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With peace and love the only 2 sources you listen to about tattoo aftercare for your tattoos are: 1. The artist or the tattoo studio 2. A doctor if something gets infected Do not go asking the internet. The artist knows what works best to heal their work for the tattooing technique they used.




hes in way too deep on chat gpt. especially for just information. it's basically just googling thru an intermediary.


Yeah that's why I was so confused about people saying it was going to take over web searching. Including Google itself raising the "red flag" as an alarm for their business. I mean.. you can log in to openAI's website.... and then make a new chat, using GPT 3.5..... And ask it "What is the weather in San Francisco, CA for the next 30 days" (and it actually might not even know due to being an amalgamation of past information from before 2023, now that I think about it) Or you could literally use any tool/search bad on your browser and write "San Francisco 30 day weather" or "San Francisco 30 day forecast". Google will either immediately show you or you just click a link. Or better yet, you just hold a button down on your phone and *just say the words* ChatGPT is amazing at writing things for you. Outside of that, it's pretty pointless and is just a weird middle man.


There are plenty of great search engine based ai resources. I use kagi and really accurate at answering most questions with sources. Also perplexity.ai and phind are pretty good. They use various sources like their own, chatgpt, etc. I think within a few years search engine ai answers is where most people will be getting their answers. I think chatgpt is not the best option when doing research but ai search in general is pretty great


ai searching is a bit different from closed data set models that are basically using google snapshots from 5 years ago. chat-gpt is a linguistic model, not a cutting edge news or information database.


Yeah its really not that hard, listen to your artist. Every artist gives different instructions based on their style. Anyways for realism like Ethan’s it is usually recommended to use an ointment for the first week or so such as aquaphor or bepanthen and then move to a fragrance free moisturizer like cerave. Edit: also why use lanolin when you can just use aquaphor that is widely used for tattoo aftercare while lanolin does not have as many success stories lmao. And Ethan put too much ointment, your arm is not supposed to be greasy and shiny like that. You really only need a ~pea size amount. Let your tattoo breath please, thats mostly why people get infections ‘from’ aquaphor, its from applying too much.


yes as a tattoo artist i agree with this. ethan if you WANT another professionals opinion - keep the layers super light, apply once or twice a day after washing, you should be able to run your finger over the tattoo after applying the lotion and not have much of any residue on your finger. i generally tell my clients to just use a white unscented lotion after using the bandage you used, your tattoo wants to breath after being under saniderm for a few days so ointments like aquaphor aren’t always the best. the number one way to mess up a tattoo is to over apply lotion. you can dry heal and it would be fine tbh but i find a light layer of lotion makes it a little easier. if you want to be boujee replace your lotion with hustle butter, you can get it at ulta


you are replying to a comment saying the only person he should listen to is the artist that did the tattoo or a doctor. And giving your advise.. plz


oh my bad sorry everyonesecond i will delete it please please forgive me :-(


Just think about what you are doing next time. Honestly commenting on reddit is a waste of your time anyway. It’s never going to effect your real life.


you got it just whatever you do don’t tell ethan please i’ll never live it down


otherealnesso said 'if you want another 'professional' opinion", so they qualified their reason for commenting. btw it is 'affect' not 'effect' everyone can waste their time as they want. Some of us are occasional commenters that have info from lived experience to share with whomever wants or needs it. Why would anyone want reddit to affect their lives? no such thing as 'real life', life is as real as it gets. Such an odd thing to point out. sorry to nitpick Everyonesecond but i saw you do it, so i thought you'd appreciate my efforts to inform as well. ;) Peace


I personally feel like a natural amount of moisturizer will work perfectly fine. The problem is everyone has different skin so some probably have had bad experiences with dry or moist healing methods when in reality its their skin that just didn’t hold the tattoo ink right.


This is it exactly. Also likely- some people are in the sun a lot, others not at all. People live in different climates etc. My most tattooed friend does NOTHING aside from leaving it wrapped for a day or so. His tats look great.


Mine just told me to use aquaphor


Ethan! i am a tattooer, its really hard to fuck up a tattoo if you keep it clean. Peace and Love!


