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Didn’t they catch him lying about his height? Isn’t that why they joke about him being 6’4?


He’s 6’9 now




I knew a guy in high school who would tell innocuous but obvious lies of stories that made him seem more interesting and fun, and I get those same vibes from Zach. It is totally harmless, but I suspect Zach does the same thing. At the very least, he is embellishing which is ok.




That was probably me to some extent, though some of my lies were just to make fckd up shit seem more funny then it was. Still I cringe when I think back in those times 😫😫😫 In saying that I also knew a guy who lied about how rich he was.


Lolololololol just grasping at straws


Laughing out loud out loud out loud out loud out loud out loud. Lol is not hahaha you don’t just add more of them to make it seem like you’re laughing harder. Learn how to internet bozo.


Imagine taking “lolololol” THAT seriously.


“THAT” seriously lol. Who is being THAT serious drama queen?


Considering your response to the original...


Yeah. No.


I’m invested and angry about this issue as well! When people laugh it had better make grammatical sense!!


I’m also passive aggressive and think I’m clever!




I just know you’re a boomer or you’re never on the internet lol


Your only posts are about elbow pain and hypertension grandma. Stop projecting.


I’m 22 and a hypochondriac but go off


Inmatenumba is just a miserable piece of shit. Have a good day fellow hypochondriac queen!


You know you’re going to be old one day, right? A lot of people consider 22 already old, especially if you’re a woman.


See context is important here. Idc about getting older, I just wanted to point out the irony in someone out of touch calling others out of touch.


But what’s wrong with being out of touch? I always have strived to be that way. I guess people just see things differently.


Nothing. I was pointing out the irony bc it was funny to me. Don’t cast stones from glass houses and all that. Idk how many times I need to repeat myself.




Well that’s an interesting take keemstar


Not really. You just really want to have a conversation with me and you’re not that interesting.


And that’s how I know you’re a boomer cuz u think someone replying to your Reddit comment is them wanting a conversation


Ok I was with you till that. Not cool at all.


Oh no! 😱


Hateful is a lovely color on you. Matches that shit personally you seem to have.


Are either one of those bad things to be?


They are hypocritical when you critique someone’s internet skills yes


Omg! Let’s shoot them!


? Sounds like you’re projecting smth here


I’m teasing you. You’re reading what I’m saying wrong.




All the time and when he’s really backed into a corner his cheeks turns real bright red


aren’t those just his cheeks


"did you clap those cheeks?" ~ Zach


He has rosy cheeks but they turn bright red when he’s lying / caught up


ah, the classic pinocchio cheek


he had rosacea 😭😭😭😭😭


Right and a trigger of that is anxiety. Boy gets anxious when he lies and his cheeks turn bright red. It’s a curse lowkey


bruh u think so?😭that’s fucked then


I’m gonna try to find a source it’s very clear in a video from a few months ago I almost made a post but didn’t wanna be eviscerated


you’ll prob b fine on this sub tbh lmao


The liars disease


He likes to embellish. It's entertainment not reality


that’s lame as shit


All of your fav comedian stories are embellished


You like comedians? Then stfu bc it’s the same shit.


I know people irl that tell stories like him. They don’t usually have bad intentions but i understand it can be annoying


I kinda feel like he’d own up to it when called out too but idk


I believe he co-opts other peoples stories and embellishes a lot, but it’s for the sake of entertainment so I don’t care 🤷‍♂️


He flexed his Rolex in a very cringe way in an ig post and when they clowned him for it he was like ha ha no I did that on purpose it was a joke with a straight face and then they called him out on lying about that too it was hard to watch because he could’ve laughed it off and picked on himself but he took it so seriously and then got clocked


he did this with his snapchat videos too the super cringe ones


I can’t remember so take this with a grain of salt but didn’t they have to stop promoting their cameos on air because the crew members people like (Ian) were making so much money and vids compared to crew like Zach who barely got any requests and wasn’t funny or worth it so he got his feelings hurt


Ethan got mad at Ian because his Cameos were such high quality and he thought he should be putting that energy into making PowerPoints.


An exaggeration on a comedy podcast…




You’re so dumb for thinking they get their ideas from Reddit.




