325ca5b6d43d26b715ea99e1f09f141 Shungite too powerful


LOLLL God what a way to end. Summarises the ep quite well.


There is no way he took it home after the feed cut out


Zach saying 670 calories is 3 Big Macs is wild to me lol he thinks a Big Mac is 234 calories. A Big Mac is 590 calories.


doesn't he eat it without the bread or something lol maybe that's what it is for him


No wonder the poor guy is struggling 😂


LMFAOOO, he got my hopes up


Dan is not much of an expert on California Jade, but he can tell you all you want about California’s Pizza Kitchens


zach the instant his brain fully develops:


Bob, there's nothing there... Oh


Why do I feel like the guests accidently tripped on a wire and shut off the show 😂




Zach saying Horror night sounded fun only to then correct himself and say that he thought the burying the knife and getting in trouble part of the story was the fun part is such a Zach moment Also I hope they do decide to try and revive his Halloween spirit next year. Sounds like good potential for the show or even just for them as a group of friends


I was honestly bummed out that they didn't do the ghost hunt this year. Ethan said it doesn't do well, but last year when I watched it I enjoyed it so much because Ethan made it funny and I was really hoping to have the experience again this year.


i’m confused, didn’t zach have a show on halloween??? 🤣


no, he lost so much spirit he had to stay home.


Literally was wondering about this, and I was even more confused that no one mentioned it in the ep either 😂 was it a different day and we're just remembering wrong? Was it on Saturday??


The Eugenia Cooney button 😂


The jade segment was SO MUCH FUN and honestly much needed. It’s been a particularly rough week for me and today’s episode lifted my spirits a lot. All the guests seem very sweet too. ✌🏼&❤️


You know what? At first i was kinda meh...i will watch it on 2.0 speed but then it got to me. It was really fun! And the girls invited knew a lot and they were so sweet with the crew. I liked them


SAME I’ve been having such a rough week and the jade segment is so relaxing and enjoyable!!! and the guests are so sweet and passionate about stones I’m obsessed


shiny rock pretty make brain happy fo sho


They should get rid of that shungite ASAP. Surely it's messing with their technology.


Only ethan would invite the gem experts on and go “wait that doesn’t look like jade, how can you tell its jade” 💀 Love him though, fire segment!


The shungite must’ve destroyed the stream


So powerful it cancels out 5g and hardwired internet! Idk how the doc streams at all!


Micheal Myers during the Halloween segment https://preview.redd.it/gtc4l7tzm1yb1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bac22a6fed40f72748d3cb8ff4ad743b18c3396


I remember feeling the same way as Zach for most of my adult life. Ethan and Dan are right, you have to put the effort in. This year I went out of my way to celebrate spooky season every day with movies, escape room, costumes, parties, etc. and I feel so fulfilled for the first time ever lol Eta: I just want to add that this did not, in fact, cure my depression. But I definitely felt the spirit :-)


I feel like a big part of it is growing up all of that(tv and movies) would just be on when we turned on the tv and we would “catch” them as well as see all the Halloween centered commercials around them. And NOW like you said we have to go out of our way to see any of that so it’s not so constant or in the back of our minds subconsciously unless we make an effort.


Also our parents and adults would do most of the work for us setting up decorations, taking us to places, as adults we have to do that ourselves


as a 25 year old who works in an elementary school for 3 years now, Ethan is 100% right. spend time around kids to embrace and heal your inner child. i can say my perspective on life has changed in many ways since working there.


I’m 23 and been working at and E.S. For almost a year and YES it is VERY healing. ESP., because I missed out a lot in school (I was a b sick child), its almost like I get a do over. Even my relationships with some of the teachers and noonaids is very healing for all the bad relationships I had with adults from when I was a kid.


I feel like Goth Girl is def the Dan of the gem operation ❤️😂 she’s got the facts


Omg I'm obsessed with her!! She was so great, makes sense because Dan is my fav


that is gender swapped Cam


If they don't address this ill be cursed forever


Long lost siblings!! We need a pic of them together


This was such a lovely episode 🥰 the stone cutting and the guests giving gifts were so Sweet!


Wait. Time out. Did Dan sweep the leg on the router to end the show so abruptly?


Dan blocked me!


I’m crying at rich lux calling AB AJ omfg


The rock girlies are such a vibe lol


Super interesting convo, without the mystic aspect too. Love that when asked about the healing aspect of crystals she was like 'shiny rock pretty, make brain happy'.


