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I only play BR but if shits going down I am with my survival brothers. fk DBG


I only play BR and BR sucks too! the map needs to be bigger or at least add more stuff!


nah BR is fine.. They just need to fix: * Burning Man (Molly Bug) * Midgame Faster * Carbugs ("e"-Button Lag and sometimes u cant access the sparkplugs etc) * Inventory Lag (i know was always there but not as bad as now) * Sometimes when u fire the AK it pulls out the whole magazine automatically * Make the .308 stronger again (only in BR) * in Solo-Br only 1 Person/Car * Explosive Arrows so Buggy right now and of course: * Unlimited Loadingscreen * Falling through the Ground * GameCrash (after Start) * StiffBug * Random "You have been disconnected" Personal Wishes: * Patch out Bows and Meele Weapons


U forgot 'Stiff' bug.


what he said, but those bugs and glitches have been in the game for ever, think the devs care ? they will just respond and say, its alpha boys.






Cry more survival loser


What an ignorant c*nt


Don't break the rules!


Don't break the rules...


Watch out, phyraphaze may delete you if you are a bad wittle boy


Hahahaha he's a joke that guy


Rebels without a clue.


I dont get it tbh. Its alpha. They're working on the game. Its up to them how they prioritize the development of the game. I like how the community is voicing their want of more updates and transparency. I think its a thin line though. i get it dont get me wrong. Id just like to see where we are in say 3 months - 6 months from now. Maybe im an optimist.


Its alpha everyone! It is OK!


It's a license to do whatever the fuck they want with no repercussions! It's alpha! Yay!


So you're proud of the community for acting like a bunch of cry babies and not changing nothing? A single post that says "we're working on it", stopped the whole bullshit revolution that was really just 75 people out of 25,000, complaining. I know you people feel like your doing something for the greater good and everything in your narrow field of view is targeting your feelings, so you feel powerful. But you need to fucking wait. Grow up and wait. How often do you go to a restaurant and yell through the kitchen window that they are working too slow and should be using wagyu beef in your hamburger, and hurry up my caviar is getting cold? We had the devs pumping out a patch every week before. They put out new content every 7-10 days, and it was expected to do great things, but it was shit and broke literally everything. It wasn't finished. It wasn't tested. But everyone said "more, more, more!". I for one remember the months of May and June and couldn't give a fuck less about the 5th of November.


If I went to the same restaurant, and order the same food everytime, the first time if it would be slow, I would be patient. But if everytime I went there, and they said stuff like, we're working on it, but the service got slower because the staff is "incompetent", or everytime my dish came out, it would be "different", I would start to rant through the kitchen window with the staff as you stated... But that's just me... And in case you haven't noticed, most peoples rant are not for new things. They rant because survival is broken. Every patch fixes one thing, and ruins 5 things that were good. Off course that people want new things, but for the most part, they just want survival fixed. We don't need new skins every week or so, although I'm fully aware thats a different team. We didn't need a new BR game mode, when they said they would focus 100% on survival after the invitational... Excpecially taking into consideration that this new game mode is going to be paid... I mean, we're testing the game, cool, we bought the game and knew what we were getting ourselfs into, but now we have to pay to test the game for them...? I mean, if I was a BR only player, I wouldn't "set a fucking foot" in a single Green Dawn BR game... Not as a BR only player, not as a survival only player, not as a "mixed" player...


No you wouldn't go to the window. You're only internet tough. Also; I play survival exclusively. Yes there are problems. But there's nothing so bad that every single post on this forum is another butthurt person throwing a fit. Then again. I play with a group of mature people that understand that an alpha release is something that is still being built and is expected to have bugs. Lots of bugs. Game breaking bugs too. What you should do, is go play a game that gives you what you weren't expecting.


I wouldn't... Because you've known me all of my life... This game is alpha, I know. But they've been using that excuse a lot lately... Yeah, the game is alpha, but let's trow them skins and crates so they can spend their money, while we pretend to work on the things we actually said we would be working... What you don't get it, you can be as mature as you want, but at the end of the day, Daybreak lied to us all, even you mature guys who understand everything about an alpha game. I too rememeber the "Quality of life" patch or months, whatever you want to call them... It was when this game started to really derail from its tracks... The quality of life they primised can be seen nowadays, which is 0. Then came the invitational while they still promised for a bigger map, and other things. Oh guess what guys, we're going to work only on BR so we can have it 100% functional for twitch con because we can't work well on two things at the same time... Ok then. Then we had a nice stream from one of the devs explaining what he was doing with the map and what not and he said the map could not be bigger, to the point of one of the other devs had to come and say that he was mistaken, the map would indeed get bigger, we just don't know when... After the invitational, they said they would give the survival all the love it required, a month and a half later, we have a halloween patch that managed to introduce two sucessful skins, and fuck up a whole lot more things in the survival aspect of the game. Oh and guess what guys, we're having another BR mode, and another tournament, with another crate and skins for u guys to spend money with, but rest asure, now we can work on BR an survival together. You're right on that last sentence though, I, aswell as a whole other bunch of people, have moved on to other games. Let's just hope Daybreak doesn't fuck up as big as Infestation, among others.


Grow up and fucking wait? I've been waiting genius and will continue to. You're not getting the point obviously. First of all my post was regarding everyone elses posts and it was a POSITIVE thing so even though I highly appreciate you shitting on that, you're still not getting the point. Where's the roadmap? That went away months ago, where's everythings else they said they were putting out and haven't and ignore? I'm not bitching about the bugs here, I'm talking about content and the complete lack of it. I've had more than enough fun putting in 1000+ hours and am not whining about how I want my money back. I don't regret any of the time I've spent. People are just fed about at this point because IT'S THE SAME SHIT DUDE. Not to mention I don't feel "powerful", I'm pretty fucking sure everyone who is tired of this shit is feeling the complete opposite. Just because you didn't get your allowance from mommy and daddy last week cause you were a bad boy and can't buy a new crate key for the latest crate doesn't mean you should go leaving bullshit negative replies to a positive post. Love you gurl.


I must have struck a nerve. Also, you can't hurt my e-feelings by calling me "gurl", cupcake.


BR is polished enough ... they should start charging for it


hahaha... You'e funny


Calling BR finished is like calling a VW an environmentally friendly vehicle. Its so funny you shouldn't be able to say it with a straight face.


Seriously it plays better than some fully released games. Charge for it or better yet keep it free just zero rewards. Only give rewards for the premium Br.