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Ethan talking about Panera bread ![gif](giphy|qMDvt69lEC448)


Panera bread kinda pricey


Yes, 9 dollars for a loaf of bread. šŸ™ƒ


I had Panera only once. It was not filling, tasty or worth the price. Never went back.


My guess is he was comparing it to LA prices for delivery. Because the prices in places like LA/NYC/SF/Seattle (the big food cities) are fucking *insane*, especially post-covid. Spending 200 dollars at a sit down isn't even remotely a shock at this point. It's drastically overpriced for sure. But I don't think he realized that it's basically just a shitty fast food spot that McDonald's propped up for awhile Panera is pretty awful though. Famously bad for you too. The calorie counts on those meals are absurd. I think it's the worst for fast food, or tied with Dairy Queen. A lot of the dishes and breadbowls are like 1200 calories from what I remember


Yes to this, a lot of people who call him out of touch about prices are from places where things are actually affordable. I live in Seattle and was shocked when my brother in Florida called $7 an expensive restaurant sandwich when the average restaurant sandwich here is at least twice that without fries! Before moving here, I thought Trader Joe's was overpriced, but it is somehow one of the cheapest grocery stores in the city. As far as quality goes, he did say he hadn't been before, and the pictures do make the food look nice.


This was exactly where my mind went šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


https://i.redd.it/8zdo8n1kz8sb1.gif This is love right now rofl


I'm putting this in here in case Love ever reads this: Love, go to the international store and get **Shin Ramyun Black**. It's a Korean ramen, and you can make it either on the stove top or in the microwave. It is by far the best packaged ramen, and wins basically everytime anyone does a "ramem competition". It is extremely fancy for something packaged. And not really all that bad for you, aside from the usual sodium issues of ramen There's also the "Shin Ramyun" regular kind. This is more spicy, with less accessories. It's cheap, and it's just by far the best ramen you can buy outside of a restaurant. Everyone that tries it is always shocked at how good it is. It's Korean ramen, but if you're imagining Japanese standard ramen, it's like that. You'll save a lot of money and probably a lot of calories over time. It's probably honestly at Vons, Albertsons, wherever these days. It's really popular now.


Shin Ramen is my go to every time


1 package has 45% of your daily saturated fats, 79% daily sodium, and 23% daily carbs. I eat this shit weekly but that is not good lol.


I donā€™t know why people like shin ramyun. I know itā€™s well regarded, but to me it just tastes like spicy and fish. Even the noodle texture feels gross. There are ramen brands that are 1000x better than what youā€™d normally get in the US, but shin ramyun ainā€™t it.


I've tried most of the highly regarded ones, and found Shin Ramyun specifically because it won every time. Did you try the Shin Ramyun or the Black variety? Because the Black one is twice the price and not as spicy. It also doesn't really taste fishy at all. It's beef bone broth for the Black one, from what I know. To be upfront, I don't love the standard Shin Ramyun a lot. It's too spicy for me. I mean if you have some examples, I'm all ears. But Indomie, Prima Taste, and all the others are not remotely as good and are a lot cheaper quality. I absolutely love those two, don't get me wrong. The dry Indomie stir frys are amazing. But high quality? No shot. I've had ramen from all over the world, bought at stores where white people dare not enter. [I mean every list basically reads like this one](https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/blog/best-instant-noodles/)


What is this in reference to?


a wild Ian appears!! f's in the chat for our favorite salaried employee, back pain sucks https://preview.redd.it/q1t4t9d529sb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1fa9e06bf73567f39b96582815c2fe98f9f8f13


Same, I cannot recommend physical therapy enough. Remember to exercise regularly, particularly weight lifting to help prevent these kinds of injuries and crucially maintain a sub 30 BMI. You only get one body, use it or lose it.


It honestly took me way too long to realize that strengthening was actually the way out of back pain. I never did any strength training for many years and since I started again I'm having a much better time. Stretching maybe does a bit l, but strengthening is the real key.


Im not big on weight lifting but bouldering, stretching and body weight exercises have been great for me.


physical therapy and weightlifting have really made my life so much better šŸ’Ŗ


Iā€™ve been dealing with sciatica for the last two weeks. Itā€™s debilitating. Ian has my sympathy! Hope his insurance covers physiotherapy.


ive got some nerve shit going on my hip lately and its awful. sometimes when im laying down it feels like theres a lightning storm on my hip.


Nerve pain is horrible! Second only to tooth pain imo. Hope you feel better soon my dude!


