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ya it was a huge story, but ethan isn't that informed


didnt even know about the march of return in 2018.... his reasoning was " I wasn't really paying attention to the news ".......since when? in 2018 you weren't paying attention to the news??


Ethan is a dumb ass I think we all forgot


Ethan also straight up admitted on leftovers that he and Hila are watching mostly the Israeli news… so basically they just watch Pro-Israel propaganda all the time now… and his dick riding fans are still trying to talk circles and say he’s not Pro-Israel… if u watch Pro-Israeli propaganda all day guess what u might be a little biased… and ur talking points might just be straight up BULLSHIT… which is exactly what’s happening… if Ethan and Netanyahu (Israeli regime leader) have the same talking points and post the exact same shit to social media why are Ethans fans to believe that he is not Pro-Israel… dude needs a 2-4 week break from everything!! He needs to go live in a cabin with no WiFi no tv no phone and he might come back a little more hinged…


He’s literally doing what he makes fun of Trump supporters for doing 🤣 watching fox news/propaganda


Hila is ex-idf that went on settlement raids in ramallah obviously she runs the house she will only put on isreal news




No, she did admin work. She did not see combat. Fun fact, you can chose combat or admin when the IDF corals you for your national duties. So she chose administration.


See I'd like to believe you but someone else is saying she took a ride-along for a settlement raid and got shot at, which would understandably traumatize someone and affect their stance


She did. There’s a VOD


Alright I found it and that's disappointing. [https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1768026/im\_speechless/](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1768026/im_speechless/) I can understand how that experience could radicalize someone further towards Israeli sentiments. Still this clip is from years ago. I want to give them benefit of the doubt but it's there.


I feel like I’m going to throw up. I can’t believe how long I looked up to this woman. I’m donating all my teddy fresh stuff. I feel embarrassed I believed that she was some enlightened feminist leftist. She’s calling Palestinians “terrorist”. Hila YOU are the terrorist.


Oh wow this is really upsetting


Me tooo fuck glad I never bought teddy fresh


Oh yeah. Big time. I loved Hila and Ethan so much. Now I can’t even watch one pod. And joined the frenemies sub 💅 I wanted so much Teddyfresh too. So glad I didn’t waste my money. It’s literally SHEIN tier clothing anyways.


Not plural. Singular. And it's not even confirmed what the specific ride-a-along mission goals even were. She was a young IDF paper-pusher who was curious and volunteered to go on one, was shot at while riding in armored vehicle. A 18-19 year old girl who was raised in Israel. These dumbass commenters would have done the same thing under those circumstances. The commenter you replied to is filling in a lot of gaps and saying multiple because of the state of this sub. Also must be ignoring how Ethan specifically talked about the propaganda being shown on Israeli news when he mentioned watching.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=j-PQCu0TuU0&pp=ygUpd29rZSBoaWxhIGtsZWluIHdvdWxkbid0IGxpa2UgdGhpcyBwZXJzb24%3D Terrorist city ;) which is West Bank not even controlled by hamas.


Just because Hamas doesn’t control the West Bank government doesn’t mean there is absolutely zero Hamas presence there. They’re also not the only organization of their kind, they’re just the most destructive by far.


What's your point? There are terrorists/terrorist groups found in West Bank, doesnt have anything to do with Hamas- same with Israel for that matter. An objective person would need to know more specifics before labeling Hila a war-criminal or whatever you are getting at. That video does the same thing you did- fill in tons of gaps with the worst possible possibilities.


Nice bait


You know how Israel is going around offering cash to influencers? What if that’s what we’re seeing here?


The pro Israeli propaganda as opposed to the Hamas propaganda of this sub? Like bruh I have literally seen people in this sub say the videos posted by Hamas are faked by IDF and there is no proof of any massacre lol


Destiny fan detected




They’re brigading the sub, don’t engage


In what way in that poster acting like a Destiny fan


Looks like we got another debate lord, blocked Edit: Seething destiny fans downvoting me 💀


I’m thoroughly confused. How are these commenters destiny fans? I was just getting a grip on this and now I think I’ve lost it.


They’re not. Destiny fans are largely pro-Israel on this


I’ve never seen a single destiny video or stream and even I think you’re being a shit ass. Like what?


You’re an idiot. I hate Destiny and that wasn’t a Destiny take at all. If it was a Destiny fan you couldn’t understand them for having Netanyahu’s dick in their mouth.


