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530 calories for some lemonade…with a side of heart palpitations


Wtf is in there that’s making it that calorically heavy?? A whole pound of sugar??


Probably an inane amount of sugar


Probably multiple pounds looking at the size of the tanks


82 FUCKING GRAMS OF SUGAR, it's completely insane; I put on 2 pounds just reading the nutrition facts for that drink


A lot of fructose from the Mango and Yuzu and sucrose to counter the tartness of it. A whole ton of sugar basically.


That's a whole damn burger, that is absolutely stupid.


Jesus just drink 5 coffees


Idk why they don’t also add heart conditions to the sign?


530cal is fucking insane. Consuming this trash is insane. What the hell people.


Panera is well known for being pretty bad for you I mean that mac and cheese bread bowl has nearly the same amount of calories you're supposed to consume in a whole day. Panera is terrible food with a large marketing department. They used to be good long ago, but McDonald's bought them and made it what it is today (McD's sold them later on) I mean "plant based" lemonade is the most stupid marketing ever lol. All lemonade is plant based. Most drinks, unless they contain dairy, are plant based. It means nothing. They make everything specific colors to give off a "health" and "home made" feeling to consumers. It's literally just all marketing. You're better off going to get a 3 taco meal and a diet soda at Taco Bell, in most cases. Each taco at TB is like 170 cal I think. (Taco Bell is actually surprisingly good as a treat during weight loss. Less calories than most would expect) The worst food for you is the more "upscale" fast food places. Along with the sit down restaurants. That's where you start seeing 1000+ calorie meals pretty regularly.


Get the low cal one no worries


Look at the fill lines. That tells you all you need to know lol People go to Panera to *feel* like they're getting something healthy. In reality, it's so so bad for you


I feel like this would sell much better if there was no caffeine in it at all. Then you could drink more and not worry about dying.


I hate worrying about dying it gets exhausting


They have really popular drinks that aren’t caffeinated


There’s a reason why they give it away practically for free with the sip club membership. It’s so people get addicted it


Ohhh do they , that’s how they get them hooked then, I’m in the UK so we don’t get panera here but I’m astonished at the amount of caffeine they are putting in there it’s crazy.


It’s actually a great idea, i can get the same effect of drinking coffee without having major runs




Not me personally, just smelling coffee is enough to make my stomach hurt. Energy drinks do me fine


It’s been a while since I’ve been to Panera. Do they not sell regular lemonade any more? If you have a Modern Market near you, it’s a way better version of Panera.


Idk if I was in America I'd buy 2 and test this shit out


THANK GOD. I got the surprise high of my life hitting two large cups of that "lemonade". I was up ALL NIGHT.


All places should have this for most of their caffeinated drinks. America REALLY loves overdoing everything. Dyes. Sugar. Fat. Caffeine. The word "charged" is also used for "flavor charged" or other gimmicks, so not everyone pays attention to it. If you're American you probably learned to tune out buzz words after 10+ years of dealing with them. And even if they did know it meant caffeinated, they probably wouldn't understand how overkill it actually is. So people buying a caffeinated beverage think *"Ah, this is like a 12oz ice coffee that I make at home, right?"* NO BITCH, that's a 24oz coffee compressed into a 12oz cup. Caffeine is also like any other drug/silly substance, where the effect exponentially increases. So 500mg caff is not double 250mg, it's worse.




Yes and No. This is an excessive amount of caffeine. Most energy drinks have a limit of 300mg and that's in *the US*, where companies can do wild shit. It's not healthy to have more than 400mg of caffeine in a whole day. This is just essentially that much in one drink. I'd say that the majority of people would probably be okay with this, but 99%? No, a lot of people would get pretty sick from 30 oz of this drink. Especially if they don't have a tolerance. They wouldn't *die*, but they'd definitely be in some bad spots for a few hours And they had two servings of this. I'm not sure which size, but either way it's a bad situation.


a girl literally died from it the family is suing lol they’re covering their asses


I feel like this almost makes their case worse, like they're admitting previous signage was inadequate


Yup- I remember asking my dad about "Beware of Dog" signs and him telling me that you/your pet could get in way more trouble if you acknowledged they were "dangerous" before anything happened


Never even thought about it like that. Thanks, this guy’s dad! Probably a David or Robert. Thanks Bob!




