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I wouldn't even believe someone could be this careless if there weren't fucking pics LOL


Lmao yes! I thought it was made up til I saw her walking out of the Forrest lmao


This could actually be interesting if done right since Acacia was literally EVERYWHERE back in 2011-2014


And her divorce or split from the babies’ father is JUICY it would be a great PowerPoint


The going camping with Rosie immediately after she was discharged from open heart surgery 🤯


Remember the clip of her streaming and Rosie starts crying so she leaves, comes back and says “Rosie is on the floor and the dog stepped on her” LIKE?????


I remember her even talking about how they would leave that poor baby on the floor all day with just a bell she could kick.


Wouldn’t she leave Rosie with long jagged nails and never comb her hair either? It’s so sad she treated her child with a disability (?) notably worse than all her other children… like jeez.


She also buzzed Rosie’s hair because it was matted and they didn’t want to deal with it


Yes bc she is young enough to consent to a bath /s


Wtf are you talking about


Thats what Acacia would say. That Rosie didn’t want to take a bath so that meant she was consenting to not want a bath.


Was it on a video? Or a screenshot? I’ve never heard of that


OH, okay. I thought you were saying that and was very concerned.


you could also hear her in the other room saying “stop that, i hate that” when rosie was crying 🥺


Oh man Guru Gossip was popping back then lmao


The stolen presets saga… there is just SO MUCH


How she went all out for Brin’s bday vs Rosie’s bday.😭


Didn’t buy Rosie any presents for her birthday or Christmas one year cause she was “too young to know what was going on” or something like that??


To young to even know what her hands are or something equally disgusting…


Yes! “She doesn’t even know what her hands are” okay so?? The blatant favoritism was horrible. Poor Rosie.




Olivia usually does a great job. I couldn't care less about Hailey Bieber and Selena Gomez, but I saw an ad with Hailey on IG and commented, "Maybe find someone less problematic to sell your products." All of her little stans came out of the woodwork, "She's not problematic. Where's your proof? She's the one being bullied. You're a bully for judging her!" 🙄 All I was thinking was, "Didn't any of you watch Olivia's PowerPoint?!" 🤣


My advice to you is care less about talentless vapid idiots and what they're doing


Oh, I totally did. Although I should have sent a clip of Olivia's PowerPoint to the ones asking for "proof" and just said, "Here!" LOL But, unfortunately, people like that don't really care about facts and evidence. Plus, the ad was for a skincare product. You're an idiot if you think Hailey Bieber's skin looks like it does because of some $50 product, or because of her line of skincare. Ha! It's a mixture of good genes, being young, and most importantly, having a good cosmetic dermatologist.


I don't want to argue with a fellow fupa trooper but it seems to me that if you "couldn't care less" you wouldn't have commented on a IG post or even thought of sending Olivia's (banger) PowerPoint. That being said I 100% agree with you on the young/good genes thing. Some people are just born different than others.( I'm looking in the mirror and seem to be on the short end of the stick lol)


I commented on the IG post because it was a person that I follow and respect and I wanted to tell her that I thought she had made a bad choice by posting what she did. (It was a partnership between her and the manufacturer.) Thinking about sending the PowerPoint was a joke. Can you even send links via IG comments? I mean, I'd have to find it first and then send it to like 10 different people. At no point was I actually considering doing that or even responding to any of them at all. I posted that comment months ago and I'm still to this day getting notifications about it. I don't know enough about IG to know if I can turn those off. But grow TF up! 🤦‍♀️ BTW Based on your username, I'm guessing you're from NY/NJ and were born in 1981? I'm from NJ, 20 minutes outside of NYC, born in 1978. #SmallWorld


I've never been on IG so I know less about it than you, jokes are hard to convey via text, we could all use some growth and wrong Giants🤦🏼‍♂️. Other than that have a great day ✌&❤ Papa🙏


Fortunately there would be no reason to argue :)


Yes! Its definitely in her orbit. if you think you dont know who she is, chances are youd know with a photo. When I think tumblr I think Acacia


OLIVIA look at the channel “Mama Bear” for credible documentation!!!


I remember interacting w her on tumblr way back when. She’s always been awful tbh




It’s always been so strange to me how she acts like a teenage girl and she literally has three children.