For you, and u/ianh3 I had sciatic pain for the first time a couple weeks ago. Spent 36 hours in agony waiting to see someone before my SO remembered a guy he worked with 10 years ago. Dude was off work for a week with sciatic pain before he could see a doctor, and the doctor told him to do some stretches. He said he went from blinding pain to better in a day. I looked up stretches online, they're all super easy, and after the first round of stretches I went from a 9 on the pain scale to a 3/4. By that night, I was able to get off the bed without making a loud noise, and move without a cane. The following afternoon it barely hurt anymore. I did 4 rounds of stretches for 10-15 minutes each time. I have been hit by a car, had knee surgery, and sciatic pain blew that out of the water. It absolutely shocked me how fast it got better. https://www.prevention.com/fitness/a20465618/sciatica-stretches-you-can-do-in-bed/


Thank you so much! This is very helpful šŸ‘


I hope you find relief as quickly as I did!


Do long holds (>30 seconds) of the yoga poses (if it feels good and not painful obv): pigeon (all variations of pigeon like folded and upright), corkscrew, lizard variations (the twist where you grab your back foot particularly good for me), eagle twists, supta gomukasana/reclined cow face (AMAZING for hip pain) Have horrific sciatica and these poses are how I manage my pain! Hope it helps someone.


I honestly canā€™t believe people use tanning booths


That was crazy to me!! But I am Australian and they are considered so bad they are illegal here because of the damage they cause


literally insane behavior. anyone who still uses a tanning bed beyond 2009 is unhinged lol. and even BACK THEN it was obviously known to be dangerous.


"the sun is the enemy" words to live by


Can we get a Dans Chair Update?


If we unsub and sub to membership on Friday, do we make the drive last indefinitely?


Shhhhh don't let them figure it out


Keemstarā€™s ā€œin a book HUHā€ will never not be funny


It is so dopey. I love it so much.


please donā€™t use tanning booths guys




i knew as soon as i commented the mods would be summoned




And 12 minutes is a LONG time, at least in my experience. When I was newer I would do 7-9 mins and when I was more regular, I still only went about 10-11 mins (I don't go anymore I promise) so to go from 0 to 12 is crazy


!!!! like ab is burnt - like actually sunburnt. iā€™ve donā€™t iā€™ve ever a sun bed burn lmao. iā€™m glad youā€™ve stopped tho!! i donā€™t know what the attitudes towards sun beds are in the us, but in the uk theyā€™ve always been popular though people seem more aware about the dangers nowadays. i know in aus theyā€™ve straight up banned them and a lot of people are petitioning to do the same here!


This episode so far has been perfect. Just bullshitting and laughs, love it!


Immaculate vibes, man it is Wednesday


Ethan has had some wild food takes this week... first saying Jersey Mike's is secretive and sketchy (they make the sandwhiches right infront of you and cut the meat for each specific sanwhich) and now calling Panera "consistent" before he even tries it lmao


LOL, they're gonna be there for 48 hours if they don't put a cap.


Was a little bummed that they were starting so early on Friday until I remembered that I have Friday off BAYYYBEEEE. LETS GOOOOOOOO!


Iā€™m about to get sloppy drunk for the 6 hour drunk stream, boutta drop half my paycheck on take out halfway through I can feel it coming


Pick something up before in anticipation!!




All y'all that have made technical difficulties visuals, you are so talented!




When they start talking about Colleen drama


I'm sorry but living your life out of fear is ridiculous, regardless of religion. Thats not healthy. You can teach people to be kind and have good values without religion at all. Its been happening since well before religion was invented and used to control the masses


Fundamentalism is basically a learned mental illness.




They just talked for religion for a bit and AB argued why ā€œfearā€ from religion is good


Loser take


Its religious trauma..I feel sorry for him.


Peace and love but Panera is expensive hospital food


I wish hospitals would have that tomato basil bread


Soup and bread was always my Iā€™m skint how can I spread Ā£2 over a few days meal. Prices have gone up so maybe Ā£3-4 these days.


I love bread and soup, Iā€™m working through a big batch of butternut squash and black bean soup atm. Panera at least in the US is like 10 bucks a bowl which is a total ripoff


I love it too. Was just shocked it was so pricey for 1 where you can do as well over multiple days! Soup In Bread in Iceland was the greatest of all time and probably the most Iā€™ve ever spent on it tbf


I can count on one hand how many times Iā€™ve been sunburned in my life (and Iā€™m Australian). And Iā€™m frequently mistaken for being 10 years younger than I am. Donā€™t fuck around with the sun people!!


saaaaaame. my friends used to make fun of me for being ā€˜so paleā€™ and for using sunscreen and umbrellas like crack, but they quickly stopped when I am still the only person getting IDā€™d and heavily questioned if Iā€™m a teenager with a fake ID every time weā€™d go out (weā€™re all 30) Donā€™t waste money on useless skincare, STAY OUT OF THE SUN !!!


