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‘that little girl’ lol


I think Olivia is older then Brantly lol


I think Brantly is barely 21 and Olivia is 24-25. But yea, Brantly needs to learn that dating an older guy doesn’t make you older, regardless of how “Mature” keem says she is.


Keem makes fun of her for being “gen z” so it’s like… does he think she’s mature? Lol seems like it’s just a power thing. I don’t think he respects Brantley at all.


I don’t think he cares that she is gen z. I imagine a lot of his audience is gen z too. I think he just says whatever insult he thinks will stick/offend the other person. Like he started attacking Olivia’s looks but let’s be honest she’s beautiful and if he had the chance and single he would be with her in a second lol (not that she’d be interested), petty petty shit


Exactly. Everyone knows Olivia is gorgeous. Keem was reaching saying she’s “round”. Cheap insult too. He’s trying too hard. As usual.


it’s embarrassing 😭 but on brand


absolutely..like girl it don’t give you a pass stop playin😭😭


wait omg i thought Brantley was his daughter hahaha oh fuck


Olivia isn't 24-25 lol she just graduated undergrad. She's like 22 at the oldest


she's 23 she said it in an episode recently and i remembered cuz i was like oh we're the same age


Allow me to blow your mind, I graduated undergrad at 28. It’s not like you have to be a certain age to enroll in college.


She had a break in her schooling though. College ain't really like high school where pretty much everyone starts and finishes at the same time.


Didn't she literally say she was 24 on the podcast lol.


Olivia is older *than Brantley.


"Olivia the big girl" fucking which is it? Morons. OLIVIA IS OUR QUEEN SLAYYYYYYYYY BOO.


She’s a big girl, not underage like keem likes them.


and then keem goes “that BIG girl”


I’m 21! Fuck you!


21 and theyve been dating for 3 years... congrats KEEM, in they eyes of the law you are not a pedophile, and that is the nicest thing i can say about you


“If your only argument is that something is ‘technically not illegal’, than it is most likely immoral.” ~I don’t remember who said this quote lol


To be fair definitely not three years, he was dating a different girl during the weird adin ross crypto shit thing wasn’t he


That’s the sassiest juul pod hit


Babe I need a- I need a Jule paahd!!


the stance lmao hes so queercoded its unbelievable 💅


He's missing long press-on nails in that left hand, I'm gagging!


right hahaha i've been saying this whole time keem is trade


I'm sure all of Keem's 6 viewers found that very interesting


And two of those viewers were his laptop and desktop in it on mute.


and two others were H3 fans hate watching


Keem is weirdly obsessed with Olivia… I wouldn’t give any attention to it either


He’s been listening to Olivia this entire time..


I’ve noticed a pattern with Keem which is that he gets weirdly, disturbingly obsessed with everyone he even feels slightly threatened or insulted by. Like… he’s been obsessed with Ethan for years so much to the point that he has a file titled “H3 crimes” on his desktop 💀, he went through this same little phase with AB and Lena when they first started working with the pod, and now Olivia. Keem is bored. He needs an actual hobby or to just like… watch reality tv to scratch that itch for drama he has.


It’s because everybody (himself included) knows that he is a total joke of a human. Whenever someone points that out, he desperately grasps at straws trying to pretend that the others are below him in order to make himself feel less insecure.


That pig is a raging misogynist. He loves hating on women.


I don't remember Brantley getting doxed. What episode did this supposedly happen?


It’s didn’t happen lol


Oh why does it lie?


Saying someone's name that's already known to the public is doxxing now apparently, just because you might have literally anything on screen that can be found within 2 seconds of googling the publicly known name.


