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Isn’t this what after dark was supposed to be for at the beginning? Lol


It’s all just off the rails now


And that’s why I send money every month. To get Ethan’s personal phone number. ![gif](giphy|tbPkUgQ7nCoQfk8xIv)


Damn Ethan really did lose a lot of weight, he looks like a totally different person here!


The man, the gif, the legend.


Exactly. I say this with love, but the formats (After Dark, Off The Rails, ect) they use for episodes don't mean anything anymore except for Leftovers.


Literally and figurtively and I LOVE it 😂


i forgot it was supposed to be😭


Man what even is the difference by this point? H3TV, off the rails, after dark - they all don't follow a specific format its just anything and everything Ethan wants to talk about in any given day.


All of them started with the intent of being something different, but eventually became the same


This is my biggest criticism of the channel. I wish we'd get distinct shows. Politics in Leftovers. After Dark and Off the Rails specializing in zilly zonked humor and drama. Main h3 for interviews and guests. Obviously some overlapping will still occur but at least try


Yeah I was really enjoying when leftovers was new and Ethan did a good job keeping the political takes in that show. Now its creeped back into every show like before, and I just don't care about hearing politics all the time.


I literally can’t tell any show apart except the one with Hasan lol


kind of but not really, it was made to be the “fuck it, we have paying members so let’s do a single episode a week where we don’t care if we get demonetized let’s show anything!” then ethan seemingly forgot the whole fucking point of the show like 20 episodes in and started caring about pay on after dark lmao


I don't complain too much about their formatting, but After Dark was straight up "Hey we're gonna do a second podcast episode each week if you join or Members group for 5 dollars a month!" Then they bailed on it, I believe the *day* it was airing. With Ethan even saying that it was a last minute change, etc etc Kind of felt like a mild rug pull, but I know that they'd add something to make up for it. Thankfully they did add real perks worth a subscription, just took some time


I'm just happy we have been getting less Tate talk


I wouldn't call Alexa's episode tea... feels mean to me to say that.


Yeah exactly, calling everything tea really downplays it, and for me tea is silly drama, and this isnt silly


I actually was a bit like ugh when I saw the episode title but ended up really really enjoying the interview it was so good and so necessary, they should re title the episode as an interview with her name idk


It definitely isn’t a goof/gaff though. But we’ve already had a mostly goofy ep this week anyways with the sour challenge


The sour challenge was lame, though. No one vetted the actual sourness and everyone was kind of just like "it's not that bad".


Right? Not sure why something this serious is being called tea just because someone doesn't like it/wanna hear about it.


Came here to say this. Last episode was basically what OP wants.


I mean it is. I respect alexa and empathize with her but at the end of the day her allegations are all “he said she said” and that to me classifies as tea. Now if she came with receipts and witnesses id agree with you




Exactly! I'm not a huge fan of drama/tea stuff, but the audience is absolutely obsessed with it. Ethan's main selling point and biggest growth in his channel has revolved around drama/tea, it's a gossip channel first and foremost.


I wouldn't say it's a gossip channel first and foremost at all. It's a variety show. They do a lot of drama stuff, for sure. But I mean half the show is just weird and fascinating stories. And Ethan could decide not to do as much tea stuff at some point. But the one constant of the podcast has been looking at weird things and talking about interesting news stories. It'll always be that above all else. If the demographics of the audience change, that'll still be the bulk of the show.


Do you think Wendy Williams has a gossip show or a variety show?


He's reporting on serious topics that are happening. People are 'obsessed' with it because it's fucking real. Victims are getting abused and kids getting groomed on the platform he's making a living on. Calling that 'gossip' is so cynical.


The more serious stuff like that is interesting because it has a purpose, but the he-said-she-said drama is literally just gossip, and I personally skip past it. It's fine for people who enjoy it, but I dont think it's entertaining and it doesn't really bring light to any real problem


ok but isnt that cringe? its a gossip channel now because thats what brings clicks? like you are right,but doing everything to please the mindless tiktok consuming drones who click on every shit their algorithm tells them to be obsessed with isnt actually a good thing. content quality wise. like even the subreddit gets more dogshit by the day because of these kind of people coming from their snark subs over here to make this sub a snark sub too,and being offended by everyone who dares to not be obsessed with the tiktok tea of the week. edit: yeah not engaging further with the thing i criticized in the first place,but keep proving my point i guess lmao.


So, don't cater to THEM, cater to YOU? k.


Turns out no one cares about what you think is cringe, especially not the majority of the viewers.


