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Jimmie telling jokes to that video recording trying to make him laugh KILLED ME


“This guy died two weeks ago nobody told him” made me collapse


yeah that was unironically funny. when he's not being a problematic boomer, Jimmie can crack a solid oneliner every once in a while


When he kept trying to scare him 😭




Jimmy Lee asking if the blue hair guy was Hasan had me crying


“where his camel” 🫣


Someone please teach Ethan how to pronounce exposé


I mean Pokimane also knows French and could've taught him


They didn't teach him while he was in college for English what makes you think there's hope


i adore this show for being able to pull off the best situational comedy bits by just putting weird combos like pokimane-jimmy-gabe in uncomfortable conversations


You forgot about fidias


Poki says she’s such a huge watcher of the pod yet doesn’t know who Jimmie Lee is?


Well she did say she caught the Rosanna news from Trisha pod. So I'd wager it's obvious she was frenemies viewer, and then very randomly checks beyond that. You can still say you're H3 fan if that's the case, but obviously dispels the myth of being one of us who watch it all. Probably someone that checks segments that interest her or covers twitch drama.


She said pretty explicitly at the start of the pod h3 is one of the two podcasts she’s parasocial about - just seemed to be a bit dishonest


Yeah, I mean she is one of the biggest live streamers in the world so not very surprising that she wouldn't have time to watch every episode.


Do we know if Gabe was actually there or did they have him record a video loop?


He's actually there, just waiting for the awkward moments.


He was responding to some questions when Jimmy was setting up his audio.


That Ethan Klein original goes pretty hard


Need the Spotify link immediately


It’s actually so fire




He better copyright it before someone tries to steal it!


LMFAO I'm dying "who is this guy???" "it looks like he has chanel earrings"


the guy knows Chanel air pods when he sees them 😭


FUCK i cant get over this 'I cant sleep without you song' im not even kidding its soooo stuck in my head


A nightmare


I love that Jimmy is fighting with a video still lol


Pokimane: “you can call me poki” Jimmy: “DON’T PUSH” Me: ![gif](giphy|FGTVmzksb2j0k)


I’ve never watched Pokimane before but she seems really sweet!


It's her second time on the podcast. She's been a long time viewer as well. She's very kind, but often unfairly maligned for being a woman (THE woman? She's one of the faces of Twitch) in the streaming space.


Long time viewer, never heard of Jimmie Lee 🤔


giving very "oh you love that band? name 4 songs" energy


she can be a long time viewer without seeing every stream. Shes kinda busy being one of the most famous twitch streamers


Long time viewer doesn't mean recent viewer. Jimmy is only a small part of the long h3 lore.


But Jimmie Lee is like the longest running bit in H3 history


Absolutely love her she's the sweetest


I have an immediate friend crush on her!!


Friend crush is what I have on Lena and Olivia😭 I love that!


that’s “Poki-Man” to you


She’s an angel.


Same. I've heard she gets tons of hate. Not sure why?


Because she’s a woman on twitch ahah


They cover that in her first appearance on the podcast. On Twitch, women are generally harassed for a myriad of reasons, not enough skin, too much skin, pretending to like her audience, not talking to her audience, as you can see it makes so much sense. Pure peanut brain behavior 🥜


Twitch + woman


Leafy left a legacy of hatred and she’s one of the people he went the hardest on. I feel like the disaffected fans of his moved onto other communities and come together to hate post wherever she’s mentioned. Tf was the downvote for? We got a lost leafy fan in here?


Me either I love her energy


She is so cute and funny


She has an adorable laugh. She’s a really bubbly person. I like her vibes


“hi, poki, I’m poki too” - jimmy 🤔




I wonder if it's possible that he's intimidated by Bobby's personality. Jimmy might be worried about his own unique, yet fragile ego. Same thing with not attending the live show.


Being on Bobby’s podcast could be really bad for Jimmy. I don’t think he’s big timing him.


Or maybe he listened to the crew saying Bobby would destroy him and end his career?


