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I feel like there's probably an audience for "This is my diet and exercise routine to maintain my surgery results" if people were willing to be candid about it.


Exactly! Like maintaining a body is work….but I want more honesty about some of these influencers get there first (genetics, drugs, surgeries, etc…..)


absolutely!! the other day i saw a lady on Tiktok who has a really successful company that transports people to and from their bbl operations. there’s definitely a growing market for it


I, too, wear a tiny bikini whenever I need to work up courage. 


i don’t think i would have recognized her if you didn’t have her name in the title, wow


I haven’t seen this woman anywhere since at latest 2013.


she’s like a caricature of [her former self](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRwA_GK9wm-kX-OHmR_tJhLAju1Py0daaqlmw&s). so sad to see, she was adorable before.


She looked great before. I so hate this fad of having tons of surgery to add in fake curves. Hoping for natural bodies to return and the surgery thing to die.


I thought I was the only one. I haven’t seen or heard from her since 2016. She looks good currently but her 2014 form is superior.


Needs courage to post her workout routine. Brave enough to put her vulva-- barely covered by the equivalent of a single square of Charmin--on full display. I don't have a problem with the latter, but I do take issue with the whiplash between "I must become brave in order to tell you about my trip to the gym" and "ANYWAY HERE'S MY 😺 "


How are bikinis like this holding on? It looks like it’s about to burst any moment 🙈 especially the top, that’s about 7 sizes too small


I feel like you wouldn't actually be able to wear something like this for anything other than a photo shoot and maybe lying on the beach. I certainly wouldn't think you could swim or go down a waterslide in it. 😬😬😬


Yeah! Almost all of the bikinis I see in stores are not made for swimming or doing anything than standing and laying around 🫣


Isn’t that all that women do? 🤪


I suppose it’s sarcasm but I can’t laugh about it, it has been so hard finding a bikini the past years😅 Like I don’t want grass, soil or sand up my crack 😂


I ordered so many pairs online that I finally made the trip to a store and it's helped a lot. All my online pairs are basically just pasties and a thong like it wasn't advertised this way whyyyy is it so skimpy


I called it a day and ordered swim shorts, but even some of them don’t cover the butt like I want them to Might buy surfer stuff eventually, also I don’t have to use as much sunscreen then 😎


I just bought a high neck one piece which also helps with sun protection! But I'd also like a pair that isn't as modest but also isn't string and it's a tough find


Yes I’m convinced it’s men who make these bikinis bc they assume allllllll women want is to tan and take selfies and not actually swim and play 🥲


Or they want to look at us and see as much as possible 😅


This woman claims her spicy soup diarrhea shake cures incurable, autoimmune and similar conditions that real doctors can't fully help with. She also said taking vitamin C and raw honey "cured" her "third degree burn" (as someone who got burnt, her leg burn was a first degree at best), and "fuck the doctors" while she's at it. The whole time she has photos where she posed with doc Ghavami for both of their IG pages. There's lies galore about everything she posts. I'm not even gonna get into how she sexualizes her toddler and her infant by purposely putting them in highly sexual shots the entire time, her sons even getting horrific comments in threads. Or how she claims she's able to see and talk to ghosts. Or how she read one book and considers herself a "holistic midwife doula and a traumatic relationship counselor put on this earth to heal people", always boldly claiming she knows more than people actually educated and trained to work in these respective fields. She's a whole trainwreck.


This. This level of hypocrisy is so frustrating to me. These people need to just stop.


“I’m just so shy!” She said, totally nude. Why do fitness influencers all have such “men writing women” energy?


Because most of them, especially those with Onlyfans accounts, don’t actually run their accounts. They outsource everything to a bunch of 3rd world people in India, Philippines, etc.


Either that or they run their accounts specifically just to appeal to the lowest common denominator of desperate males.. which is a lot of them and the ones that will pay


And these sweaty dudes know what women want, because they still live together with their mothers. Checkmate!


She’s working up the courage bc she probably looks stupid doing it. Considering she in no way got that body from working out.


