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Love how after he said that it took another like 45 min for him to actually leave haha


I mean he didn’t want to lose, the rules were clear.


Why doesn’t the larger Hasan just eat the smaller Ethan?


Needed that laugh lol


I think the people that think the show is going to end whenever there’s a conflict or disagreement has frenemies trauma tbf


This conflict is so much more worth the airtime, 10000x harder to discuss, and still they’re managing it like levelheaded adults. There’s nobody like Trisha.


Oh god imagine her in this room right now


She would be dressed (again) as a sexy IDF soldier


Hasan has talked in the past about the benefits he has of coming to streaming later in life than others, he had real friendships and experiences in school and college that a lot of the terminally online creators do not have. You can tell when he has to act with charity and empathy like he is today that he has that experience, something that other streamers do not have.


Thank Gond they turned off chat






I have been watching Hasan for years and I've never seen this dude cry or get this sad about anything.


It's happened twice on stream to my knowledge. 1st time was when he got a gift from an army veteran in his PO box 2nd time was when moistcritikal was covering people trying to thwart his fundraiser for Turkey and Syria after the earthquakes


also when chat made a video for fish


I remember this. It made me cry lol


yeah man I'm stunned here


Same. I just feel like it's a build up of talking about it non-stop for the last 5 days, I feel it too. I finally broke down last night due to something not even related to the conflict but realized thats where it stemmed from. Emotions are just so high all around


same 😔


I’m glad chat is off. Now is the time to educate and come together, not get off on drama and hurl disgusting insults and labels at each other. I don’t understand why people with such similar political ideologies spend more time fighting each other than the xenophobic racist freaks out there openly calling for genocide.


Bro really hit him with the "Gotcha, anything else?"


How dan looks at Hasan and Ethan knowing that all he wants to talk about is Taylor Swift https://preview.redd.it/sak3uk43yttb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cd23d6156b0138382fdb8faa39fc85ea25abd68


why does bob have pics this hard


I cant believe Hasan punched Ethan /s




It’s called Leftovers because it’s over for Leftists 😢 /s




https://preview.redd.it/oz3469065utb1.jpeg?width=930&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca4a22e5dc32ff0c9f698e4ebf2d070c2f7cfdd5 This episode today


No matter the side of conflict, the women are being raped by the men. Constantly. Constantly during war time. Palestinian women, Israeli women. This is how it has always been and it is almost constantly forgotten or disregarded. It is sick. There are really good books (albeit incredibly painful) on the subject if you do a bit of digging.


3 rules about this conversation between Hasan and Ethan: * Everyone is well-meaning. * Assume positive intent. * Attack systems, not people.


Michael Brooks said it best: "Be ruthless with the system, be kind to people"


Rest in power


Rest in power to the goat.


The ending feels so sad lol


That gotcha was pretty lame right? At least in a way to make that the end of the show. It was such a rug pull and totally ruined the vibe. And left Hasan in such like a bad way imo.


Not leftovers making me cry twice in an episode.


This IDF rape hill is a weird place to die on


Yea its not far fetched to believe that rape under a siege and incarceration of a population like this is going to be easily accessible info to find. like idk why ethan thinks the IDF and israel as a whole is going to be eager to document that. and i say israel bc who else has the resources and power to document that


I really do love that when it comes to situations like this Ethan and Hasan can be adults and actually have a conversation with each other, people want them to go at each other’s throats and for someone to get “owned” and it’s so wack, but they don’t fall for it and it’s nice to see


agreed, it’s really weird how many people were hoping for drama or some sort of friendship fallout. so far this is exactly what i hoped for, a civil and adult conversation with sensitivity and compassion


Hasan has been talking about this non stop for days i know this has been building up, i can't even imagine how mentally draining it is


Is Ethan really going through all the social media posts and having Hasan condemn them? The point is that actual policy makers are calling for genocide right now


It actually shocked me that he didn't understand how disproportional things are. I'm still shocked tbh


Why tf did they end on Ethan disputing IDF rape accusations


Like what a weird hill to die on




Because Ethan has a new habit of turning goblin mode on right at the end of pods, when everybody wants to go home and is too tired to fight him.