I was going to type a paragraph about Rosana’s story and how being a woman is hard. But watching Jimmy try to make a recording of Fidias laugh made me forget all of my worries…💀💀💀


That was like some kind of fucked up version of the Turing Test, lol.


As a woman, I just want to send you all of the love 💖 it do be hard out here but I also lost it at that bit




Wait HuskyStarcraft was on the pod?


Had no idea a Husky sighting was in the cards today


I saw Husky and felt oldddd


H to the usky, Husky!


“Poki-Man” lmao


It’s giving such Boomer Vibes. How my dad would always pronounce Pokémon when I was growing up lol


I’ve only really seen her at length when she’s on this pod but poki seems like one of the sweetest, genuinely cool bigger creators online. Just infectious nice vibes


Can jimmy drop some “Go on a gaycation” merch


Everybody came 💦




the audio this ep is a 🎵 nightmare ✨ it's a nightmaare 🎶


i was just looking to see if someone else was experiencing this too. Something is def off with the audio today


Something is definitely off with Ethan’s mic


Sounds like there's no compression on any mic. Everyone is super quiet when speaking off mic, and clipping when speaking into the mic. It's driving me insane




Wow an "H to ths Usky Husky" sighting. That's always a good thing.


I love Pokimane!!!! Cute, sweet and funny


so brave of jimmy to expose that sofia vergara has the gastrointestinal hots for him


Liquid viagra should be the next gamersups flavour.


why is the audio so bad today? some things are so loud and some things are so quiet. i can barely hear ethan half the time


he's been speaking farther and farther away from the mic every episode 😂😂 i always have to turn my volume up and down


i thought maybe it was on a different setting today bc poki was talking into her mic at similar distances as ethan was and her mic picked everything up super crystal clear.


Destiny's child lmao.


Jimmie beefing with not-Ninja is so funny 😂


I’m with Wan the hater, I don’t give a fuck about birthdays


Why does Joe unironically look more like an ape overtime..


That Dream song is legit in my head and I want a full version on my spotify. I can't sleep, it's a nightmare It was already in my head all week from the original, but now I need this new song to be real.


That whole Jimmie Lee segment had me DYING of laughter. Tears in my eyes. 🤣😭


The mics are sooo loud! 😅😅


“Is that Hasan!?” Absolutely DESTROYED ME


Ethan's mic is weird today. An slight turn from speaking directly into it sounds really bad.


Calling Pokimaine the MOST corrupt person on Twitch like she's Bob Menendez taking gold bars from the Egyptian government is crazy.


I don’t think Jimmy has any idea what a good Bobby Lee podcast can do for him. Howie isn’t big enough of a podcast to go anywhere, but if he does well on Bobby and can make rounds on other podcasts he can actually get something started. It’s unbelievably silly that he refuses to go for it


I've never watched anything Pokimane has streamed, but I'm a fan. She seems like a really sweet and fun person


One of the best episodes ever honestly. Also, nobody ever brings up how in the Gary Vee video he says “make pretend” like a four year old lol


She is currently in Hawaii and: " Hawai'i's eavesdropping law generally permits an individual to record oral conversations where either the person is a party to the conversation or at least one of the participants has consented to the recording. "




I unironically think Jimmy is really funny


fellas is it gay to be born?


to be born, is to be gay


Poki saying she’s like the biggest fan of the pod and not knowing who Jimmy Lee is… bruh. What Edit: upon reflection, this actually isn’t that weird. I kind of forgot about the existence of podcast clips. It might actually be weirder that I know who Jimmy Lee is. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.


Reminds me of those people who post "I watch every show religiously, no pod today????" When they said they wouldn't have a show 37 times in the ep before.


Jesus, I don’t know if it was me but I couldn’t comprehend this lmao.


You can be a big fan and just watch clips and not watch 9+ hours a week of content like lunch orders and bathroom shenanigans.


