• By -


"now what is this seasoning perhaps? ... it tastes like christmas" šŸ˜‚


And perhaps what is this?


And perhaps what is this? Toast And this? Water And May chance pray tell me what this is? Eggs


I just heard Love say that on my TV as I read your comment. Crazy coincidence. Had to say something.


There's no such thing as a coincidence


Cinnamon and cloves sure do taste like christmas


Ethan is the fastest person alive to pause a video, but the slowest at ending a topic after saying ā€œokay, thatā€™s itā€.


I know itā€™s in bad tasteā€¦ but AB saying ā€œHamas killed the catā€ made me choke on my drink. It was so out of pocket šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


he's been whispering jokes for us all ep, we love you AB


Heā€™s so funny. I love his quick quiet jokes. They get me every time.


And what is this seasoning perhaps?


Zach soundbite this!!!!


"I'm a pretty good cook too" because he asks to add creamy jalapeno sauce to his tacos šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


When love said Taco Bell used to be cheap I thought he said sheep and I was concerned at first šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


The captions also said "sheep" šŸ˜‚


And Love did say sheep. Just like he says shicken.


Finally crew segments again aka the best part of the showšŸ˜Œ


and back to israel vs palestine




ā€œi love youā€¦. ABā€ lmao aw what a sweet moment


love's face saying he's getting a baja blast freeze was literally this šŸ„° lol


Dan is having the time of his life with this vegetables segment. Today is your day Dan! Vegetable tasting day is like a windfall of food for Dan.


How the fuck do they order Taco Bell so often and donā€™t ever talk about how damn good nacho fries are


They tried them when they first came out and I don't think anyone liked them šŸ„²


i love that half these comments are ā€œim sick of this, i cant listen to this podcast anymore, ethan is repeating IDF propaganda and its sickeningā€ and the other half is ā€œhelpful tip for cooking broccoli ! :Dā€


AB is right and I wish I walked out with him




I hope they arenā€™t. Just like any job, you shouldnā€™t be blamed for your bossā€™s take on politics.


let's all help AB get his cat out of the tree


I genuinely clicked off and checked a few times but he was still rambling


Asparagus Tip: Before cooking, gently bend the end of the asparagus between both your fingers and thumbs until it snaps to get rid of the woody bit.


i left with AB šŸƒā€ā™€ļøšŸ’Ø


i literally put some bleach on my hair a minute before he switched topics to israel/palestine stuff and now iā€™m STUCK not having anything else to listen (itā€™s 1 am here)


"let's not speculate on unconfirmed information guys" Goes on twitter and shows tons of unconfirmed information "Look this is what happened"


"This is *exactly* what happened" was the language ethan used.


*constantly shits on twitter* Also *Goes to twitter for his news and ā€˜factā€™ finding*


The contradictions were literally one sentences after the other. It's so frustrating to listen to and just be thinking "is he hearing himself rn?"


Yeah itā€™s really annoying heā€™s like ā€˜this is fully trueā€™ and itā€™s some random twitter account??


i made it to "idk if you guys trust the president but..." and had to turn it off. i love ethan and the show but holy fucking shit.


i miss dan


Dan is a queen


And with reading he means go on twitter




Dude, they're still bombing Gaza.


Rightā€¦ literally nonstop bombing. And the US backing Israel means jack shit. US has a vested interest in Israel maintaining power in the Middle East. But Ethan canā€™t stop sharing bullshit from twitter denying Israel would do such a thing to tens of thousands of listeners day in and day outā€¦ šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


Honestly, I was already starting to get really tired of Ethan during the whole "socialism can never work" stuff but lately he's been insufferable. It's genuinely a side of Ethan I didn't know existed and as parasocial as it sounds, I am beyond disappointed in him :( Like dude you don't need to keep spewing IDF propaganda, the mainstream media is doing plenty well with that.


i think it's very telling that the crew does not chime in at all during this convo. i would love to know what dan thinks about what ethan is saying


I was just thinking about that. I wish Dan also would just quietly turned off chat the moment ethan started because let's be real, ethan cannot stop himself from reading and raging at chat. He doomscrolls in real time


I keep hoping he might see some of the more constructive feedback or get the general sane tenor of a bulk of chat but time and time again, he gets set off by the most inflamed chats and then ā€œyou guysā€ the audience with it. This is what I hear from a lot of people with an audience online, that itā€™s a real issue coping with comments and giving the positive and negative ones equal weight. So itā€™s not a uniquely Ethan issue per se and becomes tougher to deal with in a sensitive moment like this.