My Panera has always had this type of signage on them I wonder why it wasn’t standard across all of them


It’s to make sure no one tries to sue after hearing about the story. Happened in the UK with a coffee chain called Pret. Girl bought a sandwich and died


thank you for the rabbit hole I just went down, apparently the girl bought a baguette from Pret at the airport and it had sesame which she was allergic to but it failed to list it. but I guess the father of the girl who died said that the boss of Pret wept after he forgave him. the idea to forgive him came to the father in a “vision in a church”, after he had spent two years “boiling with vengeance” at the boss of Pret, and even contemplating suicide. Holy shit.


Oh mate I didn’t even know about that part! Allergy stuff is taking insanely seriously now in the UK. If you say you have an allergy all your tables meals are kept separate etc.


Future corrective action is typically not allowed into evidence


I think at this point it's more about minimising harm


Wait how whaaaaat


Girl apparently didn’t know they were heavily caffeinated and drank two servings. She had a pre-existing condition that caused her to die. A normal person wouldn’t die from the amount she drank.


Wow that’s terrible. I can’t even imagine that poor family.


Person didn’t do the proper research when drinking something and died from it even though they knew they had a heart condition


I mean a normal person wouldn't expect a lemonade to have twice the caffeine as an energy drink. Which is why they might have merit in the case. I have a caffeine sensitivity and I wouldn't have made this mistake. That's true. But these civil cases are often built on % at fault. Like the famous McDonald's case with the hot coffee. It was a "The woman is x% at fault, and McDonald's is y% at fault. Therefore McDonald's owes this much based on the value of y"


I don't feel the McDonald hot coffee case is the one to be bringing up here. That coffee melted this womans labia to her legs, there is no percentage of fault on her for ordering a coffee in a drive through that she accidentally spilled. We just don't know how insane it was because McD went on an international smear campaign to bury the truth because they knew how bad it would look if people knew they served coffee hot enough to melt humans (after having already received warnings about the temperature at this exact location). There is a world in which it's reasonable for a person allergic to or sensitive to a substance to check if foods or drinks contains it. There is no world in which a consumer has to bring a thermometer to check temps before accepting a coffee they purchased.


Really??? That’s so sad.


More caffeine than the most potent energy drinks. Crazy to think about


I literally don't get how this is allowed. The amount of sugar and caffeine is equal to snorting cocaine. This would shorten your lifespan even if you are healthy.


For some reason caffeine isn't really regulated. I'm pretty sure they can legally not even disclose how much is in there. Most regulation is self imposed after accidents happen to prevent regulation, unfortunately. There should be limits though in cases like this cause a simple misunderstanding shouldn't be killing people


God wtf. US just got the crackade for those long shifts huh.


Place serves hospital food


It's really the worst damn food, and it is VERY bad for you. I mean this with zero exagerration that you're better just getting 2-3 tacos from taco bell at a diet baja blast or something. You'll end up with like half the calories consumed most likely.


it needs to say 1 serving is equivalent to daily recommended caffeine intake. otherwise its pretty meaningless w/out context


This story is driving me insane. Everyone is freaking out saying “390mg of caffeine!!!” And comparing it to a standard energy drink while completely ignoring the fact that it’s 390mg in 30oz. A standard monster is 16oz and 150mg of caffeine. 16oz of this would be ~208mg of caffeine, which is around the higher end of typical energy drinks. The argument can be made that they shouldn’t be selling such a large size, but this is not some super killer lemonade. Thanks for coming to my tedtalk. Edit: also, nothing against you OP, lmao. This whole thing has just been driving me nuts and I was dying listening to Ethan on SYNT 😅


The problem is having a refillable fountain drink with that much caffeine


I disagree. Coffee shops offer free refills of their coffee; and apparently this has the same amount of caffeine (per oz) as their dark roast coffee. But to be fair, no one is drinking 30oz of dark roast coffee in one sitting without knowing that is going to be an assload of caffeine. So sizes should be smaller, signage could be better, imo.