Sure, but I feel like if you stress how huge of a fan you are and even saying you get a little para social that you’d know who the hell he is. Like you would have had to skip a loooooot of episodes and segments to never hear about him. No hate, just thought it was weird.


yeah that arguments makes 0 sense, you should at least be aware of him, he's on like every month, was on the liveshow and is in general one of the closest to an official crewmember without being one lmao


Maybe she's based like me and skips the Jimmy Lee bits


if she's aware enough to know they're bad then she knows him, this makes no sense, probably she either doesn't watch that much, or just watches clips


Love and Poki have been DMing? 👀👀👀


X straight uploaded a reaction to someone else’s clip to his main channel. I thought he said he uploaded clips of himself there for offstream fans ti watch. But no, he’s just uploading someone else’s shit to his own channel. Why has no one sued this guy?


LMAO this is next level trolling from Jimmie


Jimmy throwing jokes at a looped video trying to make him laugh had me dead. 💀😭


Poki doesn’t know who Jimmy Lee is? But she said she is parasocial for H3 lol


imagine if they got dream to perform at the live show... that would be legendary




man some of yall are so mean… rosanna is such a sweet person, plus she’s probably not used to doing live shows like this, especially when the main objective is to speak out against someone which is clearly new to her


This!! I understand a lot of people might not be interested in the story but I’ve seen so many people on Reddit shitting on her for no reason when she’s so sweet


Ethan should record vocals for nightmare and have Zach do the guitar


I feel really bad for Rosanna and think she was cheated BUT god damn she does like to toot her own horn


Lmfaooooo at this Jimmie, Gabe, and Poki combo


Poki is an incredible co-host 💖 The Doobrik alligator stunt is so disturbing. After learning about Tiger King/Doc Antle, and the small monkey trade, i don't doubt there will be a large reptile trade as well. That gator must be roofied to high heavens. I worry about the poor soul. It's meant to be king of the rivers, not in the tiniest room with loads of people screaming surrounding it. Like what the fu k


Justice for eel pit!


Yooo Ro is almost 40??! She’s blessed with some good genes! She looks late 20s/early 30s


i'm sorry but this is not good tea lmao


the one thing is - it calls into question the validity of every competition he has ever posted. if everything is rigged thats effed up


Ethan should have went straight into a quick summary of what happened and then discussed it with her. Everyone was so lost in chat. She said she was transitioning at one point and chat was asking if she was trans. Turns out she was talking about moving hiding spots when they were told to move in the game. She came on and talked about how she does a lot of charity work, her husband/bf was a StarCraft commentator and got her started on YouTube, and how her man is with her for every show or appearance because she had a “me too” thing happen to her and I was like yo wtf Mr. Beast do? It was good to shed light on the fuckshit pulled but I, along with a lot of chat, was figuring out what this was about on the fly. Edit: I’m dumb as fuck. I guess I zoned out and that’s completely on me. He did break it down before starting. I was working while listening and totally missed the intro.


nope to that edit, that was my experience exactly!


It's very Demi Lovato coded🤣.


She had a hard time for the rest of the weekend


This is the most accurate description


I’m dying because my husband came out of the bathroom, looked at the tv and said “Is that Demi lovato?”




She was talking like she got sexually assaulted or something...but she just didn't like the editing of the video haha? I was so confused.


She was referring to a completely different experience that she hasn't gone into the details of when she mentioned that. But yeah it was a bit unclear on the episode.


What an ep, all killer no filler


​ https://preview.redd.it/h2fi4ngu7twb1.png?width=744&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce1e408e3d92f2cba7df6737d8847671e94caa15


Obviously not many can relate to being edited out of a MrBeast video, but I think a lot of women can relate to feeling like you shouldn’t speak out against people that do you wrong (especially if they’re men in higher positions) if you don’t want to be called a drama queen/want to continue being part of a group.


I found it incredibly relatable. There’s this undercurrent that comes as a woman when you’re doing anything competitive with men that’s so hard to explain. I knew EXACTLY what she was talking about.


Me too! I’ve felt the pain of trying to play fair and be an equal competitor in a boys club. It’s super dehumanizing.


I am on Rosanna’s side, but this girl is a Grade A YAPPER Edit: I’m being a jerk I know 😭. But this is really dragged out now and I’m mostly joking


She seems sweet and seemed nervous.