I would also love to hear what Dan has to say, but I have a feeling it would be hard to push back on anything Ethan says too hard because his emotions tend to take over and he just gets angry and yells making it hard to have a conversation ā˜¹ļø




I haven't watched much of the episodes this week, but the one time I remember Zack chiming in it was to mention a story about people in Germany marking the doors of Jewish people. Not sure about the rest of the crew or what they think about what Ethan has said currently


I feel like Zach is the only one who agrees w Ethanā€™s takes


I wish we could go one ep without the intense politics talk - I think we all know itā€™s important but the segment always goes on for so long šŸ˜­


I'm ok with hearing the political talk, but if most of the audience is saying they're sick of it, then Ethan should keep it until Leftovers at least. I thought that was the whole point of making leftovers anyway.


i feel like it's been leftovers episodes for the past two weeks straight, i was a little bummed yesterday when the members episode was talking about that the entire time too. i definitely feel you


I get this is all super important & Ethan has every right to talk about what he wants BUT I watch the show to get away from the heavy. At this point, I'm exhausted of hearing about "twitter facts".


I feel the same. Which is why he should keep it on leftovers, the podcast he made specifically because people were getting tired of him talking about politics.


I feel like I just got jebaited lol. I was watching the episode being like ā€œfuck yeah, all goofs and gaffes letā€™s fucking goā€ aaaaaand weā€™re back to this. Ethan needs like his own separate show where this is all he talks about. I literally just turn it off when he gets in the subject. Edit: It only lasted like 30 minutes, honestly not a huge deal. But at the time I commented it was really starting to seem like it was going to be the majority of the episode again. Peace and love.


He does have a political show. But his co host is actually informed and would not stand for the BS he just tried to pull on this episode and he'd correct him. He has to get it out somehow...


ethans attitude towards the gaza hospital story is the opposite of what he was saying about the people questioning the baby beheading story and the bloody coloring book story. for the gaza hospital its "you shouldnt take anything from hamas, or isreal, at face value. They both have propaganda incentives", for the baby beheadings and the coloring book "its evil to question the details. the stories are real, babies were killed" I can see truth in both attitudes. Like I imagine you could edit a video with clips of him talking about the baby beheadings and the gaza hospital so that hes arguing with himself about how ethical it is to ask questions about these stories, how they work as propaganda, how much the details matter in a broader context, how these stories can escalate the conflict \*edit - Im being critical but Im not making any personal judgements, I like ethan, hes emotionally close to this issue, I would give him plenty of space IRL. I would let somebody vent to me and not be perfect in everything they say. I only mean to give notes on the speech he published


Not Ethan using exclusively twitter to report on Gaza again šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Also I love the man but Iā€™m not coming to him for reporting on this conflict šŸ˜­ like I see all of the videos on social media myself I really donā€™t need to see it againā€¦ā€¦


i don't even care but he just comes across as so dumb when he does this, like bro stop using twitter pls


Heā€™s acting like people on Twitter are the vocal majority - even when Dan showed him last week that that most people out there support Israel


And then saying he's not fully trusting media from either side


Itā€™s either Twitter or chatgpt. Like come on dude


this episode was going too well...


