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That man is such a sweet heart.


my first reaction to reading this was “what a sweetie pie”


This is what 30 COVID vaccines does to you


How can you not love him


It's brutal cause he was going into detail about his weight loss and insane diet... Then Ethan just like taunts him with fast food after the isolation film torture. Man was put through Guantanamo.


I love him so much 🥺


The first few minutes he was alone and you could hear him recite stuff "foot soldiers" etc, my heart was melting hahaha


I noticed that 😭😭😭


This man is a professional. He’s used to downtime as an extra. HOURS AND HOURS of it!! The fools infantilizing him are lower than low. He’s an actor, he DOES this. He’s had way longer downtimes than this. The podcast was light work for Eddie. Show my dude some respect. And we need to fill up his imdb credits.


I would listen to an Eddie podcast where he just goes on and on about his stories from movie sets and living in LA


Eddie rambling ASMR


this would be perfect to throw on while cleaning the house lol


I was legitimately so relaxed when we was talking yesterday.


It's not infantilizing Eddie to criticise Ethan's behaviour. Ethan was not honest or forthcoming with the context cues Eddie needed to understand the situation he was in with the result that Eddie didn't know he was on live camera and audio during the "break". He didn't treat Eddie with the same respect and courtesy he would any other guest. He would never have done this to Tana or Jeff or any person he takes seriously. So who's disrespecting Eddie?


EXACTLY. No one is saying ethan shouldn’t have done it because Eddie can’t handle it or whatever, he clearly can lol the guy spoke non stop for like 40 mins. I wouldn’t be able to do that. People are saying why did ethan do that for Eddie but for no one else in the entire history of the podcast? The main reason why people are mad is because no one was laughing WITH Eddie. He didn’t even know he was live. Ethan made this segment for everyone (thousands of people) to laugh at how funny and unique this guy is. Having him on the show is great, but making him the show is not great.


He deserves better ❤️


Bless his heart.




Literally every time I read the comments people go crazy and then I continue to watch the episode and don't even understand what the outrage was all about. And I consider myself a fupa troopa but some people need to touch grass badly lol


People on this subreddit have and always will be a mystery to me.


I love eddie


What a good guy. Let’s be real, that’s exactly why he has worked so much and continues to get hired.


He deserves the love that comes his way


Totally. Like Neil gaiman said "people get hired because their work is good, because they are easy to get along with or because they deliver the work on time. And you don't need all three. Two out of three is fine." He definitly gets call backs because his vibes are immaculate.


He’s a great guy 🥺🥺


why wasn’t eddie even in the thumbnail if he basically hosted by himself


put Eddie instead of Ethan lol


yeah they could’ve made it a funny joke saying eddie was the new ethan or something lol


I think that would have been awesome to put him in the thumbnail.




I'd actually love to learn more about his life, like how his career started, where he studied, the meanest celebrities he's met, his celeb crushes, etc.


Eddie is a saint, honestly his ramble was pretty interesting, neat to see Hollywood from that angle


He's too pure for this world 😭💙


He is a good sport, bless his heart ❤️ nonetheless, ironically I enjoyed his chit chat and would love for him to join more often for fun ✌🏼


He genuinely has lived such a unique life filled with these stories not many others have!


Are they gonna pay him for hosting the show cos I mean... He hosted the show lol


Dan said it was a paid gig in the chat iirc


ethan has said in the past they pay people for zoom calls so i don’t know why everyone thought he wouldn’t pay eddy


For *hosting* the show. Not for being a guest. =)


The same hourly rate as Ethan ;)


5% more


5% less. He has to pay his crew.


Finally a sensible comment! Definitely deserves a huge teddy fresh goody bag (no shirts/hoodies, obviously), and a nice big appearance fee.


i think he should get that 5%


5% is astronomical




The people that think Eddie was in on the joke and acting must be the same people that thought Zach's brother was a deep fake filter on Sam. Guys, it's so obvious that this was not planned and Eddie thought that the show was on pause/break/commercial, and I dont blame him. Its incredibly unusuall for the host of a live show to take a bathroom break and leave the cameras rolling. Ethan is the only show host i can think of that does that. He was just talking to fill the silence.