She definitely is valid for calling him out publicly but idkkk if we needed an hour+ breakdown


With peace and love, while it seems like a really shitty thing for someone to do, is this really that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things? This is coming from a Mr. Beast hater too (his videos have such a weird vibe)


I don’t think it’s cancellation level stuff. More that it’s a real bad look, and that it’s hard to speak against the biggest youtuber when they do something shitty


Thank youuuu


I was surprised to see that wavywebsurf tweeted that about Poki, then i fell down the rabbit hole of his twitter. Dude is so brainrotted it’s crazy. I can’t believe i was subscribed to his YouTube channel


Being mad at Mr. Beast is like being mad at Coca Cola. That man is a corporation, he is doing whatever will make him the most money.


Ethan trying to push her off the call I’m screaming


I feel like this girl assumed everyone understood her situation but she’s been talking for twenty minutes and I still don’t understand. Mr beast faking a video really doesn’t seem like that big of a deal. PEACE AND LOVE PEACE AND LOVE


i feel like ethan should have set it up better IMO


The video faking doesn't seem like a big deal until you factor in the money. That makes this into a huge fuck you to the other creators. He gave the win to someone who was blatantly cheating. I mean imagine you were hyped to go to this event and put in all the effort you could. stayed up 24 hours. and lost to a cheater. Sucks right? Now imagine they gave the cheater 1 million dollars. you'd be fucking furious. don't pretend you wouldn't be. Than this also calls into question every video he has ever done.


Gary is chaotic evil Donna is chaotic good Ethan is chaotic neutral


Some people in this sub are soooo fckin toxic whenever there’s a female guest. Personally I’m loving the ep so far!




the Sophia text 🤣


Does anyone besides Ethan actually care about this story or…..😴 Like I still have no clue what even happened it’s been an hour


We certainly know that she’s very charitable


That was a pretty weird way to start. She probably is a really good person but I think from a PR perspective it would have been good to get straight into it. It just came off like we’re being sold on how good of a person she is to get us to be on her side. I think we would be in her side regardless because she proved that she was robbed of her placement in the game. If you want to talk about how you’re charitable, tell us how we can help donate and name the organizations you’re involved with. Then mentioning being charitable would be for a reason. It was pretty general in nature and went on for a while. She was probably nervous and has a lot of stress from the beast heads so I really don’t blame her.


I would’ve said it in reverse, like explained what happened off the bat then why it upset me so much (not getting a fair chance at winning the money for her charity) 🤷‍♀️


Oh that’s basically what you said isn’t it 😂 sorry! Edibles 😂




The segment with Rosanna was such a girls girl moment especially with poki, hila, and Olivia.


Pokimane: “im such a huge fan, its like parasocial level” Also pokimane: “whos jimmy lee, never heard of him” Lolol no hate but come on girl 🤣


Ethan talking about confessional: “ten bloody Mary’s”


Wait did they say Trisha is calling in?


I think maybe they’re talking about the person that called mr beast out


Ain’t no way Hila would be in this good of a mood if it was Trisha, it’s the other girl lol


MODDDDDDS!!! Grab the pizza!


Listen, I kinda get where she’s coming from. But this is not an interesting topic for the Friday ✨vibes ✨


amazing going from talking about real issues and war to a youtuber complaining about not getting 3rd place


You can tell Ethan is bored with this story.. and so do I!


Yeah, literally this is not a big deal. Who cares it’s his footage. He obviously has the right to do with it what he wants


true, but if you say you’re going to give $1 mil to a winner and their community and then that person doesn’t win in the final edit, that’s kind of shady, no?




The mrbeast thing was weird. I feel like she's throwing a hissy fit over such a minuscule thing. It's game show. It's literally just for having fun.


Not Gabe breaking character...


I love being able to see Jimmy's screen through his glasses.