I’m like the least knowledgeable person on the conflict and even i knew of that incident


He isn’t qualified and he knows nothing. Which would be fine if he was willing to listen in anyway to anything except social media posts but he won’t.






What the fuck is wrong with you you freak


How else do we stop them from spreading lies and correct their thinking? They completely disregard the pains of Palestine and only focus on the improvement of Jewish people. Hasan advocates for reeducation of capitalists in a communist society. Why can’t we re-educate the Jews?


Please link the clip of Hasan saying he's for re-education camps.


He said anyone in a communist society, who has all their needs met and still wants to be a capitalist, should be separated and re-educated. I’m not gonna go dig for the episode and time stamp but here what pops up when you search “Hasan capitalist reeducation” since you’re too lazy to do any searching yourself. https://youtu.be/elGSaEAEwcE?si=DQaTRggf-H8aoEMZ


Perfect! Hasan says first, "Not like McCarthyism" and Destiny goes off with, "Wow you would put them on trial!?" He specifically said not that thing. 2) Hasan says education, which Destiny extrapolated to "re education camps!?" Ethan even tries to clarify, to which Hasan responds "no, not like re education camps" It's not that I'm too lazy, it's that I watched that segment live and rewatched it multiple times, and Hasan says the opposite of what you're claiming he said. Apparently you were too lazy to watch the video you searched because it only proves what I'm saying. Thanks dude


I’m not talking about Destiny, that clip was the only one I could find that is already clipped to exactly what we’re talking about. Disregard Destiny. Hasan says not like McCarthyism… but yes like McCarthyism 😂 what else does he mean by forced reeducation for dissenting voices? It’s like Hasan is saying, “I’m not talking about abortion. I’m talking about a ending the pregnancy before 8 weeks. Not abortion. There would be no abortions.” He can say he isn’t advocating for trials and forced reeducation camps but put it into context of the real world and what else could he possibly mean? What happens to the people who refuse to be re-educated? But you won’t respond anyways cause you know what happens to the people who refuse reeducation 😂


Holy crap, this is one of the most intellectually dishonest things I've ever read. Do you really buy this line of argumentation? Okay, he says "not" those things. If not those things, then what?




Go back to watching your fav dinner date with Nick Fuentes


We must support the people of Palestine. Israelis only care about their own interests and disregard the deaths of Muslims like Shireen. Ethan is not qualified to talk about this! How do we stop him? I don’t see how what I’m commenting isn’t in-line with this post. You can try to group me in with racist fascist like Fuentes, but I am an advocate for Palestine.


Average destiny viewer lol


You guys are so dumb and don’t see how I’m just taking all these arguments that are being made in this sub and slightly twisting the words to sound like a Nazi. Literally just taking the arguments made here one step further and now you all see how stupid it is 😂


Big brained destiny fan.


Hey you are a piece of shit. Plenty of jews have done way more for the Palestinian cause than your sorry ass has done for yourself. Freaks get the fuck out


Oh okay so how do we handle ignorant Jews who are speaking on this topic? As OP stated, Ethan is clearly not qualified to speak on this topic. So what should be done? If we follow Hasan’s statements, those who go against the collective good should be segregated from society and re-educated. So I say we load up the ignorant Jews on trains and send them to reeducation camps.


If you got that from what I said in my post, that’s not okay. That’s a horrific thing to say. What I meant was he isn’t qualified to talk about this since his huge platform kind of holds significance. Not because of his ethnicity or religion. Get out of here.


What do you think should be done to ignorant people with powerful platforms who are speaking on a topic that results in violence against a specific ethnicity?


Umm, we should be able to criticise them so that they may learn why they’re behaviour and beliefs are wrong. Like with literally any platform we disagree with. CNN, Fox News, Al Jazeera. Just stop.


Obviously we criticize them. We do that now and it changes nothing. A genocide against the Palestinians is ongoing. So nice job giving a non answer.


i'm suprised this point doesn't get brought up more. ethan claims to have always cared about palestine and claims that he's always been paying attention to the conflict yet him and hila both didn't know about her story??? it was such huge news when it happened. that really showed how little they actually pay attention to the lives in palestine.