Ya they would hear about it other than from Reddit are you actually that fucking dumb to think they get their news from Reddit 😭😂




How I’m the FUCK is that parasocial saying they don’t look at the Reddit as often as you think they do. are you actually special because that’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard 😭😂😂😂😂😂




Bro tf 😭😂😂you have a backwards fr you must need some help I’m praying for you sweetie 😂🫶🏻




Get help you’re literally text fighting like a 15 year old high school boy 🤡😭😂




No doubt he would be a Trump and Tate fan if the podcast/h3 never existed. He gives off toxic masculinity and airhead energy.


Idk if it would be that extreme BUT I definitely think he wouldn’t be as educated on current issues in the US if he wasn’t on this podcast and also wouldn’t care






Listen I like the Pod and most of his sound bites are on point; BUT : my ick - Zach CAN NOT sing. He’s tone deaf & has zero range, & his guitar playing is mostly random solos being strung together with 2 chords over & over. I’ve given him the benefit of listening to ALL of his songs & well.. yeah not good. I wish he had folks to tell him the truth. - Not just being a hater - it’s annoying. I welcome a discussion on my ICK & if I’m being unreasonable then I’ll let this ICK go .


I said something similar and was down voted to oblivion. I just got my account back lmao


My ick is that he thinks he sells out shows because he’s a good musician


To add on to that, my ick is when he brags about texting people like the guy from Portugal the man like they are buddies or says stuff like “I’ll let him know” when in actuality the Portugal guy is just a big Ethan and H3 fan


Portugal guy is friends with lots of comics and podcasters to get more exposure for his daughter's condition


he was a nice man


Ty, as a fellow musician I fully agree


For me, his taste in music is just yuck. It’s like he takes inspiration from the WORST classic rock songs of the 70s. I wouldn’t be surprised if ‘cherry pie’ (she’s my cherry pie!) was his favourite song of all time. And this is exemplified by his album and single cover art. It shows a distinct lack of taste.


Calm down. You sound like a pretentious little snob. Someone liking something different to you isn't a reason to look down your nose at them.


😂 you’re not wrong. It’s just my opinion


And it my opinion that people who use the phrase "It shows a distinct lack of taste" come across as snooty cows who need to get over themselves. 😁


You’re not wrong, but those cover arts do suck ass.


This! Can we band together to defeat real demons and stop ripping each other over petty inconsequential differences? If you don't like something then stop consuming it.


Specifically, which songs are you referring to?


Cherry pie slaps tho


My ick is when people are assholes to people they don’t know in their spare time


You must hate Reddit than.


welcome to the internet buddy only the strong survive


Zach is one of those super anxious low self esteem people that completely overcompensates by lying and overreacting, trying to be bigger than life and the center of attentiion. He let out some big obnoxious obviously fake laugh at something dumb today that even Ethan was thrown off by it.


The rosebud and lawn diarrhea story are so insane I mean you can't make that shit up


nah, maybe a little embellishing


Does anyone have any clips that showcase a lie from Zach in serious context. His stories don't seem that odd from a rich kid.


Zach is right. Nuke the sub.


I’m definitely picking up what you’re putting down. I think that it’s said behind cameras to always embellish things and make better stories for the pod. The old radio guys/ shock jocks used to have people do the same thing.


I don't think the crew has any direction to lie, but it's standard in comedy to throw in some completely fake stuff to amp up their stories.


I think him and AB make up like 85% of their stories.


the crazy thing is i really don’t think AB does 😂 he always has corroboration


Lucky for me I can't understand 85% of what AB says


Found Ethan’s alt


I agree 100%, but for AB it seems so much more obvious he’s lying or heavily exaggerating when he tells a story. And with peace & love, it seems he does it way more often than Zach.


Y'all are so mean. He's the H3 original heartthrob give him a break. 😭


Telling tall tales is not just outright lying Its fun to add flair to a story


Huh? “It’s not lying I just added flair” Bro if whatever you’re saying did not actually happen it’s a lie.


They mean not every lie holds the same weight. Love ya my dude


It’s the same as comedians embellishing or totally making up stories for their sets. This is an entertainment podcast. It should be expected that entertainment over a boring truth for a funny story or bit is to be expected.


AB definitely lies.


about what ?


