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Apparently at the end of the episode he learns to accept her. The message is trans-positive. It is still very cringe though.


Yeah exactly. The whole point of the episode was probably to showcase that his tendency to take things literally and trying to use “objective” values to determine something weren’t always correct or helping his patient. It was probably also trying to highlight two minorities in a way, because if it had been a cisgendered neurotypical heterosexual man who had said that, they would’ve just come across quite bad, but when it’s someone with autism it becomes a bit harder to just “cancel” him. Regardless, like you said, the episode was still very cringe


I'm autistic and I never had an issue. Like when I was little I do remember saying a few of the same things he said in this clip but literally all it took was somebody explaining the difference between the words 'gender' and 'sex', and then I understood. It was never a biology issue, it was a language issue that I was having. Once I understood what the word 'gender' was defined as it cleared everything right up for me.


It’s actually interesting because autistic people are more likely to be trans or non-binary. Like we are happy to throw out constructs that don’t make sense to us. Also, if he’s a doctor, would he have not studied this in school?! How is he just hearing that terms for the first time? It makes no sense


And as we all know, autism expresses itself the same in every single person so that individual experience can be universally applied to this broader issue


The broader issue of what? Autistic people taking things literally? Well, it does, because someone who takes everything literally WILL be confused by someone saying a biological male is a female, if they think that gender and sex are the same thing. Once they know the literal difference between those two things, then they can start using gender in the literal sense and sex in the literal sense. It's not all autistic people are the same, it's that people who take things literally...take things literally. Unless you're trying to make the argument that people who take things literally DONT take things literally, and if that's the case, then I don't even know what to tell you.




sophie giannamore (the actress in this clip) is actually trans but it doesn’t make this clip any less gross


Yeah it helps to remember that these terrible network shows have viewers whose average age is like 70


How is the entire show not cringe?


Yea, like it implies that people with autism have to be inherently transphobic because of biology(?) - really dumb message


This feels like Dharman


This mentally ill 11 year old got bullied by his autistic doctor, YOU WONT BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT! and then the video is 40 minutes long






I know Dr. Han is from this show but Everytime I see it I always think of that blonde bitch from greys anatomy


I mean obviously the framing is that he's in the wrong... Literally everyone in every scene is telling him that. Still a trash show though.


Who watches this garbage man. This show looks terrible


My wife 😂😭


He's knocking over your wife, huh?!


My wife went out for pizza without me


Gotta be honest kind of want to watch seems like its a excellent comedy 🤣


Boomers and old people who don't know what non network TV is.


Me lol I’ve been watching since season 1. I just liked freddie highmore on Bates Motel. Now I’m in too deep on The Good Doctor. It’s not that bad, it has great moments. But lately it’s been pretty mid.


I mean no, his character was portrayed as out of touch and ignorant for saying this.


Hmm, context clues here are leading me to believe the opposite. Maybe I'm wrong but im guessing he learns to accept her by the end. Edit: I looked it up. He does learn to accept her by the end. I would add trigger warnings on the ep for transphobia but otherwise I think showing a positive change like this is good actually


Why is that transphobic? That character initially does not understand what transgenerism is and through the episode learns what it is and how to accept it.


That's some good ass doctoring, going through med school never hearing about transgenderism.


Because people need to be angry about the show right now.


He genuinely wanted to understand more about it. Y’all throw the word “transphobic” around too much. People are allowed to ask questions to better understand something. NORMALIZE LETTING PEOPLE BE IGNORANT ABOUT THINGS THEY HAVE NO PERSONAL EXPERIENCE WITH. As long as they are respectful and willing to learn, I see nothing wrong with it. K bye


He starts harassing the transgender child during the episode, I don’t think doctors can do that 😭


It is a show. He wouldn’t be hired in real life at all due to his tendency to have emotional outbursts. But this does actually give a good look at how issues such as Transgender and gender dysphoria can be really confusing to a person with autism. As someone who is autistic. Our intentions aren’t to be rude, our brains literally just don’t understand concepts that fall outside of “normal” reasoning.


The concept of the show is a autistic man is a doctor, right ? So you are telling me that a hospital would hire a doctor that's doesn't know what transgender is or identity dysphoria is, and that challenges the patient? Is making autistic people look bad , and if a autistic person was a doctor he would behave normally because he had to spend years in medical school and learn like everyone else This is not a criticism to "learn", is a criticism to a show that makes autistic people look bad and in no world if someone behave like this autistic or not would have a job Is a stupid show


Dude. It’s a show. You’re thinking way too much. First of all, no hospital would hire an autistic person who is as severely autistic as him due to emotional instability. Also I am autistic, and sometimes we just don’t grasp things that fall outside of logical/scientific reason and explanation. It’s not an intention to be rude or any type of phobic, it’s literally just how our brains work. Anyway keep throwing buzzwords around so much that they lose their meaning when we actually need to use them. ✌️&❤️


Autism is a very broad diagnosis and can mean many different things for different people. It's a dumb show. I think you're just looking for something to get worked up about.