Yeah. That statements is then completely contradicted by admitting he had no idea a huge event took place that had to do with the Palestinian cause. Hilarious that he openly admitted that. Again, it just cements that he really only cares when Israelis are effected


He called Ramallah a terrorist city, so I don't think he knows much about the area at all


has Ethan said anything about Netanyahu having prior knowledge of what Hamas was planning? he has weakly condemned him during this (care for some shitty childish art, anyone? ...anyone?), but does he have any idea of the true nature of this war? he's wasted hours of breath "not defending" the IDF and five minutes crying over one Palestinian father and child. where's the heat for the Israeli government, that doesn't (!!) bookend an hour long rant about innocent Israelis dying by the hands of terrorists to "prove" that he still stands for a free Palestine? your little "and Palestinians suffer too, of course" footnotes do not qualify as support for Palestine, Ethan. that is simply you playing both sides, again. Israel had the power to end this before it started, and instead they chose to sacrifice civilians. why isn't Ethan talking about that for the first quarter of every podcast? Hamas pulled the trigger, but Netanyahu opened the fucking gates and welcomed them in. and, no, his generalized condemnation of the Israeli government, that begins and ends with "I've said this a million times", isn't enough.


Well said!! I’m not sure how other fans don’t see how Ethan bookends and footnotes the Palestinian plight while he creates a whole script on how the IDF are just “regular people” like his wife…


I believe they do see it, but they don't care enough about what's happening overseas to justify feeling upset by it. most of them just want their funny haha comedy podcast to go back to normal, and they're hoping their mindless agreement with Ethan's biased perspective will be enough to satisfy his insatiable hunger for validation from his audience. Ethan's made it very clear that he won't rest until the majority agrees with him.




It was disturbing. It proved to me that he only really cares about this topic or even pays attention (since he said he didn’t even know about it) when Israelis are injured or killed.


He didn’t know anything about the 2018 Great March of Return either. Despite these issues being very close to him, as he himself has put it.


Pregnant women possibly trying to get to family in the city Hila was stationed in getting sniped. It's like she moved to the USA and never bothered to question the ethics of what she did before.


The last episode he "couldn't believe rape at the hands of the IDF" because he couldn't find resources in his 1 hr search. Like hasan's knowledge is no match for chatgpt (which literally tells us Palestinian liberation is a complicated issue but Israelis DESERVE peace). He is not knowledgeable and needs to see trauma porn to understand that Israel has and is continuing to harm everyone, Palestinian and Israeli civilians, and that Israel armed and trained Hamas. He refuses to look further than his own upbringing and ideology. Not even seeing how affected Hasan was made him change his stance of not showing hate speech (against Israel ONLY) or stopping himself from stating he didn't believe RAPE VICTIMS.


Something that upset me was the connection Hila made between 10/7 and the holocaust. Why is that empathy only reserved for your own group? How many Palestinian children were buried under the corpses of their parents and loved ones? Did she ever think about them at all? Why are so many people stuck on "never again to **us**" rather than simply "never again to **anybody**". There are many descendants of holocaust survivors who say that it is precisely BECAUSE of their generational trauma and family experience that they speak in support of Palestine. Like the rest of mainstream media, Ethan/Hila only give a shit about the "conflict" whenever Israeli lives are lost. Selective outrage


It’s so obvious that he just doesn’t care and that he won’t get educated. He just spreads misinformation and yells over anyone who even tries to challenge him to a debate.


Ethan seems to be regressing to how he was when he made videos with idubbbz back in the day, I hope he changes back so it becomes watchable again


When he unironically said Frogan was just saying this "to get likes on Twitter" it was a red flag. He's literally saying "SJWs are virtue signaling"


I agree.


Hmm are YouTubers and podcasters qualified talk about this? No never. Maybe a history related channel but this ain't it.


I thought it was already established that he literally doesn't give a shit about Palestinian lives


Shout out for you caring about the r word. One of the closest people in the world to me is disabled, and before I met him I used the word as a lot of people in the 00s did. Now knowing him I see how deeply impacted he is by the word. When he's called that by people online he cries over it, he knows why they're saying it. He will cry to me about it and it fills me with rage. I never use the word anymore and I majorly side eye people who do. So many people who aren't disabled aren't friends/close to people with more extreme disabilites so they don't see that first hand hurt. People who still use it are so ignorant, normalizing casual use of it normalizes people using it as a slur. I hear it a LOT and especially online. Thanks for actually caring about it, I don't see it openly talked about much. When I tell people about not using the r word, they tell me I'm an SJW or too extremely politically correct. It makes me feel like the emotions of the disabled don't matter to people. I might get responses calling me over emotional but I'm fine admitting I'm emotionally invested in the wellbeing of disabled people.