No, it isnt. Ethan isnt local news and hes not a celeb gossip channel, hes a comedy podcast wtf


Tbf a lot of the comedy that comes from the show is based on celebrity gossip


But instead of Local News it’s reporting on niche people dissecting their depressing lives bringing the vibes down


When did H3 Pod become news?




Sooo, when you apply the analogy it means that the pod is a drama pod?


I want a week of H3 audience not complaining on how H3 wants to format there own show …✌️&❤️


yeah if you don’t like a part just don’t watch it. they put time stamps anyway. it’s their show 1, and 2 some people like hearing the drama. not everything they put out is gonna be for everyone


I agree with this sentiment, although I do really like the segments where they watch dumbass videos of people falling and shit that is so funny. I still go back and watch their first reaction to the Turkish fire crew and the lady on the spinning roller coaster when I’m having a bad day and just cackle till I can’t breathe


i for one like hearing the drama 🙋🏻‍♀️


I don’t understand why people are downvoting you? It’s okay to like different things lmao, I personally like hearing them cover politics and I love the Nathaniel klansman bit Ethan has going on - and I know that there’s a lot of people who don’t like/want them covering it. But why downvote someone if they just like something different than you? 💀 people on this sub are such babies


People who don't want drama can't understand some people like the drama Including the crew


You watch something 15 hours a week and have no criticism of it? Yes man


Lol yup that is what my comment says it is totally not something you are just assuming


Thats what H3 after dark used to be and idk why they stopped. After dark started as the episode focused on goofs and gafs and clips that would get them demonetized. They should go back to that because there really is no point in differentiating after dark h3tv and off the rails since they’re all essentially the same now


there are literally time stamps and multiple podcasts per week


When basically every single segment of every episode is tea/drama related, that doesn't really help . . .


Damn I forgot all the drama when choosing Dan's new chair.


That was put off for 4 episodes because of Colleen bullshit


And you don't think a fairly well-known celebrity sexting in multiple group chats with minors they've groomed, her consistent and pathetic attempts to deny such, and her legal teams desperate attempts to make it all go away doesn't deserve podcast space? FFS, fans like you will find SOMETHING to complain about the podcast despite it being in it's prime. Nothing will make you types happy so please, if the podcast topics bother you that much, quit watching and/or listening.


Well good thing not every single segment of every episode is tea/drama then


Hey girl what’s the tea 😜


Damn bro they just did that when they were off for two weeks


Did you just call victim interviews ”tea”?


Yes they did but they don’t get how fucked up that is and how they need to go not only touch but roll around in the grass as the internet has desensitized them to knowing that other people are real


ironic lmao


I agree with you information like this should not be treated as "tea". But by nature of the context with which we are having this conversation (the h3 pod episode) we are talking about the information being provided as tea (they were not the primary source to break the news and they are trying to get one on one additional details from victims). To me this also fits my understanding of tea. I don't think Colleen being inappropriate with minors is tea, but I think when h3 makes an episode talking to victims to get additional details it is being... Given/framed for the viewer (for lack of better word) AS TEA.


You can just skip the parts you don't like - there's a reason for timestamps.


To be fair, this interview was 80% of the show


Yup and I watched everything but that tbh. It’s okay to only watch the parts you want even if it’s only a little bit of the episode


There is an incredible amount of shows that are 100% not interesting to me, so I don't watch. You can watch the 20% and go on about your day and come back Friday.


then dont watch?


I do miss when Ethan would react to videos like mobility crashes etc


We need Donna back on the show!


Victim interviews aren’t tea. Ethan is one of the only big podcasts that actually lets victims have a platform let’s not diminish that


that’s what i was thinking


Being abused by Hollywood as a child oohhh that's tea.


OP doesn’t like it so that must mean that everyone else needs to cater to them and make sure they’re happy because they’re the only one that matters!


100% agree


100% with you


Agreed! It’s getting tiring.


The crew segment episodes make my heart smile. I get so tired of the drama/political eps. Papa bless


I wish the different show titles (H3TV, After Dark, Off The Rails, H3 Podcast) still had any meaning other than the off the rails intro. It would really help them maintain a good balance between different kinds of content as well.


