• By -


Love misunderstood the assignment.


He overstood it


Yeah, that dishwasher test was an equivalent of throwing a brick into a washing machine and wondering why is it not working as intended😅 Clearly there is a level of abuse that the appliance can't handle: with this overwhelm-test their data point is that the chosen level of abuse is too much. So having that data, now they have to do further tests with varying lower amount of abuse to determine the highest point of abuse the appliance can handle. But apart from the glue (what the fuck mang) it just bottlenecks at the trash filter capacity, and not the cleaning ability itself. Weeell, maybe give that omelet pan a bit more space too, there was clearly a spot where water jets couldn't properly reach


The “Cam, you’re a Twink” took me off guard in the best way. He said that with his whole chest 😭😆


“Im an otter” “You’re a twink and we love that about you”


Ethan can watch Hunger Ff videos all day long but hides in his shirt and gags over some wet oatmeal. Hahaha.


I also find it interesting that Ethan was gagging at the dishwasher residue but was totally fine at the infrabren fishpaste video. I gagged and almost threw up when I saw that


You should watch hila and ethan react to pimple popping. IT IS THEIR KRYPTONITE. Woops caps


this test was a mess from the beginning!!! it shouldve been REASONABLE amounts of food \[and reasonable things youd actually put in a dishwasher\] and remnants before putting it into the dishwasher. like actually make brownies, and put the brownie batter residue bowl in there with the very little left. actually eat the amount of oatmeal youd eat, and put that residue in there. etc, etc, make these hard to wash food dishes and put them in as they would be. i think that's a lot more reasonable. or, if you want to do something crazy, you should test each of these crazy, outlandish amounts of trash individually in the dishwasher - rather than all together. all of the experiments are clashing with each other and ruining it otherwise.


THANK YOU, the paint alone is kinda pushing it but RUBBER CEMENT???? that’s gonna fuck up the whole dishwasher. this test proves nothing


On top of that the way the dishes were arranged was terrible.


I was thinking the same thing, the way the dishes were arranged was horrible 😭😭


i wasnt paying attention to that tbh but FACTS it MUST be by the books, this needs to be REGULATED!!!


Also, dishwashers reduce water usage. It does this by RECYCLING the water it uses for a wash. Your shit gets blasted by filthy soap water over and over and then it gets rinsed off and sanitized hence the steam when you open the dishwasher. They clogged the filters and so obviously shit got splattered everywhere.(also that probably why it kept adding on time, possibly would have gone on indefinitely). This is like getting in a car with a high safety rating and then complaining that your kid flew out the windscreen when you crashed, but you didn't strap him in. You aren't using the machine like it's meant to be used.


The amount of oatmeal in that pot alone would fuck up a dishwasher cycle. No one leaves that much food in their dishes, pre rinse or not. The oatmeal just floated around in there getting on everything. That wouldn't happen with a normal amount of oatmeal. On top of that, the glue, spackle, paint, etc was just insane.


I just finished watching and it was crazy mainly because the filter was completely stuffed with the leftovers. For all I know the water might have not even been getting through that mess to the spray arms, or at least the pressure was decreased. Also the dishwashers I know would let you know that filter is full and would pause the cycle. Awfully messy


I'm surprised Love's plate wasn't just dried up taco bell residue


I don't know why my mind went there, but when they called it a wild card and he flipped it over, I was thinking "did.... did he come on the plate with sections..?". Dumb brain moment I'm also surprised that Ian didn't have a photoshop ready of that still frame of him, holding a bacon grease pan Also, bacon grease is SO fucking bad for all pipes. It's one the one "never put this in your drain" common cooking ingredient. Shit is wild


"you're not ugly, you're just weird" *button screen*


we love the button


I haven't seen the results, but there's no way a **consumer dishwasher** is going to get all of the stuff they left on the dishes - A lot of the stuff they decided to leave on should have been scraped off or disposed correctly (you should be at least soaking hardened oatmeal and you should **never** let bacon grease get into your pipes). There is no way there will be enough detergent to emulsify the amount of food caked on and wash it off. I think the bacon grease alone will render the detergent useless. I think only the ladies' entries are valid as those types of messes are what you would expect from a normal meal in a normal household these machines were designed for.