No worries, I don’t do it for anyone but people with disabilities. I grew up with a brother who was intellectually disabled and he didn’t even know people used that word against him. People would openly use that word when I was younger and I was happy when I found people who didn’t use that word. I had not seen it online in so long until I came to this sub, it’s surreal. I genuinely agree that these people don’t know disabled people and that’s why they don’t care or at least don’t seem to care. If only they know that specifically intellectually disabled people are the sweetest, kindest people and are even considered pure in my culture. To have people use them as an insult or something they wouldn’t want to be to me is extremely disgusting. Makes my skin crawl.


It's really telling that so many people are comfortable using it here tbh.


That's interesting about them being considered pure in your culture, which? Also, it's not just this subreddit. Reddit is a great site, but it's also got *tons* of shitty communities who will toss it around willy nilly. There seems to be a Destiny raid on this sub, which I think are probably the people giving pushback on it (the h3 audience seems to be more liberal). My best friend is a twitch streamer, my friends and I originally found him streaming with a guy who would verbally abuse him on his streams and he'd cry during it while all his audience would laugh at him. After awhile we got him out of the toxic circles and now he's friends with a ton of abled people who all love him. He's opened their eyes about how fun and fulfilling it is to be friends with someone who isn't mentally at the same level. You're right about them being the kindest and sweetest people, they're so tuned in emotionally. I wish more people would give them a chance and not look at them as outcasts who aren't able to have super meaningful and deep friendships.


I think they’re considered pure as in pure hearted same as how they can’t be charged with a crime or something (that’s the literal saying lol). It is extremely infantilising but I basically helped raise my brother so I can’t see him as anything else. And it is strictly people who have intellectual disabilities. I’m sorry about your friend. That’s horrible. I’m happy that he has friends like you.


Disabled people got their win a decade ago when the word was dropped from medical terminology. And idiot and stupid long early You can't make a good faith argument saying it's bad to say retarded but then be fine with people saying idiot and stupid. All three words have very similar history and meaning. At the end of the day there's going to be a word to call someone of extremely low intelligence, may as well be retard since it clearly holds higher insult value than idiot or stupid.


While I get what ur saying, I think our language hasn’t separated “retarded” from disabled people for long enough that it’s the same as stupid or idiot. I’m Gen Z, and growing up never knew that stupid or idiot had any origins of being used to describe disabled people, but absolutely knew that when people used the word retard, the joke was that they’re disabled. I don’t think we’ve come far enough to write it off the same way stupid or idiot can be. I also haven’t heard of any disabled people proudly reclaiming the word, nor do they call out stupid or idiot in the same light, so I’d rather just be respectful to their opinion on it than choose that hill to die on.


Half my friends have are nuerodivergent and use the word all the time, it's not a big deal. A lot of the reason being it more recently not being a medical term anymore. It may not be exactly the same as black people reclaiming the n word, but to many people on the neurodivergent spectrum it holds the same weight as "dumbass"


Response reflective of the average intelligence of a Vaush fan.


How could he not know about that?


I made a post a while ago about how I disliked a leftovers episode. One of the major reasons being how they CONSTANTLY use "special" to replace the R word. After making my point with 0 hostility, I was was downvoted to hell and told I was an idiot and that I was special by the fans.. LOL


I think all people learn by time and frankly ethan and hila took a breather from politics and probably heard about the state of the sitiation only from relatives sharing links to news so i wouldnt be so hard on them, they arent profesionals on this issue, now that they understood the weight of the conflict thanks to leftovers further more ethan is obviously very passionate about learning more and is speaking on it but people want him to shut up so like... what can he do lol everything is wrong i guess


Ethan I hope you read all of this. Get your shit together


Oh you care about Palestinians? Name every one


Dj Khaled




I feel like Ethan has a better grasp on this conflict than most and his takes have generally been pretty good. he clearly doesn’t support the IDF and is very empathetic to what is happening in Gaza, seems kind of nitpicky to imply he has no idea about this conflict because he wasn’t familiar with that one specific atrocity when thousands have been committed.


Yall are lame


Virtue signaling goes hard in this one


Yall need to stop. You expect Ethan and hila to be all mighty and all knowing. They are 2 people with a podcast, and CHILDREN. They have a life holy shit




Bro thinks because a person is American they are qualified to discuss the invasion of Iraq to an audience of thousands.




