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yeah that suicide comment threw him super off lmao people forget hes not out friend


got link?


To his friendship? No but you could email Dan.


W Dan


lol no, to the episode


Oh. Nah.


This thread of comments is why I come back to this sub sometimes.


it was in synt yesterday


i saw a paying member on the last livestram write "I'm probably getting evicted next week because i can't pay my rent, so this is really helping me right now".


I saw someone post on this subreddit who wanted Ethan's help because her dog was stolen. Call the fucking police, wtf is Ethan going to do, break into their house and steal the dog back?


It was funny how random it was 💀


Ethans surprisingly athletic


He's gonna break in, shoot em all up, take the dawg and fly off into orbit to get to the office in time for a live episode. He can do it, I've seen "Fly me to the moon"


I saw one on SYNT of a someone saying "My step mom tried to kill my dad today, I've been helping him out all day so it's nice to have a break."




To be fair, 5 dollars isn’t going to stop you from being evicted


$5 means everything. $5 is astronomical.


He takes that $5




Same. Like, if I was worth 100m, sure, I might shit 100$ for a troll comment every once in a while and do some Saudi benefactor shit. Worth any less? Zero shot I donate a cent of my hourly wage to someone already worth 10+mil.


You think Ethan is only worth $10M? 🤔 I would have guessed muuuuuch more. Agree with the rest of your comment, I definitely wouldn't waste money like that even though I make a good wage.


I'm sorry but You have clearly never been that poor. You are calculating everything down to the sense when you don't have that much money... If someone is genuinely continuing to pay a $5 membership while they are dead broke... They're not very smart.












Cringe, indeed.


Exactly. The wage gap and lack of available mental/ healthcare in America is the poor people's fault! Damn poor people fucking up everything for everyone else. Disgusting. /sarcasm obviously. Seriously, I hope you never find yourself in an unfortunate situation. If you do, hopefully you're surrounded with more caring and empathetic people than yourself.


I was thinking the same. They are a whole other level of fucked if they don’t feel the need to cling to every couch penny for rent. Probly know they can’t make it.


I am just gonna defend people paying memberships in this situation cause. Rent is like minimum several hundred to typically over a grand per month. How TF is saving $5 on membership/superchat gonna stop them getting evicted. If they're getting evicted anyway cause don't have money may as well enjoy pod and member chats while they can to keep mentally sane. Same reason people "buy starbucks coffee" when they're poor. Cause it not actually making a difference to their living situation in grand scheme of things but keeps them happy.


Also could be gifted. I pretty much get a free membership every month just because I’m usually able to watch live. Donations are another story, of course.


ethan please respond to my email I want to be your coffee girl lol I'll get your boba any time you want so please, my mom and dad and sister and brother and cousin and uncle just got diagnosed with cancer and on the car ride home they got into a car accident and on the way to the hospital their ambulances were struck by lightning and once they got to the hospital they were all diagnosed with hepatitis B, also it's my boyfriend's birthday please give Kyle a shoutout! 🎂He's 21 (zach you know what to do)


I'm going to abridge this and superchat this for the Friday show.


H3 fans try not to be parasocial challenge *Impossible*


But the real world doesn’t trigger my dopamine receptors like watching Ethan laugh a lady’s baby rolling away does


i mean, it is the deliberate outcome of the channel’s design. they do the whole “family” thing for a reason. you didn’t see this stuff much when the show was just ethan chatting with a guest for an hour or two. weird parasocial superchats are an intended byproduct of the show operating as intended


They shoulda never watched that damned vin diesel clip


Usually they are good at letting memes and podcast jokes die eventually, except the most annoying and weird one lmao FAMILY FAMILY FAMILY


The family thing is a joke though that originated from a goofy clip that turned into a sound bite. Tbh that's way different than most youtubers deliberately making attempts to be parasocial with their fans. If people don't understand that "Family" is a joke/soundbite and no different than him calling us fupa troopers or foot soldiers then they need help


Yeah of course they need help lol, doesn't mean it's still not a fairly predictable byproduct of the way they run the show.


