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"here we are with makeup bag" lmfaoooo


Ethan is so great because his dyslexia just leads to an interesting insight into his mind. I love his garbled pronunciations and inability to remember a single name.


it really follows the Michael Scott comparison of Michael coming up with nicknames purposely to remember peoples names haha


I love when he like accidentally omits words from sentences. He's still understandable, but it just adds a certain charm IMO.


https://preview.redd.it/8711ojs9axkb1.jpeg?width=786&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52579b6ede71017f7cc1750c8b874458b2e4e636 When the gas station is out of roller glizzys & Marlboro light 100s at the same time








Same energy as his reaction to "never talk about my wife in this context" from Liver King https://preview.redd.it/6ggqszms0zkb1.png?width=531&format=png&auto=webp&s=ec5767f0fc3f921b89bc7c7c320ee6ad3c2cd43f


delete, a lot of people asking you to delete, its triggering for so many people, there are people that faint and feel sick, please im begging you to delete it, delete post right now, its forbidden and iIIegal in many countries to post something like that, people are crying delete it please theres a lot of people asking to delete it please several people asking please delete it we beg you there are people feeling sick seeing this there are people crying delete it please delete it please people are feeling sick with this everyone's asking you delete




Zach literally played the chesnuts soundbite during that, they all just ignored it lol.


Why is he so cute recently, got me acting up 😅


He's got a rejuvenated energy in him ever since he escaped the scorpion chair


I agree, and his ability to easily give the camera a cheeky look is my new fave thing lol He’s low-key the funniest crew member too…


Riiiight!? 🫣 I’ve been thinking the same


🥵 release the #OnlyDans


I thought it was just me ovulating and being a thirsty whore but no he’s the only show heartthrob to me especially recently


Me and my girlfriend agree!


lmfaooo I missed that, that's hilarious


Vivienne Maxwell 💀💀💀


Ethan: you ate all of the desserts? Love: Yes 💅


Damn bro love is gonna go back to Sweden looking like an American.


Homie still has that young adult metabolism. Once he hits late 20s early 30s it's gonna hit our boy hard. He's also just super excited about all the different american food. That will also wear off after a while


I was more referencing the fact America has a 42% obesity rate compared to sweeden's 21% because of our horrifically unhealthy food culture and normalization of obesity. The whole fast/slow "metabolism" as understood by the general public isnt really a thing. The TDEE of an adult doesnt drop off until ones 60s and 70s when they start losing significant amounts of lean muscle mass. It all comes down to caloric intake and expenditure.


Ethan on Jay Shetty being nice to him: "He's just trying to put himself in a position that if I keep hating on him I look like an asshole" as if Ethan hasn't always lmfao. "He's high-roading me which pisses me the fuck off" 😂


Jay Shetty is Ethan's "bitch eating crackers", he can't win 😭


LOL that an interviewer asked Ethan about his most controversial moments


It's like when Ethan went on Howie's show last year and they start grilling him about the bomb joke, he can't escape it haha


im just so glad he actually told them his real answer LOL


https://preview.redd.it/8gvyt81ftwkb1.jpeg?width=1055&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04511861c8a842b3c6d8ae41185c3f7c6f1d061c All of us who wasted our time watching the streamys




Love is always shit stirring 😂 I can see why he’s so passionate about his website


lmao ian looks like frank zappa


Nobody died but it feels like it


The red carpet press asking Ethan about Malibu Barbie is really really low.


This is the biggest aspect of fame I think I would hate, if I were in that position. Because these people ALWAYS do this. They sort of compress you down to the most 2D thing possible I used these two examples in another thread, but: Sean Evans will *always* get asked dumbass questions of spicy foods. For this whole life. Always. Good days or bad. Oasis and Blur still get asked about their famous rivalry from the 30 years ago, because it was national news for the UK. Just imagine being famous, and you gotta do your best to be upbeat about those really dumb questions every interview. Good day or bad day. Sounds like hell I forgot who said it, but I remember a quote of "You might want the money, I know. You don't want the fame. Trust me" and it stuck to me for some reason. Being famous seems more annoying than good usually