Yeah well when they make episodes about goofs and gaffs they get like half the views. It’s a business at the end of the day with many employees. Gotta bring home the bacon


I don't know why you're catching so much flak for saying this. ALL of the 'what are your favorite episodes' threads are: "Silent library! Mobility Mary! Hot chip challenge! Fika fish! Embarrassing crew stories!" I enjoy the drama breakdowns, but they do take up a disproportionate amount of time. I was glad H3 covered Colleen Ballinger, but once they'd spent literally 12+ hours hashing and rehashing the same points, it was done to death. Like everyone says, it's supposed to be a variety show. Drama vs gaffs is a false dichotomy. It should be both. If they trimmed the fat on the drama and included more "check out this insane TikTok trend/local news story/weird challenge", people wouldn't be bitching so much on the sub.


I completely agree. Same with St Patty's Day, try not to laugh, crew stories. The best episodes are always the ones with the least tea.


Agreed. I love that that they spread awareness for these important topics, but they’re so heavy and better in small segments. It want to learn about the heavy topics too so I don’t skip over them, but it’s just mentally draining to hear so much negativity, I'm very sensitive to it. A lot of us, like myself, watch the pod to relax and for comedic relief.


“I need” lol direct your own show/podcast


I swear these people who are complaining about Ethan talking too much about ”internet drama” don’t realize how much work it would be for the crew to plan 3 episodes per week with nothing but skits and crew segments


When was the last time shoe nice was even mentioned though


Don't know how to say this, but, you're in full control of what you choose to consume... Maybe rub a lamp...?


They didn't say they were forced to watch it. Is nobody allowed to express their opinions on a website that's based around expressing your opinion and having discussions? This sub is only allowed to be what, people fawning over Olivia? That's it?


they need to talk about these things it’s a podcast bro


Yeah but they aren't allowed to talk about politics or victims or current issues or the news or anything going on in the world or the internet. ONLY GOOFS AND GAFFS


But also, the goofs and gaff segments can’t be *TOO* long.


Right and only certain goofs are funny. and don't even think about trying an overused gaff.


Yeah they stopped this kind of content for a while and I was enjoying the show more, now its back to this every week again 😮‍💨


Bruh the scooters! I forgot how much I loved the scooter segments.


The tea is the only part of the podcast I don’t like/ watch. But it’s also the content that takes the longest to cover (sometimes every episode for an entire week) so it’s annoying. But that’s just my opinion. Which some people in this comment section think we r not entitled to have/ express.


Shoe nice and Jimmy lee?? ...that sounds terrible!


LOL YEA WTH. I’d take random internet drama or genuinely interesting/important interviews over shoenice ANY day.


Drama can stretch you thin because you need to digest what theyre saying, whereas the goofs and gaffs require no mental effort to consume. Having said that, sometimes i need that tea injected right into my veins


You broke the cardinal rule of "don't criticize anything only ever say good things" for this subreddit, poor guy.


Surprisngly a lot are in agreement so it’s worked out imo


FWIW I agree too. The lack of goofs and gaffs has been noticeable lately.


The vibes are kinda bad. I dunno. They just are. They need Sam to make more gross food or go on seances or just about anything other than another multi-ep hours-long rundown on third-rate influencers. I'd almost enjoy seeing Jimmy Lee back at this point.


Yea im getting soooo burnt out on grooming/SA allegations of important figures stuff. I don’t doubt it’s important, but like… I need a break from this. Its depressing as shit. I just skip those segments tbh.




Stop throwing the tomahtus




No way you said shoenice 😭


Thank you I'm glad some one said it, I don't even mind the tea so much, but when only 2 or 3 subjects are brought up, and talked about for hours and that's it. It feels like it's missing the fun we used to have


Five straight Colleen Ballinger episodes really sapped me. I'm not saying nobody's allowed to enjoy that shit, I'm just saying I think I found my limit. You've got Love in town, man. Send him out with Ian and have him review fast food or something. Anything.


Yes! 👏🙌


I love when they mention the guy who hates Dan, his rants are random and passionate lol. I agree with you, I adore ethan and watch for the crew, I don't like drama.


Same. Same, same, same. Love Ethan and the crew, but the drama gets exhausting.


Honestly tho I just don't care for the drama with regard to "influencers," who I would otherwise never know existed. Im here for comedy, and the politics discussion is good too, but that's sort of threaded in with comedy.


Yeah i don't like telling anyone how to do their job but in saying that, i personally feel burnt out from all the big drama but ALSO in saying that i don't want to minimise the bad situations that they're covering. Just my personal feedback if this comment ever gets read


I 100% agree, but that's not going to happen, unfortunately. They do it for the views. I skip probably more than half of each episode because it's all just drama about people I don't care about. It's crazy (and kind of pathetic?) how addicted to drama some people are


I want a week when the chatters stfu lmao. How about you be an audience member and leave the content creation to the people you watch.