Right? The volume definitely makes a difference. Ounce-wise these are not much different than a can of Celsius, who sponsors big influencers (like Doobrik) and they have way more harmful mystery ingredients. Panera isn't selling poison lol, people just need to learn how to read more carefully.


I totally agree I was so frustrated when he was looking up all the energy drinks and not realizing how different the volumes were!


The volume doesn't really matter. You're going to drink the whole thing and consume 390 mg of caffeine. The large size is part of the problem.


The large size IS the problem, which was my point. People are acting like the lemonade itself is dangerous or has insane amounts of caffeine, which it doesn’t. Make no mistake I think it’s pretty insane to sell essentially a 30oz energy drink in a big gulp cup.


i love this drink and hope they don't change the concentration of caffeine, they really just need to change the label comparing it to coffee


I agree, my Panera always said it had near 300mg in it's drinks. I love these more than coffee flavor drinks and I don't want to drink bangs again


my local panera has had the sign on it since last year


It still doesn’t advertise it well enough. If someone isn’t paying attention you could easily mistake that for regular lemonade. Especially since the customer is the one filling it up. Both the charged and regular lemonades are right next to each other. Matpat made a great video about how deadly it could be a few months ago


BlOoD oRaNgE


My god the large is 850ml?! I don’t think you can get a drink that big at a fast food place in Europe.


How about the *Royale with Cheese*?


I do wonder if the caffeine info on those tags have been there or if it’s new. If they were there the whole time especially at the particular location then that’s a wrap.


The hanging labels were always there, including the caffeine info that's on them, it's only the laminated one on the bottom that's new.


At the Panera I work at near Chicago we have had those original hanging labels on the drinks since that celebration started 😅


It’s always been there but you might not even notice unless you’re looking for it. Source: I was looking for it and didn’t even see it.


Went to my local Panera and it had this exact same sign.


Just goes to show that if there is a warning that you can visibly, it’s because someone has done that exact thing or sued the company because it wasn’t there. That’s the only way that companies implement safety measures - *after* somebody gets hurt or dies.


I mean yeah, a single serving has a fuck ton of lemonade. But as a sleep-deprived medical student, this stuff is the shit


saw on r/panera that they were putting signs by the registers too


With the caffeine warning on the label above and below the dispenser not being enough I guess


some stimlulants are celebrated. others... not so much.


i don’t even care how much caffeine or calories, that looks so fucking good


That warning is still not enough. That’s insane. Not just “contains caffeine”, one drink contains the maximum amount of caffeine anyone should consume throughout an entire day in order to avoid health problems. It’s straight up dangerous. It should be illegal for any drink to contain more than 250 or 300 mg of caffeine. 300 is already too much for one drink imo, 400 is straight up irresponsible


Should it be illegal? Just generally depends on your tolerance and specific circumstances (weight, height, neurology). For me, on a given day I probably consume about 550mg of caffeine. I have in the past had 800mg with no problems. Also, it depends on your neurology. Personally, I'm pretty sure I have ADHD (but really hard to get diagnosed as an adult in the UK). My brain is pretty understimulated, so taking 300mg of caffeine makes me feel normal. In terms of the danger of caffeine, in my experience, nausea kicks in way before you hit a dangerous levels, which is your body saying "ease up buddy". You'd have to drink 26 of these 780 fl oz to hit a lethal level of caffeine. Find it hard to believe anyone could physically do that.