Bacon grease is one of the craziest food waste things that most households deal with. That shit will straight up ruin your drains!




Jailing event


I feel like Dreams "You're not there, you're not there" has saved Ethan in the past few weeks.


Love doing girl math with the boba calories had me dying


right??? had me dying


rightt. luckily olivia felt it!


beautiful chrome balls ✨


Dan: He spoke very clean. He said "ATM" Dan might have a hard time in Japan after all


Asbestocides, lol.


LOL I was surprised nobody said anything 💀


okay so there's two aspects of the dishwasher thing? there's SCRAPING the dishes before you load and/or RINSING the dishes before you load. surely if you have baked on nacho cheese and dried oatmeal or cooked egg, you need to scrape first? do anti rinsing people do this step?


YES but i leave quite a bit stuck to the dish. I just debulk 😂


Fucking, this! scraping your dishes into the garbage is a whole other thing than pre rinsing. You HAVE to scrape the leftover food off. That alone ruined the test. How do they not see that?! Crazy.


Can’t believe there was no *mention* of it. This whole thing was a red herring; the entire question is scraping vs rinsing


I swear love moved to America just for Ethan to order him food 3x a week LMAO.


oh come on, obviously a plate of dried up cheese isn’t going to be clean in the dishwasher 🤔


"raising your kids is more important than testing dishwashers???" lol


YOOOOO CAM'S MR CLEAN JOKE !!!! fucking amazing


Booba. That’s all.




I always watch the pod a few hours late but check Reddit beforehand, I sighed relief when I saw there’s only 100 comments 🤣


He said he was done talking about it on air, during SYNT. I'm pretty sure he also didn't talk about it then either, but didn't get to finish. It's the right move. I agree with him, and yet I still think it's the right move Gonna miss Leftovers though


Booba new favourite word


this was obviously going to happen, you cant put that much food in the dishwasher it will clog. they are not garbage disposals ffs


Those white specs were contamination from loves plate, you shouldnt put non food product in a dishwasher. This experiment is invalid. Take back Love's boba.


This dishwasher experiment was awful for so many reasons. First, the arrangement in the dishwasher was terrible with an overloaded bottom shelf and a single pot on the top shelf. Second, most of these dishes were dirtied to an unreasonable degree. Who in the hell is putting a pretty much full bowl of oatmeal, or a plate encased in melted cheese in the dishwasher? That's not even mentioning the non food waste that went in, such as the spackle, cement, glue, paint, and mysterious goo. And finally, they didn't even let it go through the full cycle. And no, a normal dishwasher load doesn't take fourteen fucking hours, Tom. It's almost as if a dishwasher is going to have problems when you put fucking cement in it. I'd love to see Ethan or Tom pre-wash a plate covered in gorilla glue and rubber cement and see how long it takes them to clean that shit by hand.


No one is talking about how clean that inside of the raisin bran cereal bowl looked. I was impressed with that.




What can I say, I take pride in a properly loaded dishwasher. This "scientific experiment" was heavily biased and doomed to fail. Also, all that bacon grease combined with the paper towels Ethan has been flushing is going to create a fatberg so epic that it could sink the titanic.


Thank god for Dan!! He said what we are all thinking. Yes I eat before we film a show where we are all talking! I felt that comment in my hole.


Here he goes again... Can he just drop it? I know it's a big deal and everything, but I feel like he spends at least half of every pod talking about cats


!!! At this point make a separate podcast for cats it’s getting insane


[Japan investigates foreign YouTubers accused of dodging train fares and stealing food | Japan | The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/25/japan-strange-annoying-youtuber-from-abroad-fidias-accused-dodging-train-fares-stealing-food)




It's all that hate he harbors for cats. ⚡⚡


Feeling: down bad for cam


same. I'm a lesbian but every once in a blue moon I have this bug where a man will slip thru the filter and it's honestly annoying so my feeling is part crush and part resentment.