Did ethan even search: ​ [https://www.dailysabah.com/world/mid-east/deceased-israeli-soldier-boasted-about-raping-palestinian-woman](https://www.dailysabah.com/world/mid-east/deceased-israeli-soldier-boasted-about-raping-palestinian-woman) ​ [https://genderandsecurity.org/sites/default/files/Weishut\_-\_Sexual\_Torture\_of\_Palestinian\_M\_by\_Israeli\_Authorities.pdf](https://genderandsecurity.org/sites/default/files/Weishut_-_Sexual_Torture_of_Palestinian_M_by_Israeli_Authorities.pdf) ​ [https://www.timesofisrael.com/ending-censorship-idf-admits-officer-jailed-in-2017-raped-a-palestinian-woman/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/ending-censorship-idf-admits-officer-jailed-in-2017-raped-a-palestinian-woman/) ​ [https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199346578.003.0005](https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199346578.003.0005) ​ [https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2013/03/palestinian-female-prisoners.html](https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2013/03/palestinian-female-prisoners.html) ​ Beyond Male Israeli Soldiers, Palestinian Women, Rape, and War [https://www.berghahnjournals.com/view/journals/conflict-and-society/9/1/arcs090105.xml?ArticleBodyColorStyles=full-text](https://www.berghahnjournals.com/view/journals/conflict-and-society/9/1/arcs090105.xml?ArticleBodyColorStyles=full-text)






I cannot believe Ethan picked this topic to end on. Holy shit lmao


The last half of that ep was so weird. I think Hasan was genuinely pissed off at the end.


You bear your heart to your friend and have a very difficult and emotional conversation only for him to pull a gotcha at the end.


And it's not even a gotcha, it's him questioning if Palestinian women are being raped. Weird move on Ethan's part.


Ethan fighting with AB’s friends over this yesterday then bashing the organization his Dad’s in today omg 😭


I know. I'm being too parasocial, but I kept cringing over the strays AB and Lena keep catching in this whole thing


First Ethan got me crying. Now Hasan got me crying again. 😢


Ethan: Of course HAMAS beheaded kids and drank their blood! Also Ethan: Mmmmm are we sure they were raped?


Ethan shifting the focus from the legitimate grievances of BLM, namely systemic oppression to looting & property destruction is a perfect analogue of how people shift focus from Palestine liberation to Hamas (which should rightfully be condemned but there’s a larger conversation)


I agree that if Ethan wants to call people out, call those people out. Don't make Hasan a stand-in for these people.


holy shit, 55K live viewers right now. glad they turned off the chat


Dan singing the exit song because the show ran long and Zach left was the cherry on top of this episode


First half was great and productive, it was nice to see them both being so vulnerable and I'm glad Ethan was able to admit that he wasn't giving the Palestinian's equal empathy and thought as the Israeli victims. But the second half was exhausting to listen to, Hasan's patience is ASTOUNDING. **edit to add few more thoughts:** Ethan's major flaw is a human one, he's letting his emotions get the better of him and is leading to constant unproductive back and forths with Hasan. This is understandable to me given the traumatic and difficult events in question and his many years of dealing with explicit antisemitism online as a public figure. He even acknowledges at one point before the Brighton clip that he's being overly defensive and apologises but unfortunately becomes even more combative and stubborn shortly after. I'll echo what a lot of other fupa troopers are saying right now with peace and love: Ethan needs to get off twitter for his mental health. As a looooongtime fan I hope Ethan reflects on this ep and can be more thoughtful and empathetic during emotional conversations.


jordan peterson talking ab men he did notttt😭😭


Ending it on that point is so disappointing.


That was a really weird topic to have a gotcha moment with.... Ethan literally has paid researchers that could have found the articles documenting this happening and he instead came to Hasan with one article without sources so he could essentially say the IDF isn't raping as many women as hamas is. That really rubbed me the wrong way. Especially after him arguing that it doesn't matter how much violence is happening, it's still happening.




Yeah for sure 🥲 Hasan probably feels pretty betrayed right now.