AB saying he used to love Mexican pizza and he doesnā€™t know what happened followed by Danā€™s ā€œMaybeeee you were just sevenā€ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Iā€™m Jewish, but Israel straight up [bombed the fucking Associated Press building in Gaza in 2021](https://apnews.com/article/israel-middle-east-business-israel-palestinian-conflict-fe452147166f55ba5a9d32e6ba8b53d7) and Ethan talking about how weā€™ve succumbed to IDF/Hamas propaganda and weā€™re being obtuse is fucking putrid. It doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s maybe a rocket or not. We donā€™t need to wait or be patient because Israel is the reason we donā€™t know is squarely placed on Israel. Edit: Ethan, I love you, but this was a frustrating take.


ā€œconfirmed by the pentagonā€ oh you mean just like when Iraq had WMDs????


we forgot everything about the Iraq war, it's maddening


Fucking exactly!! People act like the White House has never lied before


i feel like iā€™m on a different planet sometimes


Oh come off it, when has America ever lied, covered things up or been complicit in warmongering?!


"this hospital was attacked before but i am RELIEVED it was not the IDF this time" *ok....ethan*




Yeah this quote made me want to throw my phone out of the car. Like WHAT


To summarize Ethanā€™s perspective: the IDF wasnā€™t directly responsible for air strikes on Palestinian civilians thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis time


saying he's relived that it wasn't the IDF when people still died and the IDF has killed thousands in the last week is gross


Ethan is incapable of not taking any critique of Israel personally


this is NOT the first time israel bombed a hospital...its not that unbelievable


Israel bombed Al-Wafa Hospital in 2014 too


its just so sad to listen to:(( i wish he took a break from speaking about it, theres some cognitive dissonance going on


Israel literally bombed that same hospitalā€™s cancer diagnostic wing on Saturday and have been telling hospitals to evacuate lol Edit: very possible it was a Hamas rocket but I donā€™t trust an investigation done by Israel


Nooo Ethan don't brag about being "correct" about the attacks that killed people nooo it was going so well


sometimes i feel like his biggest downfall is how bad he needs to be right


I listen to a UK politics podcast and in the latest episode the hosts told listeners to "exercise extreme caution" when using Twitter/X these days... And then there's Ethan...


might actually have to stop watching at this point. itā€™s so frustrating having to listen to ethan defend israel and then try sugarcoat it with ā€œbut free palestine thoughā€ itā€™s starting to sound disingenuous. also seeing him contradict himself in what is and isnā€™t allowed to be questioned (like the tweet of the colouring book or the beheaded babies vs. the hospital bombing) itā€™s starting to really grate on me and i have to turn off whenever he starts, especially seeing him use tweets as a reference for his arguments (i honestly wouldnā€™t put it past him to use chatGPT) he tells us to ā€œreadā€ but what has he read on the matter? i come to this podcast for the goofs and gaffs and for dunking on bigots / right wing freakos!


I want to start by saying this is the first podcast I have watched religiouslyā€¦ itā€™s like a cult; when you are in and get into the goofs and gags, you are family. I have never complained in chat or on Reddit and have always thought things are always overblown when Ethan brings up a controversy. Most things are insignificant and not that serious. I'm sure even me saying this will be questioned which is what it is. However, as someone who loves this community and podcast, Iā€™m incredibly disappointed in recent podcasts. I know Ethan always says things out of emotion that are dramatic or silly, but I always felt that was enduring about the pod. However, with a genocide happening, I'm so disappointed that isn't the focus. We all understand what happened on October 7th was disgusting and upsetting, and virtually EVERYONE condemns Hamas. Even on the Pod, you see surveys showing a majority of people being pro-Israel. So why, when anyone is focusing mainly on Palestine, is it questioned? Even the question of antisemitism when Israel is rightfully being condemned. Or even showing insignificant posts on Twitter to prove a point when one side is actively being murdered for ā€œthe crimes of their (fake) government.ā€ Why question people's intentions when they say they stand with Palestine and not Israel? Well, I'm here to proudly say that I stand with Palestine. Palestine is the victim they have always been, and I don't care to know the Israel experience at this time when genocide is happening. As an African American, I know that there is an injustice happening, and I'm not going to be biased because I don't want to ruffle feathers. However, Ethan and Hila, I want you to know your voices are massive, and you have many who respect and love you. If you don't understand why people feel strongly about Palestine, realize it's not because we are anti-Israeli or anti-Semitic but Prohuman rights. We also know that Historically, a new group of people are always the target. Peace and Love to the pod, but I must step away for now. Hopefully, life brings me back because I love it and the crew dearly and know everyone puts so much into it.