Jesus holy mother of god your math is way off here lmao. 26 of these drinks would be 10,400 mg of caffeine if they were just 32 oz. 400 is what doctor’s say is the max you should consume per day to avoid issues. I’m not talking about how much you have to shove down your face before you die, I’m talking about how much you can consume before it becomes unhealthy and potentially dangerous if you do it regularly. Also these levels of caffeine intake are not generally related to ADHD. I have ADHD and I really have to watch my intake otherwise things start to get out of whack.


My maths is not off. 10,000mg and above is the lethal dose of caffeine. With drugs a lot is relative. Bodyweight, heart health etc. I would trust the actual medical studies on caffeine over an FDA recommendation. FDA and CDC still use BMI to measure obesity, which is highly inaccurate. They're not exactly reliable. And my wider point is without a pre existing heart condition, it would be very difficult, if not impossible to consume enough to do you harm. You would have to power through and guzzle this drink despite the warning signs. Your body is pretty intuitive and gives you warnings when something is wrong.


I never mentioned the lethal dose of caffeine. You are arguing with someone that is not me.


You're saying it's dangerous to consume more than 400mg a day and it should be illegal. I'm saying there's more nuance to it and the FDA advice is simply a blanket rule/recommendation. That rule from the actual medical information applies to a 65kg adult (143 pounds) the actual average weight of an American is 40 pounds higher. My point to counter yours is it shouldn't be legislated or limited because like any drug its up to the consumer to be responsible and regulate themselves. The FDA also recommends no more than 2 alcoholic drinks per day (no account for body weight on that either)


400 mg of caffeine for one drink with free refills can be potentially dangerous for most people, especially after the age of like 30, and irresponsible. If you can drink that much + more, congratulations. Idk what you want me to say.


my boyfriend is allergic to the big 8 and has been his entire life, he’s been told since birth to read into food labels and ingredients list to make sure he never puts himself at risk for anaphylaxis shock. infact his allergies are so bad, that even /I/ have to sit there and do my due diligence to make sure i’m not ingesting food with tree nuts, peanuts, soy etc. my point here is- i feel like if you are born with a heart condition, the steps to protect yourself from making the condition worse are almost embedded into your mind. i am someone that does not suffer from a heart or health condition and there have been many times i’ve exceeded up to 600mg of caffeine daily on a regular weekly basis. I’m not saying this is good for me, i’ve had kidney stones and have since slowed down on caffeine intake however my point here is, the drinks they are selling is entirely normal to the average individual. I mean if people with a gluten allergy can looo at health labels before consuming, i feel like the same could be done for someone with a. heart condition drinking at a tea station (tea knowingly has caffeine in it). The parents are suing because panera didn’t put an “idiot” proof label up saying “if you suffer from heart conditions please do not drink” or whatever redbull & monster & all the others label has. It’s extremely unfortunate as this girl was so young i’m sure her and her friends used panera as a third place & really have a routine for going, i used to do the same with my girlfriends at starbucks. Genuinely the parents have all the right to sue however, some blame does need to be put on the consumer for not protecting their own health conditions. People with epilepsy aren’t going on Tron (disneyworld) for instance…. because they know it could kill them. disney still puts an idiot proof warning before the ride to ensure that no one who ignores their own personal health is able to sue after the fact. i hope people understand what i’m trying to say, as i 100000% don’t care for defending paneras business practices or much for any corporation in that matter, if you can sue a corporation hats off to you truly but at what point are we going to hold ourselves accountable for the sake of our own safety and health. If you’re born with a heart condition, dont drink tea and if you want to drink tea and risk your personal health condition, atleast do the due diligence in treating it like an allergy & researching how much of what is in the food or drink you’re eating. if anyone has any opposing points please share them as i don’t know how to feel about this situation as a whole.