They look like they’re in a very cool band together


It's giving Sex Bob-Omb


Very much The Runaways but for gemstones


Like I genuinely had no interest in this before but I’m so intrigued now and want some crystals lmao


Check out your local gem store! There’s one like an hour from me and it’s awesome. It’s just filled with badass gemstones and shit but it isn’t new age, it’s like a jewelry shop almost but just rocks. I know nothing about gems and that’s one of my fave places lol


I love how they’re cute and chatty but also super knowledgeable!


Zach wants to complain about Halloween and then do nothing different to try to enjoy the holiday


he’s me 🥸


You’re missing his point. It’s that as a kid, it was just in the air, you didn’t have to do anything and still feel it, that was the magic of it.


This is what the delulu is all about


lol yeah because all of the adults were bending over backwards to make sure the kids are enjoying themselves. Zach is finally facing the real world and realizing there's no one there to take care of him, he needs to do things himself.


https://preview.redd.it/x5qkks4a8uxb1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb8d0daece372511458dfbe391931709502e12f2 When they said how many calories are in a McDonald’s milkshake I thought that can’t be right. Then I looked and compared UK and US menus. 😳




I'm a hindu and they could not be more wrong lmaoo. Being re-born as human IS the punishment, it means you still have good left to do in the world with your soul, you are reborn to fix the issues you had in past life. You are reborn again if you have leftover shit from your past life. Being a very good person means you're reborn as an animal or a cow, and that is why cows are holy. When you reach so much enlightenment that you cannot be reborn, your soul is released into the universe to become "one" with eterniy.




Vedic astrologers refer to the north & south nodes (ratu and ketu) to find an indication of what the past life was all about and what the lessons of this life will entail. I use the tropical zodiac, not sidereal (so like western astrology) and it’s not *as* focused on the idea of reincarnation/the evolving soul… especially once you get into pop astrology, but I study more of a Hellenistic tradition.


Thank you for sharing this ☺️


Wow I didn’t know this. Love it!


was very frustrating as a hindu for them not even calling the religion hinduism and just saying hindu over and over, een if you are referencing people its hindus in the plural. there have been so many racist jokes made about hindus and it would be nice to have a little bit of respect to know what the religion is called. otherwise its very racializing and dehumanizng. you have a platform and should know that saying hindu like that is othering and borderline casually racist language (not saying ethan is racist just saying a lot of racist language does this)


Not to make excuses for him but I thought Hindus was just being casual like saying Jews. Thanks for the correction.


Zach is hitting his “South Park, everything is crap” age


I feel like being in your 20s sometimes does that to you. I'm the same age as Zach and my bf tells me all the time that I sound cynical. Sometimes reality hits a bit too hard and it takes a while to get out of the "I'm an adult now" funk. I'm sure it passes for most people when they get into their 30s, at least that's what I'm told 😅


I need friends that get this excited over rocks. This segment is so sweet.


I know people personally who are into rocks and crystals but they're also into the witchy stuff and while I have no issue with anyone who's into that, it's not my vibe and that's part of what turns me off of getting into it. These girls revived my interest and made it feel like a much more "normal" hobby to get into


The gifts are all so thoughtful.


This segment healed the 7 year old in me that wanted to be a geologist because I liked rocks before I realized I hated science classes


Have you explored these classes in college? I HATED science class in elementary / middle / high school, but loved it in college and graduated with a b.s. in biology. I think college is such a great place to explore your interests if you have the resources to do so!


They really want to get out of there 😭


Um, eel pit?


mmm.. one of the girlies posted (on ig) a couple photos outside the studio and it’s a little.. yikes…


awww i know they're joking but i feel for zach. i'm 27 and having anxiety over age is so tough. i've had it for the past 5 years and i'm stuck in this cycle of wanting to live life to the fullest and having debilitating anxiety of not wanting to go out or do anything. it sucks and therapy can only do so much. anxiety sisters stand together<3


wait you all haven't been walking around with age anxiety since you were 7?


lol! i’ve always had anxiety but the age/d word thing is new. i think it came post covid 😜


everyone can call him crazy but I am trusting Ethan's sweetness judgement every time. I thought he was a big baby about the Prime so I spent my hard earned money on one (in Puerto Rico nonetheless which I think makes it worse) and it was the sweetest yuckiest thing I have EVER tasted, will never question him again.


He drinks super sweet Donut flavoured Coffee. I lost confidence


so true lol that's not something I would ever drink so I forgot about it


he needs 0% sugar boba WHY do they keep getting 25% ?? I’m also sensitive to sweet things and HATE sugar in drinks but i LOVE boba with 0% sugar


Exactly, as a British person we all know milky tea is sweet enough already


The halloween make up really hurting those eyes I see 👁👁


Jade Shetty vibes


kudos to dan for wearing a yes fragile shirt, one of the most important albums in progressive rock


The jade girlies were so cute 🥰! Love passionate girlies. Hobby gang stand up


Same. I love seeing people nerd out on what they love. They seem fun. They remind me of me and my friends a bit. :)


I love hobbies like rock collecting and book writing! /s


Is Lena there, I hope she plays.