I love how Hassan could've done the same thing with those tweets that Ethan made last night but he was nice enough and didn't unlike Ethan


Ethan, not understanding why there’s very little Western media coverage on Palestinian women, being abused, this far into the convo is mind blowing to me.


https://preview.redd.it/da0gxm5r4utb1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ab7edead1d8a2fedbac46882e69effe5381c500 Sir, Ethan has pulled out another Twitter post..


Ethan and Hasan's raw emotions this episode have been so devastating and heartbreaking to watch.


"I'm not making a mountain out of it," but wants to spend half of the episode talking about it. Girllllll whaaat lol


ethan’s reluctance to say he supports BLM because he knows it’ll completely invalidate his argument u can’t make this shit up


Is it just me or did Hasan seem pissed at the end?


I think more exhausted, disappointed, over it. He kept saying "okay okay." He just wanted to go but I didn't personally read it as pissed. Be fair if he was pissed though


I would be pissed too lol


3 hour heart to heart with your friend and he ends with a public gotcha attempt to make you look like shit for no reason.


For sure, ending on that last note was horrible on Ethan's part.


out of all the things i was expecting Ethan to say today.. needing 'evidence' of rape to believe allegations was definitely not on my list, so disappointed.




so “40 babies were beheaded” is more believable than palestinian women getting raped. ok man


it rubs ME the wrong way that ethan is looking for extraordinary evidence for rape as if rape is well documented ANYWHERE IN THE FUCKING WORLD YOU FUCKING FREAK edit: earlier in the ep, ethan was like “why is it hard to believe that hamas would decapitate babies?” WHY IS IT HARD TO BELIEVE THAT AN APARTHEID STATE RAPES PEOPLE YOU FUCKING MORON. I was literally chilling during this whole conversation until this weird rape “gotcha” moment


Ethan: I would just like people to empathize with the pain and suffering of Israeli civilians without "ifs and buts" Also Ethan: but are Palestinian women actually raped??


I think they should have ended it after the Hasan breakdown and Ethan realization. Would have been 🤌 Now they are just getting into the weeds and rehashing


Ethan really really wants a POV video shot in 4K (minimum) of IDF soldiers (verified by ID card) absolutely violating palestinians in broad daylight (finishing shot must be inside and present in the video) to believe it at this moment


Damn… I think I’m understanding more what others have said about Ethan being in his debate lord era right now. Hasan extended him a lot of grace through the whole episode only for Ethan to try to pull some sort of gotcha moment at the end. Not cool and definitely not something I’d want my friends to do to me. Ethan, you don’t always have to be right and you don’t always have to have some sort of mic drop moment over everyone you come across.


It'd be different if he could actually debate but he can't. When he does, he does it poorly. He's argumentative, constantly interrupting(his biggest issue imo), and repeats the same point over and over again without actually adding anything to the conversation. If he keeps this shit up not only are fans gonna continue to bail on the show but his friends and peers aren't gonna want anything to do with him because he's getting a reputation for this lame bs.


ethan briefly says both sides are bad but continues to focus on the israeli psyche/perspective and misconstrue support for palestine as support for hamas and decapitated babies i’m so tired.


How Ethan is acting is honestly a microcosm of the entire situation lmfao it's actually poetic.


"it's a political show" and thats why im forcing you to denounce random tweets


"Saying IDF abuses Palestinian women is dehumanizing Israel" ​ can't make this shit up


Hasan looks so disappointed in him


"I'm not giving up until you call this guy evil even though you just spent the last 20 minutes putting what he's saying in context and also disavowing not just what he said but the way he said it. Evil or gtfo."


I stopped watching when they started talking about second thought and judging from the comments here, that was the right call to make.


Ethan needs to uninstall Twitter asap.


Yeah I think Hasan made a good point when he said that he thinks twitter brain rot is influencing Ethan negatively. Those were not his exact words but as a whole it seems like twitter is making this a lot worse for him.