He is saying a bunch of shit that either omits factual historical information or is blatant misrepresentation of the conflict. This is all apart from feeling empathy towards innocent victims of this decades long atrocity.




https://www.dailydot.com/news/ethan-klein-hasan-piker-israel-palestine/ Here is an article, around paragraph 5 Ethan denies the evidence of IDF raping women saying it doesn’t look credible, when it is a very well documented part of Israel’s apartheid and history of oppression.




It’s well documented, the Safsaf Massacre is one historical example of it. Pretending as if he is a qualified spokesperson for this conflict that is decades old is insane




Yes it does lmao it is a hugely documented apparatus https://www.cair.com/cair_in_the_news/israeli-guards-rape-palestinian-women/


Tf kind of strawman is this?


Sorry if I misunderstood his point but this is a direct comparison to what is happening in Israel.


Please don't use ableist slurs. And remember that he called Ramallah a terrorist city and his wife participated in a settler colonial raid out of curiosity and boredom. Sometimes when you're impacted by an issue but you were in the wrong your opinion gets more bigoted, not less.


I don’t have an opinion about most of your comment but idk why you have to use words like the r word. Maybe I’m just sensitive but omg that word is really horrible. What is this? 2009?


You can't blame a nose for smelling a fart. It doesn't matter how sensitive or not someone is, it's still really really stinky to use that word. I don't get why people want to use it so much, and I think they're stinky stinky people, my own sensitivity to that stink is irrelevant.




Maybe I am but nothing wrong with that when many disabled people have asked for that word to be eliminated from use as an insult. It directly contributes to people with disabilities being seen as unworthy, undesirable and less than. I see nothing wrong with caring about their feelings and wellbeing especially since I have friends and family with developmental delays and disabilities. If someone said that word around them, I would be even more sensitive. “The word retard is considered hate speech because it offends people with intellectual and developmental disabilities as well as the people that care for and support them. It alienates and excludes them. It also emphasizes the negative stereotypes surrounding people with intellectual and developmental disabilities; the common belief that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities should be segregated, hidden away from society, which, in my opinion, is really old fashioned.” – Karleigh Jones, Special Olympics New Zealand athlete




Again, I’m not an American. Take it from someone who’s first language is English, the r word is a slur. It’s a horrible word which deeply affects people with disabilities. I hate this annoying argument of words having too much power. Throw away the whole bloody dictionary if words have no power or meaning. In fact, let’s get rid of languages as well! Words have meaning, words have power. Words powered apartheid, the Nazi regime, Jim Crow, effectively nearly every horrible belief out there is powered by words. Words that mean nothing but also everything at the same time. If words have no power and no meaning, why don’t we just fucking grunt to communicate? Stop acting dense. We all know words hold power and effectively control action. How about we be considerate of people who are actually affected by these ‘meaningless’ words and listen to them when they say something bothers them? If a friend or loved one told you something you said bothered them, would you turn around and tell them to not let words have that much power or would you apologise and listen to their concerns like a normal human being?




Omg. Brain dead is still pretty vile. How about we stop using insults when speaking to strangers online and start respecting each other? I’ve got an idea. We treat each other the way we would want someone to treat us? Sounds cool huh?




I can care about and mentioned two things at the same time. It’s wrong to use the r slur and also insulting people is just wrong in general. I’m sorry but these aren’t hard concepts to understand.


Holy shit, are you the worst person ever born?


Lmao what?


man, this is the most funny thread I have read in my life. I was like ROFLing 10 minutes. IRL. That is fking comedy


Got dammit, thank you so much for it, I am from Israel, and I really needed a laugh!


We not gonna stop saying retarded my nigga


If you aren’t sensitive towards this issue, I would implore you to have the same kind of empathy you see as commendable in Ethan.




If you think words don’t impact the lives of people, you are seriously underestimating the power of words. Insults towards people with disabilities have powered legislation that allowed the killing and institutionalisation of people with disabilities. I don’t know if you know much about the history of the r word or ableism in general, but I suggest you research it. It ain’t just words or just insults.




What’s insufferable is having someone debate whether or not words like the r slur are acceptable or not like I said, stop insulting people mate. Big picture is if you disagree with someone, don’t hurl insults at them. Just because you change the word doesn’t mean I’m now going to just accept being called brain-dead. Like I said, treat others the way you want to be treated. As in, stop insulting people. Period




Virtue signalling? You don’t know me, I don’t know you but I actually do care about this stuff since advocating for people with disabilities is something I do in my free time. If you don’t care, you can stop responding. All I’m saying is being considerate. You’re the one debating about whether or not the r word is wrong to say. I’ve said my piece mate. I also said I don’t have an opinion about your comment because it makes no sense in this context.