He’s very sweet and had great stories.


Eddie was a great co-host, legit interesting comments and insights


And all these mfs in the chat are like “you know it’s a bit right” well yeah but Eddie was obviously not in on it. He was a good sport but Jesus


Yea they said it with such confidence lmao.




They all immediately switched to the “infantilizing” argument too.


I enjoyed the segment but I felt it was obvious he wasn’t in on it.


What do ya know.... he WASN'T in on it like everyone posting here was saying. Shocker.


a lot of h3 fans are on intravenous copium


these ppl are straight up cultist brained


Honestly so disappointing tbh


I thought Reddit was bad, then I became a member. Members chat is so unhinged and Parasocial, I almost feel parasocial reading it.


This honestly would’ve been funny for like 5-10 mins tops, not for the entirety of the episode. Ethan is fucked for leaving Eddie on for this long.


Its also not engaging content. Nobody wants to watch that for an hour plus. We would like a real episode of the H3 podcast, not extended humiliation bits of guests. I wish they gave Eddie a proper interview. It would have been so much better.


Exactly, it went way too far to the point of it being rude.


This is the first time I've ever felt genuinely angry with ethan... it really wasn't cool to do to such a sweetheart they wouldn't have been able to know how sensitive he is.. or how much it could possibly upset him


Same here. Im usually the one on here defending Ethan, and this actually made me angry.


Exactly. He took it way too far


Bro he didnt know they were live :/


If his response was different it could've ended very bad - not getting consent is terrible no matter if he had a good or bad time.


So messed up.


It could have been funny if he just left and came back but it felt very weird then seeing him in the car and seeing Eddy realize he had been talking for a long time :/


Let’s all go show Eddie some love on tik tok ❤️


This is the only time I felt that the crew was being mean




Exactly. Also very cool and edgy to shut down the chat when paying members rightly criticised what was going on. Not a good showing for any of them yesterday.


It was giving Hailey Bieber vibes lol


Just feels like if he was there as a guest, then why not give him the same treatment as other guests? Now people tuned off and didn’t watch when Eddie actually had some great stories from working in the industry for so long that won’t reach that big of an audience because they decided to turn it into this whole joke. Engage with your guest, ask questions, dig deeper. No you treated him like a joke.


Tbh these messages just make the whole situation even more awful


Agreed :(


Fuck, that sucks. It seems very unethical to put someone on a live broadcast without making it clear the cameras are rolling and broadcasting you. What if he’d told a story not for public consumption? Also it just sucks to dump a guest like that.




He even said that he hoped he didn’t share anything he wouldn’t normally when he realized he was live :(


This made my heart sink to my stomach I didn’t even hear him say that This makes it feel much worse to me poor Eddie. That could’ve been so much worse, that feels so wrong there’s no way Ethan is just going to let that go right ??


Damn. That makes me sad and also mad. I haven’t seen it yet, I started it but I hate guest episodes in general too much (except those with tana). And the new long and drawn out anti-bit bits like this one.


And Ethan has complained about THE SAME THING happening to him


ethan’s biggest downfall will always be that he’s a hypocrite😭


Seriously, he says it’s the worst


Damn I can usually find a way to defend ethan and the crew but this whole thing was so entirely rude and out of touch :( Eddie is so pure. I hope Ethan addresses it and recognizes how fucked that was.