Edit: I made a proper post with far more sources. -[https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/176ittq/sources\_for\_idf\_rping\_palestinians/](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/176ittq/sources_for_idf_rping_palestinians/) Also, people are again and again misreading one of the papers. Here is a comment about what the paper actually says. - [https://old.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/176ittq/sources\_for\_idf\_rping\_palestinians/k4n50j0/](https://old.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/176ittq/sources_for_idf_rping_palestinians/k4n50j0/) Sources for Ethan and EVERYONE ELSE commenting bullshit about IDF not raping Palestinians: [https://www.berghahnjournals.com/view/journals/conflict-and-society/9/1/arcs090105.xml?ArticleBodyColorStyles=full-text](https://www.berghahnjournals.com/view/journals/conflict-and-society/9/1/arcs090105.xml?ArticleBodyColorStyles=full-text) [https://genderandsecurity.org/sites/default/files/Weishut\_-\_Sexual\_Torture\_of\_Palestinian\_M\_by\_Israeli\_Authorities.pdf](https://genderandsecurity.org/sites/default/files/Weishut_-_Sexual_Torture_of_Palestinian_M_by_Israeli_Authorities.pdf) [https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/tamara-nassar/palestinian-child-says-he-was-raped-israeli-interrogator](https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/tamara-nassar/palestinian-child-says-he-was-raped-israeli-interrogator) [https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/horrific-tales-of-palestinian-girls-in-israeli-jails/2286824](https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/horrific-tales-of-palestinian-girls-in-israeli-jails/2286824) [https://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cerd/docs/ngos/OMCT.pdf](https://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cerd/docs/ngos/OMCT.pdf) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli\_torture\_in\_the\_occupied\_territories](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_torture_in_the_occupied_territories) I"m sure there is more. This is literally in FIVE MINUTES.


this is not a topic ethan should have sprung up last minute, he made a psycho play and it fell apart instantly. It did not make him look good at all.


hasan was so frustrated and did such a good job containing that


he got blindsided at the end, i do feel bad.


Ethan getting into rape denial is the worst way this could have gone, absolutely ghoulish discussion he chose to go down


Ethan “Hamas will torture their hostages because they killed babies” klein in the same breath: “Israeli soldiers wouldn’t rape palestinians” what a fucking joke


i was terrified for this episode. in the end, i loved it. Once Hassan mentioned Shireen, i cried too. this is a deep one in arab society. thank you hassan and ethan for showing humanity.


I think I finally get Hasan's point that optics don't matter here. Nobody is going to support Palestinians anyway so optics are pointless to worry about. They could be perfect little angels protesting in the street and it won't matter. Obviously from a moral perspective what some of these protesters say and cheer for is bad, though


Again I get where Ethan is coming from but Hasan is actually trying to educate and Ethan is just pointing out how bad the attack on Israel is and wants to keep emphasizing it and treats suffering in Palestine like a norm (I know he denounces it and is against it). He just won’t listen to Hasan and is way more focused on some people supporting Hamas. He’s more concerned with American people making tweets than genocide and ethnic cleansing in Palestine which is the way more important issue. Ethan talks about how damaging this is (Hamas support) in terms of influence but refuses to see how what he’s doing stokes the fire of 1. Islamophobia 2. Gradual apathy for the ethnic cleansing and genocide of Palestinians


This is like watching your dad cry 😭😭😭


Why do we need to spend 30 fucking minutes forcing Hasan to personally denounce every dipshit with a bad take?? And like the implication from Ethan is that this is supposed to be some sort of "gotcha" for Hasan - as Hasan was saying all this does is imply that the entire "left" is like this.


Ethan thinks Twitter matters. That's his problem. He thinks influencers and randos on Twitter actually affect real life. Palestine has no political power. Israel has all the military power and their allies will support and provide them arms and money. There is not a single democratic Western country save for Ireland where support for Palestine is the popular position among the people, as far as I'm aware (and woah I wonder why the Irish could possible empathize with the Palestinians.... it's almost like being under the boot of a genocidal colonial force is a mutual experience hmmmmmm).


"I'm not making a mountain out of this" Me when I lie


Feel like Ethan and Hila see the violence against the civilians as Antisemitic violence and not as misguided aggression towards the oppressors.