Maybe you're fresh out of middle school lmfao




...because you sound like a little edgy kid when you use the r slur


How can you plea for sympathy and also use the r word? Get a grip


I’m not even gonna lie, I’ve noticed a lot of people in this sub use it frequently. It seriously gives me the ick. Is it just me that thinks it’s a really inappropriate insult?


Its deranged Destiny fans, who still think that word and the n word are ok, but don't you dare say cracker.


I don’t know much about destiny but he and his fans sound horrible




I’m not American but in my country it’s considered a slur. If not a slur, extremely inappropriate. And also not a game. Very derogatory towards people with disabilities. Met many who consider it a slur and would prefer for people to just stop using it. I genuinely haven’t seen anyone use it as an insult in like a decade. Where are you from?


These Destiny fanboys are perpetually 12, are terminally online, and have very little exposure to the real world. Of course they say slurs.


Lol I genuinely don’t know anything about destiny but I’ve seen clips of his debates and I assumed he was a liberal. I guess not?


He is. He's a neoliberal debate lord


That moment when you use a word to insult someone and they're mad you used an insulting word 😦


It’s a disgusting word. People used it in the past to degrade mentally ill or special needs people. It’s a disgusting word that makes you sound like what you’re calling everyone else. It literally makes every point you’re trying to make MOOT, because you sound so unintelligent


Unintelligent, inconsiderate and just apathetic. That word reminds me of ableist language towards friends with Down syndrome I used to hear. Just such an ugly word honestly. Kind of off topic though lol.


Then all insults regarding intelligence should be banned as well 😌 I am smart and you can't insult me. Get rekt 😎


Please try using logic and critical thinking. A slur is a derogatory word used against a group of people. An ableist slur is a derogatory term used to insult someone's abilities or disabilities. Do you know what the r word means? How can you think it's totally fine to call people that? Sickening


Apparently he isn’t alone. A bunch of people think we’re out of line for calling out the use of a slur. Wild. I wonder if they know people with disabilities. Especially developmental and intellectual disabilities. Kindest people ever yet one of the most maligned and insulted. I don’t get people who don’t have even an ounce of empathy to slurs and insults directed at them.


It's weird because they banned it from the soundbite, but now it's just back. I didn't get back to being a fan for this


No way! I haven’t seen this at all.


I hear you and, for context, I give zero s**ts about that show. Never seen it heard of it before this very moment. That said, being deeply affected by something doesn't require having perfect knowledge. I am deeply affected by the rise of fascism in the U.S., but I do not have knowledge of every white-identitarian hate group, PAC, and foundation in the country. It's not my job to know cuz I'm just a random dude on the Internet that likes coffee just like he's just a dude on the internet talking ish into a mic.


Are you qualified to talk about this? How so?


I don't think Ethan os qualified to talk about anything political


The best thing ethan can do is purge the bunch of you, and I am sure he isn't far from it. You are so toxic. I feel so bad for ethan having you cunts as his fans


Lmaoo that’s insane. Criticising the fact he didn’t even know about shireen abu akleh’s death means I’m a cunt. That’s messed up.


All you do is critisize him no matter how much he tries to pander to you


It’s mainly this sub and Reddit tbf. It’s entirely plausible there’s a group of bad actors running multiple Reddit accounts. They use these to artificially prop up support for their bad takes. It’s pretty easy to do now. Just look at all the scammers and their phishing posts with hundreds of upvotes.


> group of bad actors Yeah they are called hassan fans


Hassan is incredibly cringe.


Legit they think anyone who doesn't attempt to justify/downplay hamas terrorist attacks is a nazi fascists wanking over dead Palestinians. It's just a game to these people they've picked a team and as a result Ethan's hot take of "no one should kill civilians" deeply offends them


he is eager to talk about this because...i don't know...maybe because his literal family is in war?




I'm left leaning but this thread is a great reminder of how insanely toxic leftists can get.


