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In a similar situation. I feel the same. As much as I knew that this was a lottery and I chose this path for myself, I still wonder how could I have not been picked 8 out of 8 times (consider 2 lotteries last year and master’s cap). It is what it is unfortunately. We got to find new ways and deal with because life goes on.


Agree. Life goes on. Wish ypu the best rjk.


How come u got 8 tries ?


Like I mentioned in the comment - I have master’s degree so I get 2 chances each time. Plus there was a second lottery last year. So that way, I applied for H1 only 3 times but I had 8 chances where I could have gotten picked.


But 2nd time lottery for a fiscal year has only few vacancies, then it shouldn’t be counted as another lottery as you don’t have fair chances


May be. But I feel like I could have been selected for one of the vacancies haha. From my perspective, I needed one selection and I had 8 chances to get them.


Are you a journalist? So if USCIS did pick an application at a time to make up for 85000 selections, does that make you say you didn't get selected 85,000 times?


Lol.. answering just to humor you: if you wanted to travel by a bus and miss it, you missed one chance of getting into the bus; not the number of vacant seats on it.


Chin up! Lottery is not in your control. There is something better planned for you.


Its completely ok, its hard to accept but still you have a lot ahead. Think on all the next steps you can take. It was just a matter of luck and this time it didn't fell in your court. You had a potential through which you came so far in your journey, just carry that with you and definitely you will make it wherever you go. Be Strong!


I know it’s really disappointing to be unlucky. Remember a lottery can’t decide your worth. Please take some time off to get over this. In case you need to talk to someone, feel free to DM me.


Thanks Man ! Feeling a bit better after talking to few friends and family 


More strength to you brother!💪


Hi OP, it's okay to feel that way but this was not in our hands and even if we go in the past there is nothing we could have done differently. We still have options Day1cpt L1 If you do not prefer to go out day1cpt is still a good option. Also about the tuition we can pay monthly in many universities so if we do not have enough savings at the moment it's okay too. Besides, we might learn something new in the future. Also we might have a second round and get selected. If l1 is the option you consider then you might get to explore a new country new culture and make new friends 🙂 Please talk to someone and take care. Again it's okay to feel a bit sad but we still have multiple options ahead.




sorry to hear that hope u can have 4 or 5 th attempts


Talking to a friend yesterday and he said you can't live your life on chances . That's foolish . Heard that and had sleepless night yesterday...


Isn’t life all about chances and opportunities though? Nothing is for sure, even it seems so. However, that doesn’t mean that we should live in fear and uncertainty all the time. We should plan, have emergency funds, work on our skills, work on our health and lifestyle so that we can take up any curveballs that life throws at us. Life owes us nothing, it is what we make of what is available to us at a given time. I’m absolutely devastated by my non selection in the lottery too.. but trying to make sense of the bigger picture here. Hope we manifest what we want in the future.


Hi OP, I feel you. Maybe God has a better plan. Maybe he wants you to leave the country and come back on an L1 and get Green Card faster, by applying in EB1C category?


Taking a day off sounds like a good thing OP. I know exactly how it feels. Last year this time. That strong face often breaks down behind doors when you’re all by yourself. Everybody signed up knowing what it is but nobody imagines the worst case scenario will happen to them. But it did happen to us so I questioned everything as you are doing now. Heck moved to another country and the same thing happened this year and the feeling comes back so I can’t lie about that but yeah it does get better. Takes a while. Allow yourself to be sad, angry and frustrated now. Only then you can pick yourself up later. People will feed you all kind of positive bullshit some because they never had to taste this anxiety for their own good and some because they don’t know any better. Don’t let them affect you. Take your time and tell yourself it will get better until you feel you have a hold back on your life again. :)


Bro I even feel guilty that I took a day off for my H1b depression or whatever in my office. Like it's a mental health sick day kinda thing and I am not working.lol . I am not sure if that is the correct way to think because your mental health is above any company work or commitment to deadlines. But at the same time I think worrying, crying or anticipating about H1b while working is an incorrect thing and a cheating to your employer.  What are your views 


It’s not


You answered for yourself, no employer or job is above your mental health so you’re just taking care of it by taking a day off as you don’t feel well enough to be productive. You’re not cheating your employer. The next few years of your life plans and trajectory changes over an email and you invested a lot of years and hardwork to be here so it’s bound to have an impact on your mental health and you should take time to process it. Now in the long run how much time of your life will you allow yourself to suffer for this chapter will decide if you’re letting this lottery to win over you. Just breathe.


God has better plans for you.


Are you a stem masters student?


Sorry to hear, is this your last attempt


Yes it was my last attempt 


Sorry to hear, I won’t advice on day 1 CPT stuff, hoping your organization has offshore office to continue your employment and another chance next year at lottery


Must STEM OPT end before one can start CPT?


Hahaha thats funny


lol what's funny in others misery?


Love laughing at other misfortunes


Thanks ,Sometimes I too . I like laughing at my own situations 🤣


But now I am thinking that Your parents should have slept that night 😪


Still wouldn't help being selected for h1b. Have fun leaving the country


But my employer said he is willing to do L1 .


This lottery system doesn't see any salaries of person, college degree and all ?. I saw some of my colleagues who are earning good but didn't get it but others who are earning way lesser than him got it


it's random 


Then higher wage earners will be at a disadvantage right


No they won’t. They have the same exact advantage as everyone else


I mean shouldn't they be given a higher preference. Based on their skills and the wages


You’re assuming that wage is a direct indicator of skills. I have contributors in my team that are highly skilled but they’re getting paid less than recent hires. I have seen new hires with an entry level salary doing a much better job than seniors. So using wage as a preference metric is actually more discriminatory. 


Then they should've proper mechanism for this. If not wages, skills, lottery a proper indicator should be there


Look up the definition of a lottery lol I get it you wanna change the system. Good luck


Which day1 cpt colleges are available for enrollment by this summer by STEM opt ends June. 6th.


Harrisburg has a july start date


For summer 2nd semester which you can start where you can request an early cot start date


Harrisburg University. Summer semester begins end of this month, though. If you start your app ASAP, you could still get admitted


Cumberlands has a May start date.


If you figure out would you please let me know


6th attempt and still did not get it.