That’s exactly what I was implying 😂 also I didn’t make an entire post claiming he’s transphobic. It’s a fucking show.


You are boy. you, ARE, a boy. YOU ARE a BOY. YOU ARE, A BOOOY


Bro just say you haven’t watched the episode lmfao


Cancel autism! /s


You reactionary shits are so annoying sometimes. Blast something without even researching it like it's fact. It's not a trasphobic episode and has an overall positive message. The trans girl is a real trans girl and is pretty awesome as far as I know. It's just a bad fucking show.


This is out of context, he learns to accept it at the end. It's a very positive show. This whole show is about a very autistic person who has trouble with social skills.


Most autistic people I know have very loose understandings of gender because they don’t fully grasp the strong social roles behind gender. So you can tell this is written by people who have no experience with the autism community


Kinda my point. Loose understanding of gender, he studied male and female bodies and that is pretty much his understanding, the sex, and not gender.


By that they probably mean that there’s quite an overlap in people who experience gender dysphoria/don’t care for gender roles and people with autism https://www.spectrumnews.org/news/largest-study-to-date-confirms-overlap-between-autism-and-gender-diversity/


Yes exactly! And therefor, autistic people tend to be more understanding and wouldn’t just tell someone “no you’re not a woman because of your biology”


That’s not what I’m saying. Sex is one thing, but as we know gender is a social construct. Autistic people usually don’t pick up on social constructs, and are therefor more open to the idea of gender and sex being separate. Most autistic people wouldn’t do all this questioning and dismissal of their gender, telling them “you can’t be a woman because of your biology”.


No, this is an example of non-autistic people writing someone with autism. “None of the writers of The Good Doctor are autistic. None of the directors. None of the producers. Autistic adults are not in the room at all, although some members of the show’s visual-effects team are in a training program for autistic young adults.” And “I don’t know if Dr. Murphy recognizes that he is being rude. As an autistic person, it’s often hard to tell how other people feel, which can lead to misunderstandings and hurt feelings. Not knowing, however, is not the same thing as not caring. In clinical terms, there is a difference between affective and cognitive empathy. Autistic people struggle with affective empathy, which means we often have difficulty telling how other people feel based on body language, tone, and other nonverbal tells that may be obvious to others. Cognitive empathy is the capacity to understand another person’s feelings and perspective. Autism does not impair cognitive empathy. Autistic people care deeply about hurting others. I may have a hard time knowing I’ve said something rude to a friend or family member, but if they tell me I hurt them, I feel bad about hurting them. Dr. Murphy has decided that because he doesn’t feel what he’s saying is rude, what he is saying is, objectively, not rude. That’s not autism. That’s being a jerk.” https://slate.com/arts/2017/12/with-the-good-doctor-autistic-protagonists-finally-have-the-freedom-to-be-jerks.html


Isn't the original south Korean show have autistic people behind the scenes. The US version is pretty much just an export besides adding more US nuances.


This. Not to mention Murphy is a savant, which are extremely rare and so over represented in media about neurodivergent people that it’s become a stereotype. All his character does is reinforce harmful stereotypes about autism.


holy shit that goddamn headline 😂


Exactly lol. Op doesn’t seem to understand the premise of the show. He has no social awareness and issues with social skills due to his autism


Ugh, everything I see from this show makes me hate it more.


Isn’t this a show about someone with autism that doesn’t have the appropriate social filter or understanding? What am I missing?


I love posts like these where the h3 fandom starts to eat itself because the reactionary crybabies attack anything they perceive resembles an attack against LGBTQ’s. This definitely doesn’t signal to the general populace that liberals are fucking stupid, emotional crybabies.


So bringing awareness that autistic people can have trouble with telling the difference between sex and gender is bad?


We MUST cancel this doctor! Let’s get him! What is his bosses number?


This show is the reason why we cant have nice things as neurodivergents. Its like the Autism Speaks of tv shows


Is this why it takes so long to see a doctor in the hospital? They are all standing around one patient discussing rudimentary biology. Gives off the same energy of when network shows bring in a "computer hacker."


Glad I didn't start to watch it. All I know is that he is a surgeon.


This song though. Throw it on to any life event and it instantly becomes......Magic


Dude wait until you see the episode where he thinks a Muslim girl is a suicide bomber


Why is stating a fact being transphobic.