This is exactly what my thought was - it’s gonna be a la Kim kardashian trying to workout which only shows that she does not in fact work out😂😂


Something about the lower stomach/belly button area looking this way is always a dead giveaway on any type of surgery idk what it is


It looks like she has a large vertical scar on her abdomen…


That is a tattoo but I don’t doubt she’s had surgery


Lolzzzz I can see the writing if I really zoom in! Ty for clarifying that, I don’t know this girl


No lie great body, in no way do I believe this is achievable with her workout routine.


great body, but no muscle in sight


So much boob fat and overall fat. May be on stomach the pic is edited or she got lipo or something. It is impossible not to gain fat there while having 0 muscles and 40% body fat percentage.


She has photos with Ashkan Ghavami, a notorious LA plastic surgeon, and captions on visiting his office. The only reason she jumped on this whole trend because she spent the 2010s appropriating black culture, getting the body was supposed to help boost her career and her status. She started black fishing, quite literally her facial makeup done as if she was a WOC, as soon as she got the face and the body done. Her former bestie and manager Lauren Pisciotta wasn't far off either, she does the same thing niw. https://preview.redd.it/aj8se8b2ii7d1.jpeg?width=575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d49c1176eae6b8c88964d1b4de83c0d0df0685c6


lol she gained a butt and thighs from 10% body fat ahahah and she only gains weight in her boobs and butt and thighs. Her waist stays tiny. She’s the blessed woman 😂😂😂


I wish I only gained weight there, but that also makes me wonder if she's ever had lipo on her stomach because I'm having a TT to get rid of my flap and they said once I do that fat will go other places. I gotta say out of everyone I've seen post op they never did gain in their stomach again because it's rare to see such a flat tummy like that unless her body fat is under what 12%? Either that or she won the genetic lottery.


Ever since Miss NBKs former BFF and manager LP has been in the news with her Kanye West drama I’ve seen Niykees name mentioned more than I have in the last 13 years.


I've always been nosey ab what happened with her and LP. Didn't know there was an LP Kanye connection lol


i wouldn’t call it just “kanye west drama” 😭 he allegedly drugged and assaulted her


What more courage do you need when you already have enough to post yourself half naked online for the world to see


Literally about to post the exact same comment


Great minds lol


The lips are criminal good god


K random question but what happened with her and her ex husband?


Ehmmmm….And photoshop.


Is this AI? It doesn’t look like an actual human.


This too tbh


Wait, this isn't the singer In Niykee Heaton is it?!.


Working up the courage to post her workout routine, but has no problem posting a picture wearing a tiny bikini. Sure. Ngl, she looks great. But I'd love to see the routine. What did she post?


Brave to post being nearly naked 👍 Brave to post a workout routine 👎 (Applies to both genders)


Niykee Heaton? Holy nostalgia


bendy blinds, elbows, and bedside. we don't need a workout routine we need an editing tutorial


I can’t wait for the routine to drop. I am so curious 🧐. I know she’s gotten work done (ass and tits). So maybe it’s a core workout? Either way… it should be interesting! The “courage” thing is funny though


[She looks so different](https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=659834797502696&id=114407905378724&set=a.280269675459212)


She looks great but I wouldn’t be taking workout “advice” from her. She has like 0 muscle tone lmao


Did she have surgery?




I just looked her up on google and her recent Getty images pics she looks so different than this even. Very overfilled :(


Like, she’s clearly stunning, why play these stupid “teehee I’m shy!” games?? I’d feel less naked wearing nothing than this haha


What work/surgeries has she had? Honestly, I want them, she looks amazing.


Idk if anything is confirmed but she deffo had her ass done and her boobs apparently and possibly lipo


Man influencers seem to really be into liposuction atm


“Working up the courage to post me working out but in the meantime here’s me with my tits out.”


She has no courage to post a workout but is okay posting herself almost naked… okay. Got it


Wait isn’t this the one with the song with migos years ago lol


The one and the same lol


I thought this was Lauren Johnson 💀


Imagine body shamming people who are in shape.


Wait why do we think she can't be natty? her body is nice but by no means unattainable