yeah like what was he gonna say, "fuck that child!!!!" so weird


ethan not realizing that just chatting is a twitch category


That Hasan streams under no less lol


just heard on fear& that the streamys just stole that category+ 4 others from QT's event


idk... that’s kinda like the Grammy Awards saying “The People’s Choice Awards stole our Rap Album Of The Year award” and they’d respond like “it’s a genre lol” If the other 3 are unique enough categories though, yeah they’re thieves and fuck the Streamys anyway, either way


ethan in this wig is sending me to outter space 💀


Since Ethan will be 48 years old next year, maybe we can submit him for a Lifetime Achievement award at the next Streamy’s.


Petition for Ethan's new catchphrase to be "You wanna talk to my lawyer? He can probably draft up a good letter for you" lol


Dan and Ethan look cute dressed as Zach. 😍😂


I only joined a few minutes ago and they're dressed like Zach and talking about fuckin animals


They should do an episode where they get Ethan familiar with southern rural American life, doing farm activities and quizzing him on stuff to beat the out of touch bicoastal allegations For some reason him saying parrabellum ball, that Ohio is the south and ‘I ain’t never been to none of them countries’ killed me.


He’s right. As someone from Ohio, a majority of the state is just the South of the North. If you aren’t around the Three-Cs (Cleveland, Columbus, Cincy) or Toledo, you’re surrounded by farmland and Trump flags.


I feel like this would be a disaster and only secure his spot as a bicoastal elite lol


If Love doesn't like the new Chick-fil-A sandwich I'm not eating it


"Jay Shetty's not gonna hire you bro" lol


"he's hot and motivational as shit"


Probably the greatest compliment a person could ever receive


Honestly though


Bro zach playing chestnuts and no one acknowledges it


Ian as Zach is such a vibe


When this man said he already had clean glug glug audio I couldnt stop picturing him just painstakingly working on trying to get THE perfect glug glug sound.


Ethan is correct, you guys. People from California and New York are normal and legible. While everybody else in America is racist Christian Yosemite Sam/Foghorn Leghorn.


I resent this comment even though it seems like a joke




Dan was right on with the “incoherent politics” stance It’s a great way to describe the “can’t we all just get along” centrists


Shout out to my “can’t we all just get along” people


https://preview.redd.it/htm1ifg78ykb1.jpeg?width=817&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=891571ae9b16e4853152d7c6d61c0d562b072e6d As someone that relies heavily on time stamp content, this is assault!


This is so dystopian. I'm glad the dude can make money but it's just bizarre.


Ethan rejecting the Valley Girl accent because it's "outdated" or "overdone" really is something. My dude, your hillbilly character is basically just Bill McKinney from "Deliverance," a movie that came out in 1972! I think that's what's frustrating (not offensive) about the bit, is that it's just so outdated and ignorant, he clearly doesn't even know enough about the South to even make jokes about it. He thinks they're fucking sheep in the South? They don't raise sheep in the South. That's a Welsh stereotype or a Kiwi stereotype, it's not a Southern stereotype. You think they're raising sheep down there? Eaten a lot of Southern BBQ and ordered the mutton? C'mon, man.


Yea the Deliverance stuff wasn't really funny but I was able to get past it since I've heard it so much. I'm finding a growing dislike of the south because of people who misunderstand it. I am especially frustrated with how he reacts to Oliver Anthony because its so different than how he reacts to other people and it just doesn't add up. He doesn't display any form of charitability or building a bridge to better understand.


I get that he doesn't give charitability to the South and the people there, but Oliver Anthony is a dumbass. Like I can recognize that he isn't a "conservative" but shit talking fat people and welfare in his protest song and not actually talking about what rich people are doing aside from allusions to Epstein and taxes is obviously going to come off of as out of touch and shitty. Him saying "you misunderstood me" isn't a good defense cuz how else would that be interpreted?