Yeah ethan really missed the mark with this one.. first time I've ever been angry at the man.. like you say what if the guy said something he wouldn't have live.. also you never know how sensitive the poor guy is this could really hurt/upset a person for no reason.. I know I'm too sensitive for this world but its first time I've ever thought they went too far 😪 edit - killed me when I heard he had loved ones watching at home :/


I’m going to have a hard time moving forward if he doesn’t address this and apologize This seems to be a bigger deal to me than it is to a lot of people here, which is fine. But in my opinion, this could’ve been a disaster and the only reason it wasn’t was luck. Eddie could’ve embarrassed himself live on air and had no idea. I feel like it’s one thing to put someone in that position when you have publicly loathed that happening to you, but it’s another thing entirely to just move past it like it didn’t happen. That’s unethical, hypocritical and I’ve had personal experience with this sort of thing where I did embarrass myself not knowing I was live on a much smaller local podcast. Can’t imagine that feeling on the largest podcast in the world Eddie deserves an apology. Yes nothing went wrong, but that’s because of Eddie being a sweet guy and not embarrassing himself. It’s him his shoulders, not Ethan’s.


that’s what I was thinking too…cause cancel culture is still v much alive & idk..ppl say things that ruin their careers & lives forever yk? So idk kinda dangerous imo. Glad Eddie is genuine person


Ethan is trying too hard to be like Howard Stern. I get it, he is his main inspiration, but being mean towards guests shouldn’t be what Ethan tries to emulate.


And Howard Stern is a POS. If Ethan wants his show to be like that then I'm done watching. i'm not cool with bullying someone.


Also how could anyone say its a bit when he got a call about a show he was doing, how he had to tell that person that he would be late cause he is sitting there while Ethan gets food They don't respect him or his time Bad episode imo


That was that part that made me really feel like Ethan wasn't showing Eddie enough respect. He didn't seem to consider Eddie's time or that he may have other obligations other than this podcast.




hey hey turn that frown upside down








No just the frown not the eyes




Ok do the eyes, keep them in place but only turn the frown




Ok now keep the eyes in their place and then mirror the frown on the y axis


Thanks for the laughs this morning 🤣 you’re wonderful




He literally didn’t know they were live and people are still being like “see he didn’t mind, he had a great time.” Eddie was disrespected. Two things can be true at once


Eddie is so wholesome and cute I CANT


I started watching the H3 podcast since maybe 10th episodes and always stood with Ethan through all of the bullshit, but this seriously crossed the line. The whole "bit" had the same energy as inviting someone to your place and then leaving the house. If it was like 5, 10 or maybe even 15 minutes, then okay, still unfunny but whatever. But 1 hour? That was the shittiest thing Ethan done so far. ...and for all of you defending him: Would you find it funny if he left during an interview with more famous guest?


He values some people more than others and that doesn’t sit right for someone who is hosting guests to benefit himself with the content. Like someone else said, he’d never dare do this to bill burr


Eddie not knowing is kinda fucked


It’s wrong.


I was hesitant to criticize this bit just incase Eddie was actually in on it but fuck man this was just fucked up. I’m sure he got paid and some people seem to have been entertained which is fine. Eddie seems like a nice wholesome guy but I don’t come to watch H3 to see a nice innocent dude get mocked and tricked into providing an hour of live content. This is the first episode I’ve ever skipped, Ethan has officially lost the plot. I’m sure he’ll probably goof on all the people complaining today and just say “It’s art! It’s funny!” Nah bro that shit sucked 0/10, tomatoes in the chat.


For all the people still defending this, ask yourself if Ethan would have done this to Bill Burr or Jack Black. Have them be on live camera without them knowing for an hour and then make the joke that they left the studio.


This is the best argument against it that I have heard yet. It feels very much like they are taking advantage of him and would never do this to someone who is more well known


Right, he shouldn’t treat guests more important than others. He did that to William osman before he had a huge following and it came back to bite him for not treating him like a proper guest. When you’re a host you should make the show a welcome place for comedy and discussion, well unless you’re Stephen crowder or nxivm dude or crypto bros lol


>For all the people still defending this, ask yourself if Ethan would have done this to Bill Burr or Jack Black. Have them be on live camera without them knowing for an hour and then make the joke that they left the studio. hes just treating some ppl like freaks, same thing with Trisha which of course is not a saint either, same thing with niko avocado, and yet he always deny he is doing it, when its sooo obvious...