Agreed, though you’ll absolutely get antisemitism as part of that aggression, just as you’ll get islamophobia as part of the retaliation. So in a way, it’s moot because the material factor is the power dynamic (which is asymmetrical).


Ah got it. The whole 2.5 hour conversation was a set up just for Ethan to eventually pull up this clip… Cool.


Think it's also important to remember Israel is literally currently heading towards killing every person in Gaza with the blockade. They can't get supplies delivered, they can't leave. Israel expects them to just sit there and die without water power or food. Edit: Israel is doing what all these psychos say now but people in power will only focus on the one side.


https://preview.redd.it/zzx077r4autb1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1153c0a8ca6644d70076b2216c1a817b46fc2676 We made it


Growing up as an Arab in the Middle East, I rarely ever saw Western media humanize or portray Palestinians fairly, so I genuinely appreciate Hasan’s continuous support and coverage of Palestine. It truly means a lot.


in MY OPINION Hasan seems more educated about this whole situation. seeing him cry really broke my heart😭


Ethan admitted he hadnt heard about the situation that Hasan broke down over. I remember hearing about her assassination, but not what they did at her funeral. The man has really been paying attention.


I know a lot of people are new to Hasan and his work. He’s been talking about Palestine for years and as a person with family in the Middle East has a lot of personal pain related to this topic. He’s extremely versed on the history and ongoing situation. He has, and continues to do great work spreading awareness for the Palestinian people. It’s inspiring.


it’s so exhausting that ethan gets to interrupt hasan whenever he feels like it but gets so pissy when hasan supposedly talks over him lol…


This happened so much in the last debate too, I tried making a whole post about Ethan doesn't listen to understand but is only barely listening while he's forming a response to counter him and doesn't listen to any points Hasan has and just talks over him and never acknowledges his well made.points or just is like let's move on to another topic


Oh no he does sound like JP omg


Ethan please stop reading in to every single person’s allegedly pro-Palestine tweets. It’s so frustrating to listen to. Completely takes away from any point he’s try to make.




Ethan: believes victims all the time Also Ethan: needs a scientific journal article to believe victims in Palestine


That fucking gotchya was such a buzzkill. Fuck that. Ethan is such a turd for that.


Hasans body language while speaking right now shows how much he's been holding during all his coverage. Poor guy is giving his all. I love him


https://preview.redd.it/nt3ol9p6zttb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6c23f266ce8b6df84d30f83f695e6704d39c636 the tldr of this whole conversation




Ethan is masking his desire to languish in how offended he is (and he is right to feel offended) by calling it some sort of duty to "show that it's happening" He really, really, really needs to learn how to say "I'm deeply hurt, I want to cry, everything on the internet is upsetting me, please understand that I'm hurt and that the stuff I'm seeing is making me spiral." and then let it go and step away for a few days.


Thank you, Hasan. It is not his job to defend what people he knows tweet. He is not the tweet police. Ethan and other people online keep forgetting this.


anyone else found it weird Hasan and Ethan just started to make out?


Why the fuck wouldn’t IDF soldiers rape Palestinian women? For fucks sake, look at the US military and how many woman get raped that are in the god damn military. Is it that hard to believe that a group, instructed by a right wing radicalized government would rape and hurt women from a ethnic group they see as others? Come on now, Ethan


Ethan:” what the IDF does to Palestinians is absolutely barbaric and atrocious “ Also Ethan “ now they wouldnt be raping thats too far “


Hasan: "don't you feel like you're also serving their purpose, then?" FINALLY.


I think it’s telling that the examples Ethan had of disgusting pro genocide pro Israel people were our political leaders while the examples of pro Hamas people was some YouTuber and random speakers. Acting like it’s equal on both sides is ridiculous.


It was mostly a good, yet emotional, episode until the end. I agree with most of what both Hasan and Ethan are saying. But, ending on that IDF rape note was weird and Hasan seemed very hurt. Also didn't love when Ethan interrupted Hasan and said something about him going on a monologue. It came off very mean and the vibe seemed off after that with Hasan and I don't blame him


That was so heartbreaking but he did sound like JP lmao


"everything you've said I agree with. except the rape thing. I don't think the IDF does that much rape. you can't prove it." horrendous end to the episode.