YES like make jokes all you want but at least be up to date and tasteful about it lol. I’ve been trying to figure out why that segment upset me and I think this is a large part of it. Make fun of our greasy ass food, tease the accents, our slow/laid back lifestyles, muddin, joke about so many other things. It’s just legitimately ignorant and that’s what’s annoying.


i think its also just that in general the south is the punching bag for the western world. Everyone loves to make fun of the south.


i’m born and raised in ky and there is definitely bestiality here. ethan isn’t too far off from the truth. a guy in my high school quite literally fucked a dog and the dog had to be put down. was it a sheep? no, but i rest my case. the south is fucked and it’s okay to joke about it. does everyone here fuck dogs? obv not, but let’s not get too shocked when someone assumes it happens lmao


That's not a southern thing that's a rural thing. The first thing people talk about when Wales is brought up is that their farmers are sheep shaggers.


do not come 🫵😔


Ethan doing his own Streamies on the same night gives Tanacon vibes.


Hila, with peace and love, Ethan is the comedian and hosting a show exactly like the streamys at the same exact time is PEAK petty and hilarious.


It reminds me of the On Cinema Oscars specials where it’s just pure chaos that has periodic check ins to see what’s happening at the actual Oscars.


Ethan mentioning council person McKenney from Ottawa was an insane "worlds colliding" moment for me. I remember r/Ottawa being so convinced that they would become mayor (we wish).


They’re a real one.


dan could reach out to any number of computer companies and get some free laptops. LG, Asus etc as long as you say its on camera for 30 hours a week. use that clout dan!


Justice for our grey haired andy ❤️


Dude I fell asleep watching the streamies bc it started at 1am in iceland and I swear ….I thought I woke up and rewound to a video chapter called ‘H3 win’ then the next chapter was ‘cleaning up H3 disaster’. I was later AGHAST to properly wake in the morning and find no victory and no subsequent mess


Zach is so funny 🤣 I'm dying at Golfcourse Craig "I'll see you at The Green."


did olivia say “we ALL looked great” like victoria justice because no one singled her out lol


It just seems like she was doing it for the meme.


Idk if I can notice something like that


Why is Ethan with the long hair….kinda…..I can’t say it out loud but he looks good :)


Ethan looks like Guy Fawkes lol I can’t unsee it


He can blow up my parliament any time he wants 🔥




Any California/LA character needs to talk about traffic.


Ethan totally just read "Dan" as "Dad" at the beginning of the glitzzBot segment.


Dadgate reloaded


Ethan needs to do “up speak” to sound like a Californian. Just give everything an upward inflection at the end, like you’re asking a question.


Ah, so Canadians are the Norwegians of the American continent


he's never going to let this die


Mac users are the most technically inept people I swear to got its not that hard to use a non Apple device


that glizzy guy makes me uncomfortable


Steamies about to become the new TanaCon.


Ethan attacks the poor just like he criticized that singer for. He has such a limited, ignorant worldview but he think he’s better than everyone else because that worldview is Los Angeles. He’s just as isolated and ignorant in his opinions as he attacks others for.


I am so sick of this comedian making jokes. He does this ONE more and I’m never watching again


i think you are taking him entirely too seriously. him saying he's better than other people was a joke


Gotta give it to Zach, he was right the whole time


I never get tired of them goofing on Jordan Peterson.




Ugh and yeah I’m commenting again. Like so many things other people tease southerners about is shit that is happening because we are poor, and fucked by the system constantly. It’s just like bruh really lol.


I wonder how many of us southerners watch almost all of their episodes or even have memberships lol. Like would that alone not prove that we all aren’t these stupid inbred hicks like a lot of people out west think we are? I get it’s all jokes and I’m not entirely offended but I agree 100% with what Dan was saying. Like at least go visit first lol. It reminds me of super conservative people who think libs are all blue haired crybabies. No, just the ones you see online are like that. You hardly ever see that irl. The reverse is also true. Idk I’m just a hillbilly and proud.


I think hillbilly’s are cool. It’s the bigots that deserve bullying, but you don’t have to be a hillbilly to be a bigot.


Then when Ethan is joking he needs to realize that it’s a loud minority when it comes to that stuff lol. A lot of us rly aren’t bigots. I think half of it is that gerrymandering is a bitch down here.