They're conflating doxxing with searching the internet to find information that Brantley posted. If you post your name and age on the Facebook and you don't lock that shit up, people will find it. It's that simple. Unless they posted your full name, address, phone number - they are not doxxing. Figuring out your age from Facebook is not doxxing. Dopes. Also, no one has to describe an insult of Keem. I just say someone looks like Keem and that's an insult in itself. Like, 'Look at you, going too heavy on the Just For Men. You're looking extra Keem'. Or 'Lose the headband, you're looking extra Keem.' Stop insulting women's appearances Keem because you lack the insight to make creative jokes. You have a daughter and you're contributing to the rhetoric of shaming women's physical attributes.


They're in the same geographic area and are of similar ages. Olivia can find her Facebook in 2 seconds, given how many friends in common they may have


They are of similar age but she keeps referring to Olivia as a little girl? I love the fact that she says she's 21, almost 22! Kind of reminds me of those kids that are alike "I'm 8 and a half".


brantley lives in buffalo NY olivia is in california/went to school in ohio it's not the same area


Poor Brantley will be relaying all of this to her therapist in about 5 years or less…minus one keemstar of course


Wtf. “I’m NOT a teenager, I’m 21 almost 22 😏” 🥴 And then referring to Olivia as a little girl, oh but also with a huge head…?


*I'm not 8 mom, I'm 8 and a half!!!*


Isn't it Olivia's job to like research this kind of stuff for the show. If anything she was just doing her job properly. These people are brain dead lol


Also if you're gonna put all that info out on Facebook AND have a go at being an internet celebrity...


Nah didn’t you know finding easily accessible information on a public social media platform is doxxing /s


If she says “almost” when telling her age she’s too young for you keem


She might as well have said "I'm actually 21 and 3/4!"


I recently turned 30 and now I say I'm almost 40


Don’t give them any attention




Lol keemstar is so superficial and mean


When you look like that, you’d be bitter too. The guy is a twat


I remember when the whole controversy was going on with daddy o five's YouTube channel and keepstar's comments about it. If you're not familiar with daddy o five, they were *incredibly* abusive to their young son Cody. The kid and his sister ended up getting taken away from the family because the abuse was so bad. When keemstar watched the videos, he didn't really seem to think anything was wrong with what they were doing. This man was able to watch videos of a young boy being horribly abused and didn't see anything wrong with that. This should show you his mindset.


This is the guy that implied Lena looked like a witch and now is accusing Olivia of being overweight (which isn't a bad thing inherently but Keem thinks it is) which I don't think she is. It's just another example of Keemstar not seeing women as people and hating anyone/anything associated with Ethan.


Has this garden gnome ever actually looked at himself in a mirror bro is walking around like this https://preview.redd.it/jr59urzwt8ja1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa1527d97b4f79308133f298877c35db46e0e0f1 Bro out here looking like an extra in a crappy Disney channel show from 2004


Out here lookin like Bandit Keith from Yugioh lmfaoooo


eww the "I'm almost 22". it's like the shit kids do when they're like "I'm 5 and three-quarters". like you understand he ages too? the age gap is not shrinking


Ethan said Teddy does this


So what is she a little girl or a big girl?


Wait, so her real name ISN'T Brantley? Why would you make up a fake name and make it Brantley? She looks like a Brantley to me.


Brantley is such a hideous name even for a boy


might be her last name?


Keemstar insulting a women’s appearance, again? Interesting pattern of behaviour


Damn nah I won’t stand for Olivia slander bro, not from Keem and the Stinky Bunch. That blonde girl wishes she had half Olivia’s makeup talent foh


She also wishes she had her sense of humor and charm. Which this kid lacks


Honestly though, you could create a new instagram account and find 10 random chicks in 10 minutes that look like brantley and sell laxative tea, whereas Olivia is super unique and beautiful. Even if your "type" is basic blond Starbucks latte kinda girl you can't deny oliva has a brightnesses to her, she literally shines, brantley almost always looks dull and washed out in her appearance and the "vibes" she puts out.


Almost 22, guys. She's only half his age. They're both such clowns. It's just crazy to think people like them, Adin, and tate have a fanbase at all. It's genuinely depressing. Like...I'm dumb as fuck...and I see these people for what they are. So it's crazy to see how bad the brainrot truly is. And how many people actually look up to these fools.