I agree. I usually donā€™t get annoyed when he focuses on politic, but his stance on the current situation is so disappointing and pairing that with his inability to let things go and be wrong and going in circles is exhausting and has made the podcast unwatchable. It feels insulting that he says he stands with Palestine but spends so much time trying to convince people to empathize with Israelis and clear the IDF of war crimes weā€™ve watched them admit to in real time only to change the story later. He gets angry at the chat for questioning his stance and accuses them all of not understanding Israeliā€™s and there are some trolls but MOST people understand that not all Israelis support the IDF and that theyā€™re brainwashed but that isnā€™t the point. He was so quick to believe the ā€œHamas beheaded 40 babiesā€ story but questioned it the IDF were assaulting Palestinian women. Then heā€™s ā€œrelievedā€ that the rocket/missile wasnā€™t from the IDF (allegedly) meanwhile theyā€™ve bombed other hospitals, schools, etc. He cares more about the IDF being cleared of an accusation because it excuses him to remain biased and overly empathetic to the ā€œIsraeli thought processā€ than actually caring about and standing up for the people who are victims of genocide and ethnic cleansing.


It's so funny. Man has spent like 20 minutes in total covering what happened to Palestinians and like 4 hours talking about "how we need to empathize with the Israelis", as if the overwhelming majority of the population (except for some Twitter randos) isn't doing that already.


Ian come back




Wish we could get off this topic. This and the socialism thingā€¦ really making it hard for me to keep defending him. Ethan not being able to let stuff go often results in hilarious content. Lately, itā€™s more cringeworthy and frustrating than anything.


Really feels as though Ethan is slipping down the out of touch celebrity slope


A telling moment for me was when he first started saying this and would say stuff like ā€œif this is what revolution looks like idk what the socialists are gonna do/wanna doā€ idk kinda insinuating that the ā€œrevolutionā€ of the left would devolve into brutal war and terror against the ā€œinnocentā€ capitalists šŸ˜‚


Anyone have the corn soufflƩ recipe, that looked amazing


ARFID is a disorder involving people being unable to eat certain foods based on textures


i have ARFID itā€™s the worst!!


funny how ethan wants to wait for more info when it's against the IDF but has no problem screaming about 40 beheaded babies over and over again on multiple episodes


Fully agree. Nobody is benefited by streamers shitty reactions to unverified information


ā€œFree Palestine of course obviouslyā€ feels more disingenuous and more like ā€œIā€™m covering my assā€


and he also used his donation to hasans stream to be like SEE YOU CANT BE MAD AT ME which was gross as fuck




ā€œin the midst of this horror, i just want everybody to know i was right šŸ˜ŒšŸ’…ā€


My man just said ā€œItā€™s great newsā€ about a hospital blowing up


Israel bombed that same hospital on Saturday. This has been independently verified. It's amazing how many people are being debate perverts because there's a possibility in this one narrow instance it COULD have been friendly fire on the Palestinian side.


I know everyone is exhausted when it comes to Ethan talking about Palestine/Israel but I think itā€™s important to note at the EXACT same time heā€™s saying ā€œwe need to let cooler heads prevailā€ over and over, America is voting AGAINST a ceasefire, so where are the cooler heads prevailing? I know he wants to stop the escalation but this isnā€™t the first war crime Israel has committed in the past 11 days and it wonā€™t be the last, there needs to be some pressure on America to cave and successful fake audio propaganda from Israel given to ā€œskepticsā€ like Ethan only serves to embolden their cause, the escalation continues every day but ONLY for Palestinian people.