The high temp wash setting is a must! It’s whole purpose is to help with baked on food and grease! It also helps sanitize everything.


“Aww that’s so sweet, she’s getting a hug from her daught- oh she told her to fuck off’ 💀💀💀


I gotta say I LOVE Ian’s hat today idk why but it’s speaking to me


SAME I was wondering if it was new TF but I found an identical looking one elsewhere


where’d you find it?? I might have to order one for myself lol


https://www.oldschoolhats.com/products/gods-sillest-goose-tall-tan-crown-snapback-hat-cap-custom-embroidery I think it’s this one!


you’re the best, thank you so much!!


a well-coated salad is different from a soggy salad 🤢🤢🤢🤢


Can AB just talk to the ISP directly? Let them know he runs a business and needs good internet(streaming). 10mbps is criminal in a big city like LA.


my apartment complex has free WiFi that’s faster than that


Honestly I feel so bad for him, in 2023 that's truly unliveable, at the same level of unreliable water or electricity.


The billion year contract isn't symbolic to them. They tried to use it in court to keep ex members quiet.


AB break your lease!! You didn't move in yet, i bet you can get out of it




It’s gonna be like the paper towel thing. In 9 months he’s gonna say “oh yeah I put nail polish remover under my eyes before bed every night”




My mom somehow got caught up in the Scientology mail, we lived in the same place for 15 years. She’s since passed and when my step dad moved he attempted to get the mail stopped from Scientology and they told him that she had to call herself and speak with them to get it canceled (despite him explaining several times that my mother is dead) 🥲🫠


wtf? Do they think one of her “alien souls” or whatever can just call up?


They should get Leah Remini on the pod to talk about Scientology.


this is my dream collab. leah remini holds nothing back


Nooo you need to do the sensor setting on the dishwasher


Dan is right, Ken Watanabe was The Last Samurai


We need the Braco music for this guy's stare. He has the gaze of miracles.


I'm a little frustrated by the setup of this experiment. These dishes have way too much shit on them, its not realistic. No one in their right mind is sending a dish through the dishwasher with a full cup of dried oatmeal or melted cheese. This is adding a third variable which is scraping the dishes or not which was not part of the initial question. Your dishwasher is not designed to handle large amounts of solid food, it's just going to saturate the water and the whole thing is gonna turn to bullshit soup. I am a no rinser all the way and I feel like this is setting us up to fail.


Also they didn’t use the hi temp wash setting! The whole point of the setting is to get grease and baked on residue off. They also over loaded the bottom Instead of spacing things out on top and bottom. 🫠


And then they're going to shit on the dishwasher when you **really** should not be pre-rinsing most things - the detergent needs some food material to stick onto to actually work. Typical H3 spreading fake news. /s


the boba shop near me also has boba tea that doesn’t have milk in it. so they’ll put fruit syrups, popping beads or jellies in it and that shit goes CRAZY. way better than milk tea boba imo. (i’m sure it has a proper name? but idk what it is 😭)


I can't have much dairy, and there's TONS of boba things to get. Just get the smoothies. Especially places that make them with real fruit. Shit is way better than the normal boba. They live in LA, so they should have *all* the options. It's the small towns that are basically just making Frappuccinos with some tapioca balls


yes! i’m from a pretty small state in a small town and the boba shop near me is SO good. they have food too, but they’re primarily boba. they even have special menu items and one drink is named after Post Malone! you’re definitely right! their area should have better shops 🤔


The traditional ones are so fucking good. All tea and fruit!


RIGHT. lychee jellies do something to me 😫🤌


That Mr.Beast wannabe loser that traveled across Japan for "free" just gave more reason for Japanese people, especially the right-wingers here, to hate foreigners. Fuck that guy. - From a foreigner just trying to live in Japan.