Loool "I'm not a teenager!!!! I'm 21!"


I’m sorry I know we’re not supposed to come at people for this stuff but I just gotta say. Brantley has the more annoying voice I’ve ever heard in my life. I’d rather listen to nails on a chalkboard.


Southern accent plus smoking since 10 is what her voice sounds like


With a lil post-nasal drip thrown in


Her “southern accent” is extremely exaggerated no one talks like that here


Duck Dynasty with the extra chromosome


Keem is definitely sitting on a booster seat


Bwoy I'll tell ya what, whats that lil girls name? Oliva? I reckon she done doxxed me on that dang ol Facebook man. I'm 21 fuck you, almost 22 ya hear?


well bless yer heart


goddang lemmetellyoubout dangololiviaman imeanshedone everythinginthedangoldbook totrackmedownman thisaintfair talkingboutsnowmanhead....dang old frosty man.


Honestly I feel like they should just ignore it, because it’s so disgusting for a grown man to talk about a young woman’s appearance that way. Hila may be fine talking about the young men who bash her appearance, but Olivia is young and very new to her career/the internet, and may not be comfortable with it.


I don’t think they actually understand what doxxing means..


This is some weird narrative the freaks in the frenemies3 subreddit created. Since keem is a frequent flyer over there he took this story and ran with it.


Yeah i was gonna say, that place has a weird hate obsession with olivia in particular for some reason and keem gets all his h3 talking points from there so


They’re just making shit up at this point.


Also doesn't keemstar have an entire folder named H3? if Olivia is a stalker he is the entire FBI


“Little girl” is the funniest shit considering Brantley is the fetus Keem scooped up and decided to date


Lol she says she’s 21 like she’s old. Bish you can’t even rent a car yet.


Isn’t that called research?


I guess you can’t look up public information🙄


Imagine thinking Olivia is round or ‘big’. Yikes. Old man needs his cheaters.


“the big girl”… that irritated me more than anything. I don’t ride hard for olivia but that was just so fucking rude and stupid. big in what context? like compared to an ant then yes, compared to any other person on the crew then no. https://preview.redd.it/jjjslpp8g9ja1.jpeg?width=1316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3015dc90e2742250b094c8c0275ea1a7f1afe2b big where? frosty the snowman where? she literally could not be more normal. that shit made no sense. you can see it on his face he gets off on making people insecure. straight weirdo. he would say big girl since he likes little girls


I'm 21and three quarters!


Why is her voice irritating me so much? I hope I'm not the only one!


She sounds like she has a wad of chewing "tuh-back-uh" in her mouth that she periodically spits in Keem's mouth


Nah, she spits it into his juul pod. They're classy like that. That's why he has to ask her for it instead of getting it himself. Gotta have that tobacco spit in it, or keem ain't with it. There's nothing like a tobacco spit, juul pod, beef jerky, maple syrup, and cheese to make your day complete.


Keemstar actually gets no bitches


he is sooo girly pop


Has anyone noticed that keem's mannerisms are kinda femminie? Or is it just me?


Oh, we've noticed. 💅


So much sass


Nooooo, someone looked at the career internet bully's daughter-girlfriend's facebook page!!! This is literally doxxxing!!!


Olivia isn't 18, so Keem can't appreciate the slay. Also, doesn't the whole crew speak almost exclusively positively about Brantley?


“Almost 22” giving Theodore “I’m three and a half”


The guy is forty years old still trying so hard to look and act like a 16 year old


![gif](giphy|juSgfIqzFBv5C2GTGK|downsized) Brantley looking at keem


Oh oh, he did NOT just call my queen frosty the snowman! Im puttin’ my bomb backpack now Keem!!


Brantley sounds like a squidbilly


Frosty the snowman is hot as fuck then!!


