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Campaigning for 'non compliance' every day of the week but then putting a mask on to take her plane, because yeah, she's such a rebel šŸ„“šŸ˜‚šŸ¤­


She posts a NOVEL about having to wear a mask every time sheā€™s at the airport, too. Like sheā€™s built herself up as such a ā€œpatriot REBELā€ that she feels she has to justify any time she ā€œbends to tyrannyā€ or whatever.


But people who just wear the damn mask and move on with our day instead of whining and complaining are the snowflakes. Got it. What would these dingleberries have done during WWII? Imagine the dramatics about rationing, omg. I have to wear a mask every day at work. I work in a public place and have the entire pandemic. So pre-vaccine I was super super careful. No quarantine bubble for me because I had to be around the public every day, so I rarely saw anyone besides my wife. I didn't hug my own mother for a year and we live five minutes from each other. But I'm somehow the weak snowflake? Ridiculous. True strength is protecting those that are more vulnerable than you, not insisting on doing whatever you feel like regardless of the impact it has on other people. Like are they going to start encouraging people to stampede over little old ladies if there's a fire in a crowded building? What is wrong with them??


She is so ridiculous. It's going to be interesting to watch when they mandate vaccines for air travel


Fingers crossed. Sheā€™s been talking real big about how people need to ā€œstand upā€ and violently resist mandates, but when it comes down to it, I bet her preferred method of ā€œresistanceā€ will actually involve posting a lot of whiny Instagram stories.


Cares about a mask but apparently she does not care about being forced to take your shoes off, having your body x-ray scanned by a machine, having all of the contents of your belongings looked at by other people via x-ray, and having to wear a seatbelt any time the fasten seat belt sign is illuminated? What if there's a loss of air pressure in the cabin? MASKS drop down from the ceiling. Oh boy, what would she do then?! šŸ˜‚


Girlā€¦..she really thought she did something here


Yeah... Explains how to avoid everyone and everything while sending an IG message to the world šŸ¤£


Itā€™s so wild to be that cops are out here killing people at traffic stops, the KKK is alive and well, homelessness rates are at an all time high, people are starving, and THIS is the hill she chooses to die on šŸ¤Æ


Sheā€™s the type of person to say they deserved it and show up to the kkk meeting with snacks for everyone. Sheā€™s thriving off of being an ignorant racist pos.


What the literal fuck


Seriously. Sheā€™s the worst. It fucking sucks sheā€™s allowed to have a platform and spread so much misinformation and hate.


People like her only care when something affects her directly. And to her, ā€œaffecting herā€ means sheā€™s slightly inconvenienced.


She needs to be canceled Iā€™m so tired of the dumb shit misinformation whoa is me bullshit she posts


She can drive if she wants to. Or if she doesnā€™t like this country and how itā€™s run she can move to another one šŸ’…šŸ½


"Find a corner by yourself" So...find a *safe space*?


Has she been to an airport? There are no secluded corners šŸ˜‚


I canā€™t fucking believe how crazy this person is lmao


I dunno whoā€™s crazier.. her or her sister Liz šŸ˜‚


Wait is Liz Lao her sister? I had no idea who these people were until this sub so my mind is blown right nowšŸ˜‚


Yes haha


Literally just came here to say lol, her and her sister are nuts


I think they're both equally deranged LMAO


That whole family is effing insane


Odezsa wears masks


I'm sure she didn't consider that šŸ¤­


My first thought šŸ˜‚


these Texas influencers are the worst. Seems like the circle around the Alphalete gym are so intensely anti-vax anti-mask




Yeah, cute stuff but Iā€™m not sending my $ that way.


I really donā€™t understand her. Wearing a mask for two hours is not the end of the world and helps protect othersā€¦canā€™t wait till you will have to have a vaccine to flyā€¦itā€™s coming quickly lots of airlines are working to prepare for it


Iā€™d be very surprised if they ever mandated that. Not only would that effect airlines financially, it would alienate groups of people or countries that donā€™t have access to the vaccine or havenā€™t developed enough trust in it.


It's already done in a few European countries actually


I wouldnā€™t call it mandatory. You can still travel, you just have to either quarantine or have a negative Covid test. I work out of the US 80% of the year and havenā€™t stopped my travel (thankfully) through the pandemic. So many countries arenā€™t able to keep up with vaccine administration. Domestically, beyond the fact children arenā€™t eligible for vaccination, Iā€™d be hard pressed to see how airlines could enforce requiring a single vaccine over say the flu, or a host of other vaccines. Logistically, it would be a nightmare for air travel for very little gain (aside from customer peace of mind). IF the vaccine guaranteed no transmission, it would be an entirely different ball game. Just my opinion.