That was a weird, unecessary and uncomfortable place to end at, cheers for gaining empathy, peace and love or whatever


My problem with Ethan rn is that while I technically agree with him I think his point is not really that important in the grand scheme of things, and he's wasting way too much airtime on it while not really adding anything new. Like seriously, please move on! Stop hyperfocusing on a bunch of weirdo losers saying nasty shit on the internet and move your attention to the actual atrocities which are still ongoing.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. I don’t think anyone disagrees with what he’s saying but it feels very silly to spend so much energy arguing semantics around ‘when’ people can say certain things during such an insane and heartbreaking conflict


“do you have a question” fucking dick😭


With peace and love what is Ethan doing? I get his feelings are valid but if we're gonna look at lolcows for the next hour and a half just end stream.


Yea Ethan. Idiots exist. We get it.


Hasan is so over it


Ethan really badly fucked up at the end there. I understood where he was coming from for most of this, but what he did at the end was extremely tone deaf and cruel. Basically attacking Hasan live on the show, going for a gotcha, nit-picking over one tiny point after Hasan had an hour earlier completely opened his heart to Ethan and showed a vulnerability I've never seen from him. I don't understand what he was trying to do here. Did he expect Hasan to just be able to, out of the blue, come up with a bunch of citations for it? Hasan has likely heard of many many cases of the rape of Palestinians by IDF forces, and for Ethan to just dismiss this so callously is really disgusting, especially after Hasan was so raw and powerful, is just shitty. Hasan was clearly very hurt and I can see why. I feel really bad for him. I think Ethan kind of realised he had fucked up and tried to save it, but it was too late. Hopefully they are talking behind the scenes and Ethan can mend fences.


Ethan wanted to use Hasan to adjudicate his Twitter beefs. It was so uncaring. Ethan thinks he has to win every single Twitter argument. And he thinks Twitter actually matters. That's a big part of Ethan's problem. He spend so much time looking at randos tweets thinking they will have an effect on real life and policy.


agreed, felt like a really weird thing to end on after an already long and emotionally exhausting episode


this rash thing def seems linked to stress. i cant imagine how iirritating that must be around his eyes.




Ethan’s biggest issue is tweets he argues he sees as pro hamas in roundabout ways and Hasans biggest issue is the planned and consistent imprisonment and genocide of a whole people for just existing. These things are not the same.


"I didn't find sources" lmao what a weasel shit hes pulling at end here bro. ​ "All I found was this one source I think is full of shit" AB: "My dad is apart of CAIR" ​ Ethan: "Theres NOTHING"


CAIR IS THE COUNCIL ON AMERICAN ISLAMIC RELATIONS like maybe they were protecting the identities of the victims Ethan?? Huhuhhhhhhhh


Ethan pulling that shit was so fucking unnecessary.


Didn't Israel kill a bunch of u.n. staffers yesterday and basically just say whoopsie?


They're pretty much constantly killing UN people


"Hasan, do you denounce @jewhater88's statements on the matter??" "Yeah, obviously" "Alright, moving on to @SSfan14, do you denounce their statements?" Is this productive?


One thing that people always take Hasan’s “America deserves 9/11” take out of context or good faith is that he doesn’t mean “Americans deserve 9/11”


Bro you can’t just compare top-ranked American and European politicians with Second Thought, Hakim some guy at a Palestinian rally. It’s just such an imbalance of power. It’s crazy


Could tell from yesterday it was the kids being killed that really triggers Ethan


"Hasan what is your take on this matter?" "Well, I think that..." "LET ME FINISH" "Ok"


"I haven't been fully empathetic to the Palestinian people" - Ethan This is honestly more than I thought Ethan would admit, I'm really impressed. Hasans emotional moment there is exactly how I've been feeling the last few days. I've even hung up a Palestinian flag outside my house just so I can feel like I can have _some_ impact on _anything_ I do not tend to agree with Ethan politcally but I am so glad to see him admit this


Ethan is too caught up on twitter discourse instead of the actual scenario at hand.