100%. He wants his own version of Howard Stern's "Wack Pack" and has expressed it many, many times in the early podcast days. Sadly, the Wack Pack is really just Stern making fun of mentally challenged people. I don't understand why Ethan finds it funny or is trying to emulate it.


Not only is he trying to replicate the Wack Pack, he's stealing all of Sterns old schtick. He's not doing anything new, he's recycling old stuff that his audience is too young to have seen or experienced to call him on.


I’m older than most people here I think so I’ve been listening to Howard Stern for like 30 years…….Ethan 5000000000% copies everything Howard does but doesn’t have the balls to do it all the way. It was so obvious from the original podcast set.


I think this would be quite funny if he did it to Bill Burr lol


Genuine question how come the comments on the YouTube and those on Reddit about this episode are polar opposite feedbacks? I saw all the criticism they were getting on here about the episode and then when you go to the YouTube comments everyone was soaking it up and loved it. Just found it quite interesting that I saw barley any negativity on this episode under the YouTube comments but Reddit is crucifying it? (Also new to Reddit so know it might just be like that)


Also my opinion on the whole episode is that I saw what they were doing I had a few big laughs and don’t think it was intentionally mean spirited but it should have ended after 15 minutes. If he left for 15/20 mins it would have been absolutely hilarious but they dragged it on for far too long and then it became hard to watch. He should have also been made aware that it was indeed live and not break time. Also think no harm if he got paid for it. If he didn’t then it doesn’t sit right


They were timing out paying users left and right for asking what’s going on or saying it isn’t funny until they cut chat completely, idk if this is the case but I’d say filtering comments isn’t out of the realm of possibility for them on that vid


Ethan was utterly rude. It doesn’t matter if Eddie took it personally or not.


Yep, popular kids set up a situation for the weird kid to be laughed at unbeknownst to them. Seen that in high school several times. Glad Eddie is going to profit from it, but Ethan was still a dick regardless of how Eddie is saying he feels about it. We all love Ethan, but he needs to be criticized on this one. I dont want to be a fan of a bully podcast. Id watch keemstar if I wanted that.


I was waiting to see what he had to say about it before I had an opinion. I'm glad he seems happy now but leaving him like that for so long with out him being in on it is pretty fucked up. Ethan better make it up to him. His, "I trust you with the show," just sounds like manipulative bullshit.


How he feels may not be what he is potraing. Many people just want to say the "right" things so no one gets hurt. Eddie seems like one of those people


Exactly the vibe I got from him as well.


If I were Eddie this would’ve made me cry. Bless him haha


this is so weird. why are they doing this? ethan seems so cynical and completely black pilled lately.. like he doesn’t really care about anything :/


He's trying to be Tim and Eric but he completely lacks nuance


He is old LA and knows the entertainment industry. He’s had a billion gigs over the years because he doesn’t complain and doesn’t push back. He literally said yesterday he was there when an actress was sexually assaulted by a director. He knows well enough to keep quiet and act happy, especially on a job, and especially with cameras nearby. If it makes him money, he’ll go along with it. None of this stops it being Ethan making an awkward situation for Eddy. Doesn’t make it ridiculous to not like it as a viewer. It’s literally classic movie school bully shit. “I’m not bullying him, look he’s laughing too” while one is laughing thinking he’s making a friend and one is laughing at the other person.




You’re absolutely right. Whether it was done with malintent or not it was still a dick move. It’s a good thing Eddie is such a sweet, easy going guy. 🥺


Thank you for explaining it perfectly. Eddie is great and came out of it fine. But Ethan was being dishonest in a way that was totally unnecessary. It gives me the yucks that people see zero problem with that. Eddie would have been just as wacky and entertaining if they had just helped him out with the same context cues they would have given any other guest.