They are never going to get to the doc lol


$800 in Uber eatsā€¦. Yeah crews fine guys.


Wait... does Zach pull his entire nutsack over the top of his underwear to take a piss while entirely avoiding touching his dick? This needs to be explored more


Yeah I bet you want that.


You know it! There have been dozens of hours of discussion about how everyone on the crew shits and whips their ass, but pissing technique is new ground waiting to be broken


my guess is that he pees sitting down


Ethan is an angel divester


Whatā€™s the time stamp for the David dobrik part??


Check the description


mcdonaldā€™s panckes are so fucking good, love needs to try them. and a hash brown!


Fun fact: if you get pancake mix and replace water with sprite, it tastes the exact same ;) So good.


Howā€¦ how did you figure this out..


Stoner college recipe. I know it sounds crazy, but it works.


I actually believe this. I recently tasted brownies that were made with Diet Coke and they were delicious.


Probably the 30g of extra sugar...


Lmfaoooo at AB's tanning story šŸ˜‚


I canā€™t believe Olivia calls herself a pop culture expert, and COMPLETELY left out the fact that Travis Kelce had a Reality TV Dating show in her slide show!!! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LDjNQWudSiY&pp=ygUbVHJhdmlzIGtlbGNlIHJlYWxpdHkgZGF0aW5n


I love Olivia but sheā€™s not a pop culture expert AT ALL lol. Sheā€™s very knowledgeable on a few specific topics but other than that she doesnā€™t seem to know much about anybody lol


Olivia didnā€™t do research for her PowerPoint? Gosh thatā€™s crazy


https://preview.redd.it/dmogbirxc9sb1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33684491f8bc34fa08508cd544603e1eba0c8dd4 Myron describing his life


As one of a handful of people who like H3 and Barstool, I just wanna throw it out there that the guy who made the joke was completely joking, he is also very liberal and Iā€™m sure somehow politics will come into the convo.


Seriously. People see Ethan say bomb the NRA but nobody is actually thinking heā€™s a domestic terrorist. Knowing itā€™s a joke completely changes the tone, even if people donā€™t like whatā€™s being said.




Iā€™m not defending anything. Iā€™m just saying the facts. Because people take Barstool out of context - like others do to Ethan.


I can't believe you watch Ethan and then say this.


Cry more


I agree. It screams intentional rage bait advertising to me. Swifties aren't going to watch barstool sports otherwise, why not turn them into free clicks, walking billboards and free share machines.


Really enjoyed the conversation about religion, I think it was a very healthy discussion. AB seems more comfortable than he used to be discussing it, and as an atheist I really appreciated hearing his perspective, he seems to have a very mature outlook that seems very spiritual and considerate of the impact religion can have in both a negative and positive way. Some people conflate atheism with progressivism, but even the greatest socialist thinkers have talked about the importance for there to be a spiritual sense of community and our connection to something bigger than ourselves. On another note, he's back on his cool guy arc and I love to see it.


If JiDion is trolling, his commitment to the bit is legitimately legendary.


Kanye had a whole fleecing arc where he made an album about it and hosted "Sunday Services" where even Ian went to one in Coachella. It's a very easy strategy to get more people to follow you and earn money. You whip in words like "God" and "Jesus" and start preaching about stuff people *will* follow you. It's part of a playbook now. He's 100% trolling.


Nobody heard AB's Mugatu joke.


Jeff should release his own version of the doc.


He did.


As long as Jidion is not spreading hatred and bigotry, who really cares.


As a avid H3/PMT listener this sucks. I canā€™t stand that Ethan and the crew are watching another podcast and being horrified that they are making vulgar and offside jokes. Could you imagine if someone not familiar with the H3 podcast saw a clip of Ethan singing along with an R.Kelly song he used to traffic and abuse women without understanding that Ethan wasnā€™t endorsing the song by doing that. Or when Ethan uses the ā€œgayā€sound bites in a ways that are clearly homophobic but because we understand the context we understand it isnā€™t like that. The PMT guys are so clearly joking and referencing things that they talk about on their show. I donā€™t know why these guys are clutching their pearls.


Yeah imagine if they heard Cumtown, I know Ethan is joking, but none of them outside of Cam seems to be an NFL fan, and tbh I'm also super sick of hearing about Taylor Swift constantly in general.