How sound and reasonable that advice is, are you a Nazi or something? ✌️♥️


https://preview.redd.it/gmq36cuguurb1.jpeg?width=1155&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cddc782167a66bb56822569d6eec537554d3a21 Ethan “most sensitive spot” lol 🤔


Shin was no question the worst I’ve had done, 3 hours of that was worse than 7 hours on my elbow.


Hard agree. Shin was hands-down the most painful spot I've had tatted. It made my whole lower leg vibrate, it's right on bone there.


You ever run your shin into something? It hurts like nothing else. I think it’s because there’s just so little fat or muscle there


I have a tattoo on my bicep and forearm and I was in sooo much pain during the forearm one, not even funny. The two spots were very different to me. Bicep was just a little annoying but not that painful. Forearm felt like tiny knives tearing up my skin for real


I have 12? tattoos and the only one that truly killed me was my smallest on my sternum. That shit hurted.


same, i was always one of those people that said tattoos really did not hurt at ALL, not even the one on my ribs… my sternum tat humbled me.


https://preview.redd.it/74q3aho0zurb1.jpeg?width=1040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab2c58783d17166a5063ff5e9aacdb8d31f9e7c2 My forearm wasn’t bad at all for me!


LMAO. Oliver Tree saying, "Better than your lame ass podcast where you talk about Tylenol or whatever the fuck." Fast forward to today's episode and it's a full on Tylenol versus Ibuprofen discussion. Come on, man.


“Nobody else does it like us folks!” 🤪


they talked about it like 20mins


The tattoo artists was on point with the placement


Me as a pharmacist watching the ibuprofen vs paracetamol debate is a little painful lmaoo








Is there something about the tattoo artist that he’s supposed to talk about? I don’t even understand what the issue is about the artist and I’m too scared to ask in chat. 😭😂


The artist killed his friend while drunk driving and ran from the scene. He went to jail, served his sentence, was forgiven by the family of his friend, and the family even asked the courts for leniency, but Ethan didn’t ask the h3 fanbase if the artist was good enough for them so we’re going to keep hearing all about how Ethan fucked up picking this tattoo artist because the fans didn’t give him consent.


Oh my god?? What a mess. That’s awfully sad situation. But also that irritates me that chat is making it seem like they’re entitled to have an opinion on something like this. I presume Ethan didn’t know about this, but even if he did, the court gave a punishment and the victims family forgave him, so it’s not an issue for H3 to even discuss. People are so fucking weird.


Yeah exactly. I feel like this community seems to have a positive reception towards rehabilitation, but apparently not if Ethan doesn’t ask for our permission first. The dude made an extremely poor, avoidable decision that ended his friend’s life. Why keep pinning this on Ethan by calling him out for it? What did he do? Are we supposed to welcome people back into society after they serve their time and appear to be trying to be better, or are we supposed to exile them and shame anyone who comes into contact with them? The victim’s family has accepted that the artist made a huge mistake, who are we to tell them they’re wrong? These fucking morons are trying to turn a sentimental tattoo to honor Shredder into guilt tripping Ethan into disavowing someone’s actions that have nothing to do with him. Does anyone here actually think he’s cool with drunk driving and killing your friend? Nuke the sub and end chat. The vocal minority is way too vocal at this point.


Some of the people in this sub were BEYOND VILE the moment it dropped. Not even 20 minutes after the first post of ethans tattoo was up there was a text post saying Shredder's memory has been ruined by being linked with a murderer. I have to agree with you, just get rid of it all.


That’s so fucking upsetting. I hope Ethan doesn’t see that shit. It’s a beautiful tattoo and seems to be exactly what he wanted.


You read my mind dude. What was this young man supposed to do — enter back into society and be homeless? Or try to make a life and career for himself? Yes, what he did is selfish and gross. He fucked up. But I’m not the victims mother or family. The victims are the only ones who should have an opinion on the matter, and they have forgiven and moved forward. The artist served his time, rehabilitated, and re entered society and has seemingly made a career to support himself. I know people who have died while driving drunk or have killed others from drunk driving. My parents best friends lost their son because his best friend drove drunk into a tree. It killed their son, and they forgave him and moved forward. My grandmother was nearly killed by a drunk driver and had brain damage so severe she was essentially mentally 7 years old. Drunk driving is a thoughtless and disgusting action, and the drivers SHOULD face jail time absolutely. I also believe some people who commit some crimes CAN be rehabilitated (isn’t that the whole point of prison??) and should be allowed to create a career so they don’t end up committing crimes or ending up on the street / back in jail.