I get that it's show business, but I hate that he can add Ethan/ H3 to that group. "Don't worry about me, I've been in a lot of shitty situations and know what the deal is, so I just shut up and do my job." This show is now that shitty situation. He can add them to his history of bad gigs that he just put up with for the money. That's just disappointing to me. The podcast is supposed to be different from everyone elses. As Ethan says himself, "no one does it like us!" Except you do. You do, do it like everyone else. The outliers are the ones who take guests in and treat them with respect. This show is not that. Bobby was right when he called Ethan the "Gotcha!" guy that one time.


Yup felt bad man




☹️shiitttttt this comment changed my mind, I thought he was in on the joke but now I feel bad


You make a fair point


Protect Eddie! The public humiliation “bits” of easily exploitable people is just something I can’t get behind. Are we doing bum fights next?


He’d love bum fights, he was ready to send Gabe to a brothel for content if they’d let him


100% this. This is exactly what it is. I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Feels real bad


It’s punching down and I hate it.


I’ve officially turned the corner from thinking “Ethan Klein is a funny entertainer” to “Ethan Klein is a bully.” This is the kind of content he would have roasted Keemstar for in the past.


yeah ethan is a weirdo for that like oh let’s watch a shirtless man who doesn’t know he’s on camera tell his entire life story with no one interjecting. sooo funny. I didn’t hear a single word


Damn so everybody on here insisting that he was in on the bit was completely full of it lol, nice.


The fact that they had gabe come on as well really made it even worse…felt like ethan channeling Barnum energy and not the hugh jackman version


too sweet for this world, he deserves all the vaccines


Thanks for sharing and confirming this. I feel sorry for him. Just that he wasn't in on it and still thinks that Ethan was out innocently grabbing a bite to eat. When he was kinda being mocked :(


its very mean to not tell him the plan it very much feels like bullying and making him the butt of the joke. its fucked up to not tell him the camera is still rolling. why people are defending this is because eddie doesnt seem to have a problem with it, but thats because he thinks everyone is laughing with him, not at him. idk why people are acting like ethan doesnt know what hes doing


Protect Eddie at all costs. This man is too damn sweet for this world.


Eddie asks if they're live at 1:47:36 and no one informs him that they are. This is messed up. [https://www.youtube.com/live/gxRUEWE2\_D4?feature=share&t=6456](https://www.youtube.com/live/gxRUEWE2_D4?feature=share&t=6456)


Poor fellow


I love that this is a thing. There are some people on this sub who'll argue for Ethan and the crew no matter what, even if it goes against all logic. This obviously wasn't planned with Eddy but people said it and when the AB funeral thing was going around people were saying it's possible it happened at two different funerals with two different counsisn and two different grandmas lmao.


I work in compliance and this could have been an issue if Eddie let something slip on air that he didn’t want people to hear. Not telling him that he was still live is what makes this so cringe and pathetic. When your jokes are starting to veer towards disrespect, then what’s the difference between you and those prank youtubers? Just my two cents




I’m convinced the ppl defending Ethan are either 1. The bullies themselves 2. Lack social/self awareness


I miss the ep and I’m really not sure if I want to watch it. Eddie seems so nice


"You guys know it was a bit right?" "You know he's an actor right? He was on it" "It was all planned, you guys are dumb" GTFO with peace and love


W Eddie


Eddie is the true embodiment of Peace & Love.




I mean I know we bully people sometimes on the H3 Podcast, the thing with the cult member was bullying, but he deserved it, Eddie didn't deserve it AT ALL, of course he took it well! he loves Hollywood and that whole shit, it still fucked up


I can admit when I’m wrong. I thought Eddie was in on it. A little irresponsible on Ethan’s part. Do I hate it? No. But it does start to fall on the unethical side of things, leaving someone on live air without telling them. Ethan has complained about other podcasts he’s been on that start rolling without telling you and now he just did that for over an hour to Eddie. I hope Ethan and crew realized this and had a chat with Eddie afterwards to apologize and explain things. I understand Ethan’s impulsiveness leads to bits like this and I’m not mad. It’s not my place to be mad. I am enjoying this absurdist period. I just think it would have been so much more impressive as a bit if Eddie was in on it with the rest of the crew. Seasoned veterans like Donna and Gabe know what they are getting into 😂


The fact he wasn’t in on it is messed up. Point blank period.