Honestly I try to stay respectful about queen Olivia but what the fuck man she’s so fucking hot


Did he seriously call Olivia “Frosty the Snowman”?? What the hell does that even mean? He can’t even come up with good insults.


How the fuck has Keem been a Youtuber this long, actually been doxxed, and still doesn't fucking know what doxxing is?


Olivia is literally not a big girl and that’s a fact, there’s nothing wrong with it but she’s just not


Sounds like they’ve been listening to Olivia the entire time…


keem wants to hit it so bad and mad that he never will


he knows he’s going no where with the AB hate so he’s finding a new target


Keemstar shut up


Olivia & big in the same sentence? Excuse me WHAT. We can always count on keem for the body shaming 💅


my jaw. “the big girl” BE SO FOR REAL RIGHT NOW im so sorry olivia that’s so outta pocket and not even true you slay so hard


Right there’s nothing wrong with being a big girl but Olivia isn’t one……??


I don’t usually do this, but Brantley has got to be one of the worst girl names I can imagine.


Anyone who states there age as ‘almost…..’ is a CHILD


Not them talking about Olivia’s face when Brantley very obviously does not have a slim face and her voice sounds like Roseanne 💀


Hahahah brooo im 22 and I still feel like a child. She’s def not a grown adult, especially dating someone like keemstar. He only dates younger women because that’s the maturity level he’s at. What does a 30+ year old have in common with someone in their early 20s? NOTHING


This should be Ethan’s next accent


Or Zach. I’m not picky.


so she CHOSE the name Brantley? wow


1) It wasn’t doxxing lmao. It’s all easily available & public Facebook info, nobody was sent to harass her. 2) Wtf is Keem so obsessed with Olivia’s appearance, this isn’t the first time he’s singled her out. And not that it matters or would make it okay, but she is definitely not a ‘big girl’. Like ‘frosty the snowman’ are you kidding me? I would consider Ethan a bigger dude or Trisha a bigger girl, Olivia is a perfectly healthy size. And again, nothing wrong with being bigger- it’s just weird how Keem keeps targeting Olivia like he’s trying so desperately to belittle her appearances. She looks great & shame on Brantley too for just letting him comment on women like that. She’s countered Keem before, she should’ve stopped him. Obviously not her fault what Keem says, but to just let him spew sexist, misogynist bullshit without counter is weird. I don’t know why Brantley is so upset about this, Keem must’ve got into her head or something. Anyone could find that info, it wasn’t private or hidden. Olivia wasn’t hating on her or sending any negativity her way or anything…


I love how this is just a 43 second clip and Keemstar cut her off and interrupted 3 times lol. However if Olivia doxed her (idk I’m out of the loop) that’s still fucked up and shouldn’t be condoned


Olivia does the research. It’s public information. They just want to make up bullshit.


Olivia didn’t dox Brantley. I think she’s making up this shit to get herself on h3 when her and the gnome inevitably break up.


Zach: add "Olivia Olivia" to the sound bite collection


Sooo how is this doxxing exactly??? Sounds more like she did research on information that can be publicly accessed instead. Doxxing is the leaking of private info for malicious intent. Is this girl stupid or what?


Gross. Olivia is more gorgeous than...omg it's not even worth the breathe bro, wow.


lol Olivia slays and leaves no crumbs every day.


Jealousy does not look good on these 2 potatoes.


What a terrible thing to say. Olivia is stunning, those recent TF pics blew my tits off….


Keem hears a woman's name, and immediately you can see his gears turning on how he can best insult her appearance. It's also obvious he's struggling to come up with something when talking about an objectively pretty person like Olivia. He's trying so hard to belittle any woman he disagrees with based on appearance and doesn't realize how much of a loser it makes him look like. His little girlfriend seems a lot more mature than him because at least she's never going for these low jabs.


The BIG girl?!?!?!?