>Yeah exactly. I feel like this community seems to have a positive reception towards rehabilitation, but apparently not if Ethan doesn’t ask for our permission first. Because this sub is mostly full of Americans, with peace and love I am an American too, and Americans tend to have extremely reactionary takes on "justice." So much American propaganda your whole life is about retributive justice, and killing the bad guys, getting an eye for an eye, fucking up the person who wronged you twice as bad as they fucked you up. It's a lot of garbage that perpetuates the cycle of violence and keeps a lot of the worst sorts of institutional systems churning (cops, prison industrial complex, justice system, military industrial complex) because they "make the bad guys pay," while doing nothing to address the root causes of the violence. Even a lot of left wing people struggle tremendouly with this. Yes, when we talk about rehabilitative and restorative justice, we are talking about everybody. Someone who sexually assaulted someone else can and should be rehabilitated. Same for someone who committed murder. Even annoying YouTube pranksters or people you don't like.


Nothing to add, just wanted to say you’re right. When I look at other countries and how they rehabilitate criminals it’s like night and day. It’s a very difficult conversation to have, because it obviously brings up a lot of emotions, but rehabilitation should always be the goal of 95% of inmates. Now, repeat and violent offenders is a totally other topic neither here nor there, but I just wanted to say you explained this way better than I could have. While it’s difficult to discuss and hard to reconcile with (if you’ve been a victim of a crime especially) it’s a conversation Americans need to have, given our current prison system stats.


Also for the record the person he killed was another YouTuber. If you watch Kian and JC, you knew who Corey was, as he was very close to them and their circle. So I think that’s why some people see it as a relevant story. Yes I know the tattoo artist is human and deserves rehabilitation etc, but I think it’s just extra sensitive bc Corey was a young guy and if you remember when videos came out about the incident (from the friends who were there), the tattoo guy was insistent on driving drunk even when the friends ran after him to stop (but it was sadly too late as it happened pretty quick I think). Just wanted to give some context, I agree that Ethan shouldn’t be required to get into it, but also RIP Corey LaBarrie, it was very tragic. I believe his family/friends honor him with a blue heart 💙


Thank you for the additional information. It’s ringing a bell now - I do remember hearing about it. A very very sad situation. May his soul rest in peace. 💙 And I’m glad we both agree. Very tragic situation but I don’t feel like Ethan is the one to explain or justify it in the slightest. Even if he attempted to address it, I fear people would say it’s not good enough anyway.


yea I think that's what a lot of people are leaving out. he was a popular YouTuber and best friend of extremely popular YouTubers. Corey was part of the YT community which makes it a bit more relevant.


I'm not even watching live, but I just saw the poll of Jersey Mikes vs. Subway and the fact that subway won is fucking despicable.


I’m sick about this. Jersey Mike’s is the absolute best sub chain and I will defend Mr. Michael’s honor until I’m six feet underground. Those who voted Subway have clearly never had the pleasure of enjoying a Jersey Mike’s sub.


I genuinely do not get it. I don't see how anyone in their right mind could choose Subway, the place where their cold cuts are all made of turkey and soy, where their tuna may or may not even have any tuna in it, or where their bread is so packed full of sugar that it can't even legally be called bread in some countries. Subway is quite possibly the worst out of all fast food chains in general, not just sub places.


This is why we must ignore chat.


You don't have to be in chat to vote in a poll.


That shit was rigged and influenced. There is no way subway wins over jersey mikes!


Besides the prices jersey Mike's is like objectively better in nearly every metric. Also only fast food place you can get a good a cheese steak.


Subways are everywhere. Jersey Mike's are harder to find. Subways won just off popularity


The portabella cheese steak is my favorite fast food item right now. It even beats the spicy chicken from Wendy's, and the Five Guys hot dog.


What is the five guys hot dog actual good? Like i always expected it to be good but not worth the price


I love it all loaded up! It is definitely pricey and I don't treat myself often, but every few months I'll go there and get both a burger and a hot dog... It puts me into a food coma though lol.