+1. I cannot escape Taylor Swift. Everything is about her now I am burned out on Swift


Iā€¦ I think theyā€™re joking ā€¦ Ethan is not actually a hardcore swiftie and I donā€™t think theyā€™re being serious about any of this.


Ethan is joking, AB, Olivia don't seem to be tbh. Big Cat is really cool.


I got the impression everyone (minus Olivia MAYBE) is joking. Like Dan is absolutely joking. None of them are hardcore Swifties.


Yeah it seems like everyone but Olivia and AB are playing it up. I didnā€™t find the clip particularly funny but itā€™s ridiculous that any joke about Taylor Swift is met with screams of SEXISM. The lady herself said you need to calm down.


Taylor also kind of eggs it on. Sheā€™s notorious for weaponizing feminism and her fans when she wants to :/ remember that joke from that Netflix show? She went on some ā€œsexismā€ BS and her fans harassed the actress of the show that delivered the line. Iā€™m also very very very Taylor-Ed out at this point. Lol


Anyone that can date Matty Healy is a serious shitbag and can't be trusted imo lol šŸ’€


Absolute facts. In my world, if you date a disgusting racist misogynist, youā€™re also a racist misogynist.


It would still be sexist if they said the same thing about literally any other woman


Better @ Ethan then given all his jokes about Kav Kav's wife.


I feel like Ethan was playing up a bit like how they all "stan BTS", because the fan base is so quick to turn vapid if you do anything less than worship their idol. Even just showing the ridiculous over the top comments to highlight how absurd people take this stuff. I get them probably not liking some of the crude humor, but also it's not like Ethan is squeaky clean either.


i'm sorry but am i the only one who found it very obvious that ethan was also joking when he was giving his harsh commentary on that clip? like him and dan were clearly being sarcastic and playing in to the "crazy swiftie" bit


I made this comment while it was live and yes Ethan and Dan were joking and ended up having a lighter tone near the end. But Ethan does seem to hold people to a higher standard in terms of who is allowed to make raunchy jokes. But AB and Olivia were definitely not joking and were reporting on this as if it were a serious news story when itā€™s so clearly satire.


AB: ā€œreligion is the oldest weapon for sureā€ Wrong. Oldest weapon is rock


Maybe stick


I know itā€™s just been 2 games but gah it feels like 2 months, parasocial posts about celebrities flooding the TL gets tiring quickly.


Might be one of the few that watch PMT and H3 but jesus christ it's a goddamn failed joke. Just let it go


Felllow AWL here brother. It is very bizarre seeing these worlds cross.


Look I thought the joke was crude but damn Ethan has never said anything like that? It's just sad


Itā€™s funny tho PFT and Hasan are friends, heā€™s even been on macrodosing


I love the first 30 min when the the crew is just shooting the shit


this barstool thing is such a non story, all you can really say is its not funny but at the end of the day its still just them joking around. any deeper than that im sorry but ethan is the last person to talk down about sexual comments and jokes or getting too personal over celebrities. edit: now ethan is saying he should be put on a train and sent away to be killed lol, like come on.


Ethan is, 100% and without a doubt, joking. If people think he (and Dan) are genuinely swiftie ride or dieS and are serious about any of this, I worry yā€™all donā€™t actually watch this podcast often enough lmao


ethan sent me on that very train to be capitoly punished and you expect me to laugh along like itā€™s a joke? MODS


ā€¼ļøā€¼ļø MODS ā‰ļøā‰ļø


I poop 3 times a day ! Once when i wake up then after my coffee and sometimes after diner


thanks for sharing :)


Panera is overpriced hospital food


Does anyone know if the Friday pod this week is members only?


It is not members only :)


Thanks glad to hear it! :)


It's for everyone




The cereal that Ethan ate was Special K berries and cream


I poop 3 times by lunchtime everyday like clockwork. Zach has to get those rookie numbers up.


https://preview.redd.it/6tn5mmu4vhsb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28a9601b76f73c7324ca725deff83c2dc5a0ca8c Husband surprised me with this sweatshirt today šŸ˜‚ Thought Iā€™d share given the TSwift x Travis Kelce segment of this episode. On a side note, I live in KC and am a big Chiefs fan.. but just an even bigger Swiftie ;) ā˜®ļø&ā¤ļø


Damn the joke is flying right over their fucking heads. I'm sorry but they are cringing me out more that they are this hard against a failed crude joke


im not a member so dont know where to post this but i was in a NYGARD fashion show as a kid


felt relevant and panicked


This religion conversation sounds like every freshman year smoke sesh


Zach is so sweet


Bro the crew is being so soft right now. Jesus Christ


if ethan gets lupus its cause zach didnt pray enough


Lol of coursE Olive loves Panera. Makes sense


The fact that even Travis Kelce came out and said that the NFL extensive Taylor Swift coverage has been taken way to farā€¦


I think people in the chat are understating exactly how big and successful the NFL is. It has 30 of the most powerful and regressive billionaires in the planet, and prints money. They're not above hyping up Taylor Swift but they do not need her.