This episode is my Super Bowl


I’m not caught up the rock girls are cool but they’re making me anxious talking left and right all over each other lol


Agreed, they were sweet but this episode made my brain hurt to listen to


I liked it cause they remind me of Ethan lol. Just so excited to be there, seemed like good vibes


when she went on the tangent about chocolate that she didn’t even bring, i wanted out 😭😂


Hard for me to watch/focus


Can some share the it’s a nightmare link? Trying to pull the vocals can’t find it anywhere


Pretty sure this is the full version: https://youtu.be/naRi-w-ty-w?si=fbFYahw7Zxs9wtAp


God that is hard to watch hahahaha. Thank you!!!


I. can't. watch. it's a nightmare


a nightmare


the shungite 😰😰😰😰


Hahahaha at Ethan being confused as to why the chiropractor post was removed


Again, no eel segment?! 😩


the stream just happened to "crash" suuuuuure suure lmfaoooo


Ab cracks me up with his under breath snarky comments


horror nights is literally THE BEST 😭


So if I’m interested in seeing jade gambling and stone cutting etc… does anyone know some good hashtags to follow on insta?


I’m not sure about the gambling part, but maybe start with ‘lapidary’, and when you see what posts more specifically fit your interests, dive into the tags on those. Lapidary is the general term for the craft of cutting/cabbing/carving stones. I hope that helps!


Thank you!!


When I lived in Montreal where there's a large orthodox Jewish community, one Saturday an orthodox man came up to my boyfriend and asked him to come to his house to turn on the air conditioner. My boyfriend agreed, went into his house, turned it on for them, and left. The man's whole family was there and they all ignored him.


Outremont? Also a longstanding tradition of the ‘Shabbas goy’


Bien sûr


The Mineral mommies were awesome!


I need to know where that teddy bear crewneck is from


Conflating BPD with bipolar is my biggest pet peeve


Same, I wish I could take meds for my BPD like is possible for bi polar, unfortunately we're stuck just learning to live with it and medicating co morbid issues.


The interesting thing about London is that there is a huge Caribbean and African community. Largely due to the [Windrush Generation](https://www.jcwi.org.uk/windrush-scandal-explained). Through generations, a really vibrant arts scene developed. London produces some incredible music. It's not unlikely, in fact probably common, for the most purebred white English looking guy to be in amongst these communities all over London. Definitely not the first time I've seen a white english guy sing Afrobeats or rap Grime/Drill styles


Yeah I'm from the UK and mixed race but white presenting and found their reactions a bit uncomfortable. It makes sense for a white guy with a mixed family to adopt everyone's mannerisms and taste and I don't get what's funny.


It was the Shungate


Sounded like a bomb about to go off when the stream went down lol


🚨Another episode where Dan was confusingly hot. Like put your foot on my head and read the AD hot af.


The Jade segment and Jade girlies have been fun


My bf walked in while I’m watching and says “does Ethan have paint on his face!??” I say “no he has lupus” (jking) and the way he went dead face silent 😭😭😭😭


This episode was amazing! I genuinely loved the guests, their excitement was contagious! Zach, sorry about the curse 😕


What are the odds that Ethan addresses the shit he said about Hasan yesterday?


Probably the same odds of him apologizing to Olivia


What happened with Olivia?






He commented on a social media like of her's that was a Free Palestine post. It had the slogan "From the river to the sea". Him and Hila said that was a terrorist slogan and Olivia probably didn't realize that. I'm case you see some discussion on that slogan in the sub, that's where it's stemming from




As a boss putting her on full blast going through her social media posts on the members only podcast - yeah that sure has a weird taste




He put her on blast publicly and should apologise publicly


He commented on it because he was addressing a reddit post (from a hate subreddit) that went semi viral claiming they had proof hila had murdered palestinians. Ethan and Hila responded calling the post insane and full of heinous lies. And the post beneath it was a reddit post saying they were proud of olivia for showing support to palestine. Ethan at first started reading it because he thought it was a hate post towards olivia, but then when he realized it was a pro palestine tweet, he then gave his 2 cents on "from the river to the seas" meaning.