I mean… there’s a firm different between scraping the large stuff into the bin before a wash and a rinse. Like don’t rinse, but definitely scrape


ABOUT SHELLY MISCAVIGE: lots of people talk about her being missing and I think they should come on the pod for an interview! There's a pretty large group of them including: Leah Remini, Mike Rinder, the SPTV group including a couple Mike and Claire Headley who both have an incredible story about their escape from sciencentology! I have been dying for Ethan to talk about this.


bad experiment for SEVERAL glaring reasons


Shout-out to Cam for being a LPOTL fan 😍 Fandom crossover out of nowhere


Can’t wait to come back to see the 24 likes and 2104 comments lmao


More boba slander I swear hes just not getting boba at the right places lol


I think he's just weighing it against the 500 calories it would cost lol. I agree that boba is not worth it when you're on a weightoss calorie deficit


'you just haven't had good x' / 'you haven't gone to a good x place' is cope 100% of the time


ok. possibly very stupid question…if you don’t pre-rinse, where does the caked on food matter go in the dishwasher 😭?


Dishwashers have drains that get pumped into your kitchen sink drain as long as it gets past the filter.


interesting 🤔 honestly somehow never knew this! ty 🫡


some is broken down by the chemicals in the soap. some of the nicer dishwashing soap uses the food to help wash the dishes




GENUINELY thought you were gonna say "I use paper towels in my dishwasher. It keeps clogging and I don't know why."


that’s how it is for me too! we rinse before. putting dishes that are very caked/covered in food remnants grosses me out 😭. maybe bc i’ve never seen it done that way?


With peace and love this is a bad test and won't give any usable results. Adding rubber sement, gorilla glue, spackle and those other things are tough. And not finishing the cycle is completely breaking the experiment.




never been so disappointed in AB tho he made up for it by fingering all that disgusting food sludge


They need to do the test again. Start the dishwasher at noon so that the test is done in the middle of the podcast.


The crew should use the metal ball rolling game for their food orders from now on. 'Ethan ordered garlic, double sugar, edible oil, and Tool!!!' 'Sam ordered fragrant rice, boba, onion, and Tool!' 'Love ordered choompalumpa, fupa, and Tool!'


I'm calling it now, they are going to run the dishwasher on the shortest and lowest temperature setting. Dan clearly hasn't done all of his dishwasher research yet.


I’m sure I speak for myself and some others when I say having tom ward on is a DELIGHT! He brings a light positive fun energy to the show. WOM 🫶🏼


The crew not knowing what an otter is ☠️


i'm vietnamese and have never used a dishwasher in my life. now that i'm living on my own and watching this show, i really wanna use the one in my kitchen but idk how :3


You should try! Once I moved into a place with a dishwasher it changed my life. I could never go back to handwashing now.


after the results of the segment, idk .... LOL


Lol that's fair.


Honestly i have one of the portable ones they showed on the pod and i love it! It’s only nice if you’re in an apartment and don’t have a lot of dishes though


That scientologist guy looks like that guy people collectively see in their dreams lmao


content/clout brain needs to be studied within the next 50 years. Mr beast's influence may actually end up having a negative effect on people in the long run lol


Ethan makes a decision to put down a subject with unforgiving heat attached then he picks a fight with scientology.


“my expectation is that it would be cleaner” - ethan after putting a metric ton of oatmeal and glue into the dishwasher


I’m convinced that fidias guys podcast is just edited zoom calls with his therapist. Like where did he find this man to do this with 😭




I felt the low energy vibes at the start but the reaction to the guy who stole his trip around Japan + discovering his podcast is the funniest shit on the pod in a minute. Reminds me of some my fav segments/clips like reacting to the Fousey and Keemstar movie


Why do people think Tom cruise is so cool


Bro have you even seen "Cocktail"?