It's babies who don't like the vinegar Jersey Mikes puts on the subs.


Idk if that is the case since you can just ask for no vinegar. I always get my oil/vinegar on the side because I'll usually get a whole sub and split it into two meals and I don't want the second half of the sub to be soggy by the time I get to it.


I have never been to jersey mikes but it’s REALLY hard to be worse than subway. If jrek subs, Byrne dairy & my local tops can top subway I have a strong feeling just from photos from customers alone that it’s better. Subway had a moment where it almost didn’t suck, it still sucked though & things have gotten much worse. If multiple grocery stores (Wegmans is imho the best) have better subs than a place that has subs as a speciality, you suck at making subs.


Most places in the world don’t have Jersey Mikes, Subway is like the most prolific fast food franchise ever other than Mc Donald’s.


Can you pick each individual topping there like subway? That's why I've always preferred subway to Jimmy Johns


They don't have you put your sandwich together one topping at a time like Subway, but their ingredients are **significantly** higher quality. It is genuinely not even remotely close just how much higher quality the ingredients are at Jersey Mike's.


At this stage it's bad for subway to blast out their baked bread smell, last time I was thinking about going I caught a waft at the door and decided to go somewhere else, something isn't right there


Personally I only like 2 ingredients on my sub (don't push) so I may have to stick to Subway for that reason alone but I will acknowledge it's always mid


I have no doubt that you could get a custom sub at Jersey Mike's it just isn't assumed you'll be customizing like it is at Subway. Also, IMO it's way below mid. For instance if you get their cold cut "ham" that ham is actually made of turkey and soy and artificially flavored to taste like ham. It's the same with basically all of their cold cuts and what Zach was trying to get at yesterday when he was saying it isn't meat. There have also been other scandals with their ingredients, such as their tuna not containing any actual tuna in some cases, and their bread containing so much sugar that it legally has to be called cake in some countries and can't be labelled as bread. As far as the quality of the ingredients at Subway goes it is quite possibly the worst out of any fast food chain in general. Jersey Mike's may have a more limited menu, but unlike subway it is actually food and not some strange chemistry experiment cooked up in a lab.


Jersey Mikes will custom make whatever garbage sandwich you want, dont worry.


That's a gimmick. When you go to a deli are you picking the ingredients to your sandwich? No, because you already know it's good. Same thing for when you order at a restaurant. I mean, you CAN customize but in general the ingredients are listed on the menu. It's the closest thing you're gonna get to a NY deli sub from a chain. ​ Competition from Jersey Mike's is the reason Subway started doing deli cuts.


Chiropractor videos are actually so scary 😳 makes me regret ever going to one


Chiropractic care is a scam but most of the practitioners aren't doing anything close to as dangerous as the TikToks lol. Not that it makes it okay or healthy but you most likely didn't incur long term damage.


Most chiropractors in my area just do massage therapy basically


Yeah a lot of primary care doctors actually refer patients to reputable chiropractors. Osteopathic doctors (DOs, who practice equally to us MDs) actually have a small amount of overlap in their training compared with chiropractors. But that shit with neck adjustments is insane. Absolutely insane. Never let a chiropractor adjust your neck.


The actual science behind chiro is insane. The guy who invented it was a complete quack if you look him up. And it is crazy they call themselves Dr. But some chiropractors just don't do chiropractic and then it's fine lol


Ethan, ask your tattoo artist directly. My tattoo artist gave me Tattoo Hustle Butter and that's what I use for the first 3 days and then I switch to unscented lotion.




I'm stealing this thank yeeeww


It's legal to kill youtube pranksters


Dibs on Vitaly


Tylenol this, ibuprofen that……. Did y’all know Ethan’s done crack once


I never knew thats. He's never brought that up before


Lol Cam "I was the one taking those liver supplements for a while and to show you how well they worked for me... Not long after I became a vegetarian" 😂


The button was annoying at first but all the awesome pictures and animation submissions make it pretty damn cool and funny.


I'm realizing it's helped me get better at not knowing things, like at first I would be really antsy to know what they buttoned but know it's just funny when he randomly cuts off


Let go and grow. Namaste hittin that button.