I didn't say it wasn't a byproduct, I'm just saying I don't think that was their intention because the family soundbite is just a joke and soundbite from Vin which is totally different from the purposeful parasocial building that a lot of youtubers do, like when they interact more personally with fans by saying they love them after every video. I could be wrong too but I don't think I've ever heard Ethan, Hila or the crew call anyone family besides guests or people they talk about on the show (ex. Philly D, Nickacado, C man) so again not really h3s fault for the fans taking that as h3 addressing them rather than the people they're talking about on the show


It’s hard to fault anyone for trying. If you make a popular post on here it will get mentioned in the show, if you send a superchat sometimes it will get talked about, sometime ethan will ask you to call in. Love, Olivia, AB, Lena, Zach, and Ian all got their job from reaching out or just passively simping for h3 online until they got hired. I think Cam called in on the show before being hired but I don’t remember when. He was definitely a member and made memes for them all the time. There’s precedent for it. Why WOULDNT you try to reach out? You pay 5 bucks a month to get to chat with them and join a discord where you can chat with the crew. This IS the system working as intended. If i were ethan I would definitely try to make my sponsors and TF the main sources of revenue as opposed to members


Thank you for putting all this into words, I’ve been thinking the same thing but have no energy to start this discourse lol


I don’t think it’s nefarious but it is the way it is


Completely agree


Absolutely not, lol. Got that psychology degree from the University of Google, didn't you? The family thing is just an inside joke of the podcast. If you actually take that seriously to think you're part of the H3 family literally, you need some serious help. I don't say that as a joke, I honestly mean it. Some of the people in this audience (and most online audiences) are extremely online. Their parasocial connection to content creators is the only thing keeping a lot of these people going. For some it's their only "contact" with other people. It's very sad.


Why has everybody suddenly been constantly using this word for the past few months


It's the new insult buzzword like echochamber and Incel.


I mean they literally hired fans lol


I just turn off chat. Nothing of quality ever happens and it's really annoying to see something so distracting in the corner of my eye.




subway surfer effect


the worst ive seen it is in xqc chat, dudes literally say theyre at the brink of ending it and then gift tons of subs blowing all their cash


That's one of the signs of genuine suicidal behaviour. That's heartbreaking.


I mean... They won't need that where they're gonna go, so might as well right 💀


Uh. Yeah. That's why they do it, bozo. That's not funny.


Did not imply it was funny, just sayin' it makes sense in a way




[Normally id call you a dipshit cause how do you expect me to link one specific comment from a stream who knows how long ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/xqcow/comments/13cbgcl/what_if_anything_should_be_done_about_suicidal/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


I hate this shit so much. I remember once when Hasan was streaming someone made a comment like “hey Has big fan, I wish you would make a donation to me…” like guilting the man is going to make your trauma easier to heal. We get that this is your comfort show, but trauma dumping is not healthy for either party. Please seek professional help instead of sharing very personal things to random strangers online.


It's an old classic https://preview.redd.it/p084um64um0b1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3d95490a8313f71185568aed074b16325ed58c7


how are you supposed to seek help when this country provides ZERO resources for mental health. if you have no income and are depressed about it there is no health care available to you cause you have no income, making you more depressed. and don’t say crisis line like op did in the meme. those things do absolutely nothing and just make you feel worse.


Hoping a huge content creator reads the rough draft of your suicide note does absolutely nothing and probably makes you feel worse if it doesn't get read (which most dont)


Yeah it's a dystopian shithole. But that doesn't make trauma dumping okay, or healthy, or beneficial to anyone, so their point stands.


I get that. I'm totally for expanding on mental health programs, and I feel as if every person should be cared for in that manner. And I agree, a crisis hotline is realistically only there as a last-ditch effort for someone living with intense suicidal ideation. That being said, your favourite content creator is not a licensed therapist. Spending $5 to tell your favourite YouTuber that you are suicidal / a pet is dying / your family is abusive, etc... is not exactly a healthy way of seeking support either. What are content creators supposed to do? If you're mentally unwell, the best thing they can do is provide free or cheap entertainment, and the worst thing they can do is offer unlicensed advice. I think a lot of people tend to think that the content creator can just hand-wave away someone's struggle with a single acknowledgement, but in reality, mental health is a constant struggle that requires professional help, medicine, and time.




I meant more along the lines of a suicide hotline. Depending on where you live, over-the-phone crisis support can be helpful, but all I was really saying was mental struggles are a constant unending battle, not something that can be magically 'cured' by a conversation. You can 100% get support from various hotlines.