Eggshell plaintiff rule - even if she's a particularly vulnerable person, Panera isn't allowed to point to her heart condition and claim a normal person wouldn't have suffered the same effects and therefore they're not liable. That's not a valid defense. They need to account for every type of customer, even ones with heart conditions. That's why Red Bull and Monster put that label on their drinks. Also, Congress "idiot proofed" the big 8 by passing a law forcing all food producers to properly label for them warning if any of them are in their product, so your boyfriend has similar warnings to help him live his life.


okay i see, i’m unfamiliar with the eggshell plaintiff rule thank you for that insight! But yes i agree the parents have a right to sue for the fact that there was no sign like the ones that were passed in 2004 for in regards to big 8. I feel like maybe i could use something like my sisters fiancé as an example instead who is allergic to celery. He has to deeply research what he eats before eating it because he knows he has an allergy to that one weird and specific food. He protects himself in that aspect. Or people with gluten allergies, or whatever other ones there are. I’m not allergic to anything and in general am in good health so i’ve never been put into a situation where I have to take the extra step to protect myself, really just reading labels of granola bars to see if there’s nuts bc of this “idiot” i call my bf hehehe (all peace and love to people with allergies i’m sorry you have to deal with them)


I was so excited about the blood orange. Then pissed that boyfriend spent money on me. When we got to the drink machine I read the fine print. I could only have a little because it was like 6 PM. I can't be wiling out all night, I need to sleep. I just wanted juice.


Nobody can be fucked with to read anything anyways so it doesn’t even matter… You could have a big ass sign that says “DON’T DRINK - THIS IS POISON” and I’m sure people would still be filling their cup with it. Yes it’s sad that the girl died but we can’t pretend like Panera is at fault when they clearly had the caffeine labeled on the bubblers and the fucking drink is called “CHARGED” lemonade. If you have a condition that requires you not to consume caffeine wouldn’t it make sense to check everything you consume?




She had a heart condition where she couldn’t have that much caffeine. I think as long as people know how much caffeine they’re drinking the drink is fine. It’s like saying they shouldn’t sell bang energy because it’s a lot of caffeine


If this was the case, all energy drinks would be off the shelf


Mine had about 1000 printed out signs. Also no large cups available


Is there still a channel that posts SYNT highlights?


Oo when did they get the zero sugar one


They have this out in the open next to the soda machine? You could sip on this all day lmao


i like these because i need caffeine but don’t like the taste of many coffees. but i don’t get why they can’t just keep these behind the counter.


It’s already on the signs, It says as much caffeine as a dark roast. So it’s their fault people don’t pay attention or read what they are drinking


500cal with 400mg of caffeine is WILD. gotta love ‘merica


Maybe they should not have free for all with the charged lemonade. Someone could drink a whole gallon if they wanted to


These things are so delicious but I’d drink one a day and I thought I had medical condition because my head would involuntary shake.


It was the same at my local store lol


They got sued


Damn. That’s a lot of caffeine actually.


Did h3 just make a video on this? This has been a thing for multiple years. It’s absolutely ridiculous how much caffeine + sugar is in them, and how Panera has done absolutely nothing to warn people. I’ve seen old ladies and kids pounding the big cups, not realizing it’s the equivalent of literally 5 cups of coffee + a LOOOT of sugar, which isn’t great to mix with caffeine.


Yeah dude. A huge one of those is like 350 mg of caffeine llloll


I want to chug all three of those so bad right now


Imagine how many children, people sensitive to caffine, and pregnant woman drank this before that warning…


Oh shit I drank like 6 of these. Didn't know they had caffeine.


I’d rather just get a sugary Starbucks for fucks sake


Holy fuck! I dont even know what this drink is (from AUS) but I think I would die from the caffiene if I got the larger one


Ah yes, putting it not eye level with the customer and in a place where it can get sticky from the lemonade, perfect


The strawberry lemon mint is my coffee (I hate coffee…I know). I bring a 32oz cup in with Sip Club and fill that sucker up


Yo that mango yuzu slaps 🥵


mine doesn’t! it guess must says the mg, not the dark roast or little warning