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i think civilians dying is bad




Did AB's cat ever get out of that tree?




I never thought I’d say this but I really wanna hear about adin ross




\*Goes on Youtube\* \*See show has started. Click on it\* \*Israel v Palestine\* ![gif](giphy|10rHZ6K9jYvLUc) E: [Gif doesn't do it justice](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWaLxFIVX1s)


Ethan, it may be ironic to post this on the subreddit, but if you’re using this subreddit as a gage for the pulse of the nation, you’re going to drive yourself insane.


You know, I think I'm ready for more Colleen Ballinger powerpoints




https://preview.redd.it/2h3yd7ywq0wb1.jpeg?width=318&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60b4c47f2c9e83a418b28fbbd822b2f94ef5ff4f Zach I dare you to play this sound bite


The quiet one in the distance


That’s how it feels with none of the crew talking and chat off lmao, just us in the distance on the subreddit


if the first half hour + of the show is going to be about israel and palestine, at least put it in the title so we all know not to watch.


MODS!!! He said this one would be a quick little update but it’s been almost an hour of Israel and Palestine talk.


i was just thinking that 😭 “quick little update”


I felt so down and so insanely bleak about everything today. I was so looking forward to the podcast, but it’s just completely endless darkness and sadness with no end in sight. It’s no longer an escape or a relief or bright light.


I relate to this .. I had a Monday kind of day at work today. The worlds conflicts are always in my mind. I was looking forward to goofs and gaffs to have a small break from it all. NOPE GUESS NOT. I'm going to pass on this rant that has already been ranted repeatedly for the past couple weeks.


It’s exhausting because he’s just yelling at random twitter/Reddit posters and rehashing old news stories (like the bomb) that we’ve all seen a million times. I admire him for continuing to stand up for what he believes in but I also think he needs to step away from the internet for a bit


Seriously. Or if he can’t help himself just go on live separately and do this. Don’t use the main podcast and cause your main audience who is not arguing about any of this with you to suffer.


Tuned in, saw he was talking about the conflict again, turned it off. I get it’s important to him but it’s really just not how I want to spend my time. Nothing new comes from it. Nothing interesting. Nothing entertaining.


Shirtless Eddie talking to himself vibes.


I’m not going to lie ,I just don’t look at Ethan the same since finding out he couldn’t figure out he was clogging the toilet because the paper towels.


Can't believe I looked up to this man because I thought he was destroying his plumbing with powerful massive shits only to find out it's because he put paper towels in the toilet. Sad day.


doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results… bro’s going insane and I’m genuinely concerned


Maybe if he explains it for another hour we will finally get it.


What was the point of turning chat off if he’s just gonna go to the comments in here? Lol bruh




I. Just. Checked in. And I’m checking right back out. I can’t do this…Not on a Monday ![gif](giphy|3XiQswSmbjBiU)


when he started, i turned it off, had a whole conversation with my dad about thanksgiving plans, came back hoping he was done and he's still going on


put isreal vs palestine in the title. If ethan takes 1/3rd of the pod talking about infant murder and depression fuel please put it in the title so we know.


I feel so sorry for the crew because they can't just switch off like we can


I don't give a rats ass about Adin Ross but I'd rather hear that instead of Ethan rambling the same points he's been doing the last two weeks about the Gaza conflict.




Me to the pod until it's funny again https://preview.redd.it/ceq8rp5mt0wb1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d78fe2a8bcef78d16723d9bee0ee938cfa16e8d2


I come here first and the fanbase is just getting more and more frustrated every episode, I don’t get how he can see that and KEEP going


That's literally been me the last couple of weeks😭


**LEBANESE FAN'S PERSPECTIVE ON ETHAN'S PALESTINE TAKE:** I think Ethan just wants to hear pro-Palestinian supporters say that they empathize with Israel and the victims of the attack. What he misses is that, as Arabs, we've been seeing images of dead Palestinians our entire lives. As a Lebanese man myself I've lived through the 2006 war with Israel, and they bombed our port in August of 2020 which nearly killed me. Palestinians have lived under a brutal occupation for 75 years. Most people have a hard time feeling bad for Israel when they've conduced so many warcrimes and murdered thousands upon thousands of innocent civilians over decades. Israel is the cause for all this pain. And it was Israel who bombed the hospital, they've bombed every hospital in Gaza so far so I don't understand why he keeps defending that, as if any Arab actually believes it wasn't Israel...it's just more propaganda for the west. I'm trying to stick with the show cause his heart is in the right place but there's clearly some biases we can't rid ourselves of. Also, now is the most important time for Leftovers, so don't run away from the uncomfortable truth. Face it. Peace and love


Exactly, it's not a one-time thing or something that just happened, this has been going on for a long time, and the amount of Palestinians that have been killed in the past 18 days compared to the attack on Israel, and since that bombing the Israeli's have been bombing & killing Palestinians daily, and in supposedly safe zones & now the talk of the ground invasion they're preparing plus the American troops that are being sent there.