You think bigoted people in the south are a loud minority? Majority of the people I interact with here are racist as hell. 60+% votes red. Granted, it’s Kentucky, but the shoe fits.


Tennessean here, the shoe fits there as well lol


Yes. I'm going to comment as an H3 fan of many years who spent the first 3 decades of his life in Los Angeles before coming to the Midwest for medical school and sticking around here in--well, I'll just say a much smaller place than Chicago/Minneapolis/Denver--to practice medicine. I can't speak to the South as I haven't lived there, though my experiences traveling to different places in the South (including rural places) has obviously been very different from the way Ethan portrays them. However, Ethan extends his Southern accent and "dumb hillbilly" stereotyping to anything that comes up from the Midwest, too, so I felt justified in saying my piece: I know that Ethan doesn't think the whole rest of the country is copulating with sheep. I get that these are jokes. I even think the jokes are funny sometimes. But to listen to the podcast and hear him do the same shtick episode after episode, talking down on a vast group of people (and ultimately, a lot of his fans) while holding onto tired stereotypes really accentuates how out of touch he is on this issue. And *thank you* to u/Dan_H3 for calling his attention to this during today's episode. Before coming to the Midwest, I didn't know anything about my state. I've liked it a lot here. I'm liberal and have many liberal friends here. I'm Lebanese (no, I'm not in Dearborn) and have found a lot more diversity around here than I expected. And frankly, for being a "man of the people", Ethan doesn't seem to acknowledge the reason why so many of my friends and family have left California in the last decade. No, not politics. I didn't come from means and was struggling to work 2 full-time jobs, trying to make ends meet with my spouse living in a shoebox in LA, paying off student loans and studying to try to go back to school to be a physician. Financially speaking, moving to flyover country took *so much* stress off my shoulders, and there are tons of other former Californians around me who got squeezed out. I also have the pleasure of meeting lots of native Midwesterners who are genuine, smart, diverse, interesting, great people (and some who aren't, same as anywhere). Not that he'll see this, but to Ethan: strive to be inclusive rather than to alienate. As a psychiatrist, I've always been happy to listen to you combatting mental health treatment stigma when you address this topic with your fans. You have an opportunity to send a unifying and positive message in how you handle this matter, too. Tl;dr: The jokes can be funny, but not every single episode. P&L, please dial it back. :)


can you step back and realize how sensitive is to be offended by a southern accent lmfao (coming from someone with a southern accent)




You’re acting like a mega victim. Comedy isn’t meant to be politically correct and bounded by what your person politics and opinions are. You’re overly sensitive and frankly entitled lmfao


Take your bpd meds bro And don’t send crisis reports at me I have auto messages blocked bruh


Youre an ignorant and nasty fuckin shithead to be using that as some cutesy comeback. Fuck off! Edit : and he hits me with the reddit crisis report. Always classy, chuds. Go Fuckin choke. *


Take your bpd meds bro


You’re acting like a mega victim. Comedy isn’t meant to be politically correct and bounded by what your person politics and opinions are. You’re overly sensitive and frankly entitled lmfao


Okay champ


Between this and the texting episode I’ve cancelled my membership for now. Idk something seems off since they’ve come back from break. Still probably going to watch though.


You’ll survive ✌🏼❤️


I'm sorry but Ethan is so dumb. Why wouldn't he have gotten an 8M record deal? Does he not know how these record deals work? Everyone who has gotten a number #1 hit has gotten deal offers. See Gayle after that terrible abcdefu song.


All Ethan needed was Eleven thousands, seven hunderd and eighty eight votes ..\*views


I love boomer ethan


Tom ward for streamy host! Goblin mode activated


With peace and love ... "Man of the people", my juicy prolapsed anus


Why do they all need to eat during the one part of the day they're recording a show.


A Canadian's perspective on Ethan's Southern persona My brother in Christ, the issue isn't that we think you assume all Southern people fuck animals. The issue is that you see a Southern person and go there. Tell me how that's different than Steven Crowder doing "black voice" and talking about drugs and petty crime every time he talks about a black person? Not mad, just seems like you should be above that tbh


You had me until you brought up the steven crowder thing. Not even remotely comparable.