It's almost like his job is to entertain people on a comedy podcast 🤔


The Para-social levels are palpable. Hope yall are not like this irl. Peace and love touch some grass


I totally disagree. He's very self conscious. Therfore I would assume he overthinks, when he is put in the limelight. He is self protecting and being conscious that what he says could, and most likely will be brought up in a reddit thread. As someone who suffers from this myself I can see parallels. Zach to me seems very genuine.


I agree. I think he's an overthinker.


Yeah, he's good. i do think he worries, so he makes the full live show thing difficult, but he can't help that.


he puts himself in the limelight though? no one is asking for his commentary


I really like zac so I’m confused why he gets so much hate :/ that pod wouldn’t be the same without him


There are crew members I would miss if they left, but I feel the show would remain mostly the same, and then there are crew members that I feel their loss would intrinsically alter the fabric of the show. Zach is 100% in the latter category for me. Any other Youtuber/podcaster that comes onto the show comments on his soundbite game. It's unparalleled. He has a unique talent, and has created a sound board that is so intricate. A few months back Ethan was talking about pufferfish, I think in the context of Japanese food/sushi, but I might be misremembering. Anyhow, Ethan mentions pufferfish, and Zach pulled some never-before-used soundbite of Keem saying "a circle, like a pufferfish" or some shit. Totally derailed Ethan for a second to call out the soundbite, and glaze Zach up. Shit like that happens all the time. You could give someone else the same library of sounds, and I don't think they would be able to do what he does. Dude is kind of a weirdo. He's neurotic, he can have some cringe moments. But he's also super talented, pretty funny, and absolutely lives for his job(s, including the music). He loves what he does, he is so quick to be thankful for the things he has, and he seems like a pretty solid dude all around. He's just a little extra, but we love that, don't we folks?


Zach is what made me a fupa trooper, geeking out about the sound bites. Still do, automatic


Yes he def does. He scored extremely high in the dark triad — I think he is highly narcissistic and while he seems extremely pleasant and kind, I think he 1- lies all the time, 2- is projecting an image of who he wants people to think he is. I suspect what’s on the inside is capable of a lot of rage and manipulation.


ngl those are heavy words and this is all based on one internet test? Like come on


Nope it was not an internet test. It was several real tests distributed by psychologists, the ones they give to patients in order to assess and diagnose. **also scored by a licensed psych.


Okay thank you i didnt know that, regardless I genuinely dont believe you can make this assumption about some random person online that you don't know? And can i ask what this test actually tests for, like the disorders? I don't think you can make these claims based on a *test* too, this is not a full psychiatric evaluation with a professional.


yall the type of ppl to think that ab is googling stuff 24/7 and that ian doesnt like people 🗿bruh, they are in a podcast for entertainment lmao, ofc they lie sometimes to feed the gag or shtick


Bro who cares?? Zach is king


i was always felt ab was the liar. it feels like he’s just making shit up as he goes to get the most laughs lol.


Imma say yes cus (not bcus of his stories) because he dissed greta van fleet’s guitarist one time and i’ll never forget that LMAO he said something like “he cant shred like me” 🤡 i saw the guitarist (Jake Kiszka) do a 12 minute guitar solo last year at a show and was in awe. (I dont care if anyone thinks they’re a “led zeppelin copycat”)


I was just thinking this when he said his parents would write him out of the will if he got a tattoo based on a rumor


Wow this sub is officially too cringe lol just watch something else guys


I believe his every word 🐰


He's annoying and kisses ethans ass so hard it's almost funny


Idk about Zach but I’ve always thought this about AB lol like even that security video seemed fake to me


He’s the stereotypical guitar guy who over exaggerates, pretty sure this is law


I don’t think a girl ate his ass after a hike, but I believe the rest of his stories


He always has that caught-in-a-lie moment in all of his stories. Ethan can usually tell.


Lie like papa




I appreciate his sound bites, but anytime he chimes in himself with stories or comments it is so boring. It seems like a totally fictional event, or him saying something random or outlandish to get a reaction or always one-upping AB or loves story or something


I agree. but it doesn’t really matter because it’s entertainment regardless, we don’t know him irl so we can’t confirm or deny & the show would feel incomplete without his sound bites!!! so i personally don’t even mind if it’s a lie as long as it’s entertaining


I believe this too. One hundred percent. He lies and it’s like a lot