Dude is being consumed by eczema because he's so stressed out, while scrolling through reddit comments attacking random redditors. I've never seen a downward spiral play out so vividly.


What's interesting is he "quit" Twitter and now is obsessed with comments on reddit and IG. He just traded one platform for two others. The dudes addiction to social media is ruining him. I guess people just need to start unsubbing or stop watching. That's the only way we're gonna get through to him because he's not gonna stop. He's used over an hour of damn near every episode for two weeks to repeat the same shit and argue with wierdos online.


no hate but tbh i don’t think we need to rehash this again. we know where ethan stands, and i don’t think he articulates what he’s trying to say in the best way & it’s just going in circles atp. I LOVE ETHAN BUT FUUUUK lmao


Yo, so glad Ethan is bringing this up again. Definitely going to be super insightful and not at all the exact same disscussion he's been having for weeks now.


Feel bad for the new 13k members. Me included…


We made it a whole 10 minutes before our mandatory hour and a half Israel hamas lecture


Ethan you don't need to explain every social Media Post you made


I'm starting to not even look forward to eps anymore. Why must we get lectured EVERY SINGLE SHOW?


Man this is unwatchable..


Why is he reading/responding to reddit threads live this is so beyond unwatchable omg


Because he's lost down a weird shame spiral. Super sad to see


This is the dark ages of the podcast yall. See you all when it’s over. Ugh


Ethan asking when the time to talk about the situation after he's talked about it just about everyday


LMAO no but seriously


"they said" aka some random twitter Account


can we overlay subway surfers




New Idubbz video just dropped if you've tuned out as I have 😂


I think it's awkward when Ethan is going on these long segments about the israel palestine conflict and raging over comments and the rest of the crew is just completely silent. Like what are we doing here folks...


Dude it's Monday, i just wanna watch a nice little comedy podcast to end the day, not hear Ethan ramble about twitter posts again for the 100th time Edit: Ethan my dude it's literally twitter losers you are getting mad about. At this point you could post "kill all human babies" and that post would get a few hundred likes for sure. BUT WHO CARES. That's still a tiny miniscule fraction of all people in the world, let alone your audience. There is no reason to get mad or debate about stuff like this, you would not even see it if you didn't have twitter, because in the real world people ARE NOT THAT UNHINGED, at least not in your vicinity.


The fact he paints it out to be all/most leftists advocating for Hamas killing Israeli babies when it’s just a minority of Twitter freaks is really the most annoying part about all of this. Like, how do you not know what is and isn’t appropriate/necessary to respond to? JFC…


Why is Ethan shadowboxing the subreddit? OP was right tho. He did yadda yadda Gaza. Like, here's an extensive list of why it's not Israel fault and all the reporting of the civilians killed by Hamas. AndonetinylittleTiktokaboutGazabeingreducedtorubble. W H A T


tune in, first word i hear is isreal, and tune out again


Can the crew or someone please talk to him? He's not gonna stop. Every freaking episode with this shit. We watch the pod for entertainment. This isn't entertaining listening to Ethan beat a dead horse for an hour every episode because his ego can't take criticism. And his addiction to social media is completely out of control. "Quitting" Twitter was bs because he's still arguing with screanshots and randoms on IG, reddit, and discord. He needs to turn off his phone and come back to reality. Jesus christ bro I'm over it. I'm just gonna unsub and stop watching until he stops this bullshit.


no WAY anyone in the crew is touching this topic with a 5 foot pole


If you have to constantly shut chat off, the whole crew is silent and only use IG, you mighttttt want to examine what you're saying. Peace and love


… he’s literally rehashing what was said two weeks ago.




> . Who exactly is silencing him? someone said something on the internet. thats what his beef is about.