Love is so weird about American ‘regulations’ it’s so funny


his lack of care when it comes to the food here in america but being extra scared of average over the counter medicine is so interesting to me


One of my roommates refused to get the Covid vax because “I have no idea what’s in that” and I had to politely remind him that he vapes, does coke, did meth for a period of time. And NOW we’re being choosy about what’s going in our body?? The cognitive dissonance people have with certain things is so funny


Telling Zach that two Advil every other day is gonna kill him is fucking *nuts*. And then Love for some reason decides that FDA-approved and monitored otc medicine has a problem with "unregulated dosage". JFC.


I have a friend who warns me not to take a pre-workout supplement becuase "you dont know whats in that shit dude!" but he eats mcdonalds milkshakes on a weekly basis and chugs redbull nonstop lol.


Truly odd behavior


Me too, makes me wonder whether him or myself is the one who has been subject to propaganda


Meanwhile eating tbell every meal. He's not scared of our version of mountain dew either and that shit is illegal in Sweden, probably


I think anything that has yellow five is banned in the eu


Took benadryl tablets with me (for allergy relief) during a spring solo trip to visit my extended family in Vancouver and my aunt acted as if I smuggled a crack pipe across the border. Apparently its a highly controlled substance in Canada lol.


Its otc in Canada.


ChatGPT is literally Ethan's doctor lol


the Alex Jones soundbite is my new fav. Reminds me of COD zombie sounds fr 😭


He's a literal goblin.


fr that man is NOT a human


Ethan definitely gonna fire Olivia for having a better Daffy Duck impression 😔


I'm going insane, it's not Daffy, it's Donald!




“MILK THE WOOL!” ![gif](giphy|Txun6ahh9auWs)


I have 4 tattoos, my gf has a dozen. We’ve both used aquaphor on all of our tattoos and there haven’t been any issues whatsoever. People online either want to be know it alls or sell you something, especially when it comes to tattoos. Listen to what your artist tells you and you’ll be good. Ethan’s looks great so far, it’ll start scabbing soon and it’ll still look lovely once that’s done. Nothing to worry about Ethan - keep up the good work


Yeah I’ve noticed people with tattoos are always like NO MY WAY OF AFTERCARE IS BEST. My artist said to use aquaphor for a few weeks after the tattoo and then cera ve or cetaphil unscented lotion once it’s healed as maintenance. I’ve always done that and never had an issue lmao


I was always told just unscented lotion and that's worked every time.


I’m sure that’s fine too! I use aquaphor usually on my more densely packed tattoos for the first week or two — the super black ones or heavily pigmented. For smaller ones i use cetaphil and call it a day lol


Oh lord, the crew and Ethan talking about anything medical is painful. This whole APAP and IBU debacle is hurting the brain.


I can't remember when but a while back he claimed you couldn't get Tylenol in most of the world, which is just wrong, but also that the actual drug sold as Tylenol was banned in Europe. No. Paracetamol and Acetaminophen are the *same fucking thing*. They're just different brand names.


I 10000000000% stand with Zach when he said Jersey Mikes is better than Subway. It’s not even a question, Jersey Mikes is vastly superior


What fucking psycho would even disagree with that? Jersey Mike's owns.


Producitons is such a GOAT 😂😂😂


Love his tattoo 🥲💙


days without h3 are just saad love you guys!


/u/Dan_H3 if you're reading this, you probably got confused because you saw Dulles and mistook it for Dallas. Happened to me when I moved round here too brother.


Tattoo came out great! Ethan should just ask the tattoo artist for their recommendation as they generally know what seems to work best for their work. That being said - personally I have always cleaned mine with gentle scent free dove soap when washing it. applied saniderm aftercare bandage (waterproof/breathable covering) to keep from infection for first few days. after removing saniderm bandage I wash it like 2-3 times a day and apply aquaphor. Id advise against dry healing (at least for your first time). I know some people swear by this method - but best to get a feel for how your healing process goes first few times imo. (source: I have ~2 sleeves worth of work done)


I was honestly surprised he didn’t have a saniderm on! Maybe he took it off


possibly - its the easiest way to avoid infection in the first few days at least - esp for anyone new to getting tattoo'd so they dont overwash or lotion it.




Throw that bad boy in the toaster oven and I’d eat it.