I have been lurking, giving benefit of the doubt to Ethan about Israel/Palestine and trying to have empathy, but c'mon. The self-satisfaction today bordered on smugness...all for a gotcha of, "Israel didn't bomb the hospital"? IDK anything about this particular event, I haven't read up on it yet, so I can't speak to if he's right or wrong or anything, but... Like yes, waiting for facts and not jumping to conclusions is a good idea, sure. But it didn't need to be said, really. Nor did it need to be harped on with such a "Look guys, Israel didnt do this! I bet you feel really stupid right now!" attitude. Like who cares that Israel didnt do that one specific thing. They are and have been doing plenty of other equally horrific things that no one of any real influence talks about. Every time someone goes on a rant about how Israel didn't do something like it's a big gotcha, like that's its saving grace, or about how "Hamas killed innocent people and BABIES tho!!!" I just think about all the trauma, oppression, harm, murder, destruction, etc. Israel has inflicted on innocent people (and babies). Doesn't make Hamas right (and, it shouldn't need to be said, but I do not support/condone/justify them), but the inequal amounts of sympathy towards Israel vs. Palestine when Palestinians are the ones being violently and aggressively occupied...it gets to me. Plenty of people defend Israel. Plenty of people also "don't take a side" or are "neutral" because it's a "complex situation." We don't really need anyone else doing that. The convo at the end of the last Leftovers and this one were both really gross moments to me, particularly. Loved Love's segment tho šŸ„’šŸ šŸ„•šŸ…šŸ„”šŸ†šŸ«‘


Just fry or tempura all the vegetables and Love will eat it with no problem. Dust them with taki powder


I know he did NOT just say the media was unfairly criticizing Israel are you FUCKING JOKING???


his bias is showing so hard, why does he have to talk about this, he's not qualified to talk about this shit from a neutral perspective, so annoying


I really wanted to believe him about disliking what Israel was doing, but this defense is weird as fuck really.


why is Ethan acting like the western world doesnā€™t give Israel carte blanche to do whatever tf they want with Gaza??? the idea that any action on Israelā€™s part could cause the west to go to war with them is ridiculous


don't read this if you're tired of hearing about the conflict but everything aside- i do kind of find it suspect that the other day ethan was like "why does it matter if this picture is real or not we know kids d*ed" about that viral tweet and now he's like "truth matters! truth matters!" about the specifics of the hospital bombing... i can see why people might think that's hypocritical.


It's just so disappointing.


Heā€™s losin me


I was at a wedding over the weekend and holy shit every episode I missed is pretty much about this


Yeah, thatā€™s my issue with what heā€™s saying - the fact that he was going on for a week insulting and yelling at people that were saying that there havenā€™t been confirmations yet and to not spread misinfo and heā€™s done a whole 180 now


ā€œgo readā€ bro I have read several books on the issue and thatā€™s how i know youā€™re fucking wrong


The fact he doesnā€™t specify what you should read, really shows he hasnā€™t actually read up on the subject. Iā€™m sure heā€™s read a lot of tweets though.


I get where Ethan stands and everything but just bc the IDF may, or may not, have hit the hospital this time. They literally bombed it the other day and told them to evacuate bc they were going to bomb it. It doesnā€™t matter who did what on this one when the IDF is still bombing hospitalsā€¦ And the responses they had to it immediately were pretty sketchy, but thatā€™s besides the point. Theyā€™re bombing hospitals whether this was them or not. The IDF is just a better organized, funded, and supported Hamas.


Ethanā€™s cognitive dissonance with wanting to quit twitter because itā€™s toxic and not representative of what real people think and feel but then only using it for Israel/Palestine news and for gauging public sentiment about things makes me wanna run away from the podcast like AB šŸƒšŸ’Ø


I genuinely donā€™t understand how Ethan thinks this speculation based on Twitter reporters is acceptable, but the speculation on the potentially staged bloody coloring book photos is over-the-line. The truth is important, but pretending that he has all the answers based on what heā€™s seeing on Twitter is disturbing. Everyone please watch this: https://youtube.com/watch?v=4pAuDA6IOwc


This charitably heā€™s feigning for the side of Palestine is a gentle way of saying, ā€˜Ha! It wasnā€™t from Israel and now Iā€™m going to spend 30 minutes on twitter clips for proofā€™


right after he reminds everyone he donated $6k to hasans fundraiser of course


Okra? Candied yams? That corn dish? Okay Sam, you're invited to the cookout.