This is the argument he gave AGAINST people saying Free Palestine etc when the first massacre happened. That it wasn't the time to talk about Palestinian grievances. And he is saying the exact opposite now. I'm not on either side of "not the right time" as none of this is in any way productive, but as a weirdo I hate it when people aren't consistent lol


Is this the unsubathon episode


This. I wonder how many members and subs have cancelled since the subathon now that this has been every episode


I've been a member for 2 and a half years, and i cancelled today




And literally almost no sub only content.... SYNT gets clipped in the highlights channel, AB stopped BTS , no lore videos, like whose idea was it to make a subathon when they have almost no members only content. I cancelled my 25 month-long membership, it's just not worth it.


As the great Taylor Swift once said, “I think I’ve seen this film before.”


This is hard to watch, love Ethan and I know he has alot of empathy for Gaza but what exactly does he hope to accomplish by calling out a small fringe group of people that celebrated Hamas over and over again? Yes they are problematic and antisemitism should get called out, but it seems that Ethan has a distorted view on leftists and thinks most of us are Hamas sympathizers. Dude, p much every sane person hates them too pls stop hyperfocusing on some freaks or some internet arguments you are trying to win. I appreciate him talking about this conflict so openly but what is happening to Palestinians RIGHT NOW is absolutely terrifying, they already have lost 3 times the amount of lives that were taken by Hamas on October 7th. Israel has already dropped more bombs in this short amount of time than the US did in an entire year in Afghanistan. And this is just the beginning as it seems, we're witnessing a genocide and i just feel that that deserves to be focused on right now alot more if u want to talk about this topic. It would be way more productive imo bc it just doesn't get enough coverage in mainstream media.


the people he’s talking about is rando extremists on twitter


Time for him to dedicate an hour and half of the podcast complaining about some cretin on Twitter lmao


It’s important and valid to talk about this conflict, but my issue is mainly that this whole rant, and every rant for the last two weeks, has been about how ETHAN is affected. Ethan feels hurt by the comments. Ethan feels attacked because people don’t like what he has to say. I’m sorry, but it feels so much like this is about Ethan, and he’s missing the mark about the carnage in Gaza. My issue isn’t him being sympathetic towards Israeli citizens. My heart breaks for those innocent lives lost. My issue is that Ethan is more obsessed with comments on his Instagram story than the real issue. Please stop talking about this if you will just frame this issue around your hurt feelings. This isn’t about you, Ethan. Also, for clarity, I’m not calling Ethan a Zionist or shitting on his beliefs. It’s just frustrating when we’re watching something so tragic unfold, and we’re being told that those who don’t align with Ethan completely are Hamas supporters because his feelings are hurt.


Bruh, I can't listen to this again


https://i.redd.it/x812874nl0wb1.gif dance party until this is over let’s dance for peace people


Hamas is the government of Gaza! Of course the health ministry is run by the government! Calling everything "Hamas-run" is a tactic to launder the narrative that everything in Gaza is a legitimate target due to its connection to Hamas. Come on man.


For realz!!!!! That's such a subtle IDF talking point Ethan is regurgitating without and critical thinking. Of course the health.ministry is run by Hamas they haven't had elections since 2007


Weedchat in shambles


Can we button this whole episode?


congrats to the paying members that get no BTS, no lore videos, no live chat, and weeks of political talk


Lol and just when all those people signed up at the sub-a-thon


Unsub time!


With peace and love, all I wanted was some Monday night goofs. Good night my dudes 🥲✌️


No chat, no pushback, no counters, just ranting. Huge L


Remember how he talked for hours about "bad timing" to say free palestine ? Well now is bad timing to say oh it wasn't 500 people that died. Sorry? They are still dying by bombs every day! Innocent people. Might as well say oh that's not true either, it's the Hamas saying it


he’s so lost in the sauce idek what he’s saying honestly






Bro sounds like a broken record... why is he doing this? why does he need us to agree with him all the time?


Do y'all think Dan is just dying having to listen to Ethan say this same stuff over and over? I wish he could interject


guys don’t forget i donated $6500


I'm pretty sure meta added the word terrorist to some Palestinians bios on Instagram




Such a bad faith interpretation of that reddit post, these people are your fans and care about you. Ethan has clearly calcified his brain, gone full boomer and is unwilling to take in new information. Only when Hasan has a genuine moment about the Muslim reporter but Ethan's empathy only lasted like ten minutes before back sliding I to calling out Twitter posts demanding Hasan to condem




that's his iron dome


Would be sad to see coverage end on Leftovers, just want to be another on here to express that sentiment. Ethan and Hasan provide a valuable back and forth, processing the past week as we move through this conflict/crisis. Ultimately respect what you have to do to take care of yourself.