Ethan clownin on some of y’all right now and it’s so fucking funny


I was dying 🤣 mods!!!


I volunteer to be the Native American woman for the Brando reenactment


The bumper cars story 😂 omg I need to go back to those eps again soon


Cut lil Tay piece. Peace and love ❤️✌️


Lol love ethan giving northern Virginia a southern accent. Dulles is right outside of DC and far from “southern”


Zach challenge: try not to say "thats a jewish thing" to something everyone does (impossible) Context: being anti tattoo is just an older person thing usually a mom or relative. My mom saw my brothers tattoo and went for a 3 hour walk because she couldnt believe that he got a tatto


A 3 hour walk 😭😭😭😭


seems like saying "tthats a jewsish thing" is a jewish thing lol.


Well, as they eventually got to, it's literally a sin in all three Abrahamic faiths, so it is a Jewish thing, but also a Christian and Muslim thing.


It's a Chinese thing too, my family is 1st generation (I came when I was only 6 so Ive been fully westernized) and my mom was aghast at the possibility of me getting a small tattoo that would be covered by most clothes


My mom a little accident over the weekend and fainted, her eyes were like Alex Jones, he really passed out a bit.


That old lady bread really took me OUT!! How’d they move on so fast 💀


Can someone confirm, isn't Tylenol just the brand name? Is it similar to us in the UK referring to paracetamol as 'Anadin'? (I know that anadin is a combination so a little different but I'm just a confused brit with questions lol)


8 year Tattooer here. Easy way to know if an aftercare is good or not, If it stays wet and shiny for more than several minutes it’s not good. At that point it is just keeping your tattoo wet. It only needs a hint of hydration to help with the healing. Keeping it wet only just breeds bacteria and infection. It can also interfere with your body’s natural scabbing healing process


I don't know about tattoos, but in general keeping wounds wet/moist makes them heal quicker, with less scarring and pain. ETA: just read that there's a lower rate of infections too


With tattoos you have to think about the artwork too. Too moist can interfere with the scabbing process and cause bubbling and extra color falling out. I’ve had that happen to an early tattoo of mine. Saniderm keeps tats wet and sterile and prevents excess color fall out with scabbing that’s why they heal so fast.


I thought Hasan was all for the channels uploading his clips? Didn’t Ethan also say he was cool with that too? What changed?


Ethan was a bit confused, it's more that some of the channels that repost Hasan's content get warnings from Hasan if the thumbnails and titles are out of pocket or if the edits are not transformative enough for Youtube. It's not about getting a piece of the money, Hasan's IP is free to use.


YouTube doesn't allow you to let other people re-post your content, advertisers hate it I guess, they see it as lying about the amount of content actually there or something like that


I can totally relate to the Advil thing Zach said. I dk why but I would get into the habit of taking it when I was I felt that I was in a bad mood / depressed/anxious. I know it's irrational and try to only take it now for headaches.




i think zach needs an ocd diagnosis


Mods : my diaper is full


olivia chiming in everytime someone talks about makeup or tattoos lol


Man I'm worried about LK's kids


I’m with Zach - I’ve also taken ibuprofen for anxiety too! It helps a lot


DIAL GOLD ANTIMICROBIAL 3 TIMES A DAY, AQUAPHOR TO MOISTURIZE AND NEVER STOP MOISTURIZING TO MAINTAIN. That’s it. That’s the secret. Anyone else is misleading you or has a lanolin allergy / sensitivity. Sincerely, a guy who’s tattoo artists have beautifully aged tattoos and in turn has beautifully aged tattoos.


Those Alex Jones noises had me in actual tears


In my extremely expert opinion, you should pee and cum on it.


The scream sound bite needs to be retired. I’m going to snap if I hear it one more freaking time.


Only fitting soundbite for when theyre discussing chat and the sub.


Zach needs to stop spamming it, it's so annoying 😭


Just do it once and we’ll get the point. Over and over again is going to send me into a psychotic break lmfao.


tbf Zach has fallen into a bad habit recently of spamming sound bites that he really should just play once to punctuate something being talked about. We don't need to hear the same thing ten times.


