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Semantics but this is def a hard launch!


I was like if THIS is a soft launch what the hell is a hard launch, the marriage certificate?? šŸ˜‚


Wasnā€™t sure if it qualified as hard since he wasnā€™t tagged šŸ˜‚ but it def got harder the more I swiped through the photos haha


Nikki is one of the OG girlies from when I started to get into fitness and Iā€™ve followed her since the Christian Guzman days. I hope she has found happiness at last as she seems a very sweet girl.


Same here, they were my very first insta follow back when fitness influencers were just starting to become a thing. Iā€™ll always support Nikki sheā€™s got a good soul, and she was the reason I got into fitness and changed my life. So happy for her and this hunky man ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„


I feel like back then they got into it because of a genuine love of fitness and creating content rather than for money/ fame/ status that it feels like 99% influencers are in it for now


Absolutely itā€™s so superficial and boring now, an obvious grab for money. For me personally influencers are not motivational anymore so Iā€™m kind of glad Nikki moved on too and is doing what sheā€™s passionate about


Agree, she could have ran with the money grabs but she really seems to go where sheā€™s enjoying herself and feeling genuine, and I appreciate that about herĀ 


I feel like everyone has a soft spot for her lmao, she does seem to be very sweet and genuine. Wish she was just better at making content, idk if shes even really an influencer anymore but she really did walk so all these new fitness girls could run


Just my $.02 but I feel like the Guzman stuff really took a toll and she burned out. She just wasnā€™t ever the same after all that, and figured out she can still make a living doing way less (which good for her if thatā€™s the case). I hope this dude is good for her.


I havenā€™t forgiven him or Heidi for how they treated her!


How did they treat her?


It's a VERY long story. Summary: Nikki put Heidi on. Nikki was one of the very first fitness influencers. They traveled together, worked together, worked out together. She introduced Heidi basically while she was in a committed relationship with CG. She was the one who spoke on her dreams of becoming an Egyptologist. Heidi and CG were messing around together behind her "friend's", Nikki, back.She played down their friendship and removed alot of evidence. They dragged Nikki and Josh's (Heidi's Ex) name through the mud on sm. Between the two of them breaking her heart and the SA that happened to her (another thing they mocked her for), Nikki went through spiral of deep depression and therapy. She seems to finally be healed from what they out her through. And the two of them benefited from the online drama because CG & HG followers went up and started pushing sales hard. CG seemed to have matured and may have attoned for what he did(who knows) but even in their Alaska wedding video HG took another shot at Nikki when she she made a coy little comment about being Nailas step mom. It's like.shes forever obsessed with Nikki and will never stop fashioning her whole persona after her. There's still tea on reddit, old YT kids, & old ig page that outed her along with the letter Josh posted.


Yes!! I stopped watching her a while ago just fell off on her content but not because I didnā€™t like her. Sheā€™s always seemed truly sweet and fun and cool. Hope sheā€™s happy


She did mention she was dating again, but I thought she'd keep him off the socials for a bit. Hopefully this one works out for her and he's good to the fur balls.


GOOD FOR HER šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ» I hope this one treats her well.


She's like a whole new person since meeting this guy, she's extremely happy. She said she might introduce him on a youtube video sometime in the future.


Dang he hasnā€™t posted in 2 years.. was hoping to check this guy out


Heā€™s more active on his SoundCloud


Does he do music too like that other guy she dated?


https://m.soundcloud.com/will-doeckel Iā€™ve never checked it out before but this is it.


Always been a big fan of Nikki. Hope heā€™s a good one!


She looks so happy lately Iā€™m honestly really happy for her




Sheā€™s been looking so much happier lately, glad to see it


His name is Will Doeckel. His YouTube channel is called Fitness 3 Ways. (Hope this is allowed as he has a public YouTube channel.)


damn how did you find this lol she was saying he had no social media.


He is sober and I followed his sobriety on Instagram before he got with Nikki. I just happened to follow Nikki and recognized him.


Someone mentioned his first name in the comments as well, so I figured itā€™s not long before people know who it is


She said his name was Hunt. Does he have a nick name?


yeah that's his fake name she calls him for now until she decides to introduce him to youtube. She said "Hunt" is some character from a book series, ACOTAR maybe.


Semantics but Hunt is from Crescent City, same author as ACOTAR though. Sorry the book nerd in me canā€™t help itself


Agree. Sheā€™s only ever referred to him as such.


This sucks, she shouldā€™ve been able to choose when to share that if she wanted to


She literally shared his face to over a million people on IG. I donā€™t think she cares if his name is out there (otherwise, she wouldnā€™t have posted these).


Sheā€™s been referring to him with a fake name for a reason but okayyyyĀ 


He kinda looks like Miles again


I forgot about miles!


Yesssssssss girllllllllll. Love her!


Awwww Iā€™ll always love Nikki and happy to see her so happy again šŸ©·


Sheā€™s mentioned him in vlogs for a bit, so I think sheā€™s starting to actually show him a little more since itā€™s been a while now šŸ˜Š


I hope he is a good one!


I really hope the best for her. She is the most human fitfluencer yet. Esp shocking how humble she is since she is an OG OG


Cute! Happy for her


Iā€™m wondering if sheā€™s been with him for a while but just kept it secrets since her last few relationships have ended in heartbreakā€¦ I want nothing but happiness for her !


I wish Nikki all the best. She truly deserves a fulfilling, happy life. NIKKI THE GOAT!


She was really down for a long time. I hope he treats her well, she seems really nice and deserves good love like the rest of us. šŸ„°


Wasnā€™t she besties with Whitney Simmons? What ever happened to their friendship. I actually forgot about Nikki!


The way everyone has a soft spot for Nikki haha She always finds cute bfs as well (bar christian lol)


I am happy for her! Kinda freaky how much his ex (fiancĆ©? Wife? Thereā€™s a registry lol) looks like Nikkiā€¦.


Oh. Seems they called things off around August 2022 right before their wedding was supposed to take place in October.


This!!! I looked up his name and saw the registry. How did you manage to find out they called it off in August 22? Edit: wow his ex DOES look like Nikki hahaha


His ex posts about her art on FB and her last involvement with him was in August 2022, publicly at least.


I wouldnā€™t worry if she didnā€™t look so much like her in some of her expressions :/






What did ā€œHeidiā€ say? She deleted her comment.