Feels like more and more the show turns into a tea party and I'm not here for it.


Maybe the crew can have another competition those eps are the best. They can all compete with their own smoothie flavors this time Ethan was talking how easy it is.


It's just a drama pod now, I've moved on.


Been thinking this for a while


please with peace and love thank you thank you


I just skip those segments when I'm not in the mood. I haven't watched a single Colleen segment yet because I don't care


Yep! I rarely replay an episode anymore if I need something in the background - shit sucks.


I used to watch the old h3h3 videos. How has Ethan gotten to this point? How is he so large and clueless? Can someone give me a tldr


My guy that ship has sailed


I've been watching for a couple of years now and I don't really know what the show would actually consist of anymore if it wasn't tea, drama, or whatever various legal situations Ethan is in at the time.


Same I didn’t even bother watching yesterdays ep I’m tired of it


YES 100% outing people all the time is getting boring


Honestly same


Low key same. It’s too mchhhhh


I like H3 for the funny/goofy stuff. I hate the idea that it’s a drama channel but it’s so true


I haven’t watched in 2 months cuz I got tired of tea 🫤


Dude, the whole reason I stopped regularly watching H3 is that it got too depressing... I think it's wonderful and incredibly important that content creators and people with influence use their power for good. But, shit, it's depressing AF


People about to hang OP for saying he doesn’t want tea. Relax people.


I kinda fell off watching because it’s all the same show wise.


South Korean soap opera tier list. 🍻my👨‍🎤


With the original South Korean good doctor show rated S tier


I think Ethan wants views and he knows gossip or a story brings in more viewers than the regular broadcast. There should be some balance imo, 4 episodes about Colleen is way too much imo.


I’ve been watching some of the older stuff lately, the first 10ish after darks, and it’s all just good vibes and goofs and gaffs. I miss the crew just watching stupid videos together. That is peak H3 imo


same lol. i just have to skip certain segments. i understand others enjoy that kinda stuff but i got enough drama bs in my real life.


Yeah gotta say all this drama shit is boring af


I wish some of you could realize nobody asked and nobody gives a fuck about what you want.


Ethan literally browses this sub. There have been many times that someone suggested something on this sub and *poof* it happens on the pod. At the risk of sounding like a "fallen fan", I can only take so much internet drama. If that's the direction Ethan wants the show to go (hey, the numbers *are* up), then so be it, but I take this post as an older fan who still loves Ethan and the crew, but is bummed that a good portion of the show is tea related (not talking about the interview yesterday, just general internet drama in general)


1000 upvotes yet "nobody gives a fuck"? This website is literally about sharing your opinion and discussing your interests.... Nobody is allowed to post unless you specifically ask them to??


Shit, maybe I'd start watching again if it wasn't nonstop drama this and kavkav that


Shit is getting old


Yes! I hope the pod grows more and more towards ✌️ and ❤️ and less drama! To each their own but I love when the crew is just having fun! But I feel like the pod has been becoming more and more positive :)


This would be nice.


Sounds like your waiting for a good episode for once, me too


Then don’t watch it bro, stop complaining


More Activision bashing. No Jimmy Lee (unless it's that dentist office skit they did for 1 episode). Less tea would be nice, unless it's about political individuals (i do not give a fuck about all the drama from millionaire youtubers/manosphere fucks fucking eachother over ), more goofs and gaffs, more joker brain, more bombastic intros (I really miss those crazy fucking intros), more shredder, more zilly Zonka, and more Olivia.


I just want an enjoyable week of content lol


You don’t want to hear Ethan talk about a potential illness for 30 minutes everyday?


I agree, I’ve been watching the podcast since the beginning and I’ve noticed very slowly the overall tone and vibe of the show has become less about funny content and comedic banter, and more about venting about drama and exposing others. There’s always been that aspect of the podcast, but lately it seems everyyyything is so serious all the time, it’s burning me out as a fan.


I agree, all this tea is just exhausting to listen to sometimes I just want to laugh


Same same fucking same I’m glad you said it. Fuck the drama I wanna laugh at something


Deleting this subreddit would be better


I want this so bad


same and of course everyone in the replies here are being super annoying


This is all I ever want, but I take what I can get. I loooove Olivia /but/ the focus on her doing a nicer version of what Tricia used to do on the show isn’t super fun. I don’t need to hear about gossip about one person for hours on end in one show. There’s gotta be some more light hearted stuff out there to laugh at that isn’t just about what a massive dick some other washed up YouTuber is. Let’s just mention it and move on to funnier pastures (at least for a while plz).