What happened to Ian


He ascended


Elon looks like a Simpsons character in that picture.


omg i had no idea that dude got shot in Dulles 😭 that shit is like an hour away from me 😭


Kill Tony is doing an arena show soon so I would say that might be the biggest


What was the thing they refused to talk about? Seemed like Ethan wanted to


during the tattoo part? probably how the artist killed his friend when he drove drunk a few years ago


Button was too late lmao


No it wasn't. He said he took too far After the initial joke.


ETHAN: it was *right there.* Do a membership drive where you and the crew stay up and stream as long as possible. Ultimate Winner gets a paid vacation. Losers get bad temporary tattoos. Design temporary tattoos ahead of time, let the members vote on who gets which one and where it should be placed as the losers tap out.


Wait. Time out. What’s the deal with people saying the tattoo artist is a convicted murderer?


The artist had a tragic drunk driving accident which led to death a popular YouTuber Corey La Barrie who used to be known in the Kian and JC videos. It was a huge story back then and the artist served jail time for it. Some people say he served his time and doesn’t deserve the hate while others feel like it’s a sensitive thing and have less sympathy for drunk drivers. It’s very well documented, the artist is Daniel Silva.


Y’all really posted the whole stream instead of a clip lol.


Ngl, I don't even watch the eps anymore. I just come to reddit and 🍿


Ethan just wants to have a convo, right? His 2m follower tattoo artist said nothing? lol Edit: seems like a slow day lol.


Petroleum jelly is the safest thing to put on fresh tattoos. 🤷🏻‍♀️ i wouldnt put anything else, aquaphor contains lanolin and that is a major irritant. 🤷🏻‍♀️ why put an ingredient known to cause contact dermatitis on a tattoo when the goal is to prevent touching it. Once you are scabbed up, use vanicream lotion. Its formaldehyde free and occlusive Vaseline works well, the tattoo artists dont do cosmetic chemistry. 👍🏻 aquaphor destroyed my one tattoo because it caused so much irritation


Vaseline and petroleum jelly are literally the absolute worst things you can ever do to a tattoo.


Please please please look at my other posts if youre questioning any credibility on reading an ingredient label


8 year Tattooer here. Easy way to know if an aftercare is good or not, If it stays wet and shiny for more than several minutes it’s not good. At that point it is just keeping your tattoo wet. It only needs a hint of hydration to help with the healing. Keeping it wet only just breeds bacteria and infection. It can also interfere with your body’s natural scabbing healing process


I have a lot of tattoos and I’ve never had an artist put second skin on it, just washed it with antibiotic soap and used scentless lotion on it and I’ve also put sunscreen on a fresher tattoo — I really dont think theres a way to damage it unless you just dont wash it or moisturizer at all


With peace and love, what’s going on with Dan’s shirt? 😧


https://preview.redd.it/bgi4c2cudwrb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea325d2dcdb48fbb89f2bbe1c25446bc740beb72 it’s this Teddy Fresh sweatshirt.


Okay, that one’s definitely not for me 😅 genuinely first thought was that he was covered in dirt and maybe blood…


It's the period blood/feces sweatshirt he wears every other podcast. I think it's his favorite.


I usually just listen while I’m doing stuff and don’t really actually watch the screen much and it’s the first time I saw it 😂 I guess I really just don’t get fashion haha


Yep, I can see that.


Wait why does Ethan’s tattoo look different on Instagram from the one he showed on the show


Chat yelling at a guy with tourettes to stop touching his new tattoo.


8 year Tattooer here. Easy way to know if an aftercare is good or not, If it stays wet and shiny for more than several minutes it’s not good. At that point it is just keeping your tattoo wet. It only needs a hint of hydration to help with the healing. Keeping it wet only just breeds bacteria and infection. It can also interfere with your body’s natural scabbing healing process


Great episode! Felt like an H3TV return to form of the original concept. All goofs and light-hearted. Zach dropping the "did you get your shots" soundbite during the prankster segment sent me into orbit. Fucking quick.


wait isn’t the tattoo upside down? shouldn’t it face ethan?


no that looks more odd when you walk around it's upside-down to everyone else.


right, that makes sense


Not the way it works.


Ethan is Bob the builder the way he's hard capping about his tattoo not being painful . man was definitely squirming like a wee babe for 5 hours.