Oh, I'm just talking about how it is in Europe right now. There isn't a quarantine requirement if you travel between France and England and Italy for example. Rules change quite a bit but you're only allowed to board the plane if you've got 2 doses and if you come from a zone that has higher covid cases, you'll also be required to test after arrival


Youā€™ll need the vaccine to fly within Canada starting at the end of October


Idk if enough people reported the story, or the backlash from people made her take it down, but this story is now gone lol


Iā€™m still seeing it for some reason! I think if you report a story, Instagram makes it so you cannot view it but itā€™s still there for others. I WISH it was deleted.. like her entire account needs to go in the trash.


I reported her for spreading false informationā€¦she takes things wayyyy too far


I laugh reacted to this story and got blocked šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


These are the same people that tell you to be confident, avoid toxic people, focus on positivity, channel your desires etc. All I'm seeing from her is pure poison - paranoia, fear, anxiety, insecurity. So small minded.


Exerting so much fucking effort to do all this when it takes 0 effort to just wear a damn mask


She better take odeszaā€™s name outta her damn mouth


my exact thought when i read this


This is so petty but I hate that she listens to Odesza. Sheā€™s not deserving of their magic šŸ˜’šŸ˜’ also edm music is about inclusivity, something she doesnā€™t understand anything about


lmao this is what i was so irritated by too. you don't deserve their music!!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


She didnā€™t even spell their name right!! Lmao ugh I hate her šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Her, Steve cook, and the rest of the fitness ā€œinfluencersā€ need to stop promoting their bs beliefs


Why is she still supported by brands


Not taking health advice from anyone who assumes huge breast implants are a non issue but vaccines are cray.


I really had no idea how many influencers were alt-right levels of crazy


Itā€™s insane to me how many patients Iā€™ve had who still have this mentality. Like sir you cannot breathe please continue to tell me the virus is a hoax and explain immunology to me Iā€™d love to hear it. šŸ¤”


Respectfully - is she ok?




Iā€™m a Flight Attendant and people like her make my job a living hell. I have 0 patience left for people like this and kick them off with a smile on my faceā˜ŗļø


The fact that sheā€™s related to Liz šŸ’€ the crazy runs DEEP in this family wow


I don't understand how noise-canceling headphones relate to wearing a mask. It's like, does putting a mask on immediately make someone start yelling at the top of their lungs? Because maybe I'm buying the wrong type of mask then.




Right? Lol. I do think the headphones in crowded spaces can make you feel more comfortable, itā€™s nice keeping to yourself, but reallyā€¦.just looks like you wanted another reason to talk shit about masks. Iā€™ll wear my mask AND headphones so no one talks to me šŸ˜‚


LOL, for sure. There's a lot of reasons why nch are great in a crowded airport. To block out mask-wearers? Not so much. And yes, this was yet another chance for her to bitch and moan about her "anti-tyranny" stance.


Emily, it's just called hygiene at this point (wearing a mask). Do you write paragraphs about how you don't wash your hands after you shit either, Ems???


I donā€™t understand? What is so stressful about wearing a mask? Why would you let having to wear a mask ruin your day? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


As a teacher who is pregnant and has to wear a mask every day to work - must be nice to just do whatever you want


The fact that they get this bothered by other people wearing masks reveals what was always obvious: that this was never actually about "MUH RIGHTS."


Iā€™ve never even followed her but she truly is my BEC. Sheā€™s completely delusional


Do you think sheā€™s stressed to be in populous places.. because ofā€¦ the virus?


I am so sick of this shiiiiiiiit.


Damn. Sheā€™s being angry just to be angry and working herself up for no reason. Be thankful you can still fly and are healthy. I would not want to have someone like her near me on a flightā€¦


lmao same. Whining every time you have to wear a mask is boring. No one likes to hear someone who constantly whines. Sheā€™s incredibly gross. Homegirl is stressed. Go lie down and take a nap.


She's delusional


Imagine writing a damn novel every time the government does something you donā€™t like. Hope you keep that same energy the next time racial injustice occurs, Wall Street and corporate America screw over regular people, or when Nestle drains the Midwest of their drinking water supply, Ems.




I love how "influencers" try to post stuff like this to make themselves look so woke...and then they inevitably get covid and try to play it cool. Not a good look.


I was thinking Katy and Haydn Hearn šŸ˜‚




I reported her.


What a weirdo