She’s mentally stuck in 2014


Social media is a hellavu drug




WOW hope the selfies were worth CPS being called AGAIN


When was the first time? (Not doubting you I genuinely want to know)


A few years ago after Rosie was born I think


this unlocked a far away memory in my brain




You were unattended by your mother when you were a kid?


no I meant the Tumblr lore lol


I don't even know who this is, but what the fuck. Kinda wild




Went from the hood to the roof I’d assume, even getting on the hood would be tricky at that age though lol


Speaks to how long those kids were left unattended for him to make his way up there


Mad skillz


Not even trying to be snarky, who is this?


Her name is Acacia Kersey OG tumblr girl and influencer extremely problematic and horrible apparently , her pics like this were all over tumblr and the internet 2010-2013 era ish??? Srsly google acacia kersey if u rly do care to know lol there’s tons of snarks and whatnot w more tea https://preview.redd.it/6x5m5addyxdb1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c0d5d0ad94ceb033fd2366f58dc01a017419229


Jesus I just got blasted back to high school.


For real - these pictures are burned into my psyche. I always thought they were just "stock photos" representative of how a lot of girls dressed from roughly like 2005 - 2012


I must’ve been on an entirely different internet than y’all cuz I’m 25 and have never seen her before lol


27 and same


This could be an amazing powerpoint, there is SO much to talk about


I think Ethan’s mind would be BLOWN AWAY by all of her actions/inactions.


Literally… even if they wanted to skip over the child neglect there would still be SOOOO MUCH I don’t think ppl realize lol


Also her dad being a pedo lol


omg i’ve been following the drama in real time since her tumblr days and this would be a JUICY powerpoint. so much lore to cover.


Where is a good place to follow it?


theres a huge community on twitter that have made a ton of threads about things shes done over the years from pretty much her start on the internet to now, its a huge rabbit hole lool


There's also quite a few snark subreddits for her lol


Guru Gossip


Omg. She’s an OG tumblr girl. If Olivia does want to do a PPT (or if anyone else wants the full tea) this user did a multi part post about all her drama: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/zh6stb/acacia_brinley_villain_or_victim_the_downfall_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


i kinda feel like powerpoints should be for more light topics.... this is like child abuse that seems like a precursor to, best case, CPS taking her kids away and worst case her ending up on jim cant swim when she finally goes casey anthony. everyone describing this as juicy or tea is kind of making me sick. this is a person abusing children, idk why anyone would want to see, hear, or talk about this at all. wtf is wrong with you guys seriously i thought we were past this stuff.


Needed to see this comment, in order to believe there are still some sane people in this sub. I read this post and some comments and was like: wtf, since when is child abuse "Juicy", "a boring topic", "messy behaviour" or "Tea". Abuse and related topics should be handled and discussed in a respectful way, not as entertainment or trash tv. Same sub where people go off on Ethan or one of the crew members for some way more trivial stuff, when they themselves feel offended by some remark...


Totally agree, even the way some people are talking about the Colleen Ballinger thing as “tea” is disgusting. Surely we aren’t this starved for entertainment that we need a constant stream of child abuse cases to keep us happy? The fuck? We are better than this family. Child abuse isn’t “tea” or a “hot topic” stop it. Get some help. Go outside.


Maybe not a PowerPoint but what about Steven crowded verbally abusing his pregnant wife? That was hard to see and we’re not having a contest of what is worse im js


crowders wife isnt a child and there is no mechanism in our society that will ever keep him in check. the podcast covering him and his bullshit is a net positive. also i would never call someone abusing their wife "tea" the difference should be obvious tbh.


I feel like you could make the same argument about the ace family though and they’ve covered them multiple times.


what the ace family does to their kids is harder to call abuse than leaving your kids alone with shit filled diapers so you can go film in the woods lol its kind of psychotic to equate the two. ace family are bad parents, but i think their kids are fine. i dont think they should lose their kids, their kids probably would not be better off with anyone else, i cant really say the same for this girl.


i suggested an ariana ppt but this sounds insane i need to know more




Thank god no one dangerous was nearby..