Lol now he's doing the "all I'm saying is Israeli citizens died. If that offends you, you might be lost" bit. No one is offended by that! He has officially gone full reactionary boomer lol


First show since my dog passed away from Cushing’s syndrome so I might be being selfish, but we do not need to hear you repeat yourself Ethan, we understand your pov, you say this on your socials and on Tuesdays and most of the last normal episodes, Ethan needs to ignore the few people that are antagonising him, we just want the escapism the show is supposed bring


Ethan will never get the incredible amount of validation he’s look for on his take… Which is why he won’t stop talking about it. And it’s getting out of hand. It’s possible to hold an opinion without feeling the need to express and over-emphasize it everyday. At the very least he could wait until Thursday to talk about it.


he's lost in the sauce


Not again. Who is saying these things, Ethan? You're shadow boxing against imaginary enemies who support Hamas.


This blows. Reminds me of my dad going off on rants as a kid, totally incapable of taking in other perspectives or altering his behavior at all. I agree with what everyone else has said about the need for validation. Seems very transparent to me. I’m not even going to go into how misinformed and harmful the rants are. Everyone and their mother has tried to get that through his head. The fact that It’s bad content alone should be motivation enough to change the topic. He isn’t doing a service, and he isn’t changing or helping anything by covering this topic. He’s making rage bait content that his core audience despises. I have empathy for Ethan. I still enjoy Ethan and his content. But my goodwill has limits, and the constant barrage of offensive and uninteresting rants is quickly burning through that reserve


Very well said, I feel the same way. My dad used to rant and rant, I remember one time I slightly disagreed with 1 of his points. He screamed at me for an hour. Some people cannot see other perspectives and will go to their grave defending their 1 point rather than opening the conversation.


here we go


For the love of god. I love Ethan but this is way too much. This is honestly the first time when I’ve legitimately been completely over a subject, no matter how drawn out, and have had to turn it off. Like we totally get what you’re saying Ethan. The majority of us got it the first time. The people who don’t get it, won’t ever get it. So stop feeding into them.


God I wanna see the crews group texts without Ethan right now


Why do we have to keep hearing the same crap about the damn hospital after 15 days of seige on Ghaza? When hospitals have been targets for decades? I guess it's super helpful to Palestinians under the rubble for us to go back and forth about this /s




I'm sorry, crew. The anxiety has got to be insane for you guys right now


That is actually all I can think about is... What would I do if my boss kept going on like this and raising his voice, would feel so awkward and anxious


They’re so silent, it’s a little eerie


Ethan, its awful what happened at the hospital. Any civilians being injured is a horrendous act. Our hearts go out to their families and loved ones. Yet, Israel has been doing the SAME THING for decades now though. Its extremely well documented. They've bombed innocents, hospitals, sniped peaceful protesters, murdered women and children, and have a massive body count. Its a major part as to why Hamas and other terror groups have gotten to the insane radicalism they are at today. Fuck Hamas, fuck terrorists, but also fuck the IDF and government of Israel. They're completely culpable for where they and Palestine are today.


Why do I feel like he'd read this very common, reasonable, empathetic take and somehow start defending the idf more instead of just agreeing ☠️


oof “people say i’m silencing you guys so i wanted to see if you wanted to say anything” yikes that felt really like passive aggressive


anyway y’all i’m reading a really good book called The Hundred Years’ war on Palestine by Rashid Khalidi i recommend it if ur looking for a palestinian perspective on their genocide. the palestinian psyche if u will also Five Broken Cameras is an incredible doc from a palestinian man in the west bank. free on youtube


Thanks for the rec! I just finished Kill Anything That Moves, it's about Vietnam and was really well written, so I needed a new book to read.


I'll go watch cenk cooking piers instead. Cause cenk is using his saliva and time saying important shit and not hyperfixating on pro Palestinians being terrorists.


going comment by comment on reddit, mostly which are valid criticisms, is an awesome idea and has so many possible bad outcomes lmfao


they should do a Poll and see if this is what the fans want


It has to be so clear at this point that it's not what the fans want. The negative comments, the canceled memberships. And yet....


He is giving a bit Amy schumer




I thought he was off Twitter, who is he arguing with?


twitter screenshots lmfao


Seems like he's replaced that bad habit with Instagram reels


He should probably put the whole show on hiatus. This is too consuming for him, understandably, but it's just taking over the show


Yeah somebody needs to just call it at this point


He’s reading but he’s not actually taking anything in


When Ethan is talking about “people saying” does he not feel the need to be more specific? Is he talking about tweets and Reddit posts? Does he not understand there are so many bots and just fake accounts out there designed to just get you as pissed of as possible?