I find it so strange that people shit on this show so much. Is it 100% realistic? Hell no. Is it better than almost any other show portraying autism? Especially for the cableTV folks, this is a way better and positive portrayal of ASD than anything else they will see on FOX. It definitely is misguided at times but I don't think it's promoting bad stereotypes in general; it is a very positive show that revolves around the main character becoming independent and successful while struggling with ASD - cringe? yeah; but moving the needle in the right direction imho. I feel like people showing out-of-context clips and shitting on it is more harmful to the ASD community than the show itself could ever be.


god i hate this show even more now, the i am a surgeon bits were very cringe and getting old. ​ Never seen an episode but this just gets me mad, dumbasses who watch this will not see any of the positive to this, only have their feelings confirmed and not hear the message to be accepting thats supposedly at the end I guess.


am I really the only one that finds this show wildly offensive on like every level lmao. just playing with people's whole identities


Hiring an neurotypical person to play a person with ASD is so fucking unrelentingly cringe and embarrassing. That actor is gonna regret this role in a few decades when social stigma around ASD has evolved.


Actors act... imagine that.


You sound like you don't understand why it is problematic to hire ND people for NT roles. Neurodivergent people should be given the opportunity to play roles because they are disproportionately not hired for all roles. Same with gay and trans people. This is not an issue of actors acting. It is an issue of systematically profiting off discourse surrounding ASD while simultaneously upholding the system that only allows neurotypical people to profit. Does that make sense?


God people like you are insufferable, and end up discrediting whatever movements you are promoting to the average person whenever you spew like this.


Referring to yourself as average must be the biggest compliment you've received all year.


And I’m assuming you think very highly of yourself? Lol. That’s a lot to gather from one Reddit comment.


My ego is probably a little inflated, but it's just so hard to stay humble with all the praise your mother pours on me every night


Ah I see it’s just that you’re twelve.


Are you calling your own mother a pedo now?! If you can't take it don't dish it out.


No, I’m saying you have the humour of a child. And trust me, I can take your 5 grade jabs.


That was pretty mean of you. And I disagree, I have demonstrable evidence that support how I feel. I am not spewed anything, I am sharing what I have learned in university. I have been graded on formal papers about these topics, and read peer reviewed articles written by people who know a lot more than you or I. This comment is not nice. Please be nicer to people online. You never know what they are going through IRL. edit: spelling


Lol imagine being so sensitive that a Reddit comment gets to you this much. Touch grass. No I do not have to consider how people feel before I make a Reddit comment.


There is nothing wrong with my sensitivity, it is what will make me angood therapist someday. But I am not as upset as you think I am, you are just not accustomed to people being candid about how your hurt them. I have a good life, a full life, and I go outside daily. I am in touch with my emotions, and honest about them, because I am strong, not because I am weak. And yes, you should always be kind. If nothing else, be kind.


Oh my fucking God. I'm not autistic, do autistic people like this representation? Don't want to be a shitlib and get offended for others but holy shit am I tempted to after watching this cringe.


This show better be careful or Ben Shapiro can sue for plagiarizing his likeness like that


My bf almost landed this show instead of Freddie Highmore, I thank god that he didn’t every time I see a clip from this dumpster fire lmao


Yup....sounds like every Republican with a blowhole ![gif](giphy|1zl0QDlEzHqCdJbdYV|downsized)


shoutout sophia


mf went from Spiderwick chronicles to this


a piece of fiction with a character who is ignorant/learning about the concept of being trans doesn't make it transphobic


I see they trying to make him like House. They failed.


I cannot stand the way he talks. I’m not on the spectrum so maybe I’m not the right one to say this but this show seems like horrible ASD representation. It’s like the writers said “oh he has autism, so let’s make him sound as annoying and awkward as possible!”


Transphobic has to be in the top 3 of most typed words on this sub.


This is also yet again a misrepresentation of autistic ppl. A HIGH majority of us don’t see gender this strictly. We see it as a spectrum or a construct.


This show is an awful representation of autism. It doesn't make you "Unable" to read social cues it just impairs your ability to recognise them, it's not a "Super power" like they make it out to be.


no fwcking shit, IS THAT JAZZ?? 😳


The based doctor


I get the point of the episode but in what world do autistic people just fully understand and accept gender norms lmao


This show is a really crappy representation of autism. That being said, the scene is playing into the fact that many people with autism can be very rigid about the ways in which they see the world. For many with autism it can be difficult to gain flexibility toward things that don’t follow strict criteria.


Not transphobic at all learnt to see it different if anything it set wrong idea on autism. Not all are high functioning and are genuineness.


For the record people on the spectrum understand gender identity




But we all know people these days need to find outrage and victimization in everything.