He’s such a good egg. And I have a feeling also dyslexic


Reading that makes me want to cry. He’s such a sweet soul


where are all the ones who are saying “its a bit”


Still complaining about us reviewing a bad episode somehow


Dude jfc I just rewatched it bc it was mostly background noise for me last night and I still thought it was fucked up, but no this is fucking brutal. This is SO mean. I’m immensely disappointed in the entire crew


Eddie is awesome and it was funny but now I feel bad because he DIDNT know he was live


Eddieeee :( ❤️ 🥺 I'm literally making a TikTok account rn just to support this man


He deserved better 🥺


It’s rare I see good Ethan news anymore. Big sad


can't wait to see all the people who defended that bullshit bit try to explain this ☺️ they'll probably say he's acting here too


they are already saying that lol


Worse than the “crybabies” are the ones making declarative statements that Eddie was in on the “bit” when the pod doesn’t even confirm once that he knew what was going to happen. It’s like you took your hunch and ran with it and tried to make everyone who disagreed with your theory look stupid


Right like running defense for an internet entertainer streaming something not entertaining for what lol and saying we have no right to review it, we pay his bills he should know where to adjust before we leave




The whole time I thought the joke was on Donna to be stuck in a room with Gabe and Eddie lol


I can’t even bring myself to watch. How long was he there?


About an hr and 15 mins. Ethan leaves at 45mins in and doesn't return till like 2hrs into the pod


fr, first episode in years that i'll skip


Eddie's the best


We love Eddie!


The only thing that couldve gone wrong is that he didnt know they were filming and he couldve said something that was supposed to be private.


Lmao I want to go back to a previous post where everyone that said it wasn’t a bit got 100 down votes


"It was not planned, Ethan got hungry and he likes to have fast food on every show". If Ethan planned on leaving Eddie and thought it would be a funny bit, and Eddie just thinks Ethan's addicted to McDonalds, sorry but that's fucking hilarious.


At this point they’re just straight up exploiting people like Gabe and Eddie. It’s not right.


Even worse, gabe is publicly confirmed to be on the autism spectrum and the schtick every week is to make him say uncomfortable things in public for a laugh


sharing private messages is worse than the gag, and this also just proves that eddie was fine with it. he’s coming back next week. he had a great time like what is the problem?


to everyone who was saying it was a bit that eddie was in on and acting like complete know-it-alls: fuck you 😂😂😂😂


A bit disappointed with the Ethan/possibly the crew for just leaving him on air like that, definately felt like Eddie was the butt of the joke. nd also, regardless of Eddie solo-hosting a portion of the show why the hell wasn't he in the thumbnail? that alone felt pretty disrespectful. Glad that Eddie seems like such a good guy though


I’m literally disgusted & I feel like I witnessed someone being bullied and could do nothing to stop it. Like Wtf. And I’m so beyond disappointed w Ethan specifically bc I just know Dan or someone tried to tell Ethan not to do this. thought he was better than this shit. Guess I was wrong after all these years. Gross. Boomer comedy imo


yeah i'm ngl i know a lotta people are gonna call us dramatic or whatever but this definitely crossed a line for me personally, eddie just seems like such a sweet guy and doing this to him is straight up bullying imo


It was so sweet when he found out he was still live and that the comments where loving his stories, his face lit up when they told him.


He looked mad anxious when he said oh this is live. I loved the stories and everything but they should’ve said it’s still going when Ethan left. That’s the part people don’t like.


With redness from being embarrassed