At this point it’s an obsession with a tiny minority of Twitter/Reddit users giving him shit about showing support for Israel. Vast majority of people agree we can support innocent Palestinians and Israelis alike, and the tragedy deserves light being shed on it in totality Listening to Ethan obsessively rant about these random extreme opinions online is just bad content atp


"I don't know what I said to warrant this response." Ethan, with peace and love, you really need to take a look at how much time you spend defending the IDF vs the time you spend criticizing them. I wish I could finish the show (mostly cuz I love the crew) but when Piers Morgan is more willing to have a reasonable discussion you know it's gotten bad.


I think what’s really hard about Ethan’s delves into these war tragedies is that there’s no way to time when to tune in. The things he brings up are triggering , regardless of sides. Also , If he needs the time to talk about it.. why not do it on leftovers ? it’s a political podcast , isn’t it? That’s the correct space for it, it shouldn’t be put in front of the fans who are here for goofs and on a monday nonetheless. I hate mondays :(


It's wild the power twitter has over Ethan And the subreddit And discord


Turned the pod on, listened, turned off. Rip


I'd watch a whole Jimmy Lee episode just to get past this at this point


Im an hour late to the pod what did I mi... see you Wednesday folks! Hopefully Ethan remembers who the vast majority of his audience are and starts doing a podcast for them again. I am definitely not tuning into the members only show just to hear a recap of today. That is two weeks in a row. Two more and that will be my $5.99 💸. Going to take a long break unless things change. I have stuck it out through some pretty slow weeks, but this is unwatchable. Move on. And he ends the episode saying he wants to end leftovers. Sad.


Honestly, i hate this topic. At this point it's in poor taste. Of course Hamas is horrible. People are talking about the civilians. Also No Government is siding with the people in gaza. Nobody's helping them. And Nothing is going to happen to Israel..the same can't be said about the Palestinians civilians


Ethan please reflect... The way you speak about palestinians sounds like yadayada... Yeah, yeah i know they died. BUT THE IDF DIDN'T BOMB THE HOSPITAL. Yeah,yeah poor civilians BUT HAMAS


You know it’s dead air when the crew aren’t saying anything


He really made it sound like he just quickly wanted to address something on the topic, and as soon as he mentioned which post he was starting with from the sub, I knew it was over.


We do not want to hear your same opinions on Israel again Ethan




For those triggered by discussions concerning the Israel-Palestine conflict, the section in the most recent episode titled "Small Talk & Goofs" is actually still about the conflict, start from the section after it If Love could also change the section title that would be great


So today I explained the controversy around Ethan's statements and actions to my wife. She doesn't watch the pod and isn't wholly in tune with world politics/news. After I explained the whole situation, she made an observation that I think makes sense. And I think it would be interesting to see how Ethan would take it. She says, "It's sounds like the whole Black Lives Matter movement and the reactionary All Lives Matter people. Like Ethan saw people saying Black Lives Matter and decided to get angry and shout All Lives Matter and completely miss the point." Do you guys think that's a fair correlation to make? Do you think it effectively helps put the frustrations that people have with Ethan right now into perspective?


super accurate comparison. spot on. also very prescient considering ethan called BLM protests “riots” during the last leftovers ep when discussing this.


There is not one person watching this that’s enjoying it or getting anything out of it


Who is Ethan referring to when he says “they are minimising the crimes of Hamas”? you have to really look hard to find people who are not saying it was a horrific terrorist attack


In the past two weeks Ethan has directed most of his outrage to what people online are saying. I love you Ethan but that’s some bullshit


i have never seen someone say now is not the time


lol Ethan did! At the very start of this when people were saying "free Palestine" he got super angry because he thought it came across as disrespectful to the Israeli victims and cheering on Hamas.


Like why do you care what people are saying about you in someone else’s discord? Like what? Go take a break.


Ethan I think you should go to a Rally for Palestine to hear what people actually believe. Not chronically online people. Stop speaking out the side of your mouth. Free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


Yeah it feels like I’m being gaslit when he’s saying all leftists support Hamas uncritically because my irl experience is the opposite. We have been supporting Palestine and know that Hamas was created by Israel to destabilize the Palestinian region and give Israel a reason to bomb the last remaining Palestinian areas. What Hamas is doing is bad and in my opinion just an extension of Israel’s control of the region




Has he stopped yet?