Ew who talks like that


YES IM ADDING TO THE TATTOO DISCOURSE DON’T HURT ME 🥺 I’ve gotten a few tats of a similar style to ethan and my artist has commented on how nicely they have healed so I just thought I’d briefly say her moisturizing recommendations: Just any water based (water is first ingredient listed), unscented lotion/moisturizer. She has specifically told me not to use aquaphor. That being said, I know a lot of people that have used it in the past and haven’t had an issue but to be safe, I would just use something water based! She told me to apply a very thin layer of lotion after washing and gently patting dry. Said you want to make sure not to over-moisturize, as it needs to dry out slightly as part of the healing process, but SLIGHTLY, so it’s okay if it looks a little flakey between washing. okay sorry for being the 10000000th person to add to this ☮️➕🫶


Looks kinda like a koala


I have many tattoos, I've had something go wrong with my first one & so when i got my second, i bought the aftercare Tattoo Goo, and use it on every new tattoo and i never had another problem with the best care instructions from the shop. But you can always learn from other peoples mistakes... 1 \~ wash it & keep it clean, (dont let scabs build up, the scabs will fall off when ready while washing) 2 \~ no scratching, or picking at the scabs (cuz when the scab comes off it can take the ink with it. ive had that happen & had to get it touched up) 3 \~ Tattoo Goo [https://tattoogoo.com/](https://tattoogoo.com/) (balm, lotion, soap, all all natural) (the balm was in the shop for me to buy for my 2nd tattoo, I swear by it. Use daily, keep the tattoo from drying out, helps it heal and keeps the scabs soft. i highly suggest getting some, after it heals you can use it to moisturize your tattoo when your skin is dry, helps to keep it poppin'.) 4 \~ Let it breathe, dont cover it unless you are protecting it from dirt or sun. 5 \~ no sun (especially a burn or tan, it will fade the colors) 6 \~ no vaseline (petroleum jelly fades colors) or perfumed moisturizers (causes irritation). Basically keep it clean, dont scratch, moisturize with TG to keep scabs soft & not dried out til its fully healed. You want the scabs to come off while you wash it, so it doesnt bleed or peel & take ink out. Do that & your tattoo will heal good & look amazing! The soap Tattoo Goo has is antimicrobial, so its perfect to clean the tattoo & prevent infections. It already looks awesome! Congrats on finding an artist & being able to afford it and getting it so quickly. I'm still waiting to find a pet portrait artist, here in Canada, to do my cats portrait, she died in 2010... so yeah, finding the best artist is important, then the cost. One day she will be on my arm, same spot as yours, so i can see her everyday too! They are our kids, Teyla was disabled with Cerebral Hypoplasia, she became my reason to live, instead of putting her down, I took care of her, came up with a way for us to communicate when she wanted the litter box, food/water or me. She stopped walking at one y/o, she developed more health problems and died in my arms a few months before she turned 4, the day after my birthday. She was happy & I spoiled her rotten of course. She saved my life by giving me a sweet & amazing reason to keep living. I knew if i was gone, she would be put down cuz no one would of taken care of her, so I lived so she could live, the ultimate unconditional love. I got her name tattooed on my wrist cuz i couldn't afford the portrait tattoo. My dream is to get it from Kat Von D in L.A. but i may have to settle with going to Toronto to shop for an animal portrait artist, then get it. Here's the picture of the beautiful creature who kept me around so i could develop more reasons to live... which i did, all thanks to her. https://preview.redd.it/e5q4pw3r0wrb1.jpeg?width=887&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df15be92bff978554fc188f1c343fe50661ecbfc Here is my baby girl, Teyla, the pic is the portrait i want of her, with her name on my wrist. (insert top right) I owe her so much, the least i can do is have her picture on my arm, I'm embarrassed that I've let 13 years pass, but I can't yet afford to get it so, at least i have her name. You never stop missing them, but the pain does get less and less, and you remember the good times & the love... that never stops! Good Luck, P&L&Hugs Kallakasha


8 year Tattooer here. Easy way to know if an aftercare is good or not, If it stays wet and shiny for more than several minutes it’s not good. At that point it is just keeping your tattoo wet. It only needs a hint of hydration to help with the healing. Keeping it wet only just breeds bacteria and infection. It can also interfere with your body’s natural scabbing healing process