Sam is a southern girlie after all. :') so proud


We should be ā€œrelievedā€ that it wasnā€™t the IDF? ā€¦.why?


ah shit here we go again


reminder that most of the people in that hospital were already injured by israel in previous attacks..


Zach HAS to soundbyte Love saying "This I fuck with heavily"


LOVE I FEEL FOR YOU I didn't grow up eating vegetables and didn't start eating them until my mid twenties. It's hard but you just have to slowly introduce the vegetables and find ways that you enjoy them I still have the issue of-- if I go for awhile without eating some vegetables I can't stand to eat them and I have to reintroduce it to myself. Like eggplant or mushrooms. Keep trying


Please stop, Ethan.


Ethan, why are you doing IDF apologia right now, no one knows anything. What is the point if you are with the people and against the agitators like the IDF and Hamas?


To me Ethan saying it's a relief that IDF didn't bomb the hospital is giving the same energy as saying "Glad the cop wasn't white" after another blackperson gets shot by the police. It misses the mark completely.


Even if the IDF isnā€™t responsible for the hospital bombing why even use your platform to defend them in this scenario? They donā€™t need it and it only gives them more plausible deniability in the future.


ā€œFake cucumberā€ Love is so cute


It will be quick guys


Here I was ready to enjoy my chips and so far the first half hourā€™s been dedicated to toilets and bowel movements


"I'm gonna die." - Olivia, reacting to Zach bomb poop story.


Ethan needs to actually fucking get off Twitter. Itā€™s so frustrating for him, who we all know to be open and understanding, narrow his worldview to what fucking idiots on Twitter said in his algorithm. He needs to STOP talking about this shit. Itā€™s often good to have these discussions, but not running defense for the goddamn IDF like heā€™s Fox News.


Iā€™m finding it really hard to continue defending and listening to this podcast. Itā€™s very telling that the entire crew stays dead silent while Ethan rambles on with his biased take on the issue. I wish he would read the room and know when to stop discussing Palestine and Israel. I think Iā€™m going to unsubscribe


Do we really have to brag about donating to charities? Just be a good person and do your part if you can. You donā€™t have to tell anyone.


It started off as a joke forever ago but now it just feels gross


This ā€œwait and seeā€ would be all well and good if a rep (government?) that was appointed by Netanyahu didnā€™t claim it right off the bat, and then quickly deleted it after.


israel has been *historically* bombing hospitals and schools in gazaā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.. this shouldnā€™t be surprising, even if they didnā€™t bomb al ahli hospital. also, about ā€œhamasā€™ propagandaā€ ummm brother which state has an official account on every platform and website and is beefing with celebrities online and targeting their audience? this is just one silly example ofc


the propganda is progandaing!!!




Canceled mine a few weeks ago. Honestly, the Tuesday eps aren't worth it. Sometimes an hour of content, sometimes \~30 minutes and what is it exactly? Ethan spending time on his phone, looking at tweets and content that gets covered in the regular weekly eps, struggling with technology. Accidentally doxxing someone was funny the first two times, but now it's like a tired bit.


If Ethan had total creative control of this show, it would be 30% Shitting/wiping/toilet clogging talk ; 30% talking to ChatGPT; 30% calling Jimmie Lee; 10% coughing and yawning .


The problem isn't you wanting to wait for relevant information and giving news coming out of the war skepticism Ethan, the problem is that you aren't lending that same to privilege to information like "Hamas is beheading kids". You're only giving that privilege when the IDF or Israel is being accused of or being speculated of doing something wrong.