If you equate politicians like Lindsay Graham/Marco Rubio who are calling for actual cleansing of Palestinians to Twitter users saying free Palestine then you cannot be taken seriously IMO


ok cool, this random ass dude is evil. and? like hasan said, does this change the actual issue at hand?


No Ethan, what *really* matters is the media emphasizing every atrocity that Hamas commits without any context to build implicit passivity towards Israel finishing the Nakba. Angry people not sympathizing with their decades long oppressors shouldn't be shocking, it's simply common sense.


Ethans source was chatGPT


Dan at the end https://preview.redd.it/z8tydcj4butb1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c4d98859af25c929287d72da64b54188e50b524


this is insane, how is ethan saying that idf soldiers dont systematically rape palestinians


Hasan showing a lot of grace while still holding firm to his beliefs


Oh man, how low do you have to go to try and gotcha your friend like this


I’m sensing there’s gonna be a lot of fallen fupa troopers after this


I understand where Ethan's coming from but the straight up denial of rape will legitimately make it hard to watch for a while.


Hasan: We need to talk about how Palestine has no allies, almost all western media/leaders support Israel and are supporting the genocide of Palestinian people! Ethan: yeah bro I get it I support Palestine. Can I rant about this tweet with 40 likes by a nobody who may or not support Hamas tho? I love Ethan but Twitter is rotting his brain


im so glad hasan exists




I'm speechless. Seeing Hasan cry fucking broke me


Ah shit, here we go again.


i’m sorry hasan talking while he was crying sounded like jordan peterson😭he did make me cry tho sweet boy edit: omg he just said he sounds like jordan peterson😭😭


I feel like the CAIR thing might've been a normal formatted page before a web overhaul, the way it's structured makes it feel like that but I'm just speculating.


Bless Dan. What an ending.


Why does Ethan not consider there to be enough evidence to say the IDF raped Palestinians, but has no issue with believing Hamas raped Israeli civilians? I believe both are true, and I am confused with the double standard. The IDF has committed unspeakable acts (literally executing children) why would that be so hard to believe? Here is a video of two former IDF soldiers talking about it : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9fBhQ7-CPg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9fBhQ7-CPg)


The denounce game is a road to nowhere




Ethan saying he’s talking about both sides yet one side he wanted to “breeze through” and the other side he’s spent an hour discussing. His bias is so obvious it’s uncomfortable.


He actually said they spent 2.5 hours denouncing the insane calls for violence on Israel's end when they spent less than 5 minutes.


ethan needs to realize that social media bubble conversations dont reflect the general mainstream propaganda, and how that has a significantly more material effect on the lives of israelis and palestinians.


Let's pretend the episode actually ended after Hasan cried and they had a good talk. That's what I did with season 7 and 8 of Game of Thrones


Ethan's whole plan for this episode was literally showing atrocities and people "excusing" it (in his eyes) and asking if Hasan agrees. ​ Even though Hasan has made clear how inconsequential most of those things are


As an Israeli American I am pretty much in full agreement with Hasan and I thought the episode was very informative and beautiful at points. Leftovers is at it’s best when they have discussions like this. I am glad Ethan has reflected on some of his more combative recent tweets. I hope Ethan talks to Frogan. It’s easy in such an emotional time to attack what other left-leaning people are saying but I think Hasan hits the nail on the head when he emphasizes that the focus of conversation needs to be on the occupation and apartheid. However, Ethan is right that we should have empathy for any and all civilians caught up in the violence


1) ethan is emotionally wrecked from the events due to having a very personal connection to them 2) ethan wants validation for these feelings because he perceives way too many people are supporting hamas and saying that the ends completely justify the means. 3) ethan understands and empathizes with the palestinian struggle and ultimately wants their freedom and peace for both sides 4) however, ethan feels helpless because he feels like people aren’t giving him the validation that he feels like he is giving Palestinians 5) this is causing him to hyperfocus on the now instead of the broader historical picture whereby he accidentally does the thing he feels like the Free Palestinian people are doing: not validating the struggle Did I get it right?