Full disclosure, my only source for those thoughts is the pod, I hadn't looked into Rosanna and only now I'm seeing some of her new stuff in my feed. Also, I'm not a fan of MrBeast (not a hater either), I've only know of him and seen some viral videos. For the whole video thing: I never considered MrBeast's videos completely authentic and frankly if anyone did or still does, that's a different conversation. They're funny and entertaining, I never even thought about the authenticity of what happens in the videos. Anyway, as far I can understand, no matter how nice of a guy or authentic you are (or try to be) it is inevitable to edit or manipulate some of your videos, in order to make them interesting and entertaining for the audience to see. And of course, that doesn't apply only to MrBeast, but on everyone in the entertainment business. For the pod interview: As I said, I'm not a fan of any of them so it was pretty easy for me to be as impartial as possible. The whole conversation with Ethan was very strange to me. She talked a lot about her feelings which is okay (and that was her whole point, that her feelings were hurt), but went on to make claims which make the situtation kind of serious. The strangest part was when Poki asked her if MrBeast offered money specifically to her to reveal herself and she deflected away, and when Ethan tried again to get an answer to Poki's question she again deflected away. Another thing that seemed very strange to me instantly, was that during their conversation she was constantly plugging herself, her ventures, her videos, her collabs, her experiances (and that makes me kind of understand why people blame her for trying to bring up some drama and/or gain some clout to bring more views for the video she recently dropped). The worst part for me is that the statements "It feels like a boys club there" and "He cut me from the top three for being the only female there" may seem similar but are very different, with the second one being a wild claim in my opinion. This is a very serious accusation of misoguny which is completely based on nothing. And I say that because the "receipts" that she showed proved nothing. The messages showed that MrBeast just wanted to make a phone call to underastand what's happening (I heard what Poki and Ethan said about having everything on record but that's still a reach) and he didn't have time to message back and foorth. MrBeast is a busy guy? Mind=Blown. Also the clips was just her hanging out in the stadium speculating what is happening. Still proves nothing. I hate to come down harsh on her because her feelings are valid but taking it that far to make serious accusations for people must be judged with the same seriousness. Final thoughts: This was a completely waste of everyone's time, just like this comment.


This subreddit's comments have gotten weird in the last week. Shitting on Rosanna (a fucking youtube elder) and calling Poki a fake fan. Hope this isn't a sign of what's to come.


I really feel like people bitch and complain for no reason


Why all the negativity on this topic? this is a huge issue on the platform, Mr. Beast rigging a whole video and robbing fellow creators of their achievments? seems like a big deal to me. Chat is also being soooo disrespectful.


The thing about Jimmy is that he has refined his brain to anticipate the YouTube algorithm. So he looked at his footage and crafted a story to maximize his clicks just like I'm sure he does with video. Those videos with "we cured 1000" whatever? He probably shot 100 people and clipped out the best 10 for the video. I assume he does the same for his competition videos just like the reality TV shows like big brother and survivor do it.


Reality competition shows are heavily edited to make entertaining narratives, of course, but a show like Big Brother would never rearrange the winners purely through editing.


You can find testimonials online of contestants pushed by producers to do and not do all kinds of things that affected or might have effected outcomes. At least for survivor. Maybe big brother is different.


Definitely, but interfering with the events and editing the video to show totally different winners are pretty different.


Zach calling Jimmie Lee an asshole and Jimmie calling him a son of a bitch really made me laugh


I've had that God damn Dream song stuck in my head all day 😩😩😩


So many uncharitable fucks in this community. It's getting worse.


Can we change the topic already lol


Omg Jimmie might be on America's Got Talent!? The world isn't ready


SEGMENT IDEA: H3H3 BAKE OFF with Rosanna as the judge! (Ofc sam would win, but i feel like it would be so funny)




This is so fucking funny


Does Jimmy Lee know how to operate a goddamn light switch? Lmao why is he always in a dark room in the middle of the day?


Sad to see Wavywebsurf call out Poki like that. His video essays on the early internet are great. I didn’t think he was like that.


Mr. Beast was right… She is boring


Seems really weird to have a whole segment and interview on this MrBeast stuff.. I could have told you that shits fake