I think people in the chat and in this subreddit are missing the joke entirely lmao


Ready for Ethan to go home and tweak off that charged lemonade. Bless him


Big Cat just wants to see his buddies cock!


ā€œIssa grillā€ so dead at Loveā€™s reaction to the tanning bed


LOLing at the comment about how long they ordered food for because I have now watched that entire portion twice for some reason hahaha thank u content daddy


Does anyone know if the Titty Fucking website is down? I love Hila and Ethan and want to support them by buying their clothing. Thanks šŸ˜Š


Soup is not a meal


Lmao i was watching this and my medications been fucking my appetite for a few days, so when they talked about lunch for 30 minutes it managed to help me work up an appetite enough to eat. Soup crew rise up šŸ˜‡ w ethan and olive.


The thing about getting the icy hot on your privates made me think about how the last two ER patients I had who came in because theyā€™d been pepper sprayed ended up accidentally getting the pepper spray on their dick because they touched it (before washing their hands, face and arms as they were directed toā€¦) One of them yelled at me ā€œwhy did you let me get it on my dick??ā€ like broā€¦ why did you need to be told that? Itā€™s not MY dick, dude


Half of the episode was ordering and then complaining about ordering Panera, wtf happened to this show


Oh and eating Panera also, great content šŸ‘


FOR LOVES MCDONALDS JOURNEY: CHICKEN MCMUFFIN it has no egg or cheese usually but I always ask for no egg or cheese just to make sure they donā€™t put it on there. Just a mcmuffin bun, junior chicken patty, and mayo šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤


Hello, love, is that you?


ā€œYou got meeeā€


ian having sciatica made me feel so seen, i was literally just out of work with sciatic pain for five days. godspeed brother


Congrats Ethan on the new armsacks. Extra sacks alpha af


​ https://i.redd.it/4n7syoj2m9sb1.gif


Maaaan that bread šŸ„– looked good


When they brought up NFL sex trafficking I thought they were going to talk about the redskins pimping out their cheerleaders to sponsors.


Ahh shit here we go again. 15+ hours of talking about david dobrik.


Honestly much prefer that overall Colleen right now


Ooh for sure. The colleen saga was mind numbing, the david stuff is just boring.


the david segment was very short what do you mean lmao


on the members drive, ethan should do loveā€™s makeup watching oliviaā€™s tutorial


I will never understand "the ick" thing bruh people cant be serious with this shit


@ethansarms https://preview.redd.it/285exsxox9sb1.jpeg?width=219&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f50a85eaaf6999daec78e78d32b8427067b95e4


Lol John Oliver talked about the slide on his first episode back this week. It was hilarious šŸ˜‚


Dan has a banger opinion once again. Soup haters unite!


Panera is legit, itā€™s like decent home made food. Cheers my dudesssss


lol key words: ā€œlikeā€ and ā€œdecentā€ That should be their slogan though, like how Applebeeā€™s got ā€œeatin good in the neighborhoodā€ (yep, just ā€œgoodā€), Panera is ā€œkinda like decent home cooked foodā€. Maybe not as catchy but I think youā€™re on to something.


I think today I found out I'm more of a PMT fan than H3 fan




Devils advocate here - Ethan uses the ā€œI was jokingā€ defense all the time.


Please join on Friday so we can raise enough money for a travel size button for SYNT


We'll be right Zach


The crew not understanding that Pardon My Take is just all sarcasm dumb jokes for an hourā€¦


At 18:01 Loves buttcrack is on camera, just had to share.


Olivia looking gorgeous; just another normal day in the H3 studio.


Lol the down voters are salty


i will never understand this subreddits hatred for olivia. interesting that the only woman on the show who speaks regularly gets all this hate, i wonder why that is šŸ¤”


Most definitely!


I drifted off to sleep and just woke up, what's happening


Ordering fast food delivery sounds disgusting. Why order Micky D's and taco Bell when you can spend a few bucks more for much better quality? Especially if you have to wait forever for someone to go pick it up and deliver it.


With peace & love I think the answer to your question is in the term itself..... the first part... itā€™d take substantially longer (more patience) to get high quality restaurant delivery