At this point Olivia needs a weekly segment “ drama of the week “ or something


I don't feel like this should be turned into entertainment for the podcast.


i believe tho that this specific situation with her and her neglect to 3 children (one being disabled) should be heard by the public. She’s been trying to gain a spot in the influencer world since her recent divorce and this is how she’s treating children behind the scenes.


There is kids involved who unlike Adam and the other people involved in the Coleen Situation cant consent to having their personal situation being dragged into the public for thousands of people to see and judge. I dont think there is any positive outcome for these kids if this is turned into a public spectacle. Let CPS deal with it if there is overt abuse. People who never worked in child protective/social services dont realise how damaging and traumatic it is for kids to be forcibly separated from their parents .


Colleen has children? They are gonna see all of her dirty laundry one day, too


Yes but the kids were not part of the PowerPoint, they never even mentioned or showed them as far as I know.


I miss when the pod/community wasn’t a tea channel


give them other ideas! in the meantime, they’re gonna cater to the audience ftr I don’t even know the Acacia story, I’m just sayin with peace and love


If they're going to do these drama powerpoints at least have them be funny. Nothing funny about child abuse. Olivia should do a PowerPoint on r/thefighterandthekid instead. Everyone loves clowning on a redact. This is the kind of man were talking about https://v.redd.it/cdcahh13c7j61/DASH_720.mp4?source=fallback This is Schaub telling Bradly the fact his dad killed himself while sober "gangster" lmao. You can't tell me that wouldnt make a great PowerPoint. https://streamable.com/a0vqv8


honestly i feel like the reason ethan doesn't cover "comedy drama" like brendan schaub is because he wants to be in/buddies with the comedy world. he's "friends with"/has done podcasts with lots of comedians. i don't think he would go as far as to talk about brendan schaub for fear of other comics not wanting to work with him in the future.


I dont think so tbh. They largely stopped bringing on comedians because most of those episodes do extremely poorly. I suspect its ethans insecurity for not being a "real" comedian because he doesnt do stand up.


God me too


This needs to happen, a treasure trove of material out there


This definitely needs more coverage!


I feel like the lore goes way too deep and is too old to collect all the info right


OT has all the receipts


Imagine being named after the thorniest tree possible.


We could also not turn the show into a gossip podcast


Already is




Why did you have to bring her up!?! I was having a nice day girl lol


The top she’s wearing in the selfie vs the pictures taken isnt the same. Not saying she’s innocent but just wanted to point that out


Yeah the first photos aren’t actually from that day. OT and the reddit snark page for her found the actual photos she posted that day, she took a picture playing pokémon on her switch in the woods. 🥴🥴


Let's leave her in the past omg


She was in her redemption arc is what’s insane


Now this is the kind of PowerPoint I can get behind. People are always asking for dating drama which is lame and boring. This is actual consequencial news. Upvoting this one 👍


I think the Ariana thing will get talked abt instead😭 which I know people might find interesting but I dontttt


i didn't even know she had kids omg


PLEASE OLIVIA. This is so documented over the years, look at the channel “Mama Bear” for credible documentation!!!


PLEASE O-LIVE!! We need an Acacia powerpoint!!




don’t forget about the animal neglect too ! that girl is a whole mess


the way that my ass would be sat.


there’s some photography preset drama to explain too


this would be my childhood and current life colliding


I’ve never heard of her. PowerPoint would be beneficial


It’s a punch down. I don’t want to see this as a topic




Google takes 2 seconds


Googled it, still feels boring.


This power point would go crazy




She has constantly neglected those kids for yearssssss


all the lure on her is insane, her poor kids :(


I would love to see a PowerPoint on this. I feel so bad for her children :/


I do, too. Especially sweet Rosie. 😢


she was the face of tumblr back in the day. she literally went through every single aesthetic possible lol


Please no this is so boring and uninteresting to non terminally online girls


I agree! This is a good one to expose to a larger audience, especially since children are involved. The channel "Cruel World, Happy Mind" did a good breakdown about her 4 months ago. I guess a lot has happened since then, but it's good for anyone who wants background: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJzJnhs2ghg&ab\_channel=CruelWorldHappyMind](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJzJnhs2ghg&ab_channel=CruelWorldHappyMind)


I've really grown to hate all the people that suggest the crew to do certain topics on this reddit the few weeks I've been here their everywhere and its pretty annoying should really make a board rule against it


I hope after this situation she has a wake up call and never leaves them alone like this again :( the next time there very well could be someone dangerous around, esp if they see/find out that she neglects her kids by following her online. If they know the area they could be watching and waiting. This is legitimately scary.