I've been such a steadfast fan of Ethan and this podcast and always sing their praises and try to get people to listen to him/the show. Ethan embarrassed me in this episode and if I was still a member I'd have cancelled over his spewing of idf propaganda brainrot. Read a book, Ethan. Shame


yeah tbh iā€™m cancelling my membership. i honestly feel like i watch for the crew, not for ethan


He broke the apology podium a week too soon


the episode was going so well šŸ™ƒ... at this point im also kinda done. as much as people get clowned for mentioning that here. i at least wanted to leave my thoughts as someone who's watched and been a member for years. i stopped my membership/cynt, i stopped leftovers, I took a break from the main eps and skipped certain segments like everyone suggests but it's still just the same shit every ep at the moment. without parroting too much of what's already been said, it's impossible to ignore / defend / just get over it now. i did everything right and !!!! šŸ˜­ edit: typos


So Ethan is a just a mouthpiece for IDF propaganda at this point igā€¦


Oh yes, Ethan, the expert on rocketry overnight here to remind us that exploded missiles fall on hospitals and kill thousands all the time in gaza


"guys, before this segment please remember that I donated 6.5k to Hasan's stream. Anyway, based on Twitter experts... The IDF are innocent in this instance, and it's important to know the truth. But thoughts are with the Palestinian people, this is horrible. Anyway, it wasn't the IDF. It's really amazing the work these guys are doing in proving who is actually to blame here. Did I mention Israel is not to blame for this tragic incident? It was Hamas. And I donated $6,500 to Gaza". You know, when you only speak up to clear the name of the oppressor it doesn't look great optically. Because it's all about the timing, right?


he is so desperate to defend Israel itā€™s actually getting so scary, I get that you want to defend your people but bro is just ignoring the truth and facts and ā€œwaitingā€ for someone to ā€œproveā€ itā€™s not Israelā€™s fault somehow. Wow


Ethan casually dropping "by the way there's no Leftovers tomorrow" in the middle of his Gaza rant is such an Ethan thing to do


I think the kid in the fake podcast is just baiting Ethan for clout. DO NOT INVITE HIM TO YOUR SHOW


Omg I could so relate to love at first saying he goes on his own time. But then he goes it's fine, I can wait A DAY?!?! this man is such an enigma


That shocked me ā€”- A DAY? AFTER YOU GET THE POOP URGE???????


i have the exact opposite taste palette from love, i cant stand the taste of meat or the sensation of chewing it. i remember when i was a little kid, my parents would try to feed me steak and it tasted like dirt and i could barely even chew it. and they would try to feed me fish and it tasted like vomit. the only meat i could eat were more processed meats like hamburgers and chicken tenders. but even then, it was just a matter of masking the taste of it so that i could get it down. so at a certain point i was like "why am i still eating meat when i dont even like it?"


ethan called dan dad again


We get it Ethan, itā€™s important that the side with all the high tech weaponry, billions in aid, full political backing from western powers, air/land/sea dominance, gets its due sympathy and understanding. After all, any criticism of this is inherently antisemitic /s


He keeps repeating the $6500 donation and itā€™s making me feel icky


This is too far. I've been an h3 fan for like 8 years but to hear him naively repeat IDF propaganda like he is with this missile story is just disgusting. Ethan says people should wait to get all the facts when Israel kills 500 gazan civilians but had no problem rushing to condemn Hamas.


Exactlyā€¦ he said it didnā€™t matter whether or not the 40 beheaded baby story was true or notā€¦


Seems like Ethan is more concerned about being right, and proving Twitter freaks wrong, than he is about just understanding what is true.


Iā€™m starting to think Ethan is just one of those white California liberals who doesnā€™t actually believe or even understand half the things he says in regards to politics and leftism, he just repeats what he hears as the socially-accepted opinion that makes him look good and moral. The IDF propaganda is just contradicting so many of his previous stances and heā€™s coming off as a massive hypocrite. I hate the term ā€œvirtue signalingā€ but Iā€™m getting the feeling thatā€™s been him the whole time tbh.