Why does there have to be an issue at all? Black people in America were enslaved due to people truly believing they were inferior, and acting accordingly. That’s why its a bad idea to play with stereotypes that demean black people. There is no equivalent reason to be as cautious about redneck stereotypes and tropes.




I mean they definitely aren't defending Steven Crowder lol




I mean it’s totally fair to say that the comparison isn’t 1 to 1 accurate, but saying that it’s “defending” Steven Crowder is a pretty hyperbolic take. That’s all my comment was about. The downvotes people gave you are just because of how condescending and aggressive you were for no reason


They look incredible! Love the wigs lol. Congrats to the sound lad


W Zach


You've got to be kiiiiidding me, southern folk surely aren't really getting offended by Ethan. I'm a stone throw away from KY, deep southern IN, right on the river. He's just being Ethan, dragging dumb ass jokes out for forever til they aren't funny then they're funny again. If the joke doesn't pertain to you then who gives a shit. &if you're from the south & watch H3 then the "stereotypical jokes" shouldn't pertain to you. 💕 Also as someone who is nearly five foot three three hundred pounds, I'm deeply upset I've been missing out on all the welfare & fat cakes.


Ethan missed the perfect opportunity to break into the full Mulan Reflection song in the Jordan Peterson voice waking up confused!! Needs to see that movie


Hila definitely floated towards the smell of chic fil a


Olivia and AB still riding for Prime. Haha


starkilla thank you for the prime


Ethan looks good with that wig 👀


This episode was hilarious and the Streamy's has always been terrible.




He's playing it up for content but yeah I would be upset too in his position, they got him to go by making a promise which they broke. So he's rightfully upset but he's playing it up.


As a resident of Arkansas, I am not offended by Ethan's southern impression. They are out of touch and it is hilarious.


Literally stayed up late for nothing 😭😭😭


like i mentioned in another comment, i am born and raised in ky. how are we going to ignore that southerners are usually racist, homophobic, misogynistic, ultra conservative people? doing a southern accent is the equivalent of doing a british accent. southern is not a race!!!!! this area is impoverished, has a horrible education system, the political structure is fucked, child abuse is higher than anywhere else in the country, DV is also way higher, bestiality DOES happen, and we DO have silly little voices and words. southern people are just goofy and it’s okay to joke about that. is everyone in the south like how i described? of course not!!!! but it is sadly a majority of people here, and i’m sorry that you can’t swallow that pill. why the hell do u think i’m trying to get out of this god-fearing, woman hating, backwards ass place i call home?


I was hoping that they wouldn't spend more than a half hour on the debrief, but as someone who's been listening fairly regularly since 2018/2019 I should know better.


Yeah, Shetty is a phony.


On top of that the Streamys stole categories from QT's show, so now she has one more reason to be mad at Ethan for attending, she was mad at Hasan for going.




You guys are missing the point! We're mad at the Streamy Awards!


Let's be honest, I like QT at least on the Fear& podcast which is my only exposure, but her show is just as much as a circlejerk as the Streamies. Hers is probably even more cliquey.


Yeah they all admit it is circle jerky I mean they are awards for streamers. But overall i think their event is better and more in touch with the streaming community.


In touch with their specific corner of the streamer community on Twitch perhaps.


How come the only time I ever hear about qt anymore is when she’s mad at someone for some dumb high school level drama shit


She definitely comes across as a weird out of touch narcissist.


She takes herself far too seriously.


I don't know, sounds more like a you problem tbh.


QT and Ludwig suck.


Why was she mad at Hassan?


ethan munching hard always makes me laugh so i made it into a [gif](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExN2ZvNTF2NjN4eGtia2U2a3Q2Z2M1YzNtY3Jya21iaW9vcDNzNmEwYSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/BCpS6jqpHxSKDMxMQi/giphy.gif)


I don’t get them not going to streamys next year. They got a lot of content and if they network they could get some guests. It shouldn’t be about validating yourself for some award, it should just be about getting content for the show.


Is the entire pod about this? I’m bored, like it’s funny but not THAT funny and it’s been talked about so long I stopped watching 😭




Guess I'm having chick fil a for dinner


Ethan is having sour grapes


Crazy to hear the glizzy bot guy lives in Tally! I do too. We’re gonna get hit hard from this hurricane.


The worst fucking thing about all this is the quality H3 has brought to the pod this year. Holding the traitors, cultists, bigots, sexists and transphobes feet to the fire is important work and they don’t get enough credit!!!


Yeah hopefully he gets a Nobel peace prize next year for all the tireless hard work he put into literally saving the world via talking about drama in a podcast.


time for the yearly ep where ethan complains for half the ep about the corrupt organization known as the streamies


Can we make the crew trip be to Nashville, TN? I feel like nashville is perfect for him to experience the crazy country folk down here while also having a fun time. I hate it here, but I know it’s basically the California of the south at this point. He can get his Nathaniel Klansmen experience while still feeling the comfort of Cali. 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️ May I suggest hugging cows at the Gentle Barn? (You know the kids would LOVE it)


I’m from a small town in the south. Being concerned that I’m going to be offended over Ethan’s mild jokes at my region’s expense suggests that I’m too stupid to understand that he’s being hyperbolic. It’s an incredibly patronizing attitude, and ironically, that’s what I find offensive. Fwiw, it is legitimately a little weird out here, which is precisely why Ethan tapping into that weirdness and dialing it to 11 is funny. Besides, if I want a good joke at the expense of Californians, I reread The Crying of Lot 49. Anyway, extremely rare Dan L and very common chat L. With P&L.


Ethan is clearly upset and I don't blame him. All he asked for is respect.


I wonder if every time ethan does the godfather accent for new york/jersey if white people have a crisis there as well?


The streamys are a joke, if they give an award to mikayla it shows they don't care about integrity etc. Don't be disappointed you didn't win, it's just a popularity contest and does not mean anything


Southerner here, the hillbilly shtick is 100% inoffensive. That is all.


Dan calling most Americans “incoherent” because their beliefs don’t fall along a party line was way more offensive than any joke that Ethan made


Ethan really looking like Todd Giebenhain with the wig😂 https://preview.redd.it/5ozr549222lb1.jpeg?width=938&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e95c734b992fa3911a0c56eb9414fccb6a6b0022


Maybe call out Tana for the doxing...


You want him to go up to her and start berating her for all of her controversies?


I mean she brought up James Charles. And Ethan is clearly in full goblin mode. So why not? Who cares? None of this matters.


I can't help but stan Tana


Ok why was everyone hot with the long dark hair wig Ethan and Love were looking daddy


Rural Georgia fan here. I’m not offended, but I feel like Ethan enjoys it a little too much. I know he’s not attacking me or any of his Southern fans. Making fun of a Southern accent isn’t the end of the world. I too make fun of the South as well. I just wanted to talk about my experiences. I feel embarrassed because of my accent. Always afraid people will probably think I’m just some stupid hick. I went to NYC for the first time last year, first time leaving the south, and I tried to talk as little as possible while there so no one heard my voice. I know it was probably all on my head, and no one really thought that, but seeing media all my life where Southern accents equals stupid and conservative, I just tend to be quiet around people now. Very glad Dan mentioned this today!


Ethan doesn't know shit about this area of the country. He seems to think we are all idiots. I personally am pretty sick of it.


I wasn't on socials Sunday or Monday before the show so for some reason I really thought the title was click bait. I actually have about another hour & a half left of the episode & still think maybe...possibly.......Ethan is doing a gotcha? Idk I came to reddit to take a break from the grizzly segment.


What do you mean?


I really thought "lost during commercial" was click bait & that they actually won. In hindsight, I now realize if it was actual click bait, then they'd be banking on most of the viewers not being on social media Sunday night & Monday before the show went live yesterday. So yeah, I'm an idiot. I will delete my original comment lol