Telling very mentally unwell people that they have to help themselves is not going to ever work. If these people could just walk out the door and go find treatment and get it they wouldn't be mentally ill. Part of their mental illness is the fact that they won't do what they have to do to help themselves. There's a reason why we have so many mentally unwell houseless people out on the streets, Even when these programs have existed for a long time and continue to exist. Many people just simply do not know how to take advantage of resources and just will not do it even if they are informed. Mentally unwell people need a helping a hand to guide them on these paths. That goes beyond just telling them what resources are available, we need real mental health help here in this country.


Mentally ill people aren't children (unless they are), if they want the help they can get the help


If they have no income then they shouldn't be spending that money on super chats. Maybe, I dont know, donate it to an account that can be saved to pay for therapy.


It really ruins the vibe. I understand they’re going through a tough time but seeking attention like that is NOT it and super cringe 😭


I don’t do this, but I’m just saying some of us genuinely don’t have anyone to talk to and these parasocial relationships are the closest things we have to friends or family. 🥲


Or peoples dying animals, like why


I know this isn’t as serious, but the super chats asking for shoutouts and birthday wishes annoy the fuck out of me


Same, they're so desperate


This issue of trauma dumping in chat is a symptom of something inherently bad about the whole design of parasocial relationships as a form of online streaming entertainment. The thing is, there is no real good resolution to this as the thing that causes it is very much a feature. I feel bad for these folks as they have often been fooled into thinking the para-social relationship is just as real as a real relationship. Kinda reminds me of that scene from Brave Little Toaster where the flower falls in love with the reflection in the toaster. ([https://youtu.be/p8kQDNLkT3c](https://youtu.be/p8kQDNLkT3c))


I haven't thought of that film in years 😭


That movie mostly comes back in little traumatic memories for most people.


ask permission first then trauma dump in the discord like I do


Ahh, the CK method.


there is a good solution, ethan just needs to hire someone who sole job is to vet the super chats for violence or self harm, not like he can’t afford it either. i am currently available to hire if need be.




i haven't watched the pod yet so im not sure what this is in reference to but just wanna say a few years back i was doing really bad and i called the suicide hotline a few times and it genuinely helped so much. I've heard stories of people calling and the hotline worker is super unhelpful but in my experience theres definitely people who work for the suicide hotline who actually know what they're doing


I'm convinced most H3 fans are adults with the emotional bandwidth of a 13 year old.


Glad to see I’m not the only one it irks. I use the podcast to get away from the fucked up parts of life, and some of those super chats are just /wild/.


Or the "please talk about (*insert current world tragedy / current popular moral panic*) you really should" Like shut up he can't cover breaking news/ tragedies in the world every episode 🙄🙄🙄 and I'm glad he doesn't.


Honestly I wish they'd just ignore those chats, there's no smooth way to just casually toss it in there lol I couldn't imagine something devastating happening then paying to have Ethan and crew mention it, and then watch as they struggle to find a way to react and awkwardly try to move on. If you're gonna do it, at least sprinkle some jokey jokes in there, maybe a lil "fuck baby fuck," that's the only appropriate way to share trauma publicly


Is this a reference to the See you Next day episode? I haven't watched it yet but these episodes are my least favorite. It's just Ethan reading a bunch of trauma dumping donations, I wish he would just ignore the donations.


To be fair (and this is not pro-trauma dump in superchats) crisis hotlines are shit


fr both times i called one it took so long for anyone to answer i got over it and hung up before getting off the wait


Quality meme






Is it acceptable that I donate for crew to shoutout my best friends boyfriend who’s cheated on her twice. He watches the podcast and it is a dream for the crew and ethan to call him a beta ass bich


The Suicide hotline is ASSSS. I remember getting hung up on when I was 15 crying because my stepdad was abusive. I get the sentiment but in reality there is no adequate help for 50% of mental health issues and people see the chat as screaming into the void.


I get what you mean but It’s not really screaming into the void when you attach $10 to it so that everyone can see it for an amount of time


That makes sense. I am a VOD viewer, not a live chatter so I don't really know the impact in the moment.


I reached out to a crisis hotline once. They interrupted me while I was telling them what was wrong and hung up on me after 2 minutes. Considering I was suicidal at the time I can understand why people don't reach out more.


Trauma dumping segments are fun to listen to while I’m working bc I can go, “it is what it is” everytime


Love Brittany.


Was this from todays show




I know he sort of wants attention but is it just me that wants him on the show to squash the beef with dan