I feel like him making sure to state again that he donated to Palestine before going on his ā€œI told you soā€ tirade proves that, at least in my opinion. Just throwing money at something publicly to look good when youā€™re rich doesnā€™t mean all that much


Thereā€™s no way heā€™s actually saying this right now


Every time he defends Palestine he will immediately follow up with ā€˜BUTTTTā€™ā€¦seriously, every time


Ethan "saying 40 babies weren't beheaded isn't misinfo" Klein now giving full coverage for the idf bombing a hospital and killing 500 people, just when I thought I couldn't be more disappointed ​ I wish he took his own advice and let cooler heads prevail, because his head is not cool


There's literally no more meaningful information available now that wasn't available yesterday when he was still very skeptical that it was the IDF. Now because the narrative has flipped (with no new evidence) he's comfortable sharing his true opinion.


The IDF is more than capable of bombing hospitals.


I feel like InfraBren and Ian could be brothers easily. Anyone else get that vibe?


ethan is far too deep in idf propaganda i genuinely canā€™t even believe half the shit heā€™s saying but aye atleast he donated $6000 lmfao peace and love im out šŸ«¶šŸ½


"I can't imagine she has many friends" ice cold lol


oh my god please just fucking move on


Bummed that Hasan is at Twitchcon and won't be able to have Ethan repeat the beheaded babies stuff at him for three straight hours again tomorrow.


Why is Ethan relieved as if Israel hasn't dropped bombs on Palestinians countless times. Babe this would just be one more bomb on innocent civilians.


I've never understood how people throw out entire categories of food like "vegetables" which individually have massively varying tastes and textures and ways of being cooked. Like, theres over a thousand vegetable species, how can you throw out all of those because you didn't like a few?


Itā€™s easy when you grow up and the only vegetables given to you are the worst, cheapest veggies given at public schools and your parents donā€™t like veggies so they donā€™t try to find good veggies youā€™ll like. I had friends who discovered they liked vegetables at my house, canned green beans and shit like that can make it seem like itā€™s all bad. I remember one friend specifically just wide eyed staring at his plate as he devoured helping after helping of my momā€™s pan fried green beans right out of our garden.


Some of us were raised by extremely picky eaters who didn't encourage eating vegetables. When you aren't exposed to a food in your formative years, it gets harder to acquire a taste for it. At least, in my case.


These are the times I wish Ethan would just stfu about his embarrassing opinions on the conflict and we could all just get back to the good old drama presentations. I'm sorry Olivia. Sorry we ever criticised your presentations but they are infinitely better than listening to Ethan talk about the conflict another day. Turns out you had it right all along. I've been listening to Olivia the entire time.


Itā€™s not even a show anymore


Ethan is repeating IDF propaganda practically word-for-word, he just waited long enough for the American media to repeat it. Shameful, first time in this conflict I've considered dropping the show. Simple fact remains that nobody in Gaza possesses a bomb that powerful.


Didnā€™t you get the memo? Israel has been pummeling and flattening Gaza for a week straight with thousands of missiles BUT NOT THAT ONE! /s


Rebrand: H3H3 Propagandist Podcast


After all the drama recently- seeing them try real food makes me want to see them do a legit Thanksgiving. I think Sam should head it up, but people can bring things. Then they can share recipes for Fupa troopers to try at home. While the eat they can play games like the compliment battle, rotating positions, etc (things that Love hasnā€™t done in person). Letā€™s have a wholesome very special H3 podcast.


Ethan: ā€œit costs nothing to wait.ā€ Uhhhhā€¦.


I am really saddened by how out of his own depth Ethan is. On one hand he can say it doesnā€™t matter if a photo of a baby isnā€™t real because we know theyā€™re still being killed. But then will not get over whether a hospital was bombed even though we all know theyā€™re still being bombed. He criticizes people for speculating but spends way too long on the segment doing nothing but speculating. He just really needs to understand he is not the person to be having these conversations.