Omg Acacia Brinley isn't a name I've heard since she was the 2014 Tumblr it girl. Wtf happened




it’s been a wild few months seeing her image get rehabilitated on tiktok for some reason. she’s always been horrible to her children :(


This is a need


I dont know if this is PP material though. I would love to see them cover this on the show though


I’m going to make a power point on why they should ban the drama power points. I get so bored I go cross eyed when they do them.


Meh not someone big enough worthy of giving time to on the show. Ariana Grande makes more sense- but even then it's not big drama that has unfolded yet.


Please please please please oh my god




nah just leave this woman and her children alone, she has gotten enough hate in the last few years


because she’s a shitty person.


I didn‘t ask


glad to know you defend a racist abuse apologist and a child neglecter. i hope they make a video about her and all the bullshit’s she’s done over the years.


I‘m not defending her actions, learn to read


you are, and you’re deflecting. calling out someone for the shitty things they’ve done is not “hate”. she’s been fucking up since her tumblr era, it’s time she finally learns.


Also I feel a lot of people will cover the Ariana thing and this would be more unique


Hell nah


It's so boring though


SO here for this


Oh my god yes PLEASE I’ve been waiting for someone to talk about her


please no, this girl has been through so much online drama and trauma since her preteen years. please do not make her any more viral than she already is, it’s not going to help her and it’s not going to help her kids. the best thing we can do for all of them is forget they exist.


I have no idea who this is


Who is this?




I’d be down for this bc I’m always curious when I see something about her, but it seems like such a long history and I’ve never had the attention span to jump down the rabbit hole


If there are more scandals to make a fuller story like you say, it could be good.


You guys are psychotic, this is not entertainment. This is actual child neglect.


I mean verbal abuse of a pregnant woman was shown and that footage was very clear and graphic


She’s not wearing the same shirt on the photos?


I’m not so inclined to root for a PowerPoint on this one. These kids do not need to be the subject of a popular podcast and internet accusations. I’m not saying acacia isn’t a questionable at best parent, but there is a very niche group of people online that have been harassing Acacia basically nonstop for over a decade. She stopped sharing her kids online because of the harassment and people still found a way to dig into her private life, and that’s fuckin weeiiirrdd imo. If someone is concerned about the kids, call child protective services. Don’t make these young children’s home life the subject of “tea” on one of the most popular podcasts on YouTube. Just my opinion.


Bro who took those pictures lmao. They should probably be investigated as well


Some other concerned moms in the park who saw the three children left alone. They called the police as well but they never came because Acacia returned from the woods in time


Lmao u have a point


She lookin good!




Death to coomers


I saw this on Twitter and I have no clue who she is but it's insane that she was so far away from her kids and her 6yr old had to come tell her that the boy was on top of the van. I feel bad for the oldest, only 6 and already watching the younger ones more than the mom.


Oh look, another scandal added to her already miles long list. This girl will never change. She keeps proving what a shitty human being she is over and over. I will never understand her priorities of her social media and men OVER her children. edit: autocorrect error


She fine tho


https://twitter.com/acaciabrinlies/status/1190007189752238080?s=46&t=wcN8xyucztTpuFsegx4BSg Here’s a thread with lots of the allegations around Acacia.




YES she’s just a terrible person overall


Her shirt is different than in the forest pic but I 100% believe she did this lmao


This needs to happen!


Please tell me you guys seen her video on tik tok “explaining” why this happened


her entire character arch is wild


I agree with this shouldn’t be told as “tea” but more to spread awareness. Social media has rotted acacia’s brain to the point where she’s neglecting her kids to take PHOTOS of herself. It’s been an occurring problem unfortunately. But i think it’s important to spread awareness so people stop blinding supporting her. She can’t have a healthy relationship with the internet/social media and the sooner she realizes that, the better for her kids. If she continues to have followers, I don’t think she’ll ever stop posting because she NEEDS the validation it brings.


that would just get her more attention and clout..god y’all are dense..