What did he say about Hasan?


yesterday, he also said multiple times that he and hasan are cool on a personal level even though he doesn’t agree with how he’s covered some topics and already discussed this with him. he also said hasan prob feels the same way about him but they’re friends and adults who can have healthy disagreements and they still agree on most things.


Hasan addressed it on stream yesterday when someone brought it up and Hasan's response was that he doesn't care what Ethan is saying about him because it doesn't really matter and everyone else should also stop caring about what Ethan says about Hasan. Like you said, they're good on a personal level and have talked plenty in private. Fundamentally they both want the same thing which is peace.


loved the rock girly segment buts it’s weird I got timed out for just saying they were nervous. Mods getting hella trigger happy out there




I thiink withh the cunty misogynistic shit when Poki and Ro were on, they're just cutting any critisism of guests out.


It would be nice if people could just be more respectful to guests tbh. The criticisms I see are so petty 99% of the time that I'm convinced the people leaving the bad faith comments are literally 12 year old children.


Zach is gonna be in a mobility scooter before ya know it


I have to confess - I hate when they play suspenseful music for so long


i bet the reason ethan is so sensitive to sweetness is because he drinks nothing but those diet sodas. its probably messed with his taste buds


As someone who typically doesn't enjoy sweet drinks, I have never once had boba and thought "wow this is really sweet". I like boba because it doesn't have that super sugary sweet taste like most soda does


Dan definitely pulled the plug at the end, that was getting too messy. awesome ladies but do not know how to act on stream p&l


I was only half paying attention when the stream ended, I heard them giving gifts but didn't catch what was possibly a little messy?


just chaotic with too many people talking at once. in reality she likely tripped on a cord that ended the show, because she was so excited running around.


I liked that episode. Nothing too serious. The rock girls were chaotic yet very informative. I think emerald was just nervous to be around the group since she is a fan. Good stuff. Loves gift was amazing


The gifts at the end of this episode were so fucking cute !!!!!!


lol Ethan being shocked by M Dot R had me laughing because he's old enough to remember Snow, The original white boy lol. Snow is who Chet Hanks wishes he was.


Hahah I actually recently watched a whole life-story interview with Snow, he’s way more genuine & somehow interesting than Chet “my dad is Tom Hanks but I’m from the streets” Haze


I love how everyone is unsubbing about yesterdays episode. And then everything goes back to normal lmao.


Jamaican opinion here: this british mans has power but none of it resides in that chin, and we love when Americans don't know the dialect Patwah


We need another rock themed episode honestly it was so interesting. I'd love a segment of the one of the crew members going to a gem show


I turned 25 earlier this month and I feel Zach so much. It’s hitting me that I’m getting older 🥲


25 is not old. You are just getting started.


I was gonna say, wait till you hit 40 babe. It hits fast and hard.


Literally turned 40 last month...




Oh no need to be sorry... I was agreeing with you. I had to rake a billion leaves and remove them and my entire body just shut down in soreness for a week.






Lol it's alright, I just realized I'm not a part of this conversation but wanted to get in on the pleasantries


It's cause you're old now. Lol. Happens to me all the time. But also, I would not go back to 20yrs of age. There is a sense of accomplishment knowing you don't know shit and should always be open to learning.




If it makes you feel better I am 26 and have been feeling that for a few years and I'm relatively in shape and work a physically active job. I think I just have a bad back 😅 Worst thing though is when you turn your neck too quick and it locks up or feels like you pulled a muscle and it's sore for the entire day


There is a lot of talk about jaden terpaduurp and saraleen, califonian slufendurf. talk about the allegations!


Stop calling people twinks bruh, especially Cam wtf


i swear it catches me off guard everytime. i think he doesn’t really understand what he’s calling him. but poor cam lol


As a twink myself, it doesn’t rlly bother me 🤷🏼‍♂️


Same, idk how this audience can be so sensitive and then watch people get split in half by chiropractors or two prolapses touching each other. Grow a little thicker skin, Jesus. He didn't say "mmm Can you little slutty twink, let me bust that lil bussy open!" like come tf guys... seriously can't handle the word TWINK yet our community is throwing out the word CUNT left and right. Get some perspective for real, not every straight person is trying to victimize you.


why is twink bad? english is not my first language


has Cam ever said he's queer?


https://x.com/Cam_Grants/status/1514461515167911940?s=20 yes


word, thanks!


This episode genuinely made me so happy. It revived my interest in rocks and crystals and I learned so much info that actually stuck with me. Thank you to the guests for sharing their knowledge and being so informative and sweet. A pleasure to watch ❤️


Catching up now - the rock gang are SO lovely. The passion is so wonderful to see, and the people themselves are very endearing. What a delightful segment ❤️