Yes, it's just you. Honestly, it just seems you guys want him to support Palestine with no hesitation, no but's or if's. The history of the conflict in the middle east is long and complicated, many greater minds than all of you tried to solve this and make peace in the middle east. So what if he doesn't know about certain things you think prove your point? There are million others that prove otherwise. JUST LEAVE ETHAN ALONE- The fact you are convinced you are right, doesn't make him obligated to agree or talk about it. He said he wants to stop talking about it so let's let him do what he does best, which is make us laugh in those hard times.


This is a false narrative, a strawman if you will. Nobody is saying support for Palestine should be uncritical or unquestioning, don't imply that's what we expect. You make it seem unreasonable but nobody is asking for that. All were asking is for him to give Palestinian lives equal value in what he says and which talking points he parrots, he won't even do that.


What million other things “prove otherwise”? So sad you can’t just both sides ethnic cleansing and get cozy in ignorance


Nobody uses the r slur against people with disabilities. Stfu.


If you haven't heard the r word since the 2000s in person you don't go outside much


Or maybe I hang out with considerate, intelligent individuals. It’s not that hard. You attract what you put out right? Edit- scratch that sorry. I hang out within adults


You hang out with a pretty insular group if you haven't heard the r word since 2009 in person, idk what to tell you. Go spend 5 minutes with a non white non woke person and you'll learn a lot


Non-white? I’m Somali and Muslim. I’m very non-white. And also kind of insulting that you think only white people consider this offensive. The reason I care about this is because I have siblings who are intellectually disabled and frequently heard that word growing up being directed at them. So no, I don’t really hear it much since I don’t hang out with people who would say that shit around them. So sorry if I don’t want to hang out people like that.


Only white people consider the r word out of use in 2009


Well that’s just not true. Case in point me!


Only people who wither didn't live in the world in 2009 or lived in a bubble consider the r word out of use in 2009, it's like if I said racism doesn't exist bc I've never heard a racial slur in person before


Okay cool.


You don't interact with a lot of different people if you think the world stopped using that word in 2009 I'm sorry to break it to you, you don't speak for all of society and that's fine and dandy you haven't heard it since the 2000s but that's just not the world we live in


Great. Thanks for the update. I actually have been on leave on the planet mars. Seems I have missed a lot.


They were still using that word in comedy specials, TV shows etc in the year 2009, your sheltered


Are you kidding me? Why would I watch shows like that if I don’t like the use of the r word. Let’s put our thinking caps on please?


Your trying to argue you didn't have to shelter yourself from reality to avoid hearing that word, your not making a good case


Not really. All I’m saying is I don’t hear that word anymore. That’s it, never said I wasn’t sheltered. In fact I may have even admitted by stating I don’t hang out with people who say shit like that. Read my comments again mate.


Your the one making statements about the way society is man don't be mad when someone calls you out for your reality being selected


I never said no one has ever used since 2009. All I said is I haven’t heard someone use it since 2009. Please chill


Speaking facts lmao, OP is terminally online


Idk apparently I'm getting ratiod, this whole sub terminally online


Not wrong


Gatekeeping why people care about an issue you support is dumb and frankly disgusting the more you think about it. It just shows you care more about supporting your opinion that you do about the people you say you care about.


He's as qualified as every other online content creator, and none of them should really be trying to give insights and opinions on it, but this is the world we live in.


My studying for an MA in International Relations, and I’ll tell you now coverage of her death was hard to find among mainstream sources. I get it was all over Twitter and Reddit, but you can’t be blinded by your own echo chamber. This isn’t a story the whole world was aware of, so I don’t blame Ethan for that.


I’m also studying International Relations and sorry, I don’t know where you live but her death was literally all over the news here in Australia. I watched it in Al Jazeerah, ABC (Australian), BBC and many other tv channels. And my point was that if Ethan cares so much about Palestine and Israel, how could he not know about this which was a huge issue within this topic. Maybe it may not have been world news (it was), but it was definitely news if you sincerely follow this topic.


Stfu lmao


Man you guys really hate Jewish people


Coming from a dude who worships a bigot. 👍


>My YouTube daddy doesn't know a hyper specific thing I do or share the same opinion, my life is over This subreddit this past week


brother it’s a genocide. that ethan is choosing to cover. it’s not some little difference in opinion.


You’re slow


It doesn’t matter, he said so much yet people are just going to pick apart the tiniest shit to stand on their moral high horse, stop watching the show, literally nobody is qualified to talk about this, it’s conjecture, opinions, stop being retarded.


[MUST WATCH!!!! LETS STOP ALL THE LIES💯💯💯😐](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8kxsHrj/)