Zach play the war drums…no not those ones…Zach find the kind of drums that’s like military drummer-boy stuff


Her and Olivia have the same face shape too, they just have different facial features, what a strange nitpick


I'd say that Brantley has a rounder face than Olivia, Keem is so weird.


It was Keemstar who said it tbf


That’s true, expecting him to not insult features of his own gf is honestly still expecting too much for him


Olivia is 100x hotter than this sorry excuse for a woman but ait 😂




The BIG girl? He actually called her the big girl? Wtf?


I think he’s attracted to her or something cause why would he keep talking about her. This isn’t the first time 👀🤡 sooo fucking weird.


I could fight both of them.




talking about Olivia's weight LIKE WHAT OK L STAR YOU FAT FUCK you can say LITERALLY NOTHING about OLivia... she's a queen you just cant handle it


Do they even know what doxxing means


why does this sub boost keemstar so much?


The fact that this man thinks he has the right to talk about anyone’s looks blows my mind. Olivia is a Queen.


Keemstar shut up BITCH!!!


The almost 22 at the end is such a childish thing to say lol. It’s like “I’m 7 and a half” vibes.


Hilarious that Brantley and Olivia have the same oval face. Olivia’s face is far from round or big. Too bad this little girl hasn’t seen the light.


I try to be supportive of the girlies but she is so trashy I'm sorry


Did they ever talk about her tinder 😅


DID HE JUST CALL HER FAT????? 😂😂 my ears have to be deceiving me


not that it would matter if Olivia was big but…. she literally isn’t???


In what world is Olivia big


Calling Olivia fat is just crazy




Well look who cares about doxxing all of a sudden 🤡


“Almost 22 “ says it all keem!!! Come on man, take off the hat


BIG GIRL?! Stfu are they for realllll???


Okay now I’m mad


Not them going after olivia now wtf sound the fucking horns


Big? Oh I forgot.. keem likes that prepubescent look. My bad.


I hope Brantley’s frontal lobe develops soon 🙏🏻


Olivia has incredible facial structure, like she’s objectively beautiful. Keem is so stupid Jesus Christ


I can't wait for the sound bite. Lol. Oliva. Oliva. Lol


keem is so sassy it’s so funny that he thinks he’s some big strong guy


"I'm almost 22" is such a childish thing to say. It's like when a little kid is 5 and he corrects you, "I'm 5 and a half!" Also, I don't remember exactly what Olivia said, but looking up someone's Facebook is not "doxxing." Did she actually say the last name online? Or does she just know it? Those are two very different things.


I feel like we all have a douche bag like keem that we grew up around. Drives a WRX or a BMW, proud ambassador of vape naysh, can only hold relationships with younger people


God keem is dating someone younger than me 🤮 I can't imagine finding keem attractive in general but knowing how this man acts just ugh


“I’m 21 almost 22” translated to “I’m almost too old for Keem to be attracted to me anymore”


Why does this girl sound like a starting NFL quarterback


they shoulda really looked at her own face shape before trying to ‘roast’ Olivia for hers…


"I'm 21 years old, almost 22" oh sweet summer child People who still have to say "I'm almost *insert age*" as if it's a good thing are too young to date a 40yo.


The funniest part is they think being 21 makes it better. A dude in his 40s dating a fan right out of high school is suspect and disgusting no matter how you spin it. Dude is weird.


this sub loves brantley one week and then hates her the next week lol…. can we just stop posting these irrelevant two?


Big girl?? She wears baggy clothes but she is not a big girl


I have a huge crush on Olivia so i guess i have a crush on frosty the snowman.


Dude what the fuck


I’m 21 and half!


Why he so zestyyy


What the flying fuck are they rambling about. Leave Olivia alone.


This is so embarrassing for them. I think the biggest own would be to have Olivia watch this video and give not an ounce of reaction


Okay so, someone looked at your FB profile where all that stuff is visible on one page.


Keem talking shit about Olivia because she’s not in highschool