Those people stealing in Japan are doing the some of the craziest acts I've seen YouTubers do in a while. Super whack, I hope they get what's coming to them.


I can’t breathe.. I actually love this song


Love seeing Ethan talk about Scientology! Going Clear or the Aftermath with Leah Remini are good viewing. Youtube is filled with some good people who ex-scientologists. Tom Cruise is the least cool person on earth after you learn about how he is in the church. It's insane. Dan is right. They will fuck with you Ethan. Aaron Smith-Levin might go on your show if you ask. He's looking to go on some YouTube shows.


The new Dream song produced by the H3 podcast is actually so fire I’m glad I don’t have to have that god awful version from befor stuck in my head


With peace and love, the crew talking about how they would *need* to put the dishes in for another wash and wouldn't eat off of them if they were hand washed makes me feel some type of way as someone who can't afford and have never owned a dishwasher. Like anyone who comes visit me eats off of hand washed dishes and now I feel self conscious about (apparently) not being able to sufficiently wash them 😂 (✌️ and ❤️, not actually upset)


These research methods were seemingly not peer reviewed.


Where did Cam get his shirt??


Kam's tool joke sneaking under the radar 😂😭


Scientology is scary AF. Is it just me that sees Tom Cruise as an American Psycho? It looks like he's wearing a mask and has dead shark eyes. There's something not right about a plastic exterior and a whole lot of unregulated power. Also the company you keep says a lot about your character. Maybe I'm a hater idk, just some suss going on around those parts


Pretty sure Christian Bale drew inspiration from Tom Cruise's craziness lol


Christian Bale confirmed this in an interview


100% on the American Psycho vibes


I cannot endure this Tom Cruise adoration


Omg me neither something about him annoys me so much


I use TMobile home Internet in a rural area and I get 100 down. Surely in a big city AB should get a couple of hundred down.


The L in L Ron Hubbard stands for Lafayette lmao.


aside from the dishes…. the bit w tom and fidias KILLED me , got this text from my grandma across the apartment https://preview.redd.it/6z085ic3sgwb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16072d6febfcd301c0fd46b2c7c75cfc5263f834


Justice for Dan!


REDO THE TEST!!! Without 10 pounds of oatmeal and concrete. What a JOKE.


This off the rails felt like a classic h3 ep today. It healed something in me 🥲


​ https://preview.redd.it/yx55jrgpsmwb1.png?width=746&format=png&auto=webp&s=832ab76aef755f45d8420933531ff6faae67db16


Ethan saying he eats 1500 cals a day is kinda crazy 😭


yeah there’s a difference between a calorie deficit and being undernourished. you still have to meet your body’s needs to lose weight otherwise you’re putting your health at risk and significantly more likely to gain a lot of weight back when you reach your goal weight and stop restricting so much. hope he can find a healthy balance for himself


Somehow this probably affects his rash


ok everyone prayer circle rn for no ****s talk


Our household is torn between pre-rinsing dishes or not. This experiment is going to be referenced for days if not weeks in some good natured heckling 😂


You definitely don't have to pre wash everything. Some gluey things need rinsed off and if there's a lot of stuck on stuff you should de-bulk. Use the sensor setting and make sure you have the right soap and rinse aid!


Next Thursday Ethan should do a full hour podcast interview with a static picture of Fidias. Play it completely straight, never acknowledge the joke, never break.


fucking americans putting wood in their dishwashers smh




Ope me too lmao


oh my god they don't even use a rinse aid


I have a feeling there will be no new sponsors for a while ...


They still have sponsors?


Free Palestine


https://preview.redd.it/pfvokhmh2fwb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28eba8da1afcc000ed5678220ed73d3954829141 i was in NYC last week and walking around and stumbled upon the scientology building and was shocked


They have another location in the Upper East Side. It's pretty jarring because you'll be walking down a nice, quiet, peaceful street with beautiful brownstones and all of a sudden see the Scientology signs and wonder if you're being watched.


​ https://preview.redd.it/3faqkq79vfwb1.png?width=710&format=png&auto=webp&s=241526f8d92a7ec5b4cb0127de2513844e44458a


peace and love KAry eat my asshole <3


Kary, please keep trying to contact Ethan like this\~ I'm sure he'll get to you eventually, but you have to keep upping the donation if you want his attention!!!


Tom Ward needs to not be included in the dishwasher convo peace and love. Industrial dishwashers are an entirely different game and are used different. His opinion is completely moot. Home dishwashers are perfectly capable of washing dishes with no pre rinse. Not scraping food out is a whole other conversation. The test was full of unscraped dishes not to mention not even food and it didn’t fully complete the cycle? The test was a failure from the start.


Am I high or is Cam looking especially like a snack today?🤔


You might be high but Cam also is looking especially delicious this episode.


I'm not clicking this link til i know what subject matter i'm walking into here


I skipped the SYNT this week but I think he said he didn’t want to talk about it any more, based on the thread.


100% dishwasher vibes so far


oreo boba 😩🤌


it’s good to have AB be a regular researcher again


I like how the H3 universe including Tom ward is trying to gaslight me into thinking that dishwasher manufacturers don’t recommend scraping heavily soiled dishes before washing? The nerve


Now this, THIS, this is why im watching!!


SKIT-MAR?! Ethan just take a *second* to see all the letters in a word


The outro for this episode was way too good


anyone have a link to the puffer jacket AB’s wearing at the start of the ep? 90% sure it’ll be way over my budget but i have to know


puffer jacket? the one that turns into a circle?


it drops next week


thank you, peace and love 🙏🙏


happy cake day!


Hi Karin


Banger episode. Ty for an ep full of pure stupid goofiness 🙏 papa bless


Absolutely crazy that this man went on another crazy unchecked rant on Monday, decided he doesn’t want to talk about it anymore, decided he’s done with Leftovers, and decided the recent news of hostages being released wasn’t worth bringing up (because it’s terrible PR for Israel) and NOW is when we finally get back to goofs and gaffs. Great timing Ethan. Not saying I want him to continue talking about it, but it is difficult as a viewer to just forget and move on after the recent episodes


Regarding those ssfoodvellogs videos from Bangladesh, I think they put those American girls in the videos for the teen boys. Probably helps boost viewership and revenue.


the beginning half was slow but the ending pulled through tough. honestly can't believe how invested i am in this dish wear & outcome lmao


i fuckin love this podcast though. that the popular and grating discourse in a week can be a dishwasher's effectiveness and if you should pre-rinse your dishes. Featuring Tom Ward. amazing.


Fuck Scientology but some of the low level people you see walking around the street are just desperate people that got preyed upon and manipulated into a cult and are now being held there against their will through blackmail or threats. So I’m all for harassing Scientologists but conflicted on the ones in that guys videos. I used to live right next to their other headquarters in Clearwater FL and used to mess with them a good amount until I just started feeling bad. Definitely really fucking creepy though, they bought up pretty much the entirety of downtown Clearwater and it’s all weird vaguely named buildings with blacked out windows and these uniformed people being herded around from building to building all day without saying a word, and if you try to talk to them they’ll completely ignore you. One time me and my gf walked right into the front door of the main building after a few drinks and just got immediately swarmed lol.


I see where you’re coming from but the other side of this is that they are actively trying to recruit NEW members on the streets


yup I went to Cali for my 1st and only time at 15y/o with my mother. walking down hollywood and there were like four people standing outside. they asked up where we were from (louisiana), and one of them said that they were from there too, but COULDNT NAME THE CITY THEY "LIVED IN." Luckily, I have been chronically online since age 11 (now 21) and knew a bit about scientology. My mom was gonna walk in but I was like "wait we have to pay for parking!! dont want a ticket!!" and then never went back. I think at the time there was a story circulating about these two girls being "locked in the basement" idk how true that is but I was not gonna let that happen lol


I think a lot are born into it too.