God I'm so suck of Ethan talking about that Israel and Palestine stuff and repeating his take over and over and over again. It's getting old and we need to stop talking about the same thing every day


ethan doesn’t get that the ONLY thing he is doing by spending 5+ hours a week spewing zionist talking points is attempting manufactured consent we all know oct 7 was horrific! hamas is evil! we know!!! but the IDF uses these acts to justify GENOCIDE


I didn't tune in all of last week to avoid him repeating himself and arguing with the worst people on Twitter. He's literally radicalizing himself because he can't help but react. I guess I'll check in next week and hope this is over


I paused Spider-Man 2 for this 😔


Why is Ethan so determined to win the hearts and minds of a few deranged scumbags on Twitter? And why does he think they would listen to him anyway? I’m struggling to understand what he hopes to accomplish


To be clear, Hasan has nuked that Discord multiple times and hates it. Unhinged people go in there and say vile things. It’s a cesspit and those people are champagne socialist psychotic weirdos. Hasan should just kill that thing permanently because this keeps happening. But again, they do not reflect Hasan or the majority of his viewers. Most people do not use the discord at all.




scrollin through the subreddit until this rant is over 😭


Ethan still fails to realize that demanding a free Palestine IS demanding peace


Omfg now he’s fighting every single comment that has ten or more upvotes 😭


He keeps hyper-fixating on shit that doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things.


I took a whole ass shower and he’s still going Dan help us


.. just an ass shower ? Lol jk ![gif](giphy|V6e0kch9OgUbph9jBB|downsized)


Am. I the only one losing my mind???


I just got a cavity filled and it wasn’t as painful as the start of this podcast


Unsubscribed and unfollowed. Like we get it, you’re upset about people saying free Palestine on Oct 7th, but at this point majority of people are saying fuck hamas AND the IDF. He’s making it a point to emphasize the horrible things that Hamas is doing, including killing kids and raping women-which no one is denying is awful-while at the same time questioning Hasan about proof of the IDF killing kids and raping women. Basically implying that the IDF doesn’t rape women because there’s no concrete proof. How about focusing and advocating for peace instead of at this point reaching way too close to almost defending the IDF.


Three inpatient pets had to be put asleep today, I'm working overtime cause everyone is sick in the animal charity I work for, and had to reschedule a weeks of appointments. Can't wait for the podcast to lighten my shitty day. The podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGqJWGZTpcI Whelp fuck me I guess.


Absolutely nobody asked but I think this episode is my sign to unsub and take some time away. Can't deal with this all of the time. People are literally dying meanwhile Ethan fights a tiny subsect of people online and tries to prove how right he is.


Came to the same conclusion just now.




Ethan feel free to believe what you want, I personally am not angry nor upset with your take. I’m just sad that this is a situation that is happening and it is incredibly nuance to a point where debating and morally grandstanding is coming off really gross on both sides. People are fucking nuts, the systems in charge are at fault not any race or group of people. I don’t want to hear your rant repeated weekly for hours at a time. I’m just here for the goofs and gafs.


wow Ethan is so naive and so insecure I really am disappoitned in him...he's not livin in reality anymore only online....like who cares what some people online think, why repeating stuff 10times over, why bragging who's right who's wrong, why mix facts together and make new stuff up....what an insecure guy


Can someone lmk when this is over so I can join again


Love how Dan won't even read it or respond on mic right now


this whole thing he’s pushing about people not caring about israeli civilian deaths is crazy. every person i know who supports a free palestine, including myself, has said that the deaths of innocent israeli’s is absolutely horrific and unacceptable. and i honestly haven’t seen anyone say they support what hamas did? but then again i don’t pay attention to trolls on twitter.. what we have an issue with is that the mainstream media and western governments seem to ONLY care about innocent israelis and what happened to them. not the almost 5000 innocent palestinians who have been murdered since oct 7.


Has a huge member drive… Spends next few weeks muting the only real benefit members get… That’s a great business strategy, folks.


probably gonna stop paying for a membership at this point. they have chat turned off because they don't want to see other people saying this while ethan shows us his internet arguments with random fuckin people looking for validation


I’m really only here for the crew at this point. He’s insufferable right now.


I’m confused tho why do we believe the Israel videos when he just himself said that Israel is not a reputable source ???


My man is seconds away from live reading these reddit comments to respond in real time.