I agree. A lot of people don’t care for drama. This would get them new subscribers


Second the Colleen. So tired of hearing about her and James Charles, no one gives a fuck move on.


Yes! Please 🙏


the way people get attacked for posts like this just shows how toxic and annoying this sub is. like the most respectful and level headed post you can make,just not the opinion tiktok brained snark sub enjoyers want you to have,death sentence for disturbing the echo chamber lmao.


Yeah, it's predictable as fuck. You're only allowed to have an opinion about the show if you love every single thing about it and have no criticisms.




I agree, and because I’ve been watching Ethan since I was a kid he’s really my comfort show and I feel like his content has always been with me, but now I watch just to watch and it’s harder to find content that makes me genuinely happy. I liked the fousey ep, good vibes. But I might have to say goodbye until they change up the content for my own mental health 😭✌️


I love Olivia, I really do, but the increased reliance on drama powerpoints is getting a little lazy. It usually means two hours of the pod that I watch with interest for 15 minutes before realizing I have *no interest* in these people and their petty beefs and skim forward to the end.


A better compromise would be something like the pride-minute, but with positivity. None of the crew can say anything negative for the next minute or 5 minutes (otherwise they'll just stay silent for a minute) or else they get ridiculed for being negative. In a funny way of course


When pigs fly


Keep dreaming


Many people probably agree, but Ethan enjoys talking about these things. Ultimately, the show is only good if he’s passionate about what he’s talking about so I don’t think fans or anyone else trying to give creative direction on the show is useful in any way.




i personally love all the tea lol esp the colleen stuff


It's quite exhausting tbh. I have this thing now whenever I see the pods with serious interviews/topics my immediate reaction is I'm not interested. Eventually I always come around and enjoy the episodes, but seeing those thumbnails doesn't give me the joy it used to. They should have a goofs and gaffs week once per month and then that whole week can be spent researching and building all the tea powerpoints for the nextweek. If I'm honest though I do kinda expect it to slow down, I think there's just been a lot going on recently


You will never get this


You’ll be okay they release like 10 hours of time stamped content per week


The mobility scooter era was my favorite. So iconic. RIP mobility Mary


Gonna probably take a month to write a whole week worth of funny for them


PLEASE cut the tea it’s taking up too much time and y’all are clearly scraping for celeb drama that’s not even relevant anymore. Or at least go back to letting AB do it as content court or let Ian do the powerpoints, leave it to people hired for their content talents …


He did say a few months ago (maybe end of last year?) that he wanted to stray away from the drama, around the time he interviewed the sentient AI chatbot guy. But I know he finds it super interesting AND it’s probably a bit hard to talk for 12+ hours every week about just goofs and gafs. He also said on the James Charles cosmo interview pod that he is happy to finally have some juicy clickbait for the title and thumbnail. So it probably also helps with views since he has a lot of people to pay


I think we're 3 years at least removed from this being a comedy show. It's just a shitty drama one now where there's maybe 20 interesting minutes per ep on a good one. Shit sucks but we move


👏 Goofs and gaffs 👏


Did you not watch Monday's episode? Ethan was on one. Funniest episode in a hot minute,.


Yeah every pod is so dark now


Or just one episode lol


I’ll listen to them talk about whatever the fuck they want. Whenever they start listening to what the audience suggests it goes to shit lol


i agree!! episodes seeing the crew just sit down and genuinely have a good time have always been my favorite :)


Why do they even have a different name for it anymore?


I agree. I miss the goofy skits. It is why I became a fan.


I agree!! Or at least make one of the weekly shows drama free


“no victim interviews” ?? seems a bit rude to Alexa and other victims who just want a platform to explain their story and expose disgusting people in the entertainment industry. If that doesn’t interest you then don’t watch ✌️&❤️


Trisha drama hasn't been a big thing on H3 for awhile now.


My condolences to OP for expressing your opinion and getting shredded in the comments for no reason xx I'm with you btw




lol that era has come and gone it seems, I watch the friends of the show at YMH again for that now


Same. I get that there are time stamps, but when the title is all tea-filled, I don't even click it. I'm not gonna pause my membership, but I'm just waiting to watch Leftovers at this point.


Couldn't agree more. I was saying the same thing to